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Trawl collections indicate that the fish community of the Belize barrier reef lagoon is dominated numerically and in biomass by grunts (Haemulidae), especiallyHaemulon sciurus andHaemulon flavolineatum. Although the gear selected for small sizes, length frequency analysis indicated seasonality in recruitment of the dominant species of grunts. Apogonids and tetraodontiform fishes were also dominant components of the community. Most fishes collected were juveniles of species that occur as adults on the main reef, or were small species that are resident in the lagoon. Of three habitats sampled, the mangrove creek had the greatest relative abundance and biomass of fishes, followed by the seagrass bed and the sand-rubble zone. There were no significant seasonal differences in fish relative abundance or biomass. Community structure analysis indicated a uniqueness in the mangrove fish community. Diversity (H′) was high, and was due to high species richness and evenness of distribution of individuals among species. The Belize barrier reef lagoon serves as an important nursery habitat for juvenile fishes.  相似文献   

Our organic facies model of a platform environment is based on the analysis of (1) total organic carbon, (2) visual protokerogen types and hydrogen indices of the sediments, (3) sediment mineralogy and grain size, and (4) reef patterns, water circulation, and relief of the adjacent land.TOC values are lowest on reefs and outer platforms (0.2%); intermediate in sediments fringing carbonate islands (0.5–2.0%), on sea-grass meadows (0.5–0.7%), and in forereef lagoons (0.1–0.7%); highest in inner platform lagoons (0.5–5.0%) and mangrove swamps (2.7–3.5%). Paniculate organic matter comprises structured terrestrial, marine, and amorphous types. On average, terrestrial material accounts for 28% of OM in Puerto Rico and 12% in Belize. The mean hydrogen index of the sediment is 355 (mg hydrocarbons/g TOC) in Puerto Rico and 719 in Belize.This study indicates that TOC values are mainly related to platform subenvironment, while OM types are controlled by distance from the shoreline. Organic facies dominated by structural terrestrial OM occur closer to the shore, whereas toward the shelf margin marine and amorphous OM contents increase.  相似文献   

During the early Middle Devonian in South China, an extensive carbonate platform was broken up through extension to create a complex pattern of platforms, and interplatform basins. In Givetian and Frasnian carbonate successions, five depositional facies, including peritidal, restricted shallow subtidal, semi‐restricted subtidal, intermediate subtidal and deep subtidal facies, and 18 lithofacies units are recognized from measured sections on three isolated platforms. These deposits are arranged into metre‐scale, upward‐shallowing peritidal and subtidal cycles. Nine third‐order sequences are identified from changes in cycle stacking patterns, vertical facies changes and the stratigraphic distribution of subaerial exposure indicators. These sequences mostly consist of a lower transgressive part and an upper regressive part. Transgressive packages are dominated by thicker‐than‐average subtidal cycles, and regressive packages by thinner‐than‐average peritidal cycles. Sequence boundaries are transitional zones composed of stacked, high‐frequency, thinner‐than‐average cycles with upward‐increasing intensity of subaerial exposure, rather than individual, laterally traceable surfaces. These sequences can be further grouped into catch‐up and keep‐up sequence sets from the long‐term (second‐order) changes in accommodation and vertical facies changes. Catch‐up sequences are characterized by relatively thick cycle packages with a high percentage of intermediate to shallow subtidal facies, and even deep subtidal facies locally within some individual sequences, recording long‐term accommodation gain. Keep‐up sequences are characterized by relatively thin cycle packages with a high percentage of peritidal facies within sequences, recording long‐term accommodation loss. Correlation of long‐term accommodation changes expressed by Fischer plots reveals that during the late Givetian to early Frasnian increased accommodation loss on platforms coincided with increased accommodation gain in interplatform basins. This suggests that movement on faults resulted in the relative uplift of platforms and subsidence of interplatform basins. In the early Frasnian, extensive siliceous deposits in most interplatform basins and megabreccias at basin margins correspond to exposure disconformities on platforms.  相似文献   

