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The Western Kentucky Coal Field is the southern tip of the Eastern Interior, or Illinois Basin. Pennsylvanian rocks in this area, which include conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, shale, limestone and coal, were deposited primarily in coastal-deltaic settings at a time when western Kentucky was located close to the equator. This paper discusses temporal changes in regional sedimentation patterns and coal-forming floras of Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian strata in the Western Kentucky Coal Field.Lower Pennsylvanian strata of the Caseyville Formation are characterized by paleovalley-filling sedimentation patterns and extabasinal quartz pebbles. Caseyville Formation coals are characteristically thin and discontinuous and were strongly influenced by subsidence within underlying paleovalleys, and the dissected lower Pennsylvanian paleotopography. Caseyville coals are commonly dominated by Lycospora, but can also have variable palynofloras, which probably reflects variable edaphic conditions and edge effects within small, patchy paleomires. Tradewater Formation strata show increased marine influences and tidal-estuarine sedimentation, especially in the middle and upper parts. Coal beds in the lower part of the Tradewater typically are thin and discontinuous, although some economically important beds are present. Coals become thicker, more abundant and more laterally persistent towards the top of the formation. Palynologically, lower and middle Tradewater Formation coals are dominated by Lycospora, but begin to show increased amounts of tree fern spores. Middle and upper Tradewater coals are thicker and more continuous, and contain high percentages of tree fern spores. In addition, cordaite pollen is locally abundant in this interval.Carbondale and Shelburn (Desmoinesian) strata are much more laterally continuous, and occur within classic cyclothems that can be traced across the coal field. Cyclothems have long been interpreted as being eustatically driven, and glacio-eustacy controlled not only sedimentation but also the formation of Desmoinesian paleomires. Palynologically, Carbondale and Shelburn coals are either dominated by Lycospora or have heterogeneous palynofloras. Palynologic and coal-quality data suggest that hydrologic base level may have been the primary control on Desmoinesian paleomires, rather than paleoclimate, as the coals display rheotrophic, rather than ombrotrophic characteristics.  相似文献   

More than 130 Mt of Pennsylvanian coal is produced annually from two coal fields in Kentucky. The Western Kentucky Coal Field occurs in part of the Illinois Basin, an intercratonic basin, and the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field occurs in the Central Appalachian Basin, a foreland basin. The basins are only separated by 140 km, but mined western Kentucky coal beds exhibit significantly higher sulfur values than eastern Kentucky coals. Higher-sulfur coal beds in western Kentucky have generally been inferred to be caused by more marine influences than for eastern Kentucky coals.Comparison of strata in the two coal fields shows that more strata and more coal beds accumulated in the Eastern than Western Kentucky Coal Field in the Early and Middle Pennsylvanian, inferred to represent greater generation of tectonic accommodation in the foreland basin. Eastern Kentucky coal beds exhibit a greater tendency toward splitting and occurring in zones than time-equivalent western Kentucky coal beds, which is also inferred to represent foreland accommodation influences, overprinted by autogenic sedimentation effects. Western Kentucky coal beds exhibit higher sulfur values than their eastern counterparts, but western Kentucky coals occurring in Langsettian through Bolsovian strata can be low in sulfur content. Eastern Kentucky coal beds may increase in sulfur content beneath marine zones, but generally are still lower in sulfur than mined Western Kentucky coal beds, indicating that controls other than purely marine influences must have influenced coal quality.The bulk of production in the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field is from Duckmantian and Bolsovian coal beds, whereas production in the Western Kentucky Coal Field is from Westphalian D coals. Langsettian through Bolsovian paleoclimates in eastern Kentucky were favorable for peat doming, so numerous low-sulfur coals accumulated. These coals tend to occur in zones and are prone to lateral splitting because of foreland tectonic and sedimentation influences. In contrast, Westphalian D coal beds of western Kentucky accumulated during low differential tectonic accommodation, and therefore tend to be widespread and uniform in characteristics, but exhibit higher sulfur values because they accumulated in seasonally drier paleoclimates that were unfavorable for peat doming. Hence, basin analyses indicate that many differences between the mined coals of Kentucky's two coal fields are related to temporal changes in paleoclimate and tectonic accommodation, rather than solely being a function of marine influences.  相似文献   

