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Keiko  Hattori  Simon  Wallis  Masaki  Enami  Tomoyuki  Mizukami 《Island Arc》2010,19(1):192-207
The Higashi-akaishi garnet-bearing ultramafic body in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, Southwest Japan, represents a rare example of oceanic-type ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. The body of 2 km × 5 km is composed mostly of anhydrous dunite with volumetrically minor lenses of clinopyroxene-rich rocks. Dunite samples contain high Ir-type platinum group elements (PGE) and Cr in bulk rocks, high Mg and Ni in olivine, and high Cr in spinel. On the other hand, clinopyroxene-rich rocks contain low concentrations of Ir-type PGE and Cr, high concentrations of fluid-mobile elements in bulk rocks, and low Ni and Mg in olivine. Clinopyroxene is diopsidic with low Al2O3. The compositions of bulk rocks and mineral chemistry of spinel, olivine, and clinopyroxene suggest that the olivine-dominated rocks are residual mantle peridotites after high degrees of influx partial melting, and that the clinopyroxene-rich rocks are cumulates of subduction-related melts. Thus, the Higashi-akaishi ultramafic body originated from the interior of the mantle wedge, most likely the forearc upper mantle. It was then incorporated into the Sanbagawa subduction channel by a mantle flow, and underwent high pressure metamorphism to a depth greater than 100 km. Such a strong active flow in the mantle wedge is likely facilitated by the lack of serpentinites along the interface between the slab and the overlying mantle, as it was too hot for serpentine. These unusually hot conditions and strong active mantle flow may reflect conditions in the earliest stage of development of subduction, and may have been maintained by massive upwelling and subsequent eastward flow of asthenospheric mantle in the northeastern Asian continent in Cretaceous time when the Sanbagawa belt began to form.  相似文献   

Detailed petrological work was carried out on serpentinized peridotite dredged and sampled by submersible from the southern part of the Mariana Trench to reveal the nature of the mantle wedge in the southern Mariana forearc. The southern part of the Mariana Trench is important in that we should expect to find a transect of a typical island arc structure; that is, from east to west, the Mariana forearc, the Mariana arc proper, the Mariana Trough (active back-arc spreading center), and the West Mariana Ridge (remnant arc). The most striking feature of peridotites from the southern part of the trench is that primary hornblende is a major constituent mineral in many specimens. Thus, the peridotite samples are divided into anhydrous (A-type), hydrous (H-type) and intermediate (I-type) groups. Petrological data suggest that each type of peridotite is a residue of extensive partial melting in the upper mantle. It is argued here that the I- and H-type peridotites were modified from `proto-A-type peridotite' by fluid infiltration. The fluid was enriched in Al, Ti, Fe, and alkalis, and may have caused changes in mineral and bulk chemical compositions of the peridotites. A-type peridotite derives from the `proto-A-type peridotite' directly, without any fluid contamination. After the formation of the `proto-A-, I-, and H-type peridotites', lower-temperature fluids, probably of seawater origin, produced retrograde metamorphism and alteration including serpentinization. The mantle wedge in the southern Mariana forearc was heterogeneous in fluid supply.  相似文献   

87Sr/86Sr ratios in the island-arc tholeiite series from the South Sandwich Islands cluster about a value of 0.7040. There is no apparent correlation of strontium isotope values with any major chemical component or with Rb/Sr ratios. The uniformity of the87Sr/86Sr values is consistent with the fractional crystallization relationship previously proposed for this suite. Though higher than values reported for ocean-floor tholeiites they are not significantly different from ratios reported for calc-alkaline island-arcs.  相似文献   