This work discusses and interprets the factors responsible for the Oligocene–Miocene drowning of the Central Apennine platform deposits, based on facies and stable‐isotope analyses of two representative stratigraphic sections. The Mediterranean carbonate platforms were affected during the Oligocene–Miocene boundary by a carbonate production crisis that was induced by global factors and amplified by regional events, such as volcanic activity. The positive δ13C shift observed in the studied sections corresponds to vertical facies changes reflecting the evolution from middle carbonate ramp to outer ramp‐hemipelagic depositional environments. This drowning event is recorded not only in the Apennine platforms, but also in other Mediterranean platforms such as in southern Apulia, Sicily and Malta, and outside the Mediterranean Basin. The ~24–23.5 Ma Mi‐1 glacial maximum may have had a significant influence on this drowning event because it was associated with high rates of accumulation of continent‐derived sediments. The increased continental weathering and runoff sustained high trophic conditions. These probably were a consequence of the Aquitanian–Burdigalian volcanic activity in the Central‐Western Mediterranean, that may have led to an increase in nutrient content in seawater and an increase in atmospheric and marine CO2 concentrations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Structures and textures of the peloidal wackestones, as well as size, shape, and composition of peloidal grains, from the Mesoproterozoic (Middle Riphean) Sukhaya Tunguska carbonate platform in the Turukhansk Uplift (Siberia) are considered. It is shown that these grains formed in the course of diagenesis were closely associated with the microsparitic replacement and the formation of molar tooth (MT) structures. Diagenetic transformations of rocks were related to the activity of anaerobic microbial communities inside the buried carbonate silt layers. The microbial activity during diagenesis was governed by the carbonate sediment composition and conservation mechanism of the high-molecular organic matter of primary producers therein, since this organic matter was the nutritious substrate for the primary anaerobe communities.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2004,19(6):937-946
Analysis of stable isotopes and major ions in groundwater and surface waters in Belize, Central America was carried out to identify processes that may affect drinking water quality. Belize has a subtropical rainforest/savannah climate with a varied landscape composed predominantly of carbonate rocks and clastic sediments. Stable oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δD) isotope ratios for surface and groundwater have a similar range and show high d-excess (10–40.8‰). The high d-excess in water samples suggest secondary continental vapor flux mixing with incoming vapor from the Caribbean Sea. Model calculations indicate that moisture derived from continental evaporation contributes 13% to overhead vapor load. In surface and groundwater, concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) ranged from 5.4 to 112.9 mg C/l and δ13CDIC ranged from −7.4 to −17.4‰. SO42, Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the water samples ranged from 2–163, 2–6593 and 2–90 mg/l, respectively. The DIC and δ13CDIC indicate both open and closed system carbonate evolution. Combined δ13CDIC and Ca2+, Mg2+, and SO42− suggest additional groundwater evolution by gypsum dissolution and calcite precipitation. The high SO42−content of some water samples indicates regional geologic control on water quality. Similarity in the range of δ18O, δD and δ13CDIC for surface waters and groundwater used for drinking water supply is probably due to high hydraulic conductivities of the karstic aquifers. The results of this study indicate rapid recharge of groundwater aquifers, groundwater influence on surface water chemistry and the potential of surface water to impact groundwater quality and vise versa.  相似文献   

吴时国  秦永鹏  马永生  田雷 《地质学报》2022,96(8):2809-2821
南海发育大量新生代碳酸盐岩台地,它们是南海古构造、古气候和古海洋演变的重要信息来源,也是石油天然气的重要储层。虽然前人对这些碳酸盐岩台地已经开展了大量的研究,但是目前仍未能建立南海现代碳酸盐岩台地的三维结构和高分辨率层序地层格架,关于台地发育演化的控制因素与淹没机制也存在争议。因此,亟需开展南海碳酸盐岩台地大洋钻探。南海北部西沙海域发育大量的现代碳酸盐岩台地,是一个非常好的研究靶区。本文建议选择宣德和北礁这两个典型孤立碳酸盐岩台地,在台地潟湖、边缘、斜坡和深水盆地开展钻探,建立碳酸盐岩台地的高精度年代框架,精细刻画台地内部以及周边的沉积体系,明确南海新生代碳酸盐岩台地形成、生长和淹没的历史,建立台地沉积与演化模式,揭示南海碳酸盐岩台地演化的控制因素,在此基础上,开展南海古构造、古海洋与古气候环境重建,并与全球其他碳酸盐岩台地进行对比,分析异同点及其原因。  相似文献   

