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用单晶X射线方法,对富锡镁铁硼酸盐矿物规则连生作了研究。研究表明,该类硼酸盐矿物有三种规则连生:1)黑硼锡镁矿双晶构造;2)黑硼锡镁矿和富锡硼镁铁矿规则连生;3)黑硼锡镁矿、富锡硼镁铁矿和一未定名矿物的规则连生。笔者从晶体结构与晶体化学的观点对上述规则连生的起因作了探讨。  相似文献   

辽吉内生硼矿硼镁铁矿—硼铁矿系列的矿物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄作良  王濮 《化工地质》1994,16(3):189-197

辽吉内生硼矿分布于宽甸群的高小岭组(Pt1kn4)、老营沟组(Pt1kn6)和砖庙组(Pt1kn7)地层中。在硼矿床中,硼镁铁矿-硼铁矿系列的矿物有富镁硼铁矿、富铁硼镁铁矿和富镁硼镁铁矿。它们的矿物学特征取决于j值[FeO/(FeO+MgO)],f值增大,硼镁铁矿的反射色、反射多色性和偏光色明显;红外光谱则表现为ν2和ν4的振动频率低移;晶胞参数a0和c0增大。f值减小,颜色、多色性变化明显。从Pt1kn4→Pt1kn6→Pt1kn7,硼镁铁矿的f值逐渐减小,氧化系数增大,其形成向着富镁、氧化程度高的方向演化。硼镁铁矿的矿物学特征具有含硼层的指示意义。  相似文献   

赵玉社 《地质找矿论丛》2003,18(Z1):115-117
文章对我国西部铁矿成矿区带进行了划分;并对我国西部铁矿、富铁矿各成矿区带的成矿规律进行了简单的叙述;同时对各成矿区带进行了资源量的预测.  相似文献   

辽宁弓长岭富铁矿是我国规模最大且唯一具有工业开采价值的沉积变质型(BIF)磁铁矿富矿床,目前其成因仍存在争议。本文系统采集了弓长岭二矿区四层铁中典型贫铁矿石和富铁矿石样品进行地球化学成分分析,采用质量平衡计算方法探究了弓长岭富铁矿形成过程中的元素迁移变化规律。结果表明,(1)主量元素主要表现为TFe2O3的强烈富集和SiO2的强烈亏损且二者存在明显的负相关关系,同时伴有地球化学性质活泼的碱金属和碱土金属如Na、K、Ca和Mg等迁出,而P2O5、BaO和Cr2O3在富铁矿石中相对富集,应与富铁矿成矿流体性质有关;(2)微量元素中高场强元素(HFSE)Nb、Ta、U表现为富集,Ce、Th、Zr等元素亏损,而Hf、Ti等元素变化不明显;大离子亲石元素(LILE)Ba和Cs表现为富集,而Rb和Sr亏损,说明弓长岭富铁矿与其蚀变围岩中Nb、Ta等稀有金属矿化是同一地质作用的产物;(3)稀土元素中La、Ce、Pr、Nd等轻稀土亏损明显,而其它稀土...  相似文献   

冀东杏山沉积变质型铁矿床富铁矿成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张龙飞 《地质与勘探》2015,51(3):405-413
本文在野外勘查和岩(矿)相学基础上,对杏山铁矿块状富矿和条带状普通矿石进行主量元素、微量元素和稀土元素等系统研究。杏山铁矿石主要由磁铁矿和石英组成,其中块状富铁矿石相较于条带状普通矿石含有较多的镁铁质矿物,另外块状富矿(XS-60)手标本可见绿泥石化,但镜下蚀变程度较弱,其富矿成因与后期热液蚀变相关度不高;条带状贫矿(XS-10)遭受较强的后期热液蚀变,有一定程度的铁质富集,但仅限于富铁条带,富硅条带未蚀变。矿石中低Al2O3+Na2O含量和Zr、Sc、Th、Hf等含量特征表明杏山铁矿在沉积过程中很少有陆源碎屑加入。微量元素和稀土元素配分模式表明条带状普通矿石和块状富铁矿有共同的成矿物质来源,富铁矿和贫矿都是在缺氧环境下,通过海底热液与海水混合后同沉积形成的,而后期褶皱变形作用使贫矿层加厚的同时,也使富铁层加厚。  相似文献   

