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This paper develops a tectono‐stratigraphic model for the evolution and drowning of Early Jurassic carbonate platforms. The model arises from outcrop analysis and Sr isotope dating of successions exposed in the Betic Cordillera in southeastern Spain. Here, an extensive Early Jurassic (Sinemurian) carbonate platform developed on the rifted Tethyan margin of the Iberian Plate. The platform was dissected by extensional faults in early jamesoni times (ca. 191 Ma) and again in late ibex times (ca.188 Ma) during the Pliensbachian stage. Extensional faults and fault block rotation are shown to control the formation of three sequence boundaries that divide the platform stratigraphy (the Gavilan Formation) into three depositional sequences. The last sequence boundary marks localised drowning of the platform and deposition of the deeper water Zegri Formation, whereas adjacent platforms remain exposed or continue as the site of shallow‐marine sediment accumulation. This study is based on mapping, facies analysis and dating of platform carbonates exposed in three tectonic units within the zone: Gabar, Ponce and Canteras. Facies analysis leads to the recognition of facies associations deposited in carbonate ramp environments and adjacent to synsedimentary, marine, fault scarps. Sr isotope dating enables us to correlate platform‐top carbonates from the different tectonic units at a precision equivalent to ammonite zones. A sequence stratigraphic analysis of sections from the three tectonic units is carried out using the facies models together with the Sr isotope dates. This analysis indicates a clear tectonic control on the development of the stratigraphy: depositional sequences vary in thickness, have wedge‐shaped geometries and vary in facies, internal geometries and systems tracts from one tectonic unit to another. Criteria characterising depositional sequences and sequence boundaries from the Gabar and Ponce units are used to establish a tectono‐stratigraphic model for carbonate platform depositional sequences and sequence boundaries in maritime rifts, which can be applied to other less well‐exposed or subsurface successions from other sedimentary basins. Onlapping transgressive and progradational highstand systems tracts are recognised on dip slope ramps. Falling stage and lowstand systems tracts are developed as thick breccia units in hangingwall areas adjacent to extensional faults. Sequence boundaries vary in character, amplitude and/or duration of sea‐level fall and persistence across the area. Some boundaries coalesce onto the Canteras unit, which remained as a relatively positive area throughout the early Pliensbachian (Carixian). The carbonate platform on the Ponce tectonic unit drowned in the latest Carixian (davoei biozone). However, the adjacent tectonic units remained emergent and developed a long‐lived sequence boundary, indicating tectonic subsidence as the major cause for platform drowning. The stratigraphic evolution of this area on the rifted southern Iberian margin indicates that a widespread restricted shallow‐water carbonate platform environment accumulating peritidal carbonates evolved with faulting to a more open‐marine setting. Sr dating indicates that this transition took place around the Sinemurian–Pliesbachian boundary and it was driven by local fault‐related subsidence together with likely post‐faulting regional subsidence.  相似文献   

