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Geochronology of the volcanic rocks in the Lu-Zong basin and its significance   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The Lu-Zong (Lujiang-Zongyang) basin is one of the most important volcanic basins in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River area, China. It comprises four shoshonitic volcanic units, which are, in an ascending order, the Longmenyuan, Zhuanqiao, Shuangmiao and Fushan Groups. The LA-ICP MS U-Pb zircon ages of the four units are: 134.8±1.8 Ma for the Longmenyuan Group, 134.1±1.6 Ma for the Zhuanqiao Group, 130.5±0.8 Ma for the Shuangmiao Group, and 127.1±1.2 Ma for the Fushan Group. The results indicate that all volcanic rocks in the Lu-Zong basin were formed in the Early Cretaceous from about 135 Ma to 127 Ma, lasting 8-10 Ma. There were no Jurassic volcanic activities in all the volcanic basins including the Lu-Zong basin in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River area. This work has provided new chronological results for the further study and understanding of the tec- tonic, magmatic and metallogenic processes of eastern China in the Mesozoic.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, a large number of paleomagneticstudies have been carried out in the North China block(NCB) and Tarim block[1-8], and more and more geo-physicists recently believe that the last collision andconvergence between Siberia and the Mongolia-NorthChina plate happened in the Late Jurassic, which wascontributed to a paleomagnetic study on these areas byZhao and his colleagues[2]. However, we lack paleo-magnetic results obtained directly from the orogenicbelt between Siberia and th…  相似文献   

The Proterozoic anorogenic magmatic rocks are well developed in the Bayan Obo deposit region. They are composed of trachyte, magnesioarfvedesonite-feldspatite, potash-rhyolite, dacite, rhyolite, quartz porphyry and trachy basalt. A lot of high-K diabase veins (dykes) are also found. These anorogenic magmatic rocks are derived from the mantle. They have lowerεNd (t) (4.52-5.88) with T(Nd DM)=1.54-1.92 Ga. Their Nd isotopic compositions and T(Nd DM)are consistent with those of ores, implying that the ore-forming materials were derived from these anorogenic magmatic rocks. The zircon U-Pb ages of the rocks are 1.8 Ga. Research results indicate that the Bayan Obo Group was replaced by the hydrothermal solution related to the anorogenic magmatic rocks, resulting in the formation of the deposit.  相似文献   

火山岩储层发育受岩性岩相的控制,为了提高岩性岩相地震识别的精度,选择松辽盆地南部长岭断陷营城组和火石岭组典型钻井火山岩进行井旁地震相分析,分别建立了酸性和中基性火山岩的岩相识别的模版.酸性与中基性火山岩最明显的差别为爆发相和喷溢相之间的差异,酸性岩爆发相具有席状,板状,平行—亚平行反射,连续性好、局部中等,强振幅,低频的特征;酸性岩喷溢相具有楔状、局部透镜,波形反射特征,连续性中—差,中弱振幅、见中强振幅,中高频特征.中基性岩爆发相具有板状,楔状,蠕虫形反射、偶见亚平行反射,中高振幅,中高频,连续性差、见连续性中—好的特征;中基性岩喷溢相具有板状,楔状,平行—亚平行反射、局部波形反射,连续性中等、局部较差,中强振幅,中频、局部高频的特征.根据酸性、中基性火山岩不同的电性特征,结合火山岩段表现的地震内部反射结构,几何形态等地震相特征.总结出不同火山岩之间地震相与测井相的对应关系,为新区识别火山岩相,预测火山岩储层,划分有利储集相带提供依据.  相似文献   

下扬子天目山盆地火山岩锆石LA-ICP-MS定年及地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天目山盆地是下扬子江南隆起带保存较完整的中生代火山盆地,中生代火山岩系岩性自下而上主要为流纹岩-英安岩-安山岩。对盆地内黄尖组下段流纹岩和英安岩分别进行了锆石 LA-ICP MS定年,分别获得了133.6±1.5 Ma(MSWD=0.73)和135.0±2.1 Ma(MSWD=0.78)的锆石U-Pb年龄,指示天目山盆地黄尖组火山岩时代为早白垩世。天目山盆地火山活动起始时间和长江中下游地区晚中生代火山活动基本一致,说明江南隆起带和长江中下游地区在早白垩世均处于强烈拉张环境。  相似文献   

