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This paper deals with the geometry and kinematics of the active normal faults in northern Umbria, and their relationship with the seismicity observed in the area. In particular, we illustrate the contribution of seismic reflection data (a network of seismic profiles, NNW–SSE and WSW–ENE trending) in constraining at depth the geometry of the different active fault systems and their reciprocal spatial relationships. The main normal fault in the area is the Alto Tiberina fault, NNW trending and ENE dipping, producing a displacement of about 5 km, and generating a continental basin (Val Tiberina basin), infilled by up to 1500 m with Upper Pliocene–Quaternary deposits. The fault has a staircase trajectory, and can be traced on the seismic profiles to a depth of about 13 km. A set of WSW-dipping, antithetic faults can be recognised on the profiles, the most important of which is the Gubbio fault, bordering an extensional Quaternary basin and interpreted as an active fault based on geological, geomorphologic and seismological evidence. The epicentral distribution of the main historical earthquakes is strictly parallel to the general trend of the normal faults. The focal mechanisms of the major earthquakes show a strong similarity with the attitude of the extensional faults, mapped at the surface and recognised on the seismic profiles. These observations demonstrate the connection between seismicity in the area and the activity of the normal faults. Moreover, the distribution of the instrumental seismicity suggests the activity of the Alto Tiberina fault as the basal detachment for the extensional tectonics of the area. Finally, the action of the Alto Tiberina fault was simulated using two dimensional finite element modelling: a close correspondence between the concentration of shear stresses in the model and the distribution of the present earthquakes was obtained.  相似文献   

Detailed records of palaeomagnetic directions from two Upper Cretaceous Umbrian sections are compared with the composite section compiled by Van den Berg et al. [1]. In addition to these sections, fifty-one geographically distributed sites have been studied magnetically and palaeontologically. The Late Miocene-Pliocene fold belt of the Umbrian Apennines is arcuate in outcrop, being convex toward the east. The fold axes are generally tangential to the Umbrian arc, which can be divided into a northern northwestern-trending part and a southern northeastern-trending part. Sites from the north have more westerly declinations than those from the south. The differences are significant at the 95% probability level and most probably reflect the bending of originally straight fold axes or the development of fold axes with initial curvature. The palaeomagnetic directions from Umbria provide important information concerning the Umbrian tectonic deformation, but are not applicable to the Italian autochthon.  相似文献   

Stromboli is an Italian volcanic island known for its persistent state of activity, which leads to frequent mass failures and consequently to frequent tsunamis ranging from large (and rare) catastrophic events involving the entire southern Tyrrhenian Sea to smaller events with, however, extremely strong local impact. Most of tsunamigenic landslides occur in the Sciara del Fuoco (SdF) zone, which is a deep scar in the NW flank of the volcano, that was produced by a Holocene massive flank collapse and that is the accumulation area of all the eruptive ejecta from the craters. Shallow-water bathymetric surveys around the island help one to identify submarine canyons and detachment scars giving evidence of mass instabilities and failures that may have produced and might produce tsunamis. The main purpose of this paper is to call attention to tsunami sources in Stromboli that are located outside the SdF area. Further, we do not touch on tsunami scenarios associated with gigantic sector collapses that have repeat times in the order of several thousands of years, but rather concentrate on intermediate size tsunamis, such as the ones that occurred in December 2002. Though we cannot omit tsunamis from the zone of the SdF, the main emphasis is on the elaboration of preliminary scenarios for three more possible source areas around Stromboli, namely Punta Lena Sud, Forgia Vecchia and Strombolicchio, with the aim of purposeful contributing to the evaluation of the hazard associated with such events and to increase the knowledge of potential threats affecting Stromboli and the nearby islands of the Aeolian archipelago. The simulations show that tsunami sources outside of the SdF can produce disastrous effects. As a consequence, we recommend that the monitoring system that is presently operating in Stromboli and that is focussed on the SdF source area be extended in order to cover even the other sources. Moreover, a synoptic analysis of the results from all the considered tsunami scenarios leads to a very interesting relation between the tsunami total energy and the landslide potential energy, that could be used as a very effective tool to evaluate the expected tsunami size from estimates of the landslide size.  相似文献   

