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陈哲宇 《中国岩溶》2021,40(6):1063-1068
中国的蛹状螺科(Pupinidae)迄今共报道5属,分别为拇指螺属(Pollicaria A.A. Gould, 1856、拟圆口螺属(Pseudopomatias Möllendorff, 1885)、蛹状螺属(Pupina Vignard, 1829)、小蛹螺属(Pupinella Gray, 1850)、象蛹螺属(Rhaphaulus L. Pfeiffer, 1856)和裂唇螺属(Coptocheilus Gould, 1862) ( = Schistoloma Kobelt, 1902)。除拟圆口螺属和裂唇螺属有过详细整理报道外,其他各属物种仍缺乏研究。本文对中国小蛹螺属(Pupinella)进行了分类整理。本属此前共记录3种,即具槽小蛹螺(P. sulcatus),台湾小蛹螺(P. swinhoei)和梅山小蛹螺(P. masuhowaruensis),仅分布于广西和台湾。笔者在整理由华南农业大学田明义教授洞穴考察团队在广西壮族自治区河池市都安瑶族自治县一喀斯特洞穴中采集的陆生贝类时,经鉴定发现小蛹螺属一新种,即田氏小蛹螺(Pupinella tiani sp. nov.),因其壳体具蛹状管、无内沟槽、壳表肋纹明显及壳口窦开放等特征而与本属其他物种区分。根据壳体形态特征,分布于云南的勐仑蛹状螺(Pupina menglunensis) 被转移到本属,并认为Pupinella frednaggsi为其一新异名。此外,还提供了中国小螺属分种检索表。田氏小蛹螺新种 (Pupinella tiani Z.-Y. Chen, sp. nov.)模式标本:正模,广西壮族自治区河池市都安瑶族自治县龙湾乡琴棋村一号洞,23°52′19′′N,108°16′02′′E,海拔466 m,2013年12月24日,田明义、刘卫欣、尹昊旻、罗孝竹采集。副模:2个,采集信息同正模。正副模标本均保存于河北大学动物博物馆软体动物馆藏中。测量:正模标本,壳高:11.30 mm,壳宽:4.62 mm,壳口直径:3.80 mm。副模标本(n=2),壳高:11.24~11.38 mm,壳宽:4.50~4.56 mm,壳口直径:3.64~3.82 mm。词源学:本种名源自标本主要采集人田明义教授。描述:贝壳小型,高圆锥形,有6.5个浅色且稍有光泽的螺层。胚螺层约有2.5个,粗糙,边界与下部螺层较难明显区分。主螺层有细而规则的肋纹,肋纹随着螺层的增加而逐渐明显,体螺层上每1 mm有15个肋纹;体螺层的腹侧稍扁平;壳口圆形,平直;唇缘外扩,白瓷色,边缘被一腔襞沟槽和一近壳轴沟槽;腔襞沟槽和壳轴沟槽为半圆形的开放槽,不形成管状。壳轴缺沟槽与基部龙骨相对应,在胼胝处消失。脐孔狭窄。厣形态未知。描别:本种因其开放的沟槽和壳轴沟槽内管阙如而与中国其他物种区分。台湾小蛹螺与本种在尺寸和外形上最相近,但新种可通过其细尖的壳顶和不具双唇结构而于前者区分。详见正文的检索表。附记:本种仅知分布于模式产地。模式标本从洞口土样中分离,同时发现的有微拟沼螺属(Acmella W.T Blanford, 1969)的标本。  相似文献   

赵爽  贾凤龙 《中国岩溶》2021,40(6):1046-1051
龙虱是一类水生甲虫,营捕食性生活。真洞穴龙虱种类不多,在中国仅记录2种。本文基于采自中国广西壮族自治区环江毛南族自治县文雅村岩律洞(干燥岩洞)一个雌性标本,描述了龙虱科一新属种——田氏华龙虱(Sinoporus tianmingyii gen. & sp. nov.)。新属具有地下龙虱类特征:成虫浅色,相对柔软,无复眼和后翅。新属与已知龙虱区别如下:(1) 身体侧缘近平行;(2) 鞘翅缘折近基部具明显斜脊;(3) 鞘翅具缘缝;(4) 前足和中足腿节具长刚毛; (5) 各跗节无游泳毛。田氏华龙虱(Sinoporus tianmingyii gen. & sp. nov.).主要特征:身体卵形,背腹平坦,浅黄褐色。体长1.8 mm,最大宽度0.8 mm。头部略窄于前胸背板,两侧平行,具有密集的微网纹。触角11节,末节纺锤形。下颚须4节,末节膨大;下唇须3节,末节膨大。前胸背板两侧平行,具微网纹及稀疏的细刻点。鞘翅无微网纹,具有不规则的密刻点列。前胸腹板、中胸腹板及后胸腹板翼具有较密集的刻点。前胸腹板有密集的短白毛;前胸腹板突端部尖锐,中间具纵脊。后胸腹板翼窄。腹部第2、3节间在侧部分节不明显。前、中足腿节背面有长毛,无短刚毛;后足腿节无长毛;后足胫节细长,后足第一跗节与后两节之和等长。检视标本:正模:♀(中山大学生物博物馆),中国广西环江县文雅村岩律洞,25.2239° N, 108.2956° E,396 m,10.xi.2009,采集人:Louis Deharveng & Anne Bedos。  相似文献   

