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数据空间磁异常模量三维反演   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
强剩磁的存在通常导致了总磁化强度方向未知,进而影响了磁异常的反演和解释.磁异常模量是一种受磁化方向影响小的转换量,可以在强剩磁条件下通过反演三维磁化强度大小分布来推测场源分布状态.我们提出了一种数据空间磁异常模量反演算法来减少剩磁的影响.与标准的模型空间L2范数正则化反演方法相比,我们的方法有两个优点:一是无需搜索正则化参数(需要反复求解非线性反演问题),因而可以减少计算时间;二是反演结果更加聚焦,深度分辨率更高,我们对此进行了原因分析.通过模型和实测数据测试证明了该算法的有效性和更好的反演效果.  相似文献   

磁异常的反演是地球物理勘探的重要手段,三维磁化率反演是磁异常定量解释中的一种重要方法.由于剩磁的存在使得磁化方向与地磁场方向产生偏差,从而影响了磁异常反演与解释的精度.本文基于磁异常模量反演和磁化强度矢量反演方法得到了一种新的磁化强度矢量反演方法.与以往的磁化强度矢量反演方法相比,该方法以磁异常模量反演得到的磁化率模型为约束,采用Lp范数正则化方法求解,提高了磁化强度矢量反演的精度和效率.本文通过模拟试验的反演计算,验证了这种磁化强度矢量反演方法的有效性.最后,将本文方法应用于新疆东天山卡拉塔格地区航磁数据的解释,获得了地下空间不同磁性差异的磁性体的空间分布特征,为进一步分析研究区隐伏矿床提供了重要信息.  相似文献   

在地质体具有较强剩磁或自退磁效应的情况下,获得地质体总磁化方向对磁法勘探的数据处理、反演及解释具有重要意义.与传统航磁总场测量相比,航磁矢量(三分量)测量能够获得地磁场的矢量信息.基于三分量磁异常一阶矩与磁源磁矩的积分关系,我们实现了基于航磁矢量数据的磁源总磁化方向估算.针对该方法易受相邻异常影响,从而使多异常的估算难以确定磁源中心位置的问题,分析了在不同磁化倾角下,估算的磁化偏角、倾角与实际磁源中心位置的关系,并根据该关系采取了限定估算区域的方法,获得了多异常的估算结果.将该方法应用于东天山启鑫地区实测航磁三分量数据,估算了具有强剩磁的启鑫岩体总磁化方向,并将估算的方向应用于化极计算.化极结果显示,减少了启鑫岩体磁异常受斜磁化的影响,且与磁异常模量计算结果类似.该方法假设磁源均匀磁化,估算结果可视为地质体总磁化方向的整体体现,对强剩磁地质体磁异常的数据处理、反演及解释具有实际意义.  相似文献   

欧洋  冯杰  赵勇  贾定宇  高文利 《地球物理学报》2018,61(11):4635-4646
为分析同时考虑退磁和剩磁对磁测数据解释的影响,探讨了利用有限体积法求静磁场数值解的方法.从静磁场中的麦克斯韦方程出发,导出了有限体积法控制方程的离散表达式,对边界条件近似处理后求解方程组得到磁异常.通过与退磁改正计算结果对比,验证了方法的正确性,并分析得到忽略剩磁的相对误差与科尼斯布格比(Q)相关;利用有限体积法计算长方体模型在无地磁场情况下的磁异常和内部磁化强度,从数值模拟上说明剩磁也需要进行退磁改正,并表明退磁作用对剩磁的影响不仅与磁化率相关,而且与剩磁的方向和磁性体的形态相关;组合模型的计算结果对比表明,退磁作用对剩磁的影响还会因为临近强磁性体的作用发生改变.在青海灶火河西工区的应用说明,开展同时考虑退磁和剩磁的解释方法对准确识别强磁性岩体具有实用价值.  相似文献   