The Eastern Mediterranean Levant Basin is a proven hydrocarbon province with recent major gas discoveries. To date, no exploration wells targeted its northern part, in particular the Lebanese offshore. The present study assesses the tectono‐stratigraphic evolution and related petroleum systems of the northern Levant Basin via an integrated approach that combines stratigraphic forward modeling and petroleum systems/basin modeling based on the previous published work. Stratigraphic modeling results provide a best‐fit realisation of the basin‐scale sedimentary filling, from the post‐rift Upper Jurassic until the Pliocene. Simulation results suggest dominant eastern marginal and Arabian Plate sources for Cenozoic siliciclastic sediments and a significant contribution from the southern Nilotic source mostly from Lower Oligocene to Lower Miocene. Basin modeling results suggest the presence of a working thermogenic petroleum system with mature source rocks localised in the deeper offshore. The generated hydrocarbons migrated through the deep basin within Jurassic and Cretaceous permeable layers towards the Latakia Ridge in the north and the Levant margin and offshore topographic highs. Furthermore, the basin model indicates a possibly significant influence of salt deposition during Messinian salinity crisis on formation fluids. Ultimately, the proposed integrated workflow provides a powerful tool for the assessment of petroleum systems in underexplored areas.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic forward modelling was used to simulate the deposition of Upper Cretaceous, Eocene and Oligo‐Miocene source rocks in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and, thus, obtain a process‐based 3D prediction of the quantity and quality distribution of organic matter (OM) in the respective intervals. Upper Cretaceous and Eocene models support the idea of an upwelling‐related source rock formation along the Levant Margin and the Eratosthenes Seamount (ESM). Along the margin, source rock facies form a narrow band of 50 km parallel to the palaeo shelf break, with high total organic carbon (TOC) contents of about 1% to 11%, and HI values of 300–500 mg HC/g TOC. On top of the ESM, TOC contents are mainly between 0.5% and 3% and HI values between 150 and 250 mg HC/g TOC. At both locations, TOC and HI values decrease rapidly towards the deeper parts of the basin. In the Oligo‐Miocene intervals, terrestrial OM makes up the highest contribution to the TOC content, as marine organic matter (OM) is diluted by high‐sedimentation rates. In general, TOC contents are low (<1%), but are distributed relatively homogenously throughout the whole basin, creating poor quality, but very thick source rock intervals of 1–2 km of cumulative thickness. The incorporation of these source rock models into a classic petroleum system model could identify several zones of thermal maturation in the respective source rock intervals. Upper Cretaceous source rocks started petroleum generation in the late Palaeocene/early Eocene with peak generation between 20 and 15 Ma ca. 50 km offshore northern Lebanon. Southeast of the ESM, generation started in the early Eocene with peak generation between 18 and 15 Ma. Eocene source rocks started HC generation ca. 25 Ma ago between 50 and 100 km southeast of the ESM and reached the oil to wet gas window at present day. However, until today they have converted less than 20% of their initial kerogen. Although the Miocene source rocks are mostly immature, Oligocene source rocks lie within the oil window in the southern Levant Basin and reached the onset of the wet gas window in the northern Levant Basin. However, only 10%–20% of their initial kerogen have been transformed to date.  相似文献   

Recent scientific work has highlighted the presence of an up to 12 km thick Cenozoic siliclastic and carbonate infill in the Levant Basin. Since the Late Eocene, several regional geodynamic events affecting Afro‐Arabia and Eurasia (collision and strike slip deformation) induced marginal uplifts. The initiation of local and long‐lived regional drainage systems in the Oligo‐Miocene period (e.g., Lebanon, Arabia and Nile) provoked a change in the depositional pattern along the Levant region from carbonate‐dominated to mixed clastic‐rich systems. Herein, we explore the importance of multi‐scale constraints (i.e., seismic, well and field data) in the quantification of subsidence history, sediment transport and deposition of a Middle to Upper Miocene “multi‐source” to sink system along the northern Levant frontier region. Through a comprehensive 4D forward stratigraphic modelling workflow, we suggest that the contribution to basin infill is split between proximal and more distal clastic sources as well as in situ carbonate and hemipelagic deposition. The results show that single‐source scenarios could not reasonably satisfy the basin‐scale constraints. The worldwide application of such new multi‐disciplinary workflows in frontier regions highlights the additional data constraints that are needed to de‐risk highly uncertain geological models in the hydrocarbon exploration phase.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a regressive-to-transgressive shoreline wedge within the Middle Jurassic Tarbert Formation in the Oseberg South area (northern North Sea), as interpreted from core and log data from more than hundred wells. The wedge is described in terms of four facies associations (FA1–FA4). The lower, regressive portion of the wedge (FA1–FA2) contains both coarsening upward wave/storm-dominated shoreline deposits as well as coal-bearing paralic deposits, and was deposited during ascending regression. The upper, transgressive portion of the wedge (FA3–FA4) is characterised by wave-dominated estuarine deposits, exhibiting an upward change from inner to central to outer estuarine deposits. In contrast to some earlier studies, it is argued that this part was deposited during accretionary transgression. The present study documents an estuarine system that developed without any preceding fall of relative sea level and valley incision. It is argued that differential fault-induced subsidence created a broad gentle sag wherein one or several estuarine systems developed as the depositional system became transgressive. The subtle fault-induced subsidence is related to the tectonic evolution in the North Sea Basin.  相似文献   

