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This paper presents the structural response of a fast and relatively small, composite materials catamaran to slamming loads. Finite element method is used to provide valuable information in order to optimise the design of the catamaran. The analysis is carried out using ANSYS 6.0 finite element software.The response of the structure to quasi-static slamming loads according to Det Norske Veritas High Speed and Light Craft crest landing and hollow landing rules [DNV, 1999] has been implemented and studied. An optimisation study for the structural response is carried out by changing the ply orientation in the vessel and suitable recommendations are made.  相似文献   

The superstructures of marine structures supported by the elastic legs and located in the splash zone will subject to violent wave slamming and vibrate consequently during storms. A series of model tests are carried out to investigate the wave impacting on the open structures supported elastically. Three kinds of models with different natural frequencies are designed. The characteristics of the wave pressures on the three models are compared. The durations of the uplift forces and the corresponding accelerations of the structure during wave impact are analyzed simultaneously. The distributions of the peak impact pressures on the subfaces of the plates with different supporting stiffness are given. The relationship between the uplift force on the three models and the relative clearance are obtained. The spectral properties of the slamming loads on the three different structures are compared. The experimental results indicate that the behaviors of the impact pressures, the uplift forces and accelerations of the plates with small natural frequencies are obviously different from those of the plates with larger natural frequencies within the range of the experimental parameters.  相似文献   

利用瞬态全场测量技术———粒子图像测速(PIV)技术,研究了波浪对透空式建筑物上部结构冲击过程的流场变化特性。通过对采集到的CCD图像互相关分析,直观地显示了波浪冲击作用发生时结构物底面的流场状态,得到瞬间全场流体水质点速度矢量,并且应用概率分析法研究了冲击压力峰值与波浪水质点运动速度之间的关系。  相似文献   

通过自由落体的入水方式,分别在静水和规则波中开展了两种不同横剖面的曲面楔形体入水砰击问题试验研究。使用高速摄像系统记录楔形体入水过程流场演变和运动特性,采用加速度传感器和压力传感器进行数据的动态采集。试验结果表明,在静水中入水时,外凸剖面楔形体入水砰击后模型两侧的射流飞溅比反曲剖面更剧烈,而在楔形体前端的水面以下部分形成的气腔更小;在规则波中入水时,对于相同模型,在波峰和上跨零点相位下模型入水砰击后两侧的射流飞溅比在波谷相位更剧烈。相同工况时,反曲剖面模型所受砰击的加速度峰值和压力峰值更小;在相同的入水速度下,对于相同模型,波浪载荷和砰击载荷的共同作用会使模型所受砰击压力显著增大。  相似文献   

利用基于三维势流理论的Wasim软件,系统研究了在不同海况下大型豪华邮轮的耐波性能及作用在救生艇上的砰击载荷。首先计算豪华邮轮在规则波和不规则波中的运动响应,分析航速、浪向和海况对豪华邮轮运动响应的影响规律,然后计算救生艇在不同海况下砰击载荷的变化规律,根据变化规律评估救生艇在实际航行中的安全性。结果表明:豪华邮轮运动响应幅值随着航速和海况的增大整体呈增大趋势,规则波中横摇运动响应幅值在浪向90°时最大;当豪华邮轮处于4级和6级海况时救生艇不发生砰击;当豪华邮轮处于8级海况且航速大于10.29 m/s时救生艇发生砰击,为保证救生艇的安全,邮轮应避免在浪向120°和浪向150°下航行,此时建议邮轮以低于12.35 m/s的航速迎浪180°航行。  相似文献   

The results of an elaborate experimental investigation on bottom slamming of axisymmetric objects are presented. Drop tests have been performed on a hemisphere and two conical shapes with different deadrise angles. The test setup is designed so as to prevent small rotations of the test objects which cause scatter in the measurement data. The pressure distribution and evolution as well as the body motion parameters are measured during impact. By means of a high speed camera the water uprise is visualized and the wetting factor is determined for the cones. The results are compared with a three-dimensional asymptotic theory for axisymmetric rigid bodies with constant entry velocity. The ratio between the registered peak pressures and the asymptotic theory are in accordance with comparable experiments in the literature. The asymptotic theory, however, is found to be quite conservative, since the measured peak pressure levels appear to be approximately 50% to 75% of the theoretical levels.  相似文献   