三维反演是磁测数据定量解释的重要方法,在金属矿勘探中扮演着重要的角色.但是在实际矿区的应用中,传统的磁总场异常反演方法依然存在两个问题:一是地面磁异常反演的深度分辨率较低,深部场源体的成像效果差;二是金属矿中可能包含强剩磁,反演结果可能是完全错误的.尽管前人对上述两个问题分别进行了广泛的研究,但尚未尝试同时解决这两个问题.本文在前人研究的基础上,提出了一种井地磁异常模量联合反演方法,该方法需要的控制参数少,无需加入额外的地质信息,且可用于多场源复杂磁异常的反演,具有较强的适用性.本文方法首先将地面和井中磁异常转化为模量数据,然后利用基于核函数或距离的加权函数将井地模量数据结合起来,使得该方法适用于联合反演.我们利用井地多种异常参量进行反演的模型试验表明,在强剩磁存在时,本文方法的效果优于其他方法,在减少剩磁影响的同时,也改善了深部成像效果,具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

古地磁多磁成分的分离技术   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
在古地磁的研究中,如何从复杂多样的退磁数据中获取能够代表岩石形成时期的古地磁场方向的原生剩磁组分,是关系到古地磁数据是否可靠、古地磁结果是否令人信服的根本环节之一,因此,如何充分利用实验室退磁数据所提供的各种信息去获取同源磁化的一组样品的原生剩磁方向是一个很有研究价值的问题。在总结前人的各种定性或定量的多磁成分分离技术的基础上,详细讨论了重磁化大圆的极和线性坳陷区内退磁平面的极的最佳拟合大圆的最小二乘拟合法,提出了综合使用主成分分析法、线性谱分析法、重磁化圆法以及退磁平面及重磁化大圆的二次拟合法,对来自同源磁化的一组样品进行系统分析,以获取一组样品的特征剩磁方向的方法,并应用于实际研究工作中。  相似文献   

2D磁异常分步反演方法是利用二维(剖面)磁测数据确定场源几何参数以及物性参数的一种反演方法,该方法的优点是构造的形态函数S不受场源磁化特征的影响,因此可以在未知场源物性参数的前提下,通过拟合依次反演得到磁性源形体横截面几何参数、磁化强度以及磁化方向.本文阐述了2D磁异常分步反演方法的原理及步骤,对形态函数S的特征及求取方法进行了讨论,分析了区域背景干扰(正常场)对反演结果的影响并提出了初步解决方案.在方法研究的基础上,进行了单一理论模型及组合理论模型的试算,得到了较好的反演结果.为了验证该方法的效果,对实测剖面进行了试算,得到了场源的边界及场源埋深信息,为进一步反演提供了有用的参考.  相似文献   

磁化方向的确定对磁异常处理、反演及解释方面有着重要的参考价值.然而,目前常用的磁化方向估计方法易受计算窗口尺度、化极或叠加异常等影响.为此,本文从重磁泊松定理出发,推导出了磁化强度、磁异常一阶导数及重力位三阶导数的关系式,并在此基础上构建出了可反演磁化强度三分量的线性方程组,进而获得了场源的磁化倾角与偏角.模型试验表明,本文方法能够在多场源的叠加重、磁异常上,有效地反演出各场源的磁化方向,但噪声会在一定程度上降低反演精度,尤其对小规模场源的磁化方向影响较明显.将本方法应用于江西相山铀矿田重磁资料之中,获得了10个测算点的磁化方向,推断了这些测算点位置上重磁同源体的岩石类型,结果表明了研究区内碎斑熔岩具有强剩磁特征,而流纹英安岩则为顺磁性物质,且认为碎斑熔岩之下广泛分布着流纹英安岩,这对该地区组间界面部位铀矿找矿具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

张先  虎喜凤 《地震研究》1995,18(1):63-67
依据频率域磁化强度反演方法和程序,对唐山滦县震区航磁资料进行了数据处理,求取了该区视磁化强度的水平分布。反演结果反映了震区地壳内不同规模、不同物性的地壳岩体在平面上的投影。本文结合唐山滦县震区地震的时空分布及破裂方向,对该区地震的孕育及发生过程进行了探讨。  相似文献   

