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The structure, function and dynamics of reed-belts from three ‘Bornhoeved-Lakes’ was investigated by using methods from vegetation science and molecular biology. Between 1992 and 1994 the morphometry and production of Phragmites was measured at twelve locations, differing in sedimentology and hydrochemistry. The development and production of the plants, as well as the nutrient uptake and relocation, were similar throughout the years within each of the twelve plots. Differences in stand-structure and amounts of nutrients occurred between the habitats. Nitrogen content in the plant material varied between 5 and 30 g N m−2 and phosphorus between 0.3 and 1.2 g PO4-P m−2.80 natural reed habitats were measured for Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLPs) in order to identify the genetic diversity of Phragmites within the lakes. A cluster analysis exhibited groups with high, as well as groups with low genetic similarity. Even if genetically similar, the habitats were not necessarily directly neighboured at the shoreline. A discriminance analysis showed 40% correspondence of the genetic groups with their phenotype and habitat parameters.  相似文献   

The aphid Hyalopterus pruni migrates to its secondary host Common Reed in late spring and early summer. Reed fields are known to be more heavily infested at the edges compared to the centre, as the migrants are attracted to the colour of the reed. There is also evidence that reeds growing at wet sites are more heavily infested than at dry sites. This paper shows that both proceses interact in determining the distribution of aphids in different habitats.The observations were carried out in the vast reed field of the Zuidelijk Flevoland polder (The Netherlands) during a number of years after its reclamation in 1968. In the period of migration flying aphids were caught with sticky traps situated in and around the reed field. The distribution of aphids on the reed was determined at different times during the season along transects through the centre of the polder. The existence early in the season (June) of a higher infestation at the edges than in the centre of the field was confirmed. The density of winged aphids in this early period was higher in wet than in dry habitats, which may have been a result of a preference of the settling migrants for reed standing in water. Later in the season (August) the dry habitat still had a relatively low infestation in the centre, but at the wet sites the infestation was high everywhere. This could be attributed to the much quicker population growth that was found in the wet habitat and subsequent short range movement of newly born winged aphids.  相似文献   

戚美侠  王红萍  陈杰 《湖泊科学》2017,29(2):420-429
水生植物修复已经成为水体富营养化修复的重要手段,但其周期性的衰亡也给水体带来不容忽视的负效应.以府河流域丘陵地带农业区小水系自然生长的芦苇(Phragmites australis)和狭叶香蒲(Typha angustifolia)为研究对象,通过模拟实验,研究其冬季和春季腐烂分解过程的差异以及对水体营养盐水平的影响.结果表明,2种挺水植物的剩余干物质量整体上都呈现先快速下降再缓慢下降的趋势,芦苇和狭叶香蒲春季的分解速率分别为0.0251和0.0169 d~(-1),分别明显高于冬季分解速率(0.0027和0.0052 d~(-1));且腐烂分解速率与植物初始氮磷含量和氮磷比都有一定相关性.2种植物在冬季和春季磷的矿化速率都明显高于氮的矿化速率.实验水体的总氮和总磷浓度在腐解过程呈现初期迅速上升、中期迅速下降、后期缓慢下降的趋势.总体来看,芦苇和狭叶香蒲的腐烂分解受季节和初始氮磷浓度的影响较大,芦苇反应较香蒲更敏感且对水质的影响具有时效性.  相似文献   

About 1 mg/g dw Cu2+ and 8 mg/g dw Fe2+ were found in roots of reed plants when fed with heavy metal concentrations of 100 μM Cu2+ and 10 mM Fe2+ under hypoxia. Roots seemed to act as a kind of filter since the amounts in rhizomes were only 0.06 mg Cu2+/g dw and 2 mg Fe2+/g dw. Increased contents of both ions reduced posthypoxic respiration capacity by 40–50% and also the sum of adenylates (ATP, ADP, AMP) by the same order of magnitude, although energy charge values remained above 0.85 in Cu2+ and 0.79 in Fe2+ treatments. Energy metabolism of rhizomes was not affected. Copper and iron contents of roots as well as of rhizomes were high enough to induce oxidative stress when roots were fed with 40 μM Cu2+ and 1 mM Fe2+, respectively.From our results we conclude that increased, but environmentally attainable, amounts of copper and reduced iron ions disturb root energy metabolism, and therefore root functioning and development. Latent injuries, based on oxidative stress, may be harmful for roots and rhizomes under long term exposure.  相似文献   

