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南黄海鳀鱼产卵场小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20 0 0年 6月在南黄海鱼产卵场 18个站位的调查结果表明 ,小型底栖生物的平均丰度为 0 .81× 10 6ind· m-2 (± 0 .4 1× 10 6ind· m-2 ) ,平均生物量为 1.2 2 g dwt· m-2 ,小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量的水平分布图型大体相似 ,即高的数量值分布在等深线 5 0 m以浅的与海岸线平行的74 94、7994、85 94、11394等站。小型底栖生物数量与 10种环境因子的 Pearson相关分析表明 ,丰度与水深呈负相关 (r,- 0 .5 5 5 ,P<0 .0 5 ) ,与 Chl- a呈正相关 (r,0 .4 86 ,P<0 .0 5 ) ;生物量与水深、沉积物中的粘土含量 (% )和水含量 (% )均呈负相关 (r,0 .4 84~ 0 .5 0 0 ,P<0 .0 5 )。共鉴定出 18个小型生物类群 ,线虫是数量占优势的类群 ,平均丰度 0 .6 0× 10 6ind· m-2 (± 0 .36× 10 6ind· m-2 ) ,占总丰度的 73.8% ,其他的重要类群依次为底栖桡足类 (18.7% )、多毛类 (3.1% )、动吻类 (1.6 % )和介形类 (1.1% )。按生物量 ,优势类群依次为多毛类 (占 2 9% )、桡足类 (2 3% )和线虫 (2 0 % )  相似文献   

我们利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)测试了南大西洋洋中脊附近采集的沉积物样品中烃类的分布和组成。通过分析发现,样品中烃类表现出明显的双峰分布,同时明显的富集3-甲基烷烃、8-甲基烷烃以及2,4,(n-1)-三甲基烷烃,这可能是海底微生物代谢作用的结果。样品中也富集萜烷、藿烷和甾烷等生物标志物,这也支持样品中烃类主要为微生物来源的观点。样品中沥青和烃类显示出距离热液区近的2V-TVG10和26V-TVG05站位含量高,而距离热液区远的22IV-TVG01、22V-TVG11和22V-TVG14站位含量低的趋势,暗示出样品中沥青以及烃类的分布和组成可能受到海底热液活动的影响。  相似文献   

于2008和2009年对青岛薛家岛砂质潮间带进行了4个季度的小型底栖生物调查。结果表明:小型底栖生物的平均丰度为(1 384.69±424.97)ind·10cm-2,平均生物量为(1 286.70±225.13)μg·10cm-2。共鉴定出11个类群,丰度方面,线虫占绝对优势,占年平均丰度的86.59%;涡虫居次,占4.89%。生物量方面,线虫也占绝对优势,占37.30%;多毛类居次,占18.90%。在垂直分布上,表层0~4cm的数量最多,占39.65%,其它各层分布依次递减。小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量呈现了明显的季节变化和潮区差异。相关分析未表明小型底栖生物丰度和环境的显著相关性。  相似文献   

2009年4月14~16日在台湾海峡中北部海域进行了小型底栖生物调查研究.结果表明,研究海域的小型底栖生物平均丰度为21.11±16.29 ind/cm^2;平均生物量为20.97±4.96μg/cm^2(以干重记).研究海域共鉴定出13个小型底栖生物类群,按丰度,最优势类群为自由生活海洋线虫其丰度为19.23±15.49 ind/cm^2,占小型底栖生物总丰度的91.10%,其他优势类群依次为底栖桡足类和多毛类,分别占小型底栖生物总丰度的2.77%和2.64%;分布在0~5 cm的表层沉积物内的小型底栖生物约为83.18%,线虫和底栖桡足类分布在0~2 cm的比例分别为57.66%和62.96%.小型底栖生物的生物量低于大型底栖生物,但由于其繁殖快,生命周期短,因此,其生物量约为大型底栖生物的445倍,年平均生产量约为大型底栖生物的1.39倍.  相似文献   

