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While the importance of top‐down control by grazers in maintaining tropical reef community structure is well known, the effect of ‘fishing down the food web’, which simultaneously changes the abundance and size of herbivorous fishes, has received less attention. As many fishing practices target the biggest fish and regulations often set minimum size limits, understanding size‐dependency of this controlling force is important. We evaluated the hypothesis that reduction in the abundance and size of fish, regardless of species identity, reduces the role of herbivory in controlling algal abundance on reefs and assessed variation in efficacy of this top‐down control on different types of common macroalgae. We quantified herbivory rates within cages of differing opening sizes on assemblages of four common algal species (Padina boryana, Dictyota bartayresiana, Halimeda opuntia and Galaxaura fasciculata) on two fringing reefs in Moorea, French Polynesia. Small acanthurids (<15 cm length) were the dominant herbivorous fish while other herbivorous fish were rare. For the two most palatable algae, the majority of herbivory occurred in open plots, with herbivory reduced by >50% in the largest opening cages (6 × 6 cm) where the maximum size fish entering was 12 cm in length (mean = 7.6, SE = 0.4). Fish entering medium (4.5 × 4.5 cm openings, maximum fish length = 8 cm, mean = 6.3, SE = 0.4) and small (3 × 3 cm openings, no fish observed entering) cages had herbivory rates approximately equal to the control treatment (1 × 1 cm openings). Consumption varied among algal species, with minimal consumption of physically and chemically defended algae and no pattern across treatments. Our results demonstrate a need for management plans to not only maintain the overall abundance of herbivorous fish but to protect the largest sizes for effective top‐down control of algal communities.  相似文献   

The Maldivian archipelago comprises some of the most characteristic and significant world atoll systems, but the meiobenthic assemblages of these islands continue to be largely unknown. To investigate variations in meiofaunal spatial distribution and biodiversity in back‐reef platforms, three transects were studied, two at Felidhoo (the north and east sides) and one at South Malé. The sedimentological features of the samples obtained were also analyzed to further current knowledge on the relationships that exist between sediments and meiofauna. Our results reveal that the meiofaunal assemblage at these locations is well diversified and includes 20 major taxa. Nematodes and copepods are dominant, together forming 68% of the total meiofauna, followed by platyhelminthes, polychaetes and ostracods. The nematode assemblage is very rich and composed of 34 families and 123 genera – 96 of which (78%) set new records for the Maldives. The structures of the meiofaunal and nematode assemblages are relatively similar on the ‘large‐scale’ level (i.e. when the different platforms are compared) and reveal a low β‐diversity. However, significant dissimilarities were detected within each platform, emphasizing that such ‘small‐scale’ differences are the main factors determining the structure of the meiofauna and, in particular, the nematode assemblages. Although significant differences were not detected between the transects, greater levels of dissimilarity were recognized at North Felidhoo. Here, the building of inclined deposit layers plays a significant role in increasing the heterogeneity of the platform habitats and sediments, confirming the great importance of sediment granulometry as an environmental variable. Indeed, a close relationship is observed between meiofauna (especially for the nematodes) and grain size, which appears to control the structure, diversity and trophic composition of the Maldivian meiofauna assemblages, thus highlighting the high biodiversity existing in the medium‐coarse sands.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the differences between nutrient fluxes and particulate organic matter within an artificial reef system (AR) deployed in August 2002 off Faro (Algarve, Southern Portugal) and in a non-reef area (NRA), and how fluxes and suspended material may be affected by the hydrodynamic regime. Surveys to collect sediment cores, suspended/settled particles and overlying water samples were carried out by divers, from March (2006) to October (2007) in AR and NRA. Sediment cores and settled particles were collected to determine grain size, organic and inorganic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content. Overlying water and pore water samples were analysed for ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, dissolved organic nitrogen, dissolved organic phosphorus and chlorophyll a. Results from the period studied showed that: (1) the benthic export of dissolved N, P and Si was 2–3 times higher at AR; (2) the particulate organic carbon (POC), nitrogen (PON) and phosphorus (POP) in suspended/settled particles were about 1.5 times higher at AR; (3) at both AR and NRA, the benthic export of dissolved N, P and Si, during a calm weather period, was 2–4 times higher than during or immediately after a storm event; and (4) at both sites, particulate organic compounds (POC, PON and POP) increased about 20 times during a storm event. These findings suggest that both the nutrients transport from sediment to water column and the quantity/quality of suspended/settled particles were highly dependent on the existence of reef structures and on the hydrodynamic regime.  相似文献   

