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The effects of deep convection on the potential for forming ozone (ozone production potential) in the free troposphere have been simulated for regions where the trace gas composition is influenced by biomass burning. Cloud dynamical and photochemical simulations based on observations in 1980 and 1985 Brazilian campaigns form the basis of a sensitivity study of the ozone production potential under differing conditions. The photochemical fate of pollutants actually entrained in a cumulus event of August 1985 during NASA/GTE/ABLE 2A (Case 1) is compared to photochemical ozone production that could have occurred if the same storm had been located closer to regions of savanna burning (Case 2) and forest burning (Case 3). In each case studied, the ozone production potential is calculated for a 24-hour period following convective redistribution of ozone precursors and compared to ozone production in the absence of convection. In all cases there is considerably more ozone formed in the middle and upper troposphere when convection has redistributed NOx, hydrocarbons and CO compared to the case of no convection.In the August 1985 ABLE 2A event, entrainment of a layer polluted with biomass burning into a convective squall line changes the free tropospheric cloud outflow column (5–13 km) ozone production potential from net destruction to net production. If it is assumed that the same cloud dynamics occur directly over regions of savanna burning, ozone production rates in the middle and upper troposphere are much greater. Diurnally averaged ozone production following convection may reach 7 ppbv/day averaged over the layer from 5–13 km-compared to typical free tropospheric concentrations of 25–30 ppbv O3 during nonpolluted conditions in ABLE 2A. Convection over a forested region where isoprene as well as hydrocarbons from combustion can be transported into the free troposphere leads to yet higher amounts of ozone production.  相似文献   

利用ACTIVE(aerosol and chemical transport in tropical convection)试验资料,取2006年1月20日澳大利亚北部达尔文岛附近发生的一次飑线强对流天气的AE17航次和2006年1月27日无对流天气的AE21航次飞行路径中的探测资料,对澳大利亚达尔文地区夏季风盛行期间发生的有无强对流发生时O3和CO浓度垂直分布变化进行对比,考察强对流性天气发生对O3和CO浓度垂直输送作用。深对流云内强烈的垂直上升运动将O3和CO等化学气体携带输送至对流层上部并在对流层顶堆积,从而在对流层上部产生浓度峰值。当有强对流发生,飞机进入对流云上层时,O3浓度和CO浓度升高,O3和CO浓度变率增大,在对流层上部浓度出现峰值;当飞机飞出对流云时,O3和CO浓度相对较低,在对流云外出现谷值。在无对流发生的条件下O3和CO浓度相对较小,浓度变率也较小,无峰值产生。分析表明:O3和CO浓度分布不仅与强对流的垂直输送作用关系密切,且与气象要素垂直和水平分布以及动力输送过程密切相关。  相似文献   

This study examines the processes controlling the diurnal variability of ozone (O3) in the marine boundary layer of the Kwajalein Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands (latitude 8° 43′ N, longitude 167° 44′ E), during July to September 1999. At the study site, situated in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, O3 mixing ratios remained low, with an overall average of 9–10 parts per billion on a volume basis (ppbv) and a standard deviation of 2.5 ppbv. In the absence of convective storms, daily O3 mixing ratios decreased after sunrise and reached minimum during the afternoon in response to photochemical reactions. The peak-to-peak amplitude of O3 diurnal variation was approximately 1–3 ppbv. During the daytime, O3 photolysis, hydroperoxyl radicals, hydroxyl radicals, and bromine atoms contributed to the destruction of O3, which explained the observed minimum O3 levels observed in the afternoon. The entrainment of O3-richer air from the free troposphere to the local marine boundary layer provided a recovery mechanism of surface O3 mixing ratio with a transport rate of 0.04 to 0.2 ppbv per hour during nighttime. In the presence of convection, downward transport of O3-richer tropospheric air increased surface O3 mixing ratios by 3–12 ppbv. The magnitude of O3 increase due to moist convection was lower than that observed over the continent (as high as 20–30 ppbv). Differences were ascribed to the higher O3 levels in the continental troposphere and weaker convection over the ocean. Present results suggest that moist convection plays a role in surface-level O3 dynamics in the tropical marine boundary layer.  相似文献   

