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In the mesosphere, water vapor photolysis is the major source of odd hydrogen (H, OH and HO2) under normal conditions. The odd hydrogen produced may then be converted to H2 by the reaction H + HO2→ H2 + O2. This process is responsible for the calculated decrease in the H2O mixing ratio and accompanying increase in the H2 mixing ratio with altitude in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. Charged particle precipitation events are calculated to produce the same effect, particularly in the 70–85 km region, thus temporarily resulting in enhanced conversion of H2O to H2 following such an event. Since odd hydrogen is produced predominantly by water vapor photolysis at these altitudes, decreased odd hydrogen concentrations are also anticipated. Odd hydrogen processes dominate ozone destruction in this region, and so an increase in ozone may occur if odd hydrogen concentrations decrease. We have examined the calculated time behavior of these processes in a numerical model using the August 1972 solar proton event as an example, and we present calculations indicating what might be observed in future events.  相似文献   

Recently published laboratory measurements of the isotopic exchange rate constant k(T) between CD4 and H2 are used to calculate f(z)—the isotopic enrichment factor between CH4 and H2—at every level in the outer atmosphere of the giant planets. The variation of f(z) with local vertical velocity, temperature and pressure has been calculated under the assumption that atmospheres are convective and uncertainties have been calculated by error propagation. Considering only the random errors—mainly the uncertainty on k(T)—the f values in the observable upper atmospheres of giant planets (i.e. at z = 0, P = 1 bar) are: f(0) = 1.25 ± 0.05, 1.38 ± 0.06, 1.68 ± 0.09, and 1.61 ± 0.08 for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, respectively. Additional systematic errors due to the uncertainty in calculating the vertical velocity in the framework of the mixing length Prandtl theory lead to an overall uncertainty on f(0) of ±0.12, ±0.15, ±0.23, and ±0.21 for each planet, respectively. The D/H ratios in H2 derived from the measured CH3D/CH4 ratios in the upper atmosphere of the four giant planets are then recalculated. Uranus and Neptune seem to be enriched in deuterium with respect to the protosolar nebula but depleted relative to the Standard Mean Oceanic Water on the Earth (SMOW). However calculations based on current interior models of Neptune suggest that ices which formed the core of the planet had a D/H ratio of the order of the SMOW. The deuterium abundance in proto-Uranian ices remains uncertain. The case where water is a major constituent of the fluid envelope of Neptune is discussed. It is shown that the D/H ratio of the planet would then be higher than the value measured in hydrogen. Even in this case, the D/H ratio in proto-Neptunian ices is less than the recently revised value in P/Halley and less than the value measured in water of the Semarkona meteorite. These results suggest that the ices which formed the core of Neptune did not have an interstellar origin. Similarly, the comparison of the most recent determination of the D/H ratio in the atmosphere of Titan with the value of D/H in P/Halley suggests that this atmosphere was not formed by infalling comets but more likely from grains embedded in the sub-nebula of Saturn.  相似文献   

If neutrinos have mass, we give reasons for a possible pattern of three (squaed) mass eigenvalues: m12 (2.8−5.8) (eV)2, m22 0.01 (eV)2, m32 (1.5−1) × 10−4 (eV)2. The flavor states νμ and νe are mixtures of the eigenstates with m2 and m3 with a significant mixing, corresponding to an effective mixing angle of about 0.45. The ντ is nearly the state with m1; the other two effective mixing angles are about an order of magnitude smaller than 0.45. There is a marked similarity to mixing in the quark sector.  相似文献   

Inspection of recent spectra presented by Sivjee (1983) show evidence of the 0–4 and 0–5 bands of the N2(c41Σu+a1Πg) Gaydon-Herman system. In conjunction with earlier spectra, it is now possible that this band system is a significant auroral component, with an intensity approx. 7% that of the N2 2P system. The absence in aurorae of the potentially far stronger N2(c41Σu+X1Πg) system is discussed. It is that the O2(A3Σu+X3Σg) band system is indiscernible in Sivjee's auroral spectra, under conditio the foreground nightglow is expected to be clearly visible. On the other hand, at least one relatively strong O2(A3Δua1Δg) band appears to be present in these spectra.  相似文献   

