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Two solar radio bursts exhibiting narrow-band millisecond pulsations in intensity and polarization are analyzed. There were considerable time delays between the left-and right-circularly polarized components of the radio emission. The observed oscillations of the degree of polarization are due to the different group velocities of the ordinary and extraordinary modes in their propagation from the source to the observer; the frequency dependence of the delay is in excellent agreement with the theoretically calculated group delay in a magnetoactive plasma. It unambiguously follows that the pulsed radio emission is generated near the double upper hybrid frequency by the nonlinear plasma mechanism, since the source emission has a low degree of polarization. In addition to dispersion effects, a Fourier analysis also reveals effects associated with the source inhomogeneity. We detected a frequency drift of pulsations (autodelays) with different signs for different polarization components. This drift suggests that, apart from the dispersion effects, there are also the effects related to inhomogeneity of the radio source. It is shown, in particular, that the upper hybrid modes (generating the radio emission) are unstable in regions with enhanced gradients of the plasma density and/or magnetic field.  相似文献   

Parameters of 100 radio pulsars detected outside the radio range (he pulsars) are compared with those of pulsars radiating only in the radio (n pulsars). The periods of he pulsars are, on average, appreciably shorter than those of n pulsars: 〈P〉 = 0.10 and 0.56 s, respectively. The distribution of the magnetic field at the light cylinder is shifted toward higher magnetic fields for the pulsars with high-energy radiation, compared to the distribution for pulsars radiating only in the radio. The magnetic fields at the light cylinder are 〈B lc〉 = 9×103 G for he radio pulsars, and 〈Blc〉 = 56 G formost purely radio pulsars. This suggests the generation of high-energy nonthermal radiation in radio pulsars at the peripheries of their magnetospheres. The distribution of the spin-energy loss rate dE/dt is uniform for he pulsars, and is characterized by a higher average value \(\left( {\left\langle {\log \frac{{dE}} {{dt}}} \right\rangle = 35.53} \right) \) , compared to n pulsars, \(\left( {\left\langle {\log \frac{{dE}} {{dt}}} \right\rangle = 32.60} \right) \) . The spatial distribution of he pulsars is nonuniform: they form two well separated clouds.  相似文献   

We have detected the new pulsar PSR J2225+35, which displays the properties of the new class of radio sources “Rotating Radio Transients” (RRATs). RRATs are distinguished by isolated bursts of radio emission and long quiet periods. Throughout 45 observations with a total duration of about 3 hr, only two bursts of radio emission lasting a total of about 10 min were detected in two observations. The temporal and frequency delay of the pulses corresponds to the dispersion measure DM = 51.8 pc/cm3 and the distance d = 3.05 kpc. The period of the pulses is P = 0.94 s. The emission is polarized, with the rotation measure being RM = 49.8 rad/m2.  相似文献   

The frequency dependence of scattering of the radio emission from the Crab pulsar at the low frequencies 111, 63, and 44 MHz has been measured and analyzed during sporadic enhancements of scattering and dispersion measure in October–December 2006 and December 2008. The frequency dependence of the scattering differs from the generally accepted dependence, τ sc (ν) ∝ ν γ , where γ = −4.0 for Gaussian and γ = −4.4 for power-law Kolmogorov distributions of inhomogeneities of the scattering medium. In intervals of enhancement, the exponent of the frequency dependence γ decreased to −3.2(0.2) at the above frequencies. A model is proposed in which this is due to the presence of a dense plasma structure in the nebula in the line of sight toward the pulsar, in which scattering of the radio emission on turbulence differs from scattering in the interstellar medium. It is shown that the frequency dependence of scattering of the radio emission can be weaker in a dense plasma than in the rarefied interstellar medium.  相似文献   

A method for searching for new periodic radio sources is described. The method is based on the spectral analysis of data from daily monitoring of the sky on the Large Phased Antenna (LPA) of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory at 111 MHz in a 2.5-MHz band. The 96-beam directivity pattern of the LPA is used. The signal is received in six 0.42-MHz frequency channels with a sampling rate of 0.1 s. The duration of the processed survey is four months. The particulars of detecting periodic sources with the LPA are considered. In total, 16 such radio sources have been detected, for which equatorial and Galactic coordinates, periods, and dispersion measures are given.  相似文献   

