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Many of the hydrological and ecological functions of alluvial flood plains within watersheds depend on the water flow exchanges between the vadoze soil zone and the shallow groundwater. The water balance of the soil in the flood plain is investigated, in order to evaluate the main hydrological processes that underlie the temporal dynamics of soil moisture and groundwater levels. The soil moisture and the groundwater level in the flood plain were monitored continuously for a three-year period. These data were integrated with the results derived from applying a physically-based numerical model which simulated the variably-saturated vertical water flow in the soil. The analysis indicated that the simultaneous processes of lateral groundwater flow and the vertical recharge from the unsaturated zone caused the observed water table fluctuations. The importance of these flows in determining the rises in the water table varied, depending on soil moisture and groundwater depth before precipitation. The monitoring period included two hydrological years (September 2009–September 2011). About 13% of the precipitation vertically recharged the groundwater in the first year and about 50% in the second. The difference in the two recharge coefficients was in part due to the lower groundwater levels in the recharge season of the first hydrological year, compared to those observed in the second. In the latter year, the shallow groundwater increased the soil moisture in the unsaturated zone due to capillary rise, and so the mean hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated soil was high. This moisture state of soil favoured a more efficient conversion of infiltrated precipitation into vertical groundwater recharge. The results show that groundwater dynamics in the flood plain are an important source of temporal variability in soil moisture and vertical recharge processes, and this variability must be properly taken into account when the water balance is investigated in shallow groundwater environments.

Citation Pirastru, M. and Niedda, M., 2013. Evaluation of the soil water balance in an alluvial flood plain with a shallow groundwater table. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 898–911.  相似文献   

A rainstorm that caused a severe flash flood on the piedmont plain at the toe positions of two alluvial fans located to the west of the Organ Mountains in Dona Ana County, New Mexico, USA, is analysed. The space–time distributions of rainfall are evaluated from the Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) and overland flow is modelled as kinematic wave. The spatial distribution of rainfall shows a topographic control. The greatest rainfall depth, duration, and intensity occurred at the higher elevation mountain slopes and decreased with decreasing elevation from the alluvial fans to the piedmont plain. The alluvial fan–piedmont plain system is modelled by coupling divergent and rectangular overland flow planes. Explicit finite difference approximations, hybridized with the analytical method of characteristics, are made to the kinematic wave equations to account for the spatial and temporal distribution of the rainfall and variable boundary conditions. Simulation results indicate that sheet‐flow floodwater elevations rise (1) in a nonlinear fashion from the apex to toe positions of the alluvial fans, and (2) near linearly from the toe positions of the alluvial fans onto the piedmont plains with the formation of kinematic shocks near the middle to the upstream end of the plane at times between the initiation of the rainstorm and the time of concentration of the plane. Thus, the maximum flooding occurs at the middle or upstream sections of the piedmont plains regardless of the pattern of space–time variability of rainfall. These results are in agreement with observed geomorphologic features suggesting that piedmont plains are naturally flood‐prone areas. This case study demonstrates that flood hazards on piedmont plains can exceed those on alluvial fans. The models presented in this study suggest that the flood hazard zones on coupled alluvial fan–piedmont plain landforms should be delineated transverse to the flow directions, as opposed to the flood hazard zones with boundaries in the longitudinal direction of the axis of an alluvial fan. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A modelling framework for the quick estimate of flood inundation and the resultant damages is developed in this paper. The model, called the flood economic impact analysis system (FEIAS), can be applied to a river reach of any hydrogeological river basin. For the development of the integrated modelling framework, three models were employed: (1) a modelling scheme based on the Hydrological Simulation Program FORTRAN model that was developed for any geomorphological river basin, (2) a river flow/floodplain model, and (3) a flood loss estimation model. The first sub‐model of the flood economic impact analysis system simulates the hydrological processes for extended periods of time, and its output is used as input to a second component, the river/floodplain model. The hydraulic model MIKE 11 (quasi‐2D) is the river/floodplain model employed in this study. The simulated flood parameters from the hydraulic model MIKE 11 (quasi‐2D) are passed, at the end of each time step, to a third component, the flood loss model for the estimation of flood damage. In the present work, emphasis was given to the seasonal variation of Manning's coefficient (n), which is an important parameter for the determination of the flood inundation in hydraulic modelling. High values of Manning's coefficient for a channel indicate high flow resistance. The riparian vegetation can have a large impact on channel resistance. The modelling framework developed in this paper was used to investigate the role of riparian vegetation in reducing flood damage. Moreover, it was used to investigate the influence of cutting riparian vegetation scenarios on the flow characteristics. The proposed framework was applied to the downstream part of the Koiliaris River basin in Crete, Greece, and was tested and validated with historical data. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone (HZ) plays a vital role in the stream ecosystem. Reactions in the HZ such as denitrification and nitrification have been examined in previous studies. However, no numerical model has yet been developed that can accurately simulate nitrogen concentration changes in the HZ, because the zones for the two reactions can change throughout the reactions. This study proposes a method of evaluating the nitrogen removal rate in the HZ through numerical modelling. First, a basic two‐dimensional numerical model coupling flow conditions with biochemical reactions is proposed to consider both nitrification and denitrification. The zones for different reactions are determined under the assumption that related environmental variables (i.e., the dissolved oxygen) will not change throughout the reactions. Next, to examine changes in environmental variables throughout the reactions, an improved model is proposed, and a method is developed for delineating the boundary between nitrification and denitrification zones and identifying a transition zone where either reaction might take place. However, more information about biochemical reactions in the HZ is required to use the improved model. To overcome this shortcoming, a new model that couples the basic model and genetic programming (GP) is proposed to optimize the simulation results of the basic model and allow for real‐time forecasting. The results show that the basic model obtains acceptable simulation results for nitrate concentration distribution in the HZ. The improved model performs better than the basic model, but the model coupling the basic model with GP performs best. In addition, the function of the HZ in nitrogen removal is examined through a case study of four scenarios, leading to the conclusion that the HZ has a higher nitrogen removal rate when water quality is neither too poor nor too good. Overall, this study enhances our understanding of the HZ and can benefit the restoration and management of HZs and streams in the face of the continual degradation caused by human activity.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability of groundwater–surface‐water (GW–SW) interactions was investigated in an intensively utilized salmon spawning riffle. Hydrochemical tracers, were used along with high‐resolution hydraulic head and temperature data to assess hyporheic dynamics. Surface and subsurface hydrochemistry were monitored at three locations where salmon spawning had been observed in previous years. Temperature and hydraulic head were monitored in three nests of three piezometers located to characterize the head, the run and the tail‐out of the riffle feature. Hydrochemical gradients between surface and subsurface water indicated increasing GW influence with depth into the hyporheic zone. Surface water was characterized by high dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations, low alkalinity and conductivity. Hyporheic water was generally characterized by high levels of alkalinity and conductivity indicative of longer residence times, and low DO, indicative of reducing conditions. Hydrochemical and temperature gradients varied spatially over the riffle in response to changes in local GW–SW interactions at the depths investigated. Groundwater inputs dominated the head and tail of the riffle. The influence of SW increased in the area of accelerating flow and decreasing water depth through the run of the riffle. Temporal GW–SW interactions also varied in response to changing hydrological conditions. Gross changes in hyporheic hydrochemistry were observed at the weekly scale in response to changing flow conditions and surface water inputs to the hyporheic zone. During low flows, caused by freezing or dry weather, hyporheic hydrochemistry was dominated by GW inputs. During higher flows hyporheic hydrochemistry indicated that SW contributions increased. In addition, high‐resolution hydraulic head data indicated that rapid changes in GW–SW interactions occurred during hydrological events. The spatial, and possibly the temporal, variability of GW–SW interactions had a marked effect on the survival of salmon ova. It is concluded that hyporheic dynamics and their effect on stream ecology should be given increased consideration by fisheries and water resource managers. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The Wadi Al Ayn plain is a coastal system on the eastern coast of Cap Bon in northeastern Tunisia. The area is known for its intensive agriculture, which is based mainly on groundwater exploitation. The aim of this study is to identify the sources of groundwater salinization in the Wadi Al Ayn aquifer system and deduce the processes that drive the mineralization. Surface water and groundwater samples were taken and analysed for major ions and stable isotopes. The geochemical data were used to characterize and classify the water samples based on a variety of ion plots and diagrams. Stable isotopes are useful tools to help us understand recharge processes and to differentiate between salinity origins. The oilfield brines infiltrated from the sandy bed of Wadi Al Ayn comprise the main source of groundwater salinization in the central part of the plain, while seawater intrusion is mainly responsible for the increased salinity in the groundwater of the coastal part of the plain (at Daroufa).

