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基于TES 反演数据的亚洲中低纬度地区大气水汽δD 的时空分布 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用搭载在Aura 卫星上的TES 观测仪所反演的2004 年8 月至2010 年12 月逐日HDO、H2O、气温以及GNIP等资料,对亚洲中低纬度地区大气水汽中δD的时空分布特征、水汽δD与气温、水汽量的关系以及与降水同位素的关系进行了研究。从空间上来看:大气水汽、降水δD整体上表现出随纬度升高而降低的趋势,同时低纬度的西太平洋暖池以东和西亚地区形成了两个高值中心,中纬度的青藏高原和西太平洋形成了两个低值中心。从季节变化来看:陆地上水汽δD表现出暖季的高值与冷季的低值交替出现,海洋上这种变化则不明显,同时,可以看到水汽δD的季节变化与低纬度陆地上降水δD的暖季低、冷季高正好相反;中纬度大陆上水汽δD的最大值出现在气温最高的夏季;低纬度的印度半岛、中南半岛的最大值出现在季风暴发前的春季。就水汽中δD与气温、水汽量关系而言:在中纬度大陆及西亚地区均表现出正相关;在西太平洋暖池处,水汽中δD与气温呈正相关,与水汽量呈负相关。 相似文献
基于1973—2015年间的全球综合无线电探空资料(IGRA),采用总体理查逊数(Bulk Richardson Number)方法,分析了北极扬马延岛43年间的大气边界层高度变化特征,并对其多年月均大气边界层高度变化以及年均大气边界层高度变化进行深入分析探讨。结果显示,扬马延岛白天对流边界层高度高于夜晚稳定边界层高度,夏季多年月均大气边界层高度远低于冬春季节的高度,夏季平均高度仅为262 m,而冬春季节高度在600 m附近。大气边界层高度的变化与地面相对湿度的变化呈现较好的反相关关系。由于受到墨西哥湾暖流的影响,岛屿全年温差较小,夏季的相对湿度较大,导致潜热通量较多,抑制了边界层内的对流过程,造成夏季大气边界层高度较低。此外,其年均高度在1973—1988年间出现波动下降,而后在1988—1995年快速上升,最后于1995—2015年间变化平稳。 相似文献
武当山是世界文化与自然遗产,因而武当山风景区的雷电防护尤为重要。截取风景区的地闪数据,以1 km2范围为基本单元,得到各单元内2008-01-01―2011-12-31期间的全部地闪频次、极性、强度等参数,分析武当山风景区雷电环境及武当山地理环境对雷电活动的影响。研究表明:研究区域闪电集中发生在6―8月份的午后T 14:00―18:00。闪电频数日变化规律明显,最大值出现在T 16:00,最小值出现在T 10:00―11:00。雷击大地密度整体上随高度表现出明显的增长趋势,雷电流强度平均值与高度大致呈现反向分布趋势,拟合出的雷击大地密度与高度关系式的相关系数R达0.834 56。大气环流特征表明,武当山雷电天气主要有3种类型:副热带高压西北部雷电型、高空槽雷电型和低涡雷电型,其中副热带高压西北部雷电型占主导。 相似文献
基于MODIS数据的旅游温湿指数时空分布研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
旅游舒适度对旅游气候资源评价以及气候条件与旅游活动关系研究等具有重要意义,而温湿指数是衡量旅游舒适度的一项重要指标。提出适用于MODIS遥感数据的旅游温湿指数模型,介绍模型所需参数地表温度和地面水气压的遥感反演方法。利用该模型计算我国2003年12个月的旅游温湿指数,并分析其时空分布特征。 相似文献
在全球陆地大气水分亏缺(VPD)已经增加、并将持续增强的背景下,新疆大气环境是否趋于干旱化值得探讨。利用1961—2020年地面气象观测资料,采用线性趋势分析、Mann-Kendall检验等方法,研究了新疆VPD的分布及时空演变特征。结果表明:(1)近60 a来新疆VPD整体呈现显著增加趋势,增幅为0.015 kPa·(10a)-1。VPD在2005年发生突变,突变前为弱波动变化,突变后呈增加趋势。(2)各季节VPD均以增势为主,其中春、夏季增幅较大,冬季增幅最小。春、秋季VPD突变特征与年变化较为一致,夏季略晚(2006年出现突变)。(3)空间分布上,VPD呈现“山区低、盆地高”的鲜明格局。时空演变分析表明,全疆大范围地区(近83.65%的气象站点)VPD呈增势变化,而VPD呈下降趋势的站点多分布在天山山脉东段的北麓以及南疆盆地的北、西北缘。季节尺度上,春季VPD呈增势变化的站点数占比最高(96.15%),是新疆大气水分胁迫范围最广的时段,而冬季大气水汽含量相较稳定。 相似文献
陕西盛夏多雨年与少雨年的大气环流特征分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
应用NCEP/NCAR 1979—2004年再分析资料,针对陕西盛夏(7—8月)降水的情况,分析了汛期降水异常的大气环流特征。结果表明:陕西汛期多雨年,影响降水的主要天气系统表现为“三强一弱”,即西太平洋副热带高压、西风带蒙古低槽、乌拉尔山阻塞高压强,青藏高压弱;少雨年天气系统表现为“三弱一强”,即西太平洋副热带高压、西风带蒙古低槽、乌拉尔山阻塞高压弱,青藏高压强。另外,在多雨年,500 hPa流场,在陕西中部有一条东西向的切变线或风向辐合区;850 hPa形成了孟加拉湾经四川盆地到陕西和南海经鄂西北到陕西的水汽通道;少雨年500 hPa河套中部为西北气流控制,850 hPa水汽通道不明显或水汽输送中途减弱。 相似文献
利用新疆1954—2018年雪灾资料分析其灾害时空特征,时间上雪灾灾损强度在90年代后出现明显加大,2010年出现跃增特点,空间上雪灾灾损强度新疆西部多于东部,北部多于南部,山区多于盆地或平原。用雪灾出现次数、房屋倒塌间数、牲畜棚圈倒塌间数、损坏大棚数、死亡牲畜数、受灾面积、经济损失等多指标综合分析法来客观构建灾损指数,符合Γ分布的灾损指数结合F分布函数能客观的描绘出雪灾等级,分为一般、较重、严重、特重4个等级。根据构建的雪灾等级,发现新疆雪灾特重灾区集中在天山山区及其以北地区,南疆仅有喀什地区为特重灾区。 相似文献