Summary Carbonate aggregates in Late Cretaceous lamprophyre dikes of the northeastern Transdanubian Central Range (TCR) in Northwest Hungary have been classified into three genetic groups. Type-I dolomite + calcite ± magnesite aggregates have petrographic and geochemical features similar to ocelli described by other workers. Fluid inclusions in Type-I aggregates homogenize between 77 and 204 °C and are of hydrothermal origin. Type-II aggregates are characterized by a polygonal shape and are mostly dolomite. Based on their shape and primary fluid inclusions which homogenize between 95 and 172 °C, these carbonate aggregates are interpreted to fill vugs produced by the dissolution of olivine phenocrysts. Type-III carbonate aggregates show an irregular to polygonal shape and distinct compositional zonation and contain secondary aqueous fluid inclusions. Homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions are below 104 °C, and zonation patterns suggest partial recrystallization. These carbonate aggregates are most likely xenoliths and xenocrysts from the wall rocks of the lamprophyre melt conduits.  相似文献   

During the middle Jurassic on the Southern Iberian Continental Margin (at the westernmost end of the northern Tethys) isolated carbonate platforms developed over volcanic edifices, forming guyots. The volcanic edifices were composed of K-rich pillow-lavas and pyroclastic rocks with a radiometric age ≈ 170 Myr. Such phenomena have not been described until now in this continental margin nor in other passive continental margins of Alpine domains. The presence of a shallowing-upward megasequence (Bajocian–Bathonian) with hummocky cross- stratification strata below oolitic shoals, shows that very shallow isolated carbonate platforms developed above the volcanic edifices, with similar facies to those recognized in other guyots, but with a different age and geodynamic context.  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced landslides in Central America   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Central America is a region of high seismic activity and the impact of destructive earthquakes is often aggravated by the triggering of landslides. Data are presented for earthquake-triggered landslides in the region and their characteristics are compared with global relationships between the area of landsliding and earthquake magnitude. We find that the areas affected by landslides are similar to other parts of the world but in certain parts of Central America, the numbers of slides are disproportionate for the size of the earthquakes. We also find that there are important differences between the characteristics of landslides in different parts of the Central American isthmus, soil falls and slides in steep slopes in volcanic soils predominate in Guatemala and El Salvador, whereas extensive translational slides in lateritic soils on large slopes are the principal hazard in Costa Rica and Panama. Methods for assessing landslide hazards, considering both rainfall and earthquakes as triggering mechanisms, developed in Costa Rica appear not to be suitable for direct application in the northern countries of the isthmus, for which modified approaches are required.  相似文献   

A heterotrophic Bacillus sp. strain (5C-1) was isolated from Heshang cave, an oligotrophic karst cave in the middle reaches of Yangtze River, and identified by BIOLOG and 16S rDNA sequencing. Bacterially induced formation of calcium carbonate by 5C-1 was investigated in several comparative experimental sets with or without the cell and extracellular enzymes. The temporal variations of both the amount of the precipitates and the pH values of the solution were measured by a spectrophotometer and a pH meter, respectively. The morphological characteristics of the calcium carbonate precipitates were observed with environmental scanning electronic microscopy (ESEM). The growth of 5C-1 was found to greatly promote the pH value of the liquid medium in the first 2 days, which favors the formation of calcium carbonate. No precipitates were formed with the pH value lower than 8.6, though the pH value was demonstrated to be not the only factor controlling the formation of the calcium carbonate. The accumulation of extracellular polysaccharide substance was observed to favor the precipitate formation. Only when both factors reached a threshold did the precipitates form with the addition of CaCl2. Cells and extracellular enzymes were not the factors that limit the precipitate formation in our microbial systems. The precipitates of a variety of morphological features including dumb bells, peanuts, irregular and spherical and rhombic forms were mainly observed in our microbial systems but not in the chemical control system. Interestingly, imprints of bacterial cells and spores were observed to be present on the surface of the precipitates of a peanut or a dumb bell form, probably indicative of the microbial escaping mechanism during the mineralization of calcium carbonate.  相似文献   

