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Assuming a certain horizontal distribution of the convection field at a certain altitude above the ionosphere, the associated electric field and current distributions in a vertical plane are calculated using a model with finite current-dependent conductivity along the magnetic field lines. It is seen that given the kind of horizontal distribution of E6 commonly observed by polar-orbiting satellites at inverted-V electron precipitation events, the calculated distribution of E is able to reproduce the basic spatial structure of the precipitation. It is also seen that the combined effect of a locally increased ionization within auroral forms and a large potential difference (ΔV) along the magnetic field lines at higher altitudes is a strong reduction of E6 within the auroral forms. From the basic features of the electric field, it is concluded that an interpretation of auroral precipitation in terms of a static E may require a mechanism that can support a large (ΔV) even at relatively weak current densities and at the same time allow local enhancements of the parallel conductivity within the region of non-zero E. It is suggested that the magnetic mirroring combined with gyro-resonant wave-particle interactions may be a suitable mechanism.  相似文献   

Two solar flares of 25 July 1981 and 5 November 2004 of importance 2N and M4.1/1B, respectively, were investigated using observational data obtained with the Echelle spectrograph of the Kyiv University Astronomical Observatory. Stokes I and V profiles of the FeI lines 5233, 5247.1, 5250.2, 5250.6, 5576.1 and of CrI 5247.6 Å have been analyzed. We found several evidences for the existence of spatially unresolved magnetic field structures with kG strengths. In particular, the values of the measured average longitudinal field B depend on the Lande factors g of the lines: in general, B increases with increasing factor g. Analogously, the observed line ratio B (5250.2)/B (5247.1) is increasing with increasing distance Δλ from the line center. The observed Stokes V profiles show some deviations from that of an assumed homogeneous field, presented by the Stokes I gradient, dI/dλ. A comparison with the non-split line FeI 5576.1 Å shows that some of these deviations are real and indicate the presence of subtelescopic magnetic elements with discrete field strengths of several kG. The lines with large Lande factors have considerable broadenings of the Stokes I profiles, indicating a strong background magnetic field of mixed polarity. On the basis of all these data we conclude that a four-component magnetic field structure is a possible explanation. The field strengths are about ±1.05 kG in the background field, and 1.3?1.5, 3.9?4.0, and 7.4?7.8 kG at level of middle photosphere (h ≈ 300 km) in the spatially unresolved, small-scale magnetic elements.  相似文献   

The result of investigating high-latitude Pc1–2 pulsations are presented in this paper. They show that these unstructured oscillations are typical in intervals of low magnetic activity for regions of projections of the dayside cusp on the Earth's surface. The morphological properties of these pulsations, namely the character of their diurnal variations and dependence of their amplitude and frequency of occurrence on magnetic activity on different latitudes, suggest methods of utilization for tracing the location of the equatorial boundary of the dayside cusp. It is suggested that Pc1–2 pulsations are generated mainly in the dayside magnetosheath on field lines, crossing the magnetopause and entering in the dayside cusp. The possible mechanism of generation is the ion-cyclotron instability of plasma of finite pressure (β ? 1) and with anisotropic temperature (T > T).  相似文献   

Ramaty  R.  Murphy  R. J.  Kozlovsky  B.  Lingenfelter  R. E. 《Solar physics》1983,84(1-2):395-418
An analysis, with a representative (canonical) example of solar-flare-generated equatorial disturbances, is presented for the temporal and spatial changes in the solar wind plasma and magnetic field environment between the Sun and one astronomical unit (AU). Our objective is to search for first order global consequences rather than to make a parametric study. The analysis - an extension of earlier planar studies - considers all three plasma velocity and magnetic field components (V r, Vφ, V0, and B r, B0, Bφ) in any convenient heliospheric plane of symmetry such as the ecliptic plane, the solar equatorial plane, or the heliospheric equatorial plane chosen for its ability (in a tilted coordinate system) to order northern and southern hemispheric magnetic topology and latitudinal solar wind flows. Latitudinal velocity and magnetic field gradients in and near the plane of symmetry are considered to provide higher-order corrections of a specialized nature and, accordingly, are neglected, as is dissipation, except at shock waves. The representative disturbance is examined for the canonical case in which one describes the temporal and spatial changes in a homogeneous solar wind caused by a solar-flare-generated shock wave. The ‘canonical’ solar flare is assumed to produce a shock wave that has a velocity of 1000 km s#X2212;1 at 0.08 AU. We have examined all plasma and field parameters at three radial locations: central meridian and 33° W and 90° W of the flare's central meridian. A higher shock velocity (3000 km s#X2212;1) was also used to demonstrate the model's ability to simulate a strongly-kinked interplanetary field. Among the global (first-order) results are the following: (i) incorporation of a small meridional magnetic field in the ambient magnetic spiral field has negligible effect on the results; (ii) the magnetic field demonstrates strong kinking within the interplanetary shocked flow, even reversed polarity that - coupled with low temperature and low density - suggests a viable explanation for observed ‘magnetic clouds’ with accompanying double-streaming of electrons at directions ~ 90° to the heliocentric radius.  相似文献   