Abstract Ultramafic xenoliths found in alkali basalts from Jeju Island, Korea are mostly spinel lherzolites accompanied by subordinate amount of spinel harzburgites and pyroxenites. The combination of results from a two-pyroxene geothermometer and Ca-in-olivine geobarometer yields temperature–pressure (T–P) estimates for spinel peridotites that fall in experimentally determined spinel lherzolite field in CaO-Fe-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-Cr2O3 (CFMASCr) system. These T–P data sets have been used to construct the Quaternary Jeju Island geotherm, which defines a locus from about 13 kbar at 880°C to 26 kbar at 1040°C. The geothermal gradient of Jeju Island is greater than that of the conventional conductive models, and may be as a result of a thermal perturbation by the heat input into the lithospheric mantle via the passage and emplacement of magma. Spinel–lherzolite is the main constituent rock-type of the lithospheric mantle beneath Jeju Island. Pyroxenites may be intercalated in peridotites at similar depth and temperature as re-equilibrated veins or lenses.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2011,51(5):424-440
This study presents geochemical and fabric analysis of coarse-grained, porphyroclastic and mylonitic spinel peridotite xenoliths derived from the shallow subcontinental lithospheric mantle of Jeju Island (South Korea). Fabric analysis of olivines in the studied peridotites shows activation of the high temperature (0 1 0)[1 0 0] slip system; however, in the porphyroclastic and mylonitic peridotites, activation of (0 k l)[1 0 0] slip system results in a weaker fabric. Formation of porphyroclastic and mylonitic fabrics are thought to form in a shear-dominated environment. The results of the trace element analysis reveal that the smaller the grain size and weaker the fabric, the more enriched in LREE and HFSE are the peridotites, which indicates a strong relationship between metasomatic agents and mantle shear zones.  相似文献   

Abstract Interstitial pore waters from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1150, where ~1200 m of sub‐sea‐floor sediment from the upper Japan Trench forearc were recovered, were analyzed for element concentrations and Cl, Sr and B isotopes. Although chlorinity showed profound down‐hole freshening to values as low as ~310 mm (0.55 × seawater) in the deeper part of the claystone‐dominated succession, both Sr and B concentrations showed an overall increase. Sr reached concentrations of up to >250 µm (~3.00 × seawater), whereas B‐enrichment was even stronger (3920 µm; i.e. 9.30 × seawater). The strong variations in concentration correspond to fractionation reactions in the deep, tectonically deformed part of the forearc. The heavily fractured portion of Site 1150 (from ~700 m to the total depth of the hole) has two shear zones that very likely act as conduits that expel deep‐seated fluids to the sea floor. These fluids not only showed the strongest freshening of Cl, but were also characterized by low δ37Cl measurements (down to ?1.1‰), the heaviest δ11B measurements (~40–46‰) and the least radiogenic 87Sr/ 86Sr measurements. The profound isotope anomalies together with the excursions in element concentrations suggest that diagenetic processes operate at that depth. These include clay mineral diagenesis, alteration of tephra from the Japan and Izu Arcs, and possibly transformation of biogenic silica from abundant diatoms. Given the strong enrichment of some mobile elements (e.g. Sr, B, Li), enhanced fluid flow through permeable penetrative faults through the forearc (like the shear zones at Site 1150) could be an efficient mechanism for back‐flux of those elements from the deep forearc into the hydrosphere.  相似文献   

Abstract   Abundant peridotite xenoliths have been found in pyroclasitics of Avacha (Avachinsky) volcano, the south Kamchatka arc, Russia. They are mostly refractory harzburgite with or without clinopyroxene: the Fo of olivine and Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio of spinel range from 91 to 92 and from 0.5 to 0.7, respectively. They are metasomatized to various extents, and the metasomatic orthopyroxene has been formed at the expense of olivine. The metasomatic orthopyroxene, free of deformation and exsolution, is characterized by low contents of CaO and Cr2O3. The complicated way of replacement possibly indicates low viscosity of the metasomatic agent, namely hydrous fluids released from the relatively cool slab beneath the south Kamchatka arc. This is a good contrast to the north Kamchatka arc, where the slab has been hot enough to provide slab-derived melts. High content of total orthopyroxene, 40 vol% on average, in metasomatized harzburgite from Avacha suggests silica enrichment of the mantle wedge, and is equivalent to some subcratonic harzburgite. Some subcratonic harzburgites therefore could have been formed by transportation of subarc metasomatized peridotites to a deeper part of the upper mantle.  相似文献   