在东喜马拉雅构造结火成碳酸岩脉中发现富碳硼镁钛石。晶体结构与化学成分分析表明,该矿物的分子式为(Mg1.30,Ti0.32,Fe0.30,Al0.10)2.02[(B0.51,C0.42)0.93O3]O。这提供了在[BO3]原子团中B可被其它元素替换的第一个实例,暗示该矿物可能形成于高温高压的环境下。  相似文献   

臧忠江 《矿床地质》1998,17(Z1):259-262
通过对新疆铁矿与板块构造运动关系的论述,探讨了新疆多旋回板块运动与富铁矿形成的关系,依据板块构造的理论,对新疆铁矿进行了分类。  相似文献   

The crystal structure of ludwigite from Vranovac ore deposit (Boranja Mt., Serbia) was refined using the X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) Rietveld method in the space group Pbam to a final RB=7.45% and RF=5.26%. It has the unit cell dimensions of: a=9.2515(2) ?; b=12.3109(2) ?; c=3.03712(7) ?; and V=345.91(1) ?3. The calculated distances and angles are mostly in good agreement with the Mg2+-Fe2+ substitutions across the M(1) and M(3) sites, as well as with the Fe3+-Al3+ replacement in the M(4) site. However, the mean observed M(2)-O distance is considerably shorter than prescribed, due to a slight increase of the Fe3+ content in the M(2) site. Such replacement was compensated by slight increase of the Fe2+ content in the M(4) site, resulting in the (Mg1.48Fe2+0.46Fe3+0.05Mn0.02)2.01(Fe3+0.94Fe2+0.04Al0.02)1.00B1.00O5 composition. The formation temperature was estimated to be about 500–600°C. The influences of the various chemical compositions to the crystallographic parameters, M-O distances, M(3) and M(4) sites shift, distortion parameters and estimated valences, were also studied and compared with other reference samples.  相似文献   

黑色页岩化学风化程度指标研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黑色页岩是一套化学组成变化大、成份分布极不均一的岩石。建立在化学组成相对均一的岩浆岩风化基础之上的化学风化指数如CIA(MIA)、CIW、CIX、PIA、STI、R、WIP、V、W等,因不能较好地把母岩化学组成变化与风化反应引起的化学变化区分开来,用于厘定黑色页岩的风化程度时,存在灵敏度低、与实际风化程度不相符等问题。故需要建立新的风化指数来厘定黑色页岩的风化程度。本文以湘中地区下寒武统新鲜和风化黑色页岩的主量元素分析为基础,利用单因素方差分析和多变量判别分析等方法,确定引起新鲜和风化黑色页岩化学组成差别的关键化学组分,并甄别其影响程度。建立影响黑色页岩风化程度的主量元素判别函数,进而构建厘定黑色页岩风化程度的化学风化指数。研究表明,引起新鲜和风化黑色页岩化学组成差别的主量元素,其影响程度依TiO_2Al_2O_3Fe_2O_3LOIMnOCaOSiO_2MgOK_2ONa_2OP_2O_5顺序而降低。以此为基础,构建厘定黑色页岩风化程度的化学风化指数为:WB=28.8×ln(SiO_2)+16.67×ln(TiO_2)+10.52×ln(Al_2O_3)+5.62×ln(Fe_2O_3)-2.01×ln(MgO)+4.10×ln(CaO)-4.24×ln(K_2O)-5.06×ln(Na_2O)+5.07×ln(LOI)-158.13。该风化指数(WB)能克服现有各风化指数的不足,适合用于厘定黑色页岩风化程度。  相似文献   

