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为规范对中央管理的建筑施工企业(集团公司、总公司,名单见附件)主要负责人、项目负责人、专职安全生产管理人员(以下简称三类人员)的安全生产考核工作,制定本细则。  相似文献   

《建筑施工企业安全生产许可证管理规定》已于2004年6月29日经第37次部常务会议讨论通过,现予发布,自公布之日起施行。  相似文献   

近日,总公司印发了《2014年总公司安全生产工作要点》,对安全生产工作进行安排部署。《要点》提出了今年总公司安全生产工作指导思想:以党的十八届三中全会精神为指导,牢固树立"以人为本、安全发展"的战略思想,坚持"安全第一、预防为主、综合治理"工作方针,以保障职工生命财产安全为根本出发点,以有效防范和坚决遏制重大事故发生为重点,完善管理体系,落实安全责任,强化安全监管,加大安全投入,抓好安全教育,实施科技兴安,树立安全文化,建立长效机制,提升各单位本质安全水平,促进  相似文献   

近日,中国煤炭地质总局印发了《2014年总局安全生产工作要点》。此举旨在深入贯彻党的十八届三中全会、《国家安监总局关于转发马凯副总理和郭声琨、王勇国务委员在国务院安委会全体会议上重要讲话的通知》,以及国资委关于中央企业安全生产的有关会议精神,切实落实总局第十五届安全生产工作会议的部署。2014年,总局安全生产工作要以邓小平理论、"三个代表"重要思想和科学发展观为指导,牢固  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人事厅(局)、安全生产监督管理部门,国务院各部委、各直属机构人事(干部)部门,中央管理的企业: 为了加强安全生产监督管理,根据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》的有关规定,人事部、国家安全生产监督管理局决定在生产经营单位实行注册安全工程师执业资格制度。现将《注册安全工程师执业资格制度暂行规定》和《注册安全工程师执业资格认定办法》印发给你们,请遵照执行。  相似文献   

近日,国务院国资委召开新闻发布会,宣布在其所监管的中央企业中开展“四项改革”试点,国家开发投资公司、中粮集团、中国建筑材料集团公司等6家央企入选首批试点。其中,国家开发投资公司、中粮集团将开展改组国有资本投资公司试点;中国医药集团总公司、中国建筑材料集团公司将开展发展混合所有制经济试点:新兴际华集团有限公司、中国节能环保公司、中国医药集团总公司、中国建筑材料集团公司将开展董事会行使高级管理人员选聘、业绩考核和薪酬管理职权试点:在国资委管理主要负责人的中央企业中选择2家~3家开展派驻纪检组试点。  相似文献   

记者近日了解到,甘肃省政府向14个市州、省政府有关部门、中央在甘有关单位、省属重点企业印发了《甘肃省安全生产隐患排查整治工作实施方案》,在全省开展包括煤矿、非煤矿山领域在内的安全生产隐患排查整治工作。  相似文献   

今年安全方面要做的几项具体工作是:贯彻一个《决定》,实施两个《条例》,建立三项制度,强化四项基础工作。一个《决定》是国务院《关于进一步加强安全生产工作决定》,两个《条例》是《建设工程安全生产管理条例》和《企业安全许可证条例》,三项制度是安全生产目标责任制度、建筑施工企业安全生产许可制度和建筑施工企业“三类人员”的安全生产考核制度,四项基础工作是建筑施工企业安全生产标准化工作、落实企业安全生产投入、强化政府安全监督管理和推动建筑行业安全生产科技进步。  相似文献   

<正>各省、自治区住房城乡建设厅,直辖市建委、北京市规委、新疆生产建设兵团建设局:为进一步落实建筑工程各方主体项目负责人的质量安全责任,我部制定了《建设单位项目负责人质量安全责任八项规定(试行)》、《建筑工程勘察单位项目负责人质量安全责任七项规定(试行)》、《建筑工程设计单位项目负责人质量安全责任七项规定(试行)》、《建筑工程项目总监理工程师质量安全责任六项规定(试行)》。  相似文献   

正为加强房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程中危险性较大的分部分项工程(以下简称"危大工程")安全管理,有效防范施工安全事故,住房城乡建设部发布了《危险性较大的分部分项工程安全管理规定》(以下简称《管理规定》)。近日,住建部工程质量安全监管司相关负责人就《管理规定》相关问题进行了解答。  相似文献   

古高程可以重建高山地区(尤其是高原)的隆升历史,可以更好地约束造山带的地球动力学过程.气孔玄武岩古高程计是通过熔岩流顶部和底部标准气孔体积比计算出古大气压,进而计算古高程的方法.该方法的研究对象是厚度为1~5m的且具有简单侵住历史的玄武质熔岩.高原隆升之前、期间和后期喷发的熔岩均可应用该方法.尽管该方法已经趋于成熟,但是国内还没有任何报道.对其基本原理、研究方法与应用做了详细的综述,并探讨了该方法在青藏高原和中国东部高原应用的潜力.  相似文献   