Boreal summer intraseasonal oscillations (BSISOs) manifest in the active and break spells and act as the primary building block of the Indian summer monsoon. Although recent research has evolved a basic framework for understanding the scale selection and northward propagation of the BSISO, the role of different hydrometeors in modulating these processes remains poorly explored. In this study, TRMM-2A12 retrievals and Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications reanalysis data are examined to establish relationship between cloud hydrometeors and other atmospheric dynamical parameters with the northward propagation of the BSISOs. The study reveals that the cloud liquid water leads the deep convection during the northward propagation of BSISOs in the lower troposphere, while the cloud ice slightly lags the convection. This distribution indicates the occurrence of a possible mechanism of the lower level moistening through the large scale moisture advection in lower atmosphere and boundary layer (PBL) convergence, followed by triggering of the deep convection. The analyses of moisture advection and the dynamical fields with respect to the convection center show that low level moistening is a manifestation of the barotropic vorticity and PBL convergence of moisture anomaly north of the convection center. A new internal dynamical-thermodynamical mechanism is unraveled to understand the reason behind the middle tropospheric heating maximum and its role on the northward propagation. It is shown that the enhanced moisture perturbation in lower levels together with the heat transport by the sub-grid scale eddies within the PBL induces lower level instability required to precondition the lower atmosphere for triggering the deep convection. Vigorous upward motion inside the deep convection uplifts the liquid hydrometeors to upper levels and the formation of precipitable ice leads to the heating maxima in the middle troposphere. To check the robustness of the proposed hypothesis, similar analysis is performed for the weak northward propagating BSISO cases.  相似文献   

In this study, a coupled atmosphere-surface “climate feedback-response analysis method” (CFRAM) was applied to the slab ocean model version of the NCAR CCSM3.0 to understand the tropospheric warming due to a doubling of CO2 concentration through quantifying the contributions of each climate feedback process. It is shown that the tropospheric warming displays distinct meridional and vertical patterns that are in a good agreement with the multi-model mean projection from the IPCC AR4. In the tropics, the warming in the upper troposphere is stronger than in the lower troposphere, leading to a decrease in temperature lapse rate, whereas in high latitudes the opposite it true. In terms of meridional contrast, the lower tropospheric warming in the tropics is weaker than that in high latitudes, resulting in a weakened meridional temperature gradient. In the upper troposphere the meridional temperature gradient is enhanced due to much stronger warming in the tropics than in high latitudes. Using the CFRAM method, we analyzed both radiative feedbacks, which have been emphasized in previous climate feedback analysis, and non-radiative feedbacks. It is shown that non-radiative (radiative) feedbacks are the major contributors to the temperature lapse rate decrease (increase) in the tropical (polar) region. Atmospheric convection is the leading contributor to temperature lapse rate decrease in the tropics. The cloud feedback also has non-negligible contributions. In the polar region, water vapor feedback is the main contributor to the temperature lapse rate increase, followed by albedo feedback and CO2 forcing. The decrease of meridional temperature gradient in the lower troposphere is mainly due to strong cooling from convection and cloud feedback in the tropics and the strong warming from albedo feedback in the polar region. The strengthening of meridional temperature gradient in the upper troposphere can be attributed to the warming associated with convection and cloud feedback in the tropics. Since convection is the leading contributor to the warming differences between tropical lower and upper troposphere, and between the tropical and polar regions, this study indicates that tropical convection plays a critical role in determining the climate sensitivity. In addition, the CFRAM analysis shows that convective process and water vapor feedback are the two major contributors to the tropical upper troposphere temperature change, indicating that the excessive upper tropospheric warming in the IPCC AR4 models may be due to overestimated warming from convective process or underestimated cooling due to water vapor feedback.  相似文献   

西宁夏季对流层臭氧垂直分布变化与气象要素的关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据臭氧、气象探空观测数据,分析了1996年7月5日至8月3日西宁(36°44’N,101°45'E,海拔高度2296m)上空对流层臭氧垂直分布变化与气象要素之间的关系。对流层臭氧浓度的增加(减少)总伴随着干、冷(暖、湿)气流的输送变化,而这又与大气垂直方向的运动是紧密联系在一起的。分析表明天气动力输送过程对对流层臭氧垂直分布变化有重要作用。  相似文献   

High concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) were observed in October 1997 at the upper troposphere of the western tropical Pacific. Transport from the potential sources of CO due to biomass burnings in the tropics was investigated by using a global chemical transport model (CTM) driven by assimilated meteorological data provided from European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). A CTM evaluation simulation using water vapor showed that the amount of vertical transport of moisture by large-scale flow was consistent with the precipitation predicted at the convective zone. A series of CTM simulations using 10-day emission periods of an artificial material with lifetime of 60 days indicated that vertical lifting of surface air at the Indonesian archipelago occurred in the concentrated convections west of Sumatra Island. No evidence was found that CO from the Amazon region or Africa significantly contributed to high concentrations in the western tropical Pacific. Transport formed a large-scale anvil below the tropopause by rapid vertical transport and by divergence flow. The average time required for the transport from Kalimantan and Sumatra Island to the point of high CO concentration was about 15 days. High concentrations at an altitude of 10 km in the Southern Hemisphere were transported by large-scale subsidence from the upper tropospheric maximum, which was presumably produced from the sources at Kalimantan and Sumatra Island. Estimated emissions of CO in September and October from Kalimantan and Sumatra were substantially larger than the previous estimates. Omission of chemical reaction was a possible problem for the overestimate, but not significant. The possible problems in the transport were incorrect CTM transport due to insufficient horizontal (2.5×2.5°) and vertical resolution of the CTM, and to inaccuracy in the wind fields at the upper part of the troposphere and a divergent flow pattern in the upper part of the troposphere.  相似文献   

Gross moist stability, an effective static stability, in the tropics is examined in observations and model simulations. Under convective quasi-equilibrium closure, gross moist stability, a vertical integration of the vertical moist static energy gradient weighted by pressure velocity, is derived based on an approximately moist adiabatic process associated with deep convection. In climatology, gross moist stability is generally similar to the spatial distribution of mean precipitation. In global warming simulations, gross moist stability tends to increase in the tropics. It implies a more stable atmosphere, which is consistent with the weakening of tropical circulation found in climate models. Main effects, which induce the changes in gross moist stability, include the low-level moisture effect, the maximum level of convection (MLC) effect, i.e., the depth of deep convection, and the dry static energy effect associated with stratification of temperature, with the first two also found in climatology. Because of the strong cancellation between the effects of low-level moisture and dry static energy due to the moist adiabatic process of deep convection, the effect of MLC, which has been overlooked in measuring atmospheric stability, is crucial in determining the sign of changes in gross moist stability. Gross moist stability is a better index to represent changes in atmospheric stability in the tropics under global warming, compared to both dry and moist static stability.  相似文献   

夏雨晨  银燕  陈倩  胡汉峰 《大气科学》2019,43(6):1280-1294
本文采用高分辨率WRF-Chem模式模拟了2014年7月27日和8月24日发生于长三角地区的两次强度不同的深对流系统对污染气体CO的再分布作用,对比分析了模拟的两次深对流系统在CO垂直输送过程中的差异。通过与实际雷达回波的比较发现,两次模拟的深对流发生时间、回波强度等都与实际观测接近。8月24日深对流过程发生前的对流有效位能和0~6 km垂直风切变强度均高于7月27日个例,因此 8月24日深对流系统更不稳定,发展高度更高。从CO浓度垂直剖面、质量通量随高度的变化特征发现,7月27日的深对流系统最高可以将CO输送到14 km高度处,8月24日的深对流系统最高可以将CO输送到16 km高度处。对CO浓度的垂直通量散度平均垂直廓线分析看出,7月27的深对流系统主要将CO输送到12 km附近,导致7月27日个例对流层中层的CO浓度更高,8月24日的深对流系统主要将CO输送到15 km附近,导致8月24日个例对流层上层的CO浓度更高。对垂直通量求和的分析表明,8月24日的深对流系统每小时垂直输送的CO浓度是7月27的1.3倍,而考虑到8月24日的深对流系统持续时间更长,8月24日的深对流系统对CO的垂直输送作用远远大于7月24日的深对流系统的垂直输送作用。  相似文献   

