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延伸期可预报分量的预报方案和策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
延伸期时间尺度虽然超过逐日天气预报时效理论上限,但仍然存在可预报的气象场特征.本文针对延伸期尺度的可预报分量,提出了有针对性的预报方案和策略.基于大气系统的混沌特性,从误差增长的角度在数值模式中分离了可预报分量和不可预报的随机分量,将可预报分量定义为在预报时段内误差增长较慢的分量,它对初值小的误差不极其敏感.通过在预报过程中滤除随机分量,保留可预报性较高的分量,建立起针对可预报分量的数值模式,避免小尺度分量预报误差的快速增长对预报效果的影响.同时,结合历史资料,利用相似-动力方法对可预报分量的预报误差进行订正,达到减小模式误差和从统计角度考虑随机分量对可预报分量影响的目的.结果表明,该方法能有效提高数值模式对可预报分量的预报技巧,从空间分布上体现为对可预报性较高的地区改进更为明显;从空间尺度上看,改进最为明显的是0波,其次是超长波和天气尺度波,与各尺度的可预报性有很好的一致性.该方法能有效减小可预报分量的模式误差,提高预报技巧,显示出良好的业务应用前景.  相似文献   

针对延伸期尺度的可预报分量,借鉴了CNOP相关算法,形成了在数值模式中提取可预报分量的实用方法和预报技术.从模式预报误差增长的角度将模式变量分为可预报分量和不可预报的混沌分量,将可预报分量定义为在预报时段内误差增长较慢的分量.基于现有的国家气候中心月动力延伸预报业务模式,建立了针对可预报分量的数值模式.同时结合历史资料有用信息,对数值模式的可预报分量,在历史资料的可预报分量中寻找相似场,降低了相似判断过程中变量的维数,进一步对可预报分量的预报误差进行订正.对混沌分量利用历史资料,通过集合预报方法得出其期望值和方差.数值试验结果表明,该方法能有效提高10~30天延伸期数值模式大气环流场的预报技巧,具有良好的业务应用前景.  相似文献   

聚会时,当人们发现我是一个地震学家时,他们首先提出的问题通常是:“下一次地震将会在什么时候发生?”这表明:①大多数人对地震感到好奇和害怕;②人们认为地震学家能够预报地震。地震预报研究已经进行100多年了,但都没有成功。因此,对这种预报研究一直有持不同...  相似文献   

利用非线性误差增长理论,以Lorenz系统为例比较研究了初始误差和参数误差对混沌系统可预报性的影响.结果表明:在初始误差和参数误差单独存在时,系统的可预报期限随误差大小的变化规律基本上相同;对于相同的误差大小,初始误差和参数误差对系统可预报期限的影响几乎相同,这一结果基本上不随参数范围的变化而变化.当初始误差和参数误差同时存在时,两者对可预报期限影响所起的作用大小主要取决于初始误差和参数误差的相对大小.当初始误差远大于参数误差时,Lorenz系统的可预报期限主要由初始误差决定,可以不用考虑参数误差对预报模式可预报性的影响;反之,当参数误差远大于初始误差时,Lorenz系统的可预报期限主要由参数误差决定;当初始误差和参数误差大小相当时,两者都对系统的可预报期限起重要作用.在后两种情况下,在考虑初始误差对可预报性影响的同时还必须考虑参数误差的作用.这提醒我们在作实际数值天气预报的时候,不仅要重视初值的确定,也要重视数值模式控制参数的确定.  相似文献   

大气(气候)系统可预报性问题的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了大气(气候)系统可预报性问题,并指出:1.线性系统、一维自治动力系统、二维自治动力系统和部分可化为二维自治动力系统的一维非自治动力系统是可以进行数值预报的,其预测结果要比统计方法更为科学。而对浑沌动力系统的预报,统计方法则比动力方法更为严谨。2.非浑沌动力系统或浑沌动力系统在非浑沌区的演化行为客观上存在着可预报期限。  相似文献   

