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In an attempt to address the racial injustices of the past,a Land Claims Court has been established in post-apartheid South Africa. This paper draws attention to the folly of compensating property owners tenants. It uses a case study of the Johannesburg inner-city suburb of Pageview to highlight the fact that Indian landlords, although forcibly segregated and themselves racially oppressed, profited from rack-renting to poor African, coloured and Indian people. Working class Indian organizations alleged that to protect this position of relative privilege, landlords opposed the provision of segregated public housing in the 1940s and 1950s. As the only individuals with legal title to Pageview property landlords now stand to gain from the land claims court while tenants are excluded from any restitution.This research is drawn from Beavon and Parnell (1991) which is a much extended unpublished version of this paper containing the full references to the primary material drawn from: Central Archive Depot (Cad); South African Transport Services Library Archive (Satsla): Intermediate Archive Depot Johannesburg (Iad), City Health Department Archive (Chda).  相似文献   

Structures built within the area of influence of a sinkhole can be affected by collapse, subsidence, or flooding. Unanticipated property losses may be involved, and litigation commonly ensues. Insurance compensation for damages that result from sinkhole collapse or subsidence in a karst terrane are covered by statute only in Florida and by voluntary agreement of companies operating in Tennessee Liability or insurance compensation for damages resulting from sinkhole flooding is not specifically covered by any state or federal statute. Regulations of the National Flood Insurance Program have been interpreted to allow coverage by this program for homes affected by sinkhole flooding in Bowling Green, Kentucky In the present article, case law, legal concepts of groundwater and surface water, liability, and law review articles relevant to sinkhole litigation are summarized The rationales of plaintiffs and defendants are reviewed Liability for damages have been based on allegations of negligence, breach of various water law doctrines, trespass, nuisance, loss of support, breach of contract, and implied warranty of habitability Defenses against these allegations have been based on the merits of each of them and oncaveat emptor Several alternative rationales for claiming liability for losses incurred because of sinkhole development or flooding are proposed and discussed. The little-knownHenderson v Wade Sand and Gravel is highly recommended as an alternative leading case that clearly and justifiably gives protection to adjacent landowners, and ties liability for damages caused by groundwater pumpage to nuisance law and related interference with property rights. Several little-known litigated cases of sinkhole development in response to groundwater pumpage will be summarized in a second article at a later date. Concepts of liability are evolving It can be expected that the professional geologist or engineer will have an increasing number of claims made against him or her which allege responsibility for sinkhole-related damages. Such damages can often be prevented by creative zoning, sound engineering, and better husbandry of land.  相似文献   

保护性改造里弄,维护建筑历史和城市文脉是当前城市更新思潮的主流,但改造过程将面临土地制度的诸多约束。本文以静安别墅、田子坊、建业里、179街坊、思南公馆等五个较具代表性的改造案例分析入手,结合产权变动与建筑改造解构与组合,提出里弄的保护改造四种模式,并分析不同模式下土地产权处置差别化方式、路径和土地利益分配形式,为城市日居住保护改造实施提供理论和实践借鉴。  相似文献   

The famous Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is threatened with destruction by an eroding coastline. Recent attempts to control the erosion have reduced but not stopped it The natural erosion trend for 41 km of coast from Rodanthe to Cape Hatteras was determined, based on 94 years of survey records from 1852 to 1946 At the lighthouse, the natural erosion rate is 7 5 m/yr In 2005, if no further human interference with coastal processes occurs, 190 m of coast will have eroded since 1980, leaving the shoreline nearly 90 m west of the lighthouse Considering the expensive effort being undertaken to protect the lighthouse from destruction, an inventory of property along the Atlantic coast should be made, before other similar projects are initiated We can afford to protect only the most valuable property.  相似文献   

