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REE Tetrad Effects in Rare—metal Granites   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Described in this paper are the characteristics of tetrad effects of REE in rare-metal granites.Based on the analytical data and experimental geochemical data available,it is pointed out that the tetrad effects of REE in the granites are produced in the metal-fluid system.Intense fractional crystallization of granitic melt(containing REE accessary minerals)and its interaction with volatile-rich(F,Cl)fluid are the major factors leading to the tetrad effects of REE.From this,this paper presents a composite genetic model for high-degree fractional crystallization-volatile-rich fluid metasomatism of rare-metal granites.With the model,quantitative calculations have been made.Meanwhile,it is pointed out that the tetrad effects of REE can be used as an important indicator to distinguish mineralized granites from barren ones.  相似文献   

Rare-metal granites of Nuweibi and Abu Dabbab, central Eastern Desert of Egypt, have mineralogical and geochemical specialization. These granites are acidic, slightly peraluminous to metaaluminous, Li–F–Na-rich, and Sn–Nb–Ta-mineralized. Snowball textures, homogenous distribution of rock-forming accessory minerals, disseminated mineralization, and melt inclusions in quartz phenocrysts are typical features indicative of their petrographic specialization. Geochemical characterizations are consistent with low-P-rare metal granite derived from highly evolved I-type magma in the late stage of crystallization. Melt and fluid inclusions were studied in granites, mineralized veins, and greisen. The study revealed that at least two stages of liquid immiscibility played an important role in the evolution of magma–hydrothermal transition as well as mineral deposition. The early stage is melt/fluid case. This stage is represented by the coexistence of type-B melt and aqueous-CO2 inclusions in association with topaz, columbite–tantalite, as well as cassiterite mineral inclusions. This stage seems to have taken place at the late magmatic stage at temperatures between 450 °C and 550 °C. The late magmatic to early hydrothermal stage is represented by vapor-rich H2O and CO2 inclusions, sometimes with small crystallized silicic melt in greisen and the outer margins of the mineralized veins. These inclusions are associated with beryl, topaz, and cassiterite mineralization and probably trapped at 400 °C. The last stage of immiscibility is fluid–fluid and represented by the coexisting H2O-rich and CO2-rich inclusions. Cassiterite, wolframite ± chalcopyrite, and fluorite are the main mineral assemblage in this stage. The trapping temperature was estimated between 200 °C and 350 °C. The latest phase of fluid is low-saline, low-temperature (100–180 °C), and liquid-rich aqueous fluid.  相似文献   

The magma sources for granitic intrusions related to the Mesozoic White Mountain magma series in northern New England, USA, are addressed relying principally upon Nd isotopes. Many of these anorogenic complexes lack significant volumes of exposed mafic lithologies and have been suspected of representing crustal melts. Sm–Nd and Rb–Sr isotope systematics are used to evaluate magma sources for 18 felsic plutons with ages ranging from about 120 to 230 Ma. The possibility of crustal sources is further examined with analyses of representative older crust including Paleozoic granitoids which serve as probes of the lower crust in the region. Multiple samples from two representative intrusions are used to address intrapluton initial isotopic heterogeneities and document significant yet restricted variations (<1 in Nd). Overall, Mesozoic granite plutons range in Nd [T] from +4.2 to -2.3, with most +2 to 0, and in initial 87Sr/86Sr from 0.7031 to 0.709. The isotopic variations are roughly inversely correlated but are not obviously related to geologic, geographic, or age differences. Older igneous and metamorphic crust of the region has much lower Nd isotope ratios with the most radiogenic Paleozoic granitoid at Nd [180 Ma] of -2.8. These data suggest mid-Proterozoic separation of the crust in central northern New England. Moreover, the bulk of the Mesozoic granites cannot be explained as crustal melts but must have large mantle components. The ranges of Nd and Sr isotopes are attributed to incorporation of crust by magmas derived from midly depleted mantle sources. Crustal input may reflect either magma mixing of crustal and mantle melts or crustal assimilation which is the favored interpretation. The results indicate production of anorogenic granites from mantle-derived mafic magmas.  相似文献   