The southern South African continental margin documents a complex margin system that has undergone both continental rifting and transform processes in a manner that its present‐day architecture and geodynamic evolution can only be better understood through the application of a multidisciplinary and multi‐scale geo‐modelling procedure. In this study, we focus on the proximal section of the larger Bredasdorp sub‐basin (the westernmost of the five southern South African offshore Mesozoic sub‐basins), which is hereto referred as the Western Bredasdorp Basin. Integration of 1200 km of 2D seismic‐reflection profiles, well‐logs and cores yields a consistent 3D structural model of the Upper Jurassic‐Cenozoic sedimentary megasequence comprising six stratigraphic layers that represent the syn‐rift to post‐rift successions with geometric information and lithology‐depth‐dependent properties (porosities and densities). We subsequently applied a combined approach based on Airy's isostatic concept and 3D gravity modelling to predict the depth to the crust‐mantle boundary (Moho) as well as the density structure of the deep crust. The best‐fit 3D model with the measured gravity field is only achievable by considering a heterogeneous deep crustal domain, consisting of an uppermost less dense prerift meta‐sedimentary layer [ρ = 2600 kg m?3] with a series of structural domains. To reproduce the observed density variations for the Upper Cenomanian–Cenozoic sequence, our model predicts a cumulative eroded thickness of ca. 800–1200 m of Tertiary sediments, which may be related to the Late Miocene margin uplift. Analyses of the key features of the first crust‐scale 3D model of the basin, ranging from thickness distribution pattern, Moho shallowing trend, sub‐crustal thinning to shallow and deep crustal extensional regimes, suggest that basin initiation is typical of a mantle involvement deep‐seated pull‐apart setting that is associated with the development of the Agulhas‐Falkland dextral shear zone, and that the system is not in isostatic equilibrium at present day due to a mass excess in the eastern domain of the basin that may be linked to a compensating rise of the asthenospheric mantle during crustal extension. Further corroborating the strike‐slip setting is the variations of sedimentation rates through time. The estimated syn‐rift sedimentation rates are three to four times higher than the post‐rift sedimentation, thereby indicating that a rather fast and short‐lived subsidence during the syn‐rift phase is succeeded by a significantly poor passive margin development in the post‐rift phase. Moreover, the derived lithospheric stretching factors [β = 1.5–1.75] for the main basin axis do not conform to the weak post‐rift subsidence. This therefore suggests that a differential thinning of the crust and the mantle‐lithosphere typical for strike‐slip basins, rather than the classical uniform stretching model, may be applicable to the Western Bredasdorp Basin.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(Z1):101-123
Due to the multiple controlling factors involved, it is a challenging task to identify and quantify the processes influencing the distribution and heterogeneity of marine organic‐rich rocks. To improve our understanding of these deposits, we model their burial history and stratigraphic evolution as well as processes linked to marine organic matter history throughout the Lower Jurassic in of the Northern Lusitanian Basin (Western Iberian Margin). This 15‐Ma‐long interval is modelled using 100‐kyr time steps to simulate lithologies and organic matter heterogeneity as layers with a thickness of 2–5 m, depending on the sedimentation rate in the basin. The model is calibrated by well and outcrop data which provide structural and biostratigraphic constraints, as well as information on the depositional facies and geochemistry of the sediments. The results show that the presence of organic‐rich intervals is linked to first‐order variations in the basin geometry and sedimentation rates. Without considering any variation of primary productivity or oxygen content in surface sea waters, the parameters of basin geometry and sedimentation rate are sufficient to predict the main characteristics of source rocks, i.e. their occurrence, thickness and mineralogy at the basin scale. However, to fit the measured organic carbon contents, we need to take account of other parameters such as variations of primary productivity or changes in dissolved oxygen concentration.  相似文献   

Graben systems in extensional settings tend to be segmented with evidence of segment interaction. To gain a better understanding of the evolution of structures formed during graben growth and interaction, we here study the Grabens area of Canyonlands National Park, Utah, where a wide range of such structures is well exposed. With the aid of 3D numerical models, we attempt to reproduce structures observed in that region and to understand controls on the structural style of graben interaction by varying the spacing between pre‐existing structures. The sensitivity of the system to the thickness of the salt layer is also tested. Four distinct types of structures are observed when the spacing between inherited weak zones is varied: (1) grabens connecting in a relay zone divided by a narrow central horst; (2) graben segments interacting via a secondary stepover graben; (3) grabens propagating alongside each other with limited segment interaction; and (4) an abandoned graben segment in a system of multiple competing grabens. The presence of a basal salt layer (Paradox Member) promotes efficient graben propagation. A comparison between the observed structures and the numerical model results indicates that the detachment salt layer is relatively thin in the study area.  相似文献   

