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We report ultra-high-resolution observations     of Na  i , Ca  ii , K  i , CH and CH+ for interstellar sightlines towards 12 bright stars in Orion. These data enable the detection of many more absorption components than previously recognized, providing a more accurate perspective on the absorbing medium. This is especially so for the line of sight to the Orion nebula, a region not previously studied at very high resolution. Model fits have been constructed for the absorption-line profiles, providing estimates for the column density, velocity dispersion and central velocity for each constituent velocity component. A comparison between the absorption occurring in sightlines with small angular separations has been used, along with comparisons with other studies, to estimate the line-of-sight velocity structures. Comparisons with earlier studies have also revealed temporal variability in the absorption-line profile of ζ Ori, highlighting the presence of small-scale spatial structure in the interstellar medium on scales of ≈10 au. Where absorption from both Na0 and K0 is observed for a particular cloud, a comparison of the velocity dispersions measured for each of these species provides rigorous limits on both the kinetic temperature and turbulent velocity prevailing in each cloud. Our results indicate the turbulent motions to be subsonic in each case.     abundance ratios are derived for individual clouds, providing an indication of their physical state.  相似文献   

Observations of δ Ori A made with the UHRF in its highest resolution mode ( R ≈900 000) have revealed the presence of a cool ( T k350 K) variable absorption component at a heliocentric velocity of +21.3 km s−1. The component is detected in Na  i D1, where clear hyperfine splitting is seen, and Ca  ii K. Comparison of our data with existing spectra suggests that the component has consistently increased in strength from 1966 to 1994, and subsequently reduced in intensity by 1999. Following a discussion of the possible origins of this component it is concluded that an interstellar, rather than circumstellar, origin is most likely. This is one of very few detections of variable interstellar absorption reported in the literature, and we suggest an origin within filamentary material associated with the expanding H  i shell surrounding the Orion–Eridanus superbubble.  相似文献   

We present ultra-high-resolution (0.35 km s−1 FWHM) observations of the interstellar Ca K line towards seven nearby stars. The spectral resolution was sufficient to resolve the line profiles fully, thereby enabling us to detect hitherto unresolved velocity components, and to obtain accurate measurements of the velocity dispersions ( b values). Absorption components with velocities similar to those expected for the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC) and the closely associated 'G cloud' were identified towards six of the seven stars. However, in most cases the b values deduced for these components were significantly larger than the b  ≈ 2.2 km s−1 (i.e. T k ≈ 7000 K, v t ≈ 1 km s−1) expected for the LIC, and it is argued that this results from the presence of additional, spectrally unresolved, components having similar velocities and physical conditions. For two stars (δ Vel and α Pav) we detect interstellar components with much smaller b values (1.1 ± 0.3 and 0.8 ± 0.1 km s−1, respectively) than are expected for low-density clouds within the Local Bubble. In the case of the narrow α Pav component, we also find an anomalously large Na  i /Ca  ii column density ratio, which is indicative of a relatively high density. Thus it is possible that, in addition to LIC-type clouds, the local interstellar medium contains a population of previously undetected cooler and denser interstellar clouds.  相似文献   

We present ultra-high-resolution ( R = 900 000) observations of interstellar Na  i and K  i absorption lines towards κ Vel (HD 81188) which show clear evidence for temporal variation between 1994 and 2000. Specifically, the column densities of K0 and Na0 in the main velocity component have increased by 40 and 16 per cent, respectively, over this period. Earlier work had suggested that this component actually consists of two unresolved sub-components; this result is confirmed here, and the overall line profile is found to be consistent with only one of these sub-components having increased in strength since 1994. We argue that this variation is consistent with the line of sight gradually probing a cold, dense interstellar filament of the kind recently proposed by Heiles to explain other observations of small-scale structure in the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

Intermediate-resolution (60 000 R 120 000) observations of interstellar Na  i lines towards 29 stars in the general direction of the Lupus molecular clouds (330°≲ l ≲350°; 0°≲ b ≲25°) are presented. Previously published spectra towards an additional seven stars are also included. Based on the Hipparcos distances to these stars, and the minimum distance at which strong interstellar Na  i lines appear in the spectra, I obtain a distance of ~150±10 pc to the Lupus molecular complex. While in agreement with a number of other independent estimates, this result is at odds with the value of 100 pc recently obtained by Knude & Høg from a Hipparcos -based study of interstellar extinction. A possible explanation for this discrepancy is discussed, and it is concluded that the value of 150±10 pc obtained here is to be preferred. In addition, these observations have some other implications for the structure of the interstellar medium in this direction, and these are briefly considered.  相似文献   