Citation Chekirbane, A., Tsujimura, M., Kawachi, A., Isoda, H., Tarhouni, J., and Benalaya, A., 2013. Hydrogeochemistry and groundwater salinization in an ephemeral coastal flood plain: Cap Bon, Tunisia. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (5), 1097–1110.  相似文献   

Hydrological interaction between surface and subsurface water systems has a significant impact on water quality, ecosystems and biogeochemistry cycling of both systems. Distributed models have been developed to simulate this function, but they require detailed spatial inputs and extensive computation time. The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model is a semi‐distributed model that has been successfully applied around the world. However, it has not been able to simulate the two‐way exchanges between surface water and groundwater. In this study, the SWAT‐landscape unit (LU) model – based on a catena method that routes flow across three LUs (the divide, the hillslope and the valley) – was modified and applied in the floodplain of the Garonne River. The modified model was called SWAT‐LUD. Darcy's equation was applied to simulate groundwater flow. The algorithm for surface water‐level simulation during flooding periods was modified, and the influence of flooding on groundwater levels was added to the model. Chloride was chosen as a conservative tracer to test simulated water exchanges. The simulated water exchange quantity from SWAT‐LUD was compared with the output of a two‐dimensional distributed model, surface–subsurface water exchange model. The results showed that simulated groundwater levels in the LU adjoining the river matched the observed data very well. Additionally, SWAT‐LUD model was able to reflect the actual water exchange between the river and the aquifer. It showed that river water discharge has a significant influence on the surface–groundwater exchanges. The main water flow direction in the river/groundwater interface was from groundwater to river; water that flowed in this direction accounted for 65% of the total exchanged water volume. The water mixing occurs mainly during high hydraulic periods. Flooded water was important for the surface–subsurface water exchange process; it accounted for 69% of total water that flowed from the river to the aquifer. The new module also provides the option of simulating pollution transfer occurring at the river/groundwater interface at the catchment scale. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Agricultural land use is expanding and at an accelerated rate. In Ethiopia, most of this expansion has occurred in highland areas and involve deforestation of natural riparian vegetation. However, the impacts on the water quality of streams are poorly understood, especially with regard to the influence of land use patterns on highland streams. In this study, we investigated the effects of land use modifications on the water quality and riparian condition of highland streams and examined whether the preservation of riparian vegetation would help mitigate the negative impacts of intensive agriculture practices. Our results show significant differences in the water quality of streams with different land use. Several parameters commonly used to indicate water quality, such as the concentrations of orthophosphate, turbidity, and suspended solids were significantly higher in the agricultural streams than in the forest stream. The preservation of riparian vegetation in the surrounding highland streams was associated with overall better riparian condition, floristic quality, and water quality such as lower turbidity, total suspended solids, orthophosphate, and higher dissolved oxygen. We conclude, that increases in vegetation cover improved riparian condition and water quality relative to other non-vegetated areas. Therefore, we strongly recommend the preservation of riparian vegetation in tropical highland streams surrounded by intensive agriculture. More studies on the effects of best management practices in areas dominated by agriculture can greatly improve our capacity to prevent the degradation of water quality in tropical highland streams of Africa.  相似文献   

Compaction of upper soil layers by intensive sheep grazing has been connected with increased local flood risk in silvopastoral systems. A 12‐week field study was conducted at the Henfaes Research Station near Bangor, Wales to compare canopy interception, soil water infiltration, and bulk density between a control pasture and two silvopastoral tree planting configurations: trees clumped in fenced‐off ungrazed plots and trees planted evenly and grazed. The study's aim was to characterize the potential of these tree planting configurations to reduce local flood risk. Automated throughfall gauges were installed in each silvopastoral treatment along with a similarly designed control gauge located in the grazed control pasture. Soil water infiltration and bulk