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Natural source zone depletion (NSZD) has emerged as a practical alternative for restoration of light non‐aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) sites that are in the later stages of their remediation lifecycle. Due to significant research, the NSZD conceptual model has evolved dramatically in recent years, and methanogenesis is now accepted as a dominant attenuation process (e.g., Lundegard and Johnson 2006 ; Ng et al. 2015 ). Most of the methane is generated within the pore space adjacent to LNAPL (Ng et al. 2015 ) from where it migrates through the unsaturated zone (e.g., Amos and Mayer 2006 ), where it is oxidized. While great progress has been made, there are still some important gaps in our understanding of NSZD. NSZD measurements provide little insight on which constituents are actually degrading; it is unclear which rate‐limiting factors that can be manipulated to increase NSZD rates; and how longevity of the bulk LNAPL and its key constituents can be predicted. Various threads of literature were pursued to shed light on some of the questions listed above. Several processes that may influence NSZD or its measurement were identified: temperature, inhibition from acetate buildup, protozoa predation, presence of electron acceptors, inhibition from volatile hydrocarbons, alkalinity/pH, and the availability of nutrients can all affect methanogenesis rates, while factors such as moisture content and soil type can influence its measurement. The methanogenic process appears to have a sequenced utilization of the constituents or chemical classes present in the LNAPL due to varying thermodynamic feasibility, biodegradability, and effects of inhibition, but the bulk NSZD rate appears to remain quasi‐zero order. A simplified version of the reactive transport model presented by Ng et al. 2015 has the potential to be a useful tool for predicting the longevity of key LNAPL constituents or chemical fractions, and of bulk LNAPL, but more work is needed to obtain key input parameters such as chemical classes and their biodegradation rates and any potential inhibitions.  相似文献   

Samples dredged from 2 localities near the crest of the Valu Fa ridge, an active back-arc basin spreading centre in the Lau Basin, consist of highly vesicular lava fragments of andesitic composition. The samples are characterized by rare, euhedral An85 plagioclase phenocrysts in a hypocrystalline groundmass of An60 plagioclase laths, brown glass and rare subhedral clinopyroxene. Samples from within and, to a lesser extent, between the dredge hauls show remarkable isotopic and chemical homogeneity, with: 87Sr/86Sr − 0.70330 ± 2; 143Nd/144Nd − 0.51303 ± 2; 206Pb/204Pb − 18.65 ± 2; 207Pb/204Pb − 15.55 ± 1; 208Pb/204Pb − 38.34 ± 4; Sr − 165 ppm; Rb − 7 ppm; Cs − 0.17 ppm; K − 3300 to 4200 ppm; Ba − 96 ppm; and REE — LREE depleted with 12–18 × chondritic abundances. On Sr-Nd, Pb-Pb and Sr-Pb plots the volcanics lie just within or on the edge of the MORB fields, overlapping with island-arc volcanics from the Marianas and Tonga. Compared with MORB and ocean-island basalts, the samples show alkali-element enrichment relative to REE and higher Cs relative to Rb. The isotopic and geochemical characteristics of the Valu Fa Ridge volcanics clearly indicate a minor, but significant, slab-derived component in the back-arc basin mantle source.  相似文献   

Well-developed, clay-rich soils dominated by interstratified kaolinite-smectite are found on the uplifted coral reef terraces on the island of Barbados. The reef limestone is unlikely to have been the soil parent material however, because it is 98 per cent CaCO3 and geomorphic evidence argues against the 20 m of reef solution required to produce the soils by this process. The mineralogy of the sand, silt, and clay fractions of the soils, and trace element geochemistry, suggest that aeolian materials carried on the trade winds from Africa, volcanic ash from the island of St. Vincent, and quartz from Tertiary bedrock on the island itself are the parent materials for the soils.  相似文献   

Internal differentiation processes in a solidifying lava flow were investigated for the Kutsugata lava flow from Rishiri Volcano in northern Japan. In a representative 6-m thick lava flow that was investigated in detail in this study, segregation products darker than the host lavas manifested mainly in the form of pipes (vesicle cylinders) and layers (vesicle sheets), occurring around 0.5–2.3 m and 2.0–4.0 m above the base, respectively. Both the cylinders and sheets are significantly richer in incompatible elements such as TiO2 and K2O than the host lavas, which suggest that these products essentially represent residual melt produced during solidification of the lava flow. Field observation and the geochemical features of the lavas suggest that the vesicle cylinders grew upward from near the base of the flow by continuous feeding of residual melt from the neighboring host lavas to the heads of the cylinders. On the other hand, the vesicle sheets were produced in situ in the solidifying lava flow as fracture veins caused by horizontal compression. The vesicle cylinders have a remarkably higher MgO content (up to 8 wt.%) than the host lava (< 6 wt.%), whereas the vesicle sheets display MgO depletion (as low as 3.5 wt.%). The relatively high MgO content of the vesicle cylinders cannot be explained solely by the mechanical mixing of olivine phenocrysts with the residual melt. It is suggested that the vesicle cylinders were produced by the extraction of olivine-bearing interstitial melt from an augite-plagioclase network in the host lava, whereas the vesicle sheets were formed by the migration of the residual melt from a crystal network consisting of plagioclase, augite, and olivine in the host lava into platy fractures. We infer that this selective crystal fractionation for forming the vesicle cylinders resulted from processes in which abundant vesicles rejected from the upward-migrating floor solidification front prevented olivine crystals from being incorporated into the crystal network in the host lava. The vesicle cylinders are considered to have formed in ∼ 1 day after the lava flow came to rest, while relatively large vesicle sheets (> 1 cm thick) appeared much later (after ∼ 9 days). The formation of these segregation products was essentially complete within 20 days after the lava emplacement.  相似文献   

