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Deposition of atmospheric mineral particles in the North Pacific Ocean   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Total deposition of atmospheric mineral particles (wet plus dry) has been measured during consecutive two-week sampling intervals from January, 1981 to March, 1982 at four island stations (Midway, Oahu, Enewetak, and Fanning) of the SEAREX Asian Dust Study Network in the North Pacific. The total deposition of mineral aerosol during the period from February to June is higher than that during the period from July to January at most of the stations. A systematic geographical trend is apparent in the dust flux, with greater fluxes at higher latitudes. The deposition values are correlated with the atmospheric mineral particle concentrations at these stations. The mineral particles are transported from arid regions in Asia to the North Pacific, and the annual dust deposition to the ocean appears to be dominated by sporadic dust events of short duration. Wet deposition dominates the removal of dust particles from the atmosphere over the North Pacific. The total deposition of atmospheric mineral material to the central North Pacific is estimated to be 20×1012 g yr-1.  相似文献   

Weekly bulk aerosol samples collected at Funafuti, Tuvalu (8°30S, 179°12E), American Samoa (14°15S, 170°35W), and Rarotonga (21°15S, 159°45W), from 1983 through most of 1987 have been analyzed for nitrate and other constituents. The mean nitrate concentration is about 0.11 g m–3 at each of these stations: 0.107±0.011 g m–3 at Funafuti; 0.116±0.008 at American Samoa; and 0.117±0.010 at Rarotonga. Previous measurements of mineral aerosol and trace metal concentrations at American Samoa are among the lowest ever recorded for the near-surface troposphere and indicate that this region is minimally affected by transport of soil material and pollutants from the continents. Consequently, the nitrate concentration of 0.11 g m–3 can be regarded as the natural level for the remote marine boundary layer of the tropical South Pacific Ocean. In contrast, over the tropical North Pacific which is significantly impacted by the transport of material from Asia and North America, the mean nitrate concentrations are about three times higher, 0.29 and 0.36 g m–3 at Midway and Oahu, respectively. The major sources of the nitrate over the tropical South Pacific are still very uncertain. A very significant correlation between the nitrate concentrations at American Samoa and the concentrations of 210Pb suggests that transport from continental sources might be important. This continental source could be lightning, which occurs most frequently over the tropical continents. A near-zero correlation with 7Be indicates that the stratosphere and upper troposphere are probably not the major sources. A significant biogenic source would be consistent with the higher mean nitrate concentrations, 0.16 to 0.17 g m–3, found over the equatorial Pacific at Fanning Island (3°55N, 159°20W) and Nauru (0°32S, 166°57E). The lack of correlation between nitrate and nss sulfate at American Samoa does not necessarily preclude an important role for marine biogenic sources.  相似文献   

Weekly aerosol samples were collected from March 1981 to June 1983 at the six stations in the western North Pacific region and analyzed for Ca and Na. By coupling data with those previously reported for Al (Tsunogai et al., 1985), the following results and conclusion have been obtained. There was a positive correlation between the atmospheric concentration of Al and the concentration of nonsea salt Ca (nssCa). The nssCa/Al ratios from the six stations, however, considerably varied (from 0.84±0.36 to 3.00±1.91), and the ratios were usally larger than those of the crustal average or of usual soil in Japan. The Ca/Al ratios of Asian desert soil and loess vary from 0.52 to 1.29, which are similar to the nssCa/Al ratios of aerosols in the surface air over the western North Pacific region except at Onna, Okinawa. The exception may be due to a local effect of coral. These results suggest that a large part of nonsea salt Ca in the surface air over the western North Pacific is derived from arid regions in Asia and that the nssCa/Al ratio in aerosol varies with that of the source material.  相似文献   

Ito  T.  Okita  T.  Ikegami  M.  Kanazawa  I. 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》1986,4(4):401-411
In order to obtain a better understanding of the behavior of aerosols and SO2 in the longrange transport through a marine boundary layer, a simple box-model is applied to the evaluation of the residence times of the species from the concentrations of gases and aerosols measured simulataneously on two islands in the West Pacific Ocean in the north-west monsoon. For Aitken and large particles, the residence time is varied from 3.7 to 7.4 days depending on the particle size, and their flux to the sea is equal to or slightly smaller than that of the free atmosphere. The residence time of giant particles is about one day and their flux to the sea is three times larger than that of the free atmosphere. The residence time of SO2 is 15 hr, and the relative SO2 mass flows of the deposition to the sea, of the diffusion to the free atmosphere and of the transformation to SO4 2- are approximately 4, 1 and 1, respectively.  相似文献   

