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The abrupt depth increase which characterises the edge of many continental shelves determines a reduced horizontal length scale and a localised transition from shelf seas to the deep ocean. Particular forms of motion which may arise from the steep slopes include topographically guided currents along the slope, shelf-break upwelling, topographic Rossby waves and internal lee waves in the tidal current. The ocean/shelf mismatch may lead to a clear separation of water types, substantial reflection (from the shelf-edge neighbourhood) of all oceanic and shelf motions with periods greater than a few hours, and interaction between barotropic and baroclinic motions. Unstable longshelf currents, interleaving water masses, strong internal tides and internal waves, and narrow canyons enhance mixing across the shelf edge.  相似文献   

The strength of the vertical mixing in the bottom mixed layer near the continental shelf break in the East China Sea was directly measured with the Micro-Scale Profiler (MSP). It has been shown that there is no significant statistical relation between the turbulent energy dissipation and the degree of the stratificationN 2. It seems that the vigorous turbulence occurs not constantly but intermittently in the bottom mixed layer so that a large variation of is found depending on the time. In contrast to , the coefficient of the vertical eddy diffusivityK z is mostly determined byN such thatK z is large in the bottom mixed layer and small in the thermocline. Large value ofK z in the bottom mixed layer is also found in the time series ofK z estimated in terms of Richardson number calculated from the data obtained with electromagnetic current meters. The value ofK z more than 10 cm2s–1 frequently occur in the layer of 20–25 m thick just above the bottom.  相似文献   

渤海、黄海、东海M2潮汐潮流的三维数值模拟   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
利用建立的一种新的半隐半显三维数值格式,将渤海、黄海、东海作为一个整体,采用球面坐标系下的三维潮波方程组,考虑了引潮力的作用,数值模拟了渤海、黄海、东海的M2分潮的潮汐与潮流,结果较好地体现了渤海、黄海、东海M2分潮的特征.通过比较65个验潮站的实测值与计算值,所得计算结果的振幅差平均为6.4cm,相角差为6.1°,计算与实测符合良好.本文给出的问潮图与Fang于1986年给出的实测占数值综合结果基本一致.对选取的47个测流站,比较了各层潮流调和常数Ucosζ、Usinζ、Vcosη、Vsinη的计算值与实测值的偏差,偏差绝对值的平均在2.6~4.9cm/s之间.并比较分析了潮流的垂直结构,所得结果与实测符合较好.首次揭示出回流点的水平位置不随深度变化这一特性.最后给出了M2分潮的潮能消耗.  相似文献   

扬子浅滩东南海域海底潮流沙脊、沙波特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用seabat8101多波束系统对扬子浅滩东南海底地形进行了高精度探测。发现海底呈明显近乎平行排列的条带状起伏,脊谷相间,沙脊大部分呈NW-SE向排列,发育在45~50 m水深范围之内,沙脊横剖面不对称,大部分沙脊西南侧坡度大、东北坡缓。沙脊规模略有差异,沙脊宽度约0.6~9.8 km,沙脊之间间距可达8.9~22.4 km,高度约1.8~13.3 m,研究区内最长可达53 km。部分脊槽过渡区域发育成片链状海底沙波,沙波大致呈NE-SW走向,波高约0.3~1 m,波长1 km左右。研究区中西部有海底礁石孤立地突兀于相对平坦的海底之上,暂定名为扬礁,最浅水深35.9 m,位于30°59'7.4'~31°N,124°36'48.7'~124°37'40'E。扬子浅滩东南海域沙脊是介于活动沙脊和衰亡沙脊之间的准活动沙脊。该研究将为我国海洋开发和海洋经济发展、海洋行政管理以及海洋安全保障提供服务。  相似文献   

通过对东海大陆架海底浅表层土样的静力触探参数进行统计分析,得到该区域细砂、粘土、淤泥质土和淤泥的静力触探统计值,建立了研究海区基于静力触探参数的土类判别图,可用于快速判定土的类别.根据静力触探参数,并应用经验公式估算了海底粘性土的抗剪强度和灵敏度,对估算公式经验系数选择进行了深入研究,提出在研究海区应用经验公式进行粘性...  相似文献   

