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Numerous estuaries of the world have been strongly modified by human activities.These interferences can make great adjustments of not only sediment transport processes,but also the collective behavior of the estuary.This paper provides a typical case of a heavily modified coastal plain estuary of Sheyang on the China coast,where a sluice barrage was built in 1956 to stop the intrusions of storm surges and saline water.Four sets of instrumented tripods were simultaneously deployed along a cross-shore transect to continuously observe near-bed flow currents and sediment transport.The in-situ surveys lasted over a spring and neap tide cycle when a strong wind event occurred in the neap tide.Comparisons of flows and sediment transport between tide-dominated and wind-dominated conditions demonstrated the important role of episodic wind events in flows and sediment transport.The wind-induced currents,bottom stresses,and sediment transport rates were significantly greater when wind was present than corresponding quantities induced by the tides.The long-shore sediment transport induced by winds exceeds the cross-shore component,especially near the river mouth bar.These results indicate the noticeable importance of wave-dominated coastal processes in shaping topographic features.A regime shift of estuarine evolution under highly intense human forcing occurs from fluvial to marine processes.This finding suggests that the management strategy of the estuarine system should focus on the restoration of estuarine processes,rather than the present focus on inhibition of marine dynamics.  相似文献   

MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled numerical model (MASNUM coupled model, hereinafter) is de-veloped based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). Both POM and MASNUM coupled model are ap-plied in the numerical simulation of the upwelling off Yangtze River estuary and in Zhejiang coastal waters in summer. The upwelling mechanisms are analyzed from the viewpoint of tide, and a new mechanism is proposed. The study suggests that the tidally inducing mechanism of the upwelling in-cludes two dynamic aspects: the barotropic and the baroclinic process. On the one hand, the residual currents induced by barotropic tides converge near the seabed, and upwelling is generated to maintain mass conservation. The climbing of the residual currents along the sea bottom slope also contributes to the upwelling. On the other hand, tidal mixing plays a very important role in inducing the upwelling in the baroclinic sea circumstances. Strong tidal mixing leads to conspicuous front in the coastal waters. The considerable horizontal density gradient across the front elicits a secondary circulation clinging to the tidal front, and the upwelling branch appears near the frontal zone. Numerical experiments are de-signed to determine the importance of tide in inducing the upwelling. The results indicate that tide is a key and dominant inducement of the upwelling. Experiments also show that coupling calculation of the four main tidal constituents (M2, S2, K1, and O1), rather than dealing with the single M2 constituent, im-proves the modeling precision of the barotropic tide-induced upwelling.  相似文献   

In agricultural basins of the southeastern coastal plain there are typically large disparities between upland soil erosion and sediment delivered to streams. This suggests that colluvial storage and redistribution of eroded soil within croplands is occurring, and/or that processes other than fluvial erosion are at work. This study used soil morphology and stratigraphy as an indicator of erosion and deposition processes in a watershed at Littlefield, North Carolina. Soil stratigraphy and morphology reflect the ways in which mass fluxes associated with cultivation transform the local soils. Fluvial, aeolian and tillage processes were all found to be active in the redistribution of soil. The soil transformations are of five general types. First, erosion and compaction in the cultivated area as a whole result in the thinning of Arenic and Grossarenic Paleudults and Paleaquults to form Arenic, Typic and Aquic Paleudults and Paleaquults. Second, redistribution of surficial material within the fields results in transitions between Arenic and Typic or Aquic subgroups as loamy sand A and E horizons are truncated or accreted. Third, aeolian deposition at forested field boundaries leads to the formation of compound soils with podzolized features. Fourth, sandy rill fan deposits at slope bases create cumulic soils distinct from the loamy sands of the source area or the darker, finer terrace soils buried by the fan deposits. Finally, tillage and fluvial deposition in upland depressions results in the gradual burial of Rains (poorly drained Typic Paleaquults) soils. Results confirm the importance of upland sediment storage and redistribution, and the role of tillage and aeolian processes as well as fluvial processes in the region. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wind-induced resuspension of particulate matter was investigated in a shallow coastal region off southwestern Australia, chosen for its isolation from the complexity of other confounding physical processes. The site had negligible river discharge, low nutrient concentrations and was largely devoid of tidal currents. Moorings were deployed in the micro-tidal waters to measure current speed, wave parameters, backscatter, subsurface irradiance and dissolved oxygen concentration. Two contrasting sites were chosen as representative of high and low wave-energy environments. Turbulent kinetic energy, recorded by the instruments, was dominated by the wind-wave signal. During wind events, at the most exposed site, bed shear stress exceeded the critical stress required to lift and resuspend sediments. At the most enclosed site, bed shear stresses only exceeded the critical stress required to suspend less dense material such as benthic fluff. Wind-waves were found to be the dominant mechanism driving the vertical redistribution of particulate matter. Low frequency storm events and high frequency (daily) sea breezes were found to differ significantly in their retention of particulate matter suspended in the water column. Long periods of calm generally followed the passage of a storm, allowing suspended particulate matter to settle out, while consecutive daily sea breezes were more effective in holding particulate matter in suspension. Linear correlations were found between the backscatter (a proxy for suspended particulate matter), light attenuation and dissolved oxygen concentration. Approximately half the variability in dissolved oxygen concentration could be attributed to the variability in light attenuation, with a decline in concentration during wind resuspension events. Variability in dissolved oxygen concentration was interpreted as a possible indicator of the moderation of pelagic phytoplankton productivity during wind events.  相似文献   