density were measured 20 times in a stratified random design for each treatment and control. Results showed that the mean soil infiltration capacity in clumped configuration was 504% greater than the control pasture and 454% greater than the even spaced configuration. Average canopy interception was higher in the clumped configuration (34%) than in the even spaced configuration (28%). Soil bulk density was lower in the clumped configuration (0.87 Mg/m3) than in the control pasture (0.93 Mg/m3) and even spaced configuration (1 Mg/m3). Results suggest that silvopastoral systems are more likely to benefit from clumped and ungrazed tree configurations than from evenly‐spaced and grazed tree configurations because of enhanced infiltration, lower soil compaction, and increased canopy interception. Our findings support the growing evidence base that fenced‐off tree areas in silvopastoral settings can increase infiltration and thus reduce local flood risk. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Observations from field investigations showed that flow velocity greater than 3 m/s rarely occurs in nature, and high flow velocity stresses the bio-community and causes instability to the channel. For alluvial rivers without strong human disturbance, the flow velocity varies within a limited range, gen-erally below 3 m/s, while the discharge and wet area may vary in a range of several orders. This phe-nomenon was studied by analyzing hydrological data, including daily average discharge, stage, cross sections, and sediment concentration, collected from 25 stations on 20 rivers in China, including the Yangtze, Yellow, Songhua, Yalu, Daling, and Liaohe Rivers. The cross-sectional average velocity was cal-culated from the discharge and wet area using the continuity equation. For alluvial rivers, the wet cross section may self-adjust in accordance with the varying flow discharge so that the flow velocity does not exceed a limit value. In general, the average velocity increases with the discharge increase at low dis-charge. As the discharge exceeds the discharge capacity of the banks, any further increase in discharge does not result in a great increase in velocity. The average velocity approaches an upper limit as the discharge increases. This limit velocity, in most cases, is less than 3 m/s. Human activities, especially levee construction, disturb the limit velocity law for alluvial rivers. In these cases, the average velocity may be approximately equal to or higher than the limit velocity. The limit velocity law has profound morphological and ecological implications on alluvial rivers and requires further study. Rivers should be trained and managed by mimicking natural processes and meeting the limit velocity law, so as to maintain ecologically-sound and morphological stability.  相似文献   

The hydrology and nitrogen biogeochemistry of a riparian zone were compared before and after the construction of beaver dams along an agricultural stream in southern Ontario, Canada. The beaver dams increased surface flooding and raised the riparian water table by up to 1·0 m. Increased hydraulic gradients inland from the stream limited the entry of oxic nitrate‐rich subsurface water from adjacent cropland. Permeable riparian sediments overlying dense till remained saturated during the summer and autumn months, whereas before dam construction a large area of the riparian zone was unsaturated in these seasons each year. Beaver dam construction produced significant changes in riparian groundwater chemistry. Median dissolved oxygen concentrations were lower in riparian groundwater after dam construction (0·9–2·1 mg L?1) than in the pre‐dam period (2·3–3·9 mg L?1). Median NO3‐N concentrations in autumn and spring were also lower in the post‐dam (0·03–0·07 mg L?1) versus the pre‐dam period (0·1–0·3 mg L?1). In contrast, median NH4‐N concentrations in autumn and spring months were higher after dam construction (0·3–0·4 mg L?1) than before construction (0·13–0·14 mg L?1). Results suggest that beaver dams can increase stream inflow to riparian areas that limit water table declines and increase depths of saturated riparian soils which become more anaerobic. These changes in subsurface hydrology and chemistry have the potential to affect the transport and transformation of nitrate fluxes from adjacent cropland in agricultural landscapes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper compares flow intensity data obtained with different instruments from a variety of fluvial environments. It examines associations between the root-mean-square of longitudinal velocity fluctuations (flow intensity), local mean velocity, relative depth, and boundary resistance. Results indicate systematic differences in the behaviour of flow intensity which scale with respect to position in the boundary layer (deep sand-bedded rivers), boundary grain resistance (shallow river environments with coarse beds), and possibly form resistance (shallower sand-bedded rivers). Preliminary approaches to prediction and modelling of variations in flow intensity are suggested based upon linear regression relationships. Intensity values are also compared with theoretical and empirical limits to the use of Taylor's substitution, which allows time and frequency properties of a single-point velocity time series to be used to yield a flow length scale. In general, limits are exceeded in all environments for near-boundary flow measurements, but are met for y/d > 0·3 in most cases in sand-bed rivers, and for y/d > 0·4 in some gravel-bed environments. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Field, laboratory, and numerical modelling research are increasingly demonstrating the potential of riparian tree colonization and growth to influence fluvial dynamics and the evolution of fluvial landforms. This paper jointly analyses multi‐temporal, multispectral ASTER data, continuous river stage and discharge data, and field observations of the growth rates of the dominant riparian tree species (Populus nigra) along a 21 km reach of the Tagliamento River, Italy. Research focuses on the period 2004–2009, during which there was a bankfull flood on 24 October 2004, followed by 2 years with low water levels, nearly 2 years with only modest flow pulses, and then a final period from 15 August 2008 that included several intermediate to bankfull flow events. This study period of increasing flow disturbance allows the exploration of vegetation dynamics within the river's active corridor under changing flow conditions. The analysis demonstrates the utility of ASTER data for investigating vegetation dynamics along large fluvial corridors and reveals both spatial and temporal variations in the expansion, coalescence, and erosion of vegetated patches within the study reach. Changes in the extent of the vegetated area and its dynamics vary along the study reach. In sub‐reaches where riparian tree growth is vigorous, the vegetated area expands rapidly during time periods without channel‐shaping flows, and is subsequently able to resist erosion by bankfull floods. In contrast, in sub‐reaches where tree growth is less vigorous, the vegetated area expands at a slower rate and is more readily re‐set by bankfull flood events. This illustrates that the rate of growth of riparian trees is crucial to their ability to contribute actively to river corridor dynamics. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

River ecological functioning can be conceptualized according to a four‐dimensional framework, based on the responses of aquatic and riparian communities to hydrogeomorphic constraints along the longitudinal, transverse, vertical and temporal dimensions of rivers. Contemporary riparian vegetation responds to river dynamics at ecological timescales, but riparian vegetation, in one form or another, has existed on Earth since at least the Middle Ordovician (c. 450 Ma) and has been a significant controlling factor on river geomorphology since the Late Silurian (c. 420 Ma). On such evolutionary timescales, plant adaptations to the fluvial environment and the subsequent effects of these adaptations on fluvial sediment and landform dynamics resulted in the emergence, from the Silurian to the Carboniferous, of a variety of contrasted fluvial biogeomorphic types where water flow, morphodynamics and vegetation interacted to different degrees. Here we identify several of these types and describe the consequences for biogeomorphic structure and stability (i.e. resistance and resilience), along the four river dimensions, of feedbacks between riparian plants and hydrogeomorphic processes on contrasting ecological and evolutionary timescales. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The term connectivity has emerged as a powerful concept in hydrology and geomorphology and is emerging as an innovative component of catchment erosion modeling studies. However, considerable confusion remains regarding its definition and quantification, especially as it relates to fluvial systems. This confusion is exacerbated by a lack of detailed case studies and by the tendency to treat water and sediment separately. Extreme flood events provide a useful framework to assess variability in connectivity, particularly the connection between channels and floodplains. The catastrophic flood of January 2011 in the Lockyer valley, southeast Queensland, Australia provides an opportunity to examine this dimension in some detail and to determine how these dynamics operate under high flow regimes. High resolution aerial photographs and multi‐temporal LiDAR digital elevation models (DEMs), coupled with hydrological modeling, are used to assess both the nature of hydrologic and sedimentological connectivity and their dominant controls. Longitudinal variations in flood inundation extent led to the identification