北黄海小型底栖生物丰度和生物量时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别于2006年7月和2007年1,4和10月在北黄海陆架浅海水域进行小型底栖生物调查.结果表明,4个航次的小型底栖生物平均丰度分别为(1 099±634),(664±495),(1 601±837)和(524±378) ind·10 cm-2;平均生物量分别为(1 446.34±764.66),(428.63±294.84),(1 580.53±1 041.23)和(793.50±475.83) μg·dwt·10 cm-2.共鉴定出18个小型底栖生物类群,按丰度,自由生活海洋线虫为最优势类群,4个航次的优势度分别为72%,90%,85%和74%,其他优势类群依次是桡足类、多毛类、动吻类和介形类;按生物量依次是线虫、桡足类、多毛类、介形类和双壳类.97%的小型底栖生物分布在0~5 cm的表层沉积物内,线虫和桡足类分布在0~2 cm沉积物的比例分别为86%和87%.二因素方差分析(two-way ANOVA)表明:小型底栖生物丰度和生物量在由4个航次所代表的春、夏、秋、冬各季节之间存在显著差异(春、夏高于秋、冬),在4个航次的5个相同取样站位之间也有显著差异.小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量与水深和底盐呈负相关性.北黄海冷水团对小型底栖生物丰度和生物量时空分布有一定的影响.  相似文献   

渤海小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
该文是渤海 1997年 6月、1998年 9月和 1999年 4月 3个航次小型底栖生物调查结果。结果表明 ,3个航次小型底栖生物的平均丰度分别为 :(2 30 0± 12 0 6 ) ind/ (10 cm2 )、(86 9± 5 10 ) ind/(10 cm2 )和 (6 32± 4 0 0 ) ind/ (10 cm2 )。平均生物量分别为 :(15 2 1± 6 34) μg(dwt) / (10 cm2 )、(72 5±35 4 )μg (dwt) / (10 cm2 )和 (5 17± 393)μg (dwt) / (10 cm2 )。共鉴定出 14个小型底栖生物类群 ,其中自由生活海洋线虫丰度占绝对优势 ,桡足类丰度居第 2位 ,这两个类群总和占小型底栖生物总丰度的 94 .8%~ 97.5 %。在生物量中所占比例列前 4位的类群依次为线虫、多毛类、桡足类、双壳类 ,加起来超过小型底栖生物总生物量的 80 %。小型底栖生物的 74 %分布于 2 cm以浅表层中。小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量在渤海海峡和渤海中东部较高 ,与环境因子的相关分析表明小型底栖生物的丰度与水深呈极显著的正相关 ,与沉积物的中值粒径呈显著的负相关  相似文献   

胶州湾小型底栖生物的丰度和生物量   总被引:33,自引:5,他引:33  
1995年 5月— 1 996年 1月 ,在胶州湾北部软底水域进行每 2月一次的调查。结果表明 ,小型底栖生物的年平均丰度为 1 .51× 1 0 6ind/m2 ,最高值出现在 95B1和 95B2站 ,分别为 2 .73× 1 0 6 和 2 .75× 1 0 6ind/m2 ,最低值出现在 95B3站 ,数量为 0 .46× 1 0 6ind/m2 。小型底栖生物的年平均生物量为 1 .32 g/m2 (干重 )。皮尔逊相关分析表明 ,小型生物的数量与以碳和氮表示的浮游植物的生物量呈负相关 ,相关系数分别为 - 0 .969和 - 0 .947(P <0 .0 5)。共鉴定出 1 4个小型生物类群。自由生活的海洋线虫占总数量的 86.6% ,底栖桡足类居第 2位 ,占总数量的 5.7%。按生物量 ,海洋线虫 (35.9% )、介形类 (32 .6% )、多毛类 (1 3.7% )和桡足类 (8.3% )共同构成小型动物的优势类群 ,80 %以上的小型生物分布在 0— 2cm以浅表层内。与国内外同类研究结果进行了比较 ,并对小型生物在胶州湾生态系中的作用进行了探讨  相似文献   

于2004年10月~2005年10月对青岛太平湾砂质潮间带进行了小型底栖生物的逐月采样,对丰度和生物量进行定量研究。结果表明,小型底栖生物的年平均丰度为(1 025.40±268.84)ind.10cm-2,平均生物量为(1 195.87±476.53)μgdwt.10cm-2,平均生产量为(10 762.80±4 288.77)μg dwt.10cm-2a-1。小型底栖生物在丰度和生物量上呈现了明显的季节变化,高值主要出现在4,5,6月,而低值在8,9月。共鉴定出l2个类群,线虫在丰度上占绝对优势(89.2%)。按生物量,多毛类占46.9%,其次为线虫31%。其它较多的类群还有涡虫、桡足类、腹毛虫、寡毛类等。50%以上的小型底栖生物分布在0~4cm表层,冬季部分向下迁移。Pearson相关分析表明,小型底栖生物数量对间隙水溶氧表现出明显的滞后效应,而与盐度、pH和沉积物环境因子相关性不明显。  相似文献   

