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生物炭修复重金属污染土研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着城市化进程的加快及工业生产的迅速发展,土壤重金属污染日益加剧,对生态环境造成严重的危害。生物炭是缺氧或限氧条件下加热生物质制得的高度芳香化富含碳的固态物质,其在重金属污染土修复方面具有显著效果,受到广泛关注。基于近些年来国内外围绕生物炭修复重金属污染土所取得的研究成果,分别从生物炭的制备及性质、修复效果及其影响因素、修复机理等方面总结了该领域的研究现状及进展,取得如下主要认识:(1)生物炭具有价格低廉,修复效率高,改良土壤、环境友好等优势;(2)生物炭的理化性质主要受原材料和热解温度的影响,采用活化、磁化、氧化和消化等方法能改善生物炭的性质,提高修复效率;(3)生物炭对土壤中重金属迁移性和生物有效性的影响包括两个方面:固定重金属减少生物有效性或者迁移重金属增加生物有效性,后者可通过改性方法来降低重金属的迁移性和生物有效性;(4)生物炭对土体的固化效果一般,但可与其他固化材料共同使用,以改善土体的力学性质;(5)生物炭修复机理固定重金属的效果为:沉淀作用>络合作用>静电作用,离子交换>物理吸附。最后,针对该领域的研究现状,提出了未来的研究重点和方向,主要包括:建立划分生物炭的统一标准;探讨生物炭对多种重金属共同污染的修复效率;阐明生物炭吸附重金属的机理及其贡献率;扩大研究尺度;开展基于生物炭的固化试验及力学性质研究。  相似文献   

为了评价淤泥固化土的环境耐久性,采用矿渣体系的碱激发胶凝材料(矿渣粉、偏高岭土、石灰和水玻璃)和普通硅酸盐水泥为固化剂,通过开展无侧限抗压、冻融循环、Na2SO4及NaCl浸泡侵蚀、扫描电镜和EDS-Mapping试验,分析了侵蚀环境下固化淤泥土的典型水化产物、强度演变规律、质量损失率和微观结构特征,结果表明,碱激发固化淤泥内部生成的水化硅铝酸钠凝胶(N-A-S-H)能有效提高强度,但是冻融循环和浸泡侵蚀均会导致固化土强度劣化;水泥固化淤泥受硫酸盐侵蚀后,钙矾石会呈现簇状发展而产生膨胀开裂,导致强度下降;碱激发固化剂的抗氯离子能力优于硫酸根离子,综合环境耐久性优于普通硅酸盐水泥。  相似文献   

为评价SH固土剂的固化作用及对盐渍土的固化效果,分别完成了固化前后蒙脱石、高岭石、石英砂、盐渍土的X射线衍射与红外光谱测试、4种固化土的实体显微镜和偏光显微镜观察、固化前后盐渍土的扫描电镜微观观察,以及固化盐渍土的力学性能测试与冻融实验。实验结果表明:4种固化土的X射线衍射谱图和红外光谱图与固化前的吻合;各固化土的矿物成分没有发生改变,SH固土剂的官能团与黏土矿物均未发生化学键的结合,没有生成新相物质;SH固土剂干燥后形成弹性立体丝网,将土颗粒黏结在一起,提高了固化土的强度;固土剂填塞部分孔隙,减小了土的孔隙度;SH固土剂包裹土颗粒,增强了土的憎水性。固化盐渍土的力学性能测试和冻融实验结果证实,掺加SH固土剂提高了土的强度与抗变形性能、水稳性、抗渗性和抗冻融性能。SH固土剂与黏土矿物及盐渍土未发生化学反应,固化土力学性能的提高为固土剂的物理作用所致。  相似文献   

生物氧化锰矿物的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物氧化锰矿物具有很强的氧化、催化及吸附能力,对表生元素地球化学循环有重要驱动作用,在环境科学领域具有重要应用价值。本文通过应用文献计量学方法对2001—2010年、2011—2020年生物氧化锰矿物国内外研究状况进行归纳分析,发现对生物氧化锰矿物的研究具有如下较为突出的特点:1)未命名的锰矿物较多;2)诱导矿化微生物物种范围扩大;3)微生物驱动锰氧化机制增多。作者提出需要在以下几方面开展进一步的研究:1)微生物驱动机制仍需更深层次完善;2)较为单一的室内实验与自然环境微生物诱导锰矿化存在较大差异;3)自然界微生物诱导形成的锰矿物与室内单一条件试验诱导合成的锰矿物在结构类型的不同。  相似文献   