Daily measurements of atmospheric concentrations of dimethylsulfide (DMS) were carried out for two years in a marine site at remote area: the Amsterdam Island (37°50S–77°31E) located in the southern Indian Ocean. DMS concentrations were also measured in seawater. A seasonal variation is observed for both DMS in the atmosphere and in the sea-surface. The monthly averages of DMS concentrations in the surface coastal seawater and in the atmosphere ranged, respectively, from 0.3 to 2.0 nmol l-1 and from 1.4 to 11.3 nmol m-3 (34 to 274 pptv), with the highest values in summer. The monthly variation of sea-to-air flux of DMS from the southern Indian Ocean ranges from 0.7 to 4.4 mol m-2 d-1. A factor of 2.3 is observed between summer and winter with mean DMS fluxes of 3.0 and 1.3 mol m-2 d-1, respectively.  相似文献   

Daily measurements of atmospheric sulfur dioxide (SO2) concentrations were performed from March 1989 to January 1991 at Amsterdam Island (37°50 S–77°30 E), a remote site located in the southern Indian Ocean. Long-range transport of continental air masses was studied using Radon (222Rn) as continental tracer. Average monthly SO2 concentrations range from less than 0.2 to 3.9 nmol m-3 (annual average = 0.7 nmol m-3) and present a seasonal cycle with a minimum in winter and a maximum in summer, similar to that described for atmospheric DMS concentrations measured during the same period. Clear diel correlation between atmospheric DMS and SO2 concentrations is also observed during summer. A photochemical box model using measured atmospheric DMS concentrations as input data reproduces the seasonal variations in the measured atmospheric SO2 concentrations within ±30%. Comparing between computed and measured SO2 concentrations allowed us to estimate a yield of SO2 from DMS oxidation of about 70%.  相似文献   

The concentrations of DMS were simultaneously measured in both water and air at the sea surface on board a vessel during a trans-Pacific cruise around 40° N in August 1988. Those in the surface seawater varied widely with a mean of 162 ng S/1 and a standard deviation of 134 ng S/1 (n=37), but the variation was not a mere fluctuation and the high concentration (376 ng S/1) was found in the area between 145° W and 170° W. The atmospheric DMS concentration varied more widely with a mean value of 177 ng S/m3 and a standard deviation of 203 ng S/m3 (n=23). The diurnal variation of DMS was not significant in the air near the sea surface. However, the concentrations in the surface water was fairly well correlated with those in the surface air. The correlation coefficient (r 2=0.86) was larger than that between the atmospheric concentration and outflux of DMS (r 2=0.64). These findings mean that the turnover time of DMS in the atmosphere is not extremely short. Based on the linear relation between the atmospheric and seawater DMS, the turnover time of the atmospheric DMS has been calculated to be 0.9 days with an uncertainty of around 50%. The oxidation rate agrees fairly well with that expected from the OH radical concentration in the marine atmosphere.  相似文献   

During the winters of 1981 and 1982, measurements were taken on two Japanese islands of the aerosol and gaseous species which had been carried by northwesterly monsoons over the Pacific Ocean. The aerosols were characterized as sea-salt particles; soil particles, and as particles of sulfate, nitrate, organics and elemental carbon. At Chichi-jima island, which is about 800 km away from the main islands of Japan, it was found that the level of the anthropogenic components of the aerosols was considerably higher than their background level. The mean concentrations of the species on the islands are given in tabular forms. According to a survey made on board a ferry boat, the aerosol and gaseous species were fairly uniformly distributed along the southern coast of the main Japanese islands.  相似文献   

齐宇轩  周杨 《山东气象》2021,41(2):1-13
生物活性铁(Fe) 进入生物地球化学循环中能够调节碳循环,影响海洋初级生产力,间接影响全球气候变化。决定 Fe生物可利用度的关键因子是可溶Fe含量,其中大气气溶胶的长距离传输是上层海洋获取生物可利用Fe的重要来源。近年来,对气溶胶中的Fe及溶解度的研究取得了重要进展,包括对不同区域Fe质量浓度和溶解度的观测以及对Fe溶解度影响因素的讨论。基于以上研究成果,汇总了近二十年全球部分陆地和海洋站点观测所得的不同粒径气溶胶颗粒物中的Fe质量浓度及其溶解度数据;重点介绍了气溶胶沉降入海洋前影响Fe溶解度的主要因素,包括Fe的来源、大气物理过程以及大气化学和传输混合过程等,并就各影响因素间的关联及相对重要性展开讨论;对未来气溶胶 Fe的研究方向和方法提出建议。  相似文献   

