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Until recently the traditional spatial configuration of the European geography was based upon the core-periphery model. The ‘pentagon’, broadly defined as lying between London, Paris, Milan, Munich and Hamburg, was seen as the core area characterised by having the highest concentration of economic development in the European Union (EU), with the remainder of the European territory viewed as peripheral, albeit to varying degrees. In a number of cases such peripheral areas equated with clear regional disparities. The elaboration of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP) (CEC, European spatial development perspective, towards balanced and sustainable development in the territory of the European Union, 1999) challenged this core-periphery model. European spatial planning policies, aimed at encouraging social and economic, and with ever increasing importance, territorial cohesion, seek amongst other aspects to encourage the development of a balanced and polycentric urban system. This paper adopts a network analysis approach to the analysis of air passenger flows between some 28 principal European metropolitan urban regions. The evaluation of these flows contributes to an enhanced comprehension of the spatial dynamics of the European metropolitan territory which goes beyond that deriving from the more standard analyses of the individual components of the urban system. Several indicators are used, deriving from gravitational modelling techniques, to analyse the complexity of the air passenger flows. A multidimensional scaling (MDS) technique is introduced in order to interpret and visualise the resulting spatial configuration and positioning of the different metropolitan centres within the conceptual European ‘space of air passenger flows’, thereby contrasting with the more traditional map-based geographical image of Europe, based upon Cartesian coordinates.
Malcolm C. BurnsEmail:

This paper aims to bridge the literatures of industrial districts and organizational networks by studying the development of organizational relationships in Taiwan's integrated circuit (IC) industry. Firms of the IC industry in Taiwan are highly concentrated in the Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park (HSIP). They not only have contributed the most to the combined sales for the HSIP compared to other industries for half a decade, but also have made Taiwan the country with the fourth-largest IC industry in the world today. Along with the creation and maintenance of global competitiveness in this industry, the means of developing organizational relationships and geographical linkages are examined in this paper. The empirical findings are based on analysis of data regarding the organizational connections for Taiwan's IC industry during 1976 to 1996, collected at the individual firm level. It is found that a concurrent process of intensifying the internal as well as external linkages has occurred in the HSIP, a young high-tech region. It indicates that not only is the ``regional advantage' sufficiently sustained, but also the global industrial networks are continuously expanded to maintain the openness and dynamics of the region.  相似文献   

The tsunami that deeply impacted the North Indian Ocean shores on 26 December 2004, called for urgent rehabilitation of coastal infrastructures to restore the livelihood of local populations. A spatial and statistical analysis was performed to identify what geomorphological and biological configurations (mangroves forests, coral and other coastal vegetation) are susceptible to decrease or increase coastal vulnerability to tsunami. The results indicate that the width of flooded land strip was, in vast majority, influenced by the distance to fault lines as well as inclination and length of proximal slope. Areas covered by seagrass beds were less impacted, whereas areas behind coral reefs were more affected. The mangroves forests identified in the study were all located in sheltered areas, thus preventing to address the potential protecting role of mangroves forests.  相似文献   

地质领域机器学习、深度学习及实现语言   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
周永章  王俊  左仁广  肖凡  沈文杰  王树功 《岩石学报》2018,34(11):3173-3178
地质大数据正在以指数形式增长。只有发展智能数据处理方法才有可能追上大数据的超常增长。机器学习是人工智能的核心,是使计算机具有智能的根本途径。机器学习已成为地质大数据研究的前沿热点,它将让地质大数据插上翅膀,并因此改变地质。机器学习是一个源于数据的模型的训练过程,最终给出一个面向某种性能度量的决策。深度学习是机器学习研究中的一个重要子类,它通过构建具有很多隐层的机器学习模型和海量的训练数据,来学习更有用的特征,从而最终提升分类或预测的准确性。卷积神经网络算法是最为常用的一种深度学习算法之一,它广泛用于图像识别和语音分析等。Python语言在科学领域的地位占据着越来越重要。其下的Scikit-Learn是一个机器学习相关的库,提供有数据预处理、分类、回归、聚类、预测、模型分析等算法。Keras是一个基于Theano/Tensorflow的深度学习库,可以应用来搭建简洁的人工神经网络。  相似文献   