Recent rocket observations of the N2 V-K (Vegard-Kaplan) system in the aurora have been reinterpreted using an atmospheric model based on mass spectrometer measurements in an aurora of similar intensity at the same time of year. In contrast to the original interpretation, we find that population by cascade from the C3Πu and B3Πg states in the A3Σu+v=0,1 levels, as calculated using recently measured electron excitation cross sections, accurately accounts for the observed relative emission rates (IV-K/12PG0.0). In addition there is no need to change the production rate of A 3 Σ u+ molecules relative to that of C3Πuv=0 as a function of altitude in order to fit the profile of the deactivation probability to the atmospheric model. Quenching of A 3 Σ u+ molecules at high altitudes is dominated by atomic oxygen. The rate constants for the v=0 and v=1 levels are 8 × 10−11 cm3 sec−1 and 1.7 × 10−10 cm3 sec−1 respectively, as determined using the model atmosphere mentioned above. Recent observations with a helium cooled mass spectrometer suggest that conventional mass spectrometer measurements tend to underestimate the atomic oxygen relative concentration. The rate coefficients may therefore be too large by as much as a factor of 3. Below 130 Km we find that it is possible to account for the deactivation in bright auroras by invoking large nitric oxide concentrations, similar to those recently observed mass spectrometrically and using a rate constant of 8 × 10−11 cm3 sec−1 for both the v=1 levels. This rate constant is very nearly the same as that measured in the laboratory (7 × 10−11 cm3 sec−1). Molecular oxygen appears not to play a significant role in deactivating the lower A 3 Σ u+ levels.  相似文献   

Recent improvements in rocket-borne mass spectrometer technology have made it possible to measure lower ionospheric ions with greater sensitivity and to extend the measurements to lower heights. The improvements made to the instrument and positive ion results from a flight of this instrument will be reported here. In addition to the previously known ions, such as NO+(H2O)n and H+(H2O)n, new ion species were found. The total fractional count rate of these ions was found to be constant with height indicating an upper altitude source. Possible identifications of these ions are proposed along with possible production mechanisms.  相似文献   

On 14 July 1974 the Atmosphere Explorer-C satellite flew through an aurora at F-region altitudes just after local midnight. The effects of the particle influx are clearly evident in the ion densities, the 6300 Å airglow, and the electron and ion temperatures. This event provided an opportunity to study the agreement between the observed ion densities and those calculated from photochemical theory using in situ measurements of such atmospheric parameters as the neutral densities and the differential electron energy spectra obtained along the satellite track. Good agreement is obtained for the ions O2+, NO+ and N2+ using photochemical theory and measured rate constants and electron impact cross sections. Atomic nitrogen densities are calculated from the observed [NO+]/[O2+] ratio. In the region of most intense electron fluxes (20 erg cm−2 sec−1) at 280 km, the N density is found to be between 2 and 7 × 107 cm−3. The resulting N densities are found to account for approx. 60% of the production of N+ through electron impact on N and the resonant charge exchange of O+(2P) with N(4S). This reaction also provides a significant source of O(1S) in the aurora at F-region altitudes. In the region of intense fast electron influx, the reaction with atomic nitrogen is found to be the main loss of O+(2P).  相似文献   

