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庙西南凸起蓬莱A构造区馆陶组有良好油气发现,但储层厚度多小于5 m,难以被精确识别刻画。以薄层砂体为研究对象,综合地震、测井、钻井岩心、古生物等基础资料,明确研究区馆陶组沉积时期受北东向物源供给沉积,发育河流-浅水三角洲相。基于90°相位化处理确定砂体地震响应特征;分频解释处理判断相对等时地震同相轴,构建馆陶组高频层序地层格架(三级层序SQ1-3),优选60Hz地震数据体进行地层切片划分;地层切片高精度沉积学解释揭示研究区馆陶组SQ1层序至SQ3层序依次发育河流-席状化浅水三角洲-朵叶状浅水三角洲-水下河道型浅水三角洲。其中SQ1层序中河道砂体以及SQ2-3层序中浅水三角洲前缘砂体皆为有利储层。此次研究丰富发展了渤海海域河流-浅水三角洲相中地震沉积学在砂体预测中的研究成果。   相似文献   

博孜-大北地区巴什基奇克组为深层、超深层致密砂岩储层, 岩性致密, 亟需揭示储层品质主控因素, 建立相配套的有利储层测井评价方法。为单井定量评价其成岩相, 充分利用岩心、常规薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜等资料, 对博孜-大北地区巴什基奇克组致密储层的岩石学、物性、成岩作用类型和强度、成岩矿物等特征进行了研究, 并在视压实率、视胶结率、溶蚀孔隙含量和成岩综合系数等参数定量计算的基础上, 根据成岩作用强度及其组合特征对储层成岩相分类命名, 划分出中等压实弱溶蚀相、碳酸盐胶结相及压实致密相等不同的成岩相类型。通过薄片等资料与测井资料拟合分析, 建立了成岩综合系数Cg的测井计算模型, 以及定量识别储层成岩相的方法。对X1、Y1等井的测井资料进行了处理, 并通过识别结果与物性分析、铸体薄片等的匹配关系, 验证了方法模型的可靠性。成岩相测井定量表征方法的建立可为有利储层预测提供指导。   相似文献   

The stability of submarine geological structures has a crucial influence on the construction of offshore engineering projects and the exploitation of seabed resources. Marine geologists should possess a detailed understanding of common submarine geological hazards. Current marine seismic exploration methods are based on the most effective detection technologies. Therefore, current research focuses on improving the resolution and precision of shallow stratum structure detection methods. In this article, the feasibility of shallow seismic structure imaging is assessed by building a complex model, and differences between the seismic interferometry imaging method and the traditional imaging method are discussed. The imaging effect of the model is better for shallow layers than for deep layers because coherent noise produced by this method can result in an unsatisfactory imaging effect for deep layers. The seismic interference method has certain advantages for geological structural imaging of shallow submarine strata, which indicates continuous horizontal events, a high resolution, a clear fault, and an obvious structure boundary. The effects of the actual data applied to the Shenhu area can fully illustrate the advantages of the method. Thus, this method has the potential to provide new insights for shallow submarine strata imaging in the area.  相似文献   

孔隙结构是致密砂岩储层的关键要素,制约油气在储层中的储集与流动,而储层孔隙结构是目前非常规油气勘探开发研究的重点和难点。选取鄂尔多斯盆地合水地区上三叠统延长组长7段10块致密岩心样品,开展高压压汞和X-衍射等实验,运用分形理论研究储层孔喉分形特征,并分析分形维数与储层物性、孔隙结构参数与矿物含量之间的关系。研究结果表明:根据压汞曲线形态和孔隙结构参数将储层分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类,其储集性能和渗流能力依次递减,微观非均质性依次增强。不同类型的储层具有不同的分形特点:根据分形曲线存在的拐点0.05和0.02 μm,将实际情况和IUPAC提出的孔隙大小划分标准结合,Ⅰ类储层孔隙分为大孔(>50 nm)和中孔(50~6 nm);Ⅱ、Ⅲ类储层据拐点分为中孔A段(50~20 nm)和中孔B段(20~6 nm);平均分形维数依次增大,分别为2.619 3,2.745 4,2.852 6,非均质性逐渐增强。较少的大孔贡献了主要的渗透率,分形维数反映的主要是孔隙大小非均质性。分形维数与部分矿物存在较好的相关性,矿物成分及其含量是决定分形维数大小的内在因素,进而影响储层的质量和孔隙结构特征。   相似文献   

综合利用录井、测井、分析化验、地震及生产动态资料,重新对南堡35 2油田馆陶组沉积特征、油水层测井解释以及油藏模式进行了研究。研究表明:①馆陶组为辫状河沉积而非投产初期认为的曲流河沉积,储层沿沉积主水流线方向分布相对稳定;②结合生产动态研究表明,馆陶组存在一定潜力,储层电阻率在6 Ω·m左右解释为油层是合理的,储层沉积韵律的变化是储层底部电阻率下降的主要原因而非以前认为的流体性质变化。综合以上分析,馆陶组油藏模式为构造油藏,并不是投产初期由于油水界面不同而认为的岩性或岩性-构造油藏,增加地质储量近300×104 t,为油田增储上产奠定了基础。   相似文献   