Rare-metal mineralization in Karelia is represented by V, Be, U deposits and In, Re, Nb, Ta, Li, Ce, La, and Y occurrences, which are combined into 17 types of magmatic, pegmatite, albitite–greisen, hydrothermal–metasomatic, sedimentary, and epigenetic groups. The main vanadium resources are localized in the Onega ore district. These are deposits of the Padma group (556 kt) and the Pudozhgorsky complex (1.5 Mt). The REE occurrences are primarily characterized by Ce–La specialization. The perspective of HREE is related to the Eletozero–Tiksheozero alkaline and Salmi anorthosite–rapakivi granite complexes. Rare-metal pegmatites bear complex mineralization with insignificant low-grade resources. The Lobash and Jalonvaara porphyry Cu–Mo deposits are potential sources of rhenium: Re contents in molybdenite are 20–70 and 50–246 ppm and hypothetical resources are 12 and 7.5 t, respectively. The high-grade (~100 ppm) and metallogenic potential of indium (~2400 t) make the deposits of the Pitkäranta ore district leading in the category of Russian ore objects most prospective for indium. Despite the diverse rare-metal mineralization known in Karelia, the current state of this kind of mineral commodities at the world market leaves real metallogenic perspective only for V, U, Re, In, and Nb.  相似文献   

The Zr/Hf ratio as a fractionation indicator of rare-metal granites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Zr-Hf geochemical indicator, i.e., the Zr/Hf ratio (in wt %) in granitic rocks is proposed to be used as the most reliable indicator of the fractionation and ore potential of rare-metal granites. It was empirically determined that the fractional crystallization of granitic magma according to the scheme granodiorite → biotite granite → leucogranite → Li-F granite is associated with a decrease in the Zr/Hf ratio of the granites. The reason for this is the stronger affinity of Hf than Zr to granitic melt. This was confirmed by experiments on Zr and Hf distribution between granitic melt and crystals of Hf-bearing zircon (T = 800°C, P= 1 kbar). The application of the Zr/Hf indicator was tested at three classic territories of rare-metal granites: eastern Transbaikalia, central Kazakhstan, and the Erzgebirge in the Czech Republic and Germany. The reference Kukul’bei complex of rare-metal granites in eastern Transbaikalia (J3) is characterized by a uniquely high degree of fractionation of the parental granitic melt, with the granites and their vein derivatives forming three intrusive phases. The biotite granites of phase 1 are barren, the leucogranites of phase 2 are accompanied by greisen Sn-W mineral deposits (Spokoininskoe and others), and the final dome-shaped stocks of amazonite Li-F granites of phase 3 host (in their upper parts) Ta deposits of the “apogranite” type: Orlovka, Etyka, and Achikan. The Kukul’bei Complex includes also dikes of ongonites, elvanes, amazonite granites, and miarolitic pegmatites. All granitic rocks of the complex are roughly coeval and have an age of 142±0.6 Ma. The Zr/Hf ratio of the rocks systematically decreases from intrusive phase 1 (40–25) to phases 2 (20–30) and 3 (10–2). Compared to other granite series, the granites of the Kukul’bei Complex are enriched in Rb, Li, Cs, Be, Sn, W, Mo, Ta, Nb, Bi, and F but are depleted in Mg, Ca, Fe, Ti, P, Sr, Ba, V, Co, Ni, Cr, Zr, REE, and Y. From earlier to later intrusive phases, the rocks become progressively more strongly enriched or depleted in these elements, and their Zr/Hf ratio systematically decreases from 40 to 2. This ratio serves as a reliable indicator of genetic links, degree of fractionation, and rare-metal potential of granites. Greisen Sn, W, Mo, and Be deposits are expected to accompany granites with Zr/Hf < 25, whereas granites related to Ta deposits should have Zr/Hf < 5.  相似文献   