赵茹佳  赵奕  刘卫欣 《中国岩溶》2021,40(6):1052-1057
尼泡马陆属(Nepalella)是泡马陆目(Chordeumatida)中多样性较丰富的属,全世界已记录27种,其中中国已知12种,主要分布在云南、四川、重庆、贵州,且该属多数种类为穴居类型。该文记述采自中国四川省彭州市洞穴内的真穴居尼泡马陆一新种,即何力尼泡马陆(N. helii sp. nov.),这是四川省记录的第四个尼泡马陆属物种。该新种与其近缘种类巨尼泡马陆(N. grandoides Golovatch, Geoffroy & Mauriés, 2006)(四川省北川县)的区别在于:(1)体型较小,体长27.5~36.0 mm;(2)雄性第3~5对足的股节近基部具一蘑菇状突起;(3)前生殖肢基板正中部突起明显,呈刺状;(4)后生殖肢基节侧缘中上部具一小型刺状分枝。同时,该文利用分子生物学提取了何力尼泡马陆的DNA,扩增了线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶I亚基基因(cytochrome c oxidase I, COI)的条形码。新的核苷酸序列上传至GenBank数据库,登录号为OL420758。  相似文献   

李艳丽  任东 《地球学报》2009,30(4):554-560
本文回顾了世界蚊蝎蛉科化石的研究进展,列出已发表的化石种类名录、分布及年代,共28属52种,分布于美洲、澳大利亚、欧洲和亚洲,但其中又以德国、前苏联和中国最多.简要探讨了蚊蝎蛉科的古地理和迁移方面的问题.认为欧亚大陆可能是蚊蝎蛉科的起源地,亚洲是它们的分化扩散中心,并在始新世迁移扩散到其它各洲.分析了蚊蝎蛉科化石研究中存在的一些问题和今后努力的方向.  相似文献   

洪友 崇  郭新荣 《地质通报》2010,29(0203):188-194
1996 年,张海春发表《新疆准噶尔盆地中生代直脉科(昆虫纲)昆虫化石》一文[古生物学报,35(4):442-494],共有5个新种和5个老种,其中1个老种定为Mesopanorpa obscura(Martynov, 1927),包含3 个标本:① NIGP126378(92-T-22/K1),② NIGP126377(58SK15/K3),③ NIGP126376(92-T-22/K3)。另1个标本NIGP126379(93-HE-2K1,2)定为Protorthophlebia latipennis Tillyard, 1933。笔者在研究长翅目化石的过程中,发现张的4个标本系异物同名,前3 个标本即:① NIGP126378号标本勉强修订为1个近似种P. (Protorthophlebia) aff. obscura (Martynov,1925) Martynov,1927;② NIGP126377号标本修订为新名种Protorthophlebia(Protorthophlebia) badouwanica nom. nov.;③ NIGP126376号标本, 由于这个标本脉序结构与副蝎蛉科 Parachoristidae Tillyard, 1937的脉序特征相同,已被修订为另一个属、种Junggarochorista tuzigouensis Hong, 2009[13],已转移归入该科。④另1个标本NIGP126379号标本被修订为新名种 P.(Protorthophlebia) karamayiensis nom. nov.。上述被修订后的新名属、种在本文中作了必要的重新描述。修订的标本,都根据张海春论文中原标本照片显示的脉纹特征和文字描述。所修订学名的原标本均按原文的记录保存在中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所。  相似文献   

