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For the purposes of risk mitigation and remediation design, Darcy's Law calculations, that are typically used to estimate flow direction and magnitude, can be usefully supplemented with more direct measurements. The point velocity probe (PVP), which measures groundwater velocity by conducting a mini‐tracer test across a cylindrical probe surface, was developed to address this need. Laboratory and field experiments have shown that these probes can provide accurate velocity magnitude and direction measurements at the centimeter scale. In an effort to streamline the production of PVPs, three‐dimensional (3D) printing was investigated. The 3D printer produces a plastic probe body with designated detector and injection port locations. The subsequent installation of injection lines and detector wires requires, for a single‐port probe, no longer than 1–2 h of assembly time, compared to approximately 10 h to assemble previous designs (mainly determined by injection port installation). Probes can be printed in batches with the number of units made depending on the printer and probe size. Laboratory tests of the original PVP models yielded velocity magnitudes and directions with average errors (from expected values) of ±9% to ±15% and ±8°, respectively. A printed PVP was tested in a nested storage tank system (NeST) packed with sand that mimics flow conditions through a sandy aquifer. The probe was tested at multiple pumping rates with the injector port at angles of (α =) 30°, 45°, and 75° from the expected linear flow direction. The printed PVPs provided an average magnitude percent error of ±13.5% and an average direction error of ±4°. This shows that in laboratory tests, printed PVPs performed as well as the original probes previously reported, making them viable units for field applications as well as being quicker to assemble than the earlier designs.  相似文献   

拟解析近似方法是一种解决电磁场散射问题的快速求解积分方程的近似方法,它绕开了传统数值方法中的求解大型代数方程组或大型矩阵问题,适用于强散射和大扰动问题.本文应用孙建国提出的求解异常电场积分方程的张量拟解析近似理论公式,研究用其求解直流电场积分方程.利用接近实际的地电模型对异常电场进行模拟,研究了均匀场中异常球体的张量拟解析近似解;并对均匀场中的立方体异常体进行了数值计算.效果良好并具有很高的计算速度.研究结果为三维直流电场快速正反演模拟打下基础.  相似文献   

Usingalarge3Dcelautomationmodeltosimulateenergyfrequency,spaceandtimedistributionofearthquakesCHANGHAILIU(刘长海)JUNCHEN(陈军)...  相似文献   

The applicability of three kinds of electrode configurations used to delineate a buried horizontal pipe was studied. A 3D resistivity imaging survey was carried out along eight parallel lines using pole-pole, pole-dipole, and dipole-dipole arrays with 1m minimum electrode spacings. Roll-along measurements were carried out to cover a rectangular grid. The 2D and 3D least squares algorithms based on the robust inversion method were used in the inversion of the apparent resistivity data sets. The 2D inversion of data sets could not delineate the orientation and dimension of the subsurface anomalies clearly. To obtain more accurate results, a 3D joint inversion of the pole-pole and pole-dipole data sets was performed, as well as of pole-pole and dipole-dipole data sets. In this case, both horizontal and vertical dimensions of subsurface structures were resolved. The resulting model obtained from each array was compared to those of joint inversion method. The result showed that the horizontal resolution does not improve so much as that in the vertical direction when joint inversion is applied.  相似文献   

Interpreting a post‐stack seismic section is difficult due to the band‐limited nature of the seismic data even post deconvolution. Deconvolution is a process that is universally applied to extend the bandwidth of seismic data. However, deconvolution falls short of this task as low and high frequencies of the deconvolved data are either still missing or contaminated by noise. In this paper we use the autoregressive extrapolation technique to recover these missing frequencies, using the high signal‐to‐noise ratio (S/N) portions of the spectrum of deconvolved data. I introduce here an algorithm to extend the bandwidth of deconvolved data. This is achieved via an autoregressive extrapolation technique, which has been widely used to replace missing or corrupted samples of data in signal processing. This method is performed in the spectral domain. The spectral band to be extrapolated using autoregressive prediction filters is first selected from the part of the spectrum that has a high signal‐to‐noise ratio (S/N) and is then extended. As there can be more than one zone of good S/N in the spectrum, the results of prediction filter design and extrapolation from three different bands are averaged. When the spectrum of deconvolved data is extended in this way, the results show higher vertical resolution to a degree that the final seismic data closely resemble what is considered to be a reflectivity sequence of the layered medium. This helps to obtain acoustic impedance with inversion by stable integration. The results show that autoregressive spectral extrapolation highly increases vertical resolution and improves horizon tracking to determine continuities and faults. This increase in coherence ultimately yields a more interpretable seismic section.  相似文献   