The eroded Colle Fabbri volcano comprises intrusive and extrusive rocks which cover an area of about 10,000 m2 in the Umbria region, Central Italy. The outcrop is located at the SW boundary of the Umbria Valley Graben (Umbria Region) on an N140 normal fault inside the Intramountain Ultra-Alkaline Province of carbonatite and melilitite rocks of central–southern Italy. A field survey of the outcrop allowed a reconstruction of igneous activity events of this unusual small-scale volcano. It is younger than 0.7 m.y. and rests on Lower Pleistocene conglomerates with intercalated clay beds. A palaeosoil marks the base of the volcanic sequence. It follows several metres of extrusive breccias composed of fragments of thermometamorphosed clay and travertine. Key features of these breccias are mud shells on blocks, plastic mud lumps, slumps, and mechanical injection from one layer into another, as well as plastic and vesiculated, micro-brecciated matrix. The breccias are cemented by a variety of silicate, sulphate, and sulphate–carbonate minerals deposited by intense hydrothermal circulation. The breccias are related to phreatic explosions triggered by the eruption of a superficial hydrothermal system. Up to 1 m thick sill and a dykelet swarm intrude the breccias. In the southern part of the outcrop there is a plug of melilitolitic composition which intrudes the breccias and deforms them upward. A variety of contact breccias is also scattered around the sill and the plug. In some places, hyaloclastite formed when melt invaded water pockets contained in the encasing rocks under hydrostatic pressure conditions. A thermal aureole, which moves up to 10 m away from the contact, is characterised by cordierite–trydimite association, thus indicating high-temperature (>>1000 °C) contact phenomena.  相似文献   

Ground deformation affecting the Umbria region (central Italy) in the 9-year period from 1992 to 2000 was investigated through multi-temporal Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR). For the purpose, the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) technique was adopted, which allows studying the temporal evolution of the detected deformation at two spatial scales: a low-resolution (regional) scale, and a full-resolution (local) scale. For the analysis, SAR data acquired by the European Remote Sensing (ERS-1/2) satellites along ascending and descending orbits were used. The detected deformation was analysed to investigate its relevance to geophysical, geomorphologic, and human-induced processes that may result in hazardous conditions to the population of Umbria. Low-resolution deformation data were used to: (i) determine the amount of displacement caused by the Umbria-Marche earthquake sequence from September 1997 to April 1998 in the Foligno area, (ii) determine the number and percentage of the known landslides that can be monitored by the DInSAR technology in the investigated area, and (iii) identify and measure subsidence induced by exploitation of a confined aquifer in the Valle Umbra. Results indicate that earthquakes moved through the Foligno area westwards up to 3.9 cm and with an uplift reaching 1.7 cm. Intersection in a GIS of the low-resolution deformation maps with a detailed landslide inventory map allowed the determination that the portion of landslides that can be monitored by the SBAS-DInSAR technique in Umbria ranges from 2.7% to 3.4%, and the percentage of the total landslide area ranges from 10.4% to 12.8%. In the Valle Umbra, a dependency was found between the time and the amount of detected ground deformation, and the record of water withdrawal. The full-resolution deformation data were used to investigate the movement of the Ivancich landslide, in the Assisi Municipality. Joint analysis of the spatial and the temporal characteristics of the ground displacement allowed the formulation of a hypothesis on the landslide geometry and deformation pattern.  相似文献   