1996年,张海春发表<新疆准噶尔盆地中生代直脉科(昆虫纲)昆虫化石>一文[古生物学报,35(4):442-494],共有5个新种和5个老种,其中1个老种定为Mesopanorpa obscura(Martynov,1927),包含3个标本:①NIGP126378(92-T-22/K1),②NIGP126377(58SKl5/K3),③NIGPl26376(92-T-Z2/K3).另1个标本NIGPl26379(93-HE-2K1,2)定为Protorthophlebia latipennis Tillyard,1933.笔者在研究长翅目化石的过程中,发现张的4个标本系异物同名,前3个标本即:①NIGP126378号标本勉强修订为1个近似种P(Protorthophlebia)aft.obscura(Martynov,1925)Martynov,1927;②NIGP126377号标本修订为新名种Protorthophlebia(Protorthophlebia)badouwanica nom.nov.;③NIGP126376号标本,由于这个标本脉序结构与副蝎蛉科Parachoristidae Tillyard,1937的脉序特征相同,已被修订为另一个属、种Junggarochorista tuzigouensis Hong,2009~([13]),已转移归入该科.④另1个标本NIGP126379号标本被修订为新名种P.(Protonhoptdebia)karamayiensis nom.nov..上述被修订后的新名属、种在本文中作为必要的重新描述.修订的标本,都根据张海春论文中原标本照片显示的脉纹特征和文字描述.所修订学名的原标本均按原文的记录保存在中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所.  相似文献   

郭向博  任东 《地质论评》2022,68(3):2022062030-2022062030
二纺蛛总科包括5个现生科、5个化石科以及一些科级位置未定的化石物种,是蜘蛛目中较为古老的一个类群。目前已知最早的二纺蛛总科化石记录可以追溯到早侏罗世,但分子系统发育研究推测其起源时间为二叠纪。二纺蛛总科蜘蛛在中生代最为繁盛,化石物种相对较多,是蜘蛛化石类群的重要组成部分。而现生二纺蛛总科蜘蛛十分稀少,且主要分布在热带和亚热带地区。近年来的系统发育研究认为二纺蛛总科可能是复杂生殖器类的姐妹群,是蜘蛛演化研究的关键类群。因此,本文对二纺蛛总科分类系统的研究历史进行了回顾,总结了二纺蛛总科化石类群在不同地质历史时期的组成和分布,统计了二纺蛛总科蜘蛛化石的名录。目前,二纺蛛总科蜘蛛化石分类研究基础薄弱,部分化石类群的系统位置存疑,二纺蛛总科内部系统发育关系尚不清晰。在将来的研究中,需要利用多种技术手段获取化石材料的形态学信息,打好分类学基础;结合化石类群和现生类群进行系统发育分析;进而联系古地理、古生态、生物学行为等研究,全方位分析二纺蛛总科的自然演化历史。  相似文献   

贵州晚三叠世安顺龙(爬行纲:海龙目)一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
程龙陈孝红  王传尚 《地质学报》2007,81(10):1345-1351
本文系统描述了海龙类安顺龙属的一个新种——黄泥河安顺龙(Anshunsaurus huangnihensissp.nov.)。新种采自贵州省兴义市乌纱镇谢米村上三叠统竹竿坡组底部。它与邻区发现的晚三叠世黄果树安顺龙(A.huangguoshuensis)和乌纱安顺龙(A.wushaensis)相比,存在如下相似之处:轭骨呈三射形;荐前椎都约为38枚;颈椎约17枚;趾式为2-3-4-5-4。但是,新种与后两者之间最大的区别是:新种的乌喙骨前缘向前延伸较短,而后腹缘向后延伸较远,而后者的情况刚好相反。新种的乌喙骨的特征与在欧洲发现的中三叠世Askeptosaurus italicus和晚三叠世诺利期Endennasaurus acutirostris的较为相近。以上特征指示新种可能为A.italicus和A.huangguoshuensis的过渡类型。这为长颈型海龙类的系统演化和古地理分布提供重要的证据。  相似文献   

根据中国辽西早白垩世九佛堂组一几乎完整头骨及头后骨骼建立古神翼龙类一新种:具冠华夏翼龙。具冠华夏翼龙以前上颌骨上具有一斧状矩形突起为特征,该突起的短轴垂直于前上颌骨的前边缘,除了该突起之外,其他的头骨特征比如鼻眶前孔的前边缘和前上颌骨的前边缘之间的吻部宽度均与季氏华夏翼龙的相似。华夏翼龙和中国的另一个古神翼龙类中国翼龙与古神翼龙共享有一些独特的头骨特征,并且这3个属看起来彼此之间的关系要比与其他神龙类密切的多。中国的古神翼龙(中国翼龙和华夏翼龙)具有相对长的头骨和弱的头骨嵴,而且似乎要比头骨短高和具有大的头骨嵴的古神翼龙原始。Tupuxuarids(Tupuxuara和Thalassodromeus)经常和古神翼龙类被放在古神翼龙科中,  相似文献   