金船塘锡铋矿床是东坡矿田内一以锡铋为主的大型矽卡岩型多金属矿床。本文在详细野外地质考察、镜下观察以及电子探针分析的基础上,利用高精度LA-ICP-MS对该矿床的矽卡岩内石榴子石原位的微量元素进行了系统的分析。结果表明,金船塘锡铋矿床的钙铝榴石(Gro)大体上具重稀土(HREE)富集、轻稀土(LREE)亏损,负Eu异常的特征;而钙铁榴石(And)不同样品之间存在一定差异性,有的样品显示HREE富集、LREE亏损的特征,有的则轻重稀土分异不明显,除了多数呈Eu负异常外,还有部分表现为弱的正Eu异常,这可能是受钙铝-钙铁榴石混合物中的静电作用所导致。并且,上述不同石榴子石REE分配的差异还进一步指示,钙铝榴石(Gro)矿物生长速率较低,与孔隙流体之间基本保持动态平衡,水/岩(W/R)比值较低,其REE的化学行为主要受到晶体化学等机制的影响;钙铁榴石(And)矿物生长速率较高,具有较高的水/岩(W/R)比值,吸附作用在REE配分模式中起到重要作用。总体上,矽卡岩内的石榴子石的REE的分配呈HREE富集、LREE亏损,负Eu异常的特征,与千里山花岗岩REE分配模式一致,指示了金船塘锡铋矿床的成矿作用可能与千里山花岗岩体具有密切的成因联系。  相似文献   

Luobusaite: A New Mineral   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A group of mantle minerals including about 70-80 subtypes of minerals are discovered from a podiform chromitite in Tibet, China. Recovered minerals include diamond, coesite, moissanite, wustite, Fe-silides and a new mineral, luobusaite. All of these minerals were hand-picked from heavymineral separates of the podiform chromitite in the mantle peridotite of an ophiolite. The grains of luobusaite are as host mineral with inclusions of native silicon or as an intergrowth with native silicon and Fe-Si phase. Luobusaite occurs as irregular grains, with 0.1-0.2 mm in size, consisting of very finegrained aggregates. The mineral is steel-grey in color, metallic luster, and opaque. The empirical formula (based on 2 for Si) is Fe0.83Si2, according to the chemical compositions of luobusaite. X-ray powder-diffraction data: orthorhombic system, space group Cmca, a = 9.874 (14) A, b = 7.784 (5) A, c= 7.829(7) A, Z=16.  相似文献   

何泗威 《湖南地质》1993,12(1):43-45
七宝山多金属矿床含有丰富的分散元素——碲。它呈辉碲铋矿、硫碲铋矿B和碲银矿产出。磁铁矿矿石中含碲0.0286%,方铅矿闪锌矿矿石中含碲0.0136%。硫碲铋矿B呈它形晶,粒度为0.018~0.076mm。反射率(550 nm)Rg'56.10%,Rp'52.20%。颜色指数:Rg'[S(E)]—R(vis)53.6%,λd 582.1nm,P(e)0.049,P(c)0.069;Rp'—R(vis)49.3%,λd 580.6nm,P(e)0.096,P(c)0.066。化学成分(%):Bi 74.318~77.279,Tc 19.255~22.685,S 2.521~2.850。  相似文献   

