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某变质岩滑坡及支护结构变形破坏特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据秦巴山区某变质岩边坡的工程地质条件以及边坡与其支护结构体系的变形破坏基本特征等,对边坡的变形破坏机制、滑坡成因作了分析,并证明了该滑坡为变质岩区较典型的双滑面推移式滑坡.通过室内试验分析确定了滑带土的物理力学参数,对该滑坡进行了稳定性评价,根据边坡支护结构体系的变形破坏特征,分析了滑坡支护结构体系选型时应注意支护结构在平面和空间上的合理布置,使结构受力趋于合理.  相似文献   

斜坡变形受众多因子综合控制,不同因子的敏感性与作用规律在变形过程中差异明显。以湖北省阳新县顺层基岩滑坡为研究对象,通过正交试验结合离散元数值模拟的方法,研究多个影响因子对应顺层滑坡变形的敏感性并确立主导因素,随后基于响应面拟合主导因素与滑坡不同部位变形程度间的量化关系,揭示主导因素交互作用对滑坡变形破坏模式的影响规律。结果表明,在研究区内坡度与岩层倾角分别为影响顺层滑坡变形的主导与次主导因素,滑坡的变形破坏模式受控于二者的交互作用。在中-陡倾顺层滑坡中,当坡度小于岩层倾角时,滑坡变形主要集中在坡顶,且变形程度随岩层倾角的增加而增大,表现出滑移-弯曲的变形破坏模式;在缓倾顺层滑坡中,当坡度大于岩层倾角时,滑坡坡脚位移较坡顶显著,其坡脚变形程度随坡度的增加而增大,以滑移-拉裂变形为主。研究成果可为该类滑坡的防治工作提供参考。  相似文献   

位于骊山的明圣宫滑坡是一个复活的古滑坡,为研究明圣宫滑坡的滑动破坏机制,对滑坡的地质背景及工程地质条件进行了详细的研究,应用有限元建立明圣宫滑坡数学力学模型,计算分析该滑坡的力学机制。  相似文献   

通过对凤凰山东北麓工程地质特征的分析.指出该区存在的不良地质问题有滑坡(滑塌)以及危险斜坡等,并对各滑坡(滑塌)以及危险斜坡的变形破坏特征进行了分析,最后运用斜坡(滑坡)稳定性计算中常用的瑞典法、毕肖普法和剩余推力法对其进行了稳定性验算,为凤凰山东北麓后期的治理设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

在库水位波动和降雨作用的共同影响下,库岸滑坡的变形规律往往更为复杂。以三峡库区麻柳林滑坡为例,基于野外调查、钻探编录、深部位移监测以及数值模拟等手段,分析了库水位波动和降雨作用下滑坡变形特征及演化规律。结果表明:麻柳林滑坡在粉质黏土层和块石层交界处发育一个次级滑带,目前该滑坡主要沿次级滑带运动,导致次级滑动的原因与坡体物质的差异性有关;Si(Sf)指标分析法揭示滑坡的滑带还未完全破坏,滑坡仍处于蠕变状态;根据三峡水库水位调度规律,将一个完整水文年划分为6个阶段,数值模拟结果表明滑坡在库水位缓慢下降阶段变形速率较小、在快速下降阶段和低水位阶段变形速率持续增大、在快速上升阶段和缓慢上升阶段以及高水位阶段变形速率则保持平稳。其中,降雨的直接影响和降雨导致库水位波动进而对滑坡变形造成的间接影响,使得麻柳林滑坡在低水位阶段的变形显著增加、稳定性最差,应加强该时段内滑坡的监测和预警。   相似文献   

杨木村滑坡是黑龙江省危害较大,也是比较典型的滑坡灾害。通过对该滑坡变形特征及形成机制的研究,为该滑坡的防治工程设计提供依据。地形总体上是周围高,中部低。最高点海拔标高535.7m。  相似文献   