We discuss the chemistry of exceptionally rare phlogopite inclusions coexisting with ultramafic (peridotitic) and eclogitic minerals in kimberlite-hosted diamonds of Yakutia, Arkhangelsk, and Venezuela provinces. Phlogopite inclusions in diamonds are octahedral negative crystals following the diamond faceting in all 34 samples (including polymineralic inclusions). On this basis phlogopite inclusions have been interpreted as syngenetic and in equilibrium with the associated minerals. In ultramafic diamonds phlogopites coexist with subcalcic high-Cr2O3 pyrope and/or chromite, olivine and enstatite (dunite/harzburgite (H) paragenesis) or with clinopyroxene, enstatite, and/or olivine and pyrope (lherzolite (L) paragenesis). Ultramafic phlogopites have high Mg# [100?Mg/(Mg+Fe)] from 92.4 to 95.2 and Cr2O3 higher than TiO2 in H-phlogopites (1.5–2.5 wt.% versus 0.1–0.4 wt.%, respectively) but lower in L-phlogopites (0.15–0.5 wt.% versus 1.3–3.5 wt.%, respectively). Eclogitic (E) phlogopites show Mg# from 47.4 to 85.3 inclusive, and very broad ranges of TiO2 up to 12 wt.%. The primary syngenetic origin of phlogopite is indicated, besides other factors, by its compositional consistency with the associated minerals. The analyzed phlogopites are depleted in BaO (0.10–0.79 wt.%), and their F and Cl contents are highly variable reaching 1.29 and 0.49 wt.%, respectively. The latter is in line with high Cl enrichment in some unaltered kimberlites and in nanometric fluid inclusions from diamonds. The presence of syngenetic phlogopite in kimberlite-hosted diamonds provides important evidence that volatiles participated in diamond formation and that at least a part of diamonds may have been related to early stages of kimberlites formation.  相似文献   

In the United States, mitigating the adverse impacts of flooding has increasingly become the responsibility of local decision makers. Despite the importance of understanding why flood mitigation techniques are implemented at the local level, few empirical studies have been conducted over the last decade. Our study addresses this lack of research by examining the factors influencing local communities to adopt both structural and non-structural flood mitigation strategies. We use statistical models to predict multiple flood mitigation techniques implemented by cities and counties based on a survey of floodplain administrators and planning officials across Texas and Florida. Particular attention is paid to the role of organizational capacity to address floods in addition to various local geophysical and socioeconomic characteristics. Results indicate that organizational capacity is a significant factor contributing to the implementation of both structural and non-structural flood mitigation techniques, even when controlling for contextual characteristics.  相似文献   

自Hinton等使用基于卷积神经网络的深度学习模型赢得Image Net分类比赛以来,深度学习的研究席卷了各个行业。通过介绍深度学习的历史,探索国内地质行业中深度学习模型的使用情况,并介绍深度学习的基础概念(如神经元、神经网络、监督学习和无监督学习等)以及深度学习基础模型中的2个重要网络:深度信念网络(DBN)和卷积神经网络(CNN)。在此基础上,类比深度学习在医学等相关领域的应用,提出了深度学习在地质上的几点应用:利用深度学习在计算机视觉上表现出的强大能力,可以对遥感图像进行聚类、对岩石样品图像进行分类、对岩石薄片数据进行描述;利用深度学习对原始数据表现出的强大识别能力,处理地质异常数据,从而确定成矿靶区的可能位置;利用深度学习的特点,对地震前的声信号数据进行处理,从而判断出地震发生前的剩余时间。  相似文献   

A simple synthesis of various forms of calcium carbonate with spherical and 'floral' morphologies is reported. Vaterite formation occurs at approximately 25 degrees C, aragonite at approximately 70 degrees C and calcite at about approximately 80 degrees C. These are produced when CO2 is reacted with an aqueous solution of calcium chloride in the presence of ammonia. These conditions may have existed at the surface of Mars in the past, leading us to conclude that such mineral formations may be common there. Although the initial phases are modified over time with changing temperature and pressure conditions, they still influence the final morphology of the carbonates observed. A comparison of these structures with those found in the Martian meteorite ALH84001 suggests, but does not confirm, a non-biogenic origin for the ALH84001 carbonates.  相似文献   

Sungun porphyry copper deposit is in East Azarbaijan province, NW of Iran. There exist four hypogene alteration types in Sungun: potassic, propylitic, potassic–phyllic, and phyllic. Copper mineralization is essentially associated more with the potassic and less with the phyllic alterations and their separation is, therefore, quite important. This research has tried to separate these two alteration zones in Sungun porphyry copper deposit using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method based on the fluid inclusion data, and seven variables including homogenization temperatures, salinity, pressure, depth, density and the Cu grade have been measured and calculated for each separate sample. To apply this method, use is made of the radial basis function (RBF) as the kernel function. The best values for λ and C (the most important SVM parameters) that perform well in the training and test data are 0.0001 and 1, respectively. If these values for λ and C are applied, the phyllic and potassic alteration zones in the training and test data will be separated with an accuracy of about 95% and 100%, respectively. This method can help geochemists in separating the alteration zones because classifying and separating samples microscopically is not only very hard, but also quite time and money consuming.  相似文献   

