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Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have enhanced unconventional hydrocarbon recovery but raised environmental concerns related to water quality. Because most basins targeted for shale‐gas development in the USA have histories of both active and legacy petroleum extraction, confusion about the hydrogeological context of naturally occurring methane in shallow aquifers overlying shales remains. The Karoo Basin, located in South Africa, provides a near‐pristine setting to evaluate these processes, without a history of conventional or unconventional energy extraction. We conducted a comprehensive pre‐industrial evaluation of water quality and gas geochemistry in 22 groundwater samples across the Karoo Basin, including dissolved ions, water isotopes, hydrocarbon molecular and isotopic composition, and noble gases. Methane‐rich samples were associated with high‐salinity, NaCl‐type groundwater and elevated levels of ethane, 4He, and other noble gases produced by radioactive decay. This endmember displayed less negative δ13C‐CH4 and evidence of mixing between thermogenic natural gases and hydrogenotrophic methane. Atmospheric noble gases in the methane‐rich samples record a history of fractionation during gas‐phase migration from source rocks to shallow aquifers. Conversely, methane‐poor samples have a paucity of ethane and 4He, near saturation levels of atmospheric noble gases, and more negative δ13C‐CH4; methane in these samples is biogenic and produced by a mixture of hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic sources. These geochemical observations are consistent with other basins targeted for unconventional energy extraction in the USA and contribute to a growing data base of naturally occurring methane in shallow aquifers globally, which provide a framework for evaluating environmental concerns related to unconventional energy development (e.g., stray gas).  相似文献   

Land degradation in South Africa has been of concern for more than 100 years with both climate change and inappropriate land management (overgrazing) being proposed as primary drivers. However, there are few quantitative studies of degradation and, in particular, few of erosion by water. Badlands, taken here to be the landform which results from extreme erosion, have been notably neglected. We report on 13 consecutive years of erosion pin measurements of badland erosion on 10 study sites in the Sneeuberg uplands of the eastern Karoo in South Africa. The study sites are on Holocene colluvium which mantles footslopes. They have been subject to overgrazing for at least 100 years, c. 1850–1950. Currently they are lightly grazed by sheep. The area receives about 500 mm rainfall per year. The sites are remote, with only informal, farmer‐operated, daily raingauges nearby. The nearest sub‐daily raingauge is c. 55 km distant. Also we report on an analysis of the erosion pin data which focuses on establishing the origins and context of the badlands, including the relationship between study sites and adjacent valley‐bottom gully systems; compare erosion rates on our study sites with rates determined by erosion pins on other badland sites; and discuss the implications of these erosion rates for landscape development and off‐site impacts. Net erosion rates on the study sites are relatively high compared with global badland rates and range from 3.1 to 8.5 mm yr‐1 which may be extrapolated to 53 to 145 t ha yr‐1 (using a measured bulk density of 1.7 g cm‐3). However, comparisons with badland sites elsewhere are difficult because of different measuring methodologies, lithologies, climate and dominant processes. Erosion rates on the study sites are strongly influenced by rainfall amounts and, in particular, by daily rainfall events which exceed ~10 mm: this is the threshold intensity at which runoff has been observed to commence on badlands. Of significance, but of lesser influence, is weathering, mainly by wetting and drying: this prepares bare surfaces for erosion. However, questions remain regarding the role of site characteristics, and of processes at each site, in determining between‐site differences in erosion rate. Crude extrapolation of current rates of erosion, in conjunction with depths of incision into the badlands, suggests that badland development started around 200 years ago, probably as a response to the introduction of European‐style stock farming which resulted in overgrazing. We assume, but cannot quantify, the additional influence of periods of drought and burning in the erosional history of the area. Intermittent connection of these badlands to valley‐bottom gullies and therefore to small farm dams and ultimately to large water storage reservoirs increases their impact on local water resources. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Site‐average values of local gradient, defined as the steepest slope angle measured at a point, are a powerful predictor of long‐term rates of soil loss as measured by erosion pins on the non‐channel floor portions of ten badland study sites in the Karoo area of South Africa. Local gradient may be easily measured using a smartphone clinometer. The successful use of local gradient here is in strong contrast to the previous failure of other site‐specific attributes, including other measures of gradient and relief, to explain between‐site variation in erosion rate on these study sites. Each measurement of local gradient may be thought of as a sample of the site's microtopography. Microrelief is a strong determinant of the emergent patterns of inter‐channel overland flow, and hence of the patterns of inter‐channel erosion by flow. Local gradient changes most rapidly during the initial stages of channel incision. When channels are established, local gradient changes more slowly leading to almost‐parallel retreat of channel sidewalls. A sensitivity analysis suggests that measurements of local gradient are not all equal with regard to prediction of long‐term erosion rate. A greater share of predictive power is contributed by measurements made on very steep or vertical channel side wall areas, and a lesser share is contributed by measurements made on interfluves. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is important to consider viruses in water quality because of their incidence as causal agents for diarrhoeal disease, and due to their characteristics, which allow them to survive in changing environmental conditions indefinitely. This study assessed the viral quality of the Umgeni River in South Africa seasonally. A two‐step tangential flow filtration process was setup to remove the bacteria and to concentrate the virus populations from large volume water samples. The concentrated water samples contained up to 659 and 550 pfu/mL of somatic and F‐RNA coliphages, respectively. Several virus families including Adenoviridae, Herpesviridae, Orthomyxoviridae, Picornaviridae, Poxviridae and Reoviridae were found in the river based on the morphologies examined under transmission electron microscopy. All concentrated water samples produced substantial cytopathic effects on the Vero, HEK 293, Hela and A549 cell lines. These results indicate the potential of viruses in the water samples especially from the lower catchment areas of the Umgeni River to infect human hosts throughout the year. The present study highlights the importance of routine environmental surveillance of human enteric viruses in water sources. This can contribute to a better understanding of the actual burden of disease on those who might be using the water directly without treatment.