由于初始误差的不确定性,非线性系统预报误差也是不确定的,信息熵可以度量这些不确定性.本文将动力学的非线性误差增长理论和统计学的信息理论有效结合,提出了基于非线性误差的信息熵概念.非线性误差的信息熵可分为时间信息熵和空间信息熵,其不仅可用来估计系统整体和各分量的可预报性,还可分析系统各分量之间的联系和各分量对整个系统可预报性的影响.以Lorenz系统为例,本文还研究了非线性误差的信息熵在可预报性中的应用,给出了系统整体可预报性的空间分布.结果表明:无论空间信息熵分析,还是时间信息熵分析,Lorenz系统在两吸引子周围和运动空间边缘运动时,系统对初值的敏感性较小,可预报性较高且可预报期限较长.通过对Lorenz系统可预报性的实例分析,验证了非线性的误差信息熵理论在可预报性研究中的可行性和有效性,尤其在估计系统整体可预报性方面,为下一步研究大气不同气象要素的联合可预报性奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

若不考虑特定的数据同化方法,数据同化通常可被分解为先验信息、观测算子、观测误差协方差和背景误差协方差等组成部分.本文基于经典的Lorenz模式,研究了数据同化各组成部分对初始条件误差和预报误差的影响,以期为设计不同尺度天气系统的数据同化方法提供理论基础.研究结果表明,预报误差经历三个典型阶段:0~5天为预报误差的缓慢增长期; 5~15天为预报误差的快速增长期,其中确定性预报和集合预报的误差增长速率具有显著差异; 15天后为预报误差的饱和期.数据同化可通过提供更加准确的初始条件,进而提升可预报性.相比于静态背景误差协方差(B),流依赖的背景误差协方差(Pf)可提供更精确的初始条件,因此当瞬时观测或频繁的时间平均观测被同化时,循环同化效果优于离线同化;但当时间平均观测频率低时则结果相反,这是因为循环同化在模式缺乏预报技巧时无法构造具有信息的先验估计,且流依赖的Pf相比于静态的B不能有效地从含信息量低的观测中提取出观测信息.瞬时观测相比于时间平均观测包含更多的信息,因此在时间频率低的观测系统中,瞬时观测应优先被考虑.此外,集合预报优于确定性预报,且...  相似文献   

The impact of errors in the forcing, errors in the model structure and parameters, and errors in the initial conditions is investigated in a simple hydrological ensemble prediction system. The hydrological model is based on an input nonlinearity connected with a linear transfer function and forced by precipitation forecasts from the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) Ensemble Prediction System (EPS). The post‐processing of the precipitation and/or the streamflow using information from the reforecasts performed by ECMWF is tested. For this purpose, hydrological reforecasts are obtained by forcing the hydrological model with the precipitation from the reforecast data. In the present case study, it is found that the post‐processing of the hydrological ensembles with a statistical model fitted on the hydrological reforecasts improves the verification scores better than the use of post‐processed precipitation ensembles. In the case of large biases in the precipitation, combining the post‐processing of both precipitation and streamflow allows for further improvements. During the winter, errors in the initial conditions have a larger impact on the scores than errors in the model structure as designed in the experiments. Errors in the parameter values are largely corrected with the post‐processing. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Daily, cloud-free data interpolating empirical orthogonal function (DINEOF) reconstructions of sea-surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll (Chl-a) satellite imagery are compiled into monthly mean images for a six-year period (2003–2008) and used to identify their spatial and temporal variability on the South Atlantic Bight. Monthly-mean SST has the highest variability on the inner-shelf, decreasing seaward approaching the more stable temperatures of the Gulf Stream (GS). Monthly-mean Chl-a concentrations are similarly highest on the inner shelf throughout the year and decrease cross-shelf toward the nutrient depleted open ocean. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analyses on SST and Chl-a show a clear seasonal cycle in their 1st mode of variability, with SST lagging behind Chl-a by approximately one month. The 1st EOF modes account for 95.8% and 46.4% variance of SST and Chl-a, respectively. Chl-a EOF mode 1 in particular shows a highly regionalized spatial pattern with values on the central SAB clearly out of phase with the southern and northern SAB. This regional difference is likely a result of shelf geometry and stratification, which modulate GS influence on the shelf. SST EOF mode 2 exhibits a seasonal cycle as well, which previous studies have shown to be a function of local wind. Chl-a EOF mode 2 is well correlated with the cumulative river transport onto the SAB, but accounts for a relatively small 10.8% of Chl-a variability.  相似文献   

