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The aim of this study was to present quantitative data on the population dynamics of Chlorella-bearing ciliates (Stentor, Ophrydium) compared to the total zooplankton community in a deep, oligotrophic North Patagonian lake. Mixotrophic and heterotrophic ciliates, rotifers and microcrustaceans, and important ecological parameters were sampled during a 1-year study. The results showed a low biodiversity with only a few dominant species in every zooplankton group. Three mixotrophic ciliates - Stentor araucanus, S. amethystinus and Ophrydium naumanni - were found. They peaked in summer and autumn with maximum values of 152-313 Ind L−1 (Stentor) and 1880 Ind L−1 (Ophrydium). Their contribution to the total ciliate abundance was 16±17% (annual average). Both Stentor species displayed a distinct vertical zonation during the stratification period with peak depth between 10 and 15 m (metalimnion). The contribution to total zooplankton biomass was 59.4% on an annual average (Stentor: 41%, O. naumanni: 18.4%) and 83% during the stratification period. Both abundance and biomass of mixotrophic ciliates correlated strongly with temperature and to a lesser degree with copepods, rotifers and small cladocerans. According to this study mixotrophic ciliates were by far the dominant zooplankton group in Lake Caburgua. We report for the first time the importance of O. naumanni in a deep Chilean North Patagonian lake.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of oligotrophic lakes in North Patagonia is often dominated by mixotrophic ciliates, particularly Stentor amethystinus and Stentor araucanus. Therefore, we tested whether Stentor spp. (i) is an important food for juvenile endemic (Cheirodon australe, Galaxias maculatus, Odontesthes mauleanum, Percichthys trucha) and introduced (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fish species, and (ii) represents a remarkable grazer of bacteria. Ingestion rates of fish estimated by disappearance of Stentor in feeding experiments ranged between 8 (G. maculatus) and 53 (C. australe) ciliates per fish and day, and assimilation rates measured by using radioactively labelled Stentor ranged between 3 (P. trucha) and 52 (C. australe) ciliates per fish and day. However, although we detected the consumption of Stentor by fish, the daily consumption amounted to at most 0.2% of the fish biomass which can not cover the energy requirement of the fish. Furthermore, the daily consumption was equivalent to a maximum of 1.6% of the Stentor standing stock so that fish predation does not seem to be an important mortality factor for the ciliates. The clearance rate of Stentor sp. on natural bacteria was on average 3.8 μl cil−1 h−1. The daily ingestion (mean 3.9 ng C cil−1 d−1) was about 3.5% of the individual biomass of Stentor sp. Therefore, bacteria ingestion might explain a ciliate growth rate of appr. 1% d−1, which was about 17% of the photosynthesis of endosymbiotic algae. The maximum density of Stentor sp. in the lake could ingest about 1 μg C L−1 d−1 bacteria which is only 3% of average bacterial production. Thus, grazing by Stentor sp. does not seem to be a main loss factor for the bacteria.  相似文献   

During a summer period we studied the vertical variation of in vivo and chlorophyll a specific phytoplankton absorption spectra in relation to the underwater light climate of ten deep North Patagonian Andean lakes of Argentina. The lakes were thermally stratified, and the underwater light climate was characterized by extended euphotic zones which included highly illuminated epilimnetic layers (both UVR and PAR) and metalimnia exposed to dim blue-green light. Most of the lakes presented the development of Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM) at the metalimnetic layers, near 1% of surface PAR irradiance. Analyzing the fourth-derivative plots of in vivo phytoplankton absorption spectra [dIVaph(λ)], we were able to identify several maxima absorption values attributed to different pigments. Considering lakes with DCM, a significant positive linear relationship was found between dIVaph (495–500 nm) normalized by chlorophyll a and downward irradiance. Indeed, a negative significant relationship was found between dIVaph (495–500 nm) normalized by chlorophyll a and diffuse PAR attenuation coefficients. These results point out an increase in the relative concentration of different carotenoids at surface layers indicating the role of photoprotection of these pigments. On the other hand, significant negative linear relationships were found between fourth-derivative spectra normalized by chlorophyll a at 650, 590–595, 560–565 and 520–525 nm and downward irradiance. These results indicated an increase in the relative concentration of photosynthetic accessory pigments at deep layers of the euphotic zone. Furthermore, we found a decrease in depth of specific absorption spectra at 440, 670 nm and in the ratio aph* (440 nm) to aph* (670 nm). This pattern was associated with the package effect concept. The increase in relative photosynthetic accessory pigment concentrations and the decrease in values of specific absorption spectra at the bottom of the euphotic zone were attributed to changes in phytoplankton communities between surface and deep layers. These outcomes pointed out that the underwater light climate and temperature water structure are, like in marine systems, very important factors governing the distribution of phytoplanktonic organisms. In addition, the possession of specific photosynthetic accessory pigments suggests that dominant species in the DCM are well adapted to these dim blue-green light scenarios.  相似文献   