The interstellar Na  i D absorption-line profiles observed for 15 stars with lines of sight towards the Southern Coalsack are analysed. The method of profile fitting was used in an attempt to determine column densities, linewidths and velocities for the individual interstellar clouds contributing to the observed absorption lines. In common, the observed spectra show a prominent component which is probably associated with the nearest absorbing material composing the Coalsack. The obtained spatial velocity distribution shows great similarity with earlier results from CO emission. In addition, the Na  i D data reveal evidence for the existence of two or three other structures with radial velocities of about −22, −33 and −40 km s−1. Such components may be the counterparts of interstellar structures observed in diffuse H α and CO emission. The assumption that at least one of these components originated in the Carina arm imposes ∼0.9–1.0 kpc as the maximum distance to the near side of that arm.  相似文献   

We present radial velocities for 38 low-mass candidate members of the σ Orionis young group. We have measured their radial velocities by cross-correlation of high-resolution  ( R ≈ 6000) AF2/Wide  Field Fibre Optical Spectrograph (WYFFOS) spectra of the gravity-sensitive Na  i doublet at 8183, 8195 Å. The total sample contained 117 objects, of which 54 have sufficient signal-to-noise ratio to detect Na  i at an equivalent width of 3 Å; however, we only detect Na  i in 38 of these. This implies that very low-mass members of this young group display weaker Na  i absorption than similarly aged objects in the Upper Scorpius OB association. We develop a technique to assess membership using radial velocities with a range of uncertainties that does not bias the selection when large uncertainties are present. The resulting membership probabilities are used to assess the issue of exclusion in photometric selections, and we find that very few members are likely to be excluded by such techniques. We also assess the level of contamination in the expected pre-main-sequence region of colour–magnitude space brighter than   I = 17  . We find that contamination by non-members in the expected pre-main-sequence region of the colour–magnitude diagram is small. We conclude that although radial velocity alone is insufficient to confirm membership, high signal-to-noise ratio observations of the Na  i doublet provide the opportunity to use the strength of Na  i absorption in concert with radial velocities to asses membership down to the lowest masses, where lithium absorption no longer distinguishes youth.  相似文献   

Here we make a new study of the behaviour of the Na  i /K  i column density ratio in the interstellar medium, using a sample of new observations of 28 stars obtained at the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) in 1996 and 1997, and previously published observations (obtained by some of the authors) of 21 stars. The sightlines cover a range of distances and directions, including into the Galactic halo. We make use of new observations of the Na  i ultraviolet (UV) doublet for some 18 stars. This doublet is much weaker than the Na  i D doublet and so is less susceptible to saturation effects, and it is well known that it can be used to obtain more accurate Na  i column densities with a smaller error range. We find an average N (Na  i )/ N (K  i ) ratio from the Na  i UV data of about 90, which is rather higher than that found previously by Hobbs and Lequeux. The Na  UV–K  i   ratio shows a small increase in value with increasing column density, while we also find a sample of low N (Na  i )/ N (K  i ) ratio clouds generally seen towards distant objects on high-latitude sightlines that reach into the halo, so that the ratio decreases more sharply at lower column densities. As the values of the ratio for these halo clouds  (10–20)  bracket the cosmic Na/K abundance ratio, we suggest that these ratios result from a harder radiation field in the lower halo, such that the ionized fractions of Na  i and K  i become similar. Clearly caution needs to be applied in using any kind of 'standard value' for the Na  i /K  i column density ratio.  相似文献   

We present Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer ( FUSE ) observations of the very hot  (Teff≈60 000 K)  DA white dwarf PG1342+444, describing our data reduction and analysis techniques. The spectrum reveals a number of photospheric absorption lines from high ionization species along with numerous interstellar features. The photospheric detections include the 1031.9- and 1037.0-Å O  vi lines which are seen for the first time in a hot DA atmosphere and are usually associated with the much hotter PG1159 stars and so-called O  vi  central stars of planetary nebulae. Estimates of the stellar effective temperature made independently using both the Balmer and Lyman series lines are in disagreement  (Teff≈67 000  and ≈54 000 K respectively), when taking into account just the statistical uncertainties in the analyses. However, the presence of weak absorption from the C  iii multiplet near 1176 Å, which is predicted to be much stronger if the star were as cool as the Lyman measurement suggests, leads us to favour the higher temperature. PG1342+444 appears to have enhanced C, Fe and Ni abundances in its atmosphere compared with all the other G191−B2B-like DA white dwarfs, which might affect the temperature structure of the atmosphere if not homogeneously distributed, as assumed in this study.  相似文献   

