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An optimal control approach was carried out to investigate the influence of perturbations of baroclinic coastal jets which are located upstream of the observation site. Two academic numerical experiments were considered: the intrusion of the buoyancy anomaly within an established density current along a straight coast (experiments A), and the interaction of a coastal current with a shelf topography (experiments B). We explored the sensitivity of the forcing retrieval to the spatial distribution of observations (experiments A) and to the temporal sampling of the forcing (experiments B), using a 4D-var formalism. The sensitivity of numerical simulations is discussed in the framework of analytical solutions. The results provide insight into how observational network and data assimilation method would impact the realistic modelling of coastal jets and the shelf slope exchanges.  相似文献   

随机强迫对集合预报效果的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以Lorenz96模式为动力框架,建立了考虑模式随机强迫不确定性的集合预报系统,并选择模式气候态和集合平均预报效果为研究对象,研究随机强迫对集合预报效果的影响.结果表明,在数值模式积分过程中引入恰当的随机强迫构成的新计算范式,较非随机强迫更接近真值的气候平均与气候标准差,对刻画数值模式的气候态也有正效果;且随机强迫的正效果主要体现在长时效阶段.集合平均预报方面,绝大部分白噪声随机强迫对应的集合预报效果优于非随机强迫集合预报,集合预报效果也随白噪声强迫增大非单调变化,并且非线性系统不同,相同比率的白噪声随机强迫产生的效果也不同.同时,绝大部分红噪声随机强迫对应的集合预报效果也优于非随机强迫集合预报,但仅部分φ(表示所引入外强迫的随机性部分和确定性部分相互耦合的一个度量)值对应的红噪声强迫集合预报优于白噪声随机强迫集合预报;而且红噪声随机强迫集合预报改善效果随系数的正负分布非对称且非单调变化.此外,相关系数φ的选择也依赖于模型.  相似文献   

基于普洱雨季开始期年际增量变化规律和影响雨季开始期的环流形势及物理过程,采用年际增量方法和多元线性回归分析方法,选取5个具有物理意义的预测因子(包括前期1月南半球绕极环流、前期2月南太平洋高压、前期4月孟加拉湾至南海海平面气压、前期冬季加拿大北部海冰和前期冬季伊朗高原积雪深度),建立了普洱雨季开始期的预测模型,并对预测模型进行1967—2017年的交叉检验和1998—2017年的逐年独立样本检验。交叉检验中,雨季开始期预测值和观测值年际增量的相关系数为0.84,相对均方根误差为24%;独立样本检验中,雨季开始期年际增量的相对均方根误差为15%,模型对雨季开始期异常年份的预测误差小于7 d,表明该预测模型能很好再现1967—2017年雨季开始期的变化趋势。  相似文献   

巢纪平  李耀锟 《气象学报》2010,68(2):147-152
利用一个考虑了辐射能传输的二维能量平衡气候模式,解析地分析了二氧化碳浓度改变后冰界纬度的变化,得到了冰界纬度随CO2浓度变化的关系以及全球平均温度的变化曲线.结果表明,当CO2浓度由工业革命前的280×10-6增加到700×10-6时,冰界仅后退(北半球向北)几个纬度;当CO2的浓度继续增加时,冰界纬度会加速向极地退缩,直至出现全球无极冰覆盖的现象.同样地,当CO2浓度由280×10-6增加到700×10-6时,全球地表平均温度虽然在增加,但增加的速率很小,并且增加的速率在减小,而当大于700×10-6之后,温度增加的速率会快速增大,温度将加速上升.对不同反照率进行敏感性试验,发现当反照率从0.1到0.32时,结果并没有显著地改变,即结果对反照率的变化并不敏感.这一计算结果表明,在目前的状态下,由CO2引起的增温作用似乎处于变化很小的准饱和状态,即目前气候不会因为CO2浓度的增加而迅速变暖.较为实际的情形可能是大气温度在缓慢增加到一定程度后才会迅速升高.这并不意味着可以忽视CO2的增温效应,因为根据计算结果,这个临界值大概在700×10-6左右,当CO2浓度增加到超过临界值之后,气温会剧烈上升,气候将会处在一个非常温暖的阶段.  相似文献   

