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韩再生 《地质通报》2003,22(2):142-143
1会议简况第四届国际地下水人工补给会议于2002年9月22-26日在澳大利亚阿德莱德市举行。这是继1988年在美国加州Anaheim、1994年在美国佛罗里达州Orlando和1998年在荷兰Amsterdam召开的前3届会议之后,由国际水文地质学会(IAH)、联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)等组织主办的国际学术研讨会。来自26个国家的197位正式代表出席了会议。其中,中国地质调查局1人、中国科学院3人。会议论文集收录了100篇论文,反映了当代世界各国有关地下水人工补给研究的最新成果,由A.A.BALKEMA出版社在会前出版,…  相似文献   

麻志周 《地下水》1990,12(4):234-237
本文首先从理论上分析了洛阳市具有地下水人工回灌的有利条件——可靠而且可观的水源、较大容量的贮水空间和良好的渗透条件。然后通过试验证实了在洛阳市进行人工回灌不但是可行的,而且还会取得明显的经济和社会效益,就今后人工回灌问题提出了自己的见解和建议。  相似文献   

人工补给对含水层水质的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
为了研究人工补给对含水层水质的影响问题,通过反向地球化学模拟方法对大庆西部地下水水质演化规律进行了分析。结果表明,地下水化学成分主要受含水层矿物相的溶解-沉淀作用、阳离子交换吸附作用以及氧化还原作用的影响,并确定方解石、白云石、盐岩、萤石、石膏、赤铁矿、菱铁矿、软锰矿、二氧化碳、阳离子交换剂等为影响地下水化学成分的控制性(矿)物相。在此基础上,采用正向地球化学模拟方法,以大庆市西水源地下水人工补给为例,模拟了地表水进入到地下后与含水层中原有的地下水以及含水层介质发生的水-岩相互作用。模拟结果表明,注入水与含水层中的水混合后,使地下水的矿化度有所降低,且混合水中地表水所占比例越大,地下水的矿化度越低;注入水与含水层中的地下水混合后,不会导致地下水水质的突变和水质级别的降低,还可在一定程度上改善含水层水质。  相似文献   

华北平原地下水人工补给模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地下水人工补给是防止地下水资源持续匮乏、维护地下水系统活力的重要举措.在华北地区,按照水文地质条件、补给水源条件、地下水环境问题等的不同,组合筛选出五大代表性区域:山前浅层超采区、中东部平原深层超采区、山东半岛滨海海水入侵区、农业灌溉区和城市地区.针对不同区域,分别阐述了储水空间条件、补给水源条件及实施人工补给的首要目...  相似文献   

关于地下水人工补给的研究现状,本文从理论研究、方法技术及工程应用等方面进行了全面的归纳和总结;比较了国内外研究工作的新进展。通过分析表明,地下水人工补给在理论及其定量计算方法上的缺陷制约了其工程应用。结合当前研究的新进展,指出了地下水人工补给研究和工程应用领域存在的其他重要问题,从理论和实践两方面提出了地下水人工补给今后需要进一步加强研究的方向和任务。  相似文献   

山前平原天然河道人工补给地下水试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

试论深层地下水人工补给--SPD人工补给系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一种新的深层地下水回灌方式——SPD人工补给系统,并通过室内沙槽浑水模拟试验,对该系统和常规的直接井回灌法作了比较。研究结果表明,利用该系统补给深层地下水,具有回灌水质要求低、补给速度快、补给量多、不易淤堵等特点,是深层地下水人工补给的一条有效的新途径。  相似文献   