The 4-year data sets (1998–2001) of PM10 and other gaseous pollutants at four rural and urban monitoring sites provided by Environmental Protection Department of Hong Kong have been analyzed for days of extremely high and low PM10 levels. The annual means of PM10 concentrations are between 37 and 57 μg/m3. The level of high PM10 concentration is defined from the comparison of local and international standards. Episode days are mainly controlled by different meteorological conditions: the continental outflow, the land-sea breeze/weak synoptic forcings and the approaching tropical cyclones. Integrated approaches have been used to distinguish between the predominantly “territory wide” and “long-range transport” (LRT) episode days. Case studies of these types of episodes are presented and the number of episode days per year for each type has been estimated. It is found that the LRT contributions are significant and account for ∼66% of the PM10 episode days. Very high correlations between CO and PM10 concentrations, and between SO2 and PM10 concentrations, can be found during the “territory wide” episode days which implies the important contributions of fossil fuel combustion to the PM10 episodes. The number of “low level” PM10 days per year has decreased by a factor near 3 from 1998 to 2001. Precipitation scavenging is the major process causing low levels of PM10, irrespective of the associated weather systems. The regional annual background level is ∼9 μg/m3. With the exception of seasalt components, the average elemental concentrations of major inorganic species are similar for all of the sites during LRT events and constitute representative compositions of PM10 during such events.  相似文献   

An observational analysis of the structures and characteristics of a windy atmospheric boundary layer during a cold air outbreak in the South China Sea region is reported in this paper. It is found that the main structures and characteristics are the same as during strong wind episodes with cold air outbreaks on land. The high frequency turbulent fluctuations(period<1 min) are nearly random and isotropic with weak coherency, but the gusty wind disturbances(1 min相似文献   

The average composition and seasonal variations of atmospheric organic particulates with respect to n-alkanes, n-alkanoic acid, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs), and nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (N-PAHs) were determined at the biggest municipal waste landfill in Algeria located in Oued Smar, 13 km east of downtown Algiers. Samplings were carried out from August 2002 to February 2003, and organic compounds adsorbed in air particles having an aerodynamic diameter lower than 10 μm (PM10) were characterized using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometric detection (GC/MSD). Total concentrations ranged from 828 to 11,068 ng per cubic meter of air for n-alkanes, from 1714 to 21,710 ng per cubic meter of air for n-alkanoic acids, from 13 to 212 ng per cubic meter of air for PAHs and from 93 to 205 pg per cubic meter of air for N-PAHs. n-Alkanoic acids accounted for 85 and 56% of the total organic composition of the aerosol measured in summer and winter, respectively, were the biggest fraction. The distribution profiles and the diagnostic ratios of some marker compounds allowed to identify the combustion and microbial activity as the major sources of particulate organic pollutants associated with direct emission. The year-time dependence of organic fraction content of aerosol in Oued Smar appeared to be related to average meteorological conditions as well as variability of rate and nature of materials wasted into the landfill.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of atmospheric and oceanic conditions during May–August of 2004 and 2010 on the frequency and genesis location of tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific. Using the WRF model, four numerical experiments were carried out based on different atmospheric conditions and SST forcing. The numerical experiments indicated that changes in atmospheric and oceanic conditions greatly affect tropical cyclone activity, and the roles of atmospheric conditions are slightly greater than oceanic conditions. Specifically, the total number of tropical cyclones was found to be mostly affected by atmospheric conditions, while the distribution of tropical cyclone genesis locations was mainly related to oceanic conditions, especially the distribution of SST. In 2010, a warmer SST occurred west of 140°E, with a colder SST east of 140°E. On the one hand, the easterly flow was enhanced through the effect of the increase in the zonal SST gradient.The strengthened easterly flow led to an anomalous boundary layer divergence over the region to the east of 140°E, which suppressed the formation of tropical cyclones over this region. On the other hand, the colder SST over the region to the east of 140°E led to a colder low-level air temperature, which resulted in decreased CAPE and static instability energy. The decrease in thermodynamic energy restricted the generation of tropical cyclones over the same region.  相似文献   