Fossil spores and pollen have long been recognized as valuable tools for identifying and correlating coal beds. This paper describes the palynology of late Middle Pennsylvanian coal beds in the Appalachian Basin with emphasis on forms that assist both intra- and interbasinal coal bed correlation.Stratigraphically important palynomorphs that originate in late Middle Pennsylvanian strata include Torispora securis, Murospora kosankei, Triquitrites minutus, Cadiospora magna, Mooreisporites inusitatus, and Schopfites dimorphus. Taxa that terminate in the late Middle Pennsylvanian include Radiizonates difformis, Densosporites annulatus, Dictyotriletes bireticulatus, Vestispora magna, and Savitrisporites nux. Species of Lycospora, Cirratriradites, Vestispora, and Thymospora, as well as Granasporites medius, Triquitrites sculptilis, and T. securis end their respective ranges slightly higher, in earliest Late Pennsylvanian age strata.Late Middle Pennsylvanian and earliest Late Pennsylvanian strata in the Appalachian Basin correlate with the Radiizonates difformis (RD), Mooreisporites inusitatus (MI), Schopfites colchesterensisS. dimorphus (CP), and Lycospora granulataGranasporites medius (GM) spore assemblage zones of the Eastern Interior, or Illinois Basin. In the Western Interior Basin, these strata correlate with the middle-upper portion of the Torispora securisLaevigatosporites globosus (SG) and lower half of the Thymospora pseudothiesseniiSchopfites dimorphus (PD) assemblage zones. In western Europe, late Middle Pennsylvanian and earliest Late Pennsylvanian strata correlate with the middle-upper portion of the Torispora securisT. laevigata (SL) and the middle part of the Thymospora obscuraT. thiessenii (OT) spore assemblage zones. Allegheny Formation coal beds also correlate with the Torispora securis (X) and Thymospora obscura (XI) spore assemblages, which were developed for coal beds in Great Britain.  相似文献   

West Virginia is the only place in the United States where an entire section of Pennsylvanian age (Upper Carboniferous) strata can be seen. These strata occur within a wedge of rock that thins to the north and west from the southeastern part of the State. The progressive north-northwesterly termination of older Pennsylvanian geologic units beneath younger ones prominently outlines the center of the Appalachian basin of West Virginia. Over most of West Virginia, Lower and/or Middle Pennsylvanian strata unconformably overly Upper Mississippian (Lower Carboniferous) strata. Sediment deposition was accomplished by a complex system of deltas prograding north and west from an eastern and southeastern source area.More than 100 named coal beds occur within the Lower, Middle, and Upper Pennsylvanian rocks of West Virginia and at least 60 of these have been or are currently being mined commercially. Collectively, these coal beds account for original in-ground coal resources of almost 106.1×109 t (117×109 tons). West Virginia ranks fourth in the United States in demonstrated coal reserves. In 1988, West Virginia produced 131.4×106 t (144.9×106 T) of coal, third highest in the United States. Of this annual production, 75% was from underground mines. In 1988, West Virginia led the nation in the number of longwall mining sections currently in place. West Virginia's low-volatile coal beds are known worldwide as important metallurgical-grade coals, while the higher-volatile coal beds are utilized primarily for steam production.  相似文献   