地球物理反演问题具有病态性、不适定性,传统的线性反演方法面临着次优逼近和初始模型选择等挑战,为了提高磁场数据反演的精度,受深度学习卓越的非线性映射能力的启发,本文提出了一种基于全卷积神经网络的磁异常及磁梯度异常反演方法.文中首先提出了一种基于网格点几何格架的磁异常及磁梯度异常的空间域快速正演算法,这为本文全卷积神经网络反演算法的实现奠定了基础;随后对大量不同剩余磁化强度模型进行正演计算获得样本数据集,将正演数据作为输入层,磁化强度模型作为输出层,并基于U-net网络结构设计了一种端到端的网络结构(MagInvNet),再对该网络结构进行监督学习与参数优化;最后进行反演预测.三组模型试验表明,MagInvNet网络能够快速准确识别出磁异常体的位置与形状,并且能够准确的反演出异常体磁化强度的大小,对于含噪声数据,其反演结果的质量不会降低.本文最后利用安徽霍邱铁矿的航磁数据验证了文中方法的有效性.  相似文献   

本文对"鲁科一井"(CCSD-LK-Ⅰ)768.9~1112.3m之间的上白垩统沉积岩样品进行了岩石磁学、磁化率各向异性(AMS)以及天然剩磁组分的研究.在此基础上,分析了利用特征剩磁(ChRM)和黏滞剩磁(VRM)方向恢复岩芯原始方位的可行性.三轴等温剩磁热退磁曲线、磁滞回线、反向场退磁曲线、一阶反转曲线等岩石磁学测量结果表明,沉积岩的主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿和赤铁矿.335块样品的AMS测量结果表明磁化率椭球主轴的最大轴K1和中间轴K2与水平面夹角较小,最小轴K3接近垂直于水平面分布,说明沉积岩保留了原始沉积磁组构特征.系统热退磁实验表明,多数样品在25~350℃和500~690℃温度段分别获得VRM和ChRM分量.利用ChRM偏角方向,并考虑构造旋转量校正,对VRM偏角方向进行恢复,Fisher统计得到DVRM=-1.3°,IVRM=59.6°,与当地现代地磁场方向(D=-6.7°,I=53.9°)基本一致.用ChRM偏角方向对磁化率主轴K1偏角方向进行校正,校正的结果为:D_(ch_K1)=349.2°,I_(ch_K1)=-0.7°.本文研究结果对于地质勘探中利用古地磁学方法恢复钻孔岩芯原始方位具有一定参考意义.  相似文献   

A new method of reducing Magsat orbits was developed to produce a map of the Kursk magnetic anomaly at satellite altitude. Two different techniques to estimate the direction of magnetization were applied to the components of the anomaly to determine the presence of remanent magnetization. We propose that there is a significant component of remanent magnetization, however, we are unable to determine the importance of remanence relative to induced magnetization.  相似文献   

The magnetic fabric of rocks and sediments is most commonly characterized in terms of the anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS). However, alternative methods based on remanent magnetization (measured in the absence of a magnetic field) rather than induced magnetization (measured in the applied field) have distinct advantages for certain geological applications. This is particularly true for; (1) adjunct studies in paleomagnetism, in order to assess the fidelity with which a natural remanence records the paleofield orientation; (2) studies of weakly magnetic or weakly deformed rocks, for which susceptibility anisotropy is very difficult to measure precisely; and (3) quantitative applications such as strain estimation. The fundamental differences between susceptibility and remanence (and their respective anisotropies) are due to several factors: (1) susceptibility arises from all of the minerals present in a sample, whereas remanence is carried exclusively by a relatively small number of ferromagnetic minerals; (2) ferromagnetic minerals are generally more anisotropic than para- and diamagnetic minerals; (3) for ferromagnetic minerals, remanence is inevitably more anisotropic than susceptibility; and (4) a number of common minerals, including single-domain magnetites, possess an inverse anisotropy of susceptibility, i.e., they tend to have minimum susceptibility parallel to the long axis of an individual particle; remanence is immune to this phenomenon. As a consequence of all these factors, remanence anisotropy may generally provide a better quantitative estimate of the actual distribution of particle orientations in a rock sample.Contribution number 9102 of the Institute for Rock Magnetism, University of Minnesota.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the possibility of applying one geophysical method to studying untraditional systems as is the case with Portland-cement-based materials. The research demonstrates how conventional paleomagnetic methodology can be employed in studying the mode of magnetic recording in present-day industrial materials. Portland-cement admixtures such as fly ashes and furnace slags should be discriminated, because those particles interact in soils and sediments in nature. Moreover, a better undertanding of magnetic remanent acquisition in model materials can serve to improve the interpretation of magnetic remanent acquisition in natural rocks formed a long time ago. The magnetic constituents of Portland-cement paste and mortar acquire a magnetic remanence due to their alignment with the earth's magnetic field at the casting place. This magnetization can be measured using ordinary paleomagnetic techniques. The alignment of the individual magnetic particles accounts for the intensity of the magnetic remanence, which can be increased by adding water and by vibration before setting and hardening. Blast furnace slag admixtures also add to the enhancement of the intensity of remanence. The magnetization of Portland-cement-based materials shows a near linear relationship with the water /cement (w/c) ratios employed in the experimental work; the w/c ratios range between 0.2 – 0.6 in pastes and 0.3 – 0.6 in mortar. Stable remanent magnetization was obtained during the first seven days of setting and hardening, a period necessary for magnetic particles to become locked parallel to the earth's magnetic field. The stability of magnetic remanence predicts the usefulness of the methodology in studying the properties of Portland cement and particularly in the control of iron-bearing admixtures.  相似文献   