This paper is the continuation of the work described in [14], dedicated to the presentation of the results of propeller performance in behind-hull during straight ahead motion obtained by a novel experimental set-up for the measurements of single blade loads. In the present case, the study shows and discusses the single blade and propeller loads developed during steady turning conditions, that were simulated by means of free running, self propelled maneuvering tests for a twin screw configuration. Maneuvering conditions are critical for the ship propulsion system, because the performance of the propeller and the side effects related to its functioning (propeller–hull induced pressure and vibrations, noise) are completely different with respect to the design condition in straight ahead motion. Thrust and torque and generation of in-plane loads (force and moments), developed by the blade during the period, evolve differently for the two propellers, due to different propeller–wake interactions. The understanding and the accurate quantification of propeller loads, in these realistic operative scenarios, are pivotal to design low emission and comfortable ships, fulfilling the requirements of safety and continuity of operations at sea. The analysis is carried out revisiting the investigation in [14] for three different speeds (FN = 0.26, 0.34 and 0.40) and a large set of rudder angles that span moderate and tight maneuvers.  相似文献   

Slamming pressures are predicted using a nonlinear ship motion program whose input is an ensemble of short wave trains tailored to produce a large, linear pitch response. These short wave trains are calculated via a design methodology that first creates short time series containing a specified, large ship response and then back-calculates the incident wave trains using linear systems theory. The background simulations and theory used to create these short time series are presented here. Monte Carlo simulation of moderately rare events of a random process indicate the random Fourier component phase PDFs are non-uniform, non-identically distributed, and dependent on the rarity of the target event. These PDFs are modeled using a single parameter, Modified Gaussian distribution and used to generate design time series with a given expected value at a specific time. To predict rare events without resorting to Monte Carlo simulation, the parameters of the Modified Gaussian distributions are calculated via characteristic function comparison. The characteristic functions compare a target PDF calculated from extreme value theory to a PDF based on a discrete Fourier representation of the stochastic process with non-uniform component phases. The comparison to extreme value theory helps to quantify the risk associated with rare events.  相似文献   

水深对超大型FPSO波浪载荷响应影响试验研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
随着超大型浮式生产储卸油装置FPSO(floating production storing and offloading)在渤海浅水海域的广泛应用,水深对FP—SO波浪载荷响应的影响问题突现出来。对缩尺比为1:100的三模块分节模型进行了水深对超大型FPSO波浪载荷响应影响的试验研究,试验结果表明水深对FPSO波浪诱导载荷的影响很大。  相似文献   

Recently, the naval industry has continued to develop innovative lightweight structural concepts with the purpose of seeking alternative replacements for conventional plate–beam metallic structures in selected areas of ships. This study investigated the optimum design of metallic corrugated core sandwich panels subjected to blast loads by using a combined algorithm, the Feasible Direction Method (FDM) coupled with the Backtrack Program Method (BPM), in which the corrugation leg, corrugation angle, face sheet thickness, core thickness and corrugation pitch are selected as design variables, and the axial compression, bending and buckling constraints and the side constraints of the manufacturing limitations on the sizes are considered. A corrugated core sandwich panel model in the combatant deckhouse of a naval ship is adopted in the optimum study. The results show that the corrugation leg, corrugation angle and core thickness are most important for the core component, and that the corrugation leg and face sheet thickness are most important for the face sheet component. The significance of the design varibles is discussed in detail. Optimization results may provide a useful reference for designers.  相似文献   

为了研究独立高斯型波群在中等水深条件下的非线性演化情况,进行了多种波况的物理试验,重点分析了波浪各要素对波群非线性演化的影响。试验结果表明,波陡在波群演化中占主导作用,其次是波群的谱宽,前者引起的非线性主要体现在高阶谐波的能量变化而后者引起的非线性主要体现在自由波能量的变化。频带下移现象只在大波陡情况下才会发生,随着波陡的增加,频带下移发生的相对更早,随着波群的谱变窄,频带下移相对越明显。波陡的增加会使得波群更早的开始分裂。大波陡的波群在演化中会发生破碎,破碎的类型以崩破为主,并且崩破是间歇发生的,连续崩破发生的距离约为1.0~1.5倍波长。此外,破碎引起的能量损耗主要来源于主频和高频成分波,耗散率约10%~18%,平均每个崩破能耗约为初始能量的2%。  相似文献   

Motions and slamming impact on catamaran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Prediction of craft motions and the dynamic loads acting on a catamaran hull are of great importance to the designer. This paper presents the motions of a Vosper International catamaran in head seas with and without forward speed. Two approaches are used—strip theory and the 3D pulsating source method. A method to predict slamming loads acting on this catamaran section using Computational Fluid Dynamics is presented. The loads acting on catamaran hulls and the cross structure are illustrated.  相似文献   

The experimental investigation of unidirectional random wave slamming on the three-dimensional structure in the splash zone is presented. The experiment is conducted in the marine environment channel in the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology. The test wave is unidirectional irregular wave. The experiments are carried out with perpendicular random waves (β=0°) and oblique random waves (β=15°, 30°, 45°), the significant wave heights H1/3 ranging from 7.5 to 20 cm with 2.5 cm increment, the peak wave periods Tp ranging from 0.75 to 2.0 s with 0.25 s increment, and the clearance of the model with respect to the significant wave height s/H1/3 ranging from 0.0 to 0.5 with 0.1 increment. The statistical analysis results of different test cases are presented. The statistical distribution characteristics of the perpendicular irregular wave impact pressures are compared with that of the oblique irregular wave on the underside of the structure. The effect of the wave direction β on the wave impact forces on the underside of the structure is determined. The relation between the impact forces and the parameters such as the significant wave height, the relative structure width and the relative clearance of the structure is also discussed.  相似文献   