Introduction In recent years the study of the digital seismology has made great progress due to the wide use of the broadband digital records. And many fine results of the focal theory have obtained. The focal theory mainly studies the physical process of the seismic fracture and production of the seismic wave, as well as its traveling process. One of the great progresses is to simulate the fracture process in the active fault. Especially a new concept of the fracture mechanics has been intro…  相似文献   

The relationship between the monsoon rainfall throughout all India, northwest India and peninsular India as well as the onset dates of the monsoon and two indices of southern oscillation (SOI), namely Isla de Pascua minus Darwin (I-D) and Tahiti minus Darwin (T-D) pressure anomaly have been studied for different periods. The study indicates that the monsoon rainfall shows a strong and significant direct relationship with SOI for the concurrent, succeeding autumn and succeeding winter seasons. The magnitude of the direct correlation coefficient for the SOI using (I-D) is enhanced over all India and peninsular India if the above seasons happen to be associated with an easterly phase of the QBO (Quasi-Biennial Oscillation) at 50 mb. The result indicates that the strength of the monsoon plays an important role in the following southern oscillation events in the Pacific Ocean. The premonsoon tendency of the SOI anomaly spring minus winter SOI shows a significant positive correlation with monsoon rainfall over all India, northwest India and peninsular India. The absolute value of the positive correlation coefficient becomes highly enhanced over all India, northwest India as well as peninsular India if the 6-month period from December to March is associated with the westerly phase of the QBO. Hence, the premonsoon SOI tendency parameter can be a useful predictor of Indian monsoon rainfall especially if it happens to be associated with the westerly QBO. Significant negative association is also found between the anomaly of monsoon onset dates and SOI of the previous spring season, the absolute value being higher for SOI (T-D) than for SOI (I-D). The negative correlation coefficient becomes enhanced if the previous springs are associated with a westerly phase of the QBO. It shows that the previous spring SOI has some predictive value for the onset date of Indian monsoon, a positive SOI followed by an early onset of monsoon, andvice versa, especially if it is associated with a westerly phase of the QBO.  相似文献   

The simulations of dynamic, spatially distributed non-linear models are impacted by the degree of spatial and temporal aggregation of their input parameters and variables. This paper deals with the impact of these aggregations on the assessment of irrigation scheme performance by simulating water use and crop yield. The analysis was carried out on a 7000 ha irrigation scheme located in Southern Spain. Four irrigation seasons differing in rainfall patterns were simulated (from 1996/1997 to 1999/2000) with the actual soil parameters and with hypothetical soil parameters representing wider ranges of soil variability. Three spatial aggregation levels were considered: (I) individual parcels (about 800), (II) command areas (83) and (III) the whole irrigation scheme. Equally, five temporal aggregation levels were defined: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually.

The results showed little impact of spatial aggregation in the predictions of irrigation requirements and of crop yield for the scheme. The impact of aggregation was greater in rainy years, for deep-rooted crops (sunflower) and in scenarios with heterogeneous soils. The highest impact on irrigation requirement estimations was in the scenario of most heterogeneous soil and in 1999/2000, a year with frequent rainfall during the irrigation season: difference of 7% between aggregation levels I and III was found. Equally, it was found that temporal aggregation had only significant impact on irrigation requirements predictions for time steps longer than 4 months. In general, simulated annual irrigation requirements decreased as the time step increased. The impact was greater in rainy years (specially with abundant and concentrated rain events) and in crops which cycles coincide in part with the rainy season (garlic, winter cereals and olive).