一次西南涡暴雨的等熵位涡特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用常规资料和0.5°×0.5°的GFS再分析资料,对2010年7月19日发生在河北山东的一次西南涡暴雨过程产生的条件及其等熵位涡演变特征进行了分析。结果表明:西南涡、高、低空急流、地面低压是这次暴雨过程的主要影响系统;等熵位涡的演变和形态对冷空气活动有很好的示踪作用;等熵位涡中心两侧气流辐合,利于地面低压发展;高位涡下传,导致了大暴雨产生;等熵位涡大值区及移动方向与降水落区有很好的对应关系。  相似文献   

利用GCM模式对全球雷电活动的模拟分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将修正的参数化方案嵌套入美国马里兰大学海-陆-气研究中心的全球大气环流谱模式(COLAGCM),建立了可用于全球雷电活动模拟与估测的模式系统.通过对模式输出与实况资料的对比,检验其气候模拟性能.虽然模式的分辨率较低但经过较长时间积分,仍可再现实况资料的主要特征.性能良好,计算稳定,且因时间步长较大可大大节省机时.耦合模式系统经长时间的积分后,模拟的多年平均的全球雷电频次时空分布及变化与观测分析较一致.全球范围内每秒钟平均有79次的雷电发生,陆海比为12.2.多发生在北半球夏季且具明显的季节变化特征.  相似文献   

A time-dependent semi-geostrophic Ekman boundary-layer model based on the geostrophic momentum approximation is used to study the diurnal wind variation in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) and the evolution of the low-level nocturnal jet (LLJ). The coefficient of eddy viscosity varies periodically with time, varies linearly with height in the surface layer and is constant above the surface layer. The influence of horizontal advection of momentum on the diurnal wind variation in the PBL, the development of inertial oscillations (IOs) and the formation of the LLJ are examined.In comparison with the Ekman solutions, the diurnal wind variation in semi-geostrophic Ekman boundary-layer dynamics has the following features: (1) the phase angle of the diurnal wind wave shifts with height, the rate of shifting is increased in anticyclonic regions and decreased in cyclonic regions, (2) the time of occurrence of the low-level maximum wind speed is later in anticyclonic regions and earlier in cyclonic regions, (3) the height of occurrence of the maximum wind speed is higher in the anticyclonic and lower in cyclonic regions, (4) the wind speed maximum and the amplitude of the diurnal wind variation are larger in anticyclonic and smaller in cyclonic regions, (5) the period of IOs is larger in anticyclonic regions and smaller in cyclonic regions, (6) anticyclonic vorticity is conducive to the generation of LLJ in the PBL. These features are interpreted by means of the physical properties of semi-geostrophic Ekman boundary-layer dynamics and inertial oscillation dynamics.  相似文献   

植被总初级生产力(Gross Primary Productivity,GPP)决定进入陆地生态系统的初始物质和能量,是陆地碳循环与大气碳库的重要联系纽带。利用陆面过程模式CLM4-CN(Community Land Model version 4 with CarbonNitrogen interactions)模拟和分析中国区域1982~2004年GPP(CLM4_GPP)时空变化特征,并通过与基于观测数据升尺度所得到的MTE_GPP(Model Tree Ensemble,MTE)进行比较,评估CLM4在中国区域GPP的模拟能力,同时探讨了不同土地覆盖资料对GPP的影响。结果表明:(1)CLM4-CN能够较好地刻画中国区域GPP空间分布格局,表现为由东南向西北递减,但在量值上大部分区域尤其是30°N以南地区存在高估,CLM4-CN模拟的GPP多年平均值为13.7 Pg C a-1,而MTE_GPP仅为6.9 Pg C a-1;(2)CLM4-CN可以合理模拟GPP的季节变化(与MTE_GPP相关系数大于0.9),在量值上对温带阔叶落叶林、寒带阔叶落叶林、寒带阔叶落叶灌木、C3极地草地、C3非极地草地和农作物模拟较好(均方根偏差RMSD100 g C m-2 month-1);(3)不同植物功能型CLM4_GPP表现出的年际变率均大于MTE_GPP,仅热带针叶常绿林、寒带阔叶落叶林和C3极地草地的CLM4_GPP与MTE_GPP变化趋势一致;(4)降水是研究时段内控制整个中国区域GPP的主要气候因子,但不同地区存在较大差异;(5)两种不同土地覆盖资料GPP模拟结果的显著差异表明,精确的土地覆盖是准确模拟GPP的重要基础。  相似文献   