In South Africa, approximately 98% of the predicted total surface water resources are already being used up. Consequently, the National Water Resource Strategy considers groundwater to be important for the future planning and management of water resources. In this case, quantifying groundwater budgets is a prerequisite because they provide a means for evaluating the availability and sustainability of a water supply. This study estimated the regional groundwater budgets for the Inkomati-Usuthu Water Management Area (Usuthu, Komati, Sabie-Sand, and Crocodile) using the classical hydrological continuity equation. The equation was used to describe prevailing feedback loops between groundwater draft, recharge, baseflow, and storage change. The results were coarser scale estimates which, beforehand, were derived from the 2006 study. In the years to follow, groundwater reliance intensified and there was also the historic 2015/2016 drought. This inevitably led to an increased draft while the rest of the components of the groundwater budgets experienced decreases. Both Crocodile and Sabie-Sand experienced groundwater storage depletion which led to reduced baseflow and groundwater availability, while groundwater recharge contrarily increased due to capture. Conversely, the other two catchments experienced relatively lower drafts with correspondingly higher groundwater availability and recharge while storage change was positive. The results highlighted the need for adaptive water management whose effectiveness relies on predictive studies. Consequently, future models should be developed to capture the spatial and temporal dynamism of the natural groundwater budget due to climate change, water demands, and population growth predictions.  相似文献   

Vocanic rocks of Karoo age which today cover more than 140,000 km2 of the southern African sub-continent occur as scattered outliers representing eroded remnants of an originally more extensive volcanic province. The rocks are best preserved in central southern Africa including Lesotho, and the continental margin areas of Namibia in the west and Mozambique. Zambabwe, Swaziland and South Africa in the east. Extensive lava fields (yet few volcanoes) dykes, sills, layered intrusions and at least two major dyke swarms characterise the region. Volcano-stratigraphic and geochemical mapping have been used to subdivide the volcanic successions found in the different areas and recently adopted nomenclature is presented. Considerable more variability and complexity occurs in the volcanic succession than was previously recognised: geochemical variations and stratigraphic relationships indicating that four major provinces can be recognised. Rocks from the central Karoo areas are primarily of basaltic composition whereas those from the western and eastern marginal areas include mafic basic, intermediate and acid types. Emplacement of rocks such as carbonatites, nephelinites, and picrite basalts enriched in incompatible elements, indicate that derivation from a heterogeneously enriched source played a significant role in the petrogenesis of a large proportion of the Karoo mafic and basic rocks. Age relationships of the volcanic rocks reveal that vulcanicity extended over a period of 130 m.y. from mid-Triassic to early Cretaceous time.  相似文献   