赵越 《城市地质》2015,(Z1):161-166
港沟位于北京市门头沟区清水镇塔河村西。该沟历史上未发生过泥石流,但具备了发生泥石流的条件,存在安全隐患。本文分析了泥石流沟的发育特征和形成条件,采用刘希林法评价了泥石流的危险度,提出了相应的减灾防灾措施,对保障人民群众的生命财产和交通道路安全起到一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文主要讨论一种特殊的C语言程序设计方法,这种程序能有效地对自身的关键模块加密,并能在运行时完成动态解密。该方法主要利用了“硬盘分区表”和最初安装在硬盘中程序自身的位置等信息,采用伪随机数加密法来实现。因所设计的程序具有识别计算机的能力,能有效地防止非法复制,从而保护软件制作者的知识产权和经济利益  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the articulation of policies in the interface between economic production and water quality. One problem is the introduction, at this production-ecologic interface, of unwanted water-borne residuals by firms and municipalities. The policy objective is to absorb the social cost of environmental degradation into the production function within the two constraints of efficiency in the allocation of resources and the protection of property rights. The efficient allocation of environmental resources (in such a way as to maximize human welfare) has long been recognized as a basic objective in resource management. Equally important is the consideration of environmental rights and responsibilities in a society where property power and the institution of property is a dominant characteristic. Since the manner in which the property owner acts may affect the environment of his neighbours, it is important that policy instruments inform the holder of the property rights of the ill-effects of his actions upon others and induce him to take action to remedy the situation. The question of water quality management options requires urgent consideration for two reasons. Firstly, the cost of water pollution control is already considerable and is likely to increase even more sharply as the growing number of urban centres put greater pressure on the water resource for waste dilution and assimilation and other competing uses such as municipal demands, heat dissipation, recreation and wildlife protection. Secondly, the institutional mechanisms for dealing with this problem seem to be inadequate and ineffective. It is true that subsidies and grants have encouraged the building of more municipal waste treatment plants while regulation and court action have reduced some of the worst abuses. Subsidies and grants may be inefficient policy choices because they encourage hardware solutions even when other less expensive solutions are possible. In addition, they fail to inform the polluters of the ill-effects of their action; and the general public has to shoulder the burden in the form of increased taxation. Regulation and court action are cumbersome, sporadic and time-consuming. Effluent standards could be made flexible as a policy instrument if they afforded the polluter the opportunity to choose either to install in-plant controls or to pay the “fine” or to combine both these choices in any way that minimized his costs. This would combine the policy instrument of the effluent standard with the policy instrument of an effluent (or user) charge. The charges could be set either to reflect marginal pollution damages or the marginal cost of maintaining a given ambient standard. In other words the inferred marginal damage of pollution is equal to the marginal cost of treatment up to some desired level thus ensuring that the desired amount of waste load be reduced at least cost. Pricing and transferable effluent permits serve the same purpose.  相似文献   

W. Macaitis 《GeoJournal》1985,11(3):229-237
The first water problem imposed by the urbanization of the Chicago metropolitan area was drainage. Early Chicago was a flat, marshy plain. Development required dry land, and this was produced primarily by draining. As Chicago grew, its prime water supply, Lake Michigan, was polluted by the wastes of its population. To protect the lake, the flows of the Chicago and Calumet rivers were reversed by a system of canals. Federal court limitations on the use of this canal system and accelerated urbanization in the 1920s led to Chicago's early adoption of sewage treatment. Today's water pollution and flooding problems have resulted in the mammoth Tunnel and Reservoir Project, one of the largest urban water resource construction projects in the world.  相似文献   

Historically, rights in water originated as public property and only later became individualized rights to utilize the public resource, in a manner consistent with the public welfare needs of society, but protected by principles of property law. Five basic regulatory systems for rights in groundwater in the United States have evolved to date. The problems raised by the hydrologic differences between groundwater hydraulically connected to stream systems and groundwater in non-replenished aquifers have been resolved to some extent by a couple of leading court cases. Numerical modeling and other technical methodologies have also evolved to evaluate the scientific issues raised by the different hydrologic conditions, but these are not immune from criticism. The current role of aquifers is evolving into that of storage facilities for recycled water, and their utilization in this manner may be expanded even further in the future. The policy implications of the choices relating to joint management of ground and surface water cannot be overstated. As this paper demonstrates, proactive administration of future groundwater depletions that affect stream systems is essential to the ultimate ability to plan for exploitation, management and utilization of water resources in a rational way that coordinates present and future demand with the reality of scarcity of supply. The examples utilized in this paper demonstrate the need for capacity building, not just to develop good measurement techniques, or to train talented lawyers and judges to write good laws, but also for practical professional water managers to keep the process on a rational course, avoiding limitless exploitation of the resource as well as conservative protectionism that forever precludes its use.
Charles T. DuMarsEmail: Phone: +1-505-3460998Fax: +1-505-3460997

