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From astrometric observations of minor planet (1566) Icarus from 1949 to 1987 were made solutions for improved orbital elements of Icarus and the quadrupole moment of the Sun. The formal result was J 2 = -0.6±5.8 &d 10 –6. From this we can conclude that J
2 is very probably less than 2 · 10 –-5. 相似文献
Photoelectric observations of the light intensity from the solar crescent before and after totality were made during the eclipses of 7 March, 1970 and 26 February, 1979. Effective wavelengths were determined by interference filters of 20 nm bandwidth. To obtain the limb darkening function, the resulting intensity curves were analyzed by an extension of the method of Julius in which we take into account the actual lunar limb profile. The limb darkening function at 433 nm was obtained for the region 0.937 < sin < 0.9999. Our results are in good agreement with existing center-to-limb measurements in the region of overlap which extends to sin = 0.99. Additional data were obtained at 600 nm for 0.994 < sin < 0.9999. The curves at both wavelengths show a distinctive limb brightening effect at sin = 0.999. 相似文献
Analysis of facular contrast I/I
qs from Extreme Limb Photometer (ELP) data of the summer of 1983 yield a mean contrast of 0.91 ± 0.19% and 1.57 ± 0.16% for apertures 1 and 2 located at = 0.198 and at = 0.111, respectively. The ratio of the mean contrast in the outer aperture (closer to the limb) to that of the inner one is 1.71 ± 0.40, indicating an increase in the mean facular contrast toward the limb. This result is in agreement with observations made in 1975, 1979, and 1982. The errors are dominated by the random presence of solar active regions. The combined results from all seasons follow an approximately
–1 curve. Facular excess solar oblateness signals for 1983 are 33.8 ± 6.6 arc ms and 16.5 ± 2.1 arc ms for ELP apertures 1 and 2, respectively, in reasonable agreement with the 1983 excess solar oblateness results of Dicke, Kuhn, and Libbrecht (1985). 相似文献
We describe a tangential limb spectrum at 5870 Å which geometrically probes the high photosphere through the low chromosphere. Velocity and brightness structures with sizes ranging from 500 to 1500 km are present in the stronger emission lines. Such structure is consistent between the Fe i and Ba ii lines, and emission knots in these lines coincide with continuum bright streaks. But no correlation is evident between structure in the He i D3 line, emission in the Na i D2 line, and emission in the Fe i and Ba ii lines as a group. Two classes of near-horizontal velocity structure are seen in the height range from 0 to 500 km above the limb: υ ? 1 km s?1 for the weaker metals and υ ~ 7–10 km s?1 for the Na i line. Differences in line opacity are suggested as the cause of the low correlation between the fine structure in the various lines. 相似文献
The flash spectra of the partial Sun and the chromosphere were obtained at the total solar eclipse on 7 March, 1970. We studied the distributions of the surface brightness of the continuum at six wavelengths in the visual region to compare them with the previous observations and the existing model atmospheres. All of the distributions show a shallow dip and a small hump similar to those of Heintze's observation at the 1954 eclipse. But the hump in our results is of quite a different type from that given by Heintze's revised model. It was found that none of the existing model atmospheres can reproduce this hump. The intensity distribution in the low chromosphere was also examined. 相似文献
Measurements of 10Be concentration in the Dye 3 ice core show that magnetic cycles persisted throughout the Maunder Minimum, although the Sun's overall activity was drastically reduced and sunspots virtually disappeared. Thus the dates of maxima and minima can now be reliably estimated. Similar behaviour is shown by a nonlinear dynamo model, which predicts that, after a grand minimum, the Sun's toroidal field may switch from being antisymmetric to being symmetric about the equator. The presence of cyclic activity during the Maunder Minimum limits estimates of the solar contribution to climatic change. 相似文献
In this note some properties of the nonconvolved brightness profile close to the extreme solar limb are described. In particular, at 6 cm and 11 cm wavelength relatively strong, narrow spikes should occur, noticeably affected by inhomogeneities (for example spicules) in the solar atmosphere. 相似文献
We review the problem of fluctuations in particle shower theory. By using a generalization of Furry equation, we find relations between the n-particle correlation function and the number of particles average or 1-particle correlation function. Such relations show that the average is the only independent dynamical variable. We also develop a numerical code to solve the equation for the correlation functions and compare the results with those from a Monte Carlo simulation which show a perfect agreement between both methods. 相似文献
Using photometric observations of the Sun as a star (DIFOS, SoHO) we were able to solve the inverse heloiseismic problem and determine the global time‐dependent relative temperature fluctuations as functions of the geometric height. This was done under the adiabatic assumption. A mathematical tool was developed to solve the inverse problem, which is ill‐posed. The calculations were done using the numerical software Matlab 7. The adiabatic solution shows signs of temperature waves in the lower photosphere, which agrees with calculations done by Rodríguez Hidalgo et al. (2001) and Stodilka (2011). (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
A radio source with a spectral index of −2.2 between 0.08 and 1.425 GHz has been observed at the Very Large Array (VLA) at 1.425 GHz with resolution ∼ 3 arcsec. The projected linear length of the source is 56 kpc with an average projected distance of 42 kpc from the centroid of the rich southern cluster Abell 4038, assuming the source is in the cluster. The physical parameters of the source include a high minimum-energy field ( B me) of 38 μG, which is unusual for a source of low surface brightness and relaxed appearance, but is explained by its unusually steep spectrum. Although its radio morphology has some characteristics of a narrow-angle-tail source (NAT), the absence of an identified host galaxy ( m R ≥ 23.0) makes it unlikely that the source is a working radio galaxy. The relic is probably the remains of an FR II radio galaxy that was once energized by a particular bright cluster elliptical now 18 kpc to its east. The density of the intracluster gas has been sufficient to confine the source and preserve its morphology, permitting the source to age and its spectrum to steepen through synchrotron and inverse Compton energy losses. 相似文献
