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The tension between pyrophytic hummock grasslands and fire-sensitive mulga shrubland is a major ecological theme in central Australia. On a sandplain on the edge of the Tanami Desert, grassland and shrubland are juxtaposed with abrupt boundaries that cut across a subtle environmental gradient. We compare woody plant diversity among vegetation types and explore correlates of the distribution of woody plant species. Alpha diversity in grassland and shrubland was almost identical, but plot-level species richness was greater in grassland. Gamma (landscape) diversity was scarcely greater than alpha diversity. Few long-lived plants, and not even the dominant hummock grass and shrub, were exclusively associated with one vegetation type, but most common species were aligned with elements - soil texture, fire frequency and the extent of physical soil crusting - that characterise the environmental gradient between vegetation types. Most species were resprouters and there was no tendency for obligate seeders or facultative resprouters to be associated with the less fire-prone shrubland. Our data are consistent with the suggestion that hummock grasslands and mulga shrubland are alternative stable states maintained by fire-soil feedback loops and possibly also by competitive exclusion of pyrophytic species by Acacia aneura.  相似文献   

We studied how features of thermal resources affect the patterns of activity of predator (Callopistes maculatus) and its prey (Gyriosomus batesi and Gyriosomus subrugatus) during the phenomenon of the Flowering Desert in Chile. We predict that restrictions or variations in temperature affect mainly the activity of insects, and that this variation in the activity of insects affects the patterns of activity of the predator. The daily activity of the three species was bimodal, but both prey species disappear when temperatures exceed 40 °C. According to our results, the prey are thermoconformers to air and substrate temperature, whereas the predator is a thermoregulator to environmental conditions by their independence of air and substrate temperature.  相似文献   

Studies of plant-frugivore interactions are important for identifying the roles that biotic seed vectors play in seed dispersal, and ultimately plant recruitment. In a subandean shrubland of central Chile, 50% of total flora (14 species) has fleshy fruits dispersed by birds. We examined two aspects of frugivore-plant interaction in this system: the structure of the seed-dispersal network, to predict the effect of hypothetical frugivore species loss for seed dispersal and disperser effectiveness, by analyzing whether birds contribute equally to the removal of seeds from different shrub species. We show that the seed-dispersal network is highly and significantly nested, resulting in a core of interactions among generalist vertebrates and plant species. A reduction in the populations of the three main avian generalists, Turdus falcklandii, Mimus thenca and Elaenia albiceps, would disrupt seed dispersal and natural regeneration for most woody species. Monte Carlo simulations showed that the network was robust to the random loss of frugivorous species but highly sensitive to the loss of generalist species first. Mist-net sampling of birds corroborated that most fruit removal was effected by E. albiceps and T. falcklandii, highlighting the importance of frugivore species identity on seed dispersal for the maintenance of Mediterranean shrublands.  相似文献   

The growth and biomass production of six acacia species were studied in the field for 4 years. The species used were Acacia asak, A. negrii, A. seyal, A. karroo, A. ampliceps, and A. stenophylla. The first three species are indigenous while the others are exotic. The results showed both A. ampliceps and A. asak with 100% survival while all A. negrii died. Acacia ampliceps attained the greatest height, diameter, relative growth rate and above-ground biomass while A. asak had the least. Height and diameter growth of acacia species decreased between warm and cold periods of the year.  相似文献   

Annual above-ground net primary production (ANPP), evapotranspiration (ET) and water use efficiency (WUE) of rangeland have the potential to provide an objective basis for establishing pricing for ecosystem services. To provide estimates of ANPP, we surveyed the biomass, estimated ET and prepared a water use efficiency for dwarf shrublands and arid savanna in the Riemvasmaak Rural Area, Northern Cape, South Africa. The annual production fraction was surveyed in 33 MODIS 1 km2 pixels and the results regressed against the MODIS fPAR product. This regression model was used to predict the standing green biomass (kg DM ha−1) for 2009 (dry year). Using an approach which combines potential evapotranspiration (ET0) and the MODIS fPAR product, we estimated actual evapotranspiration (ETa). These two models (greening standing biomass and ETa) were used to calculate the annual WUE for 2009. WUE was 1.6 kg DM mm−1 ha−1 yr−1. This value may be used to provide an estimate of ANPP in the absence of direct measurements of biomass and to provide a comparison of the water use efficiency of this rangeland with other rangeland types.  相似文献   

This study examines interspecific differences in the architecture and field characteristics of the burrow systems of Brants' whistling rat, Parotomys brantsii, and Littledale's whistling rat, Parotomys littledalei. The two rodents are endemic to the arid west region of southern Africa. Both build complex burrow systems with numerous nest chambers and associated interconnecting tunnels, as well as a number of entrances. Burrow systems of P. littledalei are restricted to areas of good plant cover, whilst many P. brantsii burrows are situated in open locations with only limited plant cover. Further, the burrows of P. brantsii cover a much larger area than those of P. littledalei, with many more entrances. As P. brantsii feed predominantly within the boundaries of their burrows and not in the open veld, their burrow systems effectively serve as a predator refuge, into which this diurnal rodent can quickly run in the event of danger. Thus, by building large multi-holed burrow systems, P. brantsii have become independent of the protection offered by bush cover and can exist within relatively open areas within their distributional range. On the other hand, the reduced number of entrances to P. littledalei burrow systems may largely restrict this species to areas with adequate cover, including coastal and riverine bush, with which it is often associated.  相似文献   

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