The development of aquatic reed stands at Lake Ammersee was documented by using vertical airborne photographs which were taken during four partial and five complete flights beginning in 1944. A dramatic decline of reed, especially of those parts which stood in deep water, was demonstrated. Between the years 1963 and 1969 60% and until 1992 another 30% of the Phragmitetum disappeared. Only at the east bank did the lake reed beds slightly expand.The examination of possible factors affecting the development of reed at Lake Ammersee lead to the following scenario: Until 1940 reed stands at Lake Ammersee spread and covered large aquatic areas. Only the east bank of the lake, where the influence of wind and waves was high, and banks near towns and recreation areas remained uncovered. Since the regulation of the River Ammer between 1920 and 1938 flood occurrence increased enormously. The flood disaster of the year 1965 coincided with the period of the highest rate of reed decline. The peak of eutrophication in the lake was reached in 1975. Huge carpets of green algae caused further retreat of reeds.At the present time recovery is not possible because of the negative influence of human recreation and of reed consuming waterfowl. Interestingly enough an expansion of reed has been observed at the east bank of Lake Ammersee at places were there was no Phragmites previously.  相似文献   

利用芦苇湿地去除农业污水中的氮是博斯腾湖流域控制富营养化的重要手段.但是,污水中的盐分往往会抑制芦苇(Phragmites australis)湿地的除氮效果.为了探索不同盐度对芦苇湿地脱氮效果的影响和机制,研究4个不同的盐度梯度(淡水、2‰、5‰和10‰)对芦苇表流湿地中氮去除的影响,测定不同盐度下湿地表层(0~10.0 cm)和下层土壤(10.0~20.0 cm)中硝化、反硝化作用强度的变化.结果表明,盐度上升显著降低了湿地氮的去除率,但是不同离子形态的氮变化趋势并不一致.5‰和10‰盐度下的芦苇湿地中总氮、铵态氮去除率分别下降了9.03%、31.80%和23.10%、39.20%,亚硝态氮累积率分别上升了190%、690%,而硝态氮并未发生明显变化.相对于参与反硝化作用的菌群,盐度对参与硝化作用菌群的抑制作用更强是产生此现象的主要原因.除此之外,盐度升高导致植物根系泌氧减少也是土壤中的硝化作用强度降低的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

Rebi Nijboer   《Limnologica》2004,34(3):213-223
Agapetus fuscipes is a caddisfly that only seems to occur in unimpacted streams and therefore can be a suitable indicator species for natural conditions. The species has decreased in the Netherlands because of human activities which caused organic pollution and hydromorphological degradation. Literature was reviewed to study the autecology and life cycle of A. fuscipes in order to reveal the ecological requirements of this species. By taking Agapetus fuscipes as an example, it is shown that the autecology and life cycle of an indicator species can give important clues for its presence in unimpacted and absence in impacted streams. A. fuscipes is very susceptible to organic pollution and to a lesser degree to discharge dynamics (dropping water level and discharge peaks). The species copes with dynamic discharge events by maintaining a high population density and recolonisation of disturbed habitats from refuges. However, the vulnerability of the species strongly depends on the life stage of the animals (e.g., the ability to migrate, the oxygen demand and the habitat requirements differ between instars). Although several adaptations to dynamic conditions, a high frequency of discharge peaks or a long period of drought can cause the population to decline. Once a population has totally disappeared from a stream it will take the species a long time to recolonise the stream because of its low dispersion capacity. To protect this species stream restoration should focus on water quality (avoid organic pollution and agricultural run off) and on stabilising the discharge by taking care of natural infiltration in the catchment area instead of fast removal of rain water by drainage systems.  相似文献   

Marina P. Vega   《Limnologica》1999,29(2):186
The diet of P. sarsi in different life-stages from copepodid I to adult was investigated. Gut contents of copepodid I to II consisted mainly of algae such as diatoms and dinoflagellates. From copepodid III to adult stages the composition of the diet changed towards the inclusion of nauplii, cladocerans and copepods. The importance of the algae on the diet decreased with the inclusion of the prey items. Copepods were the most important components of the diet from C V to adult. Differences in the capture and ingestion of cladocerans and copepods were found. Diet of P. sarsi can be characterized as diverse consisting of diatoms, phagotrophic algae, protozoans, rotifers and nauplii from C I to C III and consisting mainly of carnivorous items from C IV to adult. The ability to eat a variety of food allows the copepods to modify their diet with varying conditions in the food environment. The effect of these diversity in the diet seems to be advantageous, specially in stressed environments imposed by episodes of drying.  相似文献   