Measurements of the density at the F2 peak (NmF2) were obtained by the Boulder, Colorado, ionosonde as part of the SUNDIAL-86 campaign. The measurements were made during a period of low to moderate geomagnetic activity following a “disturbed” day. These measurements were then used to estimate the height of the F2 peak (hmF2). A three-dimensional time-dependent model of Earth's ionosphere was used to calculate NmF2 and hmF2 using the vertical plasma drift as a free parameter. Since the plasmasphere-ionosphere exchange flux can remain upward during the night for these conditions, different feasible flux scenarios were inputed to the ionospheric model. These different flux scenarios had a large effect on the “induced” vertical plasma drifts required to match the measurements (i.e. at times greater than a factor of 2 in speed or a difference in direction). Futhermore, uncertainty in the O+---O collision frequency changes the required vertical plasma drift at night. Despite knowledge of hmF2, interpretation of the vertical plasma drifts as meridional neutral winds is compromised by a lack of knowledge of the plasmasphere-ionosphere exchange flux following disturbed days.  相似文献   

A numerical analysis of cyclotron instabilities is carried out by computing the dispersion relation for a three component cold plasma-beam system. Rates of growth and damping for various values of the stream density are calculated from the dispersion relation. The rates of growth and damping increase monotonically as the number density of the proton stream increases. It is found that the frequencies at the rates of maximum growth and the damping decrease slightly to lower frequencies and a sharp peak at these frequencies becomes blunt. The minimum e-folding times of an ion cyclotron wave for (a) σs = 10−4, σi = 10−2 and (b) σs = 10−1, σi = 10−2 are about 3·84 and 0·16 sec respectively in the vicinity of the equatorial plane at 6 Re, where σs and σi are the ratios of the beam density Ns and the helium ion (H6+) density Ni to the total positive ions in the plasma-beam system.  相似文献   

Rocket results are presented on the OI 6300 Å line and on the N2+ 3914 Å band in the dayglow. An altitude range of 78–335 km is covered. Theoretical interpretations are given, using results of simultaneous measurements of electron density and electron temperature. The apparent brightness of the 6300 Å line at the base of the emitting region is found to be 13 kR, of which 5.5 kR are ascribed to excitation through the Schumann-Runge dissociation of O2 by the solar UV radiations, 0.55 kR to the dissociative recombination of O2+ and NO+ ions, and 0.03 kR to the excitation of O by thermal electrons. An additional source of excitation above 280 km is suggested. The deactivation of O(1D) by O2(X3Σg) is found to be appreciable below 200 km, and its rate coefficient is estimated to be 2 × 10−10 cm3/sec. The apparent brightness of the 3914 Å band at the base of the emitting region is found to be 6.5 kR, decreasing to 3.2 kR at 330 km. Assuming that fluorescent scattering of solar radiation is the mechanism involved the distribution of N2+ ions is calculated. The rate coefficients for the loss of these ions are hence calculated.  相似文献   

Auroral luminosities of the main emission lines in the aurora have been calculated for excitation by an isotopic primary electron flux with spectra of the form J(E) = AE exp (−E/E1) + B(E2)E exp (−E/E1). The variation of emissions from O and N2+ with height are shown, as are the variations of column integrated intensities and pertinent intensity ratios with the characteristic energy E2, this leading to a method of estimating the electron spectrum from ground observation.  相似文献   

From an analysis of VLBI observations of H2CO and OH maser emission in the direction of the ultra-conpact HII region NGC 7538-IRS 1, the following model is proposed: The HII region is surrounded by a thick dusty shell which breaks open at the two poles and there is a bipolar outflow. Around it is a rotating gas/dust ring and matter falls from the ring onto the surface of the HII region. The whole system, HII region and the ring, moves with a sight line velocity of −61.0 km/s inside a large cloud which moves with a sight line velocity of −57 km/s. The H2CO and OH masers occur near the poles of the HII region and within 0.2 RHII of the surface. The positions of the H2O maser and other line sources are discussed in term of this model.  相似文献   