Using the Main Stellar Spectrograph of the 6-m Special Astrophysical Observatory telescope equipped with a polametric analyzer, we measured the longitudinal magnetic field component B for the T Tauri stars T Tau and AS 507 on January 16 and 18 and February 15, 2003. For both stars, we determined only the upper limits on B from photospheric lines: +15±30 G for T Tau and ?70±90 G for AS 507. The magnetic field of AS 507 was not measured previously, while B for T Tau is lower than its values that we obtained in 1996 and 2002 (B?150±50G), suggesting that the longitudinal magnetic field component in the photosphere of T Tau is variable. We also measured the longitudinal magnetic field component for T Tau in the formation region of the He I 5876 Å emission line. We found B in this region to be ?+650, ?+350, and ?+1100 G on January 16, 18, and February 15, 2003, respectively. Our observations on January 18 and February 15 correspond to virtually the same phase of the star's rotation period, but the profiles of the He I 5876 Å line differ markedly on these two nights. Therefore, we believe that the threefold difference between the B values on these nights does not result from observational errors. We discuss the possible causes of the B variability in the photosphere and the magnetosphere of T Tau.  相似文献   

The effect of a uniform axial magenetic field on the nonlinear instability of a self-gravitating infinite cylinder is examined. Using the method of multiple scales, it is found that while the nonlinear (modulational) instability cannot be completely suppressed, the presence of a magnetic field does increase the range of stable wave numbers. The evolution of the amplitude is governed by a non-linear Schrödinger equation which gives the criterion for modulational instability.Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology.Department of Mathematics.  相似文献   

The nature of convective instability has been investigated for an electromagnetic wave, either right circularly polarised or left circularly polarised, propagating along a magnetic line of force in a plasma whose distribution function exhibits a temperature anisotropy in the hot species, a loss cone structure and a beam of cold electrons or ions travelling along the line of force with velocity V1. Detailed numerical calculations have been made using a computer for the growth and decay of the wave for different values of the anisotropy ratio T/T = δ of the perpendicular and parallel temperatures, the McIlwain parameter L, the loss cone index j, velocity V1 of the streaming particle and the particle density ratio ε. The ranges of values of ε and δ for which the wave becomes unstable have been studied in detail. It is found that wave propagation shows no dependence on the loss cone index but shows very strong dependence on the temperature anisotropy δ.  相似文献   

In order to analyse the convective instability of the force-free magnetic field, an exact solution of the MHD equation for the magnetic field (1) together with the flow field (2) of constant speed V0 making an angle θ with the magnetic field, was chosen as the unperturbed state. The stability of the fields between two parallel conducting walls of seperation d was studied by a linear perturbation method, which led to the eigenvalue problem (12), X being given by (13). It was shown by an approximate variational method that instability will set in by the flow field if V0 is greater than 1/ 3 times Alfven velocity VA. For β=V2oV2A < 13, the stability of the force-free field (1) is not influenced by the flow field, which may still be significant in other respects. Perturbations transverse to the magnetic field were found to be the most unstable modes.  相似文献   

By integrating many charged particle trajectories in a magnetic field model consisting of a series of equally spaced field discontinuities with equal angular displacements, constant ¦B¦ and successive displacements oppositely directed, a parallel diffusion coefficient K is obtained. The particle gyroradius was kept sufficiently small for the interaction to be non-resonant. The diffusion coefficient is found to be in good agreement with that predicted by the known reflection properties for charged particles of individual discontinuities. However an attempt to reproduce the diffusion coefficient using the results of a recent study by Klimas and Sandri of a non-local diffusion equation applying to the non-resonant case lead to too low a value of K . The computational approach was also applied to the case where the particle motion was in resonance with the wavelength of the train of discontinuities and a lower limit to K obtained. This lower limit exceeded the quasi-linear approximation value for K under resonant scattering conditions.  相似文献   