Measurements of the broadening of pulsar pulses by scattering in the interstellar medium are presented for a complete sample of 100 pulsars with Galactic longitudes from 6° to 311° and distances to three kiloparsec. The dependences of the scattering on the dispersion measure (τ sc(DM) ∝ DMα), frequency (τ sc(v) ∝ v ?γ ), Galactic longitude, and distance to the pulsar are analyzed. The dependence of the scattering on the dispersion measure in the near-solar neighbourhood can be represented by the power law τ sc(DM) ∝ DM2.2±0.1). Measurements at the low frequencies 111, 60, and 40 MHz and literature data are used to derive the frequency dependence of the scattering (τ sc(v) ∝ V ?γ ) over a wide frequency interval (covering a range of less than 10: 1) with no fewer than five frequencies. The index for the frequency dependence, γ = 4.1 ± 0.3, corresponds to a normal distribution for inhomogeneities in the turbulence in the scattering medium. Based on an analysis of the dependence of the scattering on the distance to the pulsar and on Galactic longitude, on average, the turbulence level C n 2 is the same in all directions and at all distances out to about three kpc, testifying to the statistical homogeneity of the turbulence of the scattering medium in the near-solar region of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

Previously developed methods for estimating the angle β between the spin axis of a neutron star and its magnetic moment together with observational data for anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) indicate that these objects are nearly aligned rotators, and that the drift model can be applied to them. The magnetospheres of aligned rotators are appreciably more extended than in pulsars with large values of β. With such extents for the magnetosphere, the conditions for the generation of transverse waves via the cyclotron instability are satisfied. The expected spectrum of the resulting radiation is very steep (its spectral index is α > 3), consistent with the observed radio spectra of known AXPs (α > 2). A large magnetosphere also favors the appearance of appreciable pitch angles for relativistic electrons, and therefore the generation of synchrotron emission. The maximum of this emission falls in the microwave range. This mechanism provides appreciable fluxes at frequencies of tens of gigahertz and can explain the observed enhanced AXP radiation in this range.  相似文献   

The mutual arrangement of very rich Abell clusters of galaxies influences the radio properties of these clusters, making it possible to explain certain peculiarities of their radio correlation functions.  相似文献   

Two daily sets of monitoring data of the Galactic X-ray binary SS 433 (V1343 Aql) obtained on the RATAN-600 radio telescope (117 days in 1997 and 120 days in 1999) show variations in its quiescent radio emission with a period of 6.05±0.1 days at six frequencies from 0.96 to 22 GHz. This 10–15% modulation in the quiescent radio light curves differs significantly from the well-known 6.28-day periodicity in the emission of moving spectral features and in optical photometric data, which are related to nodding motions of the jets and accretion-disk wobble. This period coincides almost exactly with the theoretical value for the harmonic f=2(I o+I p), related to the orbital (T o=13.08 days) and precessional (T p=162.4 days) periods for slaved accretion-disk models. The 6.06-day period corresponds to the combined frequency. It is proved that the modulation of the radio flux of SS 433 may be associated with relativistic boosting of the jet emission due to periodic variation of the orientation of the jets, which are nodding with a period of six days. The synchrotron emission of the two jets contributes to the quiescent radio flux of SS 433, and the six-day harmonic has the same radio spectrum as the quiescent radio flux: S v v ?0.6.  相似文献   

Observations of the X-ray pulsar 4U 2206+54 obtrained over 15 years show that its period, which is now 5555 ± 9 s, is increasing dramatically. This behavior is difficult to explain using traditional scenarios for the spin evolution of compact stars. The observed spin-down rate of the neutron star in 4U 2206+54 is in good agreement with the value expected in a magnetic-accretion scenario, taking into account that, under certain conditions, the magnetic field of the accretion stream can affect the geometry and type of flow. The neutron star in this case accretes material from a dense gaseous slab with small angular momentum, which is kept in equilibrium by the magnetic field of the flow itself. A magnetic-accretion scenario can be realized in 4U 2206+54 if the magnetic-field strength at the surface of the optical counterpart to the neutron star is higher than 70 G. The magnetic field at the surface of the neutron star is 4 × 1012 G in this scenario, in agreement with estimates based on an analysis of X-ray spectra of the pulsar.  相似文献   