Large water‐sample sets collected from 1899 through 1902, 1907, and in the early 1950s allow comparisons of pre‐impoundment and post‐impoundment (1969 through 2008) nitrogen concentrations in the lower Missouri River. Although urban wastes were not large enough to detectably increase annual loads of total nitrogen at the beginning of the 20th century, carcass waste, stock‐yard manure, and untreated human wastes measurably increased ammonia and organic‐nitrogen concentrations during low flows. Average total‐nitrogen concentrations in both periods were about 2.5 mg/l, but much of the particulate‐organic nitrogen, which was the dominant form of nitrogen around 1900, has been replaced by nitrate. This change in speciation was caused by the nearly 80% decrease in suspended‐sediment concentrations that occurred after impoundment, modern agriculture, drainage of riparian wetlands, and sewage treatment. Nevertheless, bioavailable nitrogen has not been low enough to limit primary production in the Missouri River since the beginning of the 20th century. Nitrate concentrations have increased more rapidly from 2000 through 2008 (5 to 12% per year), thus increasing bioavailable nitrogen delivered to the Mississippi River and affecting Gulf Coast hypoxia. The increase in nitrate concentrations with distance downstream is much greater during the post‐impoundment period. If strategies to decrease total‐nitrogen loads focus on particulate N, substantial decreases will be difficult because particulate nitrogen is now only 23% of total nitrogen in the Missouri River. A strategy aimed at decreasing particulates also could further exacerbate land loss along the Gulf of Mexico, which has been sediment starved since Missouri River impoundment. In contrast, strategies or benchmarks aimed at decreasing nitrate loads could substantially decrease nitrogen loadings because nitrates now constitute over half of the Missouri's nitrogen input to the Mississippi. Ongoing restoration and creation of wetlands along the Missouri River could be part of such a nitrate‐reduction strategy. Published 2013. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

We present the first data on bulk‐rock major and trace element compositions for a suite of eclogite‐ and blueschist‐facies rocks from the Bantimala Complex, Indonesia, with the aim of better constraining the protolith origins and nature of the subducted crust. The eclogites can be classified into two groups: glaucophane‐rich eclogite and glaucophane‐free eclogite, whereas the blueschists are divided into albite–epidote glaucophanite and quartz–glaucophane schists. SiO2 contents of the eclogites are 43.3–49.6 wt%, with Na2O + K2O contents 3.7–4.7 wt%. The blueschists show a wider range of compositions, with SiO2 = 40.7–63.8 wt% and Na2O + K2O = 2.7–4.5 wt%. Trace element data suggest that the eclogite protoliths include both enriched and normal mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (E‐MORB and N‐MORB) and also gabbroic cumulates. The blueschists show more variation in protoliths, which include N‐MORB, Oceanic Island Basalt (OIB) and Island Arc Basalt (IAB). Plots of element concentrations against the immobile Zr show considerable mobility of large ion lithophiles but not of high field‐strength elements during high‐pressure metamorphism, and indicate that the high SiO2 content of some blueschists is probably due to metasomatism by a LILE‐rich siliceous aqueous fluid. Strong correlations between K, Rb, Ba and Cs suggests that enrichment of these elements occurred by a single process. All the protoliths were subducted, metamorphosed to blueschist/eclogite‐facies and subsequently exhumed. It is noteworthy that the samples deduced to have come from thicker‐crust environments (OIB, IAB) were subducted to shallower depths (blueschist‐facies) than MORB‐derived samples, all except one of which reached eclogite‐facies conditions. The geochemical data of this study demonstrate the variety of ocean floor types that were subducted under the southeast margin of Sundaland in the late Jurassic period.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimates of the groundwater depletion and droughts in the Tigris‐Euphrates Basin (TEB) can be useful for sustainably managing its water resources. Here, data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite mission are used to infer the monthly changes in the total water storage of the TEB from January 2003 to December 2015. Additionally, the data of altimetry and output from land surface models are used to remove the contributions from lake water changes and other hydrological factors to obtain the total groundwater depletion (TGWD), human‐driven groundwater depletion (HGWD), and climate‐driven groundwater depletion. We conclude that an alarming rate of decrease in the total water storage and the loss of TGWD have an “accelerating” trend, as the trend during 2007 to 2015 was 3.6 times that during 2003 to 2006. Moreover, the HGWD is 116.09 Gt, which accounts for 98% of the TGWD. Finally, the total storage deficit index (TSDI) is derived from the GRACE data to characterize the drought of the TEB. The results show that TSDI agrees well with the actual drought rather than the Palmer drought severity index (PDSI) and that the TEB has been undergoing a severe drought since September 2007 according to both the TSDI and PDSI. The research in this study provides an effective and unique method for understanding the hydrological processes and sustainable use of water resources in regions or countries with little data, which is essential for more efficient, sustainable, and cross‐boundary cooperative water resource management.  相似文献   