of nine reaches which displayed varying channel–floodplain connectivity. The major control on connectivity was significant non‐linear changes in channel capacity due to the presence of notable macrochannels which contained a > 3000 average recurrence interval (ARI) event at mid‐catchment locations. The spatial pattern of hydrological connectivity was not straight‐forward in spite of bankfull discharges for selected reaches exceeding 5600 m3 s–1. Data indicate that the main channel boundary was the dominant source of sediment while the floodplains, where inundated, were the dominant sinks. Spatial variability in channel–floodplain hydrological connectivity leads to dis‐connectivity in the downstream transfer of sediments between reaches and affected sediment storage on adjacent floodplains. Consideration of such variability for even the most extreme flood events, highlights the need to carefully consider non‐linear changes in key variables such as channel capacity and flood conveyance in the development of a quantitative ‘connectivity index’. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological and bioclimatic processes that lead to drought may stress plants and wildlife, restructure plant community type and architecture, increase monotypic stands and bare soils, facilitate the invasion of non-native plant species and accelerate soil erosion. Our study focuses on the impact of a paucity of Colorado River surface flows from the United States (U.S.) to Mexico. We measured change in riparian plant greenness and water use over the past two decades using remotely sensed measurements of vegetation index (VI), evapotranspiration (ET) and a new annualized phenology assessment metric (PAM) for ET. We measure these long-term (2000–2019) metrics and their short-term (2014–2019) response to an environmental pulse flow in 2014, as prescribed under Minute 319 of the 1944 Water Treaty between the two nations. In subsequent years, small-directed flows were provided to restoration areas under Minute 323. We use 250 m MODIS and 30 m Landsat imagery to evaluate three vegetation indices (NDVI, EVI, EVI2). We select EVI2 to parameterize an optical-based ET algorithm and test the relationship between ET from Landsat and MODIS by regression approaches. Our analyses show significant decreases in VIs and ET for both the 20-year and post-pulse 5-year periods. Over the last 20 years, EVI Landsat declined 34% (30% by EVIMODIS) and ETLandsat-EVI declined 38% (27% by ETMODIS-EVI), overall ca. 1.61 mm/day or 476 mm/year drop in ET; using PAM ETLandsat-EVI the drop was from 1130 to 654 mm/year. Over the 5 years since the 2014 pulse flow, EVILandsat declined 20% (13% by EVIMODIS) and ETLandsat-EVI declined 23% (4% by ETMODIS-EVI) with a 0.77 mm/day or a 209 mm/year 5-year drop in ET; using PAM ETLandsat-EVI the drop was from 863 to 654 mm/year. Data and change maps show the pulse flow contributed enough water to slow the rate of loss, but only for the very short-term (1–2 years). These findings are critically important as they suggest further deterioration of biodiversity, wildlife habitat and key ecosystem services due to anthropogenic diversions of water in the U.S. and Mexico and from land clearing, fires and plant-related drought which affect hydrological processes.  相似文献   

Based on palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic results, 108 samples from 27 flows from Palaeogene flood basalts of Faroe Islands were chosen for whole-rock Thellier palaeointensity experiments. Altogether 90 samples were rejected due to either chemical alterations or typical multidomain (MD) behaviour evidenced by pTRM-tails. AF pre-treatment was used to reduce the effect of MD grains on Thellier experiments. Only five flows (18 samples) yielded acceptable palaeointensity estimates, with flow mean VDMs ranging from 3.5 to 7.4×1022 A m2. Modest selection criteria imposed on all published 5-160 Ma palaeointensity data left only 15 palaeomagnetic dipole moments: eight from whole-rock samples, six from submarine basaltic glass and one from single plagioclase crystals. More data are needed before the intriguing differences between results from different materials can be put into a geomagnetic context.  相似文献   