Sustainable use of groundwater must ensure not only that the future resource is not threatened by overuse, but also that natural environments that depend on the resource, such as stream baseflows, riparian vegetation, aquatic ecosystems, and wetlands are protected. To properly manage groundwater resources, accurate information about the inputs (recharge) and outputs (pumpage and natural discharge) within each groundwater basin is needed so that the long-term behavior of the aquifer and its sustainable yield can be estimated or reassessed. As a first step towards this effort, this work highlights some key groundwater recharge studies in the Kansas High Plains at different scales, such as regional soil-water budget and groundwater modeling studies, county-scale groundwater recharge studies, as well as field-experimental local studies, including some original new findings, with an emphasis on assumptions and limitations as well as on environmental factors affecting recharge processes. The general impact of irrigation and cultivation on recharge is to appreciably increase the amount of recharge, and in many cases to exceed precipitation as the predominant source of recharge. The imbalance between the water input (recharge) to the High Plains aquifer and the output (pumpage and stream baseflows primarily) is shown to be severe, and responses to stabilize the system by reducing water use, increasing irrigation efficiency, adopting water-saving land-use practices, and other measures are outlined. Finally, the basic steps necessary to move towards sustainable use of groundwater in the High Plains are delineated, such as improving the knowledge base, reporting and providing access to information, furthering public education, as well as promoting better understanding of the publics attitudinal motivations; adopting the ecosystem and adaptive management approaches to managing groundwater; further improving water efficiency; exploiting the full potential of dryland and biosaline agriculture; and adopting a goal of long-term sustainable use.
Resumen El uso sostenible de aguas subterráneas debe garantizar tanto que el recurso futuro no esté amenazado por sobreutilización como que los ambientes naturales dependientes del recurso sean protegidos (ie el flujo base de los arroyos, la vegetación ripariana, los ecosistemas acuáticos y los pantanos). El manejo adecuado de los recursos de aguas subterráneas requiere información precisa con respecto a los influjos (recarga) y descargas (bombeo y descarga natural) en cada cuenca de aguas subterráneas de tal manera que se pueda estimar o reevaluar el comportamiento de largo plazo del acuífero y su tasa de sotenibilidad. En un primer paso hacia esta meta, este trabajo destaca algunos estudios claves de recarga de aguas subterráneas en las llanuras altas de Kansas. Dichos estudios se concentran en diferentes escalas: estudios regionales del presupuesto para aguas del suelo y modelos de aguas subterráneas, estudios de recarga de aguas subterráneas a nivel provincial y estudios locales experimentales de terrenos que incluyen algunos interesantes descubrimientos nuevos. Estas investigaciones comparten el énfasis en los presupuestos de partida y las limitaciones así como en los factores ambientales que afectan los procesos de recarga. El impacto general de las irrigaciones y cultivos sobre la recarga es un obvio incremento en el monto de recarga y en muchos casos excede a la precipitación como la fuente principal de recarga. Se puede observar que el desequilibrio entre el influjo de agua (recarga) del acuífero de las llanuras altas y la descarga (bombeo y flujos base de los arroyos principalmente) es severo. Asimismo, se describen las respuestas para estabilizar el sistema a través de la reducción del uso de agua por medio del incremento de la eficiencia de las irrigaciones y de la adopción de las prácticas de ahorro de agua y del uso de tierras así como otras medidas adicionales. Finalmente se describen los pasos básicos necesarios para evolucionar hacia el uso sostenible de las aguas subterráneas en las llanuras altas de Kansas. Estos pasos están constituidos por una mejora del conocimiento base, comunicar y proporcionar fácil acceso a la información, mejorar el conocimiento público general así como promover un mejor entendimiento de las motivaciones para las actitudes de la comunidad, adoptar los enfoques administrativos de ecosistemas y administración adaptable en el manejo de las aguas subterráneas, continuar las mejoras del uso eficiente del agua, explotar el potencial de la agricultura de terrenos áridos y biosalina y adoptar como meta el uso sostenible a largo plazo.