以奉节新铺下二台滑坡为例,基于GPS位移监测数据、裂缝数据、降雨量及库水位等多源数据,总结分析了大型古滑坡的复活规律,引入滑坡中长期预报模型,实现了以季度或月份为时间单位的跨水文年滑坡位移预测,并通过岩土体蠕变压缩模型,验证了推移式滑坡后缘裂缝形成机理。结果表明:(1)降雨是下二台滑坡变形的主导因素,滑坡变形使得滑体产生裂缝并成为降雨入渗通道,加剧了岩体破碎与软弱层软化,降低了滑坡稳定性,集中持续降雨可使滑坡失稳破坏;(2)通过模型预测值与地表监测数据的比较,将年降雨量作为滑坡中长期预报模型中的主控因素具有实际可操作性且有助于提高滑坡中长预报精度;(3)推移式滑坡后缘裂缝由滑坡推移式位移和岩土体压缩形成,引入蠕变压缩模型计算的裂缝宽度并和监测数据的比较说明,蠕变压缩模型非常适合该类边坡,同时应用岩土体蠕变压缩模型反推得到岩土体平均变形模量,判断岩体破碎程度,可以为滑坡稳定性分析及后续工程治理提供参考。  相似文献   

识别滑坡须先了解什么是滑坡,广义滑坡包括崩塌、滑坡、碎屑流、泥石流等所有斜坡重力侵蚀现象;狭义滑坡指部分斜坡沿着斜坡内的一个或数个面在重力的作用下作剪切运动的现象。各类滑坡有自已特殊的地表形态特征,发育的基本地质环境条件和触发因素,据这些特征识别滑坡。利用数字滑坡技术进行滑坡识别大致分为2步:(1)通过RS和GIS技术将不同时间的调查区地物现场以不同分辨率展现在数字图像上,并与地理控制及地质环境信息配准、组合,建立解译基础;(2)在滑坡地学理论指导下,通过人机交互方式进行解译和时空分析,获取减灾防灾需要的信息。该方法尚未达到遥感自动识别滑坡的程度,但建立解译基础的过程已可由计算机通过多种程序软件完成,故认为滑坡模式识别的前2个步骤:数字化及预处理已由计算机实现。现需探索的是用计算机实现基于滑坡地学理论知识,以人机交互方式进行的滑坡识别及分析过程。就狭义滑坡而言,基于DEM的滑坡地形识别已可由计算机实现。如能确定地面滑坡壁及滑体与地下滑面、滑床的关系,了解它们的光谱特征并建立计算模型,便可构建遥感技术的滑坡模式识别。  相似文献   

以紫阳县城滑坡为例,采用灰色理论的单序列一阶线性动态模型,在探讨滑坡变形规律的基础上,着重研究了滑坡变形的趋势预测及主要特征点变形的位移反演,为全面研究滑坡各阶段的变形规律提出了一种分析方法  相似文献   

为准确掌握特殊类滑坡的变形规律,基于滑坡变形监测成果,先通过统计分析掌握其既有变形特征,再利用SOA-MKELM-GRNN模型、M-K检验和Spearman秩次检验分别开展累积变形、变形速率及变形加速度的后续发展特征分析,旨在通过各类变形序列信息的深入挖掘来充分掌握高位远程顺层岩质古滑坡的变形规律。分析结果表明,在既有变形特征分析方面,各监测点的累积变形具有持续增加趋势,最大累积变形量已达205.51 mm;变形速率波动范围较大,且在1.0~2.5 mm/d区间的分布比例略大;加速度序列值则是前期相对较大,后期略小,即该滑坡在监测前期变形加速更强。在滑坡后续变形发展特征分析方面,累积变形仍会进一步增加,但变形程度存在一定差异,即后续变形速率与加速度的发展规律不一致,以C1和C3监测点的后续变形更为不利,后续可侧重于该段的变形监测。  相似文献   

Since the first impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR) in China in 2003, more than 5000 landslides including potential landslides were identified. In this paper, a deep-seated active landslide in TGR area was analyzed. Fourteen years’ monitoring data and field investigations from 2006 to 2020 were used to analyze the deformation characteristics, influencing factors, and meteohydrological thresholds. The landslide showed a none-overall periodic movement pattern featuring acceleration duri...  相似文献   

