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The main characteristics of river flow and grainsize in a bend of the sand bedded meandering river Dommel, The Netherlands, are presented. Measurements were carried out at a relatively low discharge in a sharply curved bend following a long straight reach. In the studied bend, secondary circulation is restricted to the thalweg area; only in the downstream part of the bend it exists over the entire cross-section. Therefore, on the entire pointbar platform, which comprises the larger part of the bend, the median sedimentation diameter of the bedload material is governed by the distribution of the longitudinal components of the bed shear stress only.  相似文献   

Experimental results of the mean flow field and turbulence characteristics for flow in a model channel bend with a mobile sand bed are presented. Acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADVs) were used to measure the three components of instantaneous velocities at multiple cross sections in a 135° channel bend for two separate experiments at different stages of clear water scour conditions. With measurements at multiple cross sections through the bend it was possible to map the changes in both the spatial distribution of the mean velocity field and the three Reynolds shear stresses. Turbulent stresses are known to contribute to sediment transport and the three‐dimensionality inherent to flow in open channel bends presents a useful case for determining specific relations between three‐dimensional turbulence and sediment entrainment and transport. These measurements will also provide the necessary data for validating numerical simulations of turbulent flow and sediment transport. The results show that the magnitude and distribution of three‐dimensional Reynolds stresses increase through the bend, with streamwise‐cross stream and cross stream‐vertical components exceeding the maximum principal Reynolds stress through the bend. The most intriguing observation is that near‐bed maximum positive streamwise‐cross stream Reynolds stress coincides with the leading edge of the outer bank scour hole (or thalweg), while maximum cross stream‐vertical Reynolds stress (in combination with high negative streamwise‐cross stream Reynolds stress near the bend apex) coincides with the leading edge of the inner bank bar. Maximum Reynolds stress and average turbulent kinetic energy appear to be greater and more localized over the scour hole before final equilibrium scour is reached. This suggests that the turbulent energy in the flow is higher while the channel bed is developing, and both lower turbulent energy and a broader distribution of turbulent stresses near the bed are required for cessation of particle mobilization and transport. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flow in meandering bends is characterized by the formation of a large cross‐sectional central‐region circulation cell. The width‐to‐depth ratio is one of the most important parameters affecting the entity of the cross‐circulation motion. In steep outside bends, beside the central‐region cell, a counter‐rotating circulation cell often forms in the upper part of the outer‐bank. In spite of its practical importance, the evolving mechanisms of both the circulation cells and their role on boundary shear stress distribution in bends are not yet fully understood. The aim of the present paper is to gain some insight into how cross‐sectional flow motion evolves along meandering bends. Experiments have been carried out in a laboratory meandering channel of large amplitude, over a deformed‐rigid bed, for two values of the width‐to‐depth ratio. The three‐dimensional flow velocity field has been measured in detail at five cross‐sections, almost equally spaced along the channel reach between two consecutive apex sections. The measurements have been carried out on a fine grid by an acoustic Doppler velocity profiler. The distributions of the cross‐sectional flow (e.g. cross‐sectional flow velocity, net transversal flux) and turbulent kinetic energy are analyzed in each investigated section. Measurements show that the counter‐rotating circulation cell is evident only in the case of ‘small’ width‐to‐depth ratio. Such circulation cell begins at the bend entrance and it is fully developed at the bend apex; then it decays. At the bend apex, the core of maximum velocity is found near the bed at about the separation between the central and the outer‐bank circulation cells. Moreover, the presence of the counter‐rotating circulation cell allows the bank shear stress to maintain low values in the outer‐side of the bend. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Meandering rivers have dynamic evolution characteristics of lateral migration and longitudinal creeping movement, and studies on the migration rate of meandering rivers have both scientific and practical significance for understanding the evolution process. A river source region often is sparsely populated and lacks long-term monitoring data, making it difficult to estimate the migration rate of river bends. In the source region of the Yellow River, located in the northeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China, meandering rivers have extensively developed. Combined with field investigation and sampling in the source region in 2016 and 2017, 9 river bends in the middle Baihe River were selected to attempt estimation of migration rates of the river bends using tree ring analysis. The tree core and disc samples were collected using an increment borer and a crosscut saw, and the ages of the trees were estimated based on tree ring analysis. A method for estimating the migration rate of river bends based on the relation between positions and ages of trees grown on the point bars in inner banks is proposed. The estimated migration rates of the 9 river bends of the Baihe River ranged 0.38–6.10 m/yr, and the migration rates were found to be related to the flow rate, channel slope, height of the outer bank, and width of the river valley. The maximum migration rate was determined to be at the No. 9 River Bend where the ratio of the meander-bend radius to the channel width (R/W) was 2.31, which is consistent with previous findings that the bend migration is most rapid in the ‘migration phase’. The proposed method for estimating the migration rate of river bends provides a potential alternative option for future study on the morphodynamic process of a meandering river.  相似文献   