Résumé Lutilisation durable de leau souterraine doit permettre non seulement que la pérennité de leau ne soit pas menacée, mais aussi que les environnements naturels qui dépendent de cette ressource, tels que la végétation riveraine, les écosystemes aquatiques et les milieux humides, soient protégés. Afin dassurer une gestion appropriée des ressources en eau souterraine, une information précise concernant les entrées (recharge) et les sorties (décharge naturelle et pompage) deau dans chacun des bassins est nécessaire afin que le comportement à long terme de laquifère et le taux de pompage durable puissent être estimés. En guise dinitiative, ce travail illustre certaines études clé concernant la recharge de leau souterraine à plusieurs échelles dans les hautes plaines du Kansas. Ces études comprennent le bilan sol-eau et la modélisation numérique à léchelle régionale, létude de la recharge des nappes souterraines à léchelle du comté, des études expérimentales à petite échelle et certaines découvertes originales. Lors de la présentation de ces études, lemphase est portée sur les hypothèses et limitations ainsi que sur les facteurs environmentaux qui affectent les processus de recharge. En général, les effets de lirrigation et de lagriculture sur la recharge sont daugmenter considérablement le taux de recharge, et dans plusieurs cas, dexcéder les précipitations comme principale source de recharge. Le déséquilibre entre les intrants deau (recharge) et entrants (pompage et écoulement de base dans les rivières) dans laquifère des hautes plaines est très important. Les résultats des efforts de stabilisation du système aquifère en diminuant lutilisation deau, en améliorant lefficacité des techniques dirrigation, en adoptant des pratiques dutilisation du territoire qui réduisent lutilisation deau et en adoptant certaines autres mesures sont présentés. Enfin, les étapes de base nécessaires afin datteindre une utilisation durable de leau souterraine dans les hautes plaines sontexposées. Elles comprennent lamélioration des connaissance de base, lapromotion dune meilleure compréhension de la motivation et de lattitudedu public, ladoption dune approche de gestion de leau souterraineadaptable et basée sur les écosystèmes, lamélioration de lefficacitédutilisation de leau, lexploitation du plein potentiel de lagriculturebiosaline et en milieu aride, et ladoption dun objectif pourlutilisation durable à long terme.

Future management of aquifer recharge   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  

The recharge flow paths in a typical weathered hard-rock aquifer in a semi-arid area of southern India were investigated in relation to structures associated with a managed aquifer recharge (MAR) scheme. Despite the large number of MAR structures, the mechanisms of recharge in their vicinity are still unclear. The study uses a percolation tank as a tool to identify the input signal of the recharge and uses multiple measurements (piezometric time series, electrical conductivity profiles in boreholes) compared against heat-pulse flowmeter measurements and geochemical data (major ions and stable isotopes) to examine recharge flow paths. The recharge process is a combination of diffuse piston flow and preferential flow paths. Direct vertical percolation appears to be very limited, in contradiction to the conceptual model generally admitted where vertical flow through saprolite is considered as the main recharge process. The horizontal component of the flow leads to a strong geochemical stratification of the water column. The complex recharge pattern, presented in a conceptual model, leads to varied impacts on groundwater quality and availability in both time and space, inducing strong implications for water management, water quality evolution, MAR monitoring and longer-term socio-economic costs.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of recharge water temperature on bioclogging processes and mechanisms during seasonal managed aquifer recharge (MAR), two groups of laboratory percolation experiments were conducted: a winter test and a summer test. The temperatures were controlled at ~5±2 and ~15±3 °C, and the tests involved bacterial inoculums acquired from well water during March 2014 and August 2015, for the winter and summer tests, respectively. The results indicated that the sand columns clogged ~10 times faster in the summer test due to a 10-fold larger bacterial growth rate. The maximum concentrations of total extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in the winter test were approximately twice those in the summer test, primarily caused by a ~200 μg/g sand increase of both loosely bound EPS (LB-EPS) and tightly bound EPS (TB-EPS). In the first half of the experimental period, the accumulation of bacteria cells and EPS production induced rapid bioclogging in both the winter and summer tests. Afterward, increasing bacterial growth dominated the bioclogging in the summer test, while the accumulation of LB-EPS led to further bioclogging in the winter test. The biological analysis determined that the dominant bacteria in experiments for both seasons were different and the bacterial community diversity was ~50% higher in the winter test than that for summer. The seasonal inoculums could lead to differences in the bacterial community structure and diversity, while recharge water temperature was considered to be a major factor influencing the bacterial growth rate and metabolism behavior during the seasonal bioclogging process.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - A participatory modelling approach is presented for effective groundwater management at the Mediterranean coastal plain of Marathon, Greece. The main objective was to...  相似文献   