A New Progress of the Proterozoic Chronostratigraphical Division   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Precambrian, an informal chronostratigraphical unit, represents the period of Earth history from the start of the Cambrian at ca. 541 Ma back to the formation of the planet at 4567 Ma. It was originally conceptualized as a "Cryptozoic Eon" that was contrasted with the Phanerozoic Eon from the Cambrian to the Quaternary, which is now known as the Precambrian and can be subdivided into three eons, i.e., the Hadean, the Archean and the Proterozoic. The Precambrian is currently divided chronometrically into convenient boundaries, including for the establishment of the Proterozoic periods that were chosen to reflect large-scale tectonic or sedimentary features(except for the Ediacaran Period). This chronometric arrangement might represent the second progress on the study of chronostratigraphy of the Precambrian after its separation from the Phanerozoic. Upon further study of the evolutionary history of the Precambrian Earth, applying new geodynamic and geobiological knowledge and information, a revised division of Precambrian time has led to the third conceptual progress on the study of Precambrian chronostratigraphy. In the current scheme, the Proterozoic Eon began at 2500 Ma, which is the approximate time by which most granite-greenstone crust had formed, and can be subdivided into ten periods of typically 200 Ma duration grouped into three eras(except for the Ediacaran Period). Within this current scheme, the Ediacaran Period was ratified in 2004, the first period-level addition to the geologic time scale in more than a century, an important advancement in stratigraphy. There are two main problems in the current scheme of Proterozoic chronostratigraphical division:(1) the definition of the Archean–Proterozoic boundary at 2500 Ma, which does not reflect a unique time of synchronous global change in tectonic style and does not correspond with a major change in lithology;(2) the round number subdivision of the Proterozoic into several periods based on broad orogenic characteristics, which has not met with requests on the concept of modern stratigraphy, except for the Ediacaran Period. In the revised chronostratigraphic scheme for the Proterozoic, the Archean–Proterozoic boundary is placed at the major change from a reducing early Earth to a cooler, more modern Earth characterized by the supercontinent cycle, a major change that occurred at ca. 2420 Ma. Thus, a revised Proterozoic Eon(2420–542 Ma) is envisaged to extend from the Archean–Proterozoic boundary at ca. 2420 Ma to the end of the Ediacaran Period, i.e., a period marked by the progressive rise in atmospheric oxygen, supercontinent cyclicity, and the evolution of more complex(eukaryotic) life. As with the current Proterozoic Eon, a revised Proterozoic Eon based on chronostratigraphy is envisaged to consist of three eras(Paleoproterozoic, Mesoproterozoic, and Neoproterozoic), but the boundary ages for these divisions differ from their current ages and their subdivisions into periods would also differ from current practice. A scheme is proposed for the chronostratigraphic division of the Proterozoic, based principally on geodynamic and geobiological events and their expressions in the stratigraphic record. Importantly, this revision of the Proterozoic time scale will be of significant benefit to the community as a whole and will help to drive new research that will unveil new information about the history of our planet, since the Proterozoic is a significant connecting link between the preceding Precambrian and the following Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

一个新移民文艺家,即便是"扎根"澳门再久、再深,他们的作品也难以真正对澳门社会文化实现"零距离"的表现。由于文化认同与心理、情感认同产生的机制不同,移民文人对于异地文化元根的表现总会有些隔膜,他们表现的文化可以描述为文化气根——一种与深入到泥土内部的文化元根并不一样。文化气根既彰明较著又相当浅显,这是移民文学家普遍的创作现象,对于澳门新移民文学而言,这是它的部分特色。  相似文献   

新矿物:罗布莎矿   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
最近在西藏罗布莎村豆荚状铬铁矿石中发现一个由70~80种矿物组成的地幔矿物群,其中包括新矿物罗布莎矿,还有金刚石、柯石英、碳硅石、方铁矿、以及Fe-Si相矿物。所有这些矿物都是从豆荚铬铁矿石的人工大样中经选矿后得到的。罗布莎矿作为主矿物而含有自然硅和fersilicite[FeSi]的包裹体或呈交生体与自然硅共生。罗布莎矿呈不规则粒状,粒径0.1~0.2mm,由细粒聚合体组成,呈钢灰色,金属光泽,不透明。以Si为基础实验分子式为Fe0.83Si2。X-射线分析资料斜方晶系,空间群Cmca,a=9.874(14)A。,b=7.784(5)A。,c=7.829(7)A。,V=601.7(9)A。3,Z=16。罗布莎矿已为国际新矿物和矿物命名委员会批准,样品保存在中国地质博物馆。  相似文献   

赣南钨矿新类型及“五层楼+地下室”找矿模型   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
赣南具“世界钨都”之称,特别是易识别、易选的石英脉型钨矿床闻名遐尔。近20年来,在开采开发石英脉型钨矿的同时,人们也发现了一种新的钨矿类型,即八仙脑式的破碎蚀变岩带石英脉复合型钨矿。本文通过对八仙脑钨矿成矿特征的研究,提出了“五层楼+地下室”的找矿新模型,以期对该区的新一轮钨多金属矿找矿有所启迪与帮助。该模型已经对老庵里、金银庵等大、中型钨矿的勘探起了重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

正1 Introduction Snow salt is one of the multi-salt with highly added value,in named for its snowflakes structure appearance.In the present situation,the stacking density gap between different commercial snow salt is big,mainly ranged from700 kg/m3to 800 kg/m3.The competition in the market  相似文献   

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