This study investigated differences in Symbiodinium diversity in the scleractinian coral species Agaricia lamarcki between shallow (20–25 m) and mesophotic (50–70 m) depths in the Northern Caribbean. Corals were sampled in each of four shallow sites (20–25 m; n = 18) and three mesophotic sites (50–70 m; n = 18) from Mona Island (Puerto Rico) and the US Virgin Islands during a mesophotic exploratory cruise and from the La Parguera shelf edge, off Southwestern Puerto Rico. Symbiodinium diversity was assessed using internal transcribed spacer 2 sequences clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Clustering resulted in eight clade C OTUs and one clade D OTU. Of these, there were three common Symbiodinium OTUs consisting of C3 and D1a.N14 in shallow reefs and C11.N4 in mesophotic reefs. Statistical tests (permutational multivariate analysis of variance and analysis of similarity) showed significant differences between clade C Symbiodinium OTUs in A. lamarcki colonies located at shallow and mesophotic depths, indicating symbiont zonation. Symbiodinium diversity in A. lamarcki from the Northern Caribbean is comparable to previous reports in the Southern Caribbean for this species. This is the first report of the thermal tolerant species Symbiodinium trenchii (D1a) in A. lamarcki.  相似文献   

The Flemish Pass Basin is a deep-water basin located offshore on the continental passive margin of the Grand Banks, eastern Newfoundland, which is currently a hydrocarbon exploration target. The current study investigates the petrographic characteristics and origin of carbonate cements in the Ti-3 Member, a primary clastic reservoir interval of the Bodhrán Formation (Upper Jurassic) in the Flemish Pass Basin.The Ti-3 sandstones with average Q86.0F3.1R10.9 contain various diagenetic minerals, including calcite, pyrite, quartz overgrowth, dolomite and siderite. Based on the volume of calcite cement, the investigated sandstones can be classified into (1) calcite-cemented intervals (>20% calcite), and (2) poorly calcite-cemented intervals (porous). Petrographic analysis shows that the dominant cement is intergranular poikilotopic (300–500 μm) calcite, which stared to form extensively at early diagenesis. The precipitation of calcite occured after feldspar leaching and was followed by corrosion of quartz grains. Intergranular calcite cement hosts all-liquid inclusions mainly in the crystal core, but rare primary two-phase (liquid and vapor) fluid inclusions in the rims ((with mean homogenization temperature (Th) of 70.2 ± 4.9 °C and salinity estimates of 8.8 ± 1.2 eq. wt.% NaCl). The mean δ18O and δ13C isotopic compositions of the intergranular calcite are −8.3 ± 1.2‰, VPDB and −3.0 ± 1.3‰, VPDB, respectively; whereas, fracture-filling calcite has more depleted δ18O but similar δ13C values. The shale normalized rare earth element (REESN) patterns of calcite are generally parallel and exhibit slightly negative Ce anomalies and positive Eu anomalies. Fluid-inclusion gas ratios (CO2/CH4 and N2/Ar) of calcite cement further confirms that diagenetic fluids originated from modified seawater. Combined evidence from petrographic, microthermometric and geochemical analyses suggest that (1) the intergranular calcite cement precipitated from diagenetic fluids of mixed marine and meteoric (riverine) waters in suboxic conditions; (2)the cement was sourced from the oxidation of organic matters and the dissolution of biogenic marine carbonates within sandstone beds or adjacent silty mudstones; and (3) the late phases of the intergranular and fracture-filling calcite cements were deposited from hot circulated basinal fluids.Calcite cementation acts as a main controlling factor on the reservoir quality in the Flemish Pass reservoir sandstones. Over 75% of initial porosity was lost due to the early calcite cementation. The development of secondary porosity (mostly enlarged, moldic pores) and throats by later calcite dissolution due to maturation of organic matters (e.g., hydrocarbon and coals), was the key process in improving the reservoir quality.  相似文献   