We have obtained spectrograms of high spatial and spectral resolution of the extreme solar limb, using the vacuum tower telescope of Sacramento Peak Observatory. We have identified emission lines in the range 3398–3526 Å, and classified them according to intensity, spatial structure (intensity variation), and profile. Some lines show spatial intensity variation; others do not. We show that this effect is related to the abundance of the element responsible for the line and the mean lower-level excitation potential of interlocked lines. We explain the effect in terms of radiative interlocking with other lines, as well as the characteristic size of the volume contributing to the mean intensity.Also Five College Astronomy Department, Amherst, Mass. 01003, U.S.A.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy Inc. under contract with the National Science Foundation. 相似文献
The large-scale solar velocity field has been measured over an aperture of radius 0.8 R
on 121 days between April and September, 1976. Measurements are made in the line Fe i 5123.730 Å, employing a velocity subtraction technique similar to that of Severny et al. (1976). Comparisons of the amplitude and frequency of the five-minute resonant oscillation with the geomagnetic C9 index and magnetic sector boundaries show no evidence of any relationship between the oscillations and coronal holes or sector structure. 相似文献
We present XMM-Newton observations of Mrk 359, the first narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy (NLS1) discovered. Even among NLS1s, Mrk 359 is an extreme case with extraordinarily narrow optical emission lines. The XMM-Newton data show that Mrk 359 has a significant soft X-ray excess which displays only weak absorption and emission features. The continuum, including reflection, is flatter than that of the typical NLS1, with . A strong emission line of equivalent width ≈200 eV is also observed, centred near 6.4 keV. We fit this emission with two line components of approximately equal strength: a broad iron line from an accretion disc and a narrow, unresolved core. The unresolved line core has an equivalent width of ≈120 eV and is consistent with fluorescence from neutral iron in distant reprocessing gas, possibly in the form of a 'molecular torus'. Comparison of the narrow-line strengths in Mrk 359 and other low–moderate luminosity Seyfert 1 galaxies with those in QSOs suggests that the solid angle subtended by the distant reprocessing gas decreases with increasing active galactic nucleus luminosity. 相似文献
Macrospicules have been observed in H and He i D 3, on the disk and above the limb. In 1975, a rate of 1400 ( A
day) –1 is inferred, and the ratio of equatorial to polar rates 2. D 3 intensities are a few × 10 –3 of the disk center, and do not decrease in coronal holes. The ratio of H to D 3 intensities is 10. The integral number of macrospicules with D 3 intensity I
0 is proportional to I
–1. 相似文献
Global oscillations of the Sun ( r-modes) with very long periods 1 month are reviewed and studied. Such modes would be trapped in an acoustic cavity formed either by most of the convective envelope or by most of the radiative interior. A turning point frequency giving cavity boundaries is defined and the run of eigenvalues for angular harmonics l 3 are plotted for a conventional solar convection zone. The r-modes show equipartition of oscillatory energy among shells which each contain one antinode in the radial dimension. Toroidal motion is dominant to at least the 14 th radial harmonic mode. Viscosity from convective turbulence is strong and would damp any mode in just a few solar rotations if it were the only significant nonadiabatic effect. Radial fine splitting which lifts the degeneracy in n is very small (20 nHz or less) for all n 14 trapped in the envelope. But, if splitting could be detected, we would have a valuable new constraint on solar convection theories. 相似文献
Photoelectric measurements of photospheric velocity fields have been carried out with the Sacramento Peak Doppler Zeeman Analyzer. Emphasis was given to long periods and low spatial wavenumbers in deep photospheric layers, where the 5-min oscillations are less dominant.Multiple or double peaks cannot be detected in power spectra of the 5-min oscillations, provided that a sufficient number of physically independent points on the solar surface are observed.The most frequent wave-numbers in the spectra of 5-min oscillations (as well as of the low frequency field) agree with those derived from a model assuming statistically independent oscillators of 10 to 20 diameter. These two velocity fields are anti-correlated spatially.Kinetic power in the 20-to-50-min range of periods is closely linked to brightness changes in the same layer, an increase of brightness lagging about 250 sec behind rising motion. Granules can be excluded as a possible source for the appearance of low frequency flow patterns. Different explanations are suggested.On leave from Fraunhofer Institut, Freiburg, Germany. 相似文献
X-ray photographs obtained with a zone plate camera on October 3, 1967 in the wavelength band 49.5–52.5 Å have been investigated photometrically.The most intense X-ray emission corresponds with active regions in H and Ca ii. About one quarter of the total solar flux is emitted by the three brightest X-ray sources (A, E and J). X-ray emission from quiet regions is also observed. Limb brightening is found, also at the poles, which indicates a higher electron density at the poles than during solar minimum.The brightest X-ray regions have a very small core of the order of 20. No relation to magnetic field strengths of sunspots has been found. However, a correlation with active prominences cannot be ruled out. X-ray source A is related either to prominence activity or to flare activity. One X-ray region (J) is probably related to flare activity.Assuming an electron temperature of 3 × 10 6K to 5 × 10 6K for coronal active regions an emission measure of a few times 10 49 cm –3 is derived, which yields an electron density of a few times 10 10 cm –3. 相似文献