In the river Oder high-waters of the river with high nutrient loads and low biological activity mainly occur during winter. Thus, a remarkable portion of the annual load passes the estuary untransformed. During summer high level of biological activity is observed in the whole estuary, but while more than 10 mol/l dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) is found in the Großes Haff, where the theoretical water-residence time is only 1 month, in the western part of the estuary, where the water-residence time is approximately 3 months, all DIN is transformed into organic matter.The transformed nutrients settle partly as biological products, but they are released again in these shallow waters due to biological and physical degradation, and transported into the Baltic Sea.This behaviour may explain why in the sediments of the Oderhaff with a sedimentation rate of 1 mm/year only 1% of the annual nutrient load of the Oder river can be found.  相似文献   

Numerical hydrodynamic and sediment transport models provide a means of extending inferences from direct observation and for advancing our understanding of estuarine processes. However, their parametric complexity invites questions concerning the extent to which model output can be assessed with respect to data. This paper examines the basis for evaluating the performance of complex hydrodynamic and sediment transport models, with reference to a case study of a muddy meso‐tidal estuary. Sophisticated and computationally‐intensive models should be evaluated using robust objective functions, but conventional measures of fit and model efficiency invoke restrictive assumptions about the nature of the errors. Furthermore, they offer little insight into causes of poor performance. Optimization of tidal hydrodynamic models can usefully combine conventional performance measures with harmonic analysis of modelled shallow water tidal constituents that are diagnostic of the interactions between tidal propagation, bathymetry and bottom friction. Models with similar efficiencies can thus be distinguished and likely sources of error pinpointed. Hydrodynamic models have a predictive power that is rooted in a more‐or‐less complete representation of the physical processes and boundary conditions that are well‐constrained with respect to data. In contrast, fine sediment models rely on a less complete conceptualization of a broader set of processes and, crucially, have a parametric complexity that is unmatched by the quantity and quality of observational data. Their performance as measured by conventional objective functions is weaker and it is important to match the structural complexity of model errors with analyses that can localize the scales and times of poor performance. Wavelet analysis is potentially useful here as a means of identifying aspects of the model that need improvement. The context in which such models are deployed is also important. Used heuristically, what might otherwise be dismissed as weak models can still provide mechanistic support for empirically‐derived inferences concerning specific aspects of system behaviour. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analysis of observational data suggests salt exchange in a sinuous coastal plain estuary is significantly impacted by counter-rotating residual horizontal eddies formed by channel curvature in meandering channels. The parts of adjacent eddies that advect material downstream follow the deep part of the channel where the flow continually criss-crosses from one side of the channel to the other and follows a relatively unimpeded trajectory to the sea. On the other hand, the parts of adjacent eddies that advect material upstream cross the channel at a different location where it encounters a series of shoals. In this case, the resulting upstream transport of salt is relatively inefficient and retards the rate at which salt can disperse upstream into the estuary. The strength of these circulations is modulated by the spring/neap cycle, allowing for a stronger gravitational mode of exchange to develop near neap tides, but has minimal impact on the length of the salt intrusion. It is suggested that the impeded upstream salt transport accounts for the observation that an impulse of river discharge advects a given isohaline 10 km downstream in 20 days, but that after the impulse, 70 days are required to return the isohaline to a similar position, counter to the notion of a simple dependence of intrusion length on river discharge.  相似文献   