We have sampled particles of native aluminium (Al°) in two sediment cores from the Central Indian Basin (CIB). The cores are geographically separated but are located at the base of two seamounts. The native Al° particles occurring as grains and spherules, have an average Al content of  95% and are associated with volcanogenic–hydrothermal material. Morphologically and compositionally, the specimens are similar to those reported from the East Pacific Rise. After ruling out several processes for the presence of the native Al°, we hypothesize that during progressive melting of magma, a basaltic magma is produced which has high contents of reductants such as methane and hydrogen, and a low oxygen fugacity. During the upward migration of such magma, reduction to metallic aluminium and the formation of native Al° particles takes place.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are increasingly used as a management tool to preserve species and habitats. Testing hypotheses about the effectiveness of MPAs is important for their implementation and to identify informative criteria to support management decisions. This study tested the general proposition that MPAs affected assemblages of algae and invertebrates between 0.0 and 0.5 m above the mean low water level of rocky coasts on two islands in the Tuscan Archipelago (northwest Mediterranean). Protection was concentrated mainly on the west coasts of the islands, raising the possibility that neither the full range of assemblages nor the relevant scales of variation were properly represented within MPAs. This motivated the comparison of assemblages on opposite sides of islands (habitats). The effects of MPAs and habitat were assessed with a multifactorial sampling design; hypotheses were tested about differences in structure of assemblages, in mean abundance of common taxa and in univariate and multivariate measures of spatial variation. The design consisted of three replicate shores for each condition of protected and reference areas on the west side of each island and three unprotected shores on the eastern side. Assemblages were sampled independently four times on each island between June 1999 and January 2001. At each time of sampling two sites were selected randomly at each of two tidal heights to represent midshore and lowshore assemblages on each shore. Estimates of abundance were obtained using non-destructive sampling methods from five replicate 20x20 cm quadrats at each site. Results indicated differences among habitats in structure of assemblages, in mean abundance of common taxa and in univariate and multivariate measures of spatial variation at the scale of shores. Most of these patterns were inconsistent with the predicted effect of management through MPAs. The data suggest that designation of MPAs in the Tuscan Archipelago should proceed through management of multiple shores and types of habitat selected to guarantee protection to a representative sample of assemblages and to the processes responsible for maintenance of spatial patchiness at different scales. This study also shows that considerations of spatial heterogeneity are important to underpin management decisions about the number, size and location of MPAs.  相似文献   

The complexity of the relationships between environmental factors and organisms can be revealed by sampling designs which consider the contribution to variability of different temporal and spatial scales, compared to total variability. From a management perspective, a multi-scale approach can lead to time-saving.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide the first detailed data concerning the diet and feeding activity of the giant red shrimp, Aristaeomorpha foliacea, in the Eastern Ionian Sea (Eastern Mediterranean), in relation to season, size class and sex. Feeding activity in A. foliacea was intense, based on its low vacuity index and high prey diversity, with a diet dominated by mesopelagic prey and less frequent occurrence of benthic taxa. Giant red shrimp displayed a highly diversified diet that exhibited slight seasonal fluctuations. The diets of both sexes consisted of 60 different prey categories belonging chiefly to three groups: crustaceans (e.g. decapods, such as Plesionika spp. and Pasiphaeidae, amphipods), cephalopods (mainly Enoploteuthidae) and fishes (Myctophidae, Macrouridae). These three prey categories accounted for 72–82% of the relative abundance and total occurrence for males and 70–88% for females, respectively. Variation in food availability, as well as increased energy demands related to gonad development and breeding activity, appear to be critical factors driving temporal changes in feeding strategy. Feeding activity increased during spring and summer, which coincides with reproductive activities (mating, gonad maturation, egg‐laying). Females seem to be more active predators than males, consuming prey with greater swimming ability. However, ontogenetic shifts in diet were also apparent, despite high dietary overlap among small, medium and large females. Large individuals, which are more efficient predators, selected highly mobile prey (e.g. fishes), whereas small individuals consumed low‐mobility prey (e.g. copepods, ostracods, tanaids and sipunculans).  相似文献   