在北极地区,有接通北美洲、欧洲北部和亚洲北部国家之间距离最短的直线路线,所以北极地区的战略位置日益重要。大气波导是重要的电波环境,利用大气波导可实现超短波、微波频段的超视距探测和通信应用。因此,研究北极大气波导有重要的意义。本文利用2007年1月—2016年12月十年的气象探空数据,统计分析了北极16个站点大气波导的时空分布,给出了大气波导出现概率与其波导层厚度、强度特征量的统计特征,并从天气和气候学角度初步探讨了其成因。统计结果显示:1.北极地区大气波导平均出现概率低于50%,且表面波导出现概率高于悬空波导; 2.表面波导层厚度、强度分别在30 m以下和10 M以下,悬空波导层厚度在40—80 m,强度小于10 M; 3.北欧海区和格陵兰岛为北极波导高发区,欧亚大陆的北部边缘为无波导区; 4.表面波导高发区在北欧海区和格陵兰岛,北大西洋暖流、格陵兰冷高压及极夜期的辐射逆温是表面波导形成的可能原因; 5.悬空波导高发区在北欧海区和白令海峡东北部区域,且在7—8月份的暖季极昼期间为其高发季,北欧海区暖季海雾、白令海峡东北部区域暖季受北极锋影响是悬空波导形成的可能原因。 相似文献
新疆和田绿洲大气降尘和PM_(10)浓度变化特征分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过分析2000-2012年新疆和田绿洲环境监测记录和气象观测数据,研究该地区大气降尘强度和可吸入颗粒物浓度的变化特点,阐明其主要影响因素。结果显示:2000年以来大气降尘强度在1 300~1 500 t·km-2·a-1水平上下波动变化,春、夏两季受沙尘天气影响导致高降尘量,月平均强度均150 t·km-2;环境PM10年平均浓度在0.2~0.25 mg·mg-3之间变化,有逐渐上升的趋势,沙尘暴期间颗粒物浓度快速上升,PM10浓度极值可达到2.52 mg·m-3;超过91%的空气污染日数是由大气颗粒物造成的。因此,颗粒物是和田绿洲区的首要空气污染物。降水量波动变化剧烈,年平均值50 mm·a-1,尽管和田绿洲春、夏两季降水量增加,但降水对抑制大气颗粒物污染的湿清除作用极为有限。春、夏两季大风日数占全年大风天气总日数的84.7%以上,风蚀沙土在西北风作用下传输到绿洲区,来自塔克拉玛干沙漠的风蚀沙尘颗粒物是和田地区大气降尘和颗粒污染物的主要来源。 相似文献
Data of flood, drought, hailstorms, and low temperature events in Xinjiang from 1949 to 2012 were analyzed with the diffusion method to assess the risk of the most common types of disasters in Xinjiang. It was proved that the frequency and intensity of meteorological disasters of the study area showed an increasing trend associated with global warming. Among the four types of disasters, surpass probability of drought was the largest, followed by hailstorm, low temperature and flood in turn. Moreover, the wavelet method analysis revealed that greater oscillations had occurred since 2000, which may be associated with the occurrence of extreme climatic changes. The spatial distribution of frequencies reveals that the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains is a multiple disaster area, the southern slope of Tianshan is the area where more floods and hailstorms occur, and the west of Turpan-Hami Basin is the area wind is prevalent. The relationships between disaster-affected areas and corresponding meteorological and socio-economic indexes were also analyzed. It indicated that there were significant positive correlations between the areas affected and the most meteorological and socio-economic indicators except the grain acreage. 相似文献
Data of flood, drought, hailstorms, and low temperature events in Xinjiang from 1949 to 2012 were analyzed with the diffusion method to assess the risk of the most common types of disasters in Xinjiang. It was proved that the frequency and intensity of meteorological disasters of the study area showed an increasing trend associated with global warming. Among the four types of disasters, surpass probability of drought was the largest, followed by hailstorm, low temperature