对于不同生长期、不同湿度条件下芦苇(Phragmites australis)茎、叶中多种类型植硅体含量变化的探讨,能够为植硅体形成机理研究和探讨植硅体对气候变化的响应提供理论依据.选取长春市南湖为实验样点,于5—10月在3种不同生境(旱生、季节性水生和水生生境)采集芦苇样品,并分别统计芦苇茎、叶植硅体形态和数量.实验结果显示:首先,茎、叶植硅体组合特征存在明显差异,茎中帽型及个体较大的尖型等植硅体多于叶中,而叶中硅化气孔含量明显高于茎中.其次,随着植株的生长,芦苇茎中硅化气孔含量先增加后减少,鞍型植硅体含量变化较小而帽型植硅体含量先减少后增加,棒型植硅体含量逐渐增加、尖型植硅体含量先增加后减少;芦苇叶中硅化气孔含量持续增加,鞍型、帽型等短细胞植硅体含量下降,尖型、扇型等个体较大的植硅体含量逐渐增加.最后,不同植硅体类型的含量在3种生境中的变化情况较为复杂,茎中植硅体的数量变化没有明显规律,而芦苇叶中硅化气孔含量由旱生生境向水生生境逐渐增加,可见叶中硅化气孔含量的增加可以指示相对湿润的生境条件.总之,芦苇茎、叶内不同类型植硅体的数量对植株生长及不同湿度环境有不同程度的响应,对芦苇植硅体的研究也有助于理解湿生植物植硅体与环境因子的关系,进而为探讨植硅体对古环境、古气候的响应提供理论基础.  相似文献   

Azolla filiculoides Lam. is a tiny aquatic fern growing as free floating mats covering the stagnant water of the irrigation and drainage canals of Damietta district, Egypt. Ecological characteristics and distribution of the fern were investigated and results were discussed.Vegetation analysis of Azolla indicate that the most common associated species with Azolla are: Phragmites australis [presence (P) = 93.3%], Echinochloa stagnina (P = 70%), Eichhornia crassipes (P = 57%), Pluchea dioscoridis (P = 56.7%), Persicaria salicifolia (P = 26.7%), Phylla nodiflora (P = 13.3%) and Ludwigia stolonifera (P = 10%). Submerged species, e.g. Ceratophyllum spp. and Potamogeton spp. are completely absent in the stands dominated with solid mats of Azolla. This could be explained by that these mats prevent light penetration and oxygen which are required to submerged plants which in turn are decayed.The pH of the water where Azolla was recorded ranged from 7.1 to 9.0 (mean = 7.8), total dissolved salts ranged from 280 to 2600 mg/l (mean = 880 mg/l). The total phosphorus showed the range from 0.01 to 0.82 mg/l (mean = 0.22 mg/l). The ammonia-N is relatively high, varying from 2 to 18 mg/l (mean = 7.0 mg/l), however, the nitrate-N varied from 2.1 to 54.1 mg/l with a mean value of 20.5 mg/l.The fresh biomass of Azolla ranged from 114 to 4280 g/m2 in irrigation canals and from 506 to 2760 g/m2 in drainage canals. The dry biomass varied from 16 to 23 g/m2 in irrigation canals. The range from 26 to 320 g/m2 was obtained for drainage canals.  相似文献   

Heike Koppitz   《Limnologica》2004,34(1-2):37
Changes in the contents and composition of dissolved amino acids and carbohydrates were monitored in different Phragmites australis stands in Germany. Four different reed clones planted in 1997 in a degraded fen area in NE-Germany were compared with respect to the seasonal development in the total amount of amino acids and sugars in the basal culm internodes. The individual Phragmites clones showed significant differences in the absolute content of both parameters indicating an influence of the genotype. Flooding affected the ratio of amino acids to carbohydrates within the reed clones. Plants grown in flooded parts of the fen area revealed a significantly higher total amino acid content together with a lower total content of carbohydrates.Furthermore, the effects of extreme flooding on the content and composition of amino acids and carbohydrates in the basal culm internodes of Phragmites australis were studied in nine reed stands with different degrees of damage on Lake Constance. Shoots from extremely damaged reed stands were characterised by a significant decrease in the total content of carbohydrates, an increase in the total content of amino acids and an increase in the share of γ-aminobutyric acid. These changes in the content and composition of carbohydrates and amino acids were discussed with respect to their value as stress indicators, such as for oxygen deprivation which causes a hypoxic metabolic state in Phragmites australis stands.  相似文献   