纤钡锂石产于湖南临武香花岭地区一水晶矿锂云母石英脉晶洞中,与锂云母、石英等矿物共生。矿物为浅黄白色,丝绢光泽,呈针状、纤维状、放射状或平行束状集合体,纤维长达1厘米。经X射线单晶及粉晶衍射测定:该矿物属斜方晶系,空间群Ccca,晶胞参数:a=13.60(?),b=20.24(?),e=5.16(?)。最强衍射线为:10.12(?)(100) 4.05(?)(78) 3.39(?)(91) 2.605(?)(31)2.390(?)(28)。  相似文献   

A new Late Pennsylvanian species of gymnospermous fossil wood, Zalesskioxylon xiaheyanense sp. nov. is described from the Lower Taiyuan Formation (Stephanian B-C) near the village of Xiaheyan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, northwestern China. The specimen consists only of silicified secondary xylem. The tracheids are pycnoxylic with 2–3 seriate bordered pits, arranged in subcircular or hexagonal alternate (araucaroid) pattern. The pores of the pits are small, linear, and regularly tilted. Xylem rays are homogeneous, uniseriate, 1–25 cells high. Cross-fields are filled with numerous mixed simple pits of various sizes. Growth rings, axial parenchymatous elements and resin canals are absent. The geographic distribution of Zalesskioxylon woods is reviewed. Zalesskioxylon xiaheyanense sp. nov. grew at low latitudes, and because of the lack of growth rings, probably lived under relatively uniform climatic conditions. Our new species supplements the poorly known distribution of Carboniferous wood in China.  相似文献   

A new Cretaceous tree fern species from the family Tempskyaceae, Tempskya zhangii sp. nov., from Keshan County, Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China, is described based on silicified fragments. The species is characterized by dichotomizing stems embedded in a matrix of adventitious roots, together forming a solid and compact false trunk. The dorsiventral stems are composed of solenosteles, and their internodes are short with 2–3 (rarely 4) leaf traces. A three-layered cortex includes a sclerenchymatous outer zone, parenchymatous middle zone, and an inner zone composed of sclerenchyma band and parenchyma cells. The pith consists of a parenchymatous outer zone and sclerenchymatous inner zone. The petiole has a single C- or U-shaped vascular strand. The adventitious root has diarch xylem surrounded by an inner sclerenchymatous and an outer parenchymatous cortex. In possessing these characters, T. zhangii is more similar to T. wyomingensis from the Cretaceous of North America than to other species of Tempskya. However, the Chinese species distinctly differs from T. wyomingensis in having a sclerenchymatous outer cortex, parenchymatous middle cortex, and sparse parenchyma in the xylem. It is the first record of Tempskya from China and the fourth from Asia. This species, together with Cyatheaceae, Osmundaceae, Cycadeoidaceae, and conifers found in the same region constituted the plant community at the time.  相似文献   

A new family of planthoppers Fulgoromorpha from the Lower Jurassic of southern China is described to comprise Qiyangiricania cesta Lin, 1986. The new family differs in venation pattern from the other Jurassic representatives of Fulgoroidea, presenting particular model of tegmen venation, not found among extinct and recent planthoppers. The Mesozoic stage of Fulgoroidea evolution is discussed. The extinct taxon Ricaniites fulgens (Brodie, 1845) from the Purbeck of United Kingdom is excluded from the Hemiptera.  相似文献   

A new family of planthoppers Fulgoromorpha from the Lower Jurassic of southern China is described to comprise Qiyangiricania cesta Lin, 1986. The new family differs in venation pattern from the other Jurassic representatives of Fulgoroidea, presenting particular model of tegmen venation, not found among extinct and recent planthoppers. The Mesozoic stage of Fulgoroidea evolution is discussed. The extinct taxon Ricaniites fulgens (Brodie, 1845) from the Purbeck of United Kingdom is excluded from the Hemiptera.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of an Aptian–Albian sauropod from the Itapecuru Formation, northern Brazil, Amazonsaurus maranhensis, is described. It is known from an incomplete, but diagnostic postcranial skeleton. The new taxon possesses several autapomorphies, such as the anterior caudal vertebrae with lateral laminae formed by the coalescence of the spinoprezygapophyseal and postzygodiapophyseal laminae and, to a lesser extent, of the postzygodiapophyseal laminae. It exhibits many synapomorphies supporting its inclusion in the Diplodocoidea. These include high caudal neural arches and anterior caudal neural arches with spinoprezygapophyseal laminae on the lateral aspect of the neural spine. This record is consistent with previous hypotheses on the existence of a community of Afro-South American dinosaurs.  相似文献   