The present study examines the petrology and geochemistry of the Early Paleozoic Motai serpentinites, the South Kitakami Belt, northeast Japan, to reveal the subduction processes and tectonics in the convergent margin of the Early Paleozoic proto-East Asian continent. Protoliths of the serpentinites are estimated to be harzburgite to dunite based on the observed amounts of bastite (orthopyroxene pseudomorph). Relic chromian spinel Cr# [=Cr/(Cr + Al)] increases with decreasing amount of bastite. The compositional range of chromian spinel is similar to that found in the Mariana forearc serpentinites. This fact suggests that the protoliths of the serpentinites are depleted mantle peridotites developed beneath the forearc regions of a subduction zone. The Motai serpentinites are divided into two types, namely, Types 1 and 2 serpentinites; the former are characterized by fine-grained antigorite and lack of olivine, and the latter have coarse-grained antigorite and inclusion-rich olivine. Ca-amphibole occurs as isolated crystals or vein-like aggregates in the Type 1 serpentinites and as needle-shaped minerals in the Type 2 serpentinites. Ca-amphibole of the Type 1 serpentinites is more enriched in LILEs and LREEs, suggesting the influence of hydrous fluids derived from slabs. By contrast, the mineral assemblage, mineral chemistry, and field distribution of the Type 2 serpentinites reflect the thermal effect of contact metamorphism by Cretaceous granite. The Ca-amphibole of the Type 1 serpentinites is different from that of the Hayachine–Miyamori Ophiolite in terms of origin; the latter was formed by the infiltration of melts produced in an Early Paleozoic arc–backarc system. Chemical characteristics of the Ca-amphibole in the ultramafic rocks in the South Kitakami Belt reflect the tectonics of an Early Paleozoic mantle wedge, and the formation of the Motai metamorphic rocks in the forearc region of the Hayachine–Miyamori subduction zone system, which occurred at the Early Paleozoic proto-East Asian continental margin.  相似文献   

During the Soviet-French survey carried out on board of the R.V. Akademik N. Strakhov, between Guadeloupe and Montserrat island in the central Lesser Antilles, evidence of submarine hydrothermal activity was discovered on the southeastern tip of the Shoe-Rock escarpment. The latter is part of a large, 130 km long, transverse structure, the Montserrat-Marie Galante fault, which crosses the Guadeloupe archipelago. Another locus of activity, probably of subdued importance nowadays, is represented by the d'Entrecasteaux dome, a small faulted seamount, located about 25 km to the SW of the former area.The evidence for hydrothermal activity is: (a) a wide range of values of conductive heat flow (q=6–11 mW/m2) and regular vertical variation at some sites with extreme values located close to the two above-mentioned features (average regional value, q = 105 mW/m2, s.d. = 32); (b) occurrence of secondary mineralizations (todorokite, nontronite, etc.) replacing locally the primary matrix of basal upper Pliocene deposits; (c) geochemical anomalies in seawater near the sea bottom, showing enrichment in mantle-derived 3He (δ3He up to 10.2%), correlated with a sharp Zn anomaly (content up to 523 ppb).Further investigations along the submerged segments of the Montserrat-Marie Galante fault should probably lead to other discoveries of hydrothermal venting and/or mineralizations.  相似文献   

Tanna, one of the southernmost islands of the New Hebrides volcanic arc, is made of Late Pliocene to Recent island arc tholeiitic basalts and andesites, with SiO2 contents ranging from 45 to 57%. These lavas are highly porphyritic (30–50% in volume): phenocrysts of plagioclase are the most abundant, together with olivine and clinopyroxene. The groundmass contain plagioclase, augite, olivine, magnetite and glass; pigeonite, tridymite, sanidine and, rarely, biotite may also occur. The olivines and clinopyroxenes show an iron enrichment from the cores of phenocrysts to their rims and the groundmass crystals, but their compositional variations are not correlated with the Mg/Fe ratio of bulk host rocks, the most Fe-rich compositions being found in Mg-rich lavas. Plagioclase compositions range from An95 to An60 in the basalts and An60 to An50 in the andesites, but, within each group, they are not correlated with SiO2 or Na2O contents of host lavas. Consequently, the bulk major element compositions of Tanna volcanic rocks cannot be considered as primarily controlled by crystal separation from successive liquids. The oxyde-SiO2 variations diagrams, and the modal compositions and mineral chemistry show that crystal accumulation is the predominant mechanism accounting for bulk rock compositions. However, this does not exclude fractional crystallization: the variation of the calculated groundmass mineralogy strongly suggest the occurrence of crystal removal mainly clinopyroxene and magnetite.  相似文献   