The periphyton of acid, dystrophic bogs was investigated. Glass-slides were exposed in four different bog lakes about 100 km north of Berlin, Germany, in order to examine the species composition and the annual cycle of the protist community. The annual cycles of the periphyton in bog lakes were comparable to those in other mesotrophic lakes: During the winter months small heterotrophic flagellates (HF) dominated the periphyton community. Besides that bacterivorous ciliates were present as typical pioneer species. At the end of the ice covering, almost exclusively unicellular green algae colonized the slides. In May high abundances of ciliates and choanoflagellates were observed. At the same time, a maximum of species was reached. From August to October peritrich ciliates significantly contributed to the periphyton. Their number decreased when early frosts occurred.

The four investigated bog lakes exhibit very similar species compositions, almost all of the species were present in each of the four lakes. Differences were only distinct concerning the dominance of some protistan groups. The largest deflections, however, occurred not between two lakes, but between two habitats within one lake: The upper 30 cm of the Sphagnum mat comprise two very different protistan communities, determined by a strong vertical zoning. Due to the different light and nutrient conditions, the slides of the upper region exhibited a denser colonization, mainly consisting of autotrophic cryptomonads and vagile ciliates. In contrast to this, the slides of the deeper region were mainly colonized by heterotrophic flagellates and sessile peritrich ciliates.  相似文献   

The present paper analyses predation patterns, of Percichthys trucha and salmonid fish upon Galaxias maculatus in five lakes of northern Patagonia with differing community and environmental characteristics. Tank experiments were performed to evaluate relative efficiency of native and exotic predators of G. maculatus under treatments with and without cover (aquatic vegetation). Important differences were found between predators with regards to distribution and consumption of G. maculatus. Salmonids are more efficient than P. trucha in consuming G. maculatus in deep environments with scarcely vegetation; in contrast to native species they frequently use the pelagic environment. Although pelagic habitat might have served in the past as a refuge from native predators in the past, G maculatus now experiences intense predation in the pelagic zone by exotic salmonids. It is suggested that the widespread distribution of G. maculatus in Patagonian lakes may have facilitated the success of salmonids throughout Patagonia.  相似文献   

Glass-slides were exposed in four different bog lakes located in great forest areas in Northern Germany, about 100 km north of Berlin, in order to examine the protist community of these dystrophic, acid lakes. Species composition and succession of the periphyton were studied during one year. The four investigated bog lakes exhibit similar species compositions, most of the species were present in each of the four lakes. The periphyton was composed of a great variety of protist species. Specimens of all major flagellated protists and of most of the ciliate taxa were found on the slides. Many of these species are ubiquitous. Some species, however, like the flagellates Spongomonas sacculus, Rhipidodendron huxleyi, Cyathobodo sp., and Pseudodendromonas vlkii as well as the ciliates Ophrydium hyalinum, Leptopharynx costatus, Uroleptus caudatus, and Platyophrya sphagni are found more frequently in acid waters. A regular and common occurrence of these species partly characterizes the acid Sphagnum bogs. Besides that, common species like Bodo spp., Cryptomonas spp., Goniomonas truncata, Chilodonella uncinata, Vorticella sp., and Cyrtolophosis mucicola are represented in the periphyton. Examinations of the testate amoebae in the Sphagnum mats show a very different species composition compared to earlier studies.

The investigated bog lakes revealed mesotrophic conditions. In the upper regions of the Sphagnum mats and in the center of the larger bog lakes, oligotrophic conditions still prevail. The lower regions of the Sphagnum mat and the smaller lakes, however, are influenced by the partly degradation of plants and the run-off water from surrounding land. In comparison to earlier studies, the species composition indicates a beginning eutrophication of the bog lakes. A direct anthropogenic impact can be excluded.  相似文献   