Summary Conditions are given under which two thick plates, differing in dip, apparent susceptibility, and remanence, will produce similar magnetic anomalies. From these conditions correction formulae are developed. Using these formulae the dip and susceptibility of a plate with remanent magnetization can be obtained from those of non-remanent plate. An interpretation procedure is suggested where the magnetic anomaly is first interpreted by means of a plate without remanence, dip and apparent susceptibility are then estimated by using the correction formulae developed. Thickness, position and depth of the plate are unaffected by the remanence correction procedure. The procedure is independent of the field component measured.  相似文献   

We present results of paleomagnetic and sedimentological studies carried out on three cores Lmor1, Lmo98-1, Lmor98-2 from bottom sediments of Lake Moreno (south-western Argentina), and integrate them with data from our previous studies. Measurements of directions (declination D and inclination I) and mass specific intensity of natural remanent magnetization (NRM intensity), magnetic susceptibility (specific, χ and volumetric, κ), isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM), saturation of isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM), and back field remanent coercivity (B0CR) were performed. The stability of the NRM was investigated using alternating-field demagnetization. The results show that these sediments meet the criteria required to construct a reliable paleomagnetic record. The cores were correlated very well based on magnetic parameters, such as χ and NRM intensity, as well as with lithological features. Tephra layers were identified from the lithological profiles and magnetic susceptibility logs. We obtained the D and I logs of the characteristic remanent magnetization for the cores as a function of shortened depth. The data from the three cores were combined to form a composite record using the Fisher method. A comparison between stacked inclination and declination records of Lake Moreno and those obtained in previous works on Lake Escondido and Lake El Trébol shows good agreement. This agreement made it possible to transform the stacked curves into time series spanning the interval 12–20 kyr. The results obtained improved our knowledge of SV and the behaviour of the geomagnetic field and also allowed us to determine the range of past inclination variations from −70° to −45° for the southern hemisphere, where data are scarce.  相似文献   

基于岩石剩余磁化强度的矢量特性,使用古地磁学方法对钻孔岩心进行重新定向,对于解译地下构造、分析应力特征、判定成矿方向等问题具有重要意义.针对华南地区复杂构造下的倾斜钻孔岩心,本文构建了古地磁学岩心定向新方法理论,结合多次坐标转换和磁场一致性扫描,实现了基于黏滞剩磁的岩心重定向;设计了定向所需的成套古地磁学岩心定向、测量、取样装置,并将该方法和装置应用于华南铀矿钻孔的重定向,恢复后的岩心特征剩磁计算获得的早白垩世古地磁极位置与同期华南地块的极位置一致.该方法对地球物理深部探矿技术的改进有一定意义.此外,所设计的研究装置在古地磁学研究对象的拓展中也具有应用前景.  相似文献   

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