深对流云输送对于对流层O3、NOx在分析的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用一个冰雹云模式与云化学输送模块耦合而成的三维对流云化学/输送模式, 研究对流云对重要的大气污染物臭氧 (O3)、氮氧化物 (NOx, 包括NO 和NO2) 的输送作用。模式较好地体现了一个单体积云的发展过程及其特征。云化学/输送模式的结果表明, 云内强烈的垂直输送能在30 m in 左右, 把低层低体积分数的O3和高体积分数的NO2快速、有效地输送到对流层的上部, 造成化学物种的再分布。而在云顶附近, 由于对流穿透了对流层的顶部,造成了上层高体积分数O3的向下侵入,说明云的对流活动除了能把边界层内的污染物向上输送, 其夹卷作用还可以造成平流层和对流层化学物质的交换。  相似文献   

Structural changes during the intensification of a tropical storm into a hurricane in a numerical simulation are examined. A 10 layer primitive equation model that employs a horizontal grid spacing of 20 km over 4400 × 4400 km area is integrated. An elongated band in vertical motion over the storm area intensifies slowly during the first few hours. In the upper troposphere high pressures arise due to condensational heating. Between 8–12 h strong outflow winds develop in the upper troposphere due to the increased pressure gradients. Strong divergence occurs in the outflow wind region, and a large increase in the vertical motion, condensational heating and intensification rate of the storm ensues. Between 12–24 h the elongated band of the storm stage transforms into an eye-wall like structure, and the tropical storm intensifies into a hurricane. Regions with negative moist potential vorticity appear in the high troposphere. Widening of area of condensation and slanting of the convergence area occurs with height in the high level negative moist potential vorticity regions. Results suggest that the formation of anvil clouds in some cases may be due to the development of slantwise convection on the outer periphery of a hurricane's eye-wall.  相似文献   

 Experiments using a GCM with two different vertical resolutions show differences in the amount of variability in the tropical upper tropospheric zonal wind component associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). The GCM with lower vertical resolution shows very little variability in this quantity whereas when the vertical resolution is doubled in the free troposphere, the GCM produces variability which is of the same strength as observations. However, the eastward propagation of an enhanced convective region from the Indian Ocean into the west Pacific is not well represented in either simulation of this atmospheric GCM. A water-covered or “aqua-planet” version of the same GCM is used to investigate the behaviour of tropical convection when the vertical resolution is doubled. When the vertical resolution is increased, the spectrum of tropical cloud types changes from a bimodal distribution with peaks representing shallow cumulus and deep cumulonimbus clouds to a trimodal distribution with a third peak in mid-troposphere near the melting level. Associated with periods when these mid-level congestus clouds are dominant, the detrainment from these clouds significantly moistens the mid-troposphere. The appearance of these congestus clouds is shown to be partly due to improved resolution of the freezing level and the convective processes occurring at this level. However, due to the way in which convective detrainment is parametrized in this model, the vertical profile becomes rather noisy and this too contributes to the change in the nature of the convective clouds. The resulting cloud distribution more closely resembles observations, particularly during the suppressed phase of the MJO when cumulus congestus is the dominant cloud type. Received: 17 April 2000 / Accepted: 30 November 2000  相似文献   

青藏高原一次强对流过程对水汽垂直输送的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱士超  银燕  金莲姬 《大气科学》2011,35(6):1057-1068
本文采用中尺度天气研究预测模式(WRF)模拟了青藏高原那曲地区的一次强对流过程,分析了强对流对水汽的垂直输送量及对模式不同云微物理参数化方案的敏感性.通过与实测资料的比较,发现此次模拟在对流发生时间、地点、降水时间等方面均与实际接近.敏感性试验表明:当对流发生时,对流区域向上的水汽通量随海拔高度呈先增大后减小的趋势,该...  相似文献   

In this paper we present first-time measurements of ozone profiles from a high altitude station in Quito, Ecuador (0.19°S, 78.4°W, and 2391 masl) taken from June 2014 to September 2015. We interpret ozone observations in the troposphere, tropopause, and stratosphere through a zonal comparison with data from stations in the Atlantic and Pacific (Natal and San Cristobal from the SHADOZ network). Tropospheric ozone concentrations above the Andes are lower than ozone over San Cristobal and Natal for similar time periods. Ozone variability and pollution layers are also reduced in the troposphere above the Andes. We explain these differences in terms of reduced contributions from the boundary layer and from horizontal transport. In the tropical tropopause layer, ozone is well-mixed up to near the cold point tropopause level. In this regard, our profiles do not show constraints to deep mixing above 14 km, as has been consistently observed at other tropical stations. Total column ozone and stratospheric column ozone are comparable among the three sites. However, the contribution of tropospheric column ozone to total column ozone is significantly lower above the Andes. Our comparisons provide a connection between observations from tropical stations in equatorial South America separated by the wide continental mass. Identified differences in ozone throughout the atmospheric column demonstrate the global benefit of having an ozone sounding station at the equatorial Andes in support of global monitoring networks.  相似文献   