Tropical high Andes lakes are aquatic ecosystems with peculiar limnological characteristics that are related to their geographical location and high altitude, yet they remained understudied. We present the results of a standardized survey of morphometric, physico-chemical and biotic variables in 32 high altitude lakes of the Cordillera del Tunari (Eastern Andes of Bolivia). Based on the variables measured, we identified three lake types. One group of lakes differed from the other lakes by a relatively high pH and biological productivity (as evidenced from higher densities of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and fish). A second group of lakes consisted of relatively large and deep water bodies with neutral to slightly acid pH and with a relatively high occurrence of the large cladoceran Daphnia pulex. The third group contained relatively small, shallow, and acid lakes with no Daphnia. Rainbow trout occurred in more than half of the lakes and catch yields were very variable. Overall, the abundances of different organism groups tended to be positively associated (e.g. phytoplankton, copepods, rotifers, fish) indicating the existence of a major productivity gradient. We found no negative associations between trout catches and densities of any of the major zooplankton groups, suggesting moderate to low top-down effects of trout on the zooplankton communities.  相似文献   

The Chilean lake district includes diverse lentic ecosystems along ca. 700 km of the country (36°–43°S), including the “Nahuelbutan lakes”, “Araucanian lakes” and “Chiloe lakes”. This area is recognized as an important “hot spot” of benthic freshwater biodiversity in Southern South America. In Chilean temperate lakes, increased nutrient loads of P and N caused eutrophication, particularly in the Nahuelbutan Lakes. The freshwater Hyriidae mussel Diplodon chilensis (Gray, 1828) which is one of the most abundant species in Chilean temperate lakes, is known to be very susceptible to eutrophication. This species presents a clear reduction in its geographic ranges and is considered to be a threatened species in many Chilean lakes. In this study, we used a correlative approach to determine how eutrophication-driven changes in the food supply and in geographical parameters of different Chilean lakes affected the shell growth rates of D. chilensis. The results obtained from sclerochronological analyses of the mussel shells suggest an association with a group of environmental variables, including geographical types (negative), such as latitude and altitude, and limnological types (positive), especially phosphorous and turbidity. However, the D. chilensis populations under extreme conditions of turbidity in eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes are extinct or nearly so. The high positive correlation of the mean D. chilensis growth rates with orthophosphate (R=0.76; P<0.05), in relation to dissolved inorganic nitrogen, suggests that P is the major limiting factor of the primary productivity in Chilean temperate lakes. We discuss some implications of our results in terms of the conservation of biodiversity in temperate lake ecosystems at different taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

采用特异性引物对中华刺鳅基因组DNA进行扩增和测序,获得了江苏省5个湖泊的中华刺鳅种群线粒体cyt b基因767 bp的序列.分析表明,cyt b基因中A+T含量略高于G+C含量,144个中华刺鳅共获得cyt b基因单倍型28个,变异位点38个,其中单倍型Hap1分布最为广泛,可能为祖先型单倍型.平均单倍型多样性和平均核苷酸多样性指数分别为0.58751和0.00214,遗传多样性较低.群体间遗传分化系数为0.0356,绝大多数的遗传变异都来自群体内部,而群体间的遗传分化极小.构建的系统进化树未出现明显的以单个湖泊群体的聚簇,5个湖泊的种群间基因交流极其强烈.研究结果表明,当前5个湖泊的中华刺鳅遗传多样性水平比较低,亟待加强保护.  相似文献   

The current study is, according to our knowledge, the first study indicating that ion deficit is an important restrictor to the distribution of brown trout populations in very dilute mountain lakes. The brown trout populations in the study lakes may be able to survive solely due to traces of air borne sea salt spray.  相似文献   