Channel bank failure, and collapses of shoal margins and beaches due to flow slides, have been recorded in Dutch estuaries for the past 200 years but have hardly been recognized elsewhere. Current predictions lack forecasting capabilities, because they were validated and calibrated for historic data of cross‐sections in specific systems, allowing local hindcast rather than location and probability forecasting. The objectives of this study were to investigate where on shoal margins collapses typically occur and what shoal margin collapse geometries and volumes are, such that we can predict their occurrence. We identified shoal margin collapses, generally completely submerged, from bathymetry data by analyzing digital elevation models of difference of the Western Scheldt for the period 1959–2015. We used the bathymetry data to determine the conditions for occurrence, specifically to obtain slope height and angle, and applied these variables in a shoal margin collapse predictor. We found 299 collapses along 300 km of shoal margin boundaries over 56 years, meaning that more than five collapses occur on average per year. The average shoal margin collapse body is well approximated by a 1/3 ellipsoid shape, covers on average an area of 34 000 m2 and has an average volume of 100 000 m3. Shoal margin collapses occur mainly at locations where shoals take up a proportionally larger area than average in the cross‐section of the entire estuary, and occur most frequently where lateral shoal margin displacement is low. A receiver operating characteristic curve shows that the forecasting method predicts the shoal margin collapse location well. We conclude that the locations of the shoal margin collapses are well predicted by the variation in conditions of the relative slope height and angle within the Western Scheldt, and likely locations are at laterally relatively stable shoal margins. This provides hypotheses aiding the recognition of these features in sandy estuaries worldwide. Copyright © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geomorphological characteristics of tidal basins control hydrodynamics and sediment transport potential within such basins, for example, by adjusting the balance in tidal asymmetry. In this study we examine the effects of entrance geometry on tidal velocity asymmetry, slack water asymmetry, bed shear stress patterns and hypsometric profile shapes by comparison of six shallow meso-tidal basins of Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand. Numerical model results show how tidal distortion increases with distance from a basin entrance. A simple ratio between basin width and entrance width defines levels of basin dilation. Sub-basins with a constricted geometry and deep entrance channels are associated with small bed shear stress values and high rates of flood-directed tidal velocity asymmetry in the sheltered basin centres, indicating a large potential for sediment deposition of larger particles. Moreover, slack water asymmetry within these basins is weakly ebb-directed, indicating a small potential for transport of fine sediments out of the basins. The constricted depositional basins are characterized by convex hypsometric profiles with elevated intertidal regions. Unconstricted geometries are associated with larger bed shear stress values and more ebb-directed tidal velocity asymmetry within basin centres, suggesting limited potential for overall sediment deposition. The slack tide duration asymmetry is weakly flood-dominant indicating that limited input of fine sediment into the basins is possible. The comparatively high-energy conditions within these exposed basins are associated with a less convex hypsometric intertidal profile. The ability to estimate tidal asymmetries is advantageous when developing management strategies related to ecosystem functioning, navigability or coastal protection in specific geomorphic settings. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates by means of several large eddy simulations how the channel aspect ratio affects the transport and settling of suspended sediments. The numerical method is successfully validated using data of a physical experiment of fine sediment net deposition in an open channel flow. The channel aspect ratio, A, is known to be the determining factor for the development, strength and distribution of the turbulence‐driven secondary flow, and it is demonstrated that A influences the primary flow, turbulence quantities and the transport and fate of fine sediments. The secondary flow locally supports or hinders the falling of fine sediment particles in a turbulent flow, which results in a non‐uniform deposition of fine sediments over the cross‐section. While the channel aspect ratio has a large influence on the distribution of suspended sediments within the cross‐section, its effect on the cross‐sectional averaged deposition is negligibly small. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The levels of selected organic markers, including 17 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 16 of which are classified as priority pollutants by the US-EPA and perylene, aliphatic hydrocarbons (total and linear alkanes) and petroleum biomarkers (hopanes and steranes), were measured in suspended particulate matter (SPM) of the Mundaú-Manguaba estuarine-lagoon system (MMELS) in northeastern Brazil and the Paraíba do Sul River (PSR) estuary in southeastern Brazil, both of which are affected by sugarcane agriculture and urbanization. A total of 33 surface water samples of SPM were collected (22 from the MMELS and 11 from the PSR). The ∑16PAH ranged from 221 to 1243 ng g−1 in the MMELS and from 228 to 1814 ng g−1 in the PSR. Hopane and sterane concentrations in the PSR were higher than in the MMELS due to the input from petrogenic sources in PSR. The contributions of higher plants were also observed by n-alkane analyses. The PAH isomeric ratios indicated that the SPM from MMELS showed characteristics of combustion from biomass or petroleum and PSR was associated to petrogenic input, either from combustion or from unburned petroleum. Three sampling sites located near to the sugarcane plant and mouth of the rivers showed higher PAH concentrations and may largely be considered as highly contaminated. However, levels of n-alkanes and petroleum biomarkers in both study areas were relatively low.  相似文献   