Large biases exist in real-time ENSO prediction, which can be attributed to uncertainties in initial conditions and model parameters. Previously, a 4 D variational(4 D-Var) data assimilation system was developed for an intermediate coupled model(ICM) and used to improve ENSO modeling through optimized initial conditions. In this paper, this system is further applied to optimize model parameters. In the ICM used, one important process for ENSO is related to the anomalous temperature of subsurface water entrained into the mixed layer(T_e), which is empirically and explicitly related to sea level(SL) variation.The strength of the thermocline effect on SST(referred to simply as "the thermocline effect") is represented by an introduced parameter, αT_e. A numerical procedure is developed to optimize this model parameter through the 4 D-Var assimilation of SST data in a twin experiment context with an idealized setting. Experiments having their initial condition optimized only,and having their initial condition plus this additional model parameter optimized, are compared. It is shown that ENSO evolution can be more effectively recovered by including the additional optimization of this parameter in ENSO modeling.The demonstrated feasibility of optimizing model parameters and initial conditions together through the 4 D-Var method provides a modeling platform for ENSO studies. Further applications of the 4 D-Var data assimilation system implemented in the ICM are also discussed.  相似文献   

北美偶极子(NAD)是热带北大西洋西部和北美东北部的南北向海平面气压异常偶极型模态.以往的观测研究表明,NAD可以有效地影响ENSO事件的爆发.本文利用全球耦合模式FGOALS-g2,评估了NAD与ENSO的关系.结果表明,该模式能较好地重现NAD模态.进一步的分析验证了冬季NAD可以通过强迫冬末春初副热带东北太平洋上空的反气旋和暖海温的出现,在随后的冬季触发El Ni?o事件.此外,在同化NAD实验中,发生El Ni?o事件的概率增加了将近一倍.相比之下,NAO未能在副热带东北太平洋上空引起表面风和海温的异常,因而不能有效地激发次年冬季ENSO事件.  相似文献   

龚建东  刘永柱  张林 《气象学报》2019,77(4):595-616
GRAPES全球四维变分资料同化系统需要积云深对流参数化方案的线性化与伴随方案,直接采用原始复杂参数化方案进行线性化并不可行,需要发展简化光滑方案来减缓非线性与非连续性特征。GRAPES全球模式采用NSAS积云对流参数化方案,积云深对流对环境的反馈主要通过补偿下沉来实现,研究突出补偿下沉作用,忽略降水蒸发、动量反馈等贡献,形成简化方案。采用输入温、湿度廓线加入不同幅度小扰动方法,评估参数化方案计算的温度、比湿时间倾向对输入扰动的敏感性,检验非线性与非连续特征。提出避免或减缓非连续“开关”的方法,在简化方案的基础上发展了简化光滑方案。简化光滑方案与原始积云深对流方案相比,在对流触发上一致,在对流的位温与比湿倾向、降水的时序模拟等方面相似,而在减缓非线性、避免非连续性方面显著优于原始方案。基于简化光滑方案发展的线性化方案表明,对小于2倍分析增量幅度的扰动,线性化方案可以较好地模拟非线性方案的扰动发展。发展的简化光滑方案具有合理性和实用性。   相似文献   