Diatoms from the genus Achnanthidium are abundant in rivers, streams, and springs of the Appalachian Mountains. They inhabit clean and polluted waters, including those affected by acid mine drainage. The identification of Achnanthidium taxa is difficult due to their small cell size and insufficient information in the diatom floras. We studied the taxonomy and ecology of Achnanthidium in Appalachian rivers by analyzing a data set of benthic diatom samples and corresponding water chemistry data collected during several water-quality surveys from 181 sampling sites. Ten species were identified using scanning electron and light microscopy: A. alpestre (Lowe & Kociolek) Lowe & Kociolek, A. atomus (Hustedt) Monnier, Lange-Bertalot, & Ector, A. deflexum (Reimer) Kingston, A. duthii (Sreenivasa) Edlund, A. eutrophilum (Lange-Bertalot) Lange-Bertalot, A. cf. gracillimum (Meister) Lange-Bertalot, A. cf. latecephalum Kobayasi, A. minutissimum (Kützing) Czarnecki (sensu lato), A. reimeri (Camburn) comb. nov., and A. rivulare Potapova & Ponader. The distribution of common taxa in relation to water chemistry was studied by fitting non-parametric regression models (generalized additive models, GAM, and non-parametric multiplicative regression models, NPMR) to species relative abundances. Studied Achnanthidium species differed considerably in their responses to water chemistry. These results suggest that species-level identifications will lead to more accurate bioassessments.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) was investigated in dab (Limanda limanda) bile fluids collected from Iceland and the North Sea. Concentrations of various PFCs, including perfluorinated sulfonates (C4-C6, C8 PFSAs), perfluorinated carboxylic acids (C9-C14 PFCAs) and n-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamidoethanol (MeFOSE), were quantified. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was the predominant compound with highest concentrations along the Danish and German coast (mean 9.36 ng/g wet weight (ww)). Significantly lower PFOS concentrations were found at the other sampling stations in the North Sea and Iceland (< 0.01, t-test). Conversely, the spatial distribution of the PFCAs in Iceland and the North Sea was more uniform. The most abundant PFCA was perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), while the mean concentration decreased with increasing chain length from 4.7 ng/g ww for PFNA to 0.04 ng/g ww for perfluorotetradecanoic acid (PFTeDA). Overall, the different spatial distribution of PFCs indicates different origin of sources and different transportation mechanism.  相似文献   

Mean dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations ([DIN]) in deep, seasonally stratified lakes with comparable DIN inputs can differ by up to a factor of 3 depending on hydraulic and morphometric properties and/or different trophic states of the lakes. In such lakes, net N sedimentation rates were estimated with two independent methods (sediment core analysis and input-output mass balances). They were higher in eutrophic lakes (Mean: 5.1; SD: ± 1.6 g m–2 yr–1; n = 13) than in oligotrophic lakes (1.6 ± 1.0 g m–2 yr–1; n = 3), but independent of [DIN]. Gaseous N loss rates to the atmosphere, as calculated from combined N- and P-mass balances from selected lakes, ranged from 0.9 to 37.4 g m–2 yr–1 (n = 10) and were positively correlated with [DIN]. Reduction of NO 3 - to N2 is assumed to be the main cause for gaseous N losses. A simple one-box mass balance model for [DIN], based on DIN input and rates and kinetics of N removal processes (net sedimentation and gaseous N loss) is proposed, and validated with a data base on [DIN] and DIN input in 19 deep, seasonally stratified lakes of central Europe. The model illustrated that the amount of water loading per unit surface area of a lake (called water discharge height q) is the critical parameter determining mean lake [DIN] relative to mean input [DIN]. Lakes with a q > 50 m yr–1 have average [DIN] similar to the [DIN] of the inflows regardless of their trophic states, because input and outflow exceed lake-internal N removal processes. A high primary production favors DIN removal in lakes with q < 50 m yr–1. It is concluded that measures to decrease primary production, e.g. by means of P removal programs, lead to an increase of [DIN] in lakes.  相似文献   

综合营养状态指数(TLI)在中国湖库富营养化评价中应用非常广泛.对于该指数的各分项指标,基于叶绿素a的评估结果是富营养化风险的直接体现,是最终指示;而基于理化指标(总氮、总磷、透明度和高锰酸盐指数)的评估结果是间接指示.如果两者TLI评估结果存在显著差异,则说明基于理化参数的TLI评估结果低估或者高估了实际富营养化水平和相关风险.本文针对长江中下游湖库的基于水质理化指标和基于叶绿素a的TLI结果是否匹配的问题开展了调查分析.结果表明,对于非通江浅水湖泊而言,基于总氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数的TLI评估结果均低估了富营养化水平和相关风险;对于通江浅水湖泊而言,基于总氮、总磷和透明度的TLI评估结果高估了富营养化水平和相关风险,而基于高锰酸盐指数的结果低估了富营养化水平;对于深水水库,基于总氮的TLI指数评估结果高估了富营养化水平,而基于总磷、透明度和高锰酸盐指数的结果低估了富营养化水平.上述水质理化指标和叶绿素a评估结果不匹配的原因为以下两点:第一,部分物理化学指标失去了对富营养化风险(叶绿素a)的指示意义,如通江浅水湖泊的总氮、总磷、透明度和高锰酸盐指数以及深水湖泊的总氮;第二,部分富营养化理化指标和叶绿素a原有关系发生错位,比如对于深水湖泊总磷对叶绿素a的响应比TLI指数构建所采用的关系更加敏感.针对TLI理化指标评估在长江中下游湖库应用中存在的问题提出如下改进建议:1)结合长时间序列历史数据,基于分位数回归等方法构建特定湖泊的叶绿素a和理化参数的响应关系,开发“一湖一策”的评估公式;2)根据换水周期和湖泊面积水深比对进行湖泊分类,建立特定湖泊类型的叶绿素a和理化参数的响应关系,构建“一类一策”的评估公式;3)在富营养化评估结果中应分别量化富营养化状态参数(营养盐水平)和富营养化风险参数(叶绿素a)以及两者比值,但生物指标是富营养化评估的最终指示.现阶段我国富营养化评价和管理多为“全国一策”,可能很难满足经济高效的管理需求.因此,本研究所建议和综述的“一类一策”和“一湖一策”的湖泊富营养化评估方法对未来的湖泊生态管理可能具有重要意义.  相似文献   