Geomorphic and hydraulic units in river channels are closely linked to geodiversity and habitats, and thus to biodiversity. In a ~ 200 km reach of the lower Sabine River, in the northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Plain, 72 different hydraulic units (HU) were identified in six geomorphic zones or river styles. Richness–area relationships indicate a linear or logarithmic increase of HUs, as opposed to the less steep power functions generally found in biogeographic species–area curves or in soil richness–area analyses. Different results are obtained when starting from the upstream or downstream end of the study area, indicating the importance of directionality in such analyses. These results show that HUs (and related habitats and biotopes) are both richer and more variable than a repeated sequence of units. The number of HUs inundated increases linearly with flow stage categories, indicating the importance of high within‐bank flows in maintaining and activating HUs. Aggregated HUs (AHUs) associated with similar geomorphic units are highly connected, both with respect to patterns of spatial adjacency and potential connectivity at similar flow levels. Spectral graph theory metrics applied to a graph representation of spatial adjacency shows a highly complex network with a high potential for rapid propagation of changes—and even more so for a graph based on flow connectivity. The flow connectivity graph shows far higher synchronization as indicated by algebraic connectivity. Thus suggests more rapid and coherent changes for processes driven by river flow, as opposed to phenomena driven by other factors between flow events. These findings have important implications for understanding relationships between geodiversity and habitat diversity, managing habitat and biodiversity, and linking the latter to instream flows. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The bed of estuaries is often characterized by ripples and dunes of varying size. Whereas smaller bedforms adapt their morphological shape to the oscillating tidal currents, large compound dunes (here: asymmetric tidal dunes) remain stable for periods longer than a tidal cycle. Bedforms constitute a form roughness, that is, hydraulic flow resistance, which has a large-scale effect on tidal asymmetry and, hence, on hydrodynamics, sediment transport, and morphodynamics of estuaries and coastal seas. Flow separation behind the dune crest and recirculation on the steep downstream side result in turbulence and energy loss. Since the energy dissipation can be related to the dune lee slope angle, asymmetric dune shapes induce variable flow resistance during ebb and flood phases. Here, a noncalibrated numerical model has been applied to analyze the large-scale effect of symmetric and asymmetric dune shapes on estuarine tidal asymmetry evaluated by residual bed load sediment transport at the Weser estuary, Germany. Scenario simulations were performed with parameterized bed roughness of symmetric and asymmetric dune shapes and without dune roughness. The spatiotemporal interaction of distinct dune shapes with the main drivers of estuarine sediment and morphodynamics, that is, river discharge and tidal energy, is shown to be complex but substantial. The contrasting effects of flood- and ebb-oriented asymmetric dunes on residual bed load transport rates and directions are estimated to be of a similar importance as the controls of seasonal changes of discharge on these net sediment fluxes at the Lower Weser estuary. This corroborates the need to consider dune-induced directional bed roughness in numerical models of estuarine and tidal environments.  相似文献   