A great deal of practical data in recent years have proved that the East Kunlun orogenic belt and even the China central orogenic belt are complex orogenic belts that underwent polycycle orogenic evolvement[1―7]. Each orogenic cycle has left a compositional print, the multi-period ophiolites[4―6] and various types of tec-tono-magmatic production in the same orogenic belt. There is a suite of shallow metamorphic volcanic rocks in the Nuomuhong area in the east part of the East Kunlun orogen…  相似文献   

晋冀蒙交界地区主要断裂的现今活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用大地水准测量资料分析了晋冀蒙交界地区13条主要断裂的现今活动状态,结果发现,凡是活动断裂带通过的地段,在形变剖面图上一般都出现转折或突变。断裂现今活动与继承性活动是一致的,但是运动速率不均匀,有时快,有时慢,有时甚至作反向运动;同一条断裂有的地段活动强,有的地段活动弱。在1983—1992年间,该地区活动最强,平均速率超过2mm/a的断裂是怀安盆地北缘断裂和怀涿盆地北缘断裂;活动较强,平均速率为1.0—1.9mm/a的有恒山北麓断裂、怀安盆地南缘断裂、太白山山前断裂、蔚—广盆地南缘断裂西段、延矾盆地北缘断裂、张家口断裂、五台山北麓断裂。活动较弱,速率小于1mm/a的有蔚—广盆地南缘断裂东段、恒山南麓断裂、六棱山北麓断裂、阳原盆地北缘断裂。  相似文献   

There exists extensive basic-acidic volcanic rock series in the middle section of the Okinawa Trough. Different types of these volcanic rocks have their own average strontium ratios of 0.704 749, 0.705 062, 0.708 771, 0.704 840 and 0.720 301 with average143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.512 820, 0.512 673, 0.512 413, 0.512 729 and 0.512 034. These ratios of Sr and Nd isotopes all fall on a theoretic hyperbolic curve of mixing between two end-members of MORB and rhyolitic magma. So we infer that these different kinds of volcanic rocks in the middle Okinawa Trough are the erupted product in different stages of formation and evolution of the trough crust. MORB magma, which had suffered assimilation, mixed with the early-formed crust-derived rhyolitic partial melt mass at different ratios; then, these mixed magma erupted and formed volcanic rock types of the trough. This study indicates that the Okinawa Trough is coming into a stage of submarine spreading from the stage of continental rift.  相似文献   

根据晋冀蒙交界近33年的区域台网地震资料,运用最大似然法,分别计算并绘制晋冀蒙交界1980年、1990年、2000年以来 b 值空间扫描图像,结果显示,低 b 值异常区主要分布在大同、张北、代县一带。依据区域地质构造条件、b 值空间分布图像、历史强震和现代地震活动特征,将晋冀蒙交界分成张北段、延庆段、大同段和代县段4个段落,采用最佳效果拟合法+最大似然法,对各段落进行 b 值时间扫描,并且利用断裂带分段的多地震活动参数值组合分析方法,分析4个段落的现今活动习性,综合判定处于相对高应力和闭锁状态的断裂段。研究结果表明,张北段处于高应力背景下的相对闭锁状态,但会受到1998年、1999年张北 M 6.2、M 5.6强余震影响。综合分析认为,需注意张北段和延庆段发生中强地震的长期地震危险。  相似文献   

针对测震台网定位存在偏差的问题,采用双差定位方法,对2008—2019年9月内蒙古测震台网及周边台站记录的内蒙古中西部地区4410个地震事件进行重新定位.研究表明,利用双差定位方法重新定位后地震分布更集中,更符合内蒙古中西部地区的地质构造特征,定位精度显著提高.  相似文献   

Soil respiration refers to the process of soil gener-ating and emitting CO2to the atmosphere under the synthetic effect of different environmental factors,which includes mineralization of soil organic matter involved by microorganism and respiration of plant root system and soil animals.The emission of CO2to the atmosphere through soil respiration is the most important link of carbon cycle process of grassland ecosystem,and also the key ecological process of grassland ecosystem exerting effec…  相似文献   