The paper presents detailed geochemical data on the rocks of the Zashikhinsky Massif and mineralogical–geochemical characteristics of the ores of the eponymous deposit. The rare-metal granites are divided into three facies varieties on the basis of the degree of differentiation and ore potential: early facies represented by microcline–albite granites with arfvedsonite, middle facies represented by leucocratic albite–microcline granites, and late (most ore-bearing) facies represented by quartz–albite granites grading into albitites. Microprobe data were obtained on major minerals accumulating trace elements in the rocks and ores. All facies of the rare-metal granites, including the rocks of the fluorite–rare-metal vein, define single compositional trends in the plots of paired correlations of rock-forming and trace elements. In addition, they also show similar REE patterns and spidergrams. The latter, however, differ in the depth of anomalies of some elements. Obtained geological, petrographic, and geochemical data suggest a magmatic genesis of the rocks of different composition and their derivation from a single magma during its differentiation. On the basis of all characteristics, the Zashikhinskoe deposit is estimated as one of the largest tantalum rare-metal deposits of alkaline-granite type in Russia.  相似文献   

麻山杂岩的两种变质作用及其与花岗岩的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在黑龙江佳木斯地块麻山杂岩中识别出麻山杂岩中具有两种类型的变质作用:早期局部的麻粒岩相变质作用(M1)和伴随的无水深熔作用(>530Ma),即狭义的麻山群高级变质作用,变质岩多以残留块体形式散布于后期混合岩或花岗岩之中;麻粒岩相变质之后由于广泛的岩浆活动,造成了强烈的混合岩化作用(500Ma)和相应大范围的晚期角闪岩相变质作用(M2)。角闪岩相和麻粒岩相变质并非带状递进变化,而是在时空上均有差异的两种变质作用。混合岩化过程中的富水流体对早期"干"岩石进行了明显的退变质改造,从而造成高级变质岩变质结构的复杂性。此外,含水花岗岩的侵位对先期麻粒岩相变质成因锆石同位素体系有重置作用,使得早期的变质年龄难以测定。麻山杂岩的变质-花岗岩关系与东南极普里兹带有类似之处,在变形-变质之后迅速发生了构造体系的转换,出现了新的岩浆活动,只是花岗岩发育强度有所不同,反映了两地构造演化细节上的差异。西伯利亚古陆南缘及中亚造山带内部的一些微陆块发生了与冈瓦纳陆块内泛非事件类似的构造-热-岩浆事件,因此,中亚造山带内部的佳木斯地块及其他类似的微陆块与冈瓦纳古陆边缘活动带具有相似的构造性质。  相似文献   

The Losevka pluton of rare-metal albite granite, which was explored as a possible source of columbite-zircon-malacon ore, is composed of quartz, sodic plagioclase, potassium feldspar, annite, protolithionite, lepidomelane, and Li-muscovite. The average chemical composition of this rock is as follows, wt %: 74.14 SiO2, 0.04 TiO2, 14.07 Al2O3, 1.05 Fe2O3, 0.78 FeO, 0.15 MnO, 0.09 MgO, 0.47 CaO, 4.65 Na2O, 4.11 K2O, and 0.03 P2O5. The accessory minerals are zircon, malacon, and cyrtolite (874 ppm); apatite (18 ppm); ilmenite (114 ppm); xenotime and monazite (119 ppm); and Nb-columbite (463 ppm). The black inclusions up to 15 cm in size, which are observed in this granite and called “birthmarks” by local geologists, consist of the same rock-forming minerals as the surrounding granite, but are enriched in MnO, MgO, CaO, TiO2, and F and depleted in SiO2 relative to the light granite. The black granite is also distinguished by much higher Sr and Ba contents and lower La, Rb, Y, Nb, REE, Cs, Ta, Th, and U contents. The black color is caused by enrichment in manganese oxides, manganoilmenite, and Mn-annite. All rock-forming minerals are pervaded by thin veinlets of Mn-oxides. In addition, bastnaesite, Y-and Th-fluorides, zircon, and malacon have been identified. Aggregates of black-colored minerals are not the products of the fractionation of the initial magma or immiscibility effects, because the structure of the albite-potassium feldspar-quartz-mica matrix is the same both in black and light granites. The percolation of a deep-sourced fluid enriched in Mn and F into a granitic melt might be a more probable origin.  相似文献   

