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The Early Caledonian folded area in Central Asia (Early Caledonian superterrane) hosts micro-continent fragments with an Early and Late Precambrian crystalline basement, the largest of them being the Dzabkhan and Tuva-Mongolian fragments. Their junction zone hosts exposures of crystalline rocks that were previously thought to be part of the Early Precambrian Dzabkhan microcontinent. The Bayannur zone in the southern part of the Songino block hosts the Baynnur gneiss-migmatite and Kholbonur metavolcanic-terrigenous metamorphic complexes. The former is believed to be the Early Proterozoic crystalline basement, and the latter is thought to unconformably overly the Late Riphean cover complex of the Songino block. Various rocks of the tectono-stratigraphic complexes in the Bayannur zone were studied geologically and geochronologically (by the U-Pb technique of zircon). Regional metamorphism and folding in the Bayannur Complex were dated at 802 ± 6 Ma. The Nd model ages lie within the range of 1.5–2.0 Ga and thus preclude the correlation of these rocks with those in the Archean and Early Proterozoic basement of the Dzabkhan microcontinent. The upper age limit for folding and metamorphism in the Bayannur zone is marked by postkinematic granites dated at 790 ± 3 Ma, and the lower limit of the volcano-sedimentary complex is determined by the Nd model age of the sandstone (1.3 Ga). The upper age limit of the volcano-plutonic rocks in this zone is set by the gabbroids and anorthosites: 783 ± 2 and 784 ± 3 Ma, respectively. The complex of island-arc granitoids in the Bayannur zone is dated at 859 ± 3 Ma. The age constraints make it possible to correlate crystalline rocks in the Bayannur Complex of the Sangino block and the Dzhargalant Complex in the Tarbagatai block. Currently available data testify that the Precambrian Khangai group of blocks in the Early Caledonian Central Asian superterrane includes continental crustal blocks related to the processes of Early Precambrian, Late Riphean, and Vendian tectonism.  相似文献   

The oldest crystalline complexes of the Early Caledonian superterrane of Central Asia were formed in the Early Precambrian. They are exposed in the basement of microcontinents, which represent old cratonic fragments. Among the latters are the crystalline complexes of the Tarbagatai block previously ascribed to the Dzabkhan microcontinent. It was shown that the crystalline complexes of the Tarbagatai block have a heterogeneous structure, consisting of the Early Precambrian and later Riphean lithotectonic complexes. Structurally, the Early Precambrian complexes are made up of tectonic sheets of gneisses, migmatites, and gneiss granites of the Ider Complex that are cut by gabbroanorthosite massif. The Riphean Jargalant Complex comprises alternating hornblende crystalline schists and biotite (sometimes sillimanite-bearing) gneisses with marble horizons. The upper age boundary of the Riphean Complex is determined by the subautochthonous granitoids with age about 810 Ma. The presence of the Riphean high-grade rocks indicates that structures with newly formed crust were formed in the paleooceanic framing of the Early Precambrian blocks of the Rodinia supercontinent by the Mid-Late Riphean. Divergence that began at that time within old Rodinian cratons and caused rifting and subsequent break-up of the supercontinent was presumably changed by convergence in the paleooceanic area.  相似文献   

Granitoids and metamorphic rocks of the Baidarik basement block of the Dzabkhan microcontinent are studied in terms of geology, geochronology (U-Pb dating of zircon microfractions and individual grains) and Nd isotopic-geochemical systematics. As is established, the formation history of metamorphic belt (disthene-sillimanite facies) in junction zone of the Baidarik block and Bayankhongor zone of the Late Riphean (~665 Ma) ophiolite association characterizes development of the Vendian (~560–570 Ma) active continental margin. The high-P metamorphic rocks of that time span evidence formation of structures with the Earth’s crust of considerable thickness. In Central Asia, events of the Vendian low-gradient metamorphism are established also in the Tuva-Mongolian massif, Kan block of the East Sayan Mountains, and South Chuya inlier of the Caledonides in the Altai Mountains. Based on these data, it is possible to distinguish the Late Baikalian stage in development of the Early Caledonian superterrane of Central Asia, which antedated the subsequent evolution of this structure during the Late Cambrian-Ordovician. The high-gradient metamorphism that affected most intensively the southeastern part of the Baidarik block can be correlated with the Early Paleozoic (525–540 Ma) evolution of active continental margin and associated development of the Vendian oceanic basins and island arcs of the Ozernaya zone.  相似文献   