研究不同环剪条件下库岸堆积层滑坡滑带土强度特性对滑坡稳定性评价具有重要意义。针对目前在库岸堆积层滑坡滑带土力学特性方面研究薄弱的问题, 以三峡库区童家坪滑坡滑带土为研究对象, 采用ARS-E2环剪仪开展了不同剪切速率下的剪切试验, 研究了等速剪切、加速剪切以及减速剪切作用下滑带土强度变化特征。试验结果表明: 滑带土试样在恒定的低速剪切条件下更容易得到稳定的残余强度, 并且达到峰值强度后易出现"应变软化"现象; 在相同剪切应力条件下, 滑带土加速环剪和减速环剪的剪应力变化趋势基本一致, 与法向应力均呈正相关关系; 剪切速率的变化会显著影响滑带土峰值黏聚力的大小。研究成果揭示了不同环剪条件下滑带土力学特性, 可以为揭示库岸堆积层滑坡变形破坏的力学机制提供理论依据。   相似文献   

In this study, Bayesian probability method and machine learning model are used to study the real occurrence probability of earthquake-induced landslide risk in Taiwan region. The analyses were based on the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi Earthquake, the largest earthquake in the history in this Region in a hundred years, thus can provide better control on the prediction accuracy of the model. This seismic event has detailed and complete seismic landslide inventories identified by polygons, including 9272 seismic landslide records. Taking into account the real earthquake landslide occurrence area, the difference in landslide area and the non-sliding/sliding sample ratios and other factors, a total of 13,656,000 model training samples were selected. We also considered other seismic landslide influencing factors, including elevation, slope, aspect, topographic wetness index, lithology, distance to fault, peak ground acceleration and rainfall. Bayesian probability method and machine learning model were combined to establish the multi-factor influence of earthquake landslide occurrence model. The model is then applied to the whole Taiwan region using different ground motion peak accelerations(from 0.1 g to 1.0 g with 0.1 g intervals) as a triggering factor to complete the real probability of earthquake landslide map in Taiwan under different peak ground accelerations, and the functional relationship between different Peak Ground Acceleration and their predicted area is obtained.  相似文献   

Rainfall induced shallow landslides are known to be extremely dangerous since the sliding mass can propagate quickly and travel far from the source. Although the sliding mechanism in sloping ground is simple to understand, the problem may be complicated by unsaturated transient water flow. The flow behavior of rainwater in unsaturated sloping ground and the consequent factor of safety must be clearly understood to assess slope stability under rainfall conditions. A series of laboratory experiments was conducted to examine the critical hydrological states so that assessment of slope stability under rainfall condition can be performed. Based on the test results, a unique relationship between critical hydrological states, rainfall intensity, and soil properties was formulated. Sequential stability analysis provided insights into the stability of slopes subjected to variations in soil properties, slope angles and rainfall intensities, and the consequent variation in the depth of the failure plane, vital in landslide risk assessment, was determined through this analysis.The variation of rainfall intensity was found to strongly affect the depth of the failure plane in cohesionless sloping ground. Furthermore, the influence of rainfall intensity on the depth of the failure plane may be alleviated by a small magnitude of cohesive strength. The results of this study will reinforce knowledge of landslide behavior and help to improve mitigation measures in susceptible areas.  相似文献   

针对2016年5月发生于秭归县西北部的谭家湾滑坡,结合卫星遥感影像、现场勘查资料以及历史资料等多源数据,初步明确了滑坡的影响区域、特征及发生时序;综合采用钻探、槽探、物探等手段,开展室内外相关实验,明确了滑坡区的地层特性以及岩土体物理力学性质指标,通过分析该区裂缝位移及GPS数据,对该边坡的变形机制进行了探讨,并对该区稳定性进行了评价。结果表明:①谭家湾滑坡属于不规则"圈椅形"中型松散层的水库下降型滑坡,滑坡区的地表形态、地质构造及岩性等因素决定了滑坡的形成和发育,库水位和降雨的共同作用激励了滑坡的变形;②滑坡根据时序共分为3级滑体,总体呈现多次、多层、相互影响的演化特点,第三级滑体具有牵引式特征;③滑坡体内地下水位随库水位下降而下降,但下降速率缓于库水位,随之坡体内水力梯度和渗透力显著变大,此时碰到强降雨,将会导致坡体地下水赋存,岩土体软化,加剧滑坡变形,须施加必要的防护措施。④稳定性分析表明,该滑坡现处于临界稳定状态,一旦发生降雨和库水位变化,局部段可能发生失稳滑动。   相似文献   

