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邵叶  周青云 《华南地震》2019,39(2):86-91
利用云南省宾川主动源基地周边10km范围内7个流动台站2017年2月气枪震源集中激发时段记录的气枪信号,使用干涉法计算了直接使用波形和将波形与参考台反褶积后的格林函数两种处理方法下气枪信号的走时变化。使用了气枪震源附近不同方位角的两个参考台的数据,以分析不同参考台对走时变化结果的影响。结果表明:反褶积能较为有效的压制气枪震源的时间、空间和频谱轻微不重复性导致的走时变化;反褶积能降低一些来源不明的伪走时变化;使用CKT2的数据反褶积的结果略优于CKT0,其可能原因是气枪阵列沿方位角的非均匀辐射。  相似文献   

本文基于宾川气枪地震信号发射台激发的地震波信号,利用线性叠加和时频域相位加权叠加方法提高信噪比,通过反褶积、插值拟合和波形互相关等方法,获得2021年漾濞M;6.4地震前后气枪震源初至波信号走时变化特征.结果表明两种叠加方法得到的走时变化趋势基本一致,在沿发震断裂带附近的3个台站观测到的初至波走时延迟为7.3~14.4 ms,在射线路径上平均波速降低了0.08%~0.12%,距离震中位置较远的台站走时延迟为2~6 ms.分析认为,观测到的走时变化主要是漾濞M;6.4地震引起强地面运动造成浅层介质疏松、同震破裂导致震源区地下介质裂隙增加和地下流体侵入等共同作用造成,相关研究成果有助于加深和促进对此次地震震源物理过程的认识和了解.  相似文献   

以新疆2次5级左右地震为震例样本,选取震中附近石河子台、石场台和乌苏台记录的2013年8月以来的气枪震源信号数据,依据反射波震相,采用互相关检测技术等,研究2次5级左右地震前走时变化特征,得到如下研究结果:1根据单双层"3400走时表"速度模型,参考理论Pm P走时选取震相窗是可靠的;22次5级左右地震前3个台站记录的Pm P走时变化均出现4个月和2个月左右不同程度的低值异常过程,相对走时变化幅度约为0.1%~0.26%,距震中较近的石河子台、石场台的异常特征显著于较远的乌苏台;32次5级左右地震前走时异常变化时间和幅度均存在差异,这可能与震级和震中位置有关。  相似文献   

利用主动震源检测汶川地震余震引起的浅层波速变化   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
为了监测汶川地震后断裂带附近的波速变化,2008年6月,我们利用快速响应探测系统,在龙门山断裂带北端进行了为期3周的连续观测实验.实验使用电动落锤作为主动震源,GPS连续同步授时的高精度数采作为接收系统.利用记录到的高时间精度观测数据,结合互相关时延检测技术,计算了P波和面波走时的相对变化,来表征地下波速的变化.我们观测到两次面波波速的异常变化,变化幅度最高达到2%,远远大于气压变化所能引起的波速变化.结合该时段内地震活动记录,我们认为面波的波速变化是由在附近发生的两次地震事件的同震效应引起的,该观测结果同理论计算结果相符.  相似文献   

以2017年3月27日漾濞5.1级地震为例,根据区域特性和信噪比要求,选取数据较为完整的6个台站记录的2017年1月1日~6月6日期间的宾川地震信号发射台气枪震源波形资料,采用互相关检测技术提取6个台站各自稳定震相的走时数据,并对漾濞5.1级地震前后走时数据的变化情况进行分析。结果表明,漾濞5.1级地震前后6个台站各自稳定震相存在较为明显的走时变化,且短期内走时变化具有较好的同步性,相关台站异常幅度大小和异常出现时间存在细小差异。地震发生前,6个台站走时低值异常过程明显,以YUL台最为显著。地震发生前后走时变化形态特征为双“V”型,漾濞5.1级地震发生在第1个“V”型末端。地震发生后,不同方位相关台站受地震的影响程度不同,走时波动大小存在差异。  相似文献   

在离1995年兵库县南部地震(M=7.2)震源区近100km的两个台上观测到脉冲式的同震地磁变化。在该工震对其最大幅度为0.6 ̄1.0nT,而持续时间为20 ̄30s。在发震时刻及其之后17s地震波到达观测点之前,这些变化看来就已经开始了。对余震的叠加时间分析亦揭示了类似的地磁变化,尽管其幅度比主震时小一个量级。作为这种同震地磁变化的可能原因,讨论了地壳电动机制。  相似文献   

利用青海台网记录清晰的P波震相资料,根据单层地壳模型地震走时方程,计算了P波速度和震源深度,得到直达波速度正态分布置信区间为5.96~6.09 km/s,首波波速度置信区间为7.69~8.06 km/s,震源深度置信区间为5.6~5.8 km。  相似文献   