The Early Caledonian folded area of Central Asia comprises a variety of continental crust fragments with Early to Late Precambrian crystalline basement. Crystalline rocks, which form part of the Songino block, outcrop at the junction between the Dzabkhan and Tuva-Mongolian terranes. The Bayannur zone in the southern part of the Songino block contains the Bayannur migmatite-gneiss and Kholbonur terrigenous-metavolcanic metamorphic complexes. Previous studies provide the 802 ± 6 Ma age for the regional metamorphism and folding within the Bayannur complex. On the basis of the minimum Nd model age of 1.5 Ga, gneisses from this complex cannot be regarded as Early Precambrian. Two main rock associations were distinguished in the Kholbonur complex. Mafic metavolcanics compose the dominant lithology of the first rock association, whereas the second association comprises terrigenous-volcanic and predominantly terrigenous suites. The rocks of the predominantly terrigenous suite, including mudstones, sandstones, and conglomerates, are interpreted to derive from the Late Riphean accretionary prism. The lithology and composition of metaterrigenous rocks suggest that they were possibly derived from erosion of a volcanic arc. The upper age limit of this suite is constrained by postkinematic granites (790 ± 3 Ma; U-Pb zircon), the lower age is given by plagiogranite (874 ± 3 Ma; U-Pb zircon) from comglomerate pebbles. Therefore, the timing of deposition of this terrigenous suite can be bracketed by the 874–790 Ma time interval. These ages and compositional features of the Kholbonur complex terrigenous rocks suggest that the convergence took place at around 870–880 Ma and thus it can be correlated with the divergent processes between the blocks of continental crust composing the supercontinent Rodinia.  相似文献   

The structural data and available geochronological constraints suggest that the Gonzha tectonic block located in the northeastern part of the Argun-Idermeg superterranes, Central Asian orogenic belt, is considered as an analogue of Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes of western Transbaikalia. These metamorphic core complexes, as well as the Gonzha block, may have resulted from collapse of a Late Mesozoic orogen after closure of the Mongolia-Okhotsk paleo-ocean basin.  相似文献   

Part II of this paper reports geochemical and Nd isotope characteristics of the volcanogenic and siliceous-terrigenous complexes of the Lake zone of the Central Asian Caledonides and associating granitoids of various ages. Geological, geochronological, geochemical, and isotopic data were synthesized with application to the problems of the sources and main mechanisms of continental crust formation and evolution for the Caledonides of the Central Asian orogenic belt. It was found that the juvenile sialic crust of the Lake zone was formed during the Vendian-Cambrian (approximately 570–490 Ma) in an environment of intraoceanic island arcs and oceanic islands from depleted mantle sources with the entrainment of sedimentary crustal materials into subduction zones and owing to the accretion processes of the amalgamation of paleoceanic and island arc complexes and Precambrian microcontinents, which terminated by ∼490 Ma. The source of primary melts for the low-Ti basalts, andesites, and dacites of the Lake zone ophiolites and island arc complexes was mainly the depleted mantle wedge above a subduction zone. In addition, an enriched plume source contributed to the genesis of the high-Ti basalts and gabbroids of oceanic plateaus. The source of terrigenous rocks associating with the volcanics was composed of materials similar in composition to the country rocks at a minor and varying role of ancient crustal materials introduced into the ocean basin owing to the erosion of Precambrian microcontinents. The sedimentary rocks of the accretionary prism were derived by the erosion of mainly juvenile island arc sources with a minor contribution of rocks of the mature continental crust. The island arc and accretion stages of the development of the Lake zone (∼540–590 Ma) were accompanied by the development of high- and low-alumina sodic granitoids through the melting at various depths of depleted mantle reservoirs (metabasites of a subducted oceanic slab and a mantle wedge) and at the base of the island arc at the subordinate role of ancient crustal rocks. The melts of the postaccretion granitoids of the Central Asian Caledonides were derived mainly from the rocks of the juvenile Caledonian crust at an increasing input of an ancient crustal component owing to the tectonic mixing of the rocks of ophiolitic and island arc complexes and microcontinents. The obtained results indicate that the Vendian-Early Paleozoic stage of the evolution of the Central Asian orogenic belt was characterized by the extensive growth of juvenile continental crust and allow us to distinguish a corresponding stage of juvenile crust formation.  相似文献   