Cold seeps on the Hikurangi Margin off New Zealand exhibit various seabed morphologies producing different intensity patterns in sidescan backscatter images. Acoustic backscatter characteristics of 25 investigated seep sites fall into four distinct types characterised by variations in backscatter intensity, distribution and inferred structural heights. The types reflect different carbonate morphologies including up to 20-m-high structures (type 1), low-relief crusts (type 2), scattered blocks (type 3) and carbonate-free sites (type 4). Each seep corresponds to a single type; intermediates were not observed. This correlates well with published data on seep fauna at each site, with the four types representing three different faunal habitats of successive stages of seep development. Backscatter signatures in sidescan sonar images of cold seeps may therefore serve as a convenient proxy for variations in faunal habitats.  相似文献   

Although megafaunal organisms play an important role in deep benthic ecosystems and contribute significantly to benthic biomass in the Arctic little is known about their temporal dynamics. Here, we assessed the interannual dynamics of megafaunal organisms from the HAUSGARTEN observatory in the Fram Strait, an area where the effects of climatic forcing are particularly evident. We analysed three congruent camera transects taken in 2002, 2004 and 2007. Environmental parameters were measured in order to be able to put our faunal results into an environmental context.Our results indicate that although the densities of megafaunal species show different patterns over time, most exhibit an overall decrease between 2002 and 2007 and total megafaunal densities decreased regularly from 2002 to 2004 to 2007 (12.16±0.96 to 7.41±0.43 ind m−2). This concurs with a steady increase in bottom-water temperatures and a decrease in the total organic content and microbial biomass of surficial sediments at the same time period. Although suspension feeder densities also decreased, predator/scavenger and deposit feeder densities have declined to such an extent that suspension feeders accounted for almost 100% of the megafauna in 2007. It could thus be argued that the trophic diversity at the central HAUSGARTEN station (2500 m) has decreased. Temperature-related changes in the production of the surface layers may lead to changes in the quality and/or quantity of particles exported to the deep seafloor. The densities of deposit feeders (i.e. holothurians) peaked (1.14±0.13 ind m−2) in 2004, the year following the longest ice cover. These results indicate the importance of ice-related export of particles to the deep seafloor and highlight the need for time-series transects, especially in an era when productive marginal ice zones tend to disappear with the receding sea ice. Although there is a general consensus that the Arctic is in a transition towards a warmer state, only continued observation will allow us to assess if the interannual changes observed are a result of decadal cycles related to the Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillation or if they are indicators of long-term change.  相似文献   

A new population of vestimentiferan tubeworms was discovered during a recent expedition to a mud volcano field in the Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean Sea. Morphological data and mitochondrial cytochrome-c-oxidase subunit 1 (COI) sequences show that the Alboran tubeworm is essentially identical to Lamellibrachia sp. found in the eastern Mediterranean. This is the first record of a vestimentiferan species in the western basin of the Mediterranean, an area with direct connection to the Atlantic via the Strait of Gibraltar and therefore of great importance to the study of distributional patterns and evolution of Mediterranean species. We examine the current hypotheses on the biogeographic distribution of vestimentiferan species in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea and conclude that independently of when Lamellibrachia colonized the Mediterranean, neither the present hydrological settings of both Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, nor vestimentiferans reproductive biology are impeditive to the presence of the Mediterranean species of Lamellibrachia in the NE Atlantic. The West African and Lusitanian margins are the most likely places to find living populations of this species in the NE Atlantic.  相似文献   