As a fundamental study to evaluate the contribution of the Kuroshio to primary production in the East China Sea (ECS), we investigated the seasonal pattern of the intrusion from the Kuroshio onto the continental shelf of the ECS and the behavior of the intruded Kuroshio water, using the RIAM Ocean Model (RIAMOM). The total intruded volume transport across the 200m isobath line was evaluated as 2.74 Sv in winter and 2.47 Sv in summer, while the intruded transport below 80m was estimated to be 1.32 Sv in winter and 1.64 Sv in summer. Passive tracer experiments revealed that the main intrusion from the Kuroshio to the shelf area of the ECS, shallower than 80m, takes place through the lower layer northeast of Taiwan in summer, with a volume transport of 0.19 Sv. Comparative studies show several components affecting the intrusion of the Kuroshio across the 200 m isobath line. The Kuroshio water intruded less onto the shelf compared with a case without consideration of tide-induced bottom friction, especially northeast of Taiwan. The variations of the transport from the Taiwan Strait and the east of Taiwan have considerable effects on the intrusion of the Kuroshio onto the shelf.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of current velocity and water temperature were undertaken at the mooring Sta. M (125°29.38' N, 31°49.70' E) on the continental shelf area in the East China Sea in June 1999 by R/V Xiangyanghong 14. The relationship between various time series of oceanic fluctuations is calculated by spectral analysis. The major results are as follows: (1) an average (u,v) of (6.9,-3.0 cm/s) at the 30 m depth is obtained during the 9-day observation, and that at the 45 m depth is (3.7,-1.1 cm/s), i. e., the mean flows are southeastward at both the 30 and 45 m depths;the currents become stronger gradually during the observation period; this may be mainly attributed to the transition of the tidal currents from neap to spring; (2)semidiurnal fluctuation is the most dominant in the current fluctuations, and rotates mainly clockwise; in the next place, there is also diurnal fluctuation;the local inertial period is close to the period of diurnal fluctuation, and an inertial motion is clockwise; thus, loca  相似文献   

Direct measurements of current velocity and water temperature were undertaken at the mooring Sta. M (125°29.38' N,31°49.70'E) on the continental shelf area in the East China Sea in June 1999 by R/V Xiangyanghong 14. The relationship between various time series of oceanic fluctuations is calculated by spectral analysis. The major results are as follows: (1) an average (u,v) of (6.9,-3.0 cm/s) at the 30 m depth is obtained during the 9-day observation, and that at the 45 m depth is (3.7,-1.1 cm/s), I. E., the mean flows are southeastward at both the 30 and 45 m depths;the currents become stronger gradually during the observation period; this may be mainly attributed to the transition of the tidal currents from neap to spring; (2)semidiurnal fluctuation is the most dominant in the current fluctuations, and rotates mainly clockwise; in the next place, there is also diurnal fluctuation;the local inertial period is close to the period of diurnal fluctuation, and an inertial motion is clockwise; thus, local inertial motion combines with diurnal fluctuation, and makes the spectral peaks in clockwise components much higher than those in counterclockwise ones;except for the fluctuations of above main periods, there is also the peak at 3 d period for counterclockwise components in the upper and lower layers; (3) the calculation of cross spectra between two time series of current velocities at the 30 and 45 m depths shows that both the current fluctuations at the 30 and 45 m depths are much alike, I. E.,they are synchro; this shows that the flow field here is rather vertically homogeneous; (4)power spectra of temperature time series at both the 30 and 45 m depths show that the semidiurnal peak is the most predominant, and the second highest peak is the diurnal period; besides spectral peaks at above periods, there are also obvious spectral peaks at 6.8 h and 2 d; (5)plots of temperature time series at 16,30,35,45 and 50 m depths show that the temporal variations of temperature at these depths are synchro, which are like those in the velocity field; temperature records also show a gradual rise in temperature, which are also like those in the velocity field.  相似文献   

The free shelf wave theory is applied to the practical case of the continental shelf in the East China Sea to analyse the effects of the shelf wave on the Kuroshio. The results indicate that the shelf wave in lower frequency travels from north to south and its phase velocity is proportional to the Kuroshio's current velocity) the maximum current velocity of the Kuroshio lies at the continental margin. The analytical solutions obtained indicate that the hydrodynamic characters of the sea region over the shelf present band structure. The horizontal motion ( x -component) caused by the shelf wave at the margin may be one of the causes for generating wavy pattern of the Kuroshio's axis .  相似文献   

The coast of Zhejiang Province is a zone of maximum tidal ranges in China. One of the causes is the influence of the adjacent continental shelf. A model is presented in this paper, whose theory suggests that the amplitudes of semidiurnal tides should be amplified on the southern continental shelf of the East China Sea, while those of diurnal tides should not. The values computed from the equations are basically in agreement with observations.  相似文献   