The Baidarik block of the Dzavhan microcontinent (Central Asian Fold Belt) includes the Upper Archean Baidaragin gray-gneiss complex. Among gray plagiogneisses, there are metabasic bodies, which are probably relics of early volcanics. By composition, the metabasites are divided into three petrochemical groups, whose protoliths were tholeiitic basalts, Al-undepleted and Al-depleted basaltic komatiites. Only a few samples are similar in REE composition to these protoliths. We have found metabasites with crustal-contamination features. The unusual geochemical properties of the metabasites (LREE enrichment and Nb, Zr, and Ti depletion) are related to their metasomatism.  相似文献   

Petrographic, major-oxide, and trace-element data are presented for the Yozgat volcanics. These rocks range in composition from basalts through basaltic andesites and andesites to dacites. Major-oxide variations are largely explicable in terms of fractional crystallization, involving removal of observed phenocrysts and microphenocrysts. However, complex zoning patterns and resorbtion phenomena shown by phenocrysts in these lavas, and observed epitaxitic pyroxene growth around quartz xenocrysts imply that they are hybrids formed by a mixing process. In addition, observed enrichments in crustal elements such as K, Rb, Ba, Sr, and P provide clear evidence for the crustal assimilation of granitoid and metasedimentary xenoliths. The following model is suggested for the evolution of the Yozgat volcanics. The primitive magma underwent fractionation in an intracrustal magma chamber to yield more evolved liquids. Influx of hot, primitive magma into the magma chamber promoted vigorous convection-crustal assimilation and eruption of the volcanic rocks in the study area.  相似文献   

Elemental, isotopic, and mineral compositions as well as rocktextures were examined in samples from Popocatépetl volcanoand immediately surrounding monogenetic scoria cones of theSierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field, central Mexico. Magma generationis strongly linked to the active subduction regime to the south.Rocks range in composition from basalt to dacite, but Popocatépetlsamples are generally more evolved and have mineral compositionsand textures consistent with more complicated, multi-stage evolutionaryprocesses. High-Mg calc-alkaline and more alkaline primitivemagmas are present in the monogenetic cones. Systematic variationsin major and trace element compositions within the monogeneticsuite can mostly be explained by polybaric fractional crystallizationprocesses in small and short-lived magmatic systems. In contrast,Popocatépetl stratovolcano has produced homogeneous magmacompositions from a shallow, long-lived magma chamber that isperiodically replenished by primitive basaltic magmas. The currenteruption (1994–present) has produced silicic dome lavasand pumice clasts that display mingling of an evolved daciticcomponent with an olivine-bearing mafic component. The longevityof the magma chamber hosted in Cretaceous limestones has fosteredinteraction with these rocks as evidenced by the chemical andisotopic compositions of the different eruptive products, contact-metamorphosedxenoliths, and fumarolic gases. Popocatépetl volcanicproducts display a considerable range of 87Sr/86Sr (0·70397–0·70463)and Nd (+6·2 to +3·0) whereas Pb isotope ratiosare relatively homogeneous (206Pb/204Pb 18·61–18·70;207Pb/204Pb 15·56–15·60). KEY WORDS: Popocatépetl; Sierra Chichinautzin Volcanic Field; arc petrogenesis; radiogenic isotopes  相似文献   

吐哈盆地南缘土屋铜矿以西侵入泥盆纪火山沉积岩系的海豹滩环状杂岩体,由纯橄榄岩、含长橄榄岩、橄长岩、斜长岩、辉石橄榄岩、橄榄辉长岩、辉长岩和闪长岩等组成,其中蚀变辉长岩中的锆石SHRIMPU_Pb年龄为269.2±3.2Ma,斜长岩中的锆石SHRIMPU_Pb表面年龄为282~287Ma;侵入康古尔塔格碰撞带变形石炭系地层的恰特卡尔塔格杂岩体由蛇纹岩、含橄榄斜长岩、蚀变辉长岩和闪长岩等组成,蚀变辉长岩中的锆石SHRIMPU_Pb年龄为277.0±1.6Ma;侵入大南湖泥盆纪活动陆缘型花岗岩的基性岩墙中的锆石SHRIMPU_Pb表面年龄为271~280Ma,类似的基性岩墙还见于克孜尔卡拉萨依早石炭世花岗闪长岩和土屋铜矿北花岗闪长岩体。上述两个镁铁质—超镁铁质杂岩体不同岩石类型及侵入三个花岗质岩体的基性岩墙的岩石学和岩石化学特征,表明它们都是来自亏损地幔并受到地壳物质混染的岩浆活动的影响,属于东天山吐哈盆地南缘幔源岩浆杂岩带的一部分。结合已有区域地质资料的综合分析,提出了吐哈盆地南缘及天山—准噶尔—南蒙古地区、斋桑碰撞带及其两侧地区、环蒙古—鄂霍茨克造山带地区和中朝陆块北缘—北山南部地区二叠纪岩浆岩带的构造背景与成因机制都存在差异、但都是中亚地区地壳垂向生长的地质记录的新认识。  相似文献   