The results of research of symplectites from the Shavaryn-Tsaram (Hangaj plateau, Mongolia) and Bartoj (Dzhida basaltic field, Russia) alkali basaltic rocks are presented. The symplectite compositions and structures were studied, and the physical and chemical parameters at which primary megacrysts were transformed into secondary mineral assemblages were defined. It is established that both garnet megacrysts and garnet-clinopyroxene aggregates were formed at pressures of 10–13 kbar and temperatures over 1300°C. The transformation of garnet into minerals of the secondary assemblage is considered as solid state water assisted resorption of garnet at a depth corresponding to pressures of 4–8 kbar and temperatures ranging from 1000 to 1300°C. The kelyphitic rims on the garnet megacrysts resulted from melting of the megacrysts at the contact with the hosting alkali basaltic rock.  相似文献   

The Haldzan-Buregtey group of alkali granitoid massifs with an age of 391–395 Ma is located among the Early Caledonides of the Ozernaya zone of western Mongolia and consists of seven intrusive phases, including two rare-metal phases with Zr, Mn, Y, and REE mineralization. In order to identify the magma sources of the massifs, the abundances and canonical ratios of incompatible trace elements in the rocks of various intrusive phases are analyzed and compared with those in the volcanic rocks of Pantelleria island. The latter rocks were taken as the reference association of rocks linked through crystallization differentiation. The rocks of the Haldzan-Buregtey Complex were formed by mixing an OIB source (with participation of MORB) and host ophiolites, while alkali granitoids of phase 2 originated via mixting these sources with the host non-alkaline granitoids. Practically all rocks have mixed sources, with all transitional varieties from OIB, MORB to ophiolites. OIB was the main source for the rocks, while the host ophiolites could serve as sources for anatectic magmas or contaminants of the magmas of other considered rocks. The rare-metal granitoids were produced from the same sources as the barren magmatic rocks of the Haldzan-Buregtey Complex. The rocks of the Haldzan-Buregtey Complex show a bimodal distribution, with the practically complete absence of intermediate varieties between basite dikes and syenite-granite rocks. This seems to be related to the formation of the least differentiated sialic rocks (nordmarkites, pantellerites, some alkali granites) by anatexis of their own parental basite rocks (dolerites and basites), their cumulates, or ophiolites. Most of the phase-2 alkali granites likely resulted from the differentiation of the phase-1 nordmarkites coupled with assimilation of the host ophiolites. Ekerites are geochemically similar to the nordmarkites and can be interpreted as their residual in situ melts or their anatectic melts.  相似文献   

Parental magmas of the Cape Verde Islands are high-Mg foidites, picrobasalts, and basanites. The rocks can be classified into the following two differentiated series: (1) a high-alkali series, which includes picrites, high-Mg foidites, low-Mg-foidites, and phonolites; and (2) a series of moderate alkalinity, which includes picrobasalts, basanites, tephrites, tephrophonolites, phonotephrites, phonolites, and trachytes.The differentiation of both series is associated with a decrease in the concentrations of Mg, Fe, Ti, and Ca and an increase in the contents of Al, Si, K, and Na. Rare lithophile elements (REE, Zr, Nb, Th, Rb, and U) progressively enrich younger derivatives. The Sr and Ba concentrations pass through a maximum, as is typical of alkaline series, which are characterized by broad crystallization fields of plagioclase and melilite, minerals that have high distribution coefficients of these elements. The analysis of the composition of volcanic rocks from the Cape Verde Islands within the scope of the system olivine-diopside-nepheline shows that the evolution of the parental magmas was controlled by crystallization differentiation in shallow-depth intermediate chambers. This conclusion finds further support in data on inclusions in minerals and a simulated crystallization model in a magmatic chamber.  相似文献   