于2008年7、10月,2009年1、4月对青岛沧口潮间带进行了小型底栖生物调查。结果表明,小型底栖生物的年平均丰度为(936.02±565.31)ind.10cm-2,平均生物量为(561.89±322.57)μg.10cm-2(干重)。共鉴定出10个类群,线虫在丰度上占绝对优势(95.41%),按生物量,线虫占63.58%,多毛类居次,占13.21%。丰度有潮区差异,生物量呈现季节和潮区差异。在垂直分布上,表层0~4层分布最多(42.57%),向深层呈现递减趋势,并且垂直分布表现出季节变化。高潮带春季表层的小型底栖动物数量百分比最高,冬季表层的数量百分比显著的低于其他3个季节。相反,中潮带冬季表层数量百分比却明显高于其他3个季节。Pearson相关分析未表明小型底栖生物总丰度和环境因子的显著相关。但对各层的小型底栖生物丰度和环境因子的Pearson相关分析表明,0~4cm的小型底栖生物丰度和叶绿素及中值粒径显著相关,8~12cm的小型底栖生物丰度和中值粒径显著相关。BIOENV分析表明,能够解释小型底栖动物空间分布的的最佳环境因子组合为有机质、中值粒径和含沙量。  相似文献   

东寨港红树林小型底栖动物的密度和生物量研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘均玲  黄勃  梁志伟 《海洋学报》2013,35(2):187-192
2012年2月对海南省东寨港红树林滩涂沉积物小型底栖动物进行研究,结果表明,红树林中有六大类小型底栖动物,包括自由生活线虫、桡足类、涡虫、多毛类、寡毛类、海螨.在种类组成上,自由生活线虫为优势类群,在4个采样站位中,分别占小型底栖动物总数量的95.30%,97.02%,96.45%,90.53%.东寨港红树林小型底栖动物的总栖息密度为(1 082.23±563.76)个/(10 cm2),总生物量为(764.06±511.63)μg/(10 cm2).4个采样站位平均多样性指数H'分别为0.26、0.17、0.20、0.45,平均均匀度指数 J 分别为0.13、0.09、0.10、0.23.最小显著极差法(LSR)进行多重比较分析表明,4个采样点小型底栖动物差异明显.海洋线虫与桡足类的数量之比(N/C)显示东寨港红树林受到了有机质污染.  相似文献   

南海北部深海小型底栖动物丰度和生物量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2010年9月在南海北部5个深海站位和1个浅海站位进行了小型底栖动物和环境因子采样,对小型底栖动物的丰度和生物量进行了定量研究。本次调查中,共鉴定出10个小型底栖动物类群,分别是线虫、桡足类、多毛类、介形类、甲壳类幼体、异足类、寡毛类、涡虫、无板类和等足类。从丰度来看,线虫是绝对的优势类群,占总丰度百分比为94.72%;桡足类次之,占2.70%;多毛类再次,占1.62%;其他类群之和仅占0.96%。从生物量来看,线虫的生物量最大,占总生物量的53.83%;其次是多毛类,占32.17%;居生物量第三位的是桡足类,占7.14%;其他类群之和占6.85%。小型底栖动物的丰度和干重生物量分别为566.12±635.61个·(10cm2)-1和398.43±431.98μg·(10cm 2)-1,线虫的丰度和干重生物量分别为536.21±593.48个·(10cm 2)-1和214.48±237.39μg·(10cm 2)-1。研究站位线虫、桡足类、多毛类和小型底栖动物丰度,小型底栖动物生物量与环境因子的相关分析表明,影响线虫丰度、小型底栖动物丰度、小型底栖生物生物量的主要环境因子包括底层水pH值、沉积物粉砂黏土含量和有机质含量。单因素方差分析(One-way ANVOA)结果表明,线虫丰度、桡足类丰度、小型底栖动物丰度和生物量在不同站位均有显著差异。与渤海、北黄海、南黄海、长江口、芽庄湾(越南)、大亚湾、北部湾、南海近海等海域相比,本研究海域的小型底栖动物丰度和生物量偏低。  相似文献   