Abstract. ω13C and ω15N of organic matter sources and consumers were employed to analyse trophic differentiation between a benthic consumer, Gobius niger (L., 1758) (Pisces, Osteichthyes), and a pelagic consumer, Atherina boyeri (Risso, 1810) (Pisces, Osteichthyes) in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Lake of Sabaudia) in winter and summer 1999. Trophic differences between the two species throughout the two sampling periods were related to the environmental trophic condition (i. e. nutrient and phytopigment concentrations). Although these two fish have different habitats, they both exploited benthic organisms, above all in summer. When the nutrient and phytopigment concentrations were higher (summer), the most abundant benthic organisms were the main food sources for both species. In winter A. boyeri apparently shifted its feeding preferences to include zooplankton, confirming its opportunistic feeding strategy. Par-ticulate organic matter and algae seemed to play the main trophic role in the food web structure. Benthic invertebrates used both sources, while zooplankton seemed to rely exclusively on the particulate fraction. The overlapping and very depleted signatures of sedimentary and particulate organic matter highlights a strong link between sediments and water column, rarely observed in other aquatic ecosystems using stable isotopes. Such a finding further substantiates the importance of particulate organic matter as a food source in the study area.  相似文献   

Cod populations in Newfoundland and Labrador waters have shown differing growth, condition and recruitment since near-universal declines in these properties during the cold period of the late 1980s and early 1990s. To assess the influence of variable prey communities on these parameters, we compared cod energetics and diet in populations off Labrador and the northeast and south coasts of Newfoundland. Many properties were highest in the southern group(s) and lowest in the northern group(s), including growth, somatic condition, liver index and age-at-maturity. Most differences could be explained by variations in diet, as measured by stomach contents and stable carbon isotopes (δ13C). The diet of Labrador cod consisted almost entirely of northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis), and these cod displayed the most benthic δ13C signatures. Northeast cod had a more varied diet that included capelin and other fish, but still had mostly benthic δ13C signatures, suggesting the importance of benthic prey like shrimp in this population. South coast cod exhibited the most varied diet, including capelin (Mallotus villosus), zooplankton, crabs and other fish, and had the most pelagic δ13C signatures. Among and within populations, the benefits of a more pelagic diet in medium-sized (30–69 cm) cod included higher somatic condition, higher liver index (lipid stores) and greater spawning potential (decreased incidence of atresia). It is hypothesized that major rebuilding of Newfoundland and Labrador cod stocks will require a return to a system that supports mostly pelagic feeding (i.e. capelin) in cod.  相似文献   

The widespread mud crab, Scylla serrata, of the Indo‐West Pacific is an excellent model species to demonstrate how the colonization history of a species can be influenced by complex oceanographic conditions. Through the combination of ecological data (fossil records and paleo‐oceanographic conditions) and molecular data (coalescent simulations, network analysis, and nucleotide diversity tests), the phylogeographic history of S. serrata was re‐analyzed. Based on the analysis of mtDNA cytochrome oxidase I sequences, two major clades were identified for S. serrata, including a widespread clade (Clade I) with three disjunct geographic clusters (IA, IB and IC) and an endemic Northwest Australian clade (Clade II). Moreover, a significant phylogeographic structure corresponding to four subpopulations was revealed: Northwest Australia, West Indian Ocean, Red Sea‐South China Sea and West Pacific. A colonization history of a Northwest Australia origin for S. serrata followed by westward transmarine dispersal across the Indian Ocean for Clade I and sequential colonization from the West Indian Ocean to Red Sea‐South China Sea and West Pacific was corroborated. The Pleistocene fluctuations of paleo‐oceanographic conditions including surface circulations and physical topography in the Indo‐West Pacific might be responsible for the wide distribution, colonization history and genetic divergence of this species.  相似文献   

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