Through the analyses of waveform and spectrum for two swarm sequences in the Kanto District, including the results from 15 earthquake swarsm obtained previously, the mechanism of the faulting process in earthquake swarms is clarified in more detail. Earthquakes occurring in short time intervals consist mainly of events with similar waveforms andS-P times. These are called “earthquake families,” and many families are observed during a swarm sequence (70–80 percent); for example, 15 families were observed in the 1983 Izu Peninsula earthquake swarm. The source spectra of earthquake families share the same corner frequency, even though their low-frequency levels may differ by a factor as great as 1000, and the value of the corner frequency depends on the size of the largest event in the family. Local variations of corner frequencies within a factor of 25 are found among the earthquake swarms in the Kanto District. These observations suggest the existence of a characteristic fault length depending on the swarm area, and its length may be responsible for the size of the largest event in the family. The characteristic fault length is about 100 m for Ashio, about 400 m for the Izu Peninsula and about 2.5 km for areas off the Chiba Prefecture, and the magnitudes of the largest events expected from these fault lengths are about 2.5, 4, and 6, respectively.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional displacements and gravity changes were measured at 20 points between 2000 and 2002 at Merapi volcano, Java, Indonesia. Former models focused on the modeling of a single magmatic source located in the summit region of the volcano. Such models do not fit to our measurements between 2000 and 2002. A new hybrid model approach is developed consisting of an elastic-gravitational source described by a mass and energy term as well as a combined dip-slip/strike-slip fault zone in the summit region. Both nonlinear optimization problems, given by the common inversion of three-dimensional displacements and gravity changes, are solved by applying a genetic algorithm. The hybrid model fits the measurements accurately, tested by Fisher test statistics. Furthermore, our model for Merapi volcano confirms previous structural models for this region so that the new model is statistically proven as well as physically reliable.  相似文献   

Alkali basalt, trachybasalt and basanite magmas, containing abundant xenoliths of upper mantle origin, were erupted during the Plio-Pleistocene (2.4-0.14 Ma) in northern Sardinia. The magmas are enriched in K, Rb, Th and Ba relative to mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and most ocean island basalts (OIB), resulting in high K/Nb, Th/Nb, Ba/Nb and Rb/Nb ratios. The large number of spinel peridotite inclusions in these lavas suggests that these chemical features cannot be explained by combined assimilation and fractional crystallization within the continental crust. However, volcanic rock chemistry can be explained by the assimilation of sialic rocks by turbulently convecting, mafic magmas during their ascent to the surface. Fractionation of Ba and K from the light rare earth elements (LREE) is required to explain the positive correlation of K/La and Ba/La with 87Sr/86Sr(i). Consequently, bulk assimilation of crystalline basement rocks by rising, hot basaltic magmas cannot explain the observed chemical trends, and preferential melting of a low melting quartzo-feldspathic crustal component probably occurred, leaving the REE in residual phases such as apatite, zircon, sphene and amphibole. Alternatively, large ion lithophile element (LILE) enrichment may have been related to interaction of rising mafic lavas with metasomatized lithospheric mantle or enriched asthenosphere.  相似文献   

Freshly cored samples from a microprofile (7011–7013m in depth) of the German Continental Deep Drilling Project (KTB) were taken to measure the complex electrical conductivity (1 kHz up to 1 MHz), porosity, BET-surface, permeability and density. The porosity ranged about 1 vol%, while the permeability k varied from 16.05 µD to > 0.01 µD for in-situ pressure conditions. The permeability decreased about 2 orders in magnitude up to pressures of 200 MPa. Conductivity was measured in the same pressure range on 1 M NaCl saturated samples. Thin sections and SEM analysis revealed an enrichment of carbon and ilmenite (about 1 vol%) on inner cleavage cracks of mica, thus causing an unusual high (ranging from 4.2 × 10-3 S/m to 67 × 10-3 S/m) being orders of magnitude higher than normally measured on such types of rocks (about 300 × 10-6 S/m). An inverse pressure dependence of was detected on some of the samples. Electronic conduction was confirmed by least-squares-fits of model data to the frequency dispersion of the conductivity and by measuring the time dependence of the volume conductivity and its frequency dispersion. Thus the dominating role of the reconnected network of carbon and ilmenite on the enhanced volume conductivity was proved. An increase of the conductivity due to hydrofracturing by high pore fluid pressures plays a less important role.  相似文献   