我国滇西北区域地质灾害频发,主要灾害类型为滑坡,对该区域进行滑坡类地质灾害隐患识别是有效的防灾减灾措施,传统的地质灾害隐患识别手段较为单一,且依赖大量的人力,调查效率较低。利用WordView2、Sentinel-1A、ALOS-2几种遥感卫星数据,进行Stacking-InSAR等技术的处理,得到多种光学卫星影像和InSAR处理的地表形变图,建立滇西北区域潜在滑坡与老滑坡的光学解译标志和InSAR识别标志,并进行多次目视解译和人工交互式解译。依据解译、识别成果,总结识别方法并进行野外调查验证。共识别潜在滑坡与老滑坡696处,为今后滇西北区域地质灾害调查与评价提供新的调查思路和技术参考。  相似文献   

为有效解放气层,且对应用欠平衡技术开发大牛地气田盒1气藏进行经济技术评价,在盒1气层开展了氮气泡沫欠平衡钻井试验,实现了全过程欠平衡,有效保护了储层,机械钻速较常规水平井大幅度提高,为大牛地低渗气田的开发提供了技术储备。  相似文献   

Emerging trends in state regulation of private communities in the U.S.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evan McKenzie 《GeoJournal》2006,66(1-2):89-102
Common interest housing (CIDs), which includes nearly all gated communities as well as non-gated but privately governed neighbourhoods, has become the predominant form of new housing construction in America. Optimistic early assessments that CIDs would prove to be more efficient alternative to municipalities are confronted by the fact of high levels of conflict and litigation, which are proving costly to residents as well as local governments. These conflicts are often highly publicized in the press, leading to concerns in the real estate industry that the demand for such housing could be jeopardized. The conflicts arise from having unpaid, untrained volunteer directors carrying out what were once municipal government functions, and concern financial issues as well as alleged abuses of power by association boards. In response to some of these concerns, across the nation, small but vocal ant-HOA owners groups are organizing, using the internet as their medium and gaining attention from the press. A consensus is emerging that the law governing private communities needs major changes, and different approaches are proposed or being implemented in several states. This paper examines these emerging regulatory trends and offers an assessment of their prospects.  相似文献   

The magnetic method is the oldest and one of the most widely used geophysical techniques for exploring the earth’s subsurface. It is a relatively easy and inexpensive tool to employ, being applicable to a wide variety of subsurface exploration problems involving horizontal magnetic property variations occurring from near the base of the crust to within the uppermost meter of soil. Successful applications of the magnetic method require an in-depth understanding of its basic principles and careful field work, data reduction, and interpretation. Commonly, interpretations are limited to qualitative approaches which simply map the spatial location of anomalous subsurface conditions, but under favourable circumstances the technological status of the method will permit more quantitative interpretations involving specification of the nature of the anomalous sources. No other geophysical method provides critical input to such a wide variety of problems. However, seldom does the magnetic method provide the complete answer to an investigation problem. As a result, it is generally used in concert with other geophysical and geological data to limit its interpretational ambiguities.  相似文献   

Environmental and legal aspects of karst areas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 Environmental impacts on karst settings are common as they are more sensitive than those of other rock terrains. Regulatory procedures that are effective in other rock terrains are not necessarily applicable to karst settings. Development and exploitation by man that affect the karst hydrology regime can trigger catastrophic events and result in numerous legal actions where the effects of changes go beyond property boundaries. A great variety of regulations and examples of litigation exist for karst areas. Received: 25 October 1994 · Accepted: 17 October 1995  相似文献   

矿山环境地质灾害问题及其勘查方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于掠夺式开采以及环境保护滞后于经济发展,我国矿产资源开发利用产生了比较严重的环境地质灾害问题。为了保护矿山环境,本文论述了主要矿山地质灾害问题,包括地质灾害的类型、危害、诱发因素和产生机理,结合工作实际提出了矿山地质灾害的工程治理措施。地质灾害的勘查应该综合使用地球信息技术、地球物理技术和土质土力学实验等方法。最后提出了矿山环境地质灾害的预防对策,建立灾害的监测、预报和评估信息系统,这样才可以走矿山可持续发展的道路。  相似文献   