The southeast depression of Qinnan Sag is a potential oil-gas exploration region in the Bohai Sea area.With the analysis of large quantity of rock thin sections, scanning electron microscope and the physical property data of reservoir, the authors studied the petrological characteristics and the evolution of pore and fluid of sandstone in the deeper strata in 29-2 structure in Qinhuangdao area.The results show that the evolutionary tendency of Paleogene sandstone reservoir porous fluid in research area is changed from alkaline porous fluid to acidic porous fluid, and back to alkaline porous fluid.There are three stages of reservoir porous evolution in Qinhuangdao area, namely sharp decrease in porosity due to mechanical compaction, increase in porosity because of corrosion and dissolution, and remarkable reduction owing to carbonate cementation.  相似文献   

孤店断陷为松辽盆地南部深层天然气勘探的有利区带,同时也记录了中国东部中-新生代板块运动和盆地演化的丰富信息。利用钻测井资料及高分辨率三维地震资料,并结合区域构造背景,对孤店断陷的地质结构及构造演化特征进行分析。结果表明孤店断陷在纵向上可以划分为基底构造层、下构造层、中构造层及上构造层。由于受到晚中生代以来太平洋板块向东亚板块的俯冲作用及区域构造应力场的影响,孤店断陷的构造演化过程可以划分为断陷期、断坳转换期、稳定坳陷期及构造反转期。孤店断陷的边界大断层(孤店断层)在断陷初始发育期(火石岭组-沙河子沉积期)表现为6段走向各不相同的小型孤立断层,在断陷晚期(营城组沉积期)经过生长、连接而形成统一的断陷边界,并在断坳转换期(登娄库组-泉头组沉积期)和坳陷期(青山口组-嫩江组沉积期)发生广泛而强烈的张扭活动,以及在构造反转期(嫩江组沉积末期)发生强烈反转和分段差异逆冲活动。研究结果可以为松辽盆地以及中国东部地区的构造活动及演化研究提供参考,并进一步指导油气勘探。  相似文献   

孔隙结构制约着油气在储层中的储集能力和流动能力, 是研究致密砂岩储层的关键要素, 也是当前研究的重点和难点问题。以鄂尔多斯盆地合水地区上三叠统延长组长7致密储层为例, 结合高压压汞、核磁共振等分析技术, 对储层孔隙结构、可动流体参数之间的关系进行了深入研究, 主要取得以下认识: ①利用常规方法, 线性最小二乘法将核磁共振T2谱转换孔隙半径时, 这种通过线性关系得到的结果精度较低, 相关系数为(0.87~0.98)/0.92, 通过分形理论, 计算出压汞曲线对应的拐点, 进行分段换算出对应的T2, 以此为界限将核磁共振T2谱分段转换, 结果显示转化后曲线叠合程度高, 相关系数(0.97~0.99)/0.98;②通过分析流体可动性的影响因素, 岩石的物性具有直接的关系, 其中孔隙度更适合表征储层的储集空间大小, 相关性为0.9, 和可动流体饱和度的相关性更好; 孔隙结构特征参数与可动流体参数相关性较好, 致密的孔隙结构制约着流体的可动性。   相似文献   

In the conditions of low Signal-to-Noise Ratio(SNR) of seismic data and a small quality of log information,the consequences of seismic interpretation through the impedance inversion of seismic data could be more precise. Constrained sparse spike inversion(CSSI) has advantage in oil and gas reservoir predication because it does not rely on the original model. By analyzing the specific algorithm of CSSI,the accuracy of inversion is controlled. Oriente Basin in South America has the low amplitude in geological structure and complex lithologic trap. The well predication is obtained by the application of CSSI.  相似文献   

Azimuthal variations in site response can provide a good insight into the site amplification and seismic conditions of geohazard occurrences. In this study, multiple directional site response methods,including D-Arias(Directional-Arias), D-SER(Directional-Shaking energy ratio), D-HVSR(Directional-Horizontal to vertical spectral ratio) and D-SSR(Directional – Standard spectral ratio), are adopted to analyse seismic data of the 2013 Lushan Ms 7.0 earthquake captured by the self-established Lengzhuguan(LZG) station which consists of the complex topography of isolated ridge, large mountain and some typical micro-reliefs. The results show that the isolated ridge could cause stronger site responses than the large mountain, and whose pronounced response direction is roughly perpendicular to its ridgeline. With the growth of elevation, the siteresonant frequency decreases. The different microreliefs on the mountain cause different site responses,which present as protruding slope linear slope. The site response mainly exists on the surficial layer of the mountain and shows that with the increase of the distance to mountain surface, the site response gets weaker, the site resonant frequency gets higher, and the pronounced response direction is perpendicular to its ridgeline.  相似文献   

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