Radio noise observations at frequencies of 0·700 Mc and 2·200 Mc were made at altitudes between 3000 and 11,000 km from a Blue Scout Jr. high-altitude rocket probe on 30 July 1963. A steady background flux of (7·5−3+6) × 10−19 W m−2)(c/s)−1 at 0·700 Mc and (1·8+1.0−0.5 × 10−19 W m−2 (c/s)−1 at 2·200 Mc was observed. Assuming a galactic origin of the observed fluxes at both frequencies, the averaged sky brightnesses are b(0·700 Mc) = (6−3+5) × 10−20 W m−2 (c/s)−1 sr−1b(2·200 Mc) = (1.4+1.0−0.5 × 10−20 W m−2 (c/s)−1 sr−1 The observed brightness at 2·200 Mc is in reasonable agreement with the results of other observers. The apparent brightness at 0·700 Mc is, however, greater than was expected from previous observations. An alternative source of the 0·700 Mc flux in the terrestrial exosphere, as well as characteristics of several noise bursts observed during the flight, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

It is greatly expected that the relic neutrino background from past supernovae will be detected by Superkamiokande (SK) which is now under construction. We calculate the spectrum and the event rate at SK systematically by using the results of simulations of a supernova explosion and reasonable supernova rates. We also investigate the effect of a cosmological constant, Λ, on the spectrum, since some recent cosmological observations strongly suggest the existence of Λ. We find following results. (1) The spectrum has a peak at about 3 MeV, which is much lower than that of previous estimates (6–10 MeV). (2) The event rate at SK in the range from 10 MeV to 50 MeV, where the relic neutrinos from past supernovae are dominant, is about 25h502(RSN/0.1 yr−1)(nGh50−3/0.02 Mpc−3) events per year, where RSN is the supernova rate in a galaxy, nG is the number density of galaxies, and h50 = H0/(50 km/s Mpc), where H0 is the Hubble constant. (3) The event rate is almost insensitive to Λ. The flux increases in the low energy side (< 10 MeV) with increasing Λ, but decreases in the high energy side (> 10 MeV) in models in which the integrated number of supernovae in one galaxy is fixed.  相似文献   

We present a quantitative analysis of CO thermal emissions discovered on the nightside of Titan by Baines et al. [2005. The atmospheres of Saturn and Titan in the near-infrared: First results of Cassini/VIMS. Earth, Moon, and Planets, 96, 119–147]. in Cassini/VIMS spectral imagery. We identify these emission features as the P and R branches of the 1-0 vibrational band of carbon monoxide (CO) near 4.65 μm. For CH3D, the prominent Q branch of the ν2 fundamental band of CH3D near 4.55 μm is apparent. CO2 emissions from the strong v3 vibrational band are virtually absent, indicating a CO2 abundance several orders of magnitude less than CO, in agreement with previous investigations. Analysis of CO emission spectra obtained over a variety of altitudes on Titan's nightside limb indicates that the stratospheric abundance of CO is 32±15 ppm, and together with other recent determinations, suggests a vertical distribution of CO nearly constant at this value from the surface throughout the troposphere to at least the stratopause near 300 km altitude. The corresponding total atmospheric content of CO in Titan is 2.9±1.5×1014 kg. Given the long lifetime of CO in the oxygen-poor Titan atmosphere (0.5–1.0 Gyr), we find a mean CO atmospheric production rate of 6±3×105 kg yr−1. Given the lack of primordial heavy noble gases observed by Huygens [Niemann et al., 2005. The abundances of constituents of Titan's atmosphere from the GCMS on the Huygens probe. Nature, 438, 779–784], the primary source of atmospheric CO is likely surface emissions. The implied CO/CH4 mixing ratio of near-surface material is 1.8±0.9×10−4, based on an average methane surface emission rate over the past 0.5 Gyr of 1.3×10−13 gm cm−2 s−1 as required to balance hydrocarbon haze production via methane photolysis [Wilson and Atreya, 2004. Current state of modeling the photochemistry of Titan's mutually dependent atmosphere and ionosphere. J. Geophys. Res. 109, E06002 Doi:10.1029/2003JE002181]. This low CO/CH4 ratio is much lower than expected for the sub-nebular formation region of Titan and supports the hypothesis [e.g., Atreya et al., 2005. Methane on Titan: photochemical-meteorological-hydrogeochemical cycle. Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 735] that the conversion of primordial CO and other carbon-bearing materials into CH4-enriched clathrate-hydrates occurs within the deep interior of Titan via the release of hydrogen through the serpentinization process followed by Fischer–Tropsch catalysis. The time-averaged predicted emission rate of methane-rich surface materials is 0.02 km3 yr−1, a value significantly lower than the rate of silicate lava production for the Earth and Venus, but nonetheless indicative of significant active geological processes reshaping the surface of Titan.  相似文献   