Increasing continental suspended sediment influx to coral reefs is an example of land-sea coupling that requires the identification of sources, magnitude of transport, and controlling processes. In Brazil, a small coastal basin (Macaé River) was identified as a source of suspended sediment to a coral reef on the coast of Cape Armação dos Búzios. Biannual suspended sediment loads were measured at the basin as were fluxes within the estuary and towards the coast during eight tidal cycles. Particle load and yield from this basin were typical of small coastal basins, showing high to moderate slopes and transitional land management. However, the magnitude of the river loads was lower than the sediment transport within the estuary, indicating that the estuary amplifies river fluxes and sustains the transference of suspended sediment alongshore to the coral reef. Nonetheless, the estuary displays both suspended particle retention and export capacity and, therefore, fluxes to the coast and the coral reef occur as episodic events.  相似文献   

Data collected from the York River estuary demonstrate the importance of asymmetries in stratification to the suspension and transport of fine sediment. Observations collected during two 24-h deployments reveal greater concentrations of total suspended solids during the flood phase of the tide despite nearly symmetric near-bed tidal current magnitude. In both cases, tidally averaged net up-estuary sediment transport near the bed was clearly observed despite the fact that tidally averaged residual near-bed currents were near zero. Tidal straining of the along-channel salinity gradient resulted in a stronger pycnocline lower in the water column during the ebb phase of the tide and appeared to limit sediment suspension. Indirect measurements suggest that the lower, more intense, pycnocline on the ebb acted as a barrier, limiting turbulent length scales and reducing eddy diffusivity well below the pycnocline, even though the lower water column was locally well mixed. In order to more conclusively link changes in stratification to properties of near-bed eddy viscosity and diffusivity, longer duration tripod and mooring data from an additional experiment are examined, that included direct measurement of turbulent velocities. These additional data demonstrate how slight increases in stratification can limit vertical mixing near the bed and impact the structure of the eddy viscosity below the pycnocline. We present evidence that the overlying pycnocline can remotely constrain the vertical turbulent length scale of the underlying flow, limiting sediment resuspension. As a result, the relatively small changes in stratification caused by tidal straining of the pycnocline allow sediment to be resuspended higher in the water column during the flood phase of the tide, resulting in preferential up-estuary transport of sediment.Responsible Editor: Iris Grabemann  相似文献   

Seasonal observations on the nature and concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) are presented for a cross-section of the English Channel, between the Isle of Wight (UK) and Cotentin peninsula (France) i.e. the western boundary of the eastern English Channel. The highest concentrations of suspended material are found adjacent to the English coastline, whereas the offshore waters are associated with low concentrations. Seasonal variations in the concentration and nature of suspended material are identified, with highest concentrations in winter. At this time, the suspended particles are characterised generally by peaked grain size spectra and an enrichment in coarse silt particles; in summer, the distributions are generally flat. The diatom communities found within the suspended matter indicate that material resuspended in the coastal zone and the estuarine environments is transported offshore. SPM fluxes (based upon the observed SPM concentrations and the output from a 2-D hydrodynamic model) from the western Channel through the Wight–Cotentin Section, ranged between 2 and 71×106 t a−1 with a mean of around 20×106 t a−1 over the period of the observations (1994–1995). These fluxes are comparable to the order of magnitude and mean value reported as output through the Dover Strait. Therefore, it is possible that the eastern English Channel may be characterised as an area of fine-grained sediment ‘bypass'. This interpretation is corroborated by: (a) the absence of fine-grained sediment deposits over the area; and (b) correlation between the potential resuspension time of the fine particles and the seabed sediment distribution.  相似文献   

