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利用美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)的CCSM2.0全球气候系统模式,并结合重建的古地理资料,研究了晚白垩世(80Ma)东亚气候特征以及CO2浓度变化对东亚气候的影响。模拟结果表明: 与现代气候比较,晚白垩纪时期的东亚大陆冬季风和夏季风都偏强,具有同步变化的特点,并且中高纬度年平均地表气温明显增加,而低纬度地区有所下降,年降水变化的区域性特征明显; 就年平均而言,在 30°~40°N 的内陆地区地面净失去水分、变干燥,而在低纬度、大陆东岸以及高纬度地区,地表获得水分、变湿润。晚白垩纪CO2浓度变化对大气辐射和大气热状况的影响是复杂的; 降低CO2浓度可以导致东亚地区气候显著变化,冬季东亚中纬度地区大陆降温比其附近的海洋大,太平洋中高纬度的低压系统加强,因而造成东亚冬季风偏强; 而在夏季,中纬度大陆地区降温幅度大于海洋,西太平洋副热带高压减弱,因而夏季风减弱。对应于较低的CO2浓度,年降水量在东亚及其沿岸的中、低纬度大部分地区显著减少,在东亚高纬度的大陆和海洋上降水的减少幅度不大,而在 30°N 附近亚洲大陆中部和东部的一些地区降水有所增加; 总体上,地表水分收支在东亚大陆的东部都是以负值为主,地面净失去水分、变干燥,其中 30°N 以南的大陆沿岸最显著; 而在东亚大陆的内陆地区,水分收支差异以0~0.5mm/天的正值为主,东亚大陆的东部是以地面净得到水分、变潮湿为主。 相似文献
豫西南区晚白垩世古气候的初步研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
豫西南区分布的一系列拉分槽盆内,沉积了一套以红色碎屑为主的砂、砾、泥与灰质混杂的上白垩统地层,时代相当于赛诺曼期-马斯特里赫特期。综合区内沉积学、岩石矿物学、古生物学等古气候标志性特征,认为该区属于亚热带-热带干旱-半干旱气候区,是我国华南亚热带-热带古气候的重要组成部分,这一研究结果,对于揭示恐龙的古生态特征、绝灭问题及秦岭造山带后造山阶段与古地理环境等具有十分重要的意义。 相似文献
的基础上,结合放射性元素地球化学分析结果,论证了钍/钾比(Th/K) 可以作为指示气候变化良好替代指标
明根据自然伽马能谱资料统计得出的Yh/K值可以作为反演古气候变化的替代指标。 相似文献
CHEN Rong-jun Lü Jun-chang Zhu Yang-xiao AZUMA Yoichi ZHENG Wen-jie JIN Xing-sheng NODA Yoshikazu SHIBATA Masateru 《地质通报》2013,32(5):693-698
根据中国浙江东阳上白垩统金华组发现的4个翼龙足迹,建立翼龙一新的遗迹种:东阳翼龙足迹。它具有以下特征:手迹的第Ⅱ和第Ⅲ指夹角为29°,第Ⅰ指和第Ⅱ指的夹角为52°;足迹的长与宽的比率为0.17,除了翼龙足迹外,在同一层位中还发现有蜥脚类、鸟脚类、兽脚类、帯蹼和不具蹼的鸟类足迹。这些足迹化石的发现,为研究该地区的古生态环境及以后动物的骨骼化石,尤其是翼龙骨骼化石提供了重要依据。 相似文献
报道了产自黑龙江嘉荫晚白垩世太平林场组的两种银杏化石:具毛银杏(Ginkgo pilifera Samylina)及太平银杏(新种)(Ginkgo taipingensis sp.nov.)。新种以双面气孔式、上表皮具一定数量的气孔、普通表皮细胞垂周壁厚而弯曲、平周壁具毛状体散布以及下表皮普通表皮细胞垂周壁弯曲等特征,区别于其他已知银杏化石种。 相似文献
白垩纪典型的"温室"气候和海洋一直是地学界关注的焦点之一.与现今地球"冰室"状态相比,温室状态下的气候和海洋遵循着不同的运行模式.本文在近年来取得的大量同位素、古生物以及气候和海洋模拟实验数据的基础上,评述了白垩纪古气候和古海洋研究中取得的重要进展.化石氧同位素数据揭示白垩纪全球平均气温比现今高3~10℃,海洋纬向温度梯度仅0.15~0.3℃/1°,全球海洋结构和大洋环流可能与现今完全不同,大洋环流的驱动很可能是盐度变化而不是温度差异.白垩纪深水沉积显示出从早白垩世碳酸盐台地相、含黑色页岩夹层、黑色页岩和大洋红层大规模出现一直到晚白垩世整体以大洋红层为主的转变.对该沉积转变机制及其与古海洋、古气候关系的研究正是IGCP463/494的主要科学目标. 相似文献
拉萨地块中北部晚白垩世(约90Ma)拔拉扎含矿斑岩地球化学特征及其成因 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5
拉萨地块中北部形成于90~88Ma的拔拉扎含矿斑岩具有明显的埃达克质岩特征:高SiO2(>69%)、Al2O3(平均为15.89%)、Sr (平均为354×10-6),低Y(平均为12.97×10-6)、Yb(平均为0.95×10-6)含量,轻重稀土强烈分异((La/Yb)N平均为19.8);同时它们有着高Mg#(平均为65)、Cr(平均为107×10-6)、Ni(平均为13×10-6)含量。研究区这些具有埃达克质岩特征的含矿斑岩并非源于俯冲洋壳、底侵或加厚下地壳部分熔融的产物,也不是玄武质岩浆结晶分异的产物,而很可能是拆沉下地壳部分熔融的结果。另一方面,南向俯冲的Slainajap洋壳或班公湖-怒江洋壳的断离也可能诱发板片窗上部的壳幔物质发生部分熔融而形成研究区的含矿斑岩。 相似文献
The Late Cretaceous Pterophyllum species survived as relict elements in areas influenced by volcanism in the North-East of Russia. Two new species are described: P. philippoviae Gnilovskaya from the Turonian-Coniacian deposits of the Vetvinskaya Unit (Penzhina and Oklan Rivers interfluve, Magadan Region) and P. terechoviae from the Maastrichtian deposits of the Kakanaut Formation (Kakanaut River Basin, Koryak Upland). The upper boundary of Pterophyllum stratigraphic range is extended from the Turonian-Coniacian up to the K/Pg boundary. Pterophyllum terechoviae is the youngest member of the genus and probably the latest occurrence of Bennettitales in the Northern Hemisphere. 相似文献
Facies evolution and vertical changes within the Late Cretaceous sequence of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin reveal fluctuations of intra- and extrabasinal circumstances. Evidence of periodic oscillations is recognized and two categories of aperiodic event indications are distinguished according to their significance and lateral persistence. Several lithoevents may be related to eustatic changes, while others indicate the independent evolution of the basin, influenced by epeirogenetic movements of segments of the Bohemian Massif. 相似文献