Thermal maturity was determined for about 120 core, cuttings, and outcrop samples to investigate the potential for coalbed gas resources in Pennsylvanian strata of north-central Texas. Shallow (< 600 m; 2000 ft) coal and carbonaceous shale cuttings samples from the Middle-Upper Pennsylvanian Strawn, Canyon, and Cisco Groups in Archer and Young Counties on the Eastern Shelf of the Midland basin (northwest and downdip from the outcrop) yielded mean random vitrinite reflectance (Ro) values between about 0.4 and 0.8%. This range of Ro values indicates rank from subbituminous C to high volatile A bituminous in the shallow subsurface, which may be sufficient for early thermogenic gas generation. Near-surface (< 100 m; 300 ft) core and outcrop samples of coal from areas of historical underground coal mining in the region yielded similar Ro values of 0.5 to 0.8%. Carbonaceous shale core samples of Lower Pennsylvanian strata (lower Atoka Group) from two deeper wells (samples from ~ 1650 m; 5400 ft) in Jack and western Wise Counties in the western part of the Fort Worth basin yielded higher Ro values of about 1.0%. Pyrolysis and petrographic data for the lower Atoka samples indicate mixed Type II/Type III organic matter, suggesting generated hydrocarbons may be both gas- and oil-prone. In all other samples, organic material is dominated by Type III organic matter (vitrinite), indicating that generated hydrocarbons should be gas-prone. Individual coal beds are thin at outcrop (< 1 m; 3.3 ft), laterally discontinuous, and moderately high in ash yield and sulfur content. A possible analog for coalbed gas potential in the Pennsylvanian section of north-central Texas occurs on the northeast Oklahoma shelf and in the Cherokee basin of southeastern Kansas, where contemporaneous gas-producing coal beds are similar in thickness, quality, and rank.  相似文献   

Coal production has been an important economic factor in the Central Appalachian Basin. However, regional stratigraphic and structural relationships of the coal-bearing rocks of the basin have been poorly understood due to numerous separate nomenclatural schemes employed by various states. In order to estimate coal resources and understand mechanisms controlling the distribution of coal within the basin, a reliable geologic framework is necessary. Seven detailed cross sections across the Central Appalachian Basin were constructed in order to examine the stratigraphic and structural framework of the coal-bearing rocks in the basin. The cross sections were based on more than 1000 oil and gas well logs, measured sections, and borehole information from Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia.The cross sections revealed three main points discussed here: southeast thickening of the Pennsylvanian strata, uncomfortable northwestward onlapping relationship of Lower Pennsylvanian strata over underlying Lower Pennsylvanian and Mississippian strata and regional continuity of beds. The cross sections, geologic mapping, coal-resource studies, extensive new highway exposures and the occurrence of tonstein beds indicate that many coal beds and marine strata are laterally extensive, albeit locally variable across the basin. Certain quartzose sandstone bodies are also extensive over large areas of the basin.Existing stratigraphic nomenclature schemes obscured the geologic framework of the basin, so a new unified nomenclature scheme was devised to better describe stratigraphic features of the basin. The new stratigraphic nomenclature, now only formalized for Kentucky, was based on key stratigraphic units that proved to be extensive across the basin. Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian rocks are now recognized as the Breathitt Group (the Breathitt Formation was elevated to group rank). The Breathitt Group was subdivided into eight coal-bearing formations by relatively thick marine strata, and, in the lower part of the Breathitt Group, by quartzose sandstone formations. The new coal-bearing units are formally ranked as formations and, in ascending order, are the Pocahontas, Bottom Creek, Alvy Creek, Grundy, Pikeville, Hyden, Four Corners and Princess Formations. The quartzose sandstone units are also formally ranked as formations and are, in ascending order, the Warren Point, Sewanee, Bee Rock and Corbin Sandstones. The sandstone formations were previously recognized units in some states, but have been extended (formally in Kentucky) across the basin. The key stratigraphic marine units are formally ranked as members, and are, in ascending order, the Betsie Shale Member, the Kendrick Shale Member, Magoffin Member and Stoney Fork Member.  相似文献   