Self-generated wave fluctuations are particularly interesting in the solar wind and magnetospheric plasmas, where Coulomb collisions are rare and cannot explain the observed states of quasi-equilibrium. Linear theory predicts that firehose and ordinary-mode instabilities can develop under the same conditions, which makes it challenging to separate the role of these instabilities in conditioning the space-plasma properties. The hierarchy of these two instabilities is reconsidered here for nonstreaming plasmas with an electron-temperature anisotropy T >T , where ∥ and ⊥ denote directions with respect to the local mean magnetic field. In addition to the previously reported comparative analysis, here the entire 3D wave-vector spectrum of the competing instabilities is investigated, with a focus on the oblique firehose instability and the relatively poorly known ordinary-mode instability. Results show a dominance of the oblique firehose instability with a threshold lower than the parallel firehose instability and lower than the ordinary-mode instability. For stronger anisotropies, the ordinary mode can grow faster, with maximum growth rates exceeding those of the oblique firehose instability. In contrast to previous studies that claimed a possible activity of the ordinary-mode in the low β [<?1] regimes, here it is rigorously shown that only the high β [>?1] regimes are susceptible to these instabilities.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the domain wall with time dependent displacement vectors based on Lyra geometry in normal gauge i.e. displacement vector φ i * =[β(t),0,0,0]. The field theoretic energy momentum tensor is considered with zero pressure perpendicular to the wall. We find an exact solutions of Einstein’s equation for a scalar field φ with a potential V(φ) describing the gravitational field of a plane symmetric domain wall. We have seen that the hyper surfaces parallel to the wall (z=constant) are three dimensional de-sitter spaces. It is also shown that the gravitational field experienced by test particle is attractive.  相似文献   

The distribution of By in the geomagnetic tail associated with a net cross-tail magnetic flux, recently experimentally discovered, is here investigated within the framework of two-dimensional but non-planar field adiabatic time-independent equilbria. It is found that the flux distribution is controlled by the pressure anisotropy of the plasma, By being enhanced at the current sheet centre relative to that in the lobes for P>P and vice-versa for P>P. For P>P a broad region of depressed field strength is found across the centre plane of the current sheet, terminated at its outer boundaries by spikes in the perpendicular current, across which By and Bx are “switched on” and rapidly increase towards their values in the low-β lobes. For P>P a thin high-current density layer forms at the sheet centre if the marginal firehose condition is approached, across which the Bx field reverses by rotation at nearly constant magnitude about the z-axis. The field magnitude in this thin layer depends upon the pressure anisotropy, such that the plasma remains just firehose stable within it, and may approach an appreciable fraction of the lobe field strength even for moderate anisotropies. Such structures have been observed in the geomagnetic tail, but do not appear to be a common feature of the quiet-time plasmasheet, where the field strength at the centre plane can reach small values with little obvious enhancement of By. In terms of the present model these observations require that either P>P in the quiet-time tail or that the plasma is within one or two per cent of isotropy if P>P. These results then indicate that the production of plasma pressure anisotropy during adiabatic inward transport towards the Earth, which is generally expected to lead to P>P and its destruction by either macroscopic or microscopic processes, requires further study.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection, or the ability of the magnetic field lines that are frozen in plasma to change their topology, is a fundamental problem of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Webriefly examine the problem starting with the well-known Sweet-Parker scheme, discuss effectsof tearing modes, anomalous resistivity and the concept of hyperresistivity. We show that the field stochasticity by itself provides a way toenable fast reconnection even if, at the scale of individual turbulent wiggles,the reconnection happens at the slow Sweet-Parker rate. We show that fast reconnectionallows efficient mixing of magnetic field in the direction perpendicular tothe local direction of magnetic field. While the idea of stochastic reconnection still requiresnumerical confirmation,our numerical simulations testify that mixing motions perpendicular to the local magnetic field are upto high degree hydrodynamical. This suggests that the turbulent heattransport should be similar to that in non-magnetized turbulent fluid, namely,should have a diffusion coefficient ~V L L, whereV L is the amplitude of the turbulent velocity and L is the scale of the turbulent motions. We present numericalsimulations which support this conclusion. The applicationof this idea to thermal conductivity in clusters of galaxies shows that thismechanism may dominate the diffusion of heat and may be efficient enoughto prevent cooling flow formation.  相似文献   

We generalize the hot relativistic MHD wind analysis to include the anisotropy of the pressure created in the pulsar wind by the strong magnetic field. Even with anisotropy the relativistic MHD equations integrate. In a very intense magnetic field, the motion of relativistic particles becomes rapidly one-dimensional in the direction of the field due to the very important radiative losses. Consequently, their distribution function becomes also one-dimensional and the component of the pressure, in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field, decrease. In the limitP ?0,P ≠0 we obtain a solution for the fluid flow which, starting at the neutron star surface, reaches smoothly infinity.  相似文献   