The topaz-albite granites of the Limu district are ultra-acidic, peraluminous, Li-F-Na-rich and Sn-Ta-Nb-mineralized. A distinct vertical zonation is developed in the granite stocks. There is an upward, systematic transition from leucocratic microcline-albite granite, through albite-microcline granite, topaz-albite granite, pegmatite stockscheider and layered pegmatite-aplite dikes, to K-feldspar-quartz veins and lepidolite-fluorite stringers in the country rocks. Snow-ball textures, homogeneous distribution of rock-forming and accessory minerals, disseminated mineralization, and melt inclusions in quartz, topaz, and albite are typical features indicative of their crystallization from the late stage Li-F-Na-rich and Sn-Ta-Nb-bearing residual granitic melts at a higher intrusion level. A comparison with rare-metal-bearing pegmatite, ongonite, topaz rhyolite and obsidian glass from other regions shows the worldwide existence of these specialized residual melts. Their emplacement and crystallization in a variety of geological environments result in the formation of a series of chemically similar rocks with different petrographic textures and mineral associations. The topaz-albite granites and associated mineralization in the Limu district provide a good example of highly evolved magmatic fractionation in the F-rich granite system and fluid/melt partitioning behavior of rare-metal elements during magmatic-hydrothermal evolution.  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical features of the Cretaceous Yucheon granites and their mafic microgranular/magmatic enclaves (MMEs), SE Korea, reveal that the MMEs originated from magma mixing. Mesoscopic and microscopic features indicate that mechanical mixing operated heterogeneously to produce the MMEs with a wide range of sizes and textures. Chemical compositions of amphibole, biotite, and plagioclase rims of both the MMEs and host granites are almost identical, indicating that chemical homogenization took place to some extent after the mechanical mixing. Plagioclase cores, however, have various compositions depending on the host rocks and/or sampling locations, suggesting their sluggish re-equilibration. The MMEs are divided into Type A (low TiO2, very fine-grained, chilled margins) and Type B (high TiO2, fine- to medium-grained, no chilled margins). The lower TiO2 MMEs cooled more rapidly and interacted with granitic magma for a shorter period of time than the higher TiO2 MMEs. Additionally, the former are less enriched in HREEs than the latter. Zoned plagioclase has two zones of increased An content. These features are indicative of double injection events of mafic magma. A previous model explains the magma mixing as resulting from the generation of a slab window due to Kula-Pacific ridge subduction. The model cannot, however, explain the eastward younging of the granites in Korea, necessitating a new, more elaborate model of Cretaceous geodynamics and magmatism in East Asia.  相似文献   

新疆北部卡拉麦里地区黄羊山碱性花岗岩的岩石成因   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
北疆地区晚古生代后碰撞岩浆活动以大面积分布碱性花岗岩为特征。侵位于晚石炭世的黄羊山碱性花岗岩体是北疆地区产于300Ma左右后碰撞伸展环境中的典型的花岗岩体之一,以正εNd(t)值(+5.06~+6.67)和年轻的tDM(501~878Ma)为特征。黄羊山碱性花岗岩包括钠铁闪石碱性花岗岩和角闪石碱长花岗岩,为过碱质到弱过铝质,岩石化学属钾玄岩系列和高钾钙碱性系列;稀土元素配分曲线为典型的"V"字形,具明显的负Eu异常;富集大离子亲石元素和高场强元素,显著亏损Ba、Sr、P2O5、TiO2。根据这种碱性花岗岩高εNd(t)值和tDM与区域内洋壳年龄吻合度较好的特征,推测其可能源岩应为洋盆闭合时洋壳残片转化而来的年轻地壳。模拟计算得出,黄羊山碱性花岗岩中幔源组分的比例可达88%~92%。在维宪末期-谢尔普霍夫末期的萨吾尔运动之后,软流圈物质上涌所携带的巨大热能加热了区域范围内的地壳,先期抵达的幔源岩浆所携带的热能进一步加热并熔融了下地壳镁铁质物质,形成北疆地区~300Ma的碱性花岗岩。同时,本文也说明了洋壳残片通过构造运动归并到陆壳当中亦可能是某些地区在某些地质时期大陆地壳增生的重要方式之一。  相似文献   