戴紧根  丁文君  王成善 《地质通报》2010,29(203):268-277
古高程可以重建高山地区(尤其是高原)的隆升历史,可以更好地约束造山带的地球动力学过程。气孔玄武岩古高程计是通过熔岩流顶部和底部标准气孔体积比计算出古大气压,进而计算古高程的方法。该方法的研究对象是厚度为1~5m的且具有简单侵位历史的玄武质熔岩。高原隆升之前、期间和后期喷发的熔岩均可应用该方法。尽管该方法已经趋于成熟,但是国内还没有任何报道。对其基本原理、研究方法与应用做了详细的综述,并探讨了该方法在青藏高原和中国东部高原应用的潜力。  相似文献   

Quantitative molecular orbital (MO) calculations and qualitative perturbational MO arguments are used to interpret the spectra and structure of transition metal dichalcogenides and related compounds. Competition between pyrite (FeS2), marcasite (FeS2) and loellingite (FeAs2) structure types is explained in terms of the number of electrons occupying a set of MO's obtained from the mixing of dianion (A 2) orbitals and metal (M) orbitals. Direct metal-metal d orbital interaction is argued to be small. Attention is focused upon the M - A - M angles which differ substantially among the three structure types as a consequence of varying numbers of electrons in orbitals which closely resemble the * orbitals of the dianions. Variations in M - A and A - A distances can also be understood in terms of the occupations of this set of MO's. Disulfide valence region photo-emission spectra are interpreted in terms of calculations on MS6 and S6 molecular clusters. M3d orbitals are found to progressively approach the S3p orbitals with increasing atomic number of M from Fe to Ni. For CuS2 comparison of calculation and experiment supports an approximate electron configuration of Cu+1 S 2 ?1 .  相似文献   

The statistical prediction of mineral deposits can be described as follows:Basic Theories— (1) similarity-analogy, (2) differences and anomalies, (3) ore-forming factors, andBasic Principles— (1) comprehensive prediction, (2) relationship between the prediction scale and the parameter scale, (3) distribution of mineral parameters, (4) quantitative prediction, (5) assessment, and (6) discovery rate analysis, andBasic Methods.  相似文献   

The importance of oxygen isotope geochemistry in studies of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial silicate rocks was recognized nearly sixtyeight years ago soon after the discovery of O18 and O17. As early as 1934, the significance of oxygen isotope variations in rocks and minerals was stressed by Russian geochemists who also pioneered the discipline of silicate oxygen isotope geochemistry. It is now known that processes involving isotopic interaction between rock and water, magmatic differentiation, and metamorphic recrystallization fractionate oxygen isotopes in the lithosphere. δO18 (the conventional notation for reporting O18/O16 ratios in rocks and minerals) is highest in sedimentary rocks (17 to 35 ‰) and lowest in igneous rocks (4 to 12‰). Metamorphic rocks have intermediate values. δO18 in mafic minerals (1 to 8‰) is lower than in felsic minerals (8 to 16‰). In igneous and metamorphic rocks, quartz is most enriched in O18 (10 to 16‰) and magnetite the least (1 to 2‰). An important application of O18/O16 techniques is in geothermometry, where these are capable of elucidating several petrological processes.  相似文献   

J.R.L. Allen 《Earth》1974,10(4):263-342
Natural sedimentary systems are process-response systems in which hierarchical configurations on the sedimentary surface are given character, maintained and translated because some of the energy supply is expended, that expenditure resulting in material transfers and transports. The energy supply to most types of system generally varies on several different time scales. Consequently, a complex of reaction and relaxation effects marks the operation of these systems, the equilibrium of which can be defined only in terms of explicit time scales. Mathematically, the existence of these lag effects introduces non-uniqueness into the operation of natural systems, which is best represented and assessed in terms of phase diagrams.

Many aspects of the behaviour of natural systems are in conformity with this theoretical model. The transport of suspended sediment in rivers and tidal flows ordinarily differs in phase from the aqueous discharge. Bed forms in tidal and river currents lag the changing flow conditions, by extents to a modest degree predictable by the model. Lag effects also mark wave-dominated sedimentary environments. Spatial lag effects, in which flow properties differ in phase from bed configurations, are critical to the dynamics of many kinds of bed form, including dunes, flute marks, and stream meanders.

The ubiquity of lag effects, and the multiple time-scales of natural sedimentary systems, call into question aspects of current practice in the study of sedimentary environments and, as well, much of the way in which experimental and analytical studies are designed and used in sedimentology.  相似文献   

A new map of the recent geodynamics of Asia is presented along with the principles and methods of its compilation and a characterization of the used factual material. For the first time, a map is based on the three parameters that determine recent geodynamics: the thickness of the lithosphere, the stress state, and the vectors of recent movements in the brittle upper portion of the lithosphere. In addition, active volcanoes and epicenters of earthquakes with M ≥ 6.0 are shown.  相似文献   

跨境水资源的分配模式、原则和指标体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
综合研究了跨境水资源分配的特点、目标、模式、原则、指标体系和影响等因素:①对近10年来跨境水资源分配的研究进行了总结,归纳出新的发展趋势;②从自然和国际法两方面属性分析跨境水资源的特点,判识跨境水分配的核心问题和难点;③系统地分析了全局分配、项目分配和流域整体规划分配等分水模式;④在分析跨境水资源的分配原则基础上,提出了分水技术指标体系,并探讨了其影响因数和主要指标的确定;⑤结合这些研究,对我国的跨境水资源分配,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

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