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A new identification for spectral lines of the N-galaxy 3 C 371 is proposed. The resulting redshift isz=0.40.  相似文献   

We present an ASCA observation of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 111. The X-ray spectrum is well described by a model consisting of a photoelectrically absorbed power-law form. The inferred absorbing column density is significantly greater than expected on the basis of 21-cm measurements of Galactic H  I . Whilst this may be the result of intrinsic absorption from a circumnuclear torus or highly warped accretion disc, inhomogeneities and molecular gas within the foreground giant molecular cloud may also be responsible for some of this excess absorption. We also claim a marginal detection of a broad iron Kα line which is well explained as being a fluorescent line originating from the central regions of a radiatively efficient accretion disc. This line appears weak in comparison to those found in (radio-quiet) Seyfert nuclei. We briefly discuss the implications of this fact.  相似文献   

Monitoring of the active galaxy nucleus 3C 66A in the VHE γ-ray and analysis of data in X-rays and optical ranges over the period 1996–2009 were carried out. The nature of processes responsible for one or another type of radiation appeared to be very complicated since, at certain periods of time, an either positive or negative correlation may be observed between different types of radiation. Period of radiation P = 365 days in the X-ray range was found.  相似文献   

We present 85-GHz observations of the archetypal double-hotspot radio source 3C 20 made with the BIMA millimetre array. The resolution of BIMA allows us to separate the two components of the eastern hotspot. By comparing the BIMA observations with existing VLA data, we show that the spectra of the two hotspot components are very similar, despite the clear differences in their radio structure and their wide separation. We discuss the implications for models of double hotspot formation. Weak emission from the lobes of 3C 20 is detected at 85 GHz, at a level consistent with the predictions of standard spectral ageing models.  相似文献   

We have observed broad H  i absorption in the radio galaxy 3C 293 using Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometric Network (MERLIN) at 0.2-arcsec angular resolution and the Giant Meterwavelength Radio Telescope (GMRT) at arcsec resolution. Extensive H  i is found in absorption across the centre of this peculiar radio galaxy, allowing a detailed study of the dynamics of the neutral gas on linear scales down to ∼160 pc. In optical depth position–velocity diagrams across the central few kpc we detect a distinct velocity gradient of 179 km s−1 arcsec−1 associated with the broad absorption. This is interpreted as a ring of neutral gas rotating around the suspected position of the active galactic nucleus (AGN) . The radius of this high velocity gradient ring is found to be >0.74 arcsec (600 pc), implying an upper limit upon the enclosed mass of     , assuming a near edge-on disc with an inclination of i . The optical depth of H  i is mapped across the entire central region of 3C 293 showing enhancements of a factor of 4 in the areas that are co-spatial with dust lanes seen in Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) imaging of this galaxy.  相似文献   

This paper gives the main characteristics of the Siberian Solar Radio Telescope as well as some results derived by investigating the s-component sources and radio bursts on the Sun using the SSRT.  相似文献   

We present deep near-infrared images, taken with the Subaru Telescope, of the region around the   z =1.08  radio source 3C 356 which show it to be associated with a poor cluster of galaxies. We discuss evidence that this cluster comprises two subclusters traced by the two galaxies previously proposed as identifications for 3C 356, which both seem to harbour active galactic nuclei, and which have the disturbed morphologies expected if they underwent an interpenetrating collision at the time the radio jets were triggered. We explain the high luminosity and temperature of the diffuse X-ray emission from this system as the result of shock heating of intracluster gas by the merger of two galaxy groups. Taken together with the results on other well-studied powerful radio sources, we suggest that the key ingredient for triggering a powerful radio source, at least at epochs corresponding to   z ∼1  , is a galaxy–galaxy interaction which can be orchestrated by the merger of their parent subclusters. This provides an explanation for the rapid decline in the number density of powerful radio sources since   z ∼1  . We argue that attempts to use distant radio-selected clusters to trace the formation and evolution of the general cluster population must address ways in which X-ray properties can be influenced by the radio source, both directly, by mechanisms such as inverse Compton scattering, and indirectly, by the fact that the radio source may be preferentially triggered at a specific time during the formation of the cluster.  相似文献   

We present radio observations of the radio galaxy PKS 2152–699 obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The much higher resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of the new radio maps reveal the presence of a bright radio component about 10 arcsec north-east of the nucleus. This lies close to the highly ionized cloud previously studied in the optical and here shown in a broad-band red snapshot image with the HST PC 2. It suggests that PKS 2152–699 may be a jet/cloud interaction similar to 3C 277.3. This could cause the change in the position angle (of ∼ 20°) of the radio emission from the inner to the outer regions. On the large scale, the source has Fanaroff & Riley type II morphology although the presence of the two hotspots in the centres of the lobes is unusual. The northern lobe shows a particularly relaxed structure while the southern one has an edge-brightened, arc-like structure.  相似文献   

We present images of the jets in the nearby radio galaxy NGC 315 made with the Very Large Array at five frequencies between 1.365 and 5 GHz with resolutions between 1.5 and 45 arcsec. Within 15 arcsec of the nucleus, the spectral index of the jets is  α= 0.61  . Further from the nucleus, the spectrum is flatter, with significant transverse structure. Between 15 and 70 arcsec from the nucleus, the spectral index varies from ≈0.55 on-axis to ≈0.44 at the edge. This spectral structure suggests a change of dominant particle acceleration mechanism with distance from the nucleus and the transverse gradient may be associated with shear in the jet velocity field. Further from the nucleus, the spectral index has a constant value of 0.47. We derive the distribution of Faraday rotation over the inner ±400 arcsec of the radio source and show that it has three components: a constant term, a linear gradient (both probably due to our Galaxy) and residual fluctuations at the level of 1–2 rad m−2. These residual fluctuations are smaller in the brighter (approaching) jet, consistent with the idea that they are produced by magnetic fields in a halo of hot plasma that surrounds the radio source. We model this halo, deriving a core radius of ≈225 arcsec and constraining its central density and magnetic field strength. We also image the apparent magnetic field structure over the first ±200 arcsec from the nucleus.  相似文献   

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