We present an experimental investigation of a free-running manoeuvring inland waterway ship at extreme shallow water conditions. Physical tests of zig-zag manoeuvres at two different water depths were performed in model scale and investigated with regards to the effects of limited under-keel clearance. Experimental data comprise results from repeatability studies and may serve for validation of manoeuvring simulations.  相似文献   

A series of flow induced vibration (FIV) experiments for an equilateral triangle prism elastically mounted in a water channel are performed with different system stiffness at constant damping and mass. An amplitude variation coefficient is proposed to describe FIV stationarity in the present study. The FIV of the prism can be divided into three primary regions based on the amplitude and frequency responses, which are the vortex induced vibration (VIV) branch, the transition branch from VIV to galloping, and the galloping branch. The transition branch occurs at the reduced velocity in the range of 7.8 < Ur = U/(fn,air·D) < 10.4, accompanied with a relatively rapid increase in amplitude and a precipitous drop in frequency and vibration stationarity. In addition, the reduced velocity where the transition region is initiated is independent of the system stiffness. The maximum amplitude reaches 3.17 D in the galloping branch. The ratio of the response frequency to the natural frequency of the prism in air remains locked to approximately 0.65 throughout the fully developed galloping branch. Large amplitude responses in an infinite range of flow velocities, excellent vibration stationarity and steady vibration frequencies, which are characteristics of the galloping of the prism, have a positive impact on improving energy conversion.  相似文献   

The understanding and the accurate assessment of propeller loads in realistic operative scenario, both design and off-design conditions, is of paramount importance to design low emission and comfortable ships, fulfilling the requirements of structural integrity of the propulsion system, safety and continuity of operations at sea. To this purpose, a deeper characterization of the propeller functioning, in terms of averaged and fluctuating loads, can be attained by means of the quantification of the single blade loads. In this work, a novel set up that allows to monitor the loads developed by a single blade was implemented on a free running, self propelled maneuvering model with the aim to investigate in details the hydrodynamic interactions between the spatially non-homogeneous and time-variant wake of the hull and the propeller and a complete characterization of its performance. This preliminary work introduces the experimental setup and provides a preliminary overview of the results relative to straight ahead motion.  相似文献   

Experiments and numerical methods are developed to investigate the water entry of a freefall wedge with a focus on the evolution of the pressure on the impact sides (the side contacting water) and the top side (the dry side on the top of the wedge), evolution of the global hydrodynamic loads, evolution of the air–water interface, and wedge motion. It is found that a typical water entry of a freefall wedge can be divided into slamming, transition, collapse and post-closure stages. A single-fluid numerical model is presented to simulate the first three stages. The results are compared to experiments and good agreements are obtained. A two-fluid BEM is proposed to investigate the influence of the air flow before the closure of the cavity created on the top of the wedge. It is found that for the closure of the 2D cavity, the air flow starts to play an important role just before closure but due to the short duration, the influence of air flow on the body velocity and configuration of the air–water interface is limited.  相似文献   

Results of experimental study of aerodynamic forces acting on two ship models are presented and discussed in this paper. Measurements have been performed in a wind tunnel utilizing floating LNG platform and LNG carrier models. Tests were carried out for different cases of the position and location of the models, starting from testing single models at full range of flow attack angles and finishing with investigation of interaction effects between two vessels in wind condition. Results are presented in the graphical form of the plots for the surge and sway force and yaw moment coefficients and compared with some other experimental data and estimates obtained with the help of a generic approximate method.  相似文献   

斜向波浪作用下双层水平板式防波堤波浪荷载试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, systematic physical model tests were performed to investigate the wave forces on the twin-plate breakwater under irregular waves. Based on the experimental results, the effects of the relative plate width B/L,wave height Hs/D and incident angle θ0 on the wave forces were analyzed and discussed. The results showed that:(1) The envelopes of the total wave pressure were generally symmetrical along the direction of plate width under the incident angles(θ0) being 0°, 15°, 30°, 45° and 60°. In particular, the envelopes of wave pressure atθ0=30° were larger than all other cases.(2) The synchronous pressure distribution of the breakwater under oblique wave action was more complicated comparing to the normal incident waves.(3) Based on data analysis, an empirical formula was obtained to estimate the total vertical force of the twin-plate breakwater.This empirical formula can be a good reference for the design basis of engineering applications under specified wave conditions.  相似文献   

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