Coal balls were collected from four coal beds in the southeastern part of the Illinois Basin. Collections were made from the Springfield, Herrin, and Baker coals in western Kentucky, and from the Danville Coal in southwestern Indiana. These four coal beds are among the principal mineable coals of the Illinois Basin and belong to the Carbondale and Shelburn Formations of late Middle Pennsylvanian age. Vegetational composition was analyzed quantitatively. Coal-ball samples from the Springfield, Herrin, and Baker are dominated by the lycopsid tree Lepidophloios, with lesser numbers of Psaronius tree ferns, medullosan pteridosperms, and the lycopsid trees Synchysidendron and Diaphorodendron. This vegetation is similar to that found in the Springfield and Herrin coals elsewhere in the Illinois Basin, as reported in previous studies. The Danville coal sample, which is considerably smaller than the others, is dominated by Psaronius with the lycopsids Sigillaria and Synchysidendron as subdominants.Coal balls from the Springfield coal were collected in zones directly from the coal bed and their zone-by-zone composition indicates three to four distinct plant assemblages. The other coals were analyzed as whole-seam random samples, averaging the landscape composition of the parent mire environments. This analysis indicates that these coals, separated from each other by marine and terrestrial-clastic deposits, have essentially the same floristic composition and, thus, appear to represent a common species pool that persisted throughout the late Middle Pennsylvanian, despite changes in baselevel and climate attendant the glacial–interglacial cyclicity of the Pennsylvanian ice age. Patterns of species abundance and diversity are much the same for the Springfield, Herrin, and Baker, although each coal, both in the local area sampled, and regionally, has its own paleobotanical peculiarities. Despite minor differences, these coals indicate a high degree of recurrence of assemblage and landscape organization. The Danville departs dramatically from the dominance–diversity composition of the older coals, presaging patterns of tree–fern and Sigillaria dominance of Late Pennsylvanian coals of the eastern United States, but, nonetheless, built on a species pool shared with the older coals.  相似文献   

介绍了张文佑教授30~80年代期间对煤田地质事业的贡献,以此纪念张教授诞生80周年。   相似文献   

杭东普查区煤层产状平缓,构造简单,但由于含煤地层为陆相沉积,煤层层数多、厚度、间距变化大,沉积岩相变化快、大范围内缺乏稳定的对比标志层,因此煤岩层对比是本区勘查需要重点解决的难题。通过对比杭东普查区与邻区200余孔的测井资料,分析煤岩层在各种测井曲线的异常特征与异常组合规律,确定了对煤岩层对比有重大意义的标志层,如延长组与上覆延安组的典型视电阻率异常分界;延安组在高视电阻率曲线上的“树杆”状凸起特征;安定组视电阻率曲线近直线的低值形态;4-1煤在视电阻率曲线上呈现出的“斜坡”状或“刀”状高异常,以及在自然伽玛曲线上的“凹坑”特征;侏罗系中统直罗组的高伽马异常,等等。这些典型特征保证了该区煤岩层对比可靠性,为提交优质地质勘查报告发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

煤层赋存的条件取决于煤系地层沉积时的古地理景观、古气候及构造条件。根据下辽河西斜坡带区以往地质资料,本区发育一套含煤地层,由黑灰色泥岩、粉砂岩与灰白色砂岩、砂砾岩互层,含十余煤层,动植物化石丰富,属晚侏罗世—早白垩世的沙海组、阜新组。本区与赤峰—铁岭盆地群的其它煤盆地皆分布在辽宁省中西部,位于新华夏系第二巨型沉降带与阴山巨型纬向构造带复合部位,都是伴随新华夏系主干断裂而产生的断陷型盆地,无论在煤系沉积特征,还是后期所受构造改造等方面都有很多共同之处,因此认为本区可能有储量丰富的煤炭资源。  相似文献   

In the Czech and Polish parts of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, red beds associated with the pre-Neoide tectonic structures are found. The occurrence of these beds is connected with changes in the development of the coal seams, in the macroscopic and microscopic character of coal and with its chemical and technological properties. These changes are due to the thermal and oxidation alteration of coal as a result of geological processes which, up to now, have not been clarified unambiguously. These altered coals were divided into groups according to their chemical and physical properties and vitrinite reflectance using statistical multicomponent methods. Coal samples classified as belonging to one of these groups correspond to a certain type of coal, characterized by a particular grade of thermal and oxidation alteration and petrographical composition.  相似文献   