孙宁  周天军  郭准  李普曦 《大气科学》2020,44(6):1155-1166
穿透性对流是导致北半球夏季平流层低层南亚高压内水汽极值形成的重要机制之一,关于副热带东亚季风区穿透性对流是否对平流层低层水汽等物质分布存在影响目前尚不清楚。本文选取2016年的武汉暴雨事件,采用Cloudsat和Aura Microwave Limb Sounder(MLS)卫星数据,分析了东亚季风区的穿透性对流活动对上对流层/下平流层物质分布的影响。利用CloudSat卫星资料云分类产品和Aura MLS卫星数据联合分析武汉暴雨过程中捕捉到1次穿透性对流事件,该事件发生于2016年7月4日05时(协调世界时)的穿透性对流,中心位于海上梅雨带区域。分析表明,这次对流穿透事件对上对流层/下平流层物质分布有显著影响,穿透性对流活动影响到对流层顶以上的物质分布,具体表现是:首先,穿透性对流显著减少了局地对流层顶附近的臭氧含量,较之气候态对流层顶臭氧含量偏少32.53%;其次,穿透性对流能够增加局地对流层顶附近的水汽混合比含量,它通过更多的云冰粒子蒸发来增强局地平流层水汽含量,同时通过更强的垂直水汽输送来直接加湿平流层。此次穿透性对流事件对水汽变化影响较之对臭氧含量变化的影响更为显著,它使得对流层顶水汽混合比增加近乎一倍(98.15%)。因此,副热带东亚季风区的穿透性对流活动对于对流层向平流层的物质输送起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

陈权亮  高国路  李扬 《大气科学》2022,46(5):1198-1208
深对流能够向上对流层—下平流层(UTLS)输送大量水汽和污染物,对对流层顶的辐射平衡、平流层的臭氧恢复以及全球气候变化都有着重要的影响。近年来,一系列重要的观测事实发现,青藏高原和亚洲季风区是对流层向平流层物质输送(TST)的重要窗口。本文介绍了近年来取得的一些主要进展和成果,包括:(1)通过卫星观测在青藏高原—亚洲季风区上空发现水汽、气溶胶的极大值区和臭氧的极小值区;(2)深对流活动的主要观测途径和通过卫星观测识别深对流的方法;(3)青藏高原深对流向平流层物质输送的物理过程;(4)青藏高原深对流与亚洲季风区、热带海洋地区深对流的结构差异以及不同环境场对深对流物质输送过程的影响。  相似文献   

Cloud and precipitation parameterization schemes are evaluated, and their sensitivity to the method and/or parameters used to determine cloud physical processes is examined using a singlecolumn version of the Unified Model (SCUM). In the experiment for TWP-ICE, cloud fraction is overestimated (underestimated) in the upper (lower) troposphere due to the wet (dry) bias. The precipitation rate is well simulated during the active monsoon period, but overestimated during the suppressed monsoon and clear skies periods. In the moist convection scheme, trigger condition and entrainment process affect the lower tropospheric humidity through the impact on convective occurrence frequency and intensity, respectively. Strengthening the trigger condition and using the adaptive entrainment method alleviate the low-level dry bias. In the microphysics scheme, more large-scale precipitation is produced with prognostic rain, due to rain sedimentation considering vertical velocity of rain drop, than with diagnostic rain. Less ice/snow deposition with the prognostic two-ice category results in lower ice water content and upper-level cloud fraction than with the diagnostic splitting method for the twoice category. In the cloud macrophysics scheme, the prognostic cloud fraction and cloud/ice water content scheme produces a larger cloud fraction and more cloud/ice water content than the diagnostic scheme, mainly due to detrainment from moist convection (cloud source) that surpasses the effect of convective heating and drying (cloud sink). This affects temperature by influencing the radiative, convective, and microphysical processes. The experiment with combined modifications in cloud and precipitation schemes shows that interaction between modified moist convection and cloud macrophysics schemes results in more alleviation of the cold bias not only at the lower levels but also at the upper levels.  相似文献   