温室气体过量排放引起了明显的全球气候变化及诸多次生灾害,CO2捕集与地质封存技术应运而生。中国东海沿岸CO2排放源众多,但陆上盆地面积狭小,无法满足巨量CO2封存的需求。根据相关学者做出的中国全海域级碳封存适宜性评价,东海陆架盆地在中国近海盆地中碳封存适宜性排名第3,面积宽广且封闭性好,因此,在此基础上对东海陆架盆地开展了盆地级碳封存适宜性评价。结合专家意见和相关学者研究成果,利用模糊综合评价法和层级分析法确立了适宜性评价指标体系及指标权重,再根据盆地内各二级构造单元的相关地质资料,按照评价指标分级赋分表对各单元的每个评价指标进行评分,结合权重计算出综合适宜性评分。综合考虑碳封存容量、封闭性及可操作性的评价结果认为,台北坳陷为盆地中碳封存综合适宜性最好的单元,可作为优先实验性封存区。  相似文献   

对东海北部陆缘地区NH 0504孔和东海Dh1井全新世地层的孢粉进行了研究,划分出5个孢粉组合带和2个亚带,恢复了该地区植被演替、气候波动和古环境演变的5个阶段,为该区的地层年代划分和对比提供了科学的证据,为全新世古植被、古气候和古环境的重建提供了重要的孢粉学资料。划分的5个阶段为:第1阶段为针阔叶混交林-草地,反映出当时的气候以温凉略湿为特征(前北方期);第2阶段为含常绿阔叶树的针阔叶混交林,反映出当时的气候以温和略干为特征(北方期);第3阶段为以常绿栎类和栲属等为主的常绿阔叶林,反映出当时气候以热暖潮湿为特征(大西洋期);第4阶段是以栎、松和禾本科为主的针阔叶混交林,反映出当时的气候以温暖略干为特征(亚北方期);第5阶段是以落叶栎类、常绿栎类、松为主的落叶阔叶、常绿阔叶、针叶混交林-草地,反映出当时的气候以温暖湿润为特征(亚大西洋期)。  相似文献   

2009—2011年东海陆架海域网采浮游植物群落的季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘海娇  傅文诚  孙军 《海洋学报》2015,37(10):106-122
根据2009年7、8月(夏季)、12月到翌年1月(冬季)、2010年11月(秋季)和2011年4、5月(春季)共4个航次在东海陆架区进行的现场多学科综合调查,报道了4个季节在整个东海海域的浮游植物的空间分布及群落结构特征,并探讨了影响其分布格局的环境因子效应。结果表明,东海浮游植物群落主要由硅藻、甲藻组成。共检出浮游植物5门88属299种(含未定种)。调查区夏季细胞丰度达最高,平均为(8 659.572±28 937.27)cell/L,其次是秋、冬季,春季最低,分别为(4 413.726±12 534.573)cell/L、(421.773±647.532)cell/L和(218.479±265.897)cell/L。硅藻细胞丰度在夏、秋、冬3个季节占总平均丰度的95%以上,甲藻细胞丰度在春季最高,占总浮游植物细胞丰度的69%。调查海区浮游植物丰度高值区主要集中在长江口海域,并向外海呈递减趋势。不同群落间存在季节更替和演替现象。物种丰富度自春夏秋冬逐渐升高。香农指数(Shannon-Wiener index)和均匀度指数(Pielou index)分布较为一致,物种丰富度指数(Margalef index)呈现时空分布差异。Pearson相关分析结果表明:不同季节的物种间更迭与海区特定的物理化学参数显著相关。  相似文献   

东海陆架浙-闽沿岸泥质沉积研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较全面的回顾了关于东海浙-闽沿岸泥质体以及其形成前的沉积演化历史、泥质沉积的物质来源及其东亚季风/古气候记录等方面的研究进展。分析了目前关于浙-闽沿岸沉积研究中所存在的问题,即,泥质体的物质来源与形成,长江入海历史的陆架沉积物记录,8.2 ka冷事件,年代框架调整及区域对比,代用指标指示意义等多方面问题。提出在东海浙-闽沿岸泥质区,我们需要更多高分辨率的钻孔进行综合研究,其中应该特别加强对泥质沉积物的研究,以期对海陆交界敏感地带的"源到汇"以及全球变化研究取得突破性进展。  相似文献   