Distribution, abundance and life history characteristics of Mysis relicta were studied in the Feldberg Lake District (Lake Breiter Luzin, Lake Schmaler Luzin, Lake Zansen) located in northeastern Germany. Between July 2001 and November 2002 mysids were collected by vertical net hauls. In order to determine the impact of the current trophic conditions on the distribution of mysids in these lakes, oxygen concentration, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a and water transparency were also measured. All investigated lakes are mesotrophic at present. Lake Breiter Luzin exhibited great seasonal and spatial variations in mysid abundance. Density of adults and juveniles had a mean of 44.9 ± 57.1 and 68.7 ± 99.6 m−2, respectively. Highest abundance of adults was 110.4 ± 76.5 m−2 in summer, lowest abundances of 2.0 ± 4.0 m−2 occurred in spring. For juveniles, highest density of 218.4 ± 174.6 m−2 was detected in summer and lowest of 0.8 ± 1.8 m−2 in winter. No mysids were caught in any of the daytime hauls, but they were widely distributed throughout the water column at night. Size frequency distribution of mysids suggested that reproduction occurred year-round, the most consistent influx of juveniles occurred in early summer and a smaller second cohort in autumn. Highest mysid abundance was 189.2 ± 318.6 adults and 127.0 ± 66.3 juveniles m−2 in Lake Schmaler Luzin, and 59.6 ± 5.6 adults and 79.4 ± 11.2 juveniles m−2 in Lake Zansen. There were great spatial differences in abundance in both lakes.  相似文献   

The aquatic weed Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.]Solms was introduced in Lake Victoria from Rwanda via the Kagera River by the activities of man. After originally infesting Lake Victoria (Uganda), it eventually spread into the Winam gulf, where its proliferation was spectacular, resulting in an enormous public outcry. The aim of this study was to find out how a beach/bay covered by a weed carpet affected the life of a lakeshore community, if there were any seasonal changes in carpet sizes and to establish if the water hyacinth is a friend or an enemy. Surveys were conducted in selected beaches between June 1995 and November 1999. When surveys were complete, it became clear that this weed is nomadic, except in lagoons and beaches that had little external interference. The open waters remained generally clear due to constant wave action. Interviews conducted on selected beaches/bays indicated that weed carpets impacted both positively and negatively, i.e. they disrupted fishing activities, transport, irrigation, water treatment, enhanced breeding grounds for vectors of human diseases, impacted on biodiversity and had become a source of raw materials for making furniture, paper and artefacts. After successful biological control by the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), resurgence and succession were observed. The impact of water hyacinth on the life of the lakeshore communities in the Winam gulf is serious and needs to be quantified. Further research is necessary to establish whether this weed is an enemy or a friend of the lakeshore communities.  相似文献   

From April 1997 to June 1998 Nemurella pictetii populations were regularly sampled in two springstreams at 220 and 850 m a.s.l., respectively, in Hesse (Germany), at approximately 51°N. Random samples of larvae were taken at three week intervals during the vegetation period, and once a month during winter. Sex, instar, body length, head capsule width and wing pad length of all larvae were recorded. Temperatures were recorded every hour, temporal patterns of temperature agreed closely between sites. Mean winter lows were 3.9 °C at both sites, the mean summer high was 11.9 °C at the lower site, as opposed to 9.6 °C at the mountain site.At both sites, adult emergence started in May. At the mountain site, recruitment started in late July and continued into autumn. There was cohort splitting in the young generation. Some individuals grew rapidly until October–November, but last instar larvae first appeared in March the next year. 1600 degree-days above 0 °C were accumulated during complete development. At the lower site, recruitment began in early July, and cohort splitting also occurred. Fast growing summer recruits emerged as adults in late August, having accumulated only 700 degree-days (above 0 °C). Their offspring hatched in November-December and emerged the next spring, having accumulated also only 700 degree-days. However, only part of the population was bivoltine. Many of the summer recruits grew more slowly and accumulated close to 1900 degree days until they emerged the next spring, together with the offspring of their own fast-growing siblings. Dependence of growth rate on temperature could not be estimated and appears to vary with daylength. For example, 3–6 °C support growth and development provided daylength exceeds 10 hrs of light, or is rising.At both sites and in all cohorts individuals emerging earliest were larger than later emerging ones. The size decline is significantly correlated with number of days after the winter solstice. For the first time it is shown that the decline does not occur shortly before adult emergence but actually takes place several instars before the last. Size differences are then carried on, and amplified, during subsequent molts, until adulthood. The literature presently relates seasonal size declines of insects to high or rising temperatures experienced by larvae approaching adulthood. Our data show that, at least in Nemurella, this explanation fails. On average, females were distinctly larger than males. Differences in mean last instar size were noticed also between sites and years. They remain presently unexplained. The mean sex ratio in both populations was close to 1:1.  相似文献   