The mafic volcanic rocks and hypabyssal rocks in the Chon Dean‐Wang Pong area are possibly the southern extension of the western Loei Volcanic Sub‐belt, Northeast Thailand. They are least‐altered, and might have been formed in Permian–Triassic times. The rocks are commonly porphyritic, with different amounts of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, amphibole, Fe–Ti oxide, unknown mafic mineral, and apatite phenocrysts or microphenocrysts, and are uncommonly seriate textured. The groundmass mainly shows an intergranular texture, with occasionally hyalophitic, intersertal and ophitic–subophitic textures. The groundmass constituents have the same minerals as the phenocrysts or microphenocrysts and may contain altered glass. The groundmass plagioclase laths may show a preferred orientation. Chemically, the studied rock samples can be separated into three magmatic groups: Group I, Group II, and Group III. These magmatic groups are different in values for Ti/Zr ratios. The averaged Ti/Zr values for Group I, Group II, and Group III rocks are 83 ± 6, 46 ± 12, and 29 ± 5, respectively. In addition, the Group I rocks have higher P/Zr, but lower Zr/Nb relative to Group II and Group III rocks. The Group I and Group II rocks comprise tholeiitic andesite–basalt and microdiorite–microgabbro, while the Group III rocks are calc‐alkalic andesite and microdiorite. According to the magmatic affinities and the negative Nb anomalies on normal mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (N‐MORB) normalized multi‐element plot, arc‐related lavas are persuasive. The similarity between the studied lavas and the Quaternary lavas from the northern Kyukyu Arc, in terms of chondrite‐normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns and N‐MORB normalized multi‐element patterns, leads to a conclusion that the mafic volcanic rocks and hypabyssal rocks in the Chon Daen–Wang Pong area have been formed in a volcanic arc environment.  相似文献   

晋冀蒙交界区5.0级以上地震演化过程之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了晋冀蒙交界地区5.0级以上地震的时空分布特征、孕育演化过程,结果表明,该区5.0级以上地震空间分布受区内主要活动断裂控制,研究区孕育1次6.0级以上地震需9a以上。5.0级以上地震的孕育演化过程具有共性:表现为孕震构造伴有中小地震(3.0<M≤5.0)间歇活动,主震前出现2个月~8个月时段的平静,末次中等地震与主震有较好的对应关系,震前2a中等地震明显由外围向主震震中迁移等。  相似文献   

通过分析山西代县中小地震与晋冀蒙交界地区中强地震活动的相互联系,发现几次中强地震前3~1a,山西代县地区均出现过小震增强活动异常,该地区可能是晋冀蒙交界地区中强地震前的应力调整窗口。分析表明,岱海断陷带和山西断陷带的形成和演化有着相同的机制,具有统一的动力学特点。  相似文献   

文章对1989年、1991年发生在山西大同一阳高的两次6.1级地震、1996年内蒙古包头西的6.6级地震、1998年的河北张北6.2级四次中强震前后华北北部地电阻率资料进行对比分析,提取出晋冀蒙交界区中强地震前地电异常信息,为今后该区中强地震的预测提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The Setouchi volcanic rocks include high-Mg andesites (HMAs) and garnet-bearing dacite–rhyolite, and are sporadically distributed along the Median Tectonic Line, Japan. New U–Pb zircon ages and geological and geochemical data are presented for those rocks in the Western Setouchi region (W-Setouchi). Previous studies referred to the altered andesite in the W-Setouchi as “pre-Setouchi volcanic rocks.” However, on the basis of the new U–Pb age (14.4 Ma ± 0.3 Ma) and geochemical characteristics, we redefine it as the Jikamuro Formation, part of the Setouchi volcanic rocks. Incompatible elements are more enriched in the Jikamuro Formation rocks than in the Setouchi HMAs. The characteristic element compositions may be explained by mixing of compositionally different magmas, including subducted sediment melts, plus a contribution from crustal contamination. A stress-inversion technique with Bingham distribution method was applied to the orientations of felsic and mafic dikes within the Setouchi volcanic rocks, and indicates paleo-stress conditions during the period of Setouchi volcanism in the W-Setouchi. The analysis reveals NNW-extensional stresses and a strike-slip stress. We infer that the former represents extensional conditions during the main period of volcanism and the latter represents a stress transition during the most recent period of volcanism (after 12 Ma).  相似文献   

