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Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) use has been restricted or forbidden in Argentina since 1998 and technical endosulfan is the last currently used OCPs on the soybean-wheat production. As they persist in soil for several years after application, OCPs constitute a source of environmental pollution. This work aims to assess OCPs contamination of groundwater (Gw) and streamwater (Sw) in the Quequén Grande River watershed from south Argentinean Pampas in relation to the hydrogeological characteristics. OCPs were analyzed in Sw, Gw, surface bottom sediments, soils and borehole cutting sediments (Cs) by gas chromatograph-electron capture detector. Pesticide distribution in Cs was dependent on the characteristic of the non-saturated zone. Leached pesticides over 3 m in Cs showed the pattern: HCHs = endosulfan > chlordanes > DDTs, and from 3 to 6 m heptachlor was the main group as a consequence of the past use of this compound in the area, mainly on potato crops. Endosulfan reaches Gw during application season as well as during flooding events while a retard effect was observed for Sw. Levels of α- and β-isomers were in certain cases above national (7 ng L−1) and international (3 ng L−1) limits for aquatic biota protection. As the endosulfan sulfate metabolite was present in Gw and Sw and due to its high toxicity, it should be considered in the establishment of water quality criteria for human and environmental protection.  相似文献   

 The pollution potential of Cystine industrial effluents on groundwater pollution is assessed. The results indicate that the Cystine industrial effluent which is partially treated and stored in lagoons contains a high concentration of inorganic solids and soluble organics. The percolation of these effluents caused groundwater pollution impairing the water quality. Received: 20 April 1999 · Accepted: 7 June 1999  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(7):1309-1319
Petroleum coke has been used as a supplement or replacement for coal in pulverized-fuel combustion. At a 444-MW western Kentucky power station, the combustion of nearly 60% petroleum coke with moderate- to high-sulfur Illinois Basin coal produces fly ash with nearly 50% uncombusted petroleum coke and large amounts of V and Ni when compared to fly ash from strictly pulverized coal burns. Partitioning of the V and Ni, known from other studies to be concentrated in petroleum coke, was noted. However, the distribution of V and Ni does not directly correspond to the amount of uncombusted petroleum coke in the fly ash. Vanadium and Ni are preferentially associated with the finer, higher surface area fly ash fractions captured at lower flue gas temperatures. The presence of uncombusted petroleum coke in the fly ash doubles the amount of ash to be disposed, makes the fly ash unmarketable because of the high C content, and would lead to higher than typical (compared to other fly ashes in the region) concentrations of V and Ni in the fly ash even if the petroleum coke C could be beneficiated from the fly ash. Further studies of co-combustion ashes are necessary in order to understand their behavior in disposal.  相似文献   

土壤侵蚀引起的农业非点源污染研究进展   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
土壤侵蚀引起的农业非点源污染是造成水体污染的主要污染源。详细介绍了近20年来土壤侵蚀引起的农业非点源污染的研究进展,包括污染物迁移过程、影响因素、预报模型以及防治措施等;提出了我国开展农业非点源污染的研究重点,包括侵蚀过程对非点源污染物运移和水质的影响,污染物运移的预测预报模型,全国统一的不同污染物危险性评价指标体系制定等。  相似文献   

Petroleum coke (PC) is a waste by-product generated during the oil upgrading processes by the petroleum industry. The continuing accumulation of large quantities of PC requires the development of innovative strategies for the effective utilization of this carbon-rich material. In this study, PC was used for the removal of naphthenic acids (NAs) and acid-extractable fraction (AEF) from oil sands process-affected water (OSPW), generated during the oil refining process. A systematic study on the adsorption of organic fractions, vanadium leaching from PC, adsorption mechanisms, and the effect of physico-chemical characteristics of the PC on adsorption process was performed. Physico-chemical properties of PC were determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy, and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area analysis. AEF and NAs removals of 60 and 75 %, respectively, were achieved at PC dose of 200 g/L after 16 h of contact. FT-IR and TGA analysis of PC suggested the physisorption of organic compounds onto the surface of PC. The calculated mean free energy of adsorption (E < 8 kJ/mol) also indicated the physisorption of organics to the PC surface. The hydrophobic interactions between the NAs and the PC were suggested as the dominant adsorption mechanisms. The vanadium release occurred when PC was mixed with OSPW and vanadium concentration increased with an increase in the PC dose. Speciation analysis indicated that the vanadium leached was predominantly vanadium (V) and insignificant amount of vanadium (IV) was also detected.  相似文献   