The Cenomanian–Turonian carbonate-dominated lithofacies of Israel reflect a complex interplay between tectonics, sea-level change, and palaeoecology. Improved correlation based on revision of the bio- and chronostratigraphic framework has enabled the establishment of a sequence-stratigraphic model comprising five sequences delineated by four sequence boundaries, in the Late Cenomanian–Early Coniacian interval. The Late Cenomanian–Turonian succession begins with prograding, highstand, carbonate-platform deposits of the first sequence. Interruption of progradation and drowning of this platform took place within the Late Cenomanian guerangeri Zone (=the vibrayeanus Zone in Israel), resulting in a drowning unconformity which is regarded as a Type 3 sequence boundary (labelled CeUp). The drowning is attributed in part to extinctions in the rudist-dominated biofacies (e.g., Caprinidae), which led to reduced carbonate production and enhanced the impact of the sea-level rise. Similar drowning of Tethyan platforms around the C/T boundary has been linked to the establishment of coastal upwelling and consequent eutrophication. Outer ramp hemipelagic facies (Derorim and the Lower Ora formations) replaced the platform carbonates, thickening substantially southwards in the Eshet-Zenifim Basin of southern Israel. Along the ancient continental slope (Mediterranean coastal plain) evidence of this drowning is obscured by submarine erosion, while in central and northern Israel the drowned section is represented by condensation or a hiatus, reflecting an elevated, sediment-starved sea-floor. A carbonate platform dominated by rudistid shoals (‘Meleke’ Member; Shivta Formation) was re-established in the Judean hills and northern Negev during the middle part of the Turonian coloradoense Zone (local zone T4). Later, during kallesi Zone times (T7), the platform facies prograded southwards towards the Eshet-Zenifim intra-shelf basin. The drowning succession and overlying resurrected carbonate platform are topped in central and southern Israel by a pronounced Type 1 sequence boundary (Tu1) between the kallesi (T7) and ornatissimum (T8) zones (Middle Turonian). In central Israel and northern Negev the sequence boundary is overlain by lowstand deposits of the ‘Clastic Unit’ and by the transgressive and highstand inner to mid-ramp deposits of the Nezer and Upper Bina formations. In the southern Negev the sequence boundary is overlain by lowstand and transgressive systems tracts of mixed carbonates, siliciclastics, and localized evaporites (Upper Ora Formation), and then by mid to inner ramp carbonates of the Gerofit Formation. The latter represents a very high rate of accumulation, indicating rapid, continued subsidence balanced by platform growth. The Tu2 sequence boundary of the Late Turonian is expressed in the southern Negev by a shift from inner ramp carbonates of the Gerofit Formation to outer ramp chalky limestones of the Zihor Formation, indicating localized drowning. The succeeding Co1 sequence boundary again indicates localized drowning of the prograding highstand deposits of the Zihor Formation (‘Transition Zone’) overlain by Lower Coniacian transgressive deposits of the upper part of the Zihor Formation. All of these third-order sequences are expressed in southern Israel, where the rate of subsidence was in balance with sea-level fluctuations. In contrast, the Judean Hills and eastern Galilee areas have a more incomplete succession, characterized by hiatuses and condensation, because of reduced subsidence. More distal areas of continuous deep-water deposition in western Galilee and the coastal plain failed to record the Middle Turonian lowstand, while a longer term, second-order sequence spanning the entire Late Cenomanian–Early Coniacian interval, is present in the Carmel and Yirka Basin areas.  相似文献   

The sedimentary–diagenetic structure stromatactis is widespread in Palaeozoic spiculitic carbonate mud mounds, but occurs only sporadically in Mesozoic sponge carbonate mud mounds. Comparative analysis of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic stromatactis limestones suggests that this variation results from the degree of siliceous sponge skeletal rigidity and the amount of internal sediment accumulation in the original cavity network. Partial to entire filling by internal sediment resulted in a continuum, from a small amount of internal sediment and large amount of cement (stromatactis, common in the Palaeozoic), to only internal sediments (aborted stromatactis, common in the Mesozoic). These observations match independent lines of evidence concerning the siliceous sponge evolution and sediment recycling (e.g. bioerosion) across the Palaeozoic to Mesozoic biotic revolution.  相似文献   

