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How to evaluate time-domain Green function and its gradients efficiently is the key problem to analyze ship hydrodynamics in time domain.Based on the Bessel function,an Ordinary Differential Equation(ODE)was derived for time-domain Green function and its gradients in this paper.A new efficient calculation method based on solving ODE is proposed.It has been demonstrated by the numerical calculation that this method can improve the precision of the time-domain Green function.Numerical research indicates that it is efficient to solve the hydrodynamic problems.  相似文献   

讨论了工程中出现的一类非线性常微分方程的初值问题非平凡解的问题 ,证明了它的解的有界性、多解性以及用迭代方法求解的问题 ,是对 W.Okrasinski关于该方程的非平凡解结果的补充。  相似文献   

本文讨论了一类非线性二阶常微分方程 (um+ 1(x) )″+(x- 1) p(x) u′(x) =0 ;x∈ (0 ,1],m>0 ,非平凡解的存在问题 ,用非线性算子方法证明了非平凡解的存在性以及惟一性。从而使W.OKRASINSKI发表于《数学分析与应用》的论文“一类非线性常微分方程的非平凡解”中的部分结果成为本文的 1个推论。  相似文献   

设n≥1为给定的某个自然数,pi(z)(i=1,2,3,4)是不恒为0的多项式,f(z)是1个超越整函数。如果f(z)是如下形式p1(z)[f(n)(z)]2 p2(z)f(n)(z)f(n-1)(z) p3(z)[f(n-1)(z)]2 p4(z)=0代数微分方程的解,证明如上的微分方程形式具有某种唯一性,即多项式pi(z)(i=1,2,3,4)是唯一确定的。  相似文献   

作者对一类N阶中立型泛函微分方程给出了新的区间振动准则。文中的结果推广和改进了由Lalli等人得到的广义Kamenev型准则及其它已知结果。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionShipsrestrainedbycablesandfendersinfrontofdocksundergolargeamplitudenon harmonicmotionsinwaves.Forthiskindofnon harmonicproblem ,atime domainmethodmustbeapplied .LinandYue ( 1 990 )usedanintegralequationwiththetime domainGreenfunctionforinfinitewaterdepthtocomputetheshipmotionindeepwater.Butforthepresentproblem ,theintegralequationwiththetime domainGreenfunctionforfinitewaterdepthmustbeapplied .TheGreenfunctionisafieldwithacertainboundaryandinitialconditionsproducedbyasourceat…  相似文献   

Clément (2013) derived a second order ordinary differential equation (ODE) satisfied by the free-surface Green function in the frequency domain. Since then, similar ODEs for the gradient of the Green function have been developed. Unfortunately, all these ODEs degenerate at zero frequency. Therefore, it is not possible to initialize the numerical solution of these ODEs from this zero frequency. Alternative methods based on the shifting of the initial condition to frequencies strictly greater than zero have then been developed.The present paper describes an alternative approach to address this issue. It involves a new function which is the solution of a modified ODE which can be solved from the zero frequency.Finally, comparisons with evaluations of the Green function using the classical direct integration method are provided. They show that the new ODE can provide accurate estimates of the Green function.  相似文献   

线性时滞微分方程解的振动准则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立线性时滞微分方程x (t) ∑ni=1 pi(t) x(t- τi(t) ) =0 ,  t≥ to的所有解振动的新准则。当 pi(t) ,τi(t) (i=1 ,2 ,… ,n)均为常数时 ,条件是充分必要的。  相似文献   

本文利用遥远概周期函数的基本定义和性质以及Banach压缩映像原理研究了包含镜射自变量微分方程的遥远概周期解问题,证明了遥远概周期解的存在性及唯一性。  相似文献   

On the evaluation of time-domain Green function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An analytical method has been developed to evaluate the wave part of the time-domain Green function and its derivatives. Based on Taylor series expansion, the Green function is obtained by solving a fourth-order ordinary differential equation. The method accelerates the convergence of the summation of an infinite series in the numerical computation. The accuracy of this method was demonstrated by its comparison with other method and its application to solve the radiation problem of a floating hemisphere using a panel-free method. The computed hydrodynamic coefficients agree well with the analytical solutions.  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionRecentlygreatinteresthasbeenshowninthedevelopmentofverylargefloatingstructuressuchasMegaFloatofJapan (Isobe ,1 999)andMOBofUSA (Remmers ,1 999) .Owingtotheirextremelargesizeandgreatflexibility ,thecouplingbetweenthestructuraldeformationandfluidmotionissignifi cant.Thisisatypicalproblemofhydroelasticity .Efficientandaccurateestimationofthehydroelasticresponseofverylargefloatingstructuresinwavesisveryimportantfordesign .Manymethodshavebeenproposedinliteratureforthepredictiono…  相似文献   

非线性中立型时滞微分方程解的振动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究几类非线性中立型时滞微分方程解的振动性质 ,利用 Riccati不等式和某个不等式得到了保证方程振动的充分条件  相似文献   

考虑一类二阶时滞微分方程的无穷边值问题,从分析这类方程的解对初值的依赖性得到了保证这类边值问题存在唯一解的充分条件。  相似文献   

海洋区域地质调查中,单道地震勘探以其高分辨率、方便快捷等优点成为揭示浅地层地质构造的重要手段之一.结合前人研究成果并出于保护信号的完整性,对低频部分的噪声采用带通滤波进行滤除,而对高频信号中的随机噪声采用小波阈值去噪方法进行压制处理.在小波阈值去噪过程中,通过比较选用最佳小波基函数sym5对地震剖面进行三层小波分解.结果表明:两种阈值去噪方法在带通滤波的基础上进一步提升了剖面的质量,使得反射层面变得连续可追踪.软阈值去噪滤掉了剖面上的较多信息,去噪效果较为彻底,硬阈值去噪则保留了较多的细节信息.  相似文献   

边界元方法被广泛应用于波浪对海上婕筑物作用领域,但由于传统边界元方法的存储量和计算量均为未知量的平方量级,很难满足大范围多未知量问题的计算需要.本文基于高阶边界元方法,应用预修正快速傅里叶变换方法,使计算量与存储量分别降低至O(NlogN)和O(N)量级,并得到一个连续的压强分布以适应结构设计的要求,同时可以通过使用满...  相似文献   

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