The influence of low-frequency electrostatic turbulence on the flux of precipitating magnetospheric electrons is analyzed in the framework of the quasilinear kinetic equation. It is shown that an electron population in a turbulent region, with an electric field parallel to the ambient magnetic field, can be separated into two parts by introducing a pitch angle dependent runaway velocity vr(θ). Lower energy electrons with parallel velocity v < vr are effectively scattered by plasma waves, so that they remain in the main population and are subjected to an anomalous transport equation. A distribution function fv?4 (or the particle flux vs energy JE?1) is established in this velocity range. Faster electrons with v ? vr are freely accelerated by a parallel electric field, so that they contribute directly to hot electron fluxes which are observed at ionospheric altitudes. New expressions are derived for the magnetic-field aligned current and the electron energy flux implied by this model. These expressions agree well with empirical relations observed in auroral inverted-V structures.  相似文献   

The bulk flow of the solar wind plasma in the flank-side of the magnetospheric boundary layer, where the magnetic field lines are closed, has a component transverse to the ambient field. There is quite a strong velocity shear. The theoretical model ignores inhomogeneities in the ambient field and the mass density which occur at the magnetopause on about the same length scale as that of the velocity shear.Consideration is restricted to hydromagnetic waves which have a k-vector nearly normal to the Bo-Vo plane, i.e., approximately the magnetopause surface (kx >kzkykxLB > 1 and LB = 0.1 ~ 1.0 RE where LB is a characteristic length of the boundary layer). It is found that a long-period (T ? 40 sec) hydromagnetic wave [the Alfvén-like wave (ΩA)] driven by velocity shear instability can be excited in the shear plasma. It is also found that the group velocity of the HM-wave is directed almost along the magnetic field line and that the magnetic variance in the shear plasma tends to be parallel to the Bo-Vo plane. The velocity shear instability in the magnetospheric boundary layer is judged to be a likely source of long-period magnetic pulsations.  相似文献   

The paper describes a comparison of vertical electron drift in the F-region (Vz) measured by VHP incoherent scatter radar at Jicamarca with the corresponding variations of geomagnetic horizontal field (H) and the maximum frequency reflected from The Es layer (Es) at Huancayo during the geomagnetic storm period 7–9 March, 1970. The Vz is generally upward during the daytime at the equator, but during 7–9, March, 1970, Vz was negative for brief periods associated with negative bays in H. These periods of abnormally low or of downward Vz correspond closely with the period of complete disappearance of the q type of Es layer. The magnetic bays associated with the intensification of ring current do not affect the equatorial Es- q and it is only the negative bays in H at the equator due to the ionospheric current flowing westward, that cause sudden disappearance of Es? q. It is suggested that the q type of Es is due to cross-field instability created in the electrojet region due to interaction of northward magnetic field and vertical upward Hall polarization electric field when the plasma density gradient is upward. The sudden disappearances of Es? q are due to the reversal of the horizontal electric field in the equatorial ionosphere and thereby due to the reversal of the equatorial electrojet currents. These reversals of electric field may be due to the imposition on the normal Sq field of another westward electric field.  相似文献   

Using a perturbated (noised) dipole model of a sunspot magnetic field structure we simulated the influence of background noise or apparent noise (unresolved small-scale magnetic field structure) on sunspot magnetic field parameters. We evaluated mean values of the vertical and horizontal electric current densities |j| and |j|, respectively, of the force-free parameter α and of the Lorentz force |F|. For comparison we estimated |j| and |F| of a standard sunspot magnetic field model (return-flux model, OSHEROVICH 1982). Furthermore, we compared our results with those from observations resulting in estimated values of |j| for quiet sunspots. Our investigation led to the following results: the estimated values of 〈|F|〉 show clearly that due to the noise the axisymmetric magnetic dipole model is clustered into several subsystems of fluxbundles. The latter are connected with a system of electric current densities of the order of |j| ∼ 10−3 Am−2 and |j| = 10−1 Am−2, i.e., this system is a noise-generated nonaxisymmetric magnetohydrostatic model.  相似文献   

We calculate the kinetic coefficients and the transport mean free paths of high-energy particles parallel to the regular magnetic field in the approximation of a large-scale anisotropic random magnetic field by using a nonlinear collision integral, i.e., by taking into account the processes of strong random scattering. We consider the diffusion of solar and Galactic cosmic rays by two-dimensional turbulence. Strong random scattering by two-dimensional turbulence is shown to reduce the parallel transport mean free path several fold. The momentum dependence of the parallel mean free path does not change, Λp2?v. In the case of strong random scattering by turbulence formed by several modes, the parallel transport mean free path is Λp. We show that two-dimensional turbulence can make a major contribution to the parallel transport mean free paths of cosmic rays in the heliosphere and the interstellar medium.  相似文献   

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