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ImODUcrlONTheultmetruCtureofthespermatosoainteeostfisheshaddridesedtalandcomParedpelllard,l97o,Mattei,l97O).ComPatalwithotherVertebrausryisheIson,l995),FisheShavegreaterdriversityinspermatosoaultfastruCture,indudingthemorphologicalcharaCteristicaofthesperm-headsophnsteinerandPatZner,l99O),thefonnswithorwithoutacrosorapeisheIson,l995),thenumberoftheflagellum,andthedistinguishingfeaturesofAntochondrialderivatives(JawhesonandGrier,l993).AllthesearereataltotheFishposi-tioninevolutionandt…  相似文献   

根据1960-2002年印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼亲体量-补充量(stock-recruitment,SR)及其表层水温资料,利用Ricker模型,水温分期Ricker模型和模糊逻辑Ricker模型,考察表层加权水温与黄鳍金枪鱼亲体量、补充量之间的关系。研究表明,模糊逻辑Ricker模型拟合效果最好,水温分期Ricker模型次之,均优于原始Ricker模型。水温分期Ricker模型中的暖水月补充量比冷水月大,在黄鳍金枪鱼资源量较低时,暖水条件更有利于种群的繁衍。模糊逻辑Ricker模型得出冷水月和暖水月条件下的极端估计,受水温等外界条件影响,黄鳍金枪鱼的补充量在两条SR曲线间波动。水温等环境条件的变化产生了不同于依赖于密度因素的种群动力过程,限制了原始Ricker模型对亲体补充量关系的描述。  相似文献   

The sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, undergoes aestivation to improve survival during periods of high-temperature. During aestivation, the metabolic rate is depressed to reduce the consumption of reserved energy. We evaluated the role of epigenetic modification on global gene silencing during metabolic rate depression in the sea cucumber. We compared the expression of epigenetic modifiers in active and aestivating sea cucumbers. The expression of three genes involved in DNA methylation and chromatin remodeling (DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1, Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2), and Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 5) was significantly higher during aestivation (Days 20 and 40). Similarly, we observed an increase in the expression of genes involved in histone acetylation (Histone deacetylase 3) and Histone-binding protein RBBP4) during the early (Days 5 and 10) and late phases (Days 20 and 40) of aestivation. There was no change in the expression of KAT2B, a histone acetyltransferase. However, the expression of histone methylation associated modifiers (Histone-arginine methyltransferase CARMER and Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase MLL5) was significantly higher after 5 d in the aestivating group. The results suggest that the expression of epigenetic modifiers involved in DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, histone acetylation, and histone methylation is upregulated during aestivation. We hypothesize that these changes regulate global gene silencing during aestivation in A. japonicus.  相似文献   

An expriment on the phosphorus requirement and the proper Ca/P ratio in the diet of the black sea bream using the phosphorus gradient method (with casein as basic diet, sodium dihydrogen phosphate as source of phosphorus, and calcium lactate as source of calcium) showed that growth was greatly affected by the diet's phosphorus content and Ca/P ratio. Inadequate phosphorus in the diet resulted in slow growth and poor food conversion ratio (FCR). Analyses of the fish body showed it contained a high level of lipid but a low level of moisture, ash, calcium and phosphorus. The optimal values of phosphorus and Ca/P ratio in the black sea bream diet are 0.68% and 1∶2 respectively. Phosphorus in excess of this optimum value resulted in slow growth or even death. The results of this experiment clearly indicated that phosphorus is the principal mineral additive affecting black sea bream growth. Contribution No. 1972 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

An experiment on the optimum dietary protein content for the black sea bream using semi-purified diets showed the optimum is 50.19% by weight as inferred from the growth rate and food consumption of the fish. Another experiment on the proper ratio of animal to plant protein in its diet using sandeel as the animal protein source and peanut cake meal as plant protein source showed that the ratio had great effect on its growth and should be 1.00: 0.89–0.96 as judged from the growth rate and food consumption of the fish. Contribution No. 1973 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

采用室内水泥池及活饵培育配套技术进行尖吻鲈苗种阶段工厂化育苗。投放刚孵化出膜的仔鱼160万尾,经室内池8d的培育,成活率为90%;经13d的培育其规格超过1cm,成活率为56.9%;经24d的培育平均规格达2cm左右,平均成活率为50%,共育出80万尾。苗种生长快,体质健壮,成活率高。关键技术是:基础设施配套;采用不同活饵,做到适口、及时转化、足量;定期过筛分级培育;水质控制良好;注意防病。2cm以上鱼种阶段采用多种方式培育,经15~20d的饲养,规格达3~4cm,平均成活率为65%~75%。  相似文献   

The effect of water temperature on gut mass and digestive enzyme activity in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus, including relative gut mass (RGM), amylase, lipase, pepsin and trypsin activities were studied at temperatures of 7, 14, 21, and 28°C over a period of 40 days. Results show that RGM significantly decreased after 40 days at 21°C and markedly decreased over the whole experiment period at 28°C; however, no significant effect of duration was observed at 7 or 14°C. At 14°C, trypsin activity significantly decreased over 10 and 20 days, then increased; amylase and trypsin activity significantly decreased after 40 days at 28°C. However, no significant effect of duration was found on amylase, pepsin or trypsin activities in the other temperature treatment groups. At 28°C, lipase activity peaked in 20 days and then markedly decreased to a minimum at the end of the experiment. On the other hand, pepsin activity at 28°C continuously increased over the whole experimental period. Principle component analysis showed that sea cucumbers on day 40 in the 21°C group and in the previous 20 days in the 28°C group were in the prophase of aestivation. At 28°C, sea cucumbers aestivated at 30–40 days after the start of the experiment. It is concluded that the effect of temperature on the digestion of A. japonicus is comparatively weak within a specific range of water temperatures and aestivation behavior is accompanied by significant changes in RGM and digestive enzyme activities.  相似文献   

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