Conceptual models of circulation theorise that the dominant forces controlling estuarine circulation are freshwater discharge from the riverine section (landward), tidal forcing from the ocean boundary, and gravitational circulation resulting from along-estuary gradients in density. In micro-tidal estuaries, sub-tidal water level changes (classified as those with periods between 3 and 10 days) with amplitudes comparable to the spring tidal range can significantly influence the circulation and distribution of water properties. Field measurements obtained from the Swan River Estuary, a diurnal, micro-tidal estuary in south-western Australia, indicated that sub-tidal water level changes at the ocean boundary were predominantly from remotely forced continental shelf waves (CSWs). The sub-tidal water levels had maximum amplitudes of 0.8 m, were comparable to the maximum tidal range of 0.6 m, propagated into the estuary to its tidal limit, and modified water levels in the whole estuary over several days. These oscillations dominated the circulation and distribution of water properties in the estuary through changing the salt wedge location and increasing the bottom water salinity by 7 units over 3 days. The observed salt wedge excursion forced by CSW was up to 5 km, whereas the maximum tidal excursion was 1.2 km. The response of the residual currents and the salinity distribution lagged behind the water level changes by ∼24 h. It was proposed that the sub-tidal forcing at the ocean boundary, which changed the circulation, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the upper estuary, was due to a combination of two processes: (1) a gravity current generated by a process similar to a lock exchange mechanism and (2) amplified along-estuary density gradients in the upper estuary, which enhanced the gravitational circulation in the estuary. The salt intrusions under the sub-tidal forcing caused the rapid movement of anoxic water upstream, with significant implications for water quality and estuarine health.  相似文献   

悬浮颗粒物和沉积物是湖泊有机污染物的主要承载物质,其稳定同位素研究对有效识别有机质污染导致的湖泊富营养化具有重要意义.本研究选取乌梁素海为研究区,于2019年4月(融冰期)、7月(夏灌期)和10月(秋灌期)对湖区及入湖渠道的表层沉积物和悬浮颗粒物中有机碳的δ13C、C/N比及总有机碳(TOC、POC)和总氮(TON、PON)含量进行测定分析,联合采用δ13C、C/N及同位素多元混合模型研究湖泊有机碳来源及其贡献率.结果表明,乌梁素海悬浮颗粒物有机碳δ13CPOC的变化范围为-23.29‰~-29.75‰,呈现10月>4月>7月、入湖渠道>湖区的趋势,悬浮颗粒物POC/PON比变化范围为4.10~21.35,呈现出4月<7月<10月的时间变化,悬浮颗粒有机质主要来源于浮游植物(51.59%)、入湖渠道泥沙(34.60%)和大型水生植物(13.76%).沉积物有机碳δ13CTOC变化范围为-27.58‰~-22.68‰,呈现4月<10月<7月的变化,沉积物TOC/TON比变化范围为3.06~23.77,时空变化明显,沉积物有机质则主要源于入湖渠道挟带的泥沙,贡献达72.79%以上,而浮游植物与大型水生植物的贡献率相差较小,分别为11.85%和15.36%.本研究可以初步判定受入湖渠道影响的富营养化湖泊中悬浮颗粒物和沉积物有机碳来源,为改善湖泊有机污染和研究有机碳来源提供更多理解.  相似文献   

Percolation of flood waters into the bed and banks of ephemeral streams provides one of the key mechanisms responsible for transmission loss. However, there are very few published estimates of the rates at which water can enter stream‐bank sediments, and little is known about the variation in bank permeability with elevation above the bed and the resulting effects on transmission loss in floods of different magnitudes. This paper presents the results of 69 field determinations of bank infiltrability made on Fowlers Creek, an ephemeral dry‐land stream located in arid western New South Wales, Australia. Fowlers Creek carries high concentrations of suspended sediments, which are deposited as mud drapes on the bed, banks and floodplain. Results demonstrate that infiltration rates are lowest at the base of the banks, and tend to increase steadily with elevation on the bank, even above the apparent upper limit of mud drapes. In parallel, the texture of the bank sediments (assessed from samples of the uppermost 10 cm) becomes coarser with elevation above the bed. This pattern is inferred to relate to the delivery of silts and clays into pore spaces in the bank sediments by percolating flood waters. The patterns of infiltration rate and sediment texture mapped in the field are reasoned to be the product of many clogging episodes in past flood events having different peak stages. The increase in infiltration rate and mean particle size up the banks reflects lower frequencies of submergence and clogging of the upper banks by large floods, and more frequent inundation and clogging of the lower banks by sub‐bank‐full flows. The stage‐related changes in bank permeability provide a mechanism that can drive variations in transmission loss among floods having different peak stages and hydrograph shapes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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