The Powder River Basin (PRB) of Wyoming and Montana contains significant coal and coal bed natural gas (CBNG) resources. CBNG extraction requires the production of large volumes of water, much of which is discharged into existing drainages. Compared to surface waters, the CBNG produced water is high in sodium relative to calcium and magnesium, elevating the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR). To mitigate the possible impact this produced water may have on the quality of surface water used for irrigation, the State of Montana passed water anti‐degradation legislation, which could affect CBNG production in Wyoming. In this study, we sought to determine the proportion of CBNG produced water discharged to tributaries that reaches the Powder River by implementing a four end‐member mixing model within a Bayesian statistical framework. The model accounts for the 87Sr/86Sr, δ13CDIC, [Sr] and [DIC] of CBNG produced water and surface water interacting with the three primary lithologies exposed in the PRB. The model estimates the relative contribution of the end members to the river water, while incorporating uncertainty associated with measurement and process error. Model results confirm that both of the tributaries associated with high CBNG activity are mostly composed of CBNG produced water (70–100%). The model indicates that up to 50% of the Powder River is composed of CBNG produced water downstream from the CBNG tributaries, decreasing with distance by dilution from non‐CBNG impacted tributaries from the point sources to ~10–20% at the Montana border. This amount of CBNG produced water does not significantly affect the SAR or electrical conductivity of the Powder River in Montana. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

探讨了如何基于Midas/GTS来实现用FLAC3D建立复杂边坡模型。首先在Midas/GTS中建立几何模型和划分网格,然后根据两种软件的网格数据形式进行转换,把Midas/GTS的网格模型导入FLAC3D中。对于二维边坡问题,认为采用四边形单元比三角形单元的计算精度更高,在模型较为复杂的情况下建议在Midas/GTS中采用四边形+三角形的方式生成混合网格,然后导入FLAC3D中形成brick+wedge形式的混合网格进行分析,以保证计算精度。最后将上述建模方法应用于某边坡工程的稳定性分析,验证了该建模方法的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

本文的理论方法是以几何射线理论为基础发展起来的、天然地震走时反演技术及天然地震层析成像技术。它存在着震源函数与介质参数的解耦问题。本研究采取了五种方法来改善反演结果。包括,利用,Pg,Pn等震相增大约束条件;用已有精度较高的人工地震测深结果作速度约柬:用波形反演来修改模型,把诸多物理量开发出来互为约束,以修改后的模型再作反演,使解的稳定性大大提高:采用最优化过程,选择遗传算法。可以进行震源定位,走时反演,波形反演:得到任意深度的速度分布及从地表到Moho面的速度剖面。用于在祁连山地区的结果表明,这些层析剖面对认识大地构造、重大深部事件动力学是很有益的。  相似文献   

基于ASAR升降轨数据解算于田Ms7.3地震3D同震形变场   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对覆盖同一地区的ASAR升降轨数据进行二通法差分干涉处理,获取2008年3月21日于田地震在两种LOS方向下干涉纹图.通过对于涉纹图的判读,结合震源机制解、地质构造和余震分布,认为于田地震断层为略有走滑分量的NE向正断层.考虑到于田地震的走滑分量微小的特定形变特点,在形变场三维解算中加人沿断层方向形变值近似为0的约束条件,结合已有的升降轨LOS方向形变约束,可以满足求解三维形变场的条件.解算的三维形变场结果表明,在雷达相干区域内,下盘抬升最高值达到15 cm,上盘沉降最大值达到22 cm,水平拉张的最大形变值出现在下盘,形变量达115 cm,这说明于田地震拉张特征明显.该结果为进一步认识于田地震的同震变形特征提供参考.  相似文献   