再论臼齿碳酸盐岩成因   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
臼齿(Molar Tooth,简称MT)碳酸盐岩是产于元古代、并具有特殊全球性意义的碳酸盐岩类型之一.MT特有的微亮晶结构、严格的时空分布范围以及百余年来众多的成因解释,一直吸引着国内外地质学家对其进行持续的研究和探讨.作者在前人研究基础上,基于作者近10余年成果积累及新近对MT微观组构的研究进展,提出了若干新认识.M...  相似文献   

Evaluation of the seismic moment tensor for earthquakes on plate boundary is a standard procedure to determine the relative velocity of plates, which controls the seismic deformation rate predicted from the slip on a single fault. The moment tensor is also decomposed into an isotropic and a deviatoric part to discover the relationship between the average strain rate and the relative velocity between two plates. We utilize this procedure to estimate the rates of deformation in northern Central America where plate boundaries are seismically well defined. Four different tectonic environments are considered for modelling of the plate motions. The deformation rates obtained here compare well with those predicted from the plate motions models and are in good agreement with actual observations. Deformation rates on faults are increasingly being used to estimate earthquake recurrence from information on fault slip rate and more on how we can incorporate our current understanding into seismic hazard analyses.  相似文献   

The Luconia Province—offshore Sarawak—is a key hydrocarbon province in Malaysia. However, the gas reservoirs in Central Luconia pose unique problems and challenges as they have partially water-filled microporosity that overprint wireline logs. Microporosity in Central Luconia occurs throughout the Miocene carbonates and is a crucial element that influences fluid flow properties and ultimately the recovery of hydrocarbons. Quantification of macroporosity was achieved using petrographic analysis of thin sections and the FESEM images. The point counting technique was used to estimate the amount of macroporosity from the thin section, which was then subtracted from the total porosity to derive microporosity. The qualitative investigation of the Miocene carbonates indicates the presence of three different types of microporosity namely grain-based microporosity, matrix-based microporosity, and cement-based microporosity. Quantification of microporosity showed that the microporosity varies from sample to sample, ranging from 10 to 60% of the total measured porosity. The depositional texture, mineralogy, and microtexture control this microporosity variation including its abundance and type. The microporosity in Central Luconia is diagenetically controlled based on four major diagenetic mechanisms namely (1) mechanical process/endolithic grains/marine diagenesis; (2) leaching/meteoric diagenesis; (3) cementation/shallow diagenesis; and (4) deeper diagenesis environment.  相似文献   

Various types of progradation of Triassic carbonate platforms are described from the Dolomites of the Southern Alps. The internal and external geometric relationships are exposed in spectacular natural sections and, moreover, their scale (500–1000 m of thickness) is such that they can be compared with features found in seismic profiles. The different types of progradation are controlled by a number of factors which, normally, interact with each other. These factors include: rate of basinal sedimentation, rate of subsidence, width of the platform, depth of the surrounding basin and eustatic variations of sea-level. Progradation is not a continuous process but episodic. Moments of massive debris input, during which the platform advances, alternate with long periods of negligible progradation, during which basinal sediments accrete and onlap the toe of slope. Upper boundary relationships of the prograding platforms include offlap, toplap and erosional truncation. Lower boundary relationships are horizontal, climbing and descending progradations. A variety of phenomena and circumstances have caused the cessation of progradation of the Triassic platforms. They include volcanism, collapse of margins, drowning (rapid relative rise of sea-level), subaerial exposure (relative fall of sea-level) and, probably, a natural decay of the system. In the Triassic of the Dolomites, two main progradation models can be put forward: in the Ladinian model, progradation took place simultaneously with aggradation (relative rise of sea-level), whereas the characteristic feature of the Carnian model is toplap (relative stillstand of sea-level).  相似文献   