Radio flux measurements of the Crab nebula have been performed over many years relative to Orion A at 927 MHz and relative to Cygnus A and Virgo A at 151.5 MHz. The inferred average secular rates of decrease in the radio flux of the Crab nebula are d 927 MHz = ?0.18 ± 0.10% yr?1 over 1977–2000 and d 151.5 MHz = ?0.3 ± 0.1% yr?1 over 1980–2003. The weighted mean flux-decrease rate averaged over several years of relative measurements at 86, 151.5, 927, and 8000 MHz is d mw = ?0.17 ± 0.02% yr?1. The secular flux decrease is frequency independent, with an upper limit of |dα/dt| < 3 × 10?4 yr?1 for the absolute value of the rate of change of the spectral index, and remains constant in time when averaged over long time intervals. The results of our measurements at 151.5 and 927 MHz combined with published absolute measurements at 81.5 and 8250 MHz are used to determine the radio spectrum of the Crab nebula for epoch 2010.0.  相似文献   

Spectra of solar-flare active regions displaying peculiarities in their polarized radio emission observed on the RATAN-600 radio telescope at 2–16 GHz are considered. An appreciable dip of the circularly polarized emission (Stokes parameter V) in the middle of the microwave range (6–12 GHz), sometimes with a reversal of the sign of the polarization, is unusual. In some cases, the ordinary emission also dominates at long microwave wavelengths. Expected peculiarities of the frequency structure of microwave sources are calculated in simple models with loops in the form of hot and cool tori. Numerical calculations of these spectra show that the above features of the polarized emission can be explained by the presence of a hot region in the solar corona. It is shown that the parameters of the spectrum of the polarized emission can be used to determine the magnetic field in this hot region and the product of the relative magnetic-field gradient and the loop thickness.  相似文献   

Thermal cyclotron emission features from a sunspot-associated source in a solar active region are considered in the framework of a three-level temperature model with a hot layer. The images of the source have a complex fine structure, with rings with different brightness temperatures and different signs of circular polarization. The proposed model suggests the possibility of a double or multiple reversal of the sign of polarization, as well as a significant increase of the fluxes in the 3–4 cm range, as is typical of active regions associated with proton flares. Energetic particles of the halo cannot provide the required temperatures of the layers. Alternative heating mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

We have measured the pulse broadening by scattering at 40, 60, and 111 MHz for the pulsars PSR B0809+74, B0950+08, B1919+21, and B2303+30. The frequency dependence of the scatter-broadening parameter is analyzed based on these measurements and data from the literature. The dependence obtained purely from the literature data is not consistent with the theory, and the scattering magnitudes differs considerably from the data of the catalog of 706 pulsars of Taylor et al. A two-component model for the frequency dependence of the scattering of the pulsar radio emission in the interstellar medium is proposed. Allowing for the presence of two scattering scales removes both inconsistencies between the observational data for these four pulsars and differences between the observed and theoretical frequency dependences for the scattering, as well as the need to invoke anomalous scattering magnitudes. The data of the catalog of Taylor et al. need to be corrected for the difference in the scattering magnitudes in the two branches of the frequency dependence.  相似文献   

Results of long-term (2002–2010) monitoring of giant radio pulses of the pulsar PSR B0531+21 in the Crab Nebula at ν = 44, 63, and 111 MHz are reported. The observations were conducted on the LPA and DKR-1000 radio telescopes of the Lebedev Physical Institute. The giant pulses were analyzed using specialized software for calculating the magnitude of the scattering τ sc , signal-to-noise ratio, and other required parameters by modeling the propagation of a pulse in the scattering interstellar medium. Three pronounced sharp increases in the scattering were recorded in 2002–2010. Analysis of the dependence between the variations of the scattering and dispersion measure (data of Jodrell Bank Observatory) shows a strong correlation at all frequencies, ≈0.9. During periods of anomalous increase in scattering and the dispersion measure, the index γ in the frequency dependence of the scattering in the Crab Nebula, τ sc (ν) ∝ ν γ , was smaller than the generally accepted values γ = 4.0 for a Gaussian and γ = 4.4 for a Kolmogorov distribution. This difference in combination with the piece-wise power-law spectrum may be due to the presence of a dense plasma structure with developed Langmuir turbulence in the nebula, along the pulsar’s line of sight. The magnetic field in the Crab Nebula estimated from measurements of the rotation measure toward the pulsar is 100 μG.  相似文献   