About one third of several hundred mining lakes in Eastern Germany are highly acidified, and there is a need to restore them to neutral conditions because they constitute an environmental hazard for water resources and downstream environments. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of three different acid pit lake water remediation treatments: dilution with alkaline (river) water, limestone treatment and biological neutralization by organic carbon-driven alkalinity generation. The efficiency is evaluated for the acidic mining lake Grünewalder Lauch by adjusting input values into a geochemical model and making future projections. Current approaches, such as flooding with neutral surface water or extensive liming, are not suitable for many lakes because of a limited supply of alkaline water or high lime immobilizing potential of Fe- and Al-rich water in acidic lakes, respectively. Further treatment methods are, therefore, designed to combine water supply and biological measures with the management of water quality by the application of in-lake microbial processes. These processes are focused on the metabolic response of aquatic ecosystems to nutrient enrichment (enhancement of primary production and thereby organic carbon supply) and the microbial decomposition of organic matter and their effects on the gain or loss of alkalinity.The results and comparisons of different neutralization measures will be generalized by the application of hydrogeochemical models for alkalinity production showing
the long term efficiency of the measures, depending on carbon turnover at the sediment/water interface,
the development of bicarbonate buffering capacity as a consequence of biological measures,
the importance of pyrite formation instead of FeS.

昆特依干盐湖位于柴达木盆地西北部,为特大型综合盐类矿床.大盐滩是昆特依干盐湖内最大的盐滩,地下赋存有一定量的卤水矿床,但该矿床的水文地质条件差,主要卤水矿层含水性弱,开采难度大.核磁共振找水方法作为当今世界上唯一的直接找水地球物理新方法,具有高分辨力、高效率、信息量丰富和解的唯一性等优点,本文运用该方法对昆特依干盐滩地区地下卤水空间分布特征进行研究,通过对核磁共振数据进行处理与反演,结合已有的地质与钻井资料,对测点进行综合地质-地球物理解释,获得以下认识:1)大盐滩0~130 m深度范围内,共存在3个卤水含水层,主要呈扁平状或漏斗状、近似层状展布,W1为晶间潜卤水层,渗透系数较大,颗粒较粗,单位体积含水量为0.4%~2.7%,W2和W3为晶间承压卤水层,渗透系数较小,颗粒较粗,单位体积含水量分别为0.2%~1.1%和0.1%~0.8%;2)大盐滩地区存在两个卤水富集区,分别为研究区西南部沉积盆地中心的Ⅰ号富卤区和盆地东北部的Ⅱ号富卤区;3)根据区域内卤水富集分布以及构造情况,划定大盐滩向斜沉积中心、大盐滩北侧F1~F8及遥F6断裂发育区和冷湖构造带为区域内主要的找矿找水远景区;4)GMR核磁共振系统在干盐滩地区理论探测深度为130 m,该系统不仅可以有效地探测自由水,而且可以依据束缚水的分布解译地下各类含水盐类矿物和含水黏土矿物的存在与分布.  相似文献   