硅的生物地球化学循环研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生命元素硅在陆地生态系统和水生生态系统中都扮演着重要的角色。它的生物地球化学循环与全球碳循环和全球气候交化密切相关。因此,近年来逐渐成为研究的热点。本文概述了近年来国内外有关硅的生物地球化学循环的研究进展,包括陆地和海洋中硅的生物地球化学循环过程及人类活动对硅循环的影响等方面,指出日前研究中存在的问题,展望了研究的重点。  相似文献   

磷块岩形成过程中的生物作用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 对我国震旦纪、寒武纪磷块岩矿床的研究表明,参与成磷作用的生物主要是菌、藻类微生物。生物作用的标志表现为:P2O5主要富集在叠层石磷块岩中,富集在叠层石的柱体上,富集在柱体内部的富藻纹层中;而与磷块岩共生的白云石和黄铁矿的δ13C值和δ34S值相对均较低,则是生物参与成磷作用的同位素标志特点。生物的成磷作用贯穿成磷过程的始终,但它随作用的相带、环境和阶段不同,生物的种属和作用方式也不同,因而矿石和矿床的质量也随之而异。  相似文献   

磷石膏中的磷在雨水淋滤作用下浸出,将污染堆场附近水体。本研究采用生物炭固化磷石膏中的磷,以减少其对周遭水体的污染。主要通过模拟固化实验和对照浸出实验,分析生物炭用量、反应时间和温度、初始pH值对固化效果的影响,通过XRD、SEM-EDS分析固化后的生成物。实验结果显示,在生物炭用量为25 mg时,单位固化量达到最大值13.20 mg/g;在反应温度T=293 K、初始pH=7条件下,反应平衡时间72 h时浸出液的磷平衡浓度Ce= 1.40 mg/L;温度提升有助于提高生物炭的固化效果,当T=308 K时,浸出液的磷平衡浓度Ce=0.167 mg/L;碱性条件有利于固化反应持续进行,在pH=11条件下,浸出液的磷平衡浓度Ce=0.153 mg/L。实验结果表明生物炭对磷石膏中的磷具有明显的固化效果。磷石膏中的二水硫酸钙溶解后,Ca2+与表面带负电的生物炭结合,在生物炭显微结构的凹陷处,化学吸附溶液中的磷酸根生成了絮状、团簇状的羟基磷灰石(HAP)沉淀,从而使浸出磷得到有效控制。  相似文献   

磷块岩形成过程中的生物作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
陈其英 《地质科学》1995,30(2):153-158
对我国震旦纪、寒武纪磷块岩矿床的研究表明,参与成磷作用的生物主要是菌、藻类微生物。生物作用的标志表现为:P2O5主要富集在叠层石磷块岩中,富集在叠层石的柱体上,富集在柱体内部的富藻纹层中;而与磷块岩共生的白云石和黄铁矿的δ13C值和δ34S值相对均较低,则是生物参与成磷作用的同位素标志特点。生物的成磷作用贯穿成磷过程的始终,但它随作用的相带、环境和阶段不同,生物的种属和作用方式也不同,因而矿石和矿床的质量也随之而异。  相似文献   

陆地硅的生物地球化学循环研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地球表层硅(Si)的生物地球化学循环与大气CO2浓度变化、大洋生物泵作用以及海岸带富营养化等过程密切相关,因此成为全球环境变化研究的核心问题之一。在地质时间尺度上,硅酸盐矿物的化学风化是地球表层所有次生Si的来源。陆地生态系统各次生Si库具有不同的形成机制和驱动因子,这导致各Si库的贮存量和循环周期存在明显差异。土壤Si库中的黏土矿物Si、溶解硅(DSi)和淀积在其他矿物表面的无定形Si都源自硅酸盐矿物的化学风化过程;植物生长过程中吸收土壤中的DSi形成生物Si,然后经微生物分解过程返还给土壤;地表径流将流域陆源Si以悬移质Si和DSi的形式输入河流、海洋。迄今,陆地不同形态Si库的大小及其对全球Si循环的贡献仍不确定。因此,在研究陆地Si的生物地球化学循环过程中,综合考虑各种地表过程及其耦合作用是非常必要的。  相似文献   