Monitoring of the remote South Sandwich Islands volcanic arc, using advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) data, has identified a radiant pixel on channels 3 (3.55–3.93 μm) and (rarely) 4 (10.3–11.3 μm). The position of the pixel is coincident with Mount Michael, Saunders Island, the active summit crater of a snow-covered basaltic stratovolcano with a persistent steam plume. The radiant pixel was continuously present in successive AVHRR images acquired during intervals of several months in the period examined (March 1995–February 1998), although apparently disappearing for similar time intervals. More than 5000 images were examined during this study. The radiant pixel is interpreted to indicate that the crater has contained a lava lake, the first to be recorded in the South Sandwich Islands. The lake appears to persist in the crater for several months at a time, at least. It may have drained completely at times and was probably absent when the crater was viewed briefly during an overflight in January 1997. Persistent or recurring lava lakes are very uncommon world-wide and that at Mount Michael is one of only two recorded in the Antarctic region.  相似文献   

In an attempt to quantify the extent of geochemical heterogeneity within a restricted and well dated portion of the upper mantle, 27 chromite separates from the 90 My old chromite deposits in the Mayarí–Baracoa ophiolite belt in eastern Cuba have been investigated for platinum group element (PGE) concentrations and Re–Os isotopic systematics. The samples are characterized by systematically subchondritic initial 187Os/188Os ratios and substantial heterogeneity. The initial 187Os/188Os ratios vary with chromite chemistry and with geographical distribution, reflecting differences in the Os isotopic evolution for the different upper mantle sections represented by the ophiolite. Accordingly, the Os isotope data might be divided into three groups. In the Moa–Baracoa district, where the chromite bodies are located in the mantle–crust transition zone, the calculated initial γOs values average − 0.97 ± 0.69 (n = 13). In the Sagua de Tanamo district, where chromite chemistry is highly variable and their location in relation the mantle sequence is less clear, the initial γOs values are intermediate, with an average of − 1.77 ± 0.80 (n = 7). In the Mayarí district, where the chromite bodies are located in the lower part of the mantle sequence, initial γOs values average − 2.66 ± 0.29 (n = 7). These subchondritic (i.e. negative) initial γOs values are most simply explained by Re depletion during ancient partial melting and/or melt percolation events.The Os isotope heterogeneity documented here indicates a high degree of geochemical complexity on small to intermediate length scales in the upper mantle. Our results, in combination with data on chromites from the literature, show that an “average present-day Os isotopic composition” for the hypothetical depleted MORB mantle (DMM) reservoir cannot be precisely established beyond the statement that it is “broadly chondritic”. Indeed, the upper mantle cannot be considered a sufficiently homogeneous geochemical “reservoir” to serve meaningfully as a baseline against which geochemical “anomalies” are evaluated. On the other hand, our findings are consistent with the “Statistical Upper Mantle Assemblage” or “SUMA”-concept, according to which a high level of geochemical heterogeneity is maintained in the upper mantle at all relevant length scales, as a result of the plate-tectonic cycle and intra-mantle processes such as melt-migration and metasomatism.  相似文献   