and flood in turn. Moreover, the wavelet method analysis revealed that greater oscillations had occurred since 2000, which may be associated with the occurrence of extreme climatic changes. The spatial distribution of frequencies reveals that the northern slope of Tianshan Mountains is a multiple disaster area, the southern slope of Tianshan is the area where more floods and hailstorms occur, and the west of Turpan-Hami Basin is the area wind is prevalent. The relationships between disaster-affected areas and corresponding meteorological and socio-economic indexes were also analyzed. It indicated that there were significant positive correlations between the areas affected and the most meteorological and socio-economic indicators except the grain acreage. 相似文献
地形复杂度(TCI)是区域地表外在形态结构的数字化表达,既可表征坡面单元的多样性及其组合形式的复杂性,也可映射地球内外营力在地表留下“烙印”的过程,其客观描述和定量表达可为地表形态定义、刻画及分异等地形地貌理论研究提供重要依据。新疆独特的山盆地貌结构为地貌学研究提供了理想的场所。本文基于“倒金字塔滤网系统”逐步筛选微观和宏观坡面因子并确定权重进而构建地形复杂度模型;运用均值变点法确定新疆地形复杂度的最佳窗口,分析不同地貌单元地形复杂度的空间异质性,进一步探究不同营力作用对地表复杂程度的贡献。结果显示:① 地形复杂度模型综合相关性分析、聚类分析、变异系数法与主成分分析等方法对地形因子进行客观筛选与科学组合,使其具有全面客观性及独立有效性。② 地形复杂度以ASTER GDEM数据(30 m)为基础,得到最佳窗口(14×14)下全疆TCI介于0.13~46.36。山地与盆地相同地貌类型TCI面积占比峰值相近,不同地貌类型可比较其斜率、偏度及峰度得以区分。在经纬向上能更好的刻画出独立山峰及深切峡谷等局部地形分异,TCI≈1可作为平原与山地地貌单元之间的分界值。在高程分区下TCI>2时为各山系(山群)震荡高程区起始处,山麓处TCI曲线差异显著。③ 地形复杂度能较好的体现不同外营力在地表留下的痕迹,一定程度上也可表征外营力对不同成因地貌类型的贡献度。本研究对新疆地形地貌的形态特征和形成原因等方面提供理论依据和科学方法,可为地形地貌研究、生态环境影响以及区域发展评价提供实践指导。 相似文献
This paper used five years (2001-2006) time series of MODIS NDVI images with a 1-km spatial resolution to produce a land cover map of Qinghai Province in China. A classi-fication approach for different land cover types with special emphasis on vegetation, espe-cially on sparse vegetation, was developed which synthesized Decision Tree Classification, Supervised Classification and Unsupervised Classification. The spatial distribution and dy-namic change of vegetation cover in Qinghai from 2001 to 2006 were analyzed based on the land cover classification map and five grade elevation belts derived from Qinghai DEM. The result shows that vegetation cover in Qinghai in recent five years has been some improved and the area of vegetation was increased from 370,047 km2 in 2001 to 374,576 km2 in 2006. Meanwhile, vegetation cover ratio was increased by 0.63%. Vegetation cover ratio in high mountain belt is the largest (67.92%) among the five grade elevation belts in Qinghai Prov-ince. The second largest vegetation cover ratio is in middle mountain belt (61.80%). Next, in the order of the decreasing vegetation cover ratio, the remaining grades are extreme high mountain belt (38.98%), low mountain belt (25.55%) and flat region belt (15.46%). The area of middle