“生物矿物学”一词是1973年马克·康尼尔提出的,它研究各种生物作用参与下产生的、具有一定组份的固结生成物,如骨骼、牙齿、软体动物中的耳石和外骨骼、珍珠、尿结石、胆结石、唾液结石等。它的研究对象很多方面与传统矿物学不同,首先是在其结构中总有有机物质存在,这些有机物与矿物部份是完全有规律的。它们的构造主要有放射状、同心环状、柱层状、枝叉状、交错层状等,  相似文献   

中国铁路风沙防治的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
基于中国沙区铁路的发展历程,系统分析了铁路沙害类型、特点以及风沙防治方案、措施和技术体系。针对我国沙区地域特征和铁路沙害类型,作为个例分类剖析了途径流沙地表、高寒环境与戈壁大风区铁路风沙危害与防治技术取得的成效和面临的问题。结合目前我国沙区铁路的发展趋势,从理论研究和工程防沙实践出发,提出复杂地形、特殊环境铁路沙害是今后风沙工程学领域的重点和理论研究趋势,也是沙区铁路沙害防治的关键和难点。  相似文献   

Based on the development of railways in desert areas of China, the types, characteristics, schemes, measures and technical systems of wind-sand disaster prevention and control were systematically analyzed in this paper. In view of the regional characteristics of sandy areas and the genres of railway sand damage in China, the results achieved and problems faced of wind-sand hazard and prevention technology in quicksand surface, plateau cold region and Gobi gale area were discussed as a case study. Combined with the expanding trend of railways in desert zone in China at present, starting from the theoretical research and the practice of sand control in engineering, it was proposed that the railway sand harm of complicated terrain and special environment is the key research direction in the field of wind-sand engineering in the future, which is also the crucial and difficult point in the protection and control of railway sand hazard in sandy zones.  相似文献   

Satellite data assimilation can provide accurate initial field for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models. So far, data variational assimilation is based on the theory where error obeys Gaussian distribution, so as to apply the least square method. During classical variational assimilation, if the data contain outliers, the results of optimal parameter estimation is meaningless. Therefore, quality control is quite necessary for Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) data before data assimilation. This paper made a comment of the advances in the quality control using AIRS data, which analyzed and discussed the research status from five aspects: channel selection, outliers elimination, bias correction, cloud detection and data sparseness. Three methods for channel selection were summarized, which are stepwise iterative method based on information entropy, the cumulative effect coefficient of principal component and principal components—Stepwise regression, respectively. Comparatively, stepwise iterative method based on information entropy is more widely used, but the selected channels are weak related; Channel combination with large amount of information can be obtained through the method of principal components—stepwise regression, but the implementation process is time-consuming due to the algorithm. Both the lane of law and the double weight method were used in outliers elimination, and the result shows that the latter one is better. Two kinds of bias correction method including off-line and on-line, were introduced, which contain static, adaptive, regression method, variational, method based on the radiative transfer model, bias correction with Kalman filter and dynamic update of bias correction technique. It is found that the timeliness of static method is better; while variational method could solve the problems of data drift and so on. The result is better when using bias correction based on the model and Kalman methods, but it is more time-consuming and not suitable for business application. Generally, the effect and timeliness of dynamic update one is the best among them. In this paper four kinds of cloud detection method are discussed here, including the sky field-of-view, sky channel, cloud radiation correction and different instrument cloud products matching. The first two methods are more feasible from the perspective of timeliness for numerical prediction, but the data quantity using could detection method of sky field-of-view is less than sky channel, leading to discarding of lots of channel data in climate sensitive area such as upper channel, and thus affecting the quality of analysis field. Further on, the methods of hops jumper, box and principal component applied to AIRS data sparseness were analyzed. From assimilation timeliness and operability, box method is feasible; although there is high complexity with algorithm of principal component analysis, which has a certain application prospect. After reviewing the quality control section, some further research directions in these fields were given respectively.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONAsandduneisanyaccumulationofsand grainsshapedintoamoundorridgebythewindunderthein fluenceofgravity .Sanddunesarecomparabletootherformsthatappearwhenafluidmovesoveraloosebed .Dunesarefoundwhereverloosesandiswindblown(Bagnold ,196 0 ) .MostofIraqianlandsareaffectedbywinderosion ,theformationandmovementofsanddunes ,particularlyinthemiddleandsouthofIraq .Thetotalareacoveredbysanddunesisapproximately 2mil lionshectares ,andthreatensmanyothermillionshectares (DougramejiandKaul,197…  相似文献   