Kosuke  Maehara  Jinichiro  Maeda 《Island Arc》2004,13(3):452-465
Abstract   High-Ca boninitic inclusions are found in primitive low-K tholeiite from Mukoojima (Mukoo-Jima), an islet in the Hahajima Island group, Bonin (Ogasawara) forearc, Japan. While Chichijima Island group, 50 km north of Hahajima Island group, is well known as a type locality of boninite, there has been no report of boninitic rocks from the Hahajima Island group. The high-Ca boninitic inclusions are aphanitic and contain olivine, Ca-rich clinopyroxene, plagioclase, chromian spinel, opaque minerals and dark brown glass. The mode of occurrence of the inclusions and host tholeiite under the microscope indicates mingling of these two magmas, suggesting intimate association in space and time of the boninite and primitive tholeiite magmas around the Hahajima Island group in Paleogene time. Primitive compositions and slightly different Sr and Nd isotopic ratios suggest that these two magmas are derived from two distinct mantle sources. These two mantle sources were present at the same time around the Hahajima Island group, southern Bonin forearc. The source of the high-Ca boninite was higher in water content and/or shallower in depth compared to that of the primitive tholeiite.  相似文献   

The late Mesozoic antimony(Sb)mineralization belt in South China hosts a large portion of the world’s Sb reserves.However,the source and mineralization processes of these Sb deposits remain controversial.Here,we measured mercury(Hg)concentrations and isotopic compositions of stibnite in the Banpo Sb-only and Woxi Sbpolymetallic ore deposits,as well as associated rocks in the Yangtze Block in order to constrain the metal sources and ore formation processes in the South China Sb mineralization belt.Stibnite samples from both deposits exhibit significant enrichment in Hg(4.23–50.6 ppm)and have higher δ202Hg values(?0.47‰to 2.03‰)than the studied Precambrian basement rocks(?1.42‰to 0.59‰),Paleozoic sedimentary rocks(?2.40‰to?0.32‰),and other natural Hg reserves(e.g.,marine and continental systems).This indicates that significant mass-dependent fractionation of Hg isotopes occurred during hydrothermal processes.Negative to slightly positive Δ199Hg values of?0.17‰to 0.02‰were obtained for stibnite from the studied deposits,similar to values for the Precambrian basement rocks,but different from those of the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and data previously reported for mantle materials.This suggests that Precambrian basement rocks were the source of Hg and associated metals.Our data and the tectonic evolution of South China indicate that late Mesozoic asthenospheric upwelling,in response to the Paleo-Pacific oceanic slab foundering,generated heat that drove the circulation of fluids in the basement and crustal basinal rocks.These fluids leached Sb,Hg,and other metals from the Precambrian basement rocks and formed the world-class Sb mineralization belt in South China.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic basaltic province of the Vogelsberg area (central Germany) is mainly composed of intercalated olivine to quartz tholeiites and near-primary nephelinites to basanites. The inferred mantle source for the alkaline and tholeiitic rocks is asthenospheric metasomatized garnet peridotite containing some amphibole as the main hydrous phase. Trace element modelling indicates 2 to 3% partial melting for the alkaline rocks and 5 to 7% partial melting for the olivine tholeiites. Incompatible trace element abundances and ratios as well as Nd and Sr radiogenic isotope compositions lie between plume compositions and enriched mantle compositions and are similar to those measured in Ocean Island Basalts (OIB) and the Central European Volcanic Province elsewhere. The mafic olivine tholeiites have similar Ba/Nb, Ba/La and Nd–Sr isotope ratios to the alkaline rocks indicating derivation of both magma types from chemically comparable mantle sources. However, Zr/Nb ratios are slightly higher in olivine tholeiites than in basanites reflecting some fractionation of Zr relative to Nb during partial melting. Quartz tholeiites have higher Ba/Nb, Zr/Nb, La/Nb, but lower Ce/Pb ratios and lower Nd isotope compositions than the alkaline rocks which can be explained by interaction of the basaltic melt with lower (granulite facies) crustal material or partial melts thereof during stagnation within the lower crust. It appears most likely that upwelling of hot, asthenospheric material results in the generation of primitive alkaline rocks at the base of the lithosphere at depths of 75–90 km. Lithospheric extension together with minor plume activity and probably lower lithosphere erosion induced melting of shallower heterogenous upper mantle generating a spectrum of olivine tholeiitic melts. These olivine tholeiitic rocks evolved via crystal fractionation and probably limited contamination to quartz tholeiites.  相似文献   

