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钟自然 《地质论评》2018,64(1):6401010-6401014
正各位代表,同志们:下午好!在刚刚结束的全体理事大会上,大家选举我担任中国地质学会第40届理事会理事长,我感到非常荣幸,也深感责任重大。在此,我代表新当选的第40届理事会对大家的信任表示衷心的感谢!我将认真履行理事长的职责,和全体常务理事一道,在中国科协和国土资源部的领导下,在历届理事会工作的基础上,团结带领全体理事,认真学习宣传贯彻党的十九大精神,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指  相似文献   

The Dolomites region is a spectacularly exposed portion of the Southern Alps, a northern Italian chain derived from the comparatively gentle deformation of the Tethyan passive continental margin of Adria. The regionhad an active Permo-Jurassic tectono-magmatic evolu-tion, leading from Permian magmatism, through a Mid-die Triassic episode offast subsidence and volcanism, to the Jurassic oceanic break-up. Although the sedimentary succession ranges in age from Middle Permian to Creta-ceous, the geological landscape is largely dominated by the majestic Triassic carbonates, making the area a clas-sical one for the early Mesozoic stratigraphy. Particu-larly noteworthy are the Anisian to Carnian carbonate platforms, recording an evolution from regional muddy banks to isolated high-relief builduos. The hlline of the various basins and the development of a last generation of regional peritidal platform followed. The carbonate platforms of the Dolomites bear witness to a remarkable set of changes in the carbonate production and to signif-icant palaeoclimatic fluctuations,from arid to moist con-difions and vice versa; a great range of margin and slope depositional styles is therefore recorded. Alpine tectonic shortening strongly affected the area, with a first Eocenede formation, followed by later Neogene overthrusting and strike-slip movements.  相似文献   

Warren Manspeizer 《Earth》1991,30(3-4):325-326

M.D. Jones runs special–interest, geology and natural history holidays to the Pyrenees, Spain, North Africa, Iceland and elsewhere, and is a part–time tutor in the Department of Adult Education at the University of Leicester.  相似文献   

A review of recent progress in the geology of the Polish Carpathians is given. The problem of the basement and its Jurassic cover is discussed. The Cretaceous-Paleogene sequence is continuous and at the end of the Cretaceous facially differentiated. It had been preceded by the Jurassic sediments beginning with the Aalenian. The problem of the source areas of the Flysch sediments is discussed in connection with the direction of transport. Mobile borders of the geosyncline and some intrageosynclinal Cordilleras furnished most of the material. Six main tectonic units are distinguished and the influence of thick sandy complexes on the development of nappes and thrusts is demonstrated. A volcanic stage at the end of the Cretaceous is described and its relation to the cordillera stage of the geosyncline is discussed as well as the problem of orogenic stages.  相似文献   

Cuba is the largest island in the Greater Antilles(GA) and has been part of the North American Plate(NOAM) since Upper Eocene time. It is separated from other GA islands by the North Caribbean Transform Fault System which defines the present boundary between the NOAM and the Caribbean Plate(CARIB). The GA began to form ~135 Ma ago, after the breakup of Pangea, in the leading edge of CARIB, due to subduction of Proto-Caribbean lithosphere(NOAM) beneath CARIB until collision with the Bahamian platform in the Middle to Late Eocene time(~48 to 40 Ma). Between the Maastrichtian and the Late Eocene the Cayman spreading ridge and the Oriente transform formed and western CARIB was transferred to NOAM. The geology of Cuba is dominated by three lithotectonic units, which reflects its evolution as a Cretaceous-Paleogene convergent margin:(1) deformed(para)autochthonous NOAM Jurassic and Cretaceous continental margin and basin sections and PaleoceneEocene synorogenic foredeep;(2) ophiolite complexes and serpentinite mèlanges and ~135 to 47 Ma magmatic arc suite interbedded with or overlain by Latest CretaceousPaleogene synorogenic strata; and(3)(neo)autochthonous late Upper Eocene to Recent deposits which unconformably overlie the two older units.  相似文献   

鄰士  王朝钧 《地质论评》1947,12(Z2):293-298
第一章构造地质学(即全书之绪论)1.构造地质学之意义及其与他种地质学科之关系。2.因研究之范围及方法不同,构造地质学复可分为三部分。3.本书研讨之范围。  相似文献   

Brian D. Bornhold 《Earth》1996,40(3-4):306-307

In January 1986 the spaceprobe Voyager-2 revealed details of the surfaces of the icy satellites of Uranus for the first time, including grabens, other faulted features, impact craters and possible ice flows. Despite their apparent similarity to some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, they highlight many new questions as to the evolution of, and interactions between, such bodies.  相似文献   

Tourist Geology     

《Geology Today》1985,1(4):98-99
The Royal Society, founded in the seventeenth century, exists to promote all fields of science. We asked Peter Warren, its Executive Secretary, to explain how the Society is currently helping geology and geologists.  相似文献   

Geology in the Falkland Islands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the next few years we are likely to hear and learn much about the offshore geology of the Falkland Islands as exploratory drilling for hydrocarbons begins. The offshore geology may become better known than the onshore, of which there has been little detailed investigation in the 200+ years since settlements were established. Here we outline the history of geological investigations and present information gathered during recent fieldwork.  相似文献   

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