A version of the restricted trigger model is used to analyse the temporal behaviour of some aftershock sequences. The conditional intensity function of the model is similar to that of the Epidemic Type Aftershock-Sequence (ETAS) model with the restriction that only the aftershocks of magnitude bigger than or equal to some threshold Mtr can trigger secondary events. For this reason we have named the model Restricted Epidemic Type Aftershock-Sequence (RETAS) model. Varying the triggering threshold we examine the variants of the RETAS model which range from the Modified Omori Formula (MOF) to the ETAS model, including such models as limit cases. In this way we have a quite large set of models in which to seek the model that fits best an aftershock sequence bringing out the specific features of the seismotectonic region struck by the crisis. We have applied the RETAS model to the analysis of two aftershock sequences: The first is formed by the events which followed the strong earthquake of M=7.8 which occurred in Kresna, SW Bulgaria, in 1904. The second includes three main shocks and a large swarm of minor shocks following the quake of 26 September 1997 in the Umbria-Marche region, central Italy. The MOF provides the best fit to the sequence in Kresna; that leads to the thought that just the stress field changes due to the very strong main shock generate the whole sequence. On the contrary, the complex behaviour of the seismic sequence in Umbria-Marche appears when we make the threshold magnitude vary. Setting the cut-off magnitude M0=2.9 the best fit is provided by the ETAS model, while if we raise the threshold magnitude M0=3.6 and set Mtr=5.0, the RETAS model turns out to be the best model. In fact, observing the time distribution of this reduced data set, it appears more evident that especially the strong secondary events are followed by a cluster of aftershocks.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to estimate the stress field acting in the Irpinia Region, an area of southern Italy that has been struck in the past by destructive earthquakes and that is now characterized by low to moderate seismicity. The dataset are records of 2,352 aftershocks following the last strong event: the 23 November 1980 earthquake (M 6.9). The earthquakes were recorded at seven seismic stations, on average, and have been located using a three-dimensional (3D) P-wave velocity model and a probabilistic, non-linear, global search technique. The use of a 3D velocity model yielded a more stable estimation of take-off angles, a crucial parameter for focal mechanism computation. The earthquake focal mechanisms were computed from the P-wave first-motion polarity data using the FPFIT algorithm. Fault plane solutions show mostly normal component faulting (pure normal fault and normal fault with a strike-slip component). Only some fault plane solutions show strike-slip and reverse faulting. The stress field is estimated using the method proposed by Michael (J Geophys Res 92:357–368, 1987a) by inverting selected focal mechanisms, and the results show that the Irpinia Region is subjected to a NE–SW extension with horizontal σ 3 (plunge 0°, trend 230°) and subvertical σ 1 (plunge 80°, trend 320°), in agreement with the results derived from other stress indicators.  相似文献   

Spatial vent opening probability map of Etna volcano (Sicily, Italy)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We produce a spatial probability map of vent opening (susceptibility map) at Etna, using a statistical analysis of structural features of flank eruptions of the last 2?ky. We exploit a detailed knowledge of the volcano structures, including the modalities of shallow magma transfer deriving from dike and dike-fed fissure eruptions analysis on historical eruptions. Assuming the location of future vents will have the same causal factors as the past eruptions, we converted the geological and structural data in distinct and weighted probability density functions, which were included in a non-homogeneous Poisson process to obtain the susceptibility map. The highest probability of new eruptive vents opening falls within a N-S aligned area passing through the Summit Craters down to about 2,000?m?a.s.l. on the southern flank. Other zones of high probability follow the North-East, East-North-East, West, and South Rifts, the latter reaching low altitudes (~400?m). Less susceptible areas are found around the faults cutting the upper portions of Etna, including the western portion of the Pernicana fault and the northern extent of the Ragalna fault. This structural-based susceptibility map is a crucial step in forecasting lava flow hazards at Etna, providing a support tool for decision makers.  相似文献   

Body-wave Attenuation in the Region of Garda, Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyzed the spectral amplitude decay with hypocentral distance of P and S waves generated by 76 small magnitude earthquakes (ML 0.9–3.8) located in the Garda region, Central-Eastern Alps, Italy. These events were recorded by 18 stations with velocity sensors, in a distance range between 8 and 120 km. We calculated nonparametric attenuation functions (NAF) and estimated the quality factor Q of both body waves at 17 different frequencies between 2 and 25 Hz. Assuming a homogeneous model we found that the Q frequency dependence of P and S can be approximated with the functions Q P = 65 f 0.9 and Q S = 160 f 0.6 , respectively. At 2 Hz the Q S /Q P ratio reaches the highest value of 2.8. At higher frequencies Q S /Q P varies between 0.7 and 1.7, suggesting that for this frequency band scattering may be an important attenuation mechanism in the region of Garda. To explore the variation of Q in depth, we estimated Q at short (r ≤ 30 km) and intermediate (35–90 km) distance paths. We found that in the shallow crust P waves attenuate more than S (1.3 < Q S /Q P < 2.5). Moreover, P waves traveling along paths in the lower crust (depths approximately greater than 30 km) attenuate more than S waves. To quantify the observed variability of Q in depth we considered a three-layer model and inverted the NAF to estimate Q in each layer. We found that in the crust Q increases with depth. However, in the upper mantle (~40–50 km depth) Q decreases and in particular the high frequency Q S (f > 9 Hz) has values similar to those estimated for the shallow layer of the crust.  相似文献   