In this work, investigation on the development of local scour around an oblong pier in a 180 degree flume bend is presented. Scour hole can cause failure of the bridge especially during the river floods. In this study, the use of oblong collars for reducing the effects of local scour at a bridge pier is presented together with the time aspect of the scour development. Tests were conducted using one oblong pier in positions of 60degree under one flow conditions. The study was conducted using a physical hydraulic model operated under clear-water conditions in cohesionless bed material. In this study, the time development of the local scour around the oblong pier fitted with and without collar plates was studied. Investigated was the effect of size and elevation collar on the time development of scour and its efficacy at preventing scour at a bridge pier. The time development of the scour hole around the model pier with and without a collar installed was compared with similar studies on bridge piers. The results of the model study indicated that the maximum depth of scour is highly dependent on the experimental duration. It was observed that, as the minimum depth of scour occurs for the square collar at width of 3B placed at elevation of 0.1B below the bed and the size of a collar plate increases, the scour decreases. Measuring depth of scouring based on experimental observation, an empirical relation is developed with regression coefficient 95%.  相似文献   

Field, laboratory, and numerical modelling research are increasingly demonstrating the potential of riparian tree colonization and growth to influence fluvial dynamics and the evolution of fluvial landforms. This paper jointly analyses multi‐temporal, multispectral ASTER data, continuous river stage and discharge data, and field observations of the growth rates of the dominant riparian tree species (Populus nigra) along a 21 km reach of the Tagliamento River, Italy. Research focuses on the period 2004–2009, during which there was a bankfull flood on 24 October 2004, followed by 2 years with low water levels, nearly 2 years with only modest flow pulses, and then a final period from 15 August 2008 that included several intermediate to bankfull flow events. This study period of increasing flow disturbance allows the exploration of vegetation dynamics within the river's active corridor under changing flow conditions. The analysis demonstrates the utility of ASTER data for investigating vegetation dynamics along large fluvial corridors and reveals both spatial and temporal variations in the expansion, coalescence, and erosion of vegetated patches within the study reach. Changes in the extent of the vegetated area and its dynamics vary along the study reach. In sub‐reaches where riparian tree growth is vigorous, the vegetated area expands rapidly during time periods without channel‐shaping flows, and is subsequently able to resist erosion by bankfull floods. In contrast, in sub‐reaches where tree growth is less vigorous, the vegetated area expands at a slower rate and is more readily re‐set by bankfull flood events. This illustrates that the rate of growth of riparian trees is crucial to their ability to contribute actively to river corridor dynamics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study characterized the macrobenthos of Tijucas Bay and related the distribution and dominance patterns with historical trawling activities. Fifteen sampling sites were established in the bay and were sampled in summer and winter for the characterization of the macrobenthos. To evaluate the trawling effects, three passages were established at each site with control and impacted areas analyzed before and after trawl-net action in impacted area. Seasonal differences occurred in macrobenthos, possibly influenced by rainfall where the relative water level of the Tijucas River was directly associated with the discharge of freshwater and particulate matter. The associations identified in the bay were distinct in comparison with the Zimbros Embayment. The trawling assessment showed no significant variation in the macrobenthos after the trawl, possibly due to decades of shrimp exploitation in the bay. Trawling and instable environmental conditions inside the bay make the establishment of a stable macrobenthic community difficult.  相似文献   