Submersible observations and photogeology document dramatic variations in the distribution of young volcanic rocks, faulting, fissuring, and hydrothermal activity along an 80 km-long segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane Transform (MARK Area). These variations define two spreading cells separated by a cell boundary zone or a small-offset transform zone. The northern spreading cell is characterized by a median ‘neovolcanic’ ridge which runs down the axis of the median valley floor for 40 km. This edifice is as much as 4 km wide and 600 m high and is composed of very lightly sedimented basalts inferred to be < 5000 years old. It is the largest single volcanic constructional feature discovered to date on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The active Snake Pit hydrothermal vent field is on the crest of this ridge and implies the presence of a magma chamber in the northern spreading cell. In contrast, the southern cell is characterized by small, individual volcanos similar in size to the central volcanos in the FAMOUS area. Two of the volcanos that were sampled appear to be composed of dominantly glassy basaltic rocks with very light sediment cover; whereas, other volcanos in this region appear to be older features. The boundary zone between the two spreading cells is intensely faulted and lacks young volcanic rocks. This area may also contain a small-offset ( < 8 km) transform zone. Magmatism in the northern cell has been episodic and tens of thousands of years have lapsed since the last major magmatic event there. In the southern cell, a more continuous style of volcanic accretion appears to be operative. The style of spreading in the southern cell may be much more typical for the Mid-Atlantic Ridge than that of the northern cell because the latter is adjacent to the 150 km-offset Kane Transform that may act as a thermal sink along the MAR. Such large transforms are not common on the MAR, therefore, lithosphere produced in a spreading cell influenced by a large transform may also be somewhat atypical.  相似文献   

The rift valley at three widely separated sites along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is characterized using geological and geophysical data. An analysis of bottom photographs and fine-scale bathymetry indicates that each study area has a unique detailed geology and structure. Spreading rates are apparently asymmetric at each site. Relationships between tectonic and volcanic structure and hydrothermal activity show that various stages in the evolution of the rift valley are most favorable for seafloor expression of hydrothermal activity. In a stage found at 26°08 N, site 1 (TAG), the rift valley is narrow, consisting of both a narrow volcanically active valley floor and inner walls with small overall slopes. High-temperature hydrothermal venting occurs along the faster spreading eastern inner wall of this U-shaped rift valley. Site 2 (16°46 N) has a narrow valley floor and wide block faulted walls and is at a stage where the rift valley is characterized by a V-shape. No neovolcanic zone is observed within the marginally faulted, predominantly sedimented floor and hydrothermal activity is not observed. The rift valley at site 3 (14°54 N), with postulated extrusive volcanic activity and a stage in valley evolution tending toward a U-shape, shows evidence of hydrothermal activity within the slightly faster spreading eastern inner wall. Evidence for tectonic activity (inward- and outward-facing faults and pervasive fissuring) exists throughout the wide inner wall. Hydrothermal activity appears to be favored within a U-shaped rift valley characterized by a narrow neovolcanic zone and secondarily faulted inner walls.  相似文献   

Magnetic data collected in conjunction with a Sea Beam bathymetric survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane Fracture Zone are used to constrain the spreading history of this area over the past 3 Ma. Two-dimensional forward modeling and inversion techniques are carried out, as well as a full three-dimensional inversion of the anomaly field along a 90-km-long section of the rift valley. Our results indicate that this portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, known as the MARK area, consists of two distinct spreading cells separated by a small, zero-offset transform or discordant zone near 23°10′ N, The youngest crust in the median valley is characterized by a series of distinct magnetization highs which coalesce to form two NNE-trending bands of high magnetization, one on the northern ridge segment which coincides with a large constructional volcanic ridge, and one along the southern ridge segment that is associated with a string of small axial volcanos. These two magnetization highs overlap between 23° N and 23°10° N forming a non-transform offset that may be a slow spreading ridge analogue of the small ridge axis discontinuities found on the East Pacific Rise. The crustal magnetizations in this overlap zone are generally low, although an anomalous, ESE-trending magnetization high of unknown origin is also present in this area. The present-day segmentation of spreading in the MARK area was inherited from an earlier ridge-transform-ridge geometry through a series of small (∼ 10 km) eastward ridge jumps. These small ridge jumps were caused by a relocation of the neovolcanic zone within the median valley and have resulted in an overall pattern of asymmetric spreading with faster rates to the west (14 mm yr−1) than to the east (11 mm yr−1). Although the detailed magnetic survey described in this paper extends out to only 3 Ma old crust, a regional compilation of magnetic data from this area by Schoutenet al. (1985) indicates that the relative positions and dimensions of the spreading cells, and the pattern of asymmetric spreading seen in the MARK area during the past 3 Ma, have characterized this part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge for at least the past 36 Ma.  相似文献   