采用叠加、互相关、插值拟合等方法对祁连山气枪主动源台网数据进行处理,针对2016年1月21日青海门源6.4级地震前后气枪激发地震P波、S波震相的走时变化特征进行了分析,结果表明,地震前约6个月时,震中附近3个台站的相对走时出现下降变化(走时减少),至震前约3个月时低值异常恢复正常,之后再次出现走时下降变化,地震即发生于走时变化恢复过程中。S波走时变化最大下降幅度达18ms,震后走时变化逐渐恢复正常,且3个台站变化趋势较为一致,其中,距震中最近的台站的S波走时变化最明显(ZDY38台),较远台站的走时变化幅度较小,其变化特征与震源区位置有关。走时缩短意味着速度增加,可能与区域应力积累间存在一定的关系。  相似文献   

锦州地震台钻孔应变同震变化观测资料分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体积式应变仪是测量地应力应变变化的一种地震前兆手段。对其大量的观测资料进行同震变化与阶跃的整理与收集,系统地进行研究、分析、总结同震变化;利用TJ-1C型体应变仪记录曲线的同震变化来探讨地震时应力应变运动与构造断层间的微弱错动。将提高我们运用观测资料的能力,有助于地震预报水平的提高。  相似文献   

李万金 《地震研究》2012,35(2):288-294,296
通过对现有地震分析软件所配置的震相走时表文件的结构类型及优劣进行分析,将震相走时表分为4种组合结构并分析其实用性。在IASPEI91震相走时表文件结构的基础上进行修改、补充和完善,从而提出了一种安全性高、适用面广、灵活性强、能存储各种结构走时表的新型走时表文件结构。应用这种新型结构震相走时表,地震分析软件可以灵活配置不同的走时表,实现精细定位,并为数字化测震台网快速利用测震资料编制和应用高精度的区域震相走时表创造了条件,对于地球深部构造研究具有一定的促进意义。  相似文献   

Because of the different excitation conditions of the airgun source, there will be subtle differences in airgun signals. Travel time variation of airgun signals often mix into source information which can''t fully reflect the evolution of the medium. This article uses the airgun signals from the Binchuan Transmitting Seismic Station to analyze the airgun signal''s characteristics of phase and correlation. We conducted a comparative analysis of the effects of the pair difference method and the deconvolution method on eliminating the influence of the excitation conditions in travel time variation. The results show that:(1) The pressure pulse and its subsequent wave of airgun source wavelet are less affected by excitation conditions that we can use it to obtain high-precision excitation moments. (2) Deconvolution can improve the correlation of the airgun signal. (3) The pair difference method can''t eliminate the influence of excitation conditions in travel time variation. Deconvolution can reduce excitation condition interference and the influence of the excitation condition in the travel time variation after deconvolution of the vertical signal is significantly reduced.  相似文献   

On the basis of the airgun source signals recorded by the stations from January, 2016 to June, 2017, we use cross-correlation detection technology to obtain the characteristics of the stable phase travel time change of each station. We used the Yunlong MS5.0 and Yangbi MS5.1 earthquakes as samples. According to regional characteristics, 13 stations with high signal-to-noise ratios and complete data were selected (including 3 fixed stations and 10 active source stations). They are divided into four regions, and on the basis of the GNSS baseline data, the characteristics of regional wave velocity changes before and after the earthquake are analyzed. The results show that the station phase travel time change and the regional stress characteristics represented by the GNSS baseline data have good correlation in the short-term. Due to different degrees of regional stress, there are differences in the travel time changes of different stations in the four regions. Before the Yunlong MS5.0 and Yangbi MS5.1 earthquakes, with regional stress adjustment, there is an upward trend in the travel time changes of related stations in the adjacent areas of up to 0.02s. The difference is that there are differences in the time nodes and duration of the travel time anomalies, and there is a reverse descent process after the Yangbi MS5.1 earthquake. There are different degrees of travel time fluctuations in the relevant stations before and after the two earthquakes, but the fluctuation range before and after the earthquake was small. Compared with the water level change of the reservoir, the adjustment of the regional stress is more likely to have a substantial impact on the travel time changes of the relevant stations.  相似文献   