Prior to the collection of a series of sediment cores, a high- and very-high-resolution reflection seismic survey was carried out on Lago Puyehue, Lake District, South-Central Chile. The data reveal a complex bathymetry and basin structure, with three sub-basins separated by bathymetric ridges, bedrock islands and interconnected channels. The sedimentary infill reaches a thickness of >200 m. It can be sub-divided into five seismic-stratigraphic units, which are interpreted as: moraine, ice-contact or outwash deposits (Unit I), glacio-lacustrine sediments rapidly deposited in a proglacial or subglacial lake at the onset of deglaciation (Unit II), lacustrine fan deposits fed by sediment-laden meltwater streams in a proglacial lake (Unit III), distal deposits of fluvially derived sediment in an open, post-glacial lake (Unit IV) and authigenic lacustrine sediments, predominantly of biogenic origin, that accumulated in an open, post-glacial lake (Unit V). This facies succession is very similar to that observed in other glacial lakes, and minor differences are attributed to an overall higher depositional energy and higher terrigenous input caused by the strong seismic and volcanic activity in the region combined with heavy precipitation. A long sediment core (PU-II core) penetrates part of Unit V and its base is dated as 17,915 cal. yr. BP. Extrapolation of average sedimentation rates yields an age of ca. 24,750 cal. yr. BP for the base of Unit V, and of ca. 28,000 cal. yr. BP for the base of Unit IV or for the onset of open-water conditions. This is in contrast with previous glacial-history reconstructions based on terrestrial records, which date the complete deglaciation of the basin as ca. 14,600 cal. yr. BP. This discrepancy cannot be easily explained and highlights the need for more lacustrine records from this region. This is the second in a series of eight papers published in this special issue dedicated to the 17,900 year multi-proxy lacustrine record of Lago Puyehue, Chilean Lake District. The papers in this special issue were collected by M. De Batist, N. Fagel, M.-F. Loutre and E. Chapron.  相似文献   

The main controlling variables for palaeo-landscape evolution are investigated to assess their relative importance using the Gippsland Basin geological history. Palaeo-landscape reconstruction is a complicated process controlled and affected by multiple variables, including tectonic, palaeo-environment, sea-level change, rainfall, sediment erosion, transportation, deposition, etc. The Basin and Landscape Dynamics software (Badlands) software was used with an efficient experimental design (ED) to guide the selected scenarios, process the results, and generate the multi-variate equations that define and identify the important controlling variables. The ED was used to test and identify the main uncertainties and their possible ranges, based on actual field data, while at the same time ensuring that the full multi-dimensional space for those variables was covered to enable the computation of multivariate equations from the minimum number of scenario runs. A full suite of 3D forward palaeo-landscape models of the Gippsland Basin was built to reconstruct the basin history from its formation to the present (Early Cretaceous to Holocene, 137-0 Ma). The models are compared to the corresponding full 3D realistic structural and stratigraphic model of the basin that has been built in Petrel (Schlumberger software). This constrains the sedimentary, stratigraphic, burial and thermal histories to the relative subsidence rates and basin-fill for each geological sequence by using the model isopachs input to the Badlands modelling. The ED required only 22 scenarios to fit 12 identified variables and test for possible interactions with each other. The most significant variables are those that control sediment supply including non-marine erodibility, rainfall, (Rainfall × Area) exponent m, Slope and critical slope while maximum % Marine Deposition and marine dispersal are also required to fill the marine accommodation space. Sea Level and subsidence only become significant when rapid enough to outpace sediment supply. The controlling factors change over time with basin development from rift to post-rift phases and interactions are highly significant.  相似文献   