南大西洋沉积物中多环芳香化合物的组成特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
10 samples of sediments obtained from the South Mid-Atlantic Ridge were measured for the abundances and distributions of polycyclic aromatic compounds(PAHs). The total concentrations of PAHs(∑PAHs) ranged from 2.768 to 9.826 μg/g dry sediment. The ∑PAHs was higher in sample 22V-TVG10 and sample 26V-TVG05 which were close to hydrothermal fields, with the lowest value in sample 22V-TVG14 which was farthest from hydrothermal fields, suggesting a probable hydrothermal origin of ∑PAHs of samples. Approximately nine kinds of PAHs were identified, and low molecular mass tricyclic and tetracyclic aromatic compounds were predominant in the samples. The concentrations of fluoranthene which were typical as hydrothermal alteration compounds were the highest among PAHs with dry weight between 0.913–3.157 μg/g. The phenanthrene homologue was most abundant in the samples, and the ratios between parent phenanthrene and methylphenanthrene which probably reflected the degree of hydrothermal alteration ranged from 0.097 to 1.602. The sample 22V-TVG10 possessing a maximum ratio value showed the intense influence of the hydrothermal alteration on this sample, which might further imply that PAHs in sediments were mainly derived from the hydrothermal alteration.  相似文献   

TheSnake Pit Hydrothermal Site lies on the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 23°22′ N latitude, about 30 km south of the Kane Transform Intersection. Active ‘black smoker’ vents and a surrounding field of hydrothermal sediment occur at the crest of a laterally extensive neovolcanic ridge. It is one of the first active hydrothermal vent fields to be found on a slow-spreading ridge axis and despite significant differences in its geologic setting from those of the East Pacific Rise, has many similarities to its fast-spreading counterparts. Although preliminary reports have documented many interesting aspects of these vents and their surroundings, new data collected from the manned submersible ALVIN and the deep-towed ANGUS camera system define the regional tectonic setting as well as the local geologic environment of this fascinating area. The Snake Pit vents are located on a local peak of a volcanic constructional ridge at a depth of 3450 m, 700–800 m deeper than vents known from the East Pacific Rise, Galapagos, or Juan de Fuca spreading centers. The vent field is at least 600 m long and up to 200 m wide and is covered by a thick blanket of greenish to yellow-orange hydrothermal sediment. Both active and extinct vents are perched along the crests of steep-sided sulfide mounds that reach heights of over 40 m. High-temperature (350° C) fluids are vented from black smoker chimneys and low-temperature (226° C) fluids seep from sulphide domes and subordinate anhydrite constructions. Water temperatures, flow rates, fluid chemistries, and mineralization are strikingly similar to vents of faster spreading ridge crests; however, a somewhat distinct fauna inhabit the area.  相似文献   

Seismicity in ocean ridge-transform systems reveals fundamental processes of mid-ocean ridges, while comparisons of seismicity in different oceans remain rare due to a lack of detection of small events. From 1996 to2003, the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA/PMEL) deployed several hydrophones in the eastern Pacific Ocean and the northern Atlantic Ocean.These hydrophones recorded earthquakes with small magnitudes, providing us with...  相似文献   

Digital filters designed using wavelet theory are applied to high resolution deep-towed side-scan sonar data from the median valley walls, crestal mountains, and flanks of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 29°10 N. With proper tuning, the digital filters are able to identify the location, orientation, length, and width of highly reflective linear features in sonar images. These features are presumed to represent the acoustic backscatter from axis-facing normal faults. The fault locations obtained from the digital filters are well correlated with visual geologic interpretation of the images. The side-scan sonar images are also compared with swath bathymetry from the same area. The digitally filtered bathymetry images contain nine of the eleven faults identified by eye in the detailed geologic interpretation of the side-scan data. Faults with widths (measured perpendicular to their strike) of less than about 150 m are missed in the bathymetry analysis due to the coarser resolution of these data. This digital image processing technique demonstrates the potential of wavelet-based analysis to reduce subjectivity and labor involved in mapping and analyzing topographic features in side-scan sonar and bathymetric image data.  相似文献   

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