The lakeside border of Phragmites reeds is under the control of many environmental factors, among which the flooding height and the degree of mechanical load by waves and washes are the most prominent. Examples from Lake Constance-Untersee show that the reed front retreats under enhanced stresses. Models are presented that describe the susceptibility of lakeside reeds to mechanical damage and to flooding events. A monitoring programme which ran from 1984/85 to 1992/93 showed a slow lakeward progression of the reeds in a decade of abnormally low water conditions.  相似文献   

Since it is often difficult to estimate possible adverse effects due to contamination in selected ecosystems, multi-species biomonitoring may provide more information, taking into account different routes of exposure, ecological roles and metabolic capabilities of animals. In this context, we exposed for 7 days the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the crab Carcinus aestuarii to 4-nonylphenol (NP), a well-known xenoestrogen. In mussels (0–0.2 mg NP l−1), we measured NP bioaccumulation in soft tissues and vitellogenin (Vg)-like protein levels in digestive glands from both males and females by the alkali-labile phosphate assay (ALP). As no reference data were available for crab exposure, the NP 96-h LC50 value was previously determined. Then, in sublethally exposed (0–1.0 mg NP l−1) male crabs, NP bioaccumulation and Vg levels were measured in hemolymph, gonads and digestive gland. Bioaccumulation of NP increased from 43 to 371 μg g−1 d.w. in mussels, and from 3.6 to 37 μg g−1 d.w. in crabs, depending on the NP concentration in water. Dose-dependent Vg-like protein induction was observed in both species, appearing to be related to NP bioaccumulation, although a partial decrease was recorded at the highest concentration tested. A similar trend was observed in both digestive gland and gonad of exposed crabs; Vg increased to a lesser extent, although significantly, in hemolymph. Results demonstrated that NP induces Vg synthesis both in male and female mussels, as well as in male crabs. On the basis of the responsiveness of both species investigated, a multi-species approach is indicated in biomonitoring programmes.  相似文献   

Aliphatic hydrocarbons and PAHs in the whole soft tissues of Bathymodiolus azoricus from three Mid-Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents (Menez-Gwen, Lucky Strike and Rainbow), and Mytilus galloprovincialis from three contaminated coastal sites in South Portugal were analysed, and its effects on the digestive gland microsomes mixed-function oxygenase system (MFO) were assessed.Aliphatic hydrocarbons levels were present in the same magnitude in both coastal and hydrothermal environments, while the UCM (unresolved complex mixture) for coastal mussels were higher than in vent mussels. In general, significantly higher PAHs concentrations were found in coastal mussels, compared to B. azoricus where low molecular weight PAHs (2–3 rings) represented the majority of PAHs contrarily to what was observed in M. galloprovincialis. The MFO components were present in both mussel species, and were detected in vent mussels for the first time. However this system seems to have different roles in species from these contrasting environments. In coastal mussels MFO responded to hydrocarbon contamination while response in hydrothermal organisms appeared to be related mainly to endogenous factors.  相似文献   

金刚  李钟杰 《湖泊科学》1999,11(1):52-56
极大螺旋藻藻体SOD聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶电泳呈现4条同工酶带,H2O2明显抑制该酶活性,KCN对酶活性无影响,确认为Fe-SOD。经硫酸铵分部盐析,离子交换柱层析及凝胶过滤,纯化到电泳单斑点均一程度。纯化的Fe-SOD分子量为39.3KD,亚基分子量为20KD,金属元素分析表明,每个亚基含0.55个Fe原子。该酶在紫外区最大吸收峰值为275.8nm,该酶氨基酸组成与蓝,绿藻和高等植物的Fe-SOD相  相似文献   

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