胡嘉缨  银燕  陈倩  胡汉峰 《大气科学》2019,43(1):171-182
采用考虑化学气体传输过程的云模式模拟了2014年7月30日发生在安徽滁州境内一次深对流过程,研究深对流活动对不同高度示踪气体的输送及再分布作用。结果表明,在积云发展阶段,强上升气流使得云内源层示踪气体有效地向上输送,对流层中部强的夹卷过程及水平入流使得云外气体入云输送至主要对流区,并在垂直气流的作用下进一步影响各层示踪气体的分布。各层示踪气体均可向上输送至对流层上部,其中对流层中部示踪气体(2.1~4.5 km、4.5~7.5 km和7.5~10.8 km)的向上输送作用与近地层示踪气体(0~2.1 km)的贡献相当。例如,输送到11~13 km的示踪气体有4.9%来自近地层,6.3%来自2.1~7.5 km。此外,近地层示踪气体可在深对流的水平输送下向云侧边界扩散,将局地污染输送到云外周边地区。源层高度位于2.1~4.5 km的示踪气体可下沉输送至近地层,形成新的局地污染。随着源层高度的抬升,示踪气体向下输送作用减弱,其中对流层上层示踪物(10.8~15 km)无法输送到6 km以下。  相似文献   

The effects of sea surface temperature (SST), radiation, cloud microphysics, and diurnal variations on the vertical structure of tropical tropospheric temperature are investigated by analyzing 10 two-dimensional equilibrium cloud-resolving model simulation data. The increase of SST, exclusion of diurnal variation of SST, and inclusion of diurnal variation of solar zenith angle, radiative effects of ice clouds, and ice microphysics could lead to tropical tropospheric warming and increase of tropopause height. The increase of SST and the suppression of its diurnal variation enhance the warming in the lower and upper troposphere, respectively, through increasing latent heat and decreasing IR cooling. The inclusion of diurnal variation of solar zenith angle increases the tropospheric warming through increasing solar heating. The inclusion of cloud radiative effects increases tropospheric warming through suppressing IR cooling in the mid and lower troposphere and enhancing solar heating in the upper troposphere. The inclusion of ice microphysics barely increases warming in the mid and lower troposphere because the warming from ice radiative effects is nearly offset by the cooling from ice microphysical effects, whereas it causes the large warming enhancement in the upper troposphere due to the dominance of ice radiative effects. The tropopause height is increased mainly through the large enhancement of IR cooling.  相似文献   

A squall line in front of the tropical cyclone Pabuk occurred in the west of the Pearl River Delta to Zhanjiang on August 8th, 2007 when the storm approached South China. The development, structure and environmental conditions for this squall line were investigated in this study, with particular attention paid to the possible connection of this squall line with Pabuk. The observational data employed in this study are from soundings, Doppler weather radars and wind profile radars. The following six major conclusions are drawn by our observational analyses. (1) This squall line developed gradually from individual convective cells, and land breeze may be responsible for the onset of the squall line. (2) The path and intensity of the squall line were modulated by the environmental conditions. The squall line propagated along the coastline, and it was stronger on the landing side of the coastline compared with the surrounding in-land regions and oceanic regions. (3) The typical characteristics of tropical squall lines were seen in this squall line, including the cold-pool intensity, vertical structure and the wake flow stratiform precipitation at its developing and mature phases. (4) The environmental conditions of this squall line resemble those of tropical squall lines in terms of deep moist air and low convection condensation level. They also resemble mid-latitude squall lines in terms of the convective instable energy and vertical wind shear in the lower troposphere. (5) Two roles were played by the strong wind around Pabuk. On the one hand, it made the atmosphere more unstable via suppressed shallow convection and increased solar radiation. On the other hand, it enhanced the land-sea thermal contrast and therefore strengthened the sea breeze and the resultant water vapor transport. The sinking temperature inversion prevented the occurrence of low-layer weak convection and accumulated convection instability energy for the development of the strong convection.  相似文献   

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