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The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was observed by two satellites, close in space and time, that traversed the Indian Ocean 2?h after the Sumatra–Andaman earthquake, but which observed different tsunami lead wave morphologies. The earlier satellite, Jason-1, recorded a lead wave with two peaks of similar amplitude and wavelength, while the later satellite, TOPEX/Poseidon, recorded a lead wave with only one longer wavelength uplift. To resolve this disparity, we examine the travel paths of long wavelength waves over the seafloor bathymetry. Waves traveling from the margin will traverse significantly different paths to arrive at the two satellite transects. The result is that the satellites are sensitive to different parts of the margin; Jason-1 is highly sensitive to the margin in the area of the epicenter, while TOPEX is sensitive to a more northerly section. By developing solutions of the ocean gravity wave equations, accounting for dispersion, we show that the double peak of the Jason-1 satellite observations are consistent with coseismic rupture of a splay fault of limited along-strike extent, located north of Simeulue Island. The doubly peaked morphology can be reproduced with co-activation of the subduction zone interface and the splay fault, which creates a seafloor uplift pattern with two distinct areas of uplift. The Jason-1 satellite is sensitive to a splay fault in this portion of the margin, whereas the TOPEX satellite would not be significantly affected by this uplift pattern. By back-projecting satellite observation points to the margin, we constrain the location of the proposed splay fault and find that it correlates with a bathymetric high. The aftershock locations, uplift of corals on Simeulue Island and a fault scarp on Pulau Salaut Besar are also consistent with the activation of a splay fault in the area delimited by the back-projection. Our work also shows that it is critical to fully capture gravity wave dispersion in order to represent features of the lead wave profile that may not be as well characterized by the shallow water (long-wavelength) model. It is also necessary to account for dispersion so as to precisely assess wavefront travel times; this leads us to conclude that the rupture must have reached very near to the trench and propagated with an updip rupture velocity of order 2.0?km/s or more.  相似文献   

分析了DWMJ—89A型电磁波记录仪的观测资料及其映震的关系,对用电磁波脉冲异常数值天数预报未来地震强度的方法进行了研究,结果表明电磁脉冲异常数值与地震强度有一定的关系。  相似文献   

采用互相关系数法, 计算了2011年安庆MS4.8地震的余震S波分裂参数。 结果表明, 余震序列的S波分裂现象明显, 快S波平均偏振方向在近NNW向, 与区域最大水平主压应力方向基本一致。 通过分析延迟时间随时间的变化趋势, 可以看出MS4.8地震后有明显的应力释放现象。 在几次较大余震前, 观测到延迟时间呈现增加的特征, 并且其中一次余震在发生之前的短时间内还出现延迟时间减小的现象, 这一现象符合震前应力长时间积累和短时间应力释放的结论, 时间延迟在强震前会出现下降具有重要的地震短临预测意义。 研究认为 S 波分裂参数可以反映区域应力场的动态变化信息, 可以为安徽南部地区应力场研究与地震预测提供有用的信息。  相似文献   

In this paper,a test or alternative scheme for studying large earthquake sequences through the study of small earthquake sequences is suggested,and a small earthquake sequence,the Lima earthquake sequence for which analogue records have been turned into digital data,is used here.In order to provide the deep construction background and the spatial distribution of structure for generating earthquakes,the P-wave and S-wave layered velocity models in this area are obtained by using mine explosion and earthquake observed records; then,the hypocenter locations and focal depths of the Lima earthquake sequence are determined adopting the velocity models given above and using a location method with numerical properties for a microseismic monitoring network(Zhao et al.,1994)and a new method for determining focal depth from data of a local seismographic network(Zhao,1992); finally,based on this,the variation of quality factor Q of the crustal medium during the period of the sequence is estimated.The obtained resul  相似文献   