利用1950-2015年NCEP/NCAR大气再分析资料和NOAA海表面温度资料,通过回归分析和合成分析的方法研究了冬季北太平洋不同尺度水汽输送和大气河(Atmospheric River,AR)的变化特征及其与PDO、ENSO的联系.结果表明,在PDO正位相时期,时间平均的水汽输送将大量水汽从太平洋北部和中部地区输送...  相似文献   

A photochemical box model is used to simulate seasonal variations in concentrations of sulfur compounds at latitude 40° S. It is assumed that the hydroxyl radical (OH) addition reaction to sulfur in the dimethyl sulfide (DMS) molecule is the predominant pathway for methanesulfonic acid (MSA) production, and that the rate constant increases as the air temperature decreases. Concentration of the nitrate radical (NO3) is a function of the DMS flux, because the reaction of DMS with NO3 is the most important loss mechanism of NO3. While the diurnally averaged concentration of OH in winter is a factor of about 8 smaller than in summer, due to the weak photolysis process, the diurnally averaged concentration of NO3 in winter is a factor of about 4–5 larger than in summer, due to the decrease of DMS flux. Therefore, at middle and high latitudes in winter, atmospheric DMS is mainly oxidized by the reaction with NO3. The calculated ratio of the MSA to SO2 production rates is smaller in winter than in summer, and the MSA to non-sea-salt sulfate (nssSO4 2-) molar ratio varies seasonally. This result agrees with data on the seasonal variation of the MSA/nssSO4 2- molar ratio obtained at middle and high latitudes. The calculations indicate that during winter the reaction of DMS with NO3 is likely to be a more important sink of NOx (NO+NO2) than the reaction of NO2 with OH, and to serve as a significant pathway of the HNO3 production. If dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is produced through the OH addition reaction and is heterogeneously oxidized in aqueous solutions, half of the nssSO4 2- produced in summer may be through the oxidation process of DMSO. It is necessary to further investigate the oxidation products by the reaction of DMS with OH, and the possibility of the reaction of DMS with NO3 during winter.  相似文献   

利用臭氧探空资料,分析了西太平洋地区香港(Hong Kong)、那霸(Naha)和札幌(Sapporo)三个站点2000~2010年期间大气边界层内臭氧(O3)的季节分布和年变化趋势。结果表明,三个站点O3的季节分布存在明显的差异。其中,那霸和香港大气边界层内O3季节平均呈双峰值分布,其峰值分别出现在春季和秋季;而札幌站为单峰分布,峰值出现在春季。造成季节分布差异的主要原因包括人为污染源和自然因素如气象条件。另外,三个站点大气边界层内O3均呈上升趋势。其中札幌、那霸上升最快,分别达0.80 ppb a-1和0.77 ppb a-1。(ppb表示10-9,下同)香港的年际增长较不明显,但秋季增长却非常明显,高达1.21 ppb a-1。结合GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) 和SCIAMACHY (Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectro Meter for Atmospheric Chartography)卫星反演的NO2数据发现,过去10年中国京津唐和东北地区的对流层内NO2柱总量增加极为迅速。这些O3前体物通过远距离输送是导致札幌、那霸O3浓度增加的主要原因之一。珠江三角洲人为污染源的增加及偏北气流的影响,是导致香港地区秋季O3增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

Wind data from NCEP and hydrographic data obtained during 8–27 March 1992 have been used to compute circulation in the Luzon Strait and the northern South China Sea using three-dimensional diagnostic models with a modified inverse method. Numerical results are as follows: the main Kuroshio is located above 800 m levels. It has two intrusive branches of the Kuroshio in the areas above 400 m. One part intrudes anti-cyclonically northwestward, then flows through the area above 200 m southwest of Taiwan and into the Taiwan Strait. The other part intrudes westward and flows cyclonically in the areas north of the cyclonic eddies, then flows southward through the southern boundary of the region. The net westward volume transport (VT) through Section at 120°15′E between Luzon Island and Taiwan Island is about 3.0 Sv, net northward VT through northern boundaries into the Taiwan Strait is about 1.4 Sv and net southward VT through southern boundaries is about 1.6 Sv, which finally flows into the Karimata and Mindoro Straits. In the areas above 400 m east of 117°15′E, the circulation is mainly dominated by the basin-scale cyclonic gyre, which consists of two cyclonic eddies. However, in the areas below 400 m east of 119°00′E, the circulation is mainly dominated by basin-scale anti-cyclonic gyre. The joint effect of baroclinity and relief and interaction between wind stress and relief are important in different area respectively for the pattern of the depth-averaged flow across contours of fH−1.  相似文献   

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