Soil liquefaction induced by earthquakes frequently cause costly damage to pile foundations. However, various aspects of the dynamic behavior and failure mechanisms of piles in liquefiable soils still remain unclear. This paper presents a shake-table experiment conducted to investigate the dynamic behavior of a reinforced-concrete (RC) elevated cap pile foundation during (and prior to) soil liquefaction. Particular attention was paid to the failure mechanism of the piles during a strong shaking event. The experimental results indicate that decreasing the frequency and increasing the amplitude of earthquake excitation increased the pile bending moment as well as the speed of the excess pore pressure buildup in the free-field. The critical pile failure mode in the conducted testing configuration was found to be of the bending type, which was also confirmed by a representative nonlinear numerical model of the RC pile. The experimental results of this study can be used to calibrate numerical models and provide insights on seismic pile analysis and design.  相似文献   

While it is well recognized that vegetation can affect erosion, sediment yield and, over longer timescales, landform evolution, the nature of this interaction and how it should be modeled is not obvious and may depend on the study site. In order to develop quantitative insight into the magnitude and nature of the influence of vegetation on catchment erosion, we build a landscape evolution model to simulate erosion in badlands, then calibrate and evaluate it against sediment yield data for two catchments with contrasting vegetation cover. The model couples hillslope gravitational transport and stream alluvium transport. Results indicate that hillslope transport processes depend strongly on the vegetation cover, whereas stream transport processes do not seem to be affected by the presence of vegetation. The model performance in prediction is found to be higher for the denuded catchment than for the reforested one. Moreover, we find that vegetation acts on erosion mostly by reducing soil erodibility rather than by reducing surface runoff. Finally, the methodology we propose can be a useful tool to evaluate the efficiency of previous revegetation operations and to provide guidance for future restoration work. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The results are presented of an intensive study of phytoplankton assemblage carried out in the Berounka River above its confluence with the Vltava River (Czech Republic) in the period 2002–2007. The annual and interannual changes of phytoplankton development (based on high frequency of sampling) and their relation to hydrological conditions and concentrations of main nutrients are analysed. A marked decline of nutrient concentrations was observed during the period 1996–2007. The annual mean values of total P decreased from 0.43 mg L−1 to 0.16 mg L−1, those of N-NO3 from 4.6 mg L−1 to 1.5 mg L−1 and N-NH4 from 1.9 mg L−1 to 0.04 mg L−1. Despite this, the phytoplankton biomass remained at a high level. The seasonal mean values of chlorophyll-a ranged from 51.0 μg L−1 to 116.8 μg L−1 in the same time period. An obviously stronger relationship was found of the phytoplankton biomass and pattern of its development to the variation of flow rates than to the existing level of nutrient concentrations. A significantly decreasing relationship (R2 = 0.384, P < 0.001) of chlorophyll-a to flow rates and a significantly increasing relationship (R2 = 0.359, P < 0.001) of chlorophyll-a to water temperatures were found, based on monthly mean values for the seasonal period 2002–2007. The results obtained indicate a remarkable increase of phytoplankton biomass and its prolongated occurrence in watercourses, which can be expected due to the consequences of the predicted climate change (i.e. higher occurrence of summer droughts and low precipitation amounts accompanied by a substantial drop of flow rates, increase of air and water temperatures), as described in the respective scenarios for the territory of the Czech Republic. Simulations by the regional climate models HIRHAM and RCAO and emission scenario SRES indicated the increase of air temperature by 2.5–5 °C, decrease of precipitation amount by 6–25% and decline of flows by 14–43% in the Berounka River for the scenario period 2071–2100.  相似文献   




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