High-resolution magnetotelluric (MT) studies of the San Andreas fault (SAF) near Hollister, CA have imaged a zone of high fluid content flanking the San Andreas fault and extending to midcrustal depths. This zone, extending northeastward to the Calaveras fault, is imaged as several focused regions of high conductivity, believed to be the expression of tectonically bound fluid pockets separated by northeast dipping, impermeable fault seals. Furthermore, the spatial relationship between this zone and local seismicity suggests that where present, fluids inhibit seismicity within the upper crust (0–4 km). The correlation of coincident seismic and electromagnetic tomography models is used to sharply delineate geologic and tectonic boundaries. These studies show that the San Andreas fault plane is vertical below 2 km depth, bounding the southwest edge of the imaged fault-zone conductor (FZC). Thus, in the region of study, the San Andreas fault acts both as a conduit for along-strike fluid flow and a barrier for fluid flow across the fault. Combined with previous work, these results suggest that the geologic setting of the San Andreas fault gives rise to the observed distribution of fluids in and surrounding the fault, as well as the observed along-strike variation in seismicity.  相似文献   

The identification of landslide-prone areas is an essential step in landslide hazard assessment and mitigation of landslide-related losses.In this study,we applied two novel deep learning algorithms,the recurrent neural network(RNN)and convolutional neural network(CNN),for national-scale landslide susceptibility mapping of Iran.We prepared a dataset comprising 4069 historical landslide locations and 11 conditioning factors(altitude,slope degree,profile curvature,distance to river,aspect,plan curvature,distance to road,distance to fault,rainfall,geology and land-sue)to construct a geospatial database and divided the data into the training and the testing dataset.We then developed RNN and CNN algorithms to generate landslide susceptibility maps of Iran using the training dataset.We calculated the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve and used the area under the curve(AUC)for the quantitative evaluation of the landslide susceptibility maps using the testing dataset.Better performance in both the training and testing phases was provided by the RNN algorithm(AUC=0.88)than by the CNN algorithm(AUC=0.85).Finally,we calculated areas of susceptibility for each province and found that 6%and 14%of the land area of Iran is very highly and highly susceptible to future landslide events,respectively,with the highest susceptibility in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province(33.8%).About 31%of cities of Iran are located in areas with high and very high landslide susceptibility.The results of the present study will be useful for the development of landslide hazard mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

Phase relations have been determined at 20 kb in the simple, Fe-, Ti-free systems hydroxyphlogopite-hydroxyapatite and hydroxyfluorphlogopite-hydroxyfluorapatite in order to determine distribution of fluorine between phlogopite, apatite and melt under mantle conditions. No excess H2O was present in the hydroxyphlogopite-hydroxyapatite system and the F/(OH) ratio was unity in the F-bearing system. Both systems are pseudobinary and contain forsterite at phlogopite-rich compositions. In the F-absent system, the minimum melting occurs at 1225°C and Phl85Ap15, whereas in the F-bearing system this temperature is 1260°C and Phl66Ap34. Phlogopite in the F-absent system has lower Al than in the F-bearing system with both showing Si+Mg=[IV]Al+[VI]Al as the principal substitution. Increase in CaO in forsterite increases with increasing apatite in the bulk composition and is more pronounced in the F-absent system. Distribution of fluorine between phlogopite and liquid and apatite and liquid shows that D F (Phl/glass) ranges from 2–1.25 depending on temperature and bulk composition, whereas the D F (Apat/glass) is about unity. These results suggest that fluorine will tend to remain in the solid phases rather than the melt during partial melting in the mantle. Hence the enrichment of fluorine in ultrapotassic magmas and its role in their evolution are constrained.  相似文献   

河西走廊地处青藏活动地块东北部边缘,为祁连山地震构造带和南北地震构造带的交汇部位,历史上曾发生过多次中强以上的破坏性地震。2008年5月12日汶川80级特大地震发生后,河西地震带是否会发生中强震是一个较受关注的问题。文中分析了河西走廊张掖、武威、酒泉盆地地下水中的Sr、He同位素特征。结果显示,这3个地区的地下水经历了3种不同的循环路径,不是源自黑河、石羊河、疏勒河的地表径流,而是祁连山降水在出山前下渗深大断裂后的补给。这表明河西走廊盆地内的断裂带现今活动性仍然很强,玉门、高台、民乐、永昌等位于断裂带交汇处或附近的区域未来发生中、强震的可能性较大,应加强对这些地区地下水的实时监测。  相似文献   