The evolution from Late Cretaceous to early Eocene of the well dated Amiran foreland basin in the NW Iranian Zagros Mountains is studied based on the reconstruction of successive thickness, palaeobathymetry and subsidence maps. These maps show the progressive forelandwards migration of the mixed carbonate‐siliciclastic system associated with a decrease in creation of accommodation. Carbonate facies variations across the basin suggest a structural control on the carbonate distribution in the Amiran foreland basin, which has been used as initial constraint to study the control exerted by syndepositional folding in basin architecture and evolution by means of stratigraphic numerical modelling. Modelled results show that shallow bathymetries on top of growing folds enhance carbonate production and basin compartmentalization. As a consequence, coarse clastics become restricted to the internal parts of the basin and only the fine sediments can by‐pass the bathymetric highs generated by folding. Additionally, the development of extensive carbonate platforms on top of the anticlines favours the basinwards migration of the depositional system, which progrades farther with higher fold uplift rates. In this scenario, build‐ups on top of anticlines record its growth and can be used as a dating method. Extrapolation of presented modelling results into the Amiran foreland basin is in agreement with an early folding stage in the SE Lurestan area, between the Khorramabad and Kabir Kuh anticlines. This folding stage would enhance the development of carbonate platforms on top of the anticlines, the south‐westward migration of the system and eventually, the complete filling of the basin north of the Chenareh anticline at the end of the Cuisian. Incremental thickness maps are consistent with a thin (0.4–2 km) ophiolite complex in the source area of the Amiran basin.  相似文献   

A baroclinic. 3-D model is described. It is adapted to the Barents Sea and includes thermodynamics and atmospheric input. The freezing and melting of ice is allowed for in the model. The main task of the study is to look at the development of the ice cover, the vertical mixing, and the vertical and horizontal density gradients.
Despite simple approximations in the air temperature input, realistic ice-cover is produced in the model area during simulation of a "freezing period" (winter). This intermediate result is briefly discussed and also forms the start of a "melting period" simulation (spring/summer). Atmospheric input data (wind, air pressure, and heat flux) from the spring and summer 1983 is used, and details about vertical mixing, temperature, and salinity are discussed. The simulation results demonstrate the temporal variation of the thermocline depth, the variation of the ice cover, and the horizontal changes of density. The conclusion is that despite often simplified input, the model seems to produce a physical picture characteristic of the Barents Sea.  相似文献   

The Mid‐Palaeocene palaeogeography of Denmark and the surrounding areas have been reconstructed on the basis of published geological data integrated with 3D geodynamic modelling. The use of numerical modelling enables quantitative testing of scenarios based on geological input alone and thus helps constrain likely palaeo‐water depths in areas where the geological data are inconclusive or incomplete. The interpretation of large‐scale erosional valleys and small‐scale circular depressions at the Mid‐Palaeocene Top Chalk surface in the Norwegian–Danish basin as either submarine or subaerial features is enigmatic and has strong implications for palaeogeographical reconstructions of the eastern North Sea basin. A 3D thermo‐mechanical model is employed in order to constrain the likely palaeo‐water depths of the eastern North Sea basin during the Palaeocene. The model treats the lithosphere as an elasto‐visco‐plastic continuum and models the lithospheric response to the regional stress field and thermal structure. The model includes the effects of sea‐level change, sedimentation and erosion, from the Mid Cretaceous to the present. Modelling results reproduce to first order geological data such as present sediment isopachs and palaeo‐water depths. It is concluded that the Mid Palaeocene water depths in the Norwegian–Danish basin were about 250 m. The erosional valleys and circular depressions at the top of the Upper Cretaceous‐Danian Chalk Group are thus interpreted to have formed in relatively deep water rather than due to subaerial exposure. Likely interpretations of the structures are therefore submarine valleys and pockmarks.  相似文献   

《Basin Research》2018,30(4):766-782
This paper proposes a new methodology to improve the location of potential karstified areas by gravity inversion of a 3D geological model. A geological 3D model is built from surface observations, 2D seismic reflection profiles and well data. The reliability of this geological 3D model obtained from integration, interpretation and interpolation of such data is first tested against the structural consistency of the model. Its theoretical gravimetric response is compared to gravity field during the forward problem in order to evaluate the validity/robustness of the geological model. The coherency between the gravity field and the gravimetric response is tested. The litho‐inversion modelling quantifies the distribution of rock density in a probabilistic way, taking into account the geology and physical properties of rocks, while respecting the geological structures represented in the 3D model. The result of the inversion process provides a density distribution within carbonate formations that can be discussed in term of karstification distribution. Thus, lower densities correlate with areas that are strongly karstified. Conversely, higher than mean densities are found in carbonate formations mostly located under marly and impervious formations, preserving carbonate from karstification and paleokarstification.  相似文献   

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