The absorption of solar ionizing radiation during twilight is investigated. Ion production rates are obtained as a function of altitude and twilight intensities and altitude profiles of emissions arising from the fluorescence of solar ionizing radiation are calculated for various solar depression angles. For an atmosphere with an exospheric temperature of 750°K, the predicted overhead intensity from fluorescence of the O+(2P2D) lines at 7319–7330 diminishes from 175 R at dusk to 10 R at a solar depression angle of 10°. The predicted overhead intensities from fluorescence of the N2+ Meinel and first negative systems are respectively about 175 R and 20 R at dusk diminishing to respectively 1.5 R and 0.1 R at a solar depression angle of 10°.

It is suggested that a charge transfer reaction of O+2D in N2 is a significant source of N2+ ions. This reaction offers a possible explanation for the high apparent rotational temperatures in the first negative system observed by Broadfoot and Hunten. Other excitation and ionization mechanisms are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

First mass-spectrometric composition measurements of atmospheric ions between 3250 and 11700 m altitude are reported. They reveal the presence of very massive cluster ions, the majority of which cannot be attributed to a single hydrated ion family like, for example H+(H2O)n. The observed fraction of very massive ions increases with decreasing altitude. Masses as large as about 540 amu were observed at 8200 m altitude. Implications of the observations for ion and nucleation processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Occasionally micropulsation dynamic spectra show a series of nosed tones in place of the more usual purely rising tones. These are explained in some detail if, at times, some 3–10 per cent of the ionic content in the outer magnetosphere is helium (H6+). Although this is one or two orders of magnitude greater than expected from diffusive equilibrium theory, it is in broad agreement with recent Ogo-A measurements.  相似文献   

Absolute values of the emission cross sections for five vibrational bands in the Meinel system of N2+,A2πu to X2Σg+, excited by electron impact are presented. From these, a value was obtained for the total excitation cross section of the A2πu state at 100 eV of 26·5 × 10−18 cm2. The results are compared with those of other workers and with theory. Collisional transfer of the excitation energy from the levels of the A2πu state was also observed with a transfer cross section of approximately 10−14 cm2.  相似文献   

The MSX infrared dark cloud G79.2+0.38 has been observed over a 11′×′ region simultaneously in the J=1-0 rotational transition lines of the 12CO and its isotopic molecules 13CO and 18CO. The dense molecular cores defined by the C18O line are found to be associated with the two high-extinction patches shown in the MSX A-band image. The two dense cores have the column density N (H2) (5 – 12) × 1022 cm−2 and the mean number density n (3 ± 1) × 104 cm−3. Their sizes are 1.7 and 1.2 pc in 13CO(1-0) line, 1.2 and 0.6 pc in C18O(1-0) line, respectively. The masses of these cloud cores are estimated to be in the range from 2 × 102 to 2 × 103 M. The profile of radial mean density of the cloud core can be described by the exponential function ¯n(p) p−0.34±0.02. Compared with the cases of typical optical dark clouds, the abundances of the CO isotopic molecules 13CO and C18O in this MSX infrared dark cloud appear to be depleted by a factor of 4–11, but at present there is no evidence for any obvious variation of the relative abundance ratio X13/18 between 13CO and C18O with the column density.  相似文献   

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