In arid and semiarid regions from the southwestern USA and vast areas of northwestern Mexico, Santa Ana wind events modify the environment with high temperatures, very low humidity, and dust storms representing a recurrent phenomenon that triggers asthma and other respiratory diseases. While research has emphasized Santa Ana wind effects on the USA side, northwestern Mexico has been less investigated. Numerical modeling of a severe dust storm in November 2018, applying the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with a chemistry module (WRF-Chem), revealed that erosion, transport, and dust storms extend along the peninsula and the Gulf of California. Santa Ana winds eroded large areas, transported desert conditions to urban zones, causing high dust concentrations and reducing the relative humidity below 10%, deteriorating climatic conditions favorable to wellness. In Tijuana, Mexicali, Ensenada, San Diego, and Los Angeles, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations (particle matter with diameter below 10 µm and 2.5 µm) reached values over 2000 µg/m3 for PM10, with daily mean concentrations well above national standards, leading to poor air quality and representing a health threat even in short-term exposure. This Santa Ana event transported dust particles several hundreds of kilometers over urban areas, the Gulf of California, and the Pacific Ocean. Severe soil deterioration was simulated within the study area, reaching dust emissions above 700,000 t, including croplands from the northern part of Baja California and Sonora's coastal area.


Air pollution is one of the most important problems in the new era. Detecting the level of air pollution from an image taken by a camera can be informative for the people who are not aware of exact air pollution level be declared daily by some organizations like municipalities. In this paper, we propose a method to predict the level of the air pollution of a location by taking an image by a camera of a smart phone then processing it. We collected an image dataset from city of Tehran. Afterward, we proposed two methods for estimation of level of air pollution. In the first method, the images are preprocessed and then Gabor transform is used to extract features from the images. At the end, two shallow classification methods are employed to model and predict the level of air pollution. In the second proposed method, a Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) is designed to receive a sky image as an input and result a level of air pollution. Some experiments have been done to evaluate the proposed method. The results show that the proposed 9 method has an acceptable accuracy in detection of the air pollution level. Our deep classifier achieved accuracy about 59.38% which is 10 about 6% higher than traditional combination of feature extraction and classification methods.  相似文献   

石油化工是高污染的行业,由于污水的不合理排放以及在生产过程中的跑、冒、滴、漏,大量有毒有害的有机污染物进入地下水系统,造成地下水水质恶化,地下水环境退化,甚至制约着工农业生产的发展,危害人民的身体健康,石油类污染已成为严重的环境问题。本文通过对某石油化工企业地下水油类污染的调查,对地下水石油污染的特征、污染源空间分布规律、地下水石油类污染机理等方面进行了研究。  相似文献   

本文简介了亭南煤矿、大佛寺煤矿采空区引发的不同地质灾害,经对比分析两矿地质采矿条件,提出有效长深比、有效深厚比、覆岩力学性质、不同力学性质覆岩厚度的明显不同是两矿采空区引发不同地质灾害的主要原因,并依据有效深厚比划分了两矿不同程度地质灾害的分布范围及对村庄的危险性。  相似文献   