Simultaneous dual-frequency observations of giant radio pulses from the millisecond pulsar B1937+21 were performed for the first time in January–February 2002 on the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (2210–2250 MHz) and the 64-m Kalyazin radio telescope (1414–1446 MHz). The total observing time was about three hours. Ten giant pulses with peak flux densities from 600 to 1800 Jy were detected at 2210–2250 MHz, and fifteen giant pulses with peak flux densities from 3000 to 10000 Jy were observed at 1414–1446 MHz. No events were found to occur simultaneously at both frequencies. Thus, the observed radio spectra of individual giant pulses of this pulsar are limited in frequency to scales of about \(\frac{{\Delta v}}{v} < 0.5\). The duration of the giant pulses is less than 100 ns and is consistent with the expected scattering timescale in these frequency ranges. Instantaneous radio spectra of the detected giant pulses were compared with the diffractive spectra obtained from ordinary pulses of the pulsar. In some cases, considerable deviations of the radio spectra of the giant pulses from the diffractive spectrum were revealed, which can be interpreted as indicating temporal structure of the giant pulses on timescales of 10–100 ns.  相似文献   

The paper presents an analysis of dual-polarization observations of the Crab pulsar obtained on the 64-m Kalyazin radio telescope at 600 MHz with a time resolution of 250 ns. A lower limit for the intensities of giant pulses is estimated by assuming that the pulsar radio emission in the main pulse and interpulse consists entirely of giant radio pulses; this yields estimates of 100 and 35 Jy for the peak flux densities of giant pulses arising in the main pulse and interpulse, respectively. This assumes that the normal radio emission of the pulse occurs in the precursor pulse. In this case, the longitudes of the giant radio pulses relative to the profile of the normal radio emission turn out to be the same for the Crab pulsar and the millisecond pulsar B1937+21, namely, the giant pulses arise at the trailing edge of the profile of the normal radio emission. Analysis of the distribution of the degree of circular polarization for the giant pulses suggests that they can consist of a random mixture of nanopulses with 100% circular polarization of either sign, with, on average, hundreds of such nanopulses within a single giant pulse.  相似文献   

Data from long-term multi-frequency monitoring are used to analyze variations in the flux density of the active galactic nucleus S4 0954+658. These data were obtained at the CrimeanAstrophysical Observatory, the Metsähovi Radio Observatory of Aalto University, the University of Michigan Radio Astronomy Observatory, the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University, the Special Astrophysical Observatory, and the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics; 0.1–300-GeV data from the Fermi space gamma-ray observatory were also used. Radio data at 4.8, 8, 14.5, 15, 22.2, and 36.8 GHz are considered together with optical and near-infrared data in the R, J, H, and K filters.  相似文献   

Many-year measurements of the radio flux of the young supernova remnant Cassiopeia A relative to the radio galaxy Cygnus A were continued at 290 and 151.5 MHz. The new data are used together with previously published observations carried out at decameter, meter, centimeter, and millimeter wavelengths to derive the frequency dependence of the secular variation of the radio flux density of Cas A: $d_\nu [\% year^{ - 1} ] = - (0.63 \pm 0.02) + (0.04 \pm 0.01)\ln \nu [GHz] + (1.51 \pm 0.16) \times 10^{ - 5} (\nu [GHz])^{ - 2.1} $ . The observed slowing of the secular variations with decreasing frequency at decameter wavelengths can be explained by a decrease in the optical depth of a remnant HII zone around Cas A with time due to recombination of hydrogen atoms. The new derived frequency dependence for the rate of the secular decrease, absolute and relative measurements of the radio flux density of Cas A carried out over the last 25 years, and the absolute spectrum of Cyg A are used to construct the spectrum of Cas A in the range 5–250 000 MHz predicted for epoch 2015.5.  相似文献   

Simultaneous observations on the RATAN-600 radio telescope at 0.97, 2.3, 3.9, 7.7, 11.1, and 21.7 GHz during the period from January 3 to February 25, 1998, revealed variability of 0524+034 on time scales not exceeding 10 days. The variations are correlated at all frequencies where the parameters of the variability could be determined, including in the optically thick part of the spectrum. The mean spectrum of the variable component was derived and is in agreement with the spectrum of a homogeneous, spherically symmetrical source. In the optically thin part of the spectrum, the spectral index of the variable component is α=?0.2, reflecting the initial energy distribution of the relativistic electrons. It is argued that the variable emission is associated with the acceleration of electrons and amplification of the magnetic field and that adiabatic expansion can be neglected. It is proposed that the observed variability is due to illumination of inhomogeneities in the jet by a shock front passing through them and that the light curve reflects the distribution and characteristic sizes of these inhomogeneities (0.14–0.5 pc for angles to the line of sight not exceeding 10°, Lorentz factor γ=10, and adopted redshift z=0.5). In 0524+034, in addition to the rapidly variable component, there are two slowly varying components, one of which has α=?0.7 in the optically thin part of the spectrum.  相似文献   

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