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The potential environmental impacts on subsurface water resources induced by unconventional gas production are still under debate. Solving the controversy regarding the potential adverse effects of gas leakages on groundwater resources is therefore crucial. In this work, an interesting real-world case is presented in order to give further insight into methane multiphase and transport behavior in the shallow subsurface, often disregarded compared to the behavior in the deep subsurface. Multiphase flow and solute transport simulations were performed to assess the vulnerability of an existing shallow unconfined aquifer with respect to a hypothetical methane leakage resulting from a well integrity failure of a former deep geothermal well. The analysis showed that migration of gaseous methane through the aquifer under examination can be extremely fast (of the order of a few minutes), occurring predominantly vertically upwards, close to the well. By contrast, dissolved methane migration is largely affected by the groundwater flow field and occurs over larger time scales (of the order of months/years), covering a greater distance from the well. Overall, the real concern for this site in case of gas leakages is the risk of explosion in the close vicinity of the well. Predicted maximum gaseous fluxes (0.89 to 22.60 m3/d) are comparable to those reported for leaking wells, and maximum dissolved methane concentrations may overcome risk mitigation thresholds (7 to 10 mg/L) in a few years. Therefore, surface and subsurface monitoring before decommissioning is strongly advised to ensure the safety of the site.  相似文献   

The vertical portion of a shale gas well, known as the “tophole” is often drilled using an air‐hammer bit that may introduce pressures as high as 2400 kPa (350 psi) into groundwater while penetrating shallow aquifers. A 3‐D TOUGH2 model was used to simulate the flow of groundwater under the high hydraulic heads that may be imposed by such trapped compressed air, based on an observed case in West Virginia (USA) in 2012. The model realizations show that high‐pressure air trapped in aquifers may cause groundwater to surge away from the drill site at observable velocities. If dissolved methane is present within the aquifer, the methane can be entrained and transported to a maximum distance of 10.6 m per day. Results from this study suggest that one cause of the reported increase in methane concentrations in groundwater near shale gas production wells may be the transport of pre‐existing methane via groundwater surges induced by air drilling, not necessarily direct natural gas leakage from the unconventional gas reservoir. The primary transport mechanisms are advective transport of dissolved methane with water flow, and diffusive transport of dissolved methane.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling was employed to study the performance of thermal conductive heating (TCH) in fractured shale under a variety of hydrogeological conditions. Model results show that groundwater flow in fractures does not significantly affect the minimum treatment zone temperature, except near the beginning of heating or when groundwater influx is high. However, fracture and rock matrix properties can significantly influence the time necessary to remove all liquid water (i.e., reach superheated steam conditions) in the treatment area. Low matrix permeability, high matrix porosity, and wide fracture spacing can contribute to boiling point elevation in the rock matrix. Consequently, knowledge of these properties is important for the estimation of treatment times. Because of the variability in boiling point throughout a fractured rock treatment zone and the absence of a well-defined constant temperature boiling plateau in the rock matrix, it may be difficult to monitor the progress of thermal treatment using temperature measurements alone.  相似文献   

Slug tests are a widely used technique to estimate aquifer hydraulic parameters and the test data are generally interpreted with analytical solutions under various assumptions. However, these solutions are not convenient when slug tests are required to be analyzed in a three‐dimensional model for complex aquifer‐aquitard systems. In this study, equivalent well blocks (EWB) are proposed in numerical modeling of slug test data with MODFLOW. Multi‐well slug tests in partially penetrating wells with skin zones can be simulated. Accuracy of the numerical method is demonstrated by benchmarking with analytical solutions. The EWB method is applied in a case study on slug tests in aquitards in the Pearl River Delta, China.  相似文献   