Increased stormflow in the Quebrada Estero watershed (2.5 km2), in the northwestern Central Valley tectonic depression of Costa Rica, reportedly has caused flooding of the city of San Ramón in recent decades. Although scientifically untested, urban expansion was deemed the cause and remedial measures were recommended by the Programa de Investigación en Desarrollo Humano Sostenible (ProDUS). CASC2D, a physically-based, spatially explicit hydrologic model, was constructed and calibrated to a June 10th 2002 storm that delivered 110.5 mm of precipitation in 4.5 h visibly exceeded the bankfull stage (0.9 m) of the Quebrada flooding portions of San Ramón. The calibrated hydrograph showed a peak discharge 16.68% (2.5 m3 s−1) higher, an above flood stage duration 20% shorter, and time to peak discharge 11 min later than the same observed discharge hydrograph characteristics. Simulations of changing land cover conditions from 1979 to 1999 showed an increase also in the peak discharge, above flood stage duration, and time to peak discharge. Analysis using a modified location quotient identified increased urbanization in lower portions of the watershed over the time period studied. These results suggest that increased urbanization in the Quebrada Estero watershed have increased flooding peaks, and durations above threshold, confirming the ProDUS report. These results and the CASC2D model offer an easy-to-use, pragmatic planning tool for policymakers in San Ramón to assess future development scenarios and their potential flooding impacts to San Ramón.  相似文献   

We have developed a straightforward and ray based methodology to estimate both the maximum offset and reflection imaging radius for multi‐layered velocity models, which can be used for a 2D/3D VSP survey design. Through numerical examples, we demonstrate that the presence of a high‐velocity layer above a target zone significantly reduces the maximum offset and reflection imaging radius. Our numerical examples also show that including in a migration VSP data acquired beyond a recommended maximum offset, radically degrades the quality of the final VSP image. In addition, unlike the conventional straight‐line based approximation that often produces an incorrect large reflection imaging radius, our methodology predicts the VSP imaging radius with more accuracy than does the conventional approximation.  相似文献   

本项成果包括:提出天然地震走时反演层析成像技术,采用下列方法使得处理结果得以改善:1)利用Pg,Sg,Pm,Sm,Pn,Sn等震相增大约束条件;2)用已有精度较高的人工地震测深结果作速度约束;3)用波形反演来修改模型,把波源,介质吸收,散射等全部物理特征集中反映在记录中,把诸多物理量开发出来互为约束,以修改后的模型再作反演,使解的稳定性大大提高;4)采用最优化过程,选择遗传算法。可以进行震源定位,走时反演,波形反演;5)得到任意深度的速度分布及从地表到Moho面的速度剖面。主要应用结果:对于朝鲜半岛南部,划分为5(沿纬度)*6(沿经度)*8(沿深度)块,对于中部分288块.得到从地表到M面的8个水平切面;中部地区沿纬度13个二维剖面及其Moho面深度分布。上述方法也用于祁连山中东段地壳三维结构成像加上地震台网数字记录,反演。该区属塔里木-阿拉善地块走廊过渡带与北祁连褶皱带;从剖面可看出该地块上地壳低速层厚,下地壳有-低速层。北祁连褶皱带盆地与隆起构造之间的起伏差异,显示古浪断裂与金强河断裂之间的深部差异与界线。两地区的结果表明,这些剖面对认识大地构造、地质结构的稳定性,深部事件的性质是很有益的,对地球动力学研究也有重要意义。  相似文献   

A highly resistive phonolitic body near Sainerholz / Westerwald in Germany has been investigated for geological mapping using vertical electrical soundings in a Schlumberger configuration. Because of its explicitly three-dimensional shape, conventional 1D and 2D interpretation techniques are not applicable. Therefore, a new 3D finite-difference forward modelling algorithm has been applied to acquire information about its subsurface structure and to explain the observed data. This investigation focuses on two exposed soundings: one located near the centre of the body and the other close to its rim. For the interpretation, data from electromagnetic measurements on the lateral extension of the body are additionally taken into account as well as geological a priori information. A possible 3D conductivity model is presented and evidence for its validity is discussed using model studies and sensitivity analyses. The latter are carried out using a newly developed 3D FD sensitivity modelling code with which the total subsurface response can be decomposed. This permits the determination of the resolution of model parameters, indicating the contribution of different parts of the model to the overall response. The results emphasize the feasibility of 3D forward modelling in practice.  相似文献   

田清波 《应用地球物理》2005,2(3):175-181,F0003
工区位于在大民屯凹陷荣胜堡-前进地区工业繁华地带,地表水系发育,表层岩性复杂,深层各种油气藏圈闭类型众多,勘探难度大,以往采集资料质量差。本文详细介绍了为改进资料质量所采取的一系列措施,其中包括科学的观测系统设计、认真细致的表层调查、高精度的测量,选择最佳岩性组合激发、低噪声接收、大型障碍区特观施工、定量化质量控制等工作。成功地进行了二次三维采集,实现了二次采集资料质量的飞跃,减少浅层资料缺失,保证了深层资料品质,保证了资料解释的准确性。文中展示了了实际效果。  相似文献   