沙漠—绿洲过渡带近地表风沙过程研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受绿洲和沙漠景观格局的双重影响,沙漠—绿洲过渡带是一个对外界条件变化极为敏感的生态环境脆弱带。沙漠—绿洲过渡带近地表风沙过程及其动态演变直接影响绿洲的稳定和有序发展,在空间上制约沙漠的进退或绿洲的变迁。从沙漠—绿洲过渡带局地小气候、沙尘暴、风沙环境、土壤风蚀、风沙输移和绿洲防护体系建设等几个方面比较全面地综述了近数十年来沙漠—绿洲过渡带近地表风沙过程研究进展,并基于当前沙漠—绿洲过渡带生态环境建设与地方需要等面临的实际问题,分析了该领域今后的研究重点和发展趋势。  相似文献   

水进砂在水进过程中被侵蚀、淘洗、搬运,其沉积特征明显有别于背景砂体,表现出明显的穿时性。水进砂的发现完善了层序地层学理论,同时它在油气储存运移、原油物性预测以及油气勘探开发方面也有重要价值。本文从砂体的性质、来源、所处背景砂体的环境以及发育的构造条件4个方面对水进砂进行了分类,并总结了具代表性的形成机制:地层响应模型、水进型三角洲模型、海侵—海退模型、水动力模型、下切谷模型和潮汐改造的沙脊模型。近年来,相关学者在传统沉积学的基础上,又运用水动力学、遗迹学和不整合面识别等比较独特的方法对水进砂进行了研究。未来水进砂的研究工作将不再局限于海相砂体中,同时将运用更精细的方法对水进砂进行更深入的研究。  相似文献   

Review of River Bank Erosion Research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Riverbank erosion is a critical style of lateral channel change. It threatens the arable land, ecological environment, as well as the people’s lives and properties along the river. Through review on the research process of riverbank erosion globally, four aspects were classified and described: ①Riverbank erosion processes and mechanisms. The occurence and development of riverbank erosion is quite complicated, composed by multiple processes, which are hard to separate with each other. Therefore, the scholars have proposed a lot of theories to describe the processes. Among the theories, “Riverbank Stability Theory” has been widely recognized and developed. ②Factors of riverbank erosion. The key factors that affect riverbank erosion include hydrology conditions of the river, soil properties, geomorphology, vegetation of the river bank and meteorology. However, it should be noted that the importance of different factors in the collapse process is not equivalent and effects of the same factor on different rivers are various. ③Riverbank erosion estimation. With the tremendous improvement of quantification recently, time interval of erosion measurement is shortening continuously, while spatial scale is larger and larger. At the same time, resolution is becoming increasingly high. Erosion pin was commonly used in early studies because of its easy use and low cost, whereas remote sensing and digital photogrammetry have more advantages in modern measurement. ④Modeling of riverbank erosion. At present, the models are mainly based on the fundamental theories of hydraulics and soil mechanics, to study river bank stability. According to the review of the four aspects above, problems of recent researches and prospects of possible development in the future were discussed. The researchers should pay much attention to temporal spatial distribution of riverbank erosion first before further research. The study would be greatly helpful to the researchers for the specific river reach when choosing the proper theories as well as technologies for measurement and quantification, study the riverbank erosion through both macroscopic and microscopic views, and predict the erosion for management purpose.  相似文献   

黄土高原土壤侵蚀(水蚀)多尺度过程与水土保持研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
韩晓燕  钱鞠  王磊  刘芬  毛泽秦 《冰川冻土》2012,34(6):1487-1498
从产生土壤侵蚀机理出发, 分别阐述了黄土高原地区的坡面、 沟谷、 小流域、 流域尺度上的土壤侵蚀(水蚀)研究现状与取得的进展.结合平凉城南侧泾河一级支沟的纸坊沟小流域治理实践和调查, 总结黄土高原地区水土流失治理和水保措施实施的经验及其存在的不足. 建议未来的研究向着"规划性"、 "综合性"、 "量化尺度性"、 "弱化尺度性"模型的研究方向发展, 这对提高地区水土保持质量、 改善水土流失治理现状、 实现水保效益最大化目标具有重要意义.  相似文献   

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