The Cordilleran region of western North American contains numerous examples of Middle to Upper Triassic carbonate sequences. Many of these developed as broad shallow-water platforms associated with island arcs. These platforms however were not characterized by extensive reef structure. Shallow-water facies in many sequences contain abundant corals, spongiomorphs, sponges, and a variety of rich invertebrate faunas. Most of these are endemic with the exception of the corals, which show much similarity with the Tethyan faunas. Small local reefoid buildups occur within many sequences, especially those of Norian age and contain local organic framework.During the Mesozoic, the accretion to the western margin of North America of a variety of dissimilar rock terranes or microplates and their later structural dislocations have long hampered proper understanding of the paleogeography. Concerted structural, paleomagnetic, and stratigraphic efforts show promise for identification of various terranes, providing the paleogeographic and historical perspectives necessary for proper study of the reefoid carbonates and their associated faunas. Comparisons with counterparts in the German and Austrian Alps may explain some of the apparent differences in carbonate deposition between these two remote regions.
Zusammenfassung In den Kordilleren des westlichen Nordamerika gibt es eine Vielzahl von Beispielen mittelbis obertriadischer Karbonatfolgen. Viele von ihnen entwickelten sich als großflächige Flachwasserplattformen, die mit Inselbögen verbunden waren. Diese Plattformen enthalten aber keine größeren Riffstrukturen. Die Flachwasserfazies vieler Sequenzen enthält häufig Korallen, Spongiomorpha, Schwämme und eine Vielzahl von reichen Invertebratenfaunen. Vieles davon ist endemisch mit Ausnahme der Korallen, die große Ähnlichkeit mit den Faunen aus der Tethys aufweisen. In vielen Folgen sind kleine, lokal begrenzte riffähnliche Buildups norischen Alters enthalten.Das Anwachsen verschieden aufgebauter Gebiete oder Mikroplatten an den westlichen Rand Nordamerikas während des Mesozoikums und ihre spätere tektonische Veränderung haben eine eingehende Interpretation der paläogeographischen Situation lange Zeit erschwert. Strukturelle, paläomagnetische und stratigraphische Untersuchungen ergeben vielversprechende Hinweise für die Identifizierung verschiedener Gebiete, indem sie die paläogeographischen und historischen Grundlagen für eine eingehende Untersuchung der riffähnlichen Komplexe und der damit verbundenen Faunen schaffen. Vergleiche mit Gegenstücken in den Alpen könnten viele der offensichtlichen Unterschiede in der Karbonatbildung dieser beiden entfernten Gebiete erklären.

Résumé Dans les cordillères de la marge occidentale de l'Amérique du Nord, on trouve de nombreux exemples de séries carbonatées du Trias moyen et supérieur. Un grand nombre de ces séries se sont développées comme de larges plates-formes néritiques liées à des arcs volcaniques. Mais ces plates-formes ne contiennent pas de structures réciphales étendues. Dans ce faciés néritique, on trouve souvent des coraux, des spongiomorphes, des éponges et des faunes d'invertébrés très riches. Une grande partie est endémique à l'exclusion des coraux qui ressemblent beaucoup aux faunes téthysiennes. Danz beaucoup de séries il y a de petits builtups récifaux d'âge norique d'une extension limitée.L'accrétion de régions à structure différente ou de microplaques à la marge occidentale de l'Amérique du Nord au cours du Mésozoïque, et leur dislocation tectonique ultérieure ont empêché longtemps la compréhension de leur paléogéographie. Des analyses structurales, paléomagnétiques et stratigraphiques apportent une promesse favorable à l'identification des régions diverses, dans l'attente d'éléments paléogéographiques et historiques en vue d'une analyse profonde des complexes récifaux et des faunes associées. Les comparaisons avec leur homologues dans les Alpes de l'Allemagne et d'Autriche pourraient expliquer certaines des différences apparentes dans la formation des carbonates entre régions si éloignées.

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巴仑台闪长岩反映的大洋俯冲信息为对比乌瓦门蛇绿岩与西侧长阿吾子和东侧库米什蛇绿岩的关系,探讨南天山洋的洋-陆演化过程具有重要意义。闪长岩具高碱和高铝特征,(Na2O+K2O)=4.14%~7.05%,Al2O3为14.62%~17.35%,为一套高钾钙碱性系列岩石,(La/Yb)N平均10.46,以富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素(如K、Rb、Ba、Pb等)、亏损Nb、Ta、Ti等高场强元素为特征,形成于岛弧环境。闪长岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄为(430.1±1.1)Ma,锆石εHf(t)=-12.7~-7.6,二阶段Hf模式年龄TDM2为1895~2219 Ma,指示巴仑台闪长岩为早志留世南天山洋北向俯冲,导致中天山古老结晶基底部分熔融形成。  相似文献   

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