Contaminated groundwater in fractured bedrock can expose ecosystems to undesired levels of risk for extended periods due to prolonged back-diffusion from rock matrix to permeable fractures. Therefore, it is key to characterize the diffusive mass loading (intrusion) of contaminants into the rock matrix for successful management of contaminated bedrock sites. Even the most detailed site characterization techniques often fail to delineate contamination in rock matrix. This study presents a set of analytical solutions to estimate diffusive mass intrusion into matrix blocks, it is recovered by pumping and concentration rebound when pumping ceases. The analytical models were validated by comparing the results with (1) numerical model results using the same model parameters and (2) observed chloride mass recovery, rebound concentration, and concentration in pumped groundwater at a highly fractured bedrock site in Alberta, Canada. It is also demonstrated that the analytical solutions can be used to estimate the total mass stored in the fractured bedrock prior to any remediation thereby providing insights into site contamination history. The predictive results of the analytical models clearly show that successful remediation by pumping depends largely on diffusive intrusion period. The results of initial mass from the analytical model was used to successfully calibrate a three-dimensional discrete fracture network numerical model further highlighting the utility of the simple analytical solutions in supplementing the more detailed site numerical modeling. Overall, the study shows the utility of simple analytical methods to support long-term management of a contaminated fractured bedrock site including site investigations and complex numerical modeling.  相似文献   

We provide a comparative analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics of hydraulic fracturing-induced microseismicity resulting from gel and water treatments. We show that the growth of a hydraulic fracture and its corresponding microseismic event cloud can be described by a model which combines geometry- and diffusion-controlled processes. It allows estimation of important parameters of fracture and reservoir from microseismic data, and contributes to a better understanding of related physical processes. We further develop an approach based on this model and apply it to data from hydraulic fracturing experiments in the Cotton Valley tight gas reservoir. The treatments were performed with different parameters such as the type of treatment fluid, the injection flow rate, the total volume of fluid and of proppant. In case of a gel-based fracturing, the spatio-temporal evolution of induced microseismicity shows signatures of fracture volume growth, fracturing fluid loss, as well as diffusion of the injection pressure. In contrast, in a water-based fracturing the volume creation growth and the diffusion controlled growth are not clearly separated from each other in the space-time diagram of the induced event cloud. Still, using the approach presented here, the interpretation of induced seismicity for the gel and the water treatments resulted in similar estimates of geometrical characteristics of the fractures and hydraulic properties of the reservoir. The observed difference in the permeability of the particular hydraulic fractures is probably caused by the different volume of pumped proppant.  相似文献   

Identification of water-conducting fractures is important for the safety assessment of underground projects in crystalline rocks at geological disposal sites. We applied a portable methane gas analyzer by wavelength-scanned cavity ring-down spectroscopy to detect the water-conducting fractures in the underground tunnel of the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory, central Japan. The tunnel is excavated in granite with CH4-rich groundwater. Two approaches were taken to obtain the profile of CH4 concentration along the gallery walls: (1) “Scan by walking” at the speed of 0.5 m/s and (2) monitoring for 30 s at 0.5 or 1 m intervals. In the Scan by walking approach, the peaks of the CH4 concentration corresponded well with the occurrence of high water flow rate fractures. Thus, this method is useful for rapid identification of major water-conducting fractures. Monitoring at constant intervals takes more time than the Scan by walking approach; however, this method can largely detect occurrences of fractures with low fluid fluxes.  相似文献   

The Schlumberger Doll Research (SDR) model and cross plot of porosity versus permeability cannot be directly used in tight gas sands. In this study, the HFU approach is introduced to classify rocks, and determine the involved parameters in the SDR model. Based on the difference of FZI, 87 core samples, drilled from tight gas sandstones reservoirs of E basin in northwest China and applied for laboratory NMR measurements, were classified into three types, and the involved parameters in the SDR model are calibrated separately. Meanwhile, relationships of porosity versus permeability are also established. The statistical model is used to calculate consecutive FZI from conventional logs. Field examples illustrate that the calibrated SDR models are applicable in permeability estimation; models established from routine core analyzed results are effective in reservoirs with permeability lower than 0.3 mD, while the unified SDR model is only valid in reservoirs with permeability ranges from 0.1 to 0.3 mD.  相似文献   