Summary Two bimodal carbonatite complexes in Namibia of Cretaceous age are explored as to the presence and composition of a coexisting carbonatitic fluid. The Kalkfeld and Ondurakorume complexes contain both Ca- and Mg/Fe-carbonatites, composed of calcite alone or calcite with ferroan dolomite, fluorapatite and strontianite. The major element evolution in the bulk rocks from s?vites to beforsites is due to crystallization of calcite and fluorapatite. All carbonatites show a negative Y anomaly in normalised REE plots. Fractionation is accompanied by successively lower HREE contents between Tb and Yb, expressed by the ratios Nd/Ho and Ho/Lu. The evolution of this downward-facing hump goes along with decreasing Y contents in bulk rocks and minerals. All this requires an additional phase coexisting with the carbonate liquid during fractionation. Comparison between the bulk rocks and the expelled fluid shows that the latter had preferentially accumulated the HREE and Y. Further evidence for this process are hydrothermal, HREE, Y-rich fluorites in other carbonatite complexes which reflect the composition of the expelled fluid. The high strength of fluoride complexes suggests that fluoride complexing in the carbonatitic fluid is the process responsible for extracting HREE and Y from the carbonatite magma, leaving fractionated carbonatite rocks depleted in these elements. The geochemical evolution of carbonatite magmas along fractionation has therefore to be considered in a melt-mineral-fluid system. Correspondence: B. Bühn, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de Brasilia, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Brasilia 70910-900, Brazil  相似文献   

在整理、分析云南大理至瑞丽拟建铁路沿线及其邻区现今地温场分布特征的基础上,进一步总结前人的资料,综合研究、探讨了该区地温场与岩浆活动、活动构造、地震活动、区域深部构造的关系。结果表明,该区中高温温泉(中高地温场)的空间分布与地表岩浆岩的出露、地表主要活动断裂带的分布都具有较好的对应关系。综合研究后认为,该区的中高温温泉可归结为岩浆热源型、断裂深循环型和岩浆热源叠加断裂深循环作用型3种基本成因类型。同时还发现,该区的温泉分布与区域地震活动空间上也存在密切的关系,并据此将区内划分为4个地震区带。研究结果表明,本区地表温泉分布所反映出的地温场特征对本区的工程稳定性评价具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

Cores from the Great Marsh area of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore were examined in order to document variations in concentration, type and size of anthropogenic organic matter (AnOM—coal, coke, etc.) and discuss their relationship to the concentration of such trace elements as Pb, Zn, and Mn in the near-surface sediment section. The results indicate that the first appearance of AnOM corresponds to the onset of industrialization in the area. There is also a general relationship between the occurrence of AnOM and Zn, Pb, and Mn. Trace metals were likely transported from the industrial sites to the area of their deposition as sulfur-bearing coatings on small anthropogenic particles. After deposition, these sulfur-bearing compounds reacted with organic matter within the marsh. As a result of bacterial reduction, the pyrite was produced, as suggested by a close relationship between the pyrite and AnOM. Distance from the industrial complex upwind as well as local hydrologic conditions are among the major factors controlling distribution of AnOM and trace elements. At the same distance from the source, types and sizes of AnOM are influenced by the duration and frequency of flooding.  相似文献   

Spatial ability is required by practitioners and students of structural geology and so, considering spatial skills in the context of cognitive science has the potential to improve structural geology teaching and practice. Spatial thinking skills may be organized using three dichotomies, which can be linked to structural geology practice. First, a distinction is made between separating (attending to part of a whole) and combining (linking together aspects of the whole). While everyone has a basic ability to separate and combine, experts attend to differences guided by experiences of rock properties in context. Second, a distinction is made between seeing the relations among multiple objects as separate items or the relations within a single object with multiple parts. Experts can flexibly consider relations among or between objects to optimally reason about different types of spatial problems. Third, a distinction is made between reasoning about stationary and moving objects. Experts recognize static configurations that encode a movement history, and create mental models of the processes that led to the static state. The observations and inferences made by a geologist leading a field trip are compared with the corresponding observations and inferences made by a cognitive psychologist interested in spatial learning. The presented framework provides a vocabulary for discussing spatial skills both within and between the fields of structural geology and cognitive psychology.  相似文献   

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