It is concluded that in this case, average, representative values for the main inputs of the model (crop, soil properties and sowing dates) can generate results within 1% of those obtained by providing spatially specific values for about 800 parcels.  相似文献   

The partitioning of rainfall into surface runoff and infiltration influences many other aspects of the hydrologic cycle including evapotranspiration, deep drainage and soil moisture. This partitioning is an instantaneous non-linear process that is strongly dependent on rainfall rate, soil moisture and soil hydraulic properties. Though all rainfall datasets involve some degree of spatial or temporal averaging, it is not understood how this averaging affects simulated partitioning and the land surface water balance across a wide range of soil and climate types. We used a one-dimensional physics-based model of the near-surface unsaturated zone to compare the effects of different rainfall discretization (5-min point-scale; hourly point-scale; hourly 0.125° gridded) on the simulated partitioning of rainfall for many locations across the United States. Coarser temporal resolution rainfall data underpredicted seasonal surface runoff for all soil types except those with very high infiltration capacities (i.e., sand, loamy sand). Soils with intermediate infiltration capacities (i.e., loam, sandy loam) were the most affected, with less than half of the expected surface runoff produced in most soil types when the gridded rainfall dataset was used as input. The impact of averaging on the water balance was less extreme but non-negligible, with the hourly point-scale predictions exhibiting median evapotranspiration, drainage and soil moisture values within 10% of those predicted using the higher resolution 5-min rainfall. Water balance impacts were greater using the gridded hourly dataset, with average underpredictions of ET up to 27% in fine-grained soils. The results suggest that “hyperresolution” modelling at continental to global scales may produce inaccurate predictions if there is not parallel effort to produce higher resolution precipitation inputs or sub-grid precipitation parameterizations.  相似文献   




Victoria Harbour has received substantial loadings of pollutants from industrial and municipal wastewater discharged since the 1950s. Inputs of contaminants have declined dramatically during the last two decades as a result of better controls at the source and improved wastewater treatment facilities. To assess the spatial and temporal changes of metal contaminants in sediments in Victoria Harbour, core and grab sediments were collected. The central harbour areas were generally contaminated with heavy metals. The spatial distribution of trace metals can probably be attributed to the proximity of major urban and industrial discharge points, and to the effect of tidal flushing in the harbour. In the sediment cores, the highest concentrations of trace metals were observed to have accumulated during the 1950s-1980s, corresponding with the period of rapid urban and industrial development in Hong Kong. From the late 1980s, there has been a major decline in the concentrations of trace metals, due to a reduction in industrial activities and to the enactment of wastewater pollution controls in the territory. The Pb isotopic compositions of the sediments revealed the anthropogenic inputs of Pb to the harbour. The (206)Pb/(207)Pb ratios varied from 1.154 to 1.190, which were lower than those of background geological materials in Hong Kong ((206)Pb/(207)Pb: 1.201-1.279). The data also indicated that the Pb in the harbour sediments most likely originated from mixed sources, including the leaded gasoline used in the past and other anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

An event‐based model is used to investigate the impact of the spatial distribution of imperviousness on the hydrologic response of a basin characterized by an urban land use. The impact of the spatial distribution of imperviousness is investigated by accounting for its location within the basin when estimating the generated runoff and the hydrologic response. The event model accounts for infiltration and saturation excess; the excess runoff is routed to the outlet using a geomorphologic unit hydrograph. To represent the spatial distribution of rainfall and imperviousness, radar and remotely derived data are used, respectively. To estimate model parameters and analyse their behaviour, a split sample test and parameter sensitivity analysis are performed. From the analysis of parameters, we found the impervious cover tends to increase the sensitivity and storm dependency of channel routing parameters. The calibrated event model is used to investigate the impact of the imperviousness gradient by estimating and comparing hydrographs at internal locations in the basin. From this comparison, we found the urban land use and the spatial variability of rainfall can produce bigger increases in the peak flows of less impervious areas than the most urbanized ones in the basin. To examine the impacts of the imperviousness pattern, scenarios typifying extreme cases of sprawl type and clustered development are used while accounting for the uncertainty in parameters and the initial condition. These scenarios show that the imperviousness pattern can produce significant changes in the response at the main outlet and at locations internal to the overall watershed. Overall, the results indicate the imperviousness pattern can be an influential factor in shaping the hydrologic response of an urbanizing basin. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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