渤海M2分潮的伴随模式数值实验   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
根据渤海海域内M2潮汐调和常数的实测值,采用伴随方法来反演出开边界处的潮汐调和常数.为了取得较好的数值模拟结果,同时对给定的底摩擦系数进行了校正并对水深进行了微调.做了4个实验,并分别计算出调和常数的实测值与模拟值之差的绝对平均值:(1)只用19个验潮站的潮汐调和常数;振幅差为2.4cm,迟角差为5.0°.(2)只用37个观测点的高度计资料;振幅差为4.4cm,迟角差为5.7°.(3)同时利用19个验潮站的潮汐调和常数和37个观测点的高度计资料;振幅差为5.5cm,迟角差为8.5°.(4)同时利用19个验潮站的潮汐调和常数和14个观测点的高度计资料;振幅差为3.3cm,迟角差为5.6°.4个实验结果都较好地体现了渤海M2潮波的特征.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation on diurnal and semidiurnal tidal currents is made for the eastern and southern parts of the East China Sea bounded by the Tsushima, islands of Kyushu and Ryukyu in the east and extending to the central Taiwan Strait in the south. The numerical computation shows that the rapid variation in the seabed topography near the Okinawa Trough may cause computational instability and this instability can be removed by setting a suitable lateral eddy viscosity. The computed results are in good agreement with the observations and indicate that the tidal currents in the greater part of the area studied rotate clockwise. An M2 current-amphidromic point exists in the southern part of the Korea Strait and another one appears in the west of Okinawa with less certainty. K1 and M2 cotidal charts based on the observed and computed tidal currents in the sea and the observed tides on the coast are also given.  相似文献   

东海陆架晚第四纪沉积硅藻及其古海洋学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李超  蓝东兆  方琦 《台湾海峡》2002,21(3):351-359
本文对东海陆架DG9617岩芯沉积硅藻进行了研究,共分析鉴定出97种和变种,有近10种硅藻在岩芯中连续分布,且有较高的含量,而其余种类含量极低,仅零星检出。根据该岩芯中产出硅藻种类、含量及硅藻丰度变化特征自下而上共划分出3个硅藻组合带及5个亚带。结合孢粉资料,对产出3个不同硅藻带岩芯的地层年代进行了对比研究,表明该岩芯所代表的地层年代为中-晚全新世,硅藻I组合带大致为大西洋期的沉积,硅藻Ⅱ组合带应为亚北方期的产物,而硅藻Ⅲ组合带与亚大西洋期对应。文中并对不同硅藻组合带产出时的古海洋环境进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

1994~1995年间在东海外陆架获取370个柱状样,每个样长约为2~4m.对其底部沉积物作了磁性测试,发现局部地区存在SIRM异常高现象.由磁参数推断导致SIRM异常的矿物为硫复铁矿.将磁性异常地区沉积物作矿物磁选,对磁选所得矿物做扫描电镜、电子探针和能谱、X衍射及穆斯堡尔谱测试,证实了次生硫复铁矿的存在.结合本区新生代油气构造圈闭和残留沉积物可溶铁Fe3+/Fe2+比值异常的分布,用油气渗漏解释了SIRM异常及硫复铁矿的成因,从而认为SIRM异常对深部油气藏具有指示意义.  相似文献   

对长达70.20m的东海浅钻EY02-1进行了岩石磁学和古地磁分析,证明沉积物的载磁矿物主要为低矫顽力的磁铁矿,磁性地层揭示了发生于9.62~8.58m的磁极性事件,结合钻孔上部的AMS14C测年证明它为全新世初期的哥德堡磁极性漂移,线性外推的时间是距今12681~10206Ma,为全新世开始时地磁场是否发生过短期的磁极性漂移提供了新证据;与东海高分辨率的浅地层地震剖面以及典型钻孔(中法联合东海地震调查和DZQ4钻孔)对比还揭示,在中更新世地层中也出现过两次磁倾角变化。在钻孔中下部54.00~50.94m(2271—2151号样品)出现一段磁倾角变小甚至变成负值,但是由于该段沉积物以粗颗粒的砂为主并且负向样品并不连续,依据研究的标准不作为反磁极性事件。第二个比较连续的负向样品段出现在最底部70.20~64.31m。虽然研究区域内不乏揭示中更新统地层的地震剖面,但至今没有足够长的钻孔在时间上予以佐证。根据东海地震相对比和沉积物中海侵和海退旋回的不同特征以及布容期以来报道的反磁极性事件发生的时间来推测下部地层的时代归属。由于钻孔最底部的沉积主要是粗颗粒的粉砂质砂和细砂,同时钻孔也穿透了倒数第二冰期的杂乱地震相地层和其下的平行透明海相层,所以推测下部的倒转可能为发生在MIS8晚期的CR0反磁极性事件(距今265~255ka)。  相似文献   

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