density grassland in high mountain belt is the biggest (94,003 km2), and vegetation cover ratio of dense grassland in middle mountain belt is the highest (32.62%), and the in-creased area of dense grassland in high mountain belt is the greatest (1280 km2). In recent five years the conversion from sparse grass to middle density grass in high mountain belt has been the largest vegetation cover variation and the converted area is 15931 km2. 相似文献
近5年青海省植被覆盖变化的遥感监测 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
This paper used five years (2001-2006) time series of MODIS NDVI images with a 1-km spatial resolution to produce a land cover map of Qinghai Province in China. A classification approach for different land cover types with special emphasis on vegetation, especially on sparse vegetation, was developed which synthesized Decision Tree Classification, Supervised Classification and Unsupervised Classification. The spatial distribution and dynamic change of vegetation cover in Qinghai from 2001 to 2006 were analyzed based on the land cover classification map and five grade elevation belts derived from Qinghai DEM. The result shows that vegetation cover in Qinghai in recent five years has been some improved and the area of vegetation was increased from 370,047 km^2 in 2001 to 374,576 km^2 in 2006. Meanwhile, vegetation cover ratio was increased by 0.63%. Vegetation cover ratio in high mountain belt is the largest (67.92%) among the five grade elevation belts in Qinghai Province. The second largest vegetation cover ratio is in middle mountain belt (61.80%). Next, in the order of the decreasing vegetation cover ratio, the remaining grades are extreme high mountain belt (38.98%), low mountain belt (25.55%) and flat region belt (15.46%). The area of middle density grassland in high mountain belt is the biggest (94,003 km^2), and vegetation cover ratio of dense grassland in middle mountain belt is the highest (32.62%), and the increased area of dense grassland in high mountain belt is the greatest (1280 km^2). In recent five years the conversion from sparse grass to middle density grass in high mountain belt has been the largest vegetation cover variation and the converted area is 15931 km^2. 相似文献
西宁是我国空气污染最严重的城市之一,冬春季节尤为严重,特别是当春季受到强沙尘暴影响时,会产生5级以上的严重空气污染。这除了当地污染源过量排放和外来沙尘输送外,当地大气扩散条件也是主要原因之一。利用西宁市2000年1月至2002年12月的各种常规气象观测资料和降水pH值资料,计算分析了西宁地区月、季、年各种逆稳层日数和混合层厚度,结果表明,西宁地区月逆温平均日数和月平均混合厚度基本呈反位向。冬半年各种逆温出现的总日数一般在15~24d之间,而夏半年在7~12d之间,前后二者相差一半。月平均混合厚度夏半年高,而冬半年低;季节变化是冬季平均混合厚度最低,春、夏季较高,秋季平均混合厚度介于春季和冬季之间,年最低和最高混合层厚度的平均年变差为145m。月逆温平均日数多(少)、月逆温厚度平均偏高(低),而月平均混合厚度偏低(高)。pH值月、季平均值与月、季平均混合厚度的变化趋势基本一致。混合层厚度高(低),湍流运动强(弱),空气在垂直和水平方向交换时间短(长)、扩散能力强(弱),pH值大(小)。 相似文献