Suction bucket foundations can be divided into four compartments by cruciform internal bulkheads, thereby yielding better capacity in certain conditions than those without internal bulkheads. As yet, no systematic study has been conducted regarding the effects of cruciform internal bulkheads on the capacities of suction bucket foundations. In this study, we established a large number of finite element models of suction bucket foundations with and without cruciform internal bulkheads and of solid embedded circular foundations. We found the uniaxial capacities and failure modes of suction bucket foundations with various depth ratios to remain basically unaffected by internal bulkheads in uniform clays. However, in inhomogeneous clay with high strength heterogeneity, we observed the uniaxial moment and horizontal capacities and corresponding failure modes of suction bucket foundations with a low depth ratio to be obviously affected by internal bulkheads. In this case, the uniaxial moment capacities, in particular, as well as the horizontal capacities of suction bucket foundations with cruciform internal bulkheads become obviously greater than those without internal bulkheads. Under combined loading, we found the failure envelopes of suction bucket foundations with and without cruciform internal bulkheads and of solid circular foundation to also be basically consistent in uniform clays. However, in inhomogeneous clay with high strength heterogeneity, cruciform internal bulkheads can obviously change the shapes of the failure envelopes of bucket foundations with a small depth ratio. We conclude that when the acting vertical load or foundation depth is relatively small, suction bucket foundations with cruciform internal bulkheads can be subjected to larger moment and horizontal loads in soft clays with high strength heterogeneity.  相似文献   

滑坡堰塞坝是由斜坡失稳堵塞河道而形成的天然坝体,且易溃坝诱发洪水,对沿岸群众生命财产构成巨大的威胁。为提升主动减灾防灾能力,急需构建了一种快速预测与判断滑坡堵江成坝能力的方法。通过文献资料查阅,结合遥感技术,提取了70处典型滑坡的地貌特征参数,其中50处为堵江成坝滑坡。运用K-S检验和M-W U检验方法分析了滑坡地貌特征因子的敏感性,利用Boruta算法确定了因子重要度,筛选了滑坡体积、面积、高差、长度及河宽共5个地貌特征参数。基于此,利用Bayes判别法与逻辑回归方法,分别建立了滑坡堰塞坝形成的预测模型,准确率超过90%。选取高重要度且差异显著的因子,利用比值法建立了滑坡堵江成坝阈值判据,实现了滑坡堰塞坝形成的快速判定。统计不同诱因下滑坡地貌特征,对比V-Wr经验公式,确定了滑坡堰塞坝形成与诱因间的关系,为进一步构建不同诱因下滑坡堰塞坝形成预测模型提供了技术支撑。   相似文献   

Disintegration of rock is one of the primary processes of soil formation and geomorphology and is affected considerably by water and heat.This study focused on the disintegration characteristics under laboratory conditions of typical purple mudstone from the Tuodian group of Jurassic red beds(J3t) in Tuodian Town,Shuangbai county,Yunnan Province of southern China.The fresh mudstone was subjected to alternating applications of water,heat and hydrothermal interaction during five treatments:wetting-drying(WD),saturation(ST),refrigeration-heating(RH),a combination of wetting-drying and refrigeration-heating(WDRH),and a combination of saturation and refrigeration-heating(STRH).Each treatment was run in twenty-four cycles.The results showed that there are three types of disintegration:collapsing disintegration,exfoliation disintegration and imperceptible disintegration.The cumulative disintegration rate(percentage of cumulative disintegrated mass to the initiative sample mass passed through a 2 mm sieve) produced a ’S’-shape function when related to treatment cycle time and closely fit a logistic model(R2 > 0.99).The rank order of the cumulative disintegration rate resulting from the five treatments was as the following:WDRH > STRH > ST > WD > RH.Because of alternating periods of moisture and dryness,WD caused the most disintegration,while RH alone resulted in imperceptible disintegration.Additionally,there was a negative correlation between the disintegration rate of each treatment cycle(percentage of disintegrated mass to the treated sample mass) and treatment cycle number.There was a positive correlation between this rate and temperature change under moist conditions,indicating that a change in temperature greatly accelerates the disintegration of parent rock when water was supplied.  相似文献   

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