Chen  Dongyu  Lian  Ergang  Shu  Yeqiang  Yang  Shouye  Li  Yalong  Li  Chao  Liu  Pengfei  Su  Ni 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2020,63(10):1564-1576
Oxygen isotope(δ~(18)O) of seawater is an excellent proxy for tracing the origins of water masses and their mixing processes. Combining with hydrographic observation, hybrid coordinate ocean model(HYCOM) analysis data, and seawater oxygen isotope, we investigated the source of the South China Sea Warm Current(SCSWC) in the southwestern Taiwan Strait and its underlying mechanism. Results show that the Kuroshio subsurface water(KSSW) can intrude the continental slope in the southwestern Taiwan Strait, and thereby climb up the continental slope coupled with upwelling. The δ~(18)O-salinity relationship further indicates that in spring, the SCSWC in the southwestern Taiwan Strait originates from the upslope deflection of the slope current formed by the KSSW intrusion into the South China Sea, rather than from the west segment of the SCSWC formed to the east of Hainan Island. In addition, the southward flowing Zhe-Min Coastal Current(ZMCC) can reach as far as the Taiwan Bank(TB) and deflects offshore over the western TB at approximately 23.5°N, to some extent affecting the SCSWC. Moreover, this study reveals that seawater δ~(18)O is exquisitely sensitive to the determination of the origin and transport of water masses as compared with traditional potential temperature-salinity plot(θ-S) and HYCOM analysis data. In addition, their coupling can more reliably interpret the mixing processes of shelf water masses.  相似文献   

Pyroxene water contents measured by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry for Mexican and Simcoe (WA, USA) spinel-peridotite xenoliths range from 140 to 528 ppm in clinopyroxenes and 39 to 265 ppm in orthopyroxenes. Correlations between these water contents and major-element compositional data for the pyroxenes, associated spinels, and whole-rock xenoliths demonstrate that these water contents record mantle values that have not been perturbed since the xenoliths were brought to the surface by their host magmas. Broad positive correlations of pyroxene water contents with whole-rock Al2O3 are consistent with water behaving as an incompatible element during peridotite melting. The main control on the range of pyroxene water contents, however, appears to be the redox state of the peridotite, because estimates of oxygen fugacity from Mössbauer (Simcoe) and microprobe data (Mexico) on spinels are negatively correlated with water contents. This is consistent with the dominant mechanism of H incorporation into pyroxene, which is dependent on the oxidation-reduction of iron. Metasomatism of sub-arc mantle-wedge peridotites by oxidized fluids or melts rising from the slab raises the oxygen fugacity of the peridotites, and where temperature is high enough, induces them to partially melt. The oxidation, in turn, lowers the solubility of water in the peridotite minerals, causing more than half of the original water to be expelled. That water enters the hydrous partial melts and these ascend through the lithosphere to feed the arc magmatic system in the upper crust. Low water contents in pyroxenes from sub-arc mantle-wedge peridotites, such as those from Simcoe and some western Mexican sites, therefore appear to be complementary to the high water contents that characterize subduction-zone magmas and fuel their explosive eruptions. An estimate of water budget in subduction zones, however, indicates that the amount of water coming from the dehydration of mantle-wedge anhydrous minerals probably accounts for less than 5% of the total water present in subduction-related magmas. The high water contents of arc magmas thus are mainly attributed to fluids or melts from the slab proper. The relatively dry sub-arc mantle wedge appears to be an effective medium through which subducted water is transported from slabs toward the surface.  相似文献   

New K-Ar dates on Ischia volcanic rocks are reported in order to reconstruct the temporal evolution of volcanic activity and to estimate the rate of associated energy release. The most probable age of eruption of the « green tuff » pumice flows forming the horst in the central part of the island is 0.74 (±0.09) m.y. The formation of the horst occurred in the time span 0.7–0.3 m.y. The subsequent volcanic activity was episodic. The oldest formations (0.37–0.31 m.y.) were formed by lava lake activity with small energy content, whereas formations younger than 0.1 m.y. were formed by eruptions characterized by higher explosivity and energetic content. No ages in the interval 0.31 (±0.02) ?0.10 (±0.07) have been found. Geological considerations also suggest that volcanic activity was very weak or absent in Ischia during this time interval. The different energies and characteristics of the eruption at Ischia in relation to the tectonic pattern are used to evaluate the volcanic risk for the island.  相似文献   