大型水源地开采地下水导致的盐分迁移和污染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以河南省新乡市为例,通过分析地下水渗流、水化学和同位素的时空特征,对大型水源地长期开采地下水所导致的溶质迁移进行了研究。研究表明,大型水源地长期集中开采地下水,形成了较大面积和较深的地下水位降落漏斗,改变了地下水自北部山前冲洪积斜地向南部的冲积平原渗流的运动格局,地下水中盐分和污染物随着地下水渗流而迁移,北部污染严重的地下水和南部微咸水都向漏斗区运移。因此,双向迁移的结果,使得水源地附近水质变差,污染程度加重。  相似文献   

CO2-ECBM中气固作用对煤体应力和强度的影响分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于固体表面能下降是引起固体膨胀的动力源的理论,给出了煤体吸附CH4和CO2后的膨胀应力的计算公式,对CO2和CH4吸附引起的膨胀进行了计算和分析,为评估CO2注入煤层后吸附引起的膨胀对煤层力学稳定性的影响提供了理论依据。取Griffith断裂理论中临界应力为煤体强度指标,给出了煤体吸附气体后强度下降的计算公式,对煤体自由膨胀条件下吸附CH4和CO2强度降低的情况进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

Stored metallurgy and mining wastes contain relatively high amounts of potentially toxic elements. To monitor the distribution of contaminants originating from dumps, the chemical and physical properties of the wastes must be characterised. In this study, the chemical properties of wastes deposited in two different locations in Southern Poland (Szklary and Zloty Stok) were evaluated. Heaps located in Zloty Stok contain wastes from gold mineralisation comprising arsenic while wastes in Szklary originate from a factory that produced an iron-nickel alloy. In Szklary the total concentrations of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, Tl, Ag, Cd and Pb were determined, while in Zloty Stok also As is an important contaminant. To assess the risk of contamination of the surrounding environment and to select the proper method for removing the contaminants, information on the distribution of elements between operationally defined phases must be obtained. For this purpose, a six-step sequential extraction was used. The mobility of most elements in the wastes from Szklary and Zloty Stok was relatively low; however, the large amount of As, 40–180 mg L?1, that could be released to environment in case of Zloty Stok was high. The results of fractionation studies indicated that Ag, Cd, Tl, Co, Cu, Cr, Pb, Zn and Mn may be released into environment under low pH and low redox potential conditions, which can be induced by bacterial activity.  相似文献   

As an important industrial city, Chongqing has experienced rapid economic growth in recent years, but at the same time the growth has been accompanied by serious pollution problems. Water quality monitoring shows that the waters of Chongqing are widely polluted. In this paper, the human capital approach is applied to assessing the economic losses and damages caused by water pollution in Chongqing. Based on previous studies and empirical investigations,water pollution-induced damage can be categorized into two general types: damage to ecosystems, including agriculture; and damage to non-ecosystems, including industry. The economic loss estimation of each type of the damage is conducted by taking into account a group of relevant parameters and methods.  相似文献   

浙西石煤产区放射性污染及防治对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吕惠进 《地质通报》2003,22(9):725-728
浙江西部山区石煤资源丰富,广泛地被应用于石煤制品的生产和用做部分电厂、山区农村的燃料。石煤中U、Th等放射性核素含量高,致使部分石煤及其制品中U、Th等放射性核素含量偏高。U、Th是Rn的母体元素,衰变后不断释放出氡气,导致石煤产区居室内氡浓度和居民年辐射剂量当量严重超标,危害人体健康。本文在分析该区部分石煤产区、石煤制品、石煤电厂以及居室中的放射性元素污染的基础上,提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