RegCM4对中国东部区域气候模拟的辐射收支分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用卫星和再分析数据,评估了区域气候模式Reg CM4对中国东部地区辐射收支的基本模拟能力,重点关注地表净短波(SNS)、地表净长波(SNL)、大气顶净短波(TNS)、大气顶净长波(TNL)4个辐射分量。结果表明:1)短波辐射的误差值在夏季较大,而长波辐射的误差值在冬季较大。但各辐射分量模拟误差的空间分布在冬、夏季都有较好的一致性。2)对于地表辐射通量,SNS表现为正偏差(向下净短波偏多),在各分量中误差最大,区域平均误差值近50 W/m2;SNL表现为负偏差(向上净长波偏多);对于大气顶辐射通量,TNS和TNL分别表现为"北负南正"的误差分布和整体正偏差。3)利用空间相关和散点线性回归方法对4个辐射分量的模拟误差进行归因分析,发现在云量、地表反照率、地表温度三个直接影响因子中,云量模拟误差的贡献最大,中国东部地区云量模拟显著偏少。  相似文献   

Frequency-dependent nudging is applied to a coarse resolution (nominal 1°) global ocean model to suppress its drift and bias, and the impact of the nudging on the skill of the model is assessed. The nudging is applied to temperature and salinity in frequency bands centred on 0 and 1 cycles per year. As expected, the nudging significantly reduces the biases in the long-term mean and annual cycle of temperature, salinity, and sea level. By comparing the simulated (i) sea surface temperature with operational analyses based on observations, (ii) vertical profiles of temperature and salinity with observations made by Argo floats, and (iii) sea level with altimeter observations, it is shown that the skill of the model in simulating variability about the annual cycle is also improved. The potential benefit of applying frequency-dependent nudging to the ocean component of a coupled atmosphere–ocean model is discussed.  相似文献   

青海秋季对流云降水及催化过程数值模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
利用CAMS三维对流云模式和青海省河南县秋季外场试验取得的资料,对自然云的发展演变过程进行了数值模拟试验。进一步就催化时间、催化剂量对增雨效果的影响进行了数值试验。结果表明,该地区秋季对流云降水主要为冷云降水,冰晶是霰产生的主要来源,冰霰自动转化是霰产生的最主要方式,冰晶与霰的碰并又促进了霰的进一步增长,霰是云中过冷水消耗的主要因素。人工播撒催化剂应在冰核活化过程大量开始以前进行,以达到增加冰晶浓度,消耗过冷云水,从而增加降水的目的。  相似文献   

A single-column model (SCM) is developed in the regional climate model RegCM4. The evolution of a dry convection boundary layer (DCBL) is used to evaluate this SCM. Moreover, four planetary boundary layer (PBL) schemes, namely the Holtslag-Boville scheme (HB), Yonsei University scheme (YSU), and two University of Washington schemes (UW01, Grenier-Bretherton-McCaa scheme and UW09, Bretherton-Park scheme), are compared by using the SCM approach. A large-eddy simulation (LES) of the DCBL is performed as a benchmark to examine how well a PBL parameterization scheme reproduces the LES results, and several diagnostic outputs are compared to evaluate the schemes. The results show that the SCM is proper constructed. In general, with the DCBL case, the YSU scheme performs best for reproducing the LES results, which include well-mixed features and vertical sensible heat fluxes; the simulated wind speed, turbulent kinetic energy, entrainment flux, and height of the entrainment zone are all underestimated in the UW09; the UW01 has all those biases of the UW09 but larger, and the simulated potential temperature is not well mixed; the HB is the least skillful scheme, by which the PBL height, entrainment flux, height of the entrainment zone, and the vertical gradients within the mixed layer are all overestimated, and a inversion layer near the top of the surface layer is wrongly simulated.Although more cases and further testing are required, these simulations show encouraging results towards the use of this SCM framework for evaluating the simulated physical processes by the RegCM4.  相似文献   