Based on representatives of the Late Cretaceous genus Gauthieria (Gauthieria radiata – Gauthieria spatulifera – Gauthieria princeps), ontogenetic trajectories within the family Phymosomatidae are described for the first time. Due to shared similarities in their ontogenetic development, an intimate evolutionary relationship must be assumed. This interpretation is most supported by analyses of the development in the ambulacral plating pattern (alternation of simple plates and compound plates), which is not commonly found among the Phymosomatoidae. This pattern, however, is present among all three species during development. The developmental trajectories of 8 further characters were included in this study (arrangement of the adapical pore pairs, number of pore pairs, pore pair numbers in ambital ambulacral plates, number of interambulacral plates, peristomal opening, apical opening diameter, test height, radial ornament of the areoles). The evolution in this lineage is characterised by several different heterochronic processes, which suggest a dissociated heterochronic evolution, indicating a developmental modularity. Additionally, the systematic treatment of G. princeps is discussed on account of the presented results. 相似文献
对西藏南部定日地区特提斯喜马拉雅晚白垩世坎潘期海相沉积进行高分辨率碳氧同位素分析,获得较为丰富的实验数据.分析表明,δ 13C值在坎潘期呈现二高二低变化: 坎潘早期较低,平均值约 1.2‰~ 1.3‰;坎潘中期持续升高,平均值 1.9‰~ 2.0‰,并形成正偏高原,到剖面 196 m位置达到最大值约 2.3‰;坎潘晚期变低,平均值在 1.2‰~ 1.4‰范围;坎潘末期再一次升高,均值达 2.0‰左右.其中,坎潘中期的正偏高原全球对比研究暗示可能与南半球特别是南极大陆高温和高降雨量有关.根据δ 13C值偏移幅度和时间跨度,在坎潘早期、中期和晚期识别出三次负偏事件Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ,分别对应于有孔虫 G.elevata带下部(剖面 162~ 166 m)、G.ventricosa带下部(188~ 192 m)和 G.ventricosa带-G.stuartiformis带界线(226~ 230 m),时间跨度平均小于 0.74 Ma,它们显示了与欧洲同期δ 13C值偏移事件的可比性和与 Haq等全球 I型层序低海平面的相关性. 相似文献
A late Albian ammonite assemblage from the Provincial Formation of Villa Clara Province, Cuba is described. The Provincial Formation is a lithostratigraphic unit of Albian-Cenomanian age extensively exposed in central Cuba and formed within a part of the Caribbean Tethys that was volcanic during the Cretaceous. The formation is mainly composed of calcareous, terrigenous marine, and volcano-sedimentary deposits characterized by a series of micritic limestones intercalated with marls, sandstones, calcareous conglomerates, ash, and tuffaceous material. A rich assemblage of ammonites recovered from the calcareous biomicrites and marls is of late Albian (Stoliczkaia dispar Zone, Mortoniceras rostratum Subzone) age. The ammonite fauna shows a strong Tethyan affinity, and only a single hoplitid ammonite species was recorded. Although scarce, the first Cuban report of this and other boreal ammonite species now allows precise correlations to be made between Cuba and Albian sediments elsewhere in the world. 相似文献
A new polypore fungus beetle is described and illustrated, under the name of Thescelostrophus cretaceus gen. et sp. nov., representing the first documented occurrence of the tribe Eustrophini. The well-preserved specimen was collected from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian, ca. 99 Ma) amber near the Hukawng Valley of northern Myanmar. This fossil species can be assigned to the extant subfamily Eustrophinae based on its elongate oval and strongly narrowed posteriorly body, simple and narrow tarsi, and somewhat clubbed antennomeres. The comparison among the extinct and extant eustrophines supports the previous hypothesis that antennal morphology of early eustrophines was very diverse. Additionally, an overall similarity between Thescelostrophus and extant eustrophines suggests a potential fungivory of this fossil species. Morphological characters preserved in the Burmese amber highlight the diversity of tetratomids during the Late Mesozoic and provide data for future phylogenetic studies of Tetratomidae. 相似文献