Based on the data recorded by the observation network during the intensive excitation period from November to December 2015 at Binchuan Earthquake Signal Transmitting Seismic Station (BESTSS) in Yunnan Province,the noise in waveform recording is removed by S-transform template filtering method,and the azimuth of airgun signal propagation is calculated and analyzed from the horizontal waveform recordings. The results show that:① the azimuth angle of airgun signal after propagation is sensitive to stress change,and can clearly reflect the diurnal variation of tidal stress,which can be used to monitor the change of stress state in crustal medium;② the azimuth angle of airgun signal in some stations has changed abruptly after propagation on December 4,which may be related to the change of airgun source;③ five-shot superposition or fivepoint smoothing of azimuth angle of single shot are carried out for airgun signals in stations far away from epicenter,and results show that azimuth angle from superposition or smoothing is more stable and has clear diurnal variation characteristics after propagation.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the application of dynamic programming method to calculate the relative change of wave velocities and compares its similarities and differences with the cross-correlation delay estimation method based on interference. The results show that:①the trend of wave velocities obtained by cross-correlation method and dynamic programming method are consistent. Besides,it is considered that the calculated result using cross-correlation delay method is reliable.② Compared with the cross-correlation delay method,the calculated result of the dynamic programming method has a magnifying effect and is more sensitive to small disturbances.③ Under ideal conditions,the wave velocity change trend calculated by P-wave and S-wave phase should be consistent. In addition,the cross-correlation delay method is used to calculate the wave velocity change.Under appropriate conditions,the process of recovering from the suspected wave velocity before the M_L1. 1 earthquake near the airgun source can be observed.  相似文献   

Using the signals excited by the large-volume airgun source at the Binchuan transmitting seismic station from January to June, 2016, arrival-time data was acquired at four stations near the epicenter of the Eryuan MS4.5 and MS4.0 earthquakes on February 8, 2016, as well as the epicenter of the Yunlong MS5.0 and Eryuan MS4.6 earthquakes on May 18, 2016 through the waveform cross-correlation technique. The wave velocity ratio of the four stations was calculated using the single-station method. At the same time, the b-value and the focal mechanism consistency parameters of the study area were also calculated. The results show that:(1) the wave velocity ratio of each station experienced a process of decline-recovery-fast rise before the two strong earthquakes, and a significant quasi-synchronous rapid rise occurred within 3-12 days before the earthquake; (2) the timing of the rapid rise of the wave velocity ratio of the four stations before the Yunlong MS5.0 and Eryuan MS4.6 earthquakes were related to the epicentral distance. The station which observed the earliest increase in rapid rise is the farthest one from the epicenter, and the station where the rapid rise appeared in the latest is closest to the epicenter; (3) the form of change of the wave velocity ratio before the earthquake was different between stations located at different directions in the epicenter area; (4) the b-value and the focal mechanism consistency parameter which is commonly used to characterize the stress level both showed a downward trend before the two strong earthquakes, and were consistent with the change in the wave velocity ratio. According to the preliminary analysis, the wave velocity ratio obtained by using airgun source can better reflect the change in the stress state of the underground medium.  相似文献   

基于云南宾川气枪主动源激发实验数据,对气枪震源水中能量辐射特性进行了分析研究,得到了气枪震源水中激发脉动气泡周期和最大半径的经验计算公式。结果表明:(1)气枪震源的能量辐射效率在垂直向下方向要高于水平方向;(2)垂直向下的气泡能辐射效率随着供气压力的增加而增大;(3)供气压力为15MPa时,气枪震源垂直向下的能量辐射效率为9.4%;(4)供气压力越大,气枪震源压力波叠加增强的持续距离越远。  相似文献   

气枪震源资料反褶积方法及处理流程研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
气枪震源具有极高的可重复性,可用于地下介质变化的监测。但不同工作条件下气枪震源产生的信号会存在细微差异,反褶积方法能在一定程度上消除由震源变化引起的记录信号变化。为了去除气枪震源子波信号,获取气枪源到台站之间的格林函数,通常需要选取一种恰当的方法对地震波形数据进行反褶积处理。频率域水准反褶积和时间域迭代反褶积是在接收函数等领域已被广泛使用的2种反褶积方法。本文以云南宾川主动源资料为例,对比了利用这2种方法处理气枪震源资料的效果,结果表明:在计算效率方面,频率域水准反褶积方法更具优势;在处理结果的信噪比方面,时间域迭代反褶积方法表现更好,P波初至也更清晰。此外,进一步讨论了在多炮资料的处理过程中反褶积和叠加等操作的顺序问题,最后提出了从气枪震源资料中提取气枪源到台站之间的格林函数的一般流程。  相似文献   

利用祁连山主动源观测系统记录的气枪激发信号资料,通过滤波、叠加、反褶积、互相关等处理,获得了观测系统各台站P波不同震相走时变化数据,发现2019年9月16日张掖M5.0地震前震源区附近台站存在一定的P波走时变化,表明震源区地下结构在震前存在应力状态的改变。  相似文献   

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