In phase Ⅱ of the Regional Climate Model Inter-comparison Project (RMIP) for Asia, the regional climate has been simulated for July 1988 through December 1998 by five regional climate models and one global variable resolution model. Comparison of the 10-year simulated precipitation with the observations was carried out. The results show that most models have the capacity to reproduce the basic spatial pattern of precipitation for Asia, and the main rainbelt can be reproduced by most models, but there are distinctions in the location and the intensity. Most models overestimate the precipitation over most continental regions. Interannual variability of the precipitation can also be basically simulated, while differences exist between various models and the observations. The biases in the stream field are important reasons behind the simulation errors of the Regional Climate Models (RCMs). The cumulus scheme and land surface process have large influences on the precipitation simulation. Generally, the Grell cumulus scheme produces more precipitation than the Kuo scheme.  相似文献   

In phase Ⅱ of the Regional Climate Model Inter-comparison Project (RMIP) for Asia, the regional climate has been simulated for July 1988 through December 1998 by five regional climate models and one global variable resolution model. Comparison of the 10-year simulated precipitation with the observations was carried out. The results show that most models have the capacity to reproduce the basic spatial pattern of precipitation for Asia, and the main rainbelt can be reproduced by most models, but there are distinctions in the location and the intensity. Most models overestimate the precipitation over most continental regions. Interannual variability of the precipitation can also be basically simulated, while differences exist between various models and the observations. The biases in the stream field are important reasons behind the simulation errors of the Regional Climate Models (RCMs). The cumulus scheme and land surface process have large influences on the precipitation simulation. Generally, the Grell cumulus scheme produces more precipitation than the Kuo scheme.  相似文献   

The direct climatic effect of aerosols for the 1980-2000 period over East Asia was numerically investigated by a regional scale coupled climate-chemistry/aerosol model,which includes major anthropogenic aerosols(sulfate,black carbon,and organic carbon) and natural aerosols(soil dust and sea salt) .Anthropogenic emissions used in model simulation are from a global emission inventory prepared for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report(IPCC AR5) ,whereas natural aerosols are calculated online in the model.The simulated 20-year average direct solar radiative effect due to aerosols at the surface was estimated to be in a range of-9--33 W m-2 over most areas of China,with maxima over the Gobi desert of West China,and-12 W m-2 to-24 W m-2 over the Sichuan Basin,the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River.Aerosols caused surface cooling in most areas of East Asia,with maxima of-0.8-C to-1.6-C over the deserts of West China,the Sichuan Basin,portions of central China,and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Aerosols induced a precipitation decrease over almost the entire East China,with maxima of-90 mm/year to-150 mm/year over the Sichuan Basin,the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and the lower reaches of the Yellow River.Interdecadal variation of the climate response to the aerosol direct radiative effect is evident,indicating larger decrease in surface air temperature and stronger perturbation to precipitation in the 1990s than that in the 1980s,which could be due to the interdecadal variation of anthropogenic emissions.  相似文献   

4DSVD分析误差与样本选取方法和样本容量的关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析误差与样本选取方法和样本容量的关系是4DSVD同化方法一个亟需研究的重要问题。获得支撑大气模式空间和观测空间吸引子的基向量是4DSVD研究的关键部分,样本的好坏和样本容量的范围是决定4DSVD基向量和分析结果质量的一个重要前提条件。首先利用Lorenz28变量模式,用4DSVD方法做了一些简单三维同化试验,探讨了Lorenz28变量模式的分析误差与样本容量和样本选取方法的关系。数值试验结果表明,对一个具体的模式,有限的样本容量就能够获得较高精度的分析结果;在模式系统和观测系统不变情况下,用一定样本容量得到的支撑模式空间和观测空间的基向量具有很好的稳定性,即一旦获得一组较好的基向量,在观测系统和模式系统不变的情况下,对同化任何时刻的观测适用;分析结果对选取方法没有太大的依赖性,但具体的样本容量要视不同模式和样本选取方法而定。用WRF模式做的4DSVD四维观测系统模拟试验结果表明,若样本选取方法得当,所需要的样本容量要远远小于模式自由度。4DSVD要真正获得较高精度的分析结果,需要的条件是尽可能的在吸引子上取样并选取充足的样本容量;间隔取样可以一定程度上减少计算量。根据数值试验结果提出了4DSVD在实际同化时样本选取的一些初步的方法。  相似文献   

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