This paper presents new O and Sr isotope data for lavas from the northern part of the Roman perpotassic province. The samples comprise the tephritic leucititic to leucite phonolitic lavas and the saturated lavas from the Vulsinian District, the olivine leucite melilitite of San Venanzo, and the kalsilite diopside melilitite of Cupaello. Previous oxygen isotope work on the lavas of the Vulsinian District suggested crustal contamination of “normal” mantle-derived magmas. The new data cover the ranges previously found. O and Sr isotope ratios of evolved lavas of the undersaturated suite indicate assimilation in variable amounts of up to ca. 10% of continental crustal material. The saturated lavas probably assimilated large amounts (up to ca. 50%) of crust. Lavas chemically identified as corresponding to little modified mantle-derived liquids are high in both87Sr/86Sr andδ18O: 0.7103−0.7107, +7.8 to +9.4 (Vulsini), 0.7104, +12.3 (San Venanzo) and 0.7112, +14.4 (Cupaello). These high values are interpreted to have been inherited from a metasomatized parental mantle. Hydrous fluids enriched in large-ion lithophile elements and high inδ18O and87Sr/86Sr are thought to have mixed with mantle of “normal”δ18O and87Sr/86Sr. The fluids probably origi dehydration of continent-derived sediments, which were subducted beneath a mantle wedge in the continent-continent collision of the Corsica-Sardinia block and the Adriatic (Italian) plate. This hypothesis is supported by Pb and Nd isotopic evidence and is probably valid for the entire Roman Province.  相似文献   

The Earth's mantle contains a mixture of primordial noble gases, in particular solar-type helium and neon, and radiogenic rare gases from long-lived U, 232Th, 40K and short-lived 129I, 244Pu. Rocks derived from deep mantle plume magmatism like on Hawaii or Iceland contain a higher proportion of primordial nuclides than rocks from the shallow upper mantle, e.g. mid ocean ridge basalts (MORBs). This is widely regarded as the key evidence for survival of a less degassed and more “primitive” reservoir within the lower mantle. We present an evaluation of noble gas composition showing the shallow mantle to have about five times more radiogenic (relative to primordial) isotopes than Hawaii/Iceland-type plume reservoirs, no matter if short- or long-lived decay systems are considered. This fundamental property suggests that both MORB and plume-type noble gases are mixtures of: (1) a homogeneous radiogenic component present throughout most of the mantle and (2) a uniform primordial noble gas component with very minor radiogenic ingrowth. This conclusion depends crucially on the observed excess of radiogenic Xe in plume-derived rocks, and is only valid if this Xe excess is inherent to the plume sources.Possible sources of the primordial component of mantle plume reservoirs—and possibly also the MORB mantle—could be mantle reservoirs that remained relatively isolated over most of Earth's history (“blobs”, a deep abyssal layer, or the D” layer), but these need a considerable concentration of primordial gases to compensate U, Th, K decay over 4.5 Ga. Earth's core is evaluated as an alternative viable source feeding primordial nuclides into mantle reservoirs: even low metal-silicate partitioning coefficients allow sufficient primordial noble gases to be incorporated into the early forming core, as the undifferentiated proto-Earth was initially gas-rich. Massive mantle degassing soon after core formation then provides the opposite concentration gradient that allows primordial noble gases reentering the mantle at the core-mantle boundary, probably via partial mantle melts. Another possible source of primordial noble gases in Earth's mantle are subducted sediments containing extraterrestrial dust with solar He and Ne, but this supply mechanism crucially depends on largely unconstrained parameters. The latter two scenarios do not require the preservation of a “primitive” mantle reservoir over 4.5 Ga, and can potentially better reconcile increasing geochemical evidence of recycled lithospheric components in mantle plumes and seismic evidence for whole mantle convection.  相似文献   

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