Colluvial and alluvial sediments represent important geoarchives to reconstruct long-term soil erosion and to gain insight into the complex system of sediment cascades and sediment fluxes within a catchment. In this respect, the temporal information of sediment archive formation is essential and achievable through optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. In this study, colluvial and alluvial sediments from a mesoscale catchment in northern Bavaria were investigated and dated by OSL. Insufficient sediment bleaching was detected for some of the samples. In these cases, the method proposed by Fuchs and Lang [Fuchs, M., Lang, A., 2001. OSL dating of coarse-grain fluvial quartz using single-aliquot protocols on sediments from NE Peloponnese, Greece. Quaternary Science Reviews 20, 783–787.] was applied for equivalent dose (De) determination. The calculated OSL ages are in stratigraphic order and their accuracy is confirmed by 14C age control. Based on the chronostratigraphies for alluvial and colluvial archives, there is a dominant synchronous sedimentation history for the Medieval and Modern period, but initiation of Holocene sedimentation occurred at different times in the upper and lower parts of the catchment. The latter phenomenon might be explained by the decoupled sediment fluxes between both the slope–channel system and the upper and lower catchment.  相似文献   

Hydraulic interactions between rivers and floodplains produce off‐channel chutes, the presence of which influences the routing of water and sediment and thus the planform evolution of meandering rivers. Detailed studies of the hydrologic exchanges between channels and floodplains are usually conducted in laboratory facilities, and studies documenting chute development are generally limited to qualitative observations. In this study, we use a reconstructed, gravel‐bedded, meandering river as a field laboratory for studying these mechanisms at a realistic scale. Using an integrated field and modeling approach, we quantified the flow exchanges between the river channel and its floodplain during an overbank flood, and identified locations where flow had the capacity to erode floodplain chutes. Hydraulic measurements and modeling indicated high rates of flow exchange between the channel and floodplain, with flow rapidly decelerating as water was decanted from the channel onto the floodplain due to the frictional drag provided by substrate and vegetation. Peak shear stresses were greatest downstream of the maxima in bend curvature, along the concave bank, where terrestrial LiDAR scans indicate initial floodplain chute formation. A second chute has developed across the convex bank of a meander bend, in a location where sediment accretion, point bar development and plant colonization have created divergent flow paths between the main channel and floodplain. In both cases, the off‐channel chutes are evolving slowly during infrequent floods due to the coarse nature of the floodplain, though rapid chute formation would be more likely in finer‐grained floodplains. The controls on chute formation at these locations include the flood magnitude, river curvature, floodplain gradient, erodibility of the floodplain sediment, and the flow resistance provided by riparian vegetation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Increased bank stability by riparian vegetation can have profound impacts on channel morphology and dynamics in low‐energy systems, but the effects are less clear in high‐energy environments. Here we investigate the role of vegetation in active, aggrading braided systems at Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, and compare results with numerical modeling results. Gradual reductions in post‐eruption sediment loads have reduced bed reworking rates, allowing vegetation to finally persist year‐round on the Pasig‐Potrero and Sacobia Rivers. From 2009–2011 we collected data detailing vegetation extent, type, density, and root strength. Incorporating these data into the RipRoot model and BSTEM (Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model) shows cohesion due to roots increases from zero in unvegetated conditions to > 10·2 kPa in densely‐growing grasses. Field‐based parameters were incorporated into a cellular model comparing vegetation strength and sediment mobility effects on braided channel dynamics. The model shows both low sediment mobility and high vegetation strength lead to less active systems, reflecting trends observed in the field. The competing influence of vegetation strength versus channel dynamics is a concept encapsulated in a dimensionless ratio between timescales for vegetation growth and channel reworking known as T*. An estimated T* between 1·5 and 2·3 for the Pasig‐Potrero River suggests channels are still very mobile and likely to remain braided until aggradation rates decline further. Vegetation does have an important effect on channel dynamics, however, by focusing flow and thus aggradation into the unvegetated fraction of braidplain, leading to an aggradational imbalance and transition to a more avulsive state. The future trajectory of channel–vegetation interactions as sedimentation rates decline is complicated by strong seasonal variability in precipitation and sediment loads, driving incision and armoring in the dry season. By 2011, incision during the dry season was substantial enough to lower the water‐table, weaken existing vegetation, and allow for vegetation removal in future avulsions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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