The 1927 Gulang M8.0 earthquake has triggered a huge number of landslides, resulting in massive loss of people''s life and property. However, integrated investigations and results regarding the landslides triggered by this earthquake are rare; such situation hinders the deep understanding of these landslides such as scale, extent, and distribution. With the support of Google Earth software, this study intends to finish the seismic landslides interpretation work in the areas of Gulang earthquake (VIII-XI degree) using the artificial visual interpretation method, and further analyze the spatial distribution and impact factors of these landslides. The results show that the earthquake has triggered at least 936 landslides in the VIII-XI degree zone, with a total landslide area of 58.6 km2. The dense area of seismic landslides is located in the middle and southern parts of the X intensity circle. Statistical analysis shows that seismic landslides is mainly controlled by factors such as elevation, slope gradient, slope direction, strata, seismic intensity, faults and rivers. The elevation of 2 000-2 800 m is the high-incidence interval of the landslide. The landslide density is larger with a higher slope gradient. East and west directions are the dominant sliding directions. The areas with Cretaceous and Quaternary strata are the main areas of the Gulang seismic landslides. The X intensity zone triggered the most landslides. In addition, landslides often occur in regions near rivers and faults. This paper provides a scientific reference for exploring the development regularities of landslides triggered by the 1927 Gulang earthquake and effectively mitigating the landslide disasters of the earthquake.  相似文献   

The aerosol chemical composition in air masses affected by large vegetation fires transported from the Kaliningrad region (Russia) and southeast regions (Belarus and Ukraine) during early spring (March 2014) was characterized at the remote background site of Preila, Lithuania. In this study, the chemical composition of the particulate matter was studied by high temporal resolution instruments, including an Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) and a seven-wavelength aethalo-meter. Air masses were transported from twenty to several hundred kilometres, arriving at the measurement station after approximately half a day of transport. The concentration-weighted trajectory analysis suggests that organic aerosol particles are mainly transported over the Baltic Sea and the continent (southeast of Belarus). Results show that a significant fraction of the vegetation burning organic aerosol is transformed into oxidised forms in less than a half-day. Biomass burning aerosol (BBOA) was quantified from the ACSM data using a positive matrix factorization (PMF) analysis, while its spatial distribution was evaluated using air mass clustering approach.  相似文献   

In the last 9 years, the amount and the quality of geophysical and volcanological observations of Stromboli's' activity have undergone a marked increase. This new information highlighted that the landslides on the Sciara del Fuoco flank are tightly linked to the volcanic activity. Actually, at the beginning of the December 28, 2002, effusive eruption, the seismic monitoring network was less dense than now, and therefore it is not known if there was an increase in the landslide rate before the eruption. Despite this, it is known that a big landslide occurred 2 days after the beginning of the eruption which caused a tsunami (December 30, 2002). More recently, the effusive eruption in February 2007 was preceded by an increase in landslides on the Sciara del Fuoco flank, which were recorded by the seismological monitoring system that had been improved after the 2002–2003 crisis. These episodes led us to believe that monitoring the Sciara del Fuoco flank instability is an important topic, and that landslides might be significant short-term precursors of effusive eruptions at the Stromboli volcano. To automatically detect landslide signals, we have developed a specialized neural algorithm. This can distinguish between landslides and the other types of seismic signals usually recorded at the Stromboli volcano (i.e., explosion quakes and volcanic tremor). The discrimination results show an average performance of 98.67 %. According to the experience of the crisis of 2007, to identify changes that can be considered as precursors of effusive eruptions, we set up an automatic decision-making method based on the neural network responses. This method can operate on a continuous data stream. It calculates a landslide percentage index (LPI) that depends on the number of records that are classified by the net as landslides over a given time interval. We tested the method on February 27, 2007, including the beginning of the effusive phase. The index showed an increase as early as at 09:00 UTC on that day and reached its maximum value (100 %) at 12:00, about 40 min before the onset of the eruption. After the beginning of the effusive phase, the index remains high due to the blocks that roll down along the slope from the front of the lava flow. On the basis of these tests, we propose a decision-making method that is able to recognize a trend in the LPI similar to that of 2007 eruption, allowing the identification of precursors of effusive phases at the Stromboli volcano.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of the hydrological conditions for the occurrence of debris flows and of flow behaviour are of the outmost importance for developing effective flow prevention techniques. An automated and remotely controlled monitoring system was installed in Acquabona Creek in the Dolomites, Italian Eastern Alps, where debris flows occur every year. Its present configuration consists of three on‐site stations, located in the debris‐flow initiation area, in the lower channel and in the retention basin. The monitoring system is equipped with sensors for measuring rainfall, pore‐water pressure in the mobile channel bottom, ground vibrations, debris flow depth, total normal stress and fluid pore‐pressure at the base of the flow. Three video cameras take motion pictures of the events at the initiation zone, in the lower channel and in the deposition area. Data from the on‐site stations are radio‐transmitted to an off‐site station and stored in a host PC, from where they are telemetrically downloaded and used by the Padova University for the study of debris flows. The efficiency of the sensors and of the whole monitoring system has been verified by the analysis of data collected so far. Examples of these data are presented and briefly discussed. If implemented at the numerous debris‐flow sites in the Dolomitic Region, the technology used, derived from the development of this system, will provide civil defence and warn residents of impending debris flows. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