Mesozoic volcanic rocks are widespread throughout the Great Xing'an Range of northeastern China. However, there has been limited investigation into the age and petrogenesis of the Mesozoic volcanics in the eastern Great Xing'an Range. According to our research, the volcanic rocks of the Dayangshu Basin, eastern Great Xing'an Range are composed mainly of trachybasalt, basaltic andesite, and basaltic trachyandesite, with minor intermediate–basic pyroclastic rocks. In this study, the geochemistry and geochronology of the Mesozoic volcanic rocks are presented in order to discuss the petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Ganhe Formation in the Dayangshu Basin. Zircon U–Pb dating by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry indicates that the Mesozoic lavas formed during the late Early Cretaceous (114.3–108.8 Ma). This suite of rocks exhibits a range of geochemical signatures indicating subduction‐related genesis, including: (i) calc‐alkaline to high‐K calc‐alkaline major element compositions; (ii) enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (e.g. Rb, Ba, K) and light rare earth elements (LREEs/HREEs =7.33–9.85); and (iii) weak depletion in high field strength elements (e.g. Nb, Ta, Ti). Furthermore, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic data yield initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.70450–0.70463, positive εNd(t) values of +1.8 to +3.3, and a mantle‐derived lead isotope composition. Combined with the regional tectonic evolution, the results of this study suggest that the Ganhe Group lavas are derived from decompression melting of a metasomatized (enriched) lithospheric mantle, related to asthenospheric upwelling, which resulted from lithospheric mantle delamination and produced extension of the continental margin following the subduction of the Paleo‐Pacific Plate.  相似文献   

Haixiang  Zhang  Hecai  Niu  Hiroaki  Sato  Xueyuan  Yu  Qiang  Shan  Boyou  Zhang  Jun'ichi  Ito  Takashi  Nagao 《Island Arc》2005,14(1):55-68
Abstract   Volcanic rocks consisting of adakite and Nb-enriched basalt are found in the early Devonian Tuoranggekuduke Group in the northern margin of the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate, northern Xinjiang, northwest China. The geochemical characteristics of the andesitic and dacitic rocks in this area resemble that of adakites. The relatively high Al2O3, Na2O and MgO content and Mg values indicate that the adakites were generated in relation to oceanic slab subduction rather than the partial melting of basaltic crust. A slightly higher SrI and a lower ɛ Nd( t  = 375 Ma) compared to adakites of mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) imply that slab sediments were incorporated into these adakites during slab melting. The Nb-enriched basalt lavas, which are intercalated in adakite lava suite, are silica saturated and are distinguished from the typical arc basalts by their higher Nb and Ti content (high field strength element enrichment). They are derived from the partial melting of the slab melt-metasomatized mantle wedge peridotite. Apparently, positive Sr anomalies and a slightly higher heavy rare earth element content in these adakites compared to their Cenozoic counterparts indicate that the geothermal gradient in the Paleo-Asian Oceanic subduction zone and the depth of the Paleo-Asian Oceanic slab melting are between those of their Archean and Cenozoic counterparts. The distribution of the adakites and Nb-enriched basalts in the northern margin of the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate, northern Xinjiang, indicates that the Paleo-Asian Oceanic Plate subducted southward beneath the Kazakhstan-Junggar Plate in the early Devonian period.  相似文献   

We report the zircon Hf-O isotopic data for mafic enclaves from the Taihang Yanshanian intermediate to felsic plutons, and use them, along with the petrological, whole-rock chemical and Nd-Sr isotopic data, to reveal the petrogenesis of mafic enclaves. Mafic enclaves show magmatic textures and are finer-grained than host rocks. In places they are highly elongated due to stretching within the partially crystallized, convective felsic magma, but show no solid-state deformation. These data suggest that mafic e...  相似文献   

Succeeding to multiply collisions of different blocks in Late Paleozoic[1―5], complex intracontinental structural deformation occurred in the Tianshan area during Mesozoic-Cenozoic[6―16], which controlled coeval basin-range evolution and resulted in intensive modi- fication and adjustment of the Paleozoic oil-gas reser- voirs[17―19]. The Kuqa Depression is a secendary struc- tural unit of the Tarim basin, in which Mesozoic- Ce- nozoic deposits occur in thickness of 6000―7000 m. The Kuq…  相似文献   

震源硬化模型的理论、实验及观测事实依据   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
陈立德 《地震》2000,20(1):1-9
从前兆异常共性特征、有关理论分析及岩石实验结果等方面,论证了震源硬化模型的科学性和合理性。  相似文献   

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