—?The Ventersdorp Contact Reef is characterised by a variety of different rock types that are found above and below the reef in different mining areas. These variations in the host rock type have been classified into six main geotechnical areas. Knowledge of the difference in seismicity related to these geotechnical areas could influence the design of deep level stopes and optimise the support systems.¶In this study, the total seismicity was evaluated using the relationship between the cumulative seismic moment and volume of convergence. In total 300,000 seismic events, occurred at Deelkraal, Elandsrand, East Driefontein, Kloof and Leeudoorn mines. Kloof and Leeudoorn gold mines were divisions of Kloof Gold Mine Co. Ltd. Mponeng was previously called Western Deep Levels Ltd.-South Mine.¶The seismicity generated in areas with different mining conditions and geology has been compared. Special attention was paid to evaluate the difference in seismicity associated with different geotechnical classifications. The following variations were found: (i) geotechnical areas with soft (Westonaria) lava hangingwall and quartzite-conglomerate footwall are less active than the geotechnical areas with hard (Alberton) lava hangingwall and quartzite-conglomerate footwall at East Driefontein, Kloof and Leeudoorn Mines, (ii) geotechnical areas with soft lava hangingwall and Jeppestown Shale footwall are less active than geotechnical areas with soft lava hangingwall and quartzite-conglomerate footwall at East Driefontein Mine, (iii) geotechnical areas with hard lava hangingwall and quartzite-conglomerate footwall and hard lava hangingwall and Booysen's Shale footwall at Western Deep Levels-South Mine do not indicate differences in the associated seismicity, (iv) the variations in the properties of the different types of quartzite forming the footwall at Deelkraal, Elandsrand, Mponeng, East Driefontein and Kloof Gold Mines do not appear to influence the level of seismicity.  相似文献   

Although dunes fronted by sandy beaches constitute approximately 80 per cent of South Africa's coastline, few studies have addressed the formation and life cycle of coastal foredunes, the small, ephemeral shore‐parallel dune ridges typically less than 5 m high and 20 m wide, which form seaward of the storm line. This study used regular, detailed topographic surveys of embryo and foredunes at Tugela mouth, an aggrading stretch of shoreline on the subtropical east coast of South Africa, over a 32‐month period, to gain insight into the formation and motion of these highly mobile landforms over the short term. Average wind drift potential at Tugela mouth during the study period, at 2·35 m s?1, was an order of magnitude lower than that typical of most parts of the eastern South African coast. The dominant sand‐moving wind for the region was from the southwest to west‐southwest at 10·7 to 13·8 m s?1, with a secondary vector from north to north‐northeast at 10·8 to 13·8 m s?1. Signi?cant shoreline retreat, a result of the low sediment yield of the Tugela River during the study period, was one of the main results. This provided the context for redistribution of sand from the inland to the seaward side of the study area, a consequence of the dominant wind direction, and for frequent creation and destruction of short‐lived embryo dunes. Those foredunes which survived the whole study period tended to increase in height, but there was no consistent directional trend in foredune crest movement throughout the 32 months. The study results generally supported Psuty's model of foredune development, but could not con?rm his contention of landward retreat of dune forms under conditions of shoreline erosion. This may be due to the relatively short duration of the study, or possibly to low wind drift potential at the site. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hui-Long  Xu  Jian-Wei  Shen Xue-Wu  Zhou 《Island Arc》2006,15(1):199-209
Abstract   Geothermal waters in the Niigata Sedimentary Basin, central Japan, are divided into four groups based on their chemical composition (i.e. Na-SO4-type, Na-SO4-Cl-type, Na-Cl-type and Na-Cl-HCO3-type). The Na-SO4-type geothermal water forms as a consequence of water–rock interaction and generally occurs in the outer part of the basin. The Na-Cl-type geothermal water is further subdivided into the original Na-Cl-type geopressured thermal water and the mixed Na-Cl-type geothermal water, in terms of its geochemical and isotopic composition. The original Na-Cl-type geopressured thermal water originates from a geopressured hydrothermal system containing the altered fossil formation waters that are sealed at depth. It moves up to the upper part of the depositional succession or the ground, and generally does not mix with groundwater that is of meteoric origin. This type of water is cooled by heat conduction. The concentration of Cl in this type of thermal water is very similar to that in seawater. The δD and δ18O values are approximately constant and independent of temperature. The original Na-Cl-type geopressured thermal water is distributed mainly along anticlinal axes in folded Neogene formations. The mixed Na-Cl-type geothermal water is related to the expulsion activity of the geopressured hydrothermal system and occurs mostly along active faults. It is formed by shallow groundwater of meteoric origin being mixed with geopressured hydrothermal water when the geopressured hydrothermal system was expulsed along active faults by paroxysmal tectonic events.  相似文献   