A comparative geochemical study of rare-metal granitoids with various fluorine-bearing minerals (fluorite, topaz, and cryolite) was carried out. It was shown that these rocks correspond to both plumasitic and agpaitic geochemical types. The fluorite-, topaz-, and cryolite-bearing granites of these geochemical types are distinctly different in geochemical parameters and the character of magmatic evolution. These differences are related to the composition of initial magmas and their sources. Rare-metal granitoids with fluorine-bearing minerals compose small massifs, stocks, and dike swarms. Their formation is independent of the composition and age of the country rocks or geologic structures where they occur. Original Russian Text ? V.S. Antipin, E.A. Savina, M.A. Mitichkin, 2006, published in Geokhimiya, 2006, No. 10, pp. 1040–1052.  相似文献   

Th, U and K abundances in four alkali granites of the Kerala region, south-west India, are presented. The plutons show high radioelement levels, correlatable with those of alkali granites in other regions. The nature of variation is consistent with the correlation of Th and U with accessory phases like sphene, zircon, allanite, apatite and monazite. A geochronologic correlation is also observed between the alkali granites and the Th-bearing beach placers of the region. The petrogenetic features of the alkali plutons, their taphrogenic association, Pan-African affiliation and high Th/U levels suggest that the alkali plutons are favourable locales for radioelement exploration.  相似文献   

The Late Middle Permian ( 260 Ma) Emeishan large igneous province in SW China contains two magmatic series, one comprising high-Ti basalts and Fe-rich gabbroic and syenitic intrusions, the other low-Ti basalts and mafic–ultramafic intrusions. The Fe-rich gabbros are spatially and temporally associated with syenites. Each series is associated with a distinctive type of mineralization, the first with giant Fe–Ti–V oxide ore deposits such as Panzhihua and Baima, the second with Ni–Cu–(PGE) sulfide deposits such as Jinbaoshan, Limahe and Zhubu. New SHRIMP zircon U–Pb isotopic data yielded 263 ± 3 Ma for the Limahe intrusion, 261 ± 2 Ma for the Zhubu intrusion and 262 ± 2 Ma for a syenitic intrusion. These new age dates, together with previously reported SHRIMP zircon U–Pb ages, suggest that all these intrusions are contemporaneous with the Emeishan flood basalts and formed during a major igneous event at ca. 260 Ma.The oxide-bearing intrusions have higher Al2O3, FeO (as total iron) and total alkalis (Na2O + K2O) but lower MgO than the sulfide-bearing intrusions. All intrusions are variably enriched in LREE relative to HREE. The oxide-bearing intrusions display positive Nb- and Ti-anomalies and in certain cases negative Zr–Hf anomalies, whereas the sulfide-bearing intrusions have obvious negative Nb- and Ti-anomalies, a feature of crustal contamination. Individual intrusions have relatively small ranges of Nd(t) values. All the intrusions, however, have Nd(t) values ranging from − 3.9 to + 4.6, and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.7039 to 0.7105. The syenites have very low MgO (< 2 wt.%) but highly variable Fe2O3 (2.5 to 13 wt.%) with initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.7039 to 0.7089. Magmas from both series could have derived by melting of a heterogeneous mantle plume: the high-Ti series from a Fe-rich, more fertile source and the low-Ti series from a Fe-poor, more refractory source. In addition, the low-Ti series underwent significant crustal contamination. The two magma series evolved along different paths that led to distinct mineralization styles.  相似文献   