By measuring Sr/Ca ratios of the ostracod shells (Limnocthere cf. inopinata) in sediments of the Daihai Lake, and combined with Sr2+/Ca2+ ratios of the lake water, this paper obtained paleosalinity of the lake water. Vaporizing experiment of the lake water in laboratory showed that there was a quantitative relationship between salinity and oxygen isotope. Using this relationship, oxygen isotope values of the paleo-lake water were calculated. By measuring the oxygen isotope of the authigenic carbonate in the lake’s sediments, and in combination with the oxygen isotope values of the paleo-lake water, the paleotemperature of the lake water was calculated. Finally, based on these proxies, the paleoclimate in the lake basin was explored.  相似文献   

江西省大湖塘石门寺矿区超大型钨矿的发现及找矿意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
江西省武宁县大湖塘石门寺超大型钨矿的成功勘查是我国地质找矿工作的重大发现。矿化类型划分为细脉浸染型、隐爆角砾岩型和石英大脉型。前者占总储量的74%,该类型以晋宁晚期黑云母花岗闪长岩为容矿围岩,以燕山中期酸性深成至浅成花岗岩为成矿母岩。矿体厚大且产状平缓,大致平行于黑云母花岗闪长岩与似斑状黑云母花岗岩株顶部的接触面分布,以外接触带为主(I1矿体),水平投影面积1.50km2,单工程最大厚度389.33m,平均厚度143.67m,平均品位0.193%,厚度变化系数63.7%,品位变化系数115.8%。工业矿物主要为白钨矿、黑钨矿、黄铜矿、辉钼矿。矿石组构类型主要有结晶结构、交代结构、细脉状构造、浸染状构造,常见近矿围岩蚀变为黑鳞云母化、云英岩化、绿泥石化,成因类型属岩浆期后高中温热液矿床,工业类型可划归为细脉浸染型白钨矿。石门寺矿区以黑云母花岗闪长岩为容矿围岩的细脉浸染状白钨的发现,改变了以往只专注评价石英大脉型黑钨矿的找矿思路,为矿区及九岭矿集区实现钨多金属找矿突破指明了新的方向。  相似文献   

Examination of ores by optical microscope and EPMA from the Zhaishang gold deposit, southern Gansu Province, has revealed an abundance of rare minerals. These include native metals, Cu-Ni-Zn-Sn-Fe polymetallic compounds and S-bearing alloys of Ni, Fe, Zn, Cu and Sn, occurring as native nickel, Zn-Cu alloy, Ni-Zn-Cu alloy, Sn-Zn-Ni-Cu alloy, Zn-Cu-Ni alloy, Zn-Fe-Cu-Sn-Ni alloy, Fe-Ni-S alloy, Sn-Fe-Ni-S alloy, Fe-Zn-Cu-Ni-S alloy, Zn-Ni-Cu-Fe-S alloy and others. Compared with the Zn-Cu alloy minerals discovered previously, these Zn-Cu minerals fall in the α or α β portion in Zn-Cu alloy phase diagram, and the α portion has higher Cu content. Cu-Ni-Zn-Sn-Fe intermetallic compounds and S-bearing alloy minerals have not been previously reported in the literature. These rare alloys formed in a strongly reducing environment with absent oxygen and low sulfur activities.  相似文献   

The Anjiayingzi gold deposit in Chifeng County, Inner Mongolia is located in the central part of the gold mineralization belt of the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC), and is adjacent to the Paleozoic Inner Mongolia-Da Hinggan Mountains orogenic belt in the north. The Chifeng-Kaiyuan fault, which separates the NCC from this orogenic belt, is considered to be a regional ore-controlling structure. The Anjiayingzi gold deposit is a mediate-size quartz lode-gold deposit and is hosted by the Anjiayingzi quartz monzonite that was emplaced into the basement composed of early Precambrian gneisses. Rhyolitic and porphyritic dikes are generally associated with the gold mineralization. Zircon U-Pb analyses suggest that the Anjiayingzi granite was emplaced from 132 Ma to 138 Ma, while the rhyolitic dikes that occupy the same fracture system as the gold-bearing quartz veins and locally crosscut the gold lodes crystallized from 125 Ma to 127 Ma. These results constrain the mineralization age between 126  相似文献   

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