—The Gran Sasso chain (Central Apennines, Italy) contains one of the largest aquifers of Central Italy. From 1970–1986 the massif was tunnelled through in order to build up a highway and an international underground laboratory for nuclear physics research. These works have strongly modified the hydrogeological situation of the chain, as shown by the decrease in flow rate that occurred in many springs located at the border of the carbonatic structure, along the boundary between the permeable limestone of the massif and the surrounding aquicludes. The analysis of the seismicity (M≥ 3.0) that occurred in the Gran Sasso area from 1956 to 1995 suggests that after the tunnelling works both the number of earthquakes has increased and epicenters have migrated, gathering at the northwestern border zone. The foremost events which occurred in this zone in recent years took place on May 5, 1992 (M = 3.1), August 25, 1992 (M = 3.9) and March 13, 1994 (M = 3.5). The flow rate data of four springs and water level data of an underground karst pool located at the border of the carbonatic structure of the massif show clear anomalies before the occurrence of the quoted earthquakes. Regardless, these anomalies can be explained by the rapid melting of the thick mantle of snow on the Gran Sasso chain, due to sudden increases of mean temperatures. In this paper we present and discuss the possibility that the quoted earthquakes are induced by the irregular variations of the Gran Sasso aquifer, evidenced by the quoted anomalies in the flow rate and water level.  相似文献   