Analysis of the vapor in passive vapor samplers retrieved from a streambed in fractured rock terrain implied that volatile organic carbon (VOC) discharge from ground water to surface water substantially increased following installation of a contaminant recovery well using air rotary drilling. The air rotary technique forced air into the aquifer near the stream. The injection produced an upward hydraulic gradient that appears to have transported water and contaminants from deeper parts of the aquifer through fractures into shallow parts of the aquifer. Once in the shallow flow regime, the contamination was transported to the stream, where it discharged during the next several weeks following well installation. After the recovery well was activated and began continuously pumping contaminated ground water to a treatment facility, the VOC concentrations in the stream bottom passive vapor samplers decreased to below detectable concentrations, suggesting that the withdrawal had captured the contaminated ground water that previously had discharged to the stream.  相似文献   

—?T-phase propagation from ocean onto land is investigated by comparing data from hydrophones in the water column with data from the same events recorded on island and coastal seismometers. Several events located on Hawaii and the emerging seamount Loihi generated very large amplitude T phases that were recorded at both the preliminary IMS hydrophone station at Point Sur and land-based stations along the northern California coast. We use data from seismic stations operated by U. C. Berkeley along the coast of California, and from the PG&;E coastal California seismic network, to estimate the T-phase transfer functions. The transfer function and predicted signal from the Loihi events are modeled with a composite technique, using normal mode-based numerical propagation codes to calculate the hydroacoustic pressure field and an elastic finite difference code to calculate the seismic propagation to la nd-based stations. The modal code is used to calculate the acoustic pressure and particle velocity fields in the ocean off the California coast, which is used as input to the finite difference code TRES to model propagation onto land. We find both empirically and in the calculations that T phases observed near the conversion point consist primarily of surface waves, although the T phases propagate as P waves after the surface waves attenuate. Surface wave conversion occurs farther offshore and over a longer region than body wave conversion, which has the effect that surface waves may arrive at coastal stations before body waves. We also look at the nature of T phases after conversion from ocean to land by examining far inland T phases. We find that T phases propagate primarily as P waves once they are well inland from the coast, and can be observed in some cases hundreds of kilometers inland. T-phase conversion at tenuates higher frequencies, however we find that high frequency energy from underwater explosion sources can still be observed at T-phase stations.  相似文献   

The horizontal directional drilling (HDD) technology was successfully used in a fracture-controlled sandstone matrix to intercept a gasoline plume and create a 150-foot-long hydrodynamic barrier preventing seepage of gasoline and contaminated ground water into a salmon-bearing stream within a public park. A 36-foot-deep vertical recovery well (VW) intercepts the central low point of the 420-foot-long HDD borehole to pump recovered fluids. Contaminant seepage into the creek ceased within hours of starting up the HDD/VW interceptor system in August 1999. Approximately 325 gallons of gasoline and 2 million gallons of contaminated ground water have been recovered to date.  相似文献   

Belikov  V. V.  Zaitsev  A. A.  Militeev  A. N. 《Water Resources》2001,28(6):640-648
A numerical model of a riffle segment of a large river is applied to examine the kinematic flow structure at different phases of water regime. A finite-difference scheme on an irregular triangular grid is proposed for solving shallow-water equations. The results of field measurements and calculations are presented.  相似文献   

Water Resources - The objective of this study was to provide the most accurate presentation of the behavior of a disastrous rain flood, which had resulted in destruction of a dam, casualties, and...  相似文献   

In confined aquifers, the influence of neighboring active wells is often neglected when interpreting a pumping test. This can, however, lead to an erroneous interpretation of the pumping test data. This paper presents simple methods to evaluate the transmissivity (T) and storativity (S) of a confined aquifer under Theis conditions, when an interfering well starts pumping in the neighborhood of the tested well before the beginning of the test. These new methods yield better estimates of the T and especially S values than when the interfering well influence is neglected. They also permit to distinguish between interfering wells and other deviations from the Cooper‐Jacob straight line, such as impermeable boundaries. The new methods were then applied on data obtained from a numerical model. The new methods require knowing the pumping rate of the interfering well and the time elapsed since the pumping started in each well, but contrary to previous methods, they do not require the aquifer natural level at the beginning of the test, which is often unknown if the interfering well has started pumping before the tested well.  相似文献   

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