We present single-dish Arecibo 21-cm H  i observations, covering a 0675×0625 RA–Dec. grid, of the intermediate-velocity cloud (IVC) centred upon the M15 globular cluster. The velocity and positional structure of the IVC gas at V LSR=70 km s−1 are investigated; it is found to be clumpy and has a peak surface density N H  i ∼8×1019 cm−2. Additionally, we have performed a long H  i integration towards HD 203664, a Galactic halo star some 31 from M15, in which optical IVC absorption has previously been detected. No H  i with a velocity exceeding 60 km s−1 was found to a brightness temperature limit of 0.05 K. However, additional pointings did detect IVC gas approximately mid-way between HD 203664 and M15. Finally, we present both Arecibo H  i pointings and low-resolution spectra in the Ca  ii H and K lines towards 15 field stars in the general field towards M15, in an attempt to obtain the distance to the IVC. Intermediate-velocity H  i is detected towards seven sightlines. Stellar spectral types are derived for 12 of the sample. Assuming that these stars lie on the main sequence, their distances are estimated to lie in the range 150≤ d ≤1350 pc. No Ca  ii absorption is observed, either because the IVC is further away than ∼1350 pc or more likely because the gas along these sightlines is of too low a density to be detected by the current observations.  相似文献   

We present K -band imaging of fields around 30 strong Ca  ii absorption-line systems, at  0.7 < z < 1.2  , three of which are confirmed damped Lyman α systems. A significant excess of galaxies is found within 6.0 arcsec (≃50 kpc) from the absorber line of sight. The excess galaxies are preferentially luminous compared to the population of field galaxies. A model in which field galaxies possess a luminosity-dependent cross-section for Ca  ii absorption of the form  ( L / L *)0.7  reproduces the observations well. The luminosity-dependent cross-section for the Ca  ii absorbers appears to be significantly stronger than the established  ( L / L *)0.4  dependence for Mg  ii absorbers. The associated galaxies lie at large physical distances from the Ca  ii -absorbing gas; we find a mean impact parameter of 24 kpc  ( H 0= 70 km s−1 Mpc−1)  . Combined with the observed number density of Ca  ii absorbers the large physical separations result in an inferred filling factor of only ∼10 per cent. The physical origin of the strong Ca  ii absorption remains unclear, possible explanations vary from very extended discs of the luminous galaxies to associated dwarf galaxy neighbours, remnants of outflows from the luminous galaxies, or tidal debris from cannibalism of smaller galaxies.  相似文献   

We present Doppler and modulation tomography of the X-ray nova XTE J1118+480 with data obtained during quiescence using the 10-m Keck II telescope. The hotspot where the gas stream hits the accretion disc is seen in Hα, Hβ, He  i λ5876 and Ca  ii λ8662, thus verifying the presence of continued mass transfer within the system. The disc is clearly seen in Hα and Ca  ii λ8662. We image the mass-donor star in narrow absorption lines of Na  i  λλ5890, 5896, 8183, 8195  and Ca  ii λ8662, implying an origin from the secondary itself rather than the interstellar medium. We also detect deviations in the centroid of the double peak of Hα akin to those found by Zurita et al. suggesting disc eccentricity.  相似文献   

Recent observations supported by theoretical models have led to the view that giant and supergiant stars are overabundant, and/or a high-metallicity component may be present, in the stellar populations at the centres of active galaxies. Here we attempt to quantify these effects by observing the strengths of the stellar absorption lines of Mg b, Na  i and the Ca  ii triplet, as well as molecular bands such as CN and TiO. Using long-slit spectroscopic data we are able to separate the stellar populations in and around the nucleus, for a sample including normal, LINER, starburst and Seyfert galaxies.   In this paper we present the data, namely spectra of the nucleus and of a number of circumnuclear regions. Comparisons reveal gradients in both the reddening and the stellar population within the central regions of most galaxies. Detailed stellar population synthesis will be presented in a companion paper.  相似文献   

I have re-visited the spatial distribution of stars and high-mass brown dwarfs in the σ Orionis (σ Ori) cluster (∼3 Ma, ∼360 pc). The input was a catalogue of 340 cluster members and candidates at separations less than 30 arcmin to σ Ori AB. Of them, 70 per cent have features of extreme youth. I fitted the normalized cumulative number of objects counting from the cluster centre to several power-law, exponential and King radial distributions. The cluster seems to have two components: a dense core that extends from the centre to   r ≈  20 arcmin and a rarified halo at larger separations. The radial distribution in the core follows a power law proportional to r 1, which corresponds to a volume density proportional to   r −2  . This is consistent with the collapse of an isothermal spherical molecular cloud. The stars more massive than  3.7 M  concentrate, however, towards the cluster centre, where there is also an apparent deficit of very low mass objects  ( M < 0.16 M)  . Last, I demonstrated through Monte Carlo simulations that the cluster is azimuthally asymmetric, with a filamentary overdensity of objects that runs from the cluster centre to the Horsehead Nebula.  相似文献   