A new method for time‐lapse signal separation and enhancement using singular‐value decomposition is presented. Singular‐value decomposition is used to separate a 4D signal into its constituent parts: common geology, time‐lapse response and noise. Synthetic tests which demonstrate the advantages of the singular‐value decomposition technique over traditional differencing methods are also presented. This signal separation and enhancement technique is used to map out both the original and moved oil–water contacts across the Nelson Field. The singular‐value decomposition technique allows the oil–water contact to be mapped across regions which would have been missed using traditional differencing methods. In particular, areas toward the edges of the field are highlighted by the technique. The oil–water contact is observed to move upwards across the field, with the largest movements being associated, as anticipated, with natural production. The results obtained are broadly consistent with those predicted by the reservoir simulator model. Singular‐value decomposition is demonstrated to be a useful tool for enhancing the time‐lapse signal and for gaining confidence in areas where traditional differencing fails.  相似文献   

The 3D hydrodynamic Model for Applications at Regional Scale (MARS3D) was coupled with a biogeochemical model developed with the Ecological Modular Mechanistic Modelling (Eco3M) numerical tool. The three-dimensional coupled model was applied to the NW Mediterranean Sea to study the dynamics of the key biogeochemical processes in the area in relation with hydrodynamic constraints. In particular, we focused on the temporal and spatial variability of intracellular contents of living and non-living compartments. The conceptual scheme of the biogeochemical model accounts for the complex food web of the NW Mediterranean Sea (34 state variables), using flexible plankton stoichiometry. We used mechanistic formulations to describe most of the biogeochemical processes involved in the dynamics of marine pelagic ecosystems. Simulations covered the period from September 1, 2009 to January 31, 2011 (17 months), which enabled comparison of model outputs with situ measurements made during two oceanographic cruises in the region (Costeau-4: April 27–May 2, 2010 and Costeau-6: January 23–January 27, 2011).  相似文献   

The exploration and production of North Sea oil and gas reserves has resulted in the accumulation of large quantities of drill cuttings on the seabed surrounding drill sites. This complex mixture of man-made and natural substances contains higher concentrations of certain metals (Ba, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and hydrocarbons than are observed in background sediments. With decommissioning of older platforms underway, an evaluation of the environmental interactions and chemical fate of the drill cuttings accumulations is required.This review concentrates on contaminants within drill cutting accumulations in the Northern and Central North Sea (56 degrees N-62 degrees N). Present literature reviewed reveals that hydrocarbons within the cuttings piles remain relatively unchanged with time. A considerable proportion of the associated contaminants are likely to remain within the cuttings pile unless they are disturbed which will then increase exchanges of porewater and solids back to the seabed surface resulting in pathways of exposure for organisms.  相似文献   

Underwater dunes are a morphological feature that are explored by marine scientists and coastal engineers alike. This study presents new methodologies in order to simplify bedform identification and morphodynamic analyses. Specifically, subaqueous compound dunes are decomposed with a simple yet extensive tracking algorithm, which relies on a repeated evaluation of unfiltered bed elevation profiles according to five predefined length classes. In a second step, morphological trends are assessed in the form of bed migration rates, bed slope asymmetries and net sediment changes, in which all parameters are referred to equidistant sections of the examined fairway stretch. This integrated approach not only avoids the challenges in weighting the varying size and abundance of dunes of different scales but also ensures comparability between dune-specific and areal parameters, which significantly improves the interpretation of the morphological setting as a whole. The developed methods are applied to the Outer Jade fairway, an anthropogenically influenced and regularly maintained waterway in the German Bight, and allow scrutiny of spatio-temporal trends in this region. Based on a unique data set of 100 sequential high-quality echo-sounding surveys, various types of bedforms are identified, comprising large-scale primary as well as superimposing secondary dunes that are assumed to interfere with each other. Temporal trends show a long-term rise of the troughs of major bedforms and constant maximum crest elevations near the official maintenance depth, which matches the observed long-term aggradation of sediments. The spatial distribution of integrated morphodynamic parameters reflects a previously described zone of primary dune convergence and facilitates the precise localization of this geophysical singularity. The presented findings both confirm the robustness of the proposed methodologies and, in return, enhance the understanding of morphological processes in the Outer Jade. © 2020 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

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