 Cerro Panizos, a large caldera in the central Andes Mountains, produced two large dacitic ignimbrites at 7.9 Ma and 6.7 Ma and many andesitic and dacitic lava flows and domes. The older rhyodacitic Cienago Ignimbrite represents the most silicic magma erupted by the system. The younger, much larger volume dacitic Cerro Panizos Ignimbrite is very crystal-rich, containing up to 50% biotite, plagioclase, and quartz crystals in the pumice. It is weakly zoned, with most of the zoning apparent between two main cooling units. Major and most trace elements show little variation through the Cerro Panizos Ignimbrite, but the small range of composition is consistent with typical fractionation trends. Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic ratios are very “crustal”, with initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.711 to 0.715, ɛNd values of –7.5 to –10.2, and nearly invariant Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb=18.85, 207Pb/204Pb=15.67, and 208Pb/204Pb=38.80). The limited zonation observed in the Cerro Panizos Ignimbrite is explained by impeded crystal settling due to high crystal content. The magma body was a crystal-liquid mush before ascent to the pre-eruption crustal levels. Crystals formed, but did not separate easily from the magma. Limited fractionation of plagioclase and biotite may have occurred, but the composition was largely controlled by lower crustal MASH processes. AFC modeling shows that the Cerro Panizos magmas resulted from a mixture of roughly equal proportions of late Miocene mantle-derived basalts and melts from ∼1.0 Ga (Grenville age) lower crust. This occurred in a MASH zone in the lower crust, and set the crustal isotopic ratios observed in the Cerro Panizos magmas. The great thickening of the crust beneath the central Andes Mountains sent upper and middle crustal rock types to lower crustal (and deeper) depths, and this explains the “upper crustal” isotopic signatures of the Cerro Panizos rocks. Minor upper crustal assimilation of early Miocene volcanic or subvolcanic rocks produced much of the isotopic variation seen in the system. The nearly invariant high Pb isotopic values and high Pb concentrations indicate that Pb came almost entirely from the crustal source, and was little altered by any subsequent upper crustal assimilation. This Pb signature is isotopically similar to that of the southern Bolivian Tin Belt, suggesting a widely distributed Pb source. The great difference between compositions of Miocene and Quaternary central Andean volcanic rocks is explained by crustal thickening in early Miocene time leading to abundant lower crustal water and associated fluxed melting during the time of the earlier eruptions. The lower crust dried out considerably by Quaternary time, so less crustal component is present. Received: 22 December 1994 / Accepted: 13 September 1995  相似文献   

两类岩浆的小岩体成大矿   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
汤中立  李小虎 《矿床地质》2006,25(Z1):35-38
小岩体岩浆矿床作为中国岩浆硫化物矿床的主要类型,越来越受到人们的关注。小岩体成大矿不仅在镁铁-超镁铁岩中如此,在中酸性岩中亦是如此。作者进一步定义了2类岩浆成大矿的小岩体规模即岩体的最大变化截面积可以大到n(n<10) km2 ,小到0.00n km2,一般在1 km2左右或更小。提出了2类小岩体成大矿的主要机制和九种成矿类型,镁铁-超镁铁岩是深部熔离-贯入成矿机制(3种类型:深熔-复式贯入,深熔-脉冲式贯入,深熔-单式贯入),中酸性岩是头部气、液、矿质聚集成矿机制(6种类型:前锋式小岩体,斑岩小岩体,夕卡岩-斑岩小岩体,复式斑岩小岩体,单式小岩体,复式小岩体)。强调“小岩体成大矿”对新一轮岩浆矿床勘查具有重要意义,同时指出未涉及或未深入涉及的小岩体成大矿的空间还相当广阔,如铀矿、铁矿、金矿等等,还需要进一步研究和探索。  相似文献   

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