煤层节理在煤层中普遍发育, 它不仅是矿井构造研究的重要内容, 同时也是极其重要的工程地质因素。煤层节理影响煤层的结构构造和物性特征, 从而影响煤层采落特征、顶板工程性质、瓦斯运移规律和煤层气储运采工程地质条件。研究掌握煤层节理几何和力学特征, 可指导井巷工程布置、采掘工艺的选择、安全措施的采用和煤层气开发方案的制定。  相似文献   

The coalification pattern of the Pittsburgh coal as established by isoreflectance contours has an overall trend which intersect with the prevailing structural trend of the Dunkard basin. Reflectance values increase from 0.53% in southeastern Ohio to 1.57% in the Maryland panhandle. Divergences of the reflectance contour pattern from the overall trend coincide in part with the present areas of high geothermal gradient. Crustal radiogenic heat, or regional geothermal heating, was probably the dominant heat source responsible for the coalification of the Pittsburgh coal in the Dunkard basin.A time-temperature, Lopatin-type diagram, which was constructed for the Dunkard basin near Wheeling, West Virginia, delineates conditions on maturation of sediments and provides clues to the times of petroleum migration and to the possible source beds. Silurian strata matured during subsidence and burial prior to the orogeny. The Mississippian and Pennsylvanian strata matured during or after the orogeny. The Pennsylvanian strata west of the Dunkard basin, as suggested by vitrinite reflectance values, are apparently still immature.  相似文献   

The quantitative relationships between lithological variables of Early Permian Barakar coal measures of western Singrauli Gondwana sub-basin are investigated using principal component analysis in an attempt to reveal simple relationships undetected by conventional quantitative methods. The results not only confirm and amplify those of the simple regression analysis described in Casshyap et.al. (1988), but are also interpreted in terms of evolution of coal swamps. If the total thickness of strata, total thickness of clastic sediments, total thickness of coal seams, number of sandstone beds, number of shale beds, number of coal seams and clastic ratio are considered, the first three components accounts for 80% of the total variance and the lithological variables generally fall into two groups. One group contains the first four variables, namely, total thickness of strata, total thickness of sandstone, total thickness of shale and total thickness of coal seams, all of which have basin-like regional patterns of sedimentation linked to net subsidence. The other group of variables, which are somewhat less closely related to net subsidence such as number of sandstone beds, number of shale beds and number of coal seam. The sand/shale ratio and clastic ratio are dependent on the other variables and seem to be unrelated to net subsidence. The principal component results, at best in geological term, may be explained by the to and fro lateral migration of a river channel across its flood plain coupled with a gradual isostatic adjustment of the basin floor in response to the weight of the sediments and differential subsidence through space and time.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the mineralogy and geochemistry of the No. 6 Coal (Pennsylvanian) in the Junger Coalfield, Ordos Basin, China. The results show that the vitrinite reflectance (0.58%) is lowest and the proportions of inertinite and liptinite (37.4% and 7.1%, respectively) in the No. 6 Coal of the Junger Coalfield are highest among all of the Late Paleozoic coals in the Ordos Basin. The No. 6 Coal may be divided vertically into four sections based on their mineral compositions and elemental concentrations. A high boehmite content (mean 6.1%) was identified in the No. 6 Coal. The minerals associated with the boehmite in the coal include goyazite, rutile, zircon, and Pb-bearing minerals (galena, clausthalite, and selenio-galena). The boehmite is derived from weathered and oxidized bauxite in the weathered crust of the underlying Benxi Formation (Pennsylvanian). A high Pb-bearing mineral content of samples ZG6-2 and ZG6-3 is likely of hydrothermal origin. The No. 6 coal is enriched in Ga (44.8 μg/g), Se (8.2 μg/g), Sr (423 μg/g), Zr (234 μg/g), REEs (193.3 μg/g), Hg (0.35 μg/g), Pb (35.7 μg/g), and Th (17.8 μg/g). Gallium and Th in the No. 6 Coal mainly occur in boehmite, and the Pb-bearing selenide and sulfide minerals contribute not only to Se and Pb contents in the coal, but also probably to Hg content. A high Zr content is attributed to the presence of zircon, and Sr is related to goyazite. The REEs in the coal are supplied from the sediment-source region, and the REEs leached from the adjacent partings by groundwater.  相似文献   