The relationship in time and space of the elements comprising the greenstone—granitie terrane in the eastern Transvaal and Swaziland is discussed. On the evidence derived from structural analysis, metamorphic style, geochemistry, and geophysics it is concluded that sialic crust (now represented by the Ancient Gneiss Complex in Swaziland) pre-dates the Swaziland Sequence. It is postulated that the sialic crust formed as a result of partial and total melting of hydrous basaltic lithosphere under tectonically metastable conditions. Limited sedimentation and volcanism in small basins on this early crust took place during periods of quiescence, following which deformation resulted in the tectonic interslicing of the early sialic crust and the sedimentary—volcanic sequences that were metamorphosed at high temperatures and low pressure (Abukuma-type), and included limited partial melting. The protocontinental crust so formed was distended along linear zones overlying sites of mantle upwelling. Rifting resulted from the distension and was accompanied by intense volcanism typical of greenstone belts. Following mantle withdrawal sagging was initiated in the linear zone leading to sedimentation that was initially of turbidite type. As greater stability was achieved, the style of sedimentation changed and cratonic-type, Moodies Group sediments were deposited. The cyclic nature of the volcanism and sedimentation is considered to be a response to, and a reflection of, the degree of distension and of the vertical adjustments along the bounding faults. Diapiric rise of tonalitic magma produced as a result of partial melting of the early sialic crust mixing with mantle material caused the deformation of the original linear geometry. Continued depression of the amphibolite facies of the sialic crust into the zone of partial melting gave rise to potassic granitic magma that spread at higher crustal levels at interfaces of low free energy to form hood-like sheets of granite flanking the original linear rift. It is concluded that the eastern Transvaal and Swaziland area attained a crustal thickness of ± 25 km prior to 3.0 b.y.  相似文献   

The Banded Gneissic Complex(BGC) of the Aravalli Craton is divided into BGC-I and BGC-Ⅱ; the BGC-Ⅱ(central Rajasthan) is comprised of the Sandmata Complex and the Mangalwar Complex. We report elemental and Nd-isotope geochemistry of basement gneisses of the Mangalwar Complex and constrain its origin and evolution. Geochemically, the basement gneisses have been classified as low-SiO_2 gneisses(LSG) and high-SiO_2 gneisses(HSG). Both the LSG and HSG are potassic, calc-alkaline and peraluminous in nature. The LSG are enriched in incompatible(K, Sr, Ba, large ion lithophile elements) and compatible elements(MgO, Cr, and Ni). They display fractionated rare earth element patterns(avg.La_N/Yb_N=12.1)with small Eu-anomaly(δEu=0.9), and exhibit negative anomalies of Nb and Ti in primitive mantlenormalized multi-element diagram. In terms of Nd-isotope geochemistry, the LSG are characterized by_(εNd)(t)=4.2 and depleted mantle model age of 3.3 Ga. To account for these geochemical characteristics we propose a three-stage petrogenetic model for the LSG:(1) fluids released from dehydration of subducting slab metasomatised the mantle-wedge;(2) the subducting slab underwent slab-breakoff causing upwelling and decompression melting of the asthenosphere during waning stage of subduction; and(3)upwelling asthenosphere provided the requisite heat for partial melting of the metasomatised mantlewedge leading to generation of the LSG parental magma. Asthenospheric upwelling also contributed in the LSG petrogenesis which is evident from its high Mg#(avg. 0.53). The LSG formed in this way are contemporary and chemically akin to sanukitoids of the BGC-I and Archean sanukitoids reported elsewhere. This provides a basis to consider the LSG as a part of the BGC-I. Contrary to the LSG, the HSG are depleted in compatible elements(MgO=avg. 1.1 wt.%; Cr=avg. 8 ppm; Ni=avg. 6 ppm) but enriched in incompatible elements(Sr=avg. 239 ppm, Ba=avg. 469 ppm). Its_(εNd)(t) values vary from-9.5 to-5.4.These chemical features of the HSG are akin to potassic granitoids found elsewhere. In this backdrop, we propose that the HSG suite of the Mangalwar Complex was derived from re-melting(partial) of an older crust(TTG?) occurring within the BGC-Ⅱ.  相似文献   