屋面雨水回灌裂隙岩溶水工程风险评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
济南城市雨洪水回灌岩溶含水层是维护自然水循环,增加地下水补给量,维持济南泉群喷涌以及城市防洪的有效途径。但由于裂隙岩溶含水层具有渗透系数大、水流速度快,地下水一旦污染很难短时间恢复等特点,需要对回灌工程开展风险评价。本文以济南大学西校区的屋面雨水深井回灌裂隙岩溶水工程为例,利用澳大利亚MAR指南对工程进行风险评价。主要由初级风险评估、试运行调查、试运行风险评价及风险控制与管理4部分组成。初级风险评估结果显示屋面雨水回灌裂隙岩溶含水层工程的总体难度水平较低,项目可行。试运行调查期间监测的屋面雨水和回灌前后地下水水质可知屋面雨水经初期弃流、沉淀和过滤后,除浊度外基本达到地下水Ⅲ类标准,且处理后达标的雨水可迅速补充地下水。试运行风险评价结果显示屋面雨水中浊度经预处理后仍较高,使其成为该系统的最大风险项和关键控制点,故本项目的风险控制措施为改进预处理设施,降低雨水中的浊度。为保证工程能够高效持续运行,加强后期管理也尤为重要。   相似文献   

Relative recharge areas are evaluated using geochemical and isotopic tools, and inverse modeling. Geochemistry and water quality in springs discharging from a volcanic aquifer system in Guatemala are related to relative recharge area elevations and land use. Plagioclase feldspar and olivine react with volcanically derived CO2 to produce Ca-montmorillonite, chalcedony and goethite in the groundwater. Alkalinity, Mg, Ca, Na, and SiO2(aq) are produced, along with minor increases in Cl and SO4 concentrations. Variations in groundwater δD and δ18O values are attributed to recharge elevation and used in concert with geochemical evolution to distinguish local, intermediate, and regional flow systems. Springs with geochemically inferred short flow paths provided useful proxies to estimate an isotopic gradient for precipitation (??.67 δ18O/100?m). No correlation between spring discharge and relative flow-path length or interpreted recharge elevation was observed. The conceptual model was consistent with evidence of anthropogenic impacts (sewage and manure) in springs recharged in the lower watershed where livestock and humans reside. Spring sampling is a low-budget approach that can be used to develop a useful conceptual model of the relative scale of groundwater flow (and appropriate watershed protection areas), particularly in volcanic terrain where wells and boreholes are scarce.  相似文献   

Communities and water utilities are increasingly being forced to implement more hydrogeologically complex alternative water supply and storage options to meet increasing freshwater demands. The performance of managed aquifer recharge projects, including aquifer storage and recovery, is controlled by the movement and mixing of stored freshwater and native groundwater, and fluid–rock interactions, which, in turn, are strongly influenced by aquifer heterogeneity. Advanced borehole geophysical logging techniques developed for the oil and gas industry such as neutron-gamma ray spectroscopy, microresistivity imaging, and nuclear magnetic resonance, can provide hitherto unavailable fine-scale data on porosity (total and effective), hydraulic conductivity, salinity, and the mineralogical composition of aquifers. Data on aquifer heterogeneity obtained from advanced borehole geophysics logs, combined with information on larger-scale aquifer hydraulics obtained from pumping tests, have the potential for improving aquifer characterization and modeling needed for feasibility assessments and the design and optimization of the operation of managed aquifer recharge systems.  相似文献   

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