The massive OB-type binary σ Ori AB is in the centre of the very young σ Orionis cluster. I have computed the most probable distances and masses of the binary for several ages using a dynamical parallax-like method. It incorporates the BVRIH -band apparent magnitudes of both components, precise orbital parameters, interstellar extinction and a widely used grid of stellar models from the literature, Kepler's third law and a  χ2  minimization. The derived distance is  334+25−22 pc  for an age of 3 ± 2 Ma; larger ages and distances are unlikely. The masses of the primary and the secondary lie on the approximate intervals  16–20 and 10–12 M  , respectively. I also discuss the possibility of σ Ori AB being a triple system at ∼ 385 pc. These results will help to constrain the properties of young stars and substellar objects in the σ Orionis cluster.  相似文献   

We report the first survey of chemical abundances in M and K dwarf stars using atomic absorption lines in high-resolution spectra. We have measured Fe and Ti abundances in 35 M and K dwarf stars using equivalent widths measured from  λ/Δλ≈ 33 000  spectra. Our analysis takes advantage of recent improvements in model atmospheres of low-temperature dwarf stars. The stars have temperatures between 3300 and 4700 K, with most cooler than 4100 K. They cover an iron abundance range of  −2.44 < [Fe/H] < +0.16  . Our measurements show [Ti/Fe] decreasing with increasing [Fe/H], a trend similar to that measured for warmer stars, where abundance analysis techniques have been tested more thoroughly. This study is a step towards the observational calibration of procedures to estimate the metallicity of low-mass dwarf stars using photometric and low-resolution spectral indices.  相似文献   

Temporal properties of short gamma-ray bursts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyse a sample of bright short bursts from the BATSE 4B-catalog and find that many short bursts are highly variable  ( δt min/ T ≪1  , where δt min is the shortest pulse duration and T is the burst duration). This indicates that it is unlikely that short bursts are produced by external shocks. We also analyse the available (first  1–2 s)  high-resolution Time Tagged Events (TTE) data of some of the long bursts. We find that variability on a 10-ms time-scale is common in long bursts. This result shows that some long bursts are even more variable than it was thought before  ( δt min/ T ≈10-4–10-3)  .  相似文献   

We present results from 30 nights of observations of the open cluster NGC 7789 with the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope, La Palma. From ∼900 epochs, we obtained light curves and Sloan   r '− i '  colours for ∼33 000 stars, with ∼2400 stars having better than 1 per cent precision. We expected to detect ∼2 transiting hot Jupiter planets if 1 per cent of stars host such a companion and a typical hot Jupiter radius is  ∼1.2  R J  . We find 24 transit candidates, 14 of which we can assign a period. We rule out the transiting planet model for 21 of these candidates using various robust arguments. For two candidates, we are unable to decide on their nature, although it seems most likely that they are eclipsing binaries as well. We have one candidate exhibiting a single eclipse, for which we derive a radius of  1.81+0.09−0.00  R J  . Three candidates remain that require follow-up observations in order to determine their nature.  相似文献   

We study the inhomogeneous reionization in a critical density CDM universe resulting from stellar sources, including Population III objects. The spatial distribution of the sources is obtained from high-resolution numerical N -body simulations. We calculate the source properties, taking into account a self-consistent treatment of both radiative (i.e. ionizing and H2-photodissociating photons) and stellar (i.e. SN explosions) feedbacks regulated by massive stars. This allows us to describe the topology of the ionized and dissociated regions at various cosmic epochs, and to derive the evolution of H, He and H2 filling factors, soft UV background, cosmic star formation rate and the final fate of ionizing objects. The main results are: (i) galaxies reionize the intergalactic medium by z ≈10 (with some uncertainty related to the gas clumping factor), whereas H2 is completely dissociated already by z ≈25; (ii) reionization is mostly caused by the relatively massive objects which collapse via H line cooling, while objects the formation of which relies on H2 cooling alone are insufficient for this purpose; (iii) the diffuse soft UV background is the major source of radiative feedback effects for z ≤15; at higher z direct flux from neighbouring objects dominates; (iv) the match of the calculated cosmic star formation history with that observed at lower redshifts suggests that the conversion efficiency of baryons into stars is ≈1 per cent; (v) we find that a very large population of dark objects which failed to form stars is present by z ≈8. We discuss and compare our results with similar previous studies.  相似文献   

An upper limit of the column density of the C5 linear molecule in translucent interstellar clouds is estimated from high-resolution ( R =80 000) and very high signal-to-noise ratio (∼1000) echelle spectra. It is 1012 cm−2 per E ( B − V )=1 (two orders of magnitude lower than that of C2).  相似文献   

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