To determine the degree of hydrocarbon contamination and the contribution of local petroleum industries to contaminant loadings in sediments from the Beiluohe River, China, 12 surface sediment samples were collected for geochemical analysis in 2005. Sediment samples were extracted by organic solvents, separated by silica gel column chromatography and the profiles of n-alkanes, biomarkers and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector and gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Concentrations of total hydrocarbons in the sediments varied from 12.1 to 3,761.5 μg g−1 dry wt, indicating that most sediments in Beiluohe River was only slightly to moderately contaminated by hydrocarbons. Concentrations of PAHs for six samples (sum of 16 isomers) varied from 17.7 to 407.7 ng g−1 dry wt and at present low levels of PAHs did not cause adverse biological effects in Beiluohe River sedimentary environment. PAH compositions, n-alkanes and biomarker profiles all suggested that there were different sources of contaminations in studied areas. n-Alkanes reflect two distinct sources: a fossil n-alkane series from crude oil at sites S40, S43, S87 and plantwax n-alkanes at sites S39 and S45. Judged by their PAH ratios, the sediments at site S15 were pyrolytic, sediments at S17 and S43 were petrogenic, and sediments at S39, S40 and S64 had a mixture source of pyrolytic and petrogenic.  相似文献   

Sun  Wei  Hou  Yufei  Guo  Lanjiang 《Natural Hazards》2021,107(3):2533-2553
Natural Hazards - Air pollution emissions can exceed the environmental self-purification capacity and trigger hazardous meteorological events, which have non negligible impacts on all aspects of...  相似文献   

针对深部开采条件下覆岩移动变形引起的安全问题,采用理论分析、相似材料模拟试验结合的方法,通过监测相似材料模拟深部煤炭开采过程中覆岩位移、应力变化情况及覆岩的断裂破坏、弯曲和移动变形的过程,对比分析了采场覆岩体的移动变形、应力场演化过程和采动应力的影响区域.试验结果表明:在深部倾斜煤层开采过程中,沿着采煤工作面形成了应力升高区、应力降低区和原岩应力区;对孤岛工作面进行开采时,新旧采空区容易因上覆岩层的垮落塌陷连通成整体,极易发生矿井动力灾害;布置孤岛工作面的巷道位置时建议考虑布置在采空区的应力降低区内,并且煤柱宽度不应大于10 ~ 12m,最佳选择为6~8m.  相似文献   

During hydraulic fracturing in gassy coal seams, the gas concentration in mining path ways is found to increase significantly. This phenomenon should be the displacement methane effect caused by hydraulic fracturing. Does this effect exist objectively? To this end, laboratory and field verification experiments were carried out. An experimental system integrated with true triaxial hydraulic fracturing, seepage, and displacement gas was developed. The largest sample size was 500?×?500?×?500 mm3. Proper sealing was assured in the experimental system, and the effects of coal bed methane were simulated effectively. Methane at a specific pressure was injected into a sealed coal sample. After pressure stabilization and the methane adsorption reached its equilibrium level, the high-pressure water was injected into the coal sample from the surface. Absorbed methane in the coal sample was displaced from the bottom of the coal by water pressure seepage. After the conduction of deep borehole hydraulic fracturing in a high gassy coal seam, the gas was displaced inward and outward from the main fracture section. The permeability, diffusion, and transfer of the gas resulted in a region of increased methane content in both sides of the main fracture section. And the methane content in the main fracture section was decreased. Along the length of the borehole, the methane content changed significantly. The existence of displaced methane caused by hydraulic fracturing in gassy coal seams was first verified by laboratory experiments and then field tests. The pore-pressure gradient provides power for driving methane by hydraulic fracturing. The amount of desorbed methane resulted from the competitive adsorption of water and methane is more than that of the absorbed methane resulted from increased methane pressure, which provides material guarantee for displacing methane by hydraulic fracturing. The displacement methane caused by hydraulic fracturing in gassy coal seams was also found to be time dependent.  相似文献   

采煤塌陷积水区是煤矿开采造成的重要地质灾害之一,目前它已成为淮南市地表水体的一种特殊组成部分.通过对淮南矿区采煤塌陷积水区概况和利用现状的分析,以及对塌陷积水区水生生态环境状况和目前的生态状况水体所能支持的功能用途的简单综合评价,发现淮南矿区采煤塌陷积水区水生态环境已受到一定程度的污染,加强对塌陷积水区生态环境的监管势在必行.  相似文献   

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