<正>A new species of gymnospermous fossil wood,Protophyllocladoxylon jingyuanense sp.nov., is described from the lower part of the Tsingyuan Formation(Serpukhovian/Late Mississippian),near the coal mine of Ciyao,Gansu,northwestern China.The specimen is preserved only in silicified secondary xylem,while growth rings are absent.Pits in radial tracheidal walls are araucaroid in type, uniseriate,occasionally biseriate.Xylem rays are homogeneous,uniseriate,occasionally biseriate. Cross-field pits are simple,large,one to two in number.Axial parenchyma is absent.The anatomical characters and geographic distribution of Protophyllocladoxylon woods through geological ages are documented.Those species with axial parenchyma and without growth rings live in warm climate, whereas the species without axial parenchyma and with growth rings are present either in warm or cool climate.The ideal living climate for Protophyllocladoxylon woods is warm and wet.Our new species,as a fossil wood of Early Carboniferous,is likely the earliest known species of Protophyllocladoxylon.  相似文献   

A new genus and species,Ramoferis amalia gen.et sp.nov.,is described from the Early Devonian(Pragian)Posongchong Formation,Wenshan district of southeastern Yunnan,China.This plant has isodichotomous major axes,which also divide anisotomously distally to produce closely spaced lateral branches,often within fertile regions.The stalked round to reniform sporangia,borne laterally and spirally over several levels of branches,are distantly to moderately spaced or aggregated into distinct spikes.The stalks incr...  相似文献   

A new Quercus (Fagaceae) morphospecies is described based on well-preserved fossil leaves.The fossils were collected from Yangyi Formation of the Upper Pliocene at the Yangyi coalmine,Baoshan,western Yunnan,China.Details of the microstructure of mesophyll tissue are preserved because lithification of the fossils was not complete.The fossil laminas possess typical characteristics of Quercus sect.Heterobalanus:quite thick and coriaceous cuticle; secondary veins bifurcating near the margin in the middle and top of the leaf; and upper epidermis with adaxial hypodermis.Based on a detailed morphological and anatomical comparison with all living and fossil species of Quercus sect.Heterobalanus,the fossil leaves prove to be different in their sparse and garland-shaped multicellular trichomes on the lower epidermis,and so it is described as a new species Quercus yangyiensis He,Li et Sun sp.nov.The much sparser trichomes of our fossils compare well with those of living Quercus sect.Heterobalanus and indicate a more humid climate during the deposition of the Yangyi Formation in the Late Pliocene.  相似文献   

A hemipteran nymph of the sternorrhynchan lineage,placed in the family Protopsyllidiidae is the first found in the fossil record,based on an inclusion in amber from the Lower Cretaceous of Hammana / Mdeyrij,Abeih Formation,Central Lebanon.Based on distinctive features such as a median dorsal elevation and the presence of a large,conical,exposed,setiferous anal tube,the fossil is placed in Talaya batraba gen.et sp.nov.and the newly erected taxon is compared to known nymphs of extinct Protopsyllidiidae.The evolutionary traits of the family and its relatives are considered.  相似文献   

We present a large, fragmentary skull and the humerus of a mosasaur (Squamata, Mosasauroidea) recovered from upper Maastrichtian beds of the López de Bertodano Formation in Marambio (=Seymour) Island, Antarctica. The material belongs to a large, adult individual with marked heterodonty as well as unusual humeral features. Different phylogenetic analyses returned the studied specimen within the Tylosaurinae, while the distinctive features of the skull and humerus allow distinguish it from the unique Antarctic known tylosaurine species, Taniwhasaurus antarcticus (Novas et al., 2002), as well as from other known Late Cretaceous mosasaurids from the Southern Hemisphere, thus, justifying the erection of a new taxon, Kaikaifilu hervei gen. et. sp. nov. The different dental types documented in the specimen studied have been previously recorded through isolated teeth from the same locality and were subsequently referred to several genera. This new find is relevant for assessing the previously known fragmentary records of Antarctic mosasaurids, suggesting that its local diversity could be more reduced than previously interpreted. The new material represents the youngest occurrence of tylosaurines in Antarctica.  相似文献   

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