Blast damage to the tops of coal seams due to incorrect blast standoff distances is a serious issue, costing the industry in Australia about one open‐cut mine for every ten operating mines. The current approach for mapping coal‐seam tops is through drilling and pierce‐point logging. To provide appropriate depth control with accuracy of ±0.2 m for blast hole drilling, it is typically necessary to drill deep reconnaissance boreholes on a 50 m x 50 m grid well in advance of overburden removal. Pierce‐point mapping is expensive and can be inaccurate, particularly when the seam is disturbed by rolls, faults, and other obstacles.Numerical modelling and prototype‐field testing are used in this paper to demonstrate the feasibility of two seismic‐while‐drilling‐based approaches for predicting the approach to the top of coal during blast hole drilling: (i) reverse “walk‐away” vertical seismic profiling recording, in which the drill bit vibration provides the source signal and the geophones are planted on the surface near the drill rig, and (ii) in‐seam seismic recording, in which channel waves, driven by the coupling to the coal of the seismic signal emitted by the approaching drill bit, are guided by the seam to geophones located within the seam in nearby or remote boreholes.  相似文献   

Chlororespiration is common in shallow aquifer systems under conditions nominally identified as anoxic. Consequently, chlororespiration is a key component of remediation at many chloroethene‐contaminated sites. In some instances, limited accumulation of reductive dechlorination daughter products is interpreted as evidence that natural attenuation is not adequate for site remediation. This conclusion is justified when evidence for parent compound (tetrachloroethene, PCE, or trichloroethene, TCE) degradation is lacking. For many chloroethene‐contaminated shallow aquifer systems, however, nonconservative losses of the parent compounds are clear but the mass balance between parent compound attenuation and accumulation of reductive dechlorination daughter products is incomplete. Incomplete mass balance indicates a failure to account for important contaminant attenuation mechanisms and is consistent with contaminant degradation to nondiagnostic mineralization products like CO2. While anoxic mineralization of chloroethene compounds has been proposed previously, recent results suggest that oxygen‐based mineralization of chloroethenes also can be significant at dissolved oxygen concentrations below the currently accepted field standard for nominally anoxic conditions. Thus, reassessment of the role and potential importance of low concentrations of oxygen in chloroethene biodegradation are needed, because mischaracterization of operant biodegradation processes can lead to expensive and ineffective remedial actions. A modified interpretive framework is provided for assessing the potential for chloroethene biodegradation under different redox conditions and the probable role of oxygen in chloroethene biodegradation.  相似文献   

The volume of groundwater stored in the subsurface in the United States decreased by almost 1000 km3 during 1900–2008. The aquifer systems with the three largest volumes of storage depletion include the High Plains aquifer, the Mississippi Embayment section of the Gulf Coastal Plain aquifer system, and the Central Valley of California. Depletion rates accelerated during 1945–1960, averaging 13.6 km3/year during the last half of the century, and after 2000 increased again to about 24 km3/year. Depletion intensity is a new parameter, introduced here, to provide a more consistent basis for comparing storage depletion problems among various aquifers by factoring in time and areal extent of the aquifer. During 2001–2008, the Central Valley of California had the largest depletion intensity. Groundwater depletion in the United States can explain 1.4% of observed sea‐level rise during the 108‐year study period and 2.1% during 2001–2008. Groundwater depletion must be confronted on local and regional scales to help reduce demand (primarily in irrigated agriculture) and/or increase supply.  相似文献   

This article studies the effect of drought and pumping discharge on groundwater supplies and marine intrusion in the Korba aquifer (Cap‐Bon peninsula, Tunisia). The Groundwater Modelling System has been used to model the groundwater flow and to simulate the seawater intrusion. The calibration is based on the groundwater levels in the steady state from 1963, and in the transient state from the groundwater levels from 1963 to 2005. The main objective is to quantify the components of the groundwater mass balance and to estimate the hydraulic conductivity distribution. The impact of pumping discharge on the groundwater level evolution has been examined by two pumping scenarios P1 (no. 8420) and P2 (no. 8862) wells. The hydrodynamic modelling shows the increasing drawdowns after 14 years of pumping: 4 m in P1 well and about 5 m in P2 well below sea level. The drawdowns are accompanied by the inverse hydraulic gradient. The numerical model was used to discuss the management of the groundwater resources of Cap‐Bon. As the population continues to grow and the demand for groundwater pumping intensifies beyond the 1963 level, it can be expected that the actual extent of seawater intrusion in the future would be more severe than the model prediction. Better strategies for groundwater development and management will be necessary to protect the freshwater aquifers to the marine intrusion. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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