The late Pleistocene San Venanzo maar and nearby Pian di Celle tuff ring in the San Venanzo area of Umbria, central Italy, appear to represent different aspects of an eruptive cycle accompanied by diatreme formation. Approximately 6x106 m3 of mostly lapillisized, juvenile ejecta with lesser amounts of lithics and 1x106 m3 of lava were erupted. The stratigraphy indicates intense explosive activity followed by lava flows and subvolcanic intrusions. The pyroclastic material includes lithic breccia derived from vent and diatreme wall erosion, roughly stratified lapilli tuff deposited by concentrated pyroclastic surge, chaotic scoriaceous pyroclastic flow and inverse graded grain-flow deposits. The key feature of the pyroclastics is the presence of concentric-shelled lapilli generated by accretion around the lithics during magma ascent in the diatreme conduits. The rock types range from kalsilite leucite olivine melilitite lavas and subvolcanic intrusions to carbonatite, phonolite and calcitic melilitite pyroclasts. Juvenile ejecta contain essential calcite whose composition and texture indicate a magmatic origin. Pyroclastic carbonatite activity is also indicated by the presence of carbonatite ash beds. The San Venanzo maar-forming event is believed to have been trigered by fluid-rich carbonatite-phonolite magma. The eruptive centre the moved to the Pian di Celle tuff ring, where the eruption of degassed olivine melilititic magma and late intrusions ended magmatic activity in the area. In both volcanoes the absence of phreatomagmatic features together with the presence of large amounts of primary calcite suggests carbonatite segregation and violent exsolution of CO2 which, flowing through the diatremes, produced the peculiar intrusive pyroclastic facies and triggered explosions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to improve our knowledge of the attenuation structure in the Southern Apennines using a new amplitude ratio tomography method (Phillips et al., Geophys Res Lett 32(21):L21301, 2005) applied on both direct and coda envelope measurements derived from 150 events recorded by 47 stations of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia National Seismic Network (Rete Sismica Nazionale Centralizzata). The two-dimensional (2-D) analysis allows us to take into account lateral crustal variations and heterogeneities of this region. Using the same event and station distribution, we also applied a simple 1-D methodology, and the performance of the 1-D and 2-D path assumptions is tested by comparing the average interstation variance for the path-corrected amplitudes using coda and direct waves. In general, coda measurement results are more stable than using direct waves when the same methodology is applied. Using the 2-D approach, we observe more stable results for both waves. However, the improvement is quite small, probably because the crustal heterogeneity is weak. This means that, for this region, the 1-D path assumption is a good approximation of the attenuation characteristics of the region. A comparison between Q tomography images obtained using direct and coda amplitudes shows similar results, consistent with the geology of the region. In fact, we observe low Q along the Apennine chain toward the Tyrrhenian Sea and higher values to the east, in correspondence with the Gargano zone that is related to the Apulia Carbonate Platform. Finally, we compared our results with the coda Q values proposed by Bianco et al. (Geophys J Int 150:10–22, 2002) for the same region. The good agreement validates our results as the authors used a completely independent methodology.  相似文献   

The effects of surface geology on ground motion provide an important tool in seismic hazard studies. It is well known that the presence of soft sediments can cause amplification of the ground motion at the surface, particularly when there is a sharp impedance contrast at shallow depth. The town of Avellino is located in an area characterised by high seismicity in Italy, about 30?km from the epicentre of the 23 November 1980, Irpinia earthquake (M?=?6.9). No earthquake recordings are available in the area. The local geology is characterised by strong heterogeneity, with impedance contrasts at depth. We present the results from seismic noise measurements carried out in the urban area of Avellino to evaluate the effects of local geology on the seismic ground motion. We computed the horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) noise spectral ratios at 16 selected sites in this urban area for which drilling data are available within the first 40?m of depth. A Rayleigh wave inversion technique using the peak frequencies of the noise H/V spectral ratios is then presented for estimating Vs models, assuming that the thicknesses of the shallow soil layers are known. The results show a good correspondence between experimental and theoretical peak frequencies, which are interpreted in terms of sediment resonance. For one site, which is characterised by a broad peak in the horizontal-to-vertical spectral-ratio curve, simple one-dimensional modelling is not representative of the resonance effects. Consistent variations in peak amplitudes are seen among the sites. A site classification based on shear-wave velocity characteristics, in terms of Vs30, cannot explain these data. The differences observed are better correlated to the impedance contrast between the sediments and basement. A more detailed investigation of the physical parameters of the subsoil structure, together with earthquake data, are desirable for future research, to confirm these data in terms of site response.  相似文献   

The sulphur cycle in the sediment of the Venice canal network was investigated by considering the sulphate reduction rate (SRR) and the distribution of sulphur compounds, in both pore water and sediment. Sulphate reduction (SR) is the main process in the metabolism of the organic matter supplied to the network by untreated urban effluents. Although it might account for the decomposition of only a limited percentage of the total organic-C inputs, the estimated rates are among the highest observed in coastal sediments. Measured rates range from 0.26 to 0.99 micromolcm(-3)d(-1), while mean annual values, estimated by a diagenetic model, vary from 0.16 to 0.43 micromolcm(-3)d(-1). The speciation of S in the sediment reveals that pyrite-S is the most abundant component of the total reduced S pool, whereas acid volatile sulphides and elemental sulphur together account for less than 45%. A preliminary budget indicates that the rate of burial of solid-phase S is small compared to the S produced by SR (from 10 to 25%). A large amount of reduced S is then lost from the canal deposits to be re-oxidised at the sediment-water interface or in the overlying water column.  相似文献   

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