美国中部伊利诺伊煤田(跨伊利诺伊、印第安纳、肯塔基等三个州)的含煤地层为上石炭统宾夕法尼亚系。美国印第安纳地质研究所2006年编制的印第安纳州基岩综合地层柱状图建立了宾夕法尼亚系含煤地层的岩相层序,现将此岩相层序介绍到国内,对我们了解美国晚古生代煤田地质及阅读国外文献资料颇有帮助。  相似文献   

吉林东部中、新生代盆地非常规油气资源及潜力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对吉林东部中、新生代区域构造、盆地地质、沉积背景的综合研究,详细阐述了吉林东部中、新生代盆地非常规油气的类型、分布及其地质特征,认为研究区非常规油气的主要类型为油页岩和煤层气,具有一定的页岩气资源潜力。油页岩主要分布在辉桦盆地、罗子沟盆地、松江盆地、延吉盆地和敦化盆地等盆地中,主要层位为下白垩统大拉子组和古近系桦甸组,主要沉积环境为半深湖-- 深湖环境。煤层气的分布范围较广,主要层位为早、中侏罗世地层和古近纪梅河组、珲春组,集中在珲春盆地、敦化盆地、双阳盆地等煤层较厚、埋藏较浅的盆地中。伊通盆地具有页岩气潜力。  相似文献   

龙永煤田暴露区找煤基本勘查完毕,隐伏区找煤成为今后工作的主攻方向。根据区内地层及构造特征,结合找煤实例分析,认为:①区内地表出露翠屏山组中下部地层的区块以及三叠系下统溪口组与翠屏山组中下部直接接触的区块,由于层间滑脱断层缺失上部地层,使煤系地层埋藏变浅,是找煤的有利范围;②层间逆冲推覆构造主要分布在煤田东部,造成童子岩组的地层重复,由于上盘构造复杂,含煤性变差失去勘查价值,下盘煤系地层保存完整,煤炭资源量可观,其下盘可作为找煤的主要方向;③煤田东部红林坪-白沙-茶林盂一带出露白垩系沙县组(即红层).如“红层”与下伏地层为小角度不整合接触,则其“红层”与下伏的童子岩组及翠屏山组接触地带为找煤的有利区块;④区内“火山岩”主要分布在东北部,因厚度大,煤系地层埋藏深,找煤难度较大;⑤基底逆冲推覆构造在区内发育规模较小.煤田内出露的“老地层”基本上为基底隆起.其下找煤的可能性较小。  相似文献   

The Danville Coal Member (Dugger Formation, upper Desmoinesian, Pennsylvanian) is a significant economic coal resource in the Illinois Basin, central USA. Deposition of the Danville Coal (peat) was in coastal environments, varying distances from the coastline and, in turn, variable influences from saline waters. The purpose of this study is to examine the coal quality and petrography of the Danville Coal; and to discuss their relationship with depositional environment as it relates to the final coal product. A medium sulfur (1.0–1.5 wt.%) Danville Coal reserve area (northern Indiana coalfield) was compared to a low sulfur (<1.0 wt.%) Danville Coal (central Indiana coalfield) reserve area, the two being approximately 70 km apart. The medium sulfur coal resulted from the peat being deposited in a near-marine environment less protected from the influence of saline waters, whereas the low sulfur coal resulted from fine-grained, clay-dominated sediment protecting the peat from the direct influence of saline waters. Within both areas, the coal quality, coal composition, and trace element concentrations vary as a function of the proximity of the coal to the overlying Busseron Sandstone Member (Pennsylvanian). Where the Busseron Sandstone rests near or directly on the coal, the sulfur content is significantly higher in the top third of the seam. Conversely, where there is a thick section (>3 m) of finer-grained clastic sediments atop the Danville, the sulfur and trace elements contents are significantly lower.  相似文献   

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