An important role of the early Neoproterozoic juvenile crustal growth in the formation of the Khangai group of Precambrian terranes in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt was demonstrated by the example of the Holbo Nur Zone of the Songin Block. Magmatic complexes of this zone correspond to different settings of the Early Neoproterozoic ocean: oceanic islands, mid-ocean ridges, intraoceanic island arcs, and turbidite basins. Obtained data on volcanic rocks and associated granitoids constrain a timing of the island-arc magmatic complexes, at least within the interval of 888–859 Ma. The comparison of structures of the Songino and Tarbagatai blocks of the Khangai group of terranes showed that they share many common features in their geology and evolution and may be united into the single Songino–Tarbagatai terrane. This terrane was formed owing to the Early Neoproterozoic (~800 Ma) accretion of the ocean island, spreading, island-arc, and turbidite complexes of the oceanic plate to a stable continental massif represented by the Early Neoproterozoic Ider Complex of the Tarbagatai Block. The involvement of the Dzabkhan terrane into a Khangai collage of terranes is constrained between the formation of the volcanic rocks of the Dzabkhan Formation (~770–755 Ma), which are unknown in the Songino–Tarbagatai terrane, and the Tsagaan-Olom carbonate cover (~630 Ma), overlying both the Dzabkhan and Songino–Tarbagatai terranes. It was proposed that the formation of the Precambrian terranes of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt began from the Early Neoproterozoic accretion to the Rodinia supercontinent. The fragmentation of the latter above a mantle superplume at the end of the Early Neoproterozoic spanned also the newly formed fold area. This led to the formation of terranes, which included both fragments of the Paleoproterozoic craton and Early Neoproterozoic structures. Subsequent amalgamation of these Precambrian crustal fragments into composite terranes possibly occurred at the end of the early Baikalian tectonic phase.  相似文献   

Dissolution rate data for eight specimens of feldspars have been obtained as functions of mass and exposed surface area in pH 2 and 3 solutions. These measurements suggest that reaction rates are not related to specific surface areas (m2/g) in any simple fashion, and that the relation expresses itself differently for the alkali feldspars and the plagioclases. The alkali feldspars display rate minima at intermediate size fractions, suggesting that 1) defects associated with exsolution lamella are the primary loci for reaction, and 2) these minerals cleave preferentially along these boundaries, yielding a net reduction in the number of available reaction sites in the finer grain sized fractions. Plagioclase feldspars, as a group, do not display the pronounced rate minima at intermediate size fractions. However, the finer grain-sized fractions do exhibit reduced specific reaction rates, suggesting that the primary sites for the dissolution are not uniformly distributed within the host mineral on the scale of several tens of microns.Two independent approaches are employed to obtain estimates of the precision of individual rate determinations. Replicate rate measurements on related samples have average coefficients of variation of about 8%, with a maximum cv of less than 18%. Variance estimates obtained on the specific rate data from the coarsest size fractions of each mineral yield comparable precision estimates. While there is some uncertainty associated with individual rate determinations, the magnitude of this variance is small compared with discrepancies between field and laboratory-based estimates of absolute rates.  相似文献   

The history of Triassic ammonoids in the Siberian Province of the Boreal Paleobiogeographic Realm is recorded in detail in sections of Northeast Asia. In this region there are known at present 123 Triassic ammonoid genera of 41 family and 3 orders. Six stages and 14 substages are defined based on main levels of taxonomic restructuring of Triassic ammonoids, changes in their genera and families diversity, and changes in percentage of endemic and cosmopolitan taxa in assemblages. Each stage and substage is characterized by individual taxonomic composition of ammonoids, dominant groups, trends of changes in taxonomic diversity, and percentages of endemic and cosmopolitan taxa. Boundaries of ammonoid evolution stages coincide as a rule with boundaries of series and stages, whereas boundaries of evolutionary substages match those of substages. In the history of Triassic ammonoids of Northeast Asia, the periods of a rather monotonous fauna represented mainly by cosmopolitan or panboreal taxa (early Induan, early Olenekian, early Anisian, late Anisian, early Carnian, early and middle Norian) alternated with periods, typical of which were higher rates of taxa origination and endemism of ammonoids (late Induan, late Olenekian, middle Anisian, Ladinian, late Carnian). Changing degree of cosmopolitism and endemism of Triassic ammonoid faunas from Northeast Asia is shown to be connected with global eustatic sea-level fluctuations and climatic changes.  相似文献   

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