Legal processes shape how water resources are allocated, regulated, distributed, and governed. This paper examines the public trust doctrine, a legal principle that addresses the state’s role in governing natural resources by requiring states to manage certain bodies of water and their shorelines for the good of the public. The paper focuses on how the public trust doctrine has been used—with varying degrees of success—to protect water bodies by contesting the diversion and transfer of water in California. The paper compares how the doctrine was applied in two cases: Mono Lake and the Salton Sea, two California lakes that have been threatened by water diversions and transfers. Advocates at Mono Lake successfully used the public trust doctrine for environmental protection, while public trust was an unsuccessful strategy at the Salton Sea. The paper examines issues of nonequilibrium ecosystems, natural versus artificial ecosystems, and wasteful versus reasonable uses of water.By investigating why one case was deemed eligible for public trust protections while the other was not, this paper examines how discursive constructions of nature are embedded in and enacted by legal institutions and how these constructions of nature impact the implementation of legal protections of natural resources. In examining the use of the public trust doctrine in California, the paper examines both the potential and the limitations of the public trust in practice, showing how legal processes and institutions can be used to protect public interests in natural resources but also how particular environmental narratives are reinforced through these institutions.  相似文献   

於顺然 《江苏地质》2002,26(2):106-109
在简要论述地质资源档案标准化著录含义的基础上,详细阐述了地质资料档案的著录项目,著录根据,著录用标识符及使用说法,著录条目格式,著录标目法,以及题名目录,责任者目录,主题目录,分类目标的编制。意在引导地质资料档案管理部门,进一步做好地质资料档案著录这一基础性工作。  相似文献   

Cyclones and storm surges in Bangladesh: Some mitigative measures   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Bangladesh, with its repeated cycle of floods, cyclones, and storm surges, has proved to be one of the most disaster-prone areas of the world. During the years from 1797 to 1991, Bangladesh has been hit by 60 severe cyclones (mostly accompanied by storm surges). This paper gives a brief account of these disasters with particular reference to the wind speed, surge height, loss of life, and damage to crops and properties, etc.In order to protect the coastal areas of Bangladesh from cyclonic storm surges and floods, a major system of embankments was constructed during the 1960s and 1970s, but this is now in need of rehabilitation. The Cyclone Protection Project, which was approved by the World Bank in 1989, would rehabilitate some of the existing embankments, build new embankments, and construct roads. Locally available materials, indigenous technology, and cheap surplus manpower should be used in this project. A variety of fruit trees should be planted along the dikes and roads.To the south-western part of Bangladesh bordering the Bay of Bengal, lies the world's largest single mangrove tract, known as the Sunderban, which covers a total area of 571 500 ha. This mangrove forest is of extreme importance since it provides efficient protection to life and property against cyclones and storm surges. But due to deforestation, the width of the mangrove belt is being rapidly diminished. The author therefore lays emphasis on coastal afforestation.Absolute security against cyclone hazard is probably out of the question, but an effective cyclone warning response can definitely reduce loss of life and damage to property. The author discusses the current conditions for cyclone forecasting and warning in Bangladesh, and then puts forward some proposals for improving the Cyclone Preparedness Programme.  相似文献   

Xun  Xiaolin  Yuan  Yongbo 《Natural Hazards》2020,103(1):557-577
Natural Hazards - Cities are important barriers to protect people’s lives and property in the face of natural disasters, economic fluctuations and epidemic diseases. The evaluation of urban...  相似文献   

New analyses and critical re-evaluation of older data permit another estimate of the abundances of some 42 elements in the silicate shells of the Earth, excluding the core.These data and estimations of volcanic rock production lead to a series of estimates of the mass-fractions of depleted and undepleted mantle. Most likely estimates of the latter lie in the range 0.2–0.4. The best estimates are obtained for the most incompatible elements K, Rb, Sr, Ba, Nb, Th, U.The development of the continental crust and the change in tectonic processes over time is consistent with these interpretations.  相似文献   

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