Abstract Fossil otariid pinnipeds of the extinct genera Prototaria Takeyama and Ozawa, 1984, and Neotherium Kellogg, 1931, known from Middle Miocene deposits bordering the North Pacific Ocean, are small, primitive pinnipeds in the subfamily Imagotariinae. They have a small supraorbital process of the frontal or have lost it entirely, a three-rooted first molar, small paroccipital process, and ear morphology indicating that they belong in the subfamily Imagotariinae. Their unique derived characters include extreme intertemporal constriction and highly modified cheek teeth, the premolars having become molarized by the addition of protocones and lingual cingula. Prototaria Takeyama and Ozawa, 1984, the most primitive known imagotariine genus, contains two species, P. primigena Takeyama and Ozawa, 1984, and P. planicephala Kohno, 1994, both of early Middle Miocene age from Japan. Prototaria has a few derived characters, including a large antorbital process, narrow intertemporal region, and large orbit, but its primitive characters apparently were inherited from enaliarctine ancestors. The long enigmatic Neotherium mirum Kellogg, 1931, of Middle Miocene age from California, USA, is related to Prototaria, but differs by having an elongate skull, very slender zygomatic arch, ventrally exposed median lacerate foramen, and smaller but more molarized premolars. A more primitive new genus and species, Proneotherium repenningi Barnes, related to N. mirum, is from the early Middle Miocene Astoria Formation, coastal Oregon, USA. It shares some derived characters with Prototaria, and shares many other important derived characters with N. mirum. Imagotariines probably arose from some species of Early Miocene enaliarctines, became diverse in Middle and Late Miocene time, and are only known from the North Pacific realm. Although they might include the ancestors of true walruses of the subfamily Odobeninae, no known imagotariines appear to have been adapted for mollusk feeding as are the highly evolved modern walruses. Instead, imagotariines appear to have retained a primitive piscivorous diet, as did the fur seals and sea lions of the subfamily Otariinae.  相似文献   

The first magnetotelluric deep soundings in Chile were carried out during 1986 in the Villarrica active volcano zone (39°25′S, 71°57′W). In the TM mode of polarization, the curves show a distorted segment with dispersion. A static distortion at long periods is observed in curves in the TE mode of polarization; the segment was shifted vertically to fit the geomagnetic global model values at daily periods. This modified curve was used for 1D modelling to determine the electrical structure in the study area. The upper level of the intermediate conducting layer of resistivity 20–60 ω m is found to be at 35–50 km depth. A higher resistivity layer (600 ω m), starting at 100 km depth, may be resolved in the intermediate conducting layer. A sharp decrease in the resistivity is shown by the model at 500 km.

Large heterogeneities at the level of the conducting layer encountered in the 1D modelling, and increased resistivity of the ultimate layer, may account for distortion observed at long periods. Two-dimensional test models show that the conducting layer in the area of Villarrica volcano may be an anomalous heated layer surrounded by rocks of higher resistivity of about 2 × 103 ω m. These features correspond to the interaction with a subsiding oceanic lithosphere resulting in a complex thermal structure and perturbed resistivity distribution in transition zones of the Pacific type such as Chile, and to the existence of a megafault and a system of fractures in the sounding area. These facts make it difficult to determine the conductance of the electrical asthenosphere.

The parameters of the model structure correlate well with geophysical and geochemical results obtained in the area by other workers. Gravity studies indicate a maximum crustal thickness of about 37 km, which implies a non-full compensation according to the Airy hypothesis. The morphology of the Wadati-Benioff zone clearly shows a sharp decrease of earthquake foci at 50 km depth, and a reinitiation of seismic activity from a depth of 100 km down to 160 km. Kaufman and Keller and Levi and Lysak empirical relationships between heat flow and thickness of the lithosphere are somewhat consistent when the parameters of the model structure are assumed. The strontium isotope ratios are indicative of minimal crustal contamination of mantle-derived magmas, thus allowing a relatively thin crust under the area. Furthermore, the SB index of partial melting of mantle peridotite may suggest the contribution of uprising material from the deep asthenosphere through fractures extending to depth.  相似文献   

Margrit Vge 《Limnologica》2006,36(4):228-233
The phenologic change of the leaf rosette structure of Isoetes lacustris L. was studied in 26 lakes of temperate, boreal, or subarctic Scandinavia between 59° and 70° n.l. The investigations were carried out during six defined seasons: late winter, spring, early summer, late summer, autumn, and early winter. From 640 plants, gained with the aid of SCUBA, six leaf types were distinguished: immature megasporophylls, mature megasporophylls, immature microsporophylls, mature microsporophylls, and sporophylls that had released their spores and leaves with undeveloped sporangia. Mean numbers per rosette of each leaf type were established in each study lake and study season, resulting in a common pattern embracing all lakes studied.

Megasporophylls are developed throughout the year, whenever the water temperature is about 10 °C. Their share was always more than 30%, excepting winter. Microsporophylls are produced preferentially in spring/early summer when the days are longest; they amount to more than 50% of the rosette leaves during this period, but only to some 10% in the remaining seasons. The spores mature and are released between late summer and early winter. It is concluded that not all spores mature in the year of their birth, and those that do not mature are released in the early summer of the following year, as well as the old empty leaves become detached.  相似文献   

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