使用区域固定台网数字地震记录资料,计算2013年4月20日四川芦山MS7.0地震余震序列的震源谱参数,通过纵、横波的拐角频率比值和纵、横波位移谱零频极限比值计算波速比。结果显示:1拐角频率比值得到的波速比平均值约为1.27,零频极限比值得到的波速比平均值约为1.67,零频极限比值得到的结果更接近泊松介质的波速比1.73;2两种方法得到的波速比变化趋势基本一致:在主震后均处于较低异常水平,最后一个MS5.4余震后,波速比回返升高;3零频极限比值得到的波速比异常形态较明显,在3个MS5.4余震前都呈现出"降低-回返"的过程,在回返之后发生最大余震;4在数据处理过程中,是否对介质做非弹性衰减校正对两种方法的结果影响不大;5单台波速比与多台波速比的变化趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

利用山东数字化测震单台三分向记录,选择2种测定地震方位角方法和7种数据预处理方法,通过对实际结果的系统对比分析,确定了最佳的测定地震方位角的技术方案和适于地震预警的测震台站.对测定震中距和震级的方法进行了改进,得到了最佳的根据直达P波前2 s波形的包络特征参数求震中距、峰值速度的统计关系,以及根据包络特征参数求震级的标度关系.快速测定震中距和震级方法在实时地震预警中具有应用前景.  相似文献   

肖震  郑勇  熊熊 《地震》2014,34(2):1-11
中小地震的震源位置及其变化对于研究地震构造、 断层性质以及地震应力场的演化等问题都有极为重要的意义。 然而以HypoDD双差定位法为代表的常规定位方法对地壳速度结构要求很高, 且受台站分布影响较大。 而尾波干涉法不需要了解速度模型的精细结构, 只要求速度结构中存在各向不均一性散射体即可, 且对台站分布要求低, 因此适合应用在中小地震的相对位置变化的研究上。 本文以汶川地震余震为例, 研究利用尾波干涉法确定相似地震相对位置的可行性及其稳定性, 并将其结果与双差法进行了比较。 发现当台站分布较好时, 其结果与双差法所得结果较为一致, 而当台站分布较差时, 尾波干涉法所得结果更为可靠。  相似文献   

The 1963 great Kurile earthquake was an underthrust earthquake occurred in the Kurile?CKamchatka subduction zone. The slip distribution of the 1963 earthquake was estimated using 21 tsunami waveforms recorded at tide gauges along the Pacific and Okhotsk Sea coasts. The extended rupture area was divided into 24 subfaults, and the slip on each subfault was determined by the tsunami waveform inversion. The result shows that the largest slip amount of 2.8?m was found at the shallow part and intermediate depth of the rupture area. Large slip amounts were found at the shallow part of the rupture area. The total seismic moment was estimated to be 3.9?×?1021?Nm (Mw 8.3). The 2006 Kurile earthquake occurred right next to the location of the 1963 earthquake, and no seismic gap exists between the source areas of the 1963 and 2006 earthquakes.  相似文献   

2017年9月4日河北临城发生ML4.4地震,这是邢台地区自2003年以来发生的唯一一次ML4以上地震.震后大量余震沿条带分布,揭示了一条前人未发现的隐伏断层(根据其经过的地点称之为齐家庄-东双井断裂).为研究该隐伏断层的几何形状和滑动性质,首先基于河北数字地震台网资料对地震序列进行精定位,利用精定位地震数据拟合发震断...  相似文献   

根据平凉市电磁波3年多的观测资料,分析了震前电磁波的异常特征,表明电磁波有明显的临震异常,其脉冲特征及时间与未来地震有着密切关系。指出认真对观测资料进行分析,可预知一定范围内的较强地震。  相似文献   

利用双差地震定位法对2003年2月14日石河子5.4级地震及其余震进行重新定位。定位结果显示,石河子地震及其余震呈N40°E方向线性展布,与准噶尔南缘断裂近乎垂直;震源深度全部分布在15~30 km范围内,优势分布为15~25 km。石河子5.4级地震震中位置为44.001395°N,85.872175°E,距离新疆地震局测得的震中位置仅1.2 km,而距离宏观考察的震中位置约49 km。分析重定位结果其震源机制解得出,这次地震的发震构造是准噶尔南缘断裂,而不是宏观考察的以连哈比尔尕山断裂;节面Ⅰ是主破裂面,而且其走向与重定位地震序列的展布方向基本一致。  相似文献   

2000年云南姚安Ms6.5地震余震序列S波分裂研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文利用云南姚安MS6 5地震后在震中附近架设的 3个三分向数字记录台站的地震资料 ,对该区S波分裂进行研究。结果表明 :① 2 36条处于横波窗内的记录S波分裂现象明显 ;②延迟时间大部份在 3 5~ 10 5ms km范围 ,平均值为 7 0ms km ;③快波偏振方向大部份在N140°E~N16 4°E范围 ,平均值为N15 2 4°E ;④快波的优势偏振方向与主震的发震断裂 (马尾菁断裂 )和余震的发震破裂方向不一致 ,而与该区的主压应力方向比较符合 ;⑤姚安地震余震序列的S波分裂是应力场控制的EDA裂隙各向异性的结果。  相似文献   

The Yajiang earthquake sequence in 2001, with the major events of Ms5.1 on Feb. 14 and of Ms6.0 on Feb.23, are significant events in the Sichuan region during the last 13 years. Eighty-eight earthquakes in the sequence with at least 5 distinct onset parameters for each recorded by the Sichuan Seismic Network in the period of Jan. 1 through June 30,2001 were chosen for this study. The events are relocated and the focal mechanism is derived from P-wave onsets for 13 events with relatively larger magnitudes. The focal depth of all earthquakes fall between a range of 2km to 16km, with dominant distribution between 9km to 11km. Theforeshocks, the Ms5.1 earthquake and the Ms6.0 earthquake and their aftershocks are all located close to the Zihe fault and the dominant epicentral distribution is in NW direction, identical to that of the fault. The fracture surface of the focal mechanism is determined in accordance to the mass transfer orientation in the recent earth deformation field in the Yajiang region. The P axes of the principal compressive stress in focal mechanism solutions of the 13 events show bigger vertical components, and the horizontal projection trending SE. The earthquakes are of left-lateral, strike-slip normal, and normal strike-slip types. The rupture surface of most earthquakes strike NW-SE, dipping SW. Based on the above information, we conclude that the Zihe fault that crosses the earthquake area, striking NW and dipping SW, is the seismogenic fault for the Yajiang earthquake sequence.  相似文献   

李文超  王勤彩 《地震》2018,38(2):62-71
使用芦山地震序列2013年4月20日至5月20日一个月的地震震相数据和MS4.0以上地震的波形数据, 通过双差定位方法得到了3398个地震的精定位结果, 利用时间域全波形反演方法得到17个地震的矩张量解。 综合分析地震双差定位结果和芦山地震序列中强地震震源机制解, 发现芦山地震发震构造由主震断层和次级反冲断层组成, 主震断层为一走向北东、 倾向北西、 倾角约为45°的高角度逆冲断层, 次级反冲断层与主震断层走向相同, 倾向相反, 两条断层均未出露地表。 主震和余震震源机制解均为逆冲型, 几乎没有走滑分量。 震源区主压应力方位为北西向, 与发震断层走向近乎垂直。  相似文献   

李宁  赵强  李金 《地震》2017,37(2):67-77
2015年7月3日在新疆皮山县发生了MS6.5地震, 该地震使当地遭受了巨大的经济损失。 本文利用欧空局提供的Sentinel-1A卫星差分干涉数据对该地震的震源机制情况进行了反演研究, 首先运用两轨法对卫星雷达影像进行差分干涉处理, 获取了覆盖皮山地震震区的同震形变场, 然后利用弹性半空间的均匀滑动模型反演获取了发震断层的几何参数, 并对原始观测数据进行降采样处理, 在此基础上运用分布式滑动模型反演获取了更为精细的断层滑动分布, 结果显示分布式滑动模型与观测结果有很高的拟合度。 反演结果表明发震断层是一个以逆冲为主兼有极少量左旋走滑的盲断层, 此次地震断层面的同震活动分布主要集中在7~15 km深度范围内, 同震的地震矩为6.28×1018N·m, 矩震级为MW6.46, 与前人的研究结果非常一致。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONS wavesplittingisnotonlystudiedintheory,buthasalsobeenthesubjectofalotoffieldobser vationsandcomputersimulationsinceCrampin (1978)raisedtheExtensiveDilatancyAnisotropy(EDA) .Thoseinvestigationstriedtotestifythecorrectnessofthehypothesis,namelythatthevertical lyparallelcracksappliedunderthestresshaveeffectiveanisotropy,whichcanresultinshearwavesplitting.Sincethe 1980s,thedigitalseismometerwithbroadbandandhighaccuracyhasbeenusedwidelyinseismicobservations,andtheprocessingtechn…  相似文献   

In this work, several seismological observations are presented in order to explain characteristic features of the earthquake sequence which occurred in March 1993 in southwestern Greece, very close to the city of Pyrgos.Fault plane solutions of the largest fore- and aftershocks and the main shock, as well as the directions at which the maximum ground accelerations were recorded suggest that this earthquake sequence has been developed by rupturing three distinct focal planes with different focal mechanisms. The first focal plane, located in the off-shore area, strikes NW-SE, dips SE and includes most of the foreshock activity. The foreshock activity migrated to the northeastern part of the city of Pyrgos and took place on planes with a predominant direction NE-SW. The main shock ofM x =5.5 occurred in a focal plane located between the two above-mentioned areas. Strong motion records of significant shocks of the sequence show peak acceleration values on components consistent with the relevant fault plane solutions.Furthermore, the observed macroseismic field has been compared with synthetic isoseismals computed by using a certain velocity model and the focal mechanism parameters of the main shock.  相似文献   

为检验大震发生之前是否有应力集中现象,本研究以2020年克罗地亚MS6.4地震及其序列为例,采用比较地震序列的震源机制之间最小空间旋转角的方法来研究应力变化关系.最终发现,主震发生前的一段时间内,该地区发生的不同地震之间的震源机制中心解有趋近主震震源机制中心解的趋势;主震之后,余震的震源机制和主震震源机制之间的差别逐渐增大,并离散开来.此变化趋势一方面是对"应力集中和应变能释放"假说的印证,另一方面则间接说明了该地区的应力分布.由于此次大地震的发生而进行了局部调整,致使局部应力集中趋于平缓,该地区的区域构造板块或许开始进入到下一个应力积累阶段.  相似文献   

—The 3-D P-wave velocity structure of the upper crust in the region of western Greece is investigated by inversion of about 1500 residuals of P-wave arrival times from local earthquake data recorded in the year 1996 by the newly established University of Patras Seismic Network (PATNET). The resulting velocity structure shows strong horizontal variations due to the complicated structure and the variation of crustal thickness. Relatively low-velocity contours are observed in the area defined by Cephallonia—Zakynthos Islands and northwestern Peloponnesos. This is in addition to some well localized peaks of relatively higher values of P-wave velocity may be related to the zone of Triassic evaporites in the region and correspond to diapirism that breaks through to the uppermost layer. Finally, a low P-velocity ‘deeping’ zone extending from Zakynthos to the Gulf of Patras is correlated with Bouguer anomaly map and onshore and offshore borehole drillings which indicate that thick sediments overly the evaporites which exist there at depth greater than 2 km.  相似文献   

The currently used methods for analyzing a number of focal mechanism solutions are often ineffective for large samples.With the aid of the basic concept of hierarchical clustering methods for pattern recognition and in combination with the expression of focal mechanism solutions themselves,the sum of the angle between P-axes and the angle between T-axes of 2 solutions is defined as a distance,and a software for hierarchical clustering analysis by the shortest distance method and longest distance method is compiled.The number of types in the clustering results can be determined in accordance with different requirements.For focal mechanism solutions of the same type,the average position of each stress axis can be calculated by the method of vector composition and thereby the spatial orientation of the average focal mechanism solution can be determined.In order to test the feasibility